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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv subjektivního vizuálního vnímání na automatické hodnocení vzhledu rozhraní dashboard / Impact of Subjective Visual Perception on Automatic Evaluation of Dashboard Design

Hynek, Jiří Unknown Date (has links)
Analýza vlastností uživatelských rozhraní založená na použití metrik a kvantitativních pravidel grafického designu se zdá být slibným přístupem pro automatické hodnocení vizuální kvality uživatelských rozhraní. Přestože tento přístup nemůže plně nahradit uživatelské testování, může poskytnout dodatečné informace o možných problémech návrhu uživatelských rozhraní v počátečních fázích vývoje a ušetřit tím čas a výdaje v budoucnu. Příkladem je analýza použitých barev a rozvržení grafických elementů na obrazovce. Návrháři uživatelských rozhraní mohou měřit vlastnosti uživatelských rozhraní za použití známých metrik založených na analýze pixelů bitmapy (např. barevnost) nebo grafických elementů (např. vyvážení, symetrie). Problémem použití metrik nicméně je, že tento přístup zpravidla nezohledňuje subjektivní vnímání uživatelů (např. subjektivní vnímání barev nebo grafických elementů rozmístěných na obrazovce). Dnešní uživatelská rozhraní (jako například rozhraní dashboard) jsou komplexní. Skládají se z několika barevných vrstev, obsahují překrývající se grafické elementy, což může zvyšovat nejednoznačnost vnímání tohoto rozhraní uživateli. Může být proto komplikované vybrat takové grafické elementy, které odpovídají elementům rozpoznaným uživateli v souvislosti s principy shlukování vnímaných tvarů (jak je popsáno Gestalt psychologií). Vývoj objektivních metrik a kvantitativních pravidel grafického designu obvykle vyžaduje dostatečně velkou trénovací množinu vzorků uživatelských rozhraní anotovaných dostatečným počtem uživatelů. Tato práce se zaobírá automatickým ověřováním vzhledu uživatelských rozhraní dashboard. Práce kombinuje obecné znalosti týkající rozhraní dashboard s poznatky z oblasti vizualizace dat, vizuálního vnímání a ověřování kvality uživatelských rozhraní a následně zkoumá myšlenku automatického hodnocení vzhledu rozhraní dashboard s využitím metrik. Práce analyzuje vybrané metriky založené na analýze pixelů bitmapy a grafických elementů. Konkrétně zkoumá, jakým způsobem uživatelé rozpoznávají grafické elementy v rozhraních dashboard a výsledky aplikuje pro hodnocení schopnosti metrik (analyzujících grafické elementy rozhraní) objektivně rozpoznávat dobře navržené vzorky rozhraní dashboard. Dále představuje framework pro návrh a vylepšení metrik, který využívá pro vylepšení vybraných metrik. Následně navrhuje metodu pro segmentaci rozhraní dashboard do regionů, které mohou být použity jako vstupy pro tyto metriky. Závěrem práce porovnává vybrané metriky s hodnocením rozhraní uživateli a pokládá otázky vhodné pro budoucí výzkum.

Impact of Gamification on usability and engagement with regards to a financial savings application

Beseetti, Tej Kiran January 2019 (has links)
The implementation of game elements has quintessentially uplifted the overall experience of applications in various domains and thereby expanding the customer base. This process is called gamification which has now been introduced in many domains. The purpose of the study is to understand gamification and how its impact would be if it is deployed in a financial savings application. The gamified elements are implemented based on a gamification framework called the Octalysis framework1. This Octalysis framework is a human-centric gamification framework which serves as a template to implement the required gamified elements. Based on a pre-study of financial applications and the Octalysis framework, two distinct prototypes (Version A and Version B) of the same mobile app concept were developed where the difference is the presence of gamified elements in one prototype. The evaluation is based on analyzing the impact the gamified elements have caused on the usability and the emotional engagement of the financial savings application. The participants are provided to interact with both prototypes and interviews are conducted to evaluate the emotional engagement and the usability of both the prototypes of the financial savings application. The study shows an increase in emotional engagement corresponding to the gamified elements whereas the usability more or less remained the same, indicating a deeper investigation of the gamified elements with regards to usability is required.

Design and Evaluation of an Interactive Individual Ergonomic Report for Surgeons / Design och utvärdering av en interaktiv individuell ergonomisk rapport för kiruger

Hensel, Melanie Anna Sherina January 2023 (has links)
Surgeons have been identified as one of the highest risk groups in healthcare to develop work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). Especially the neck and shoulders are found to be at high musculoskeletal risk due to surgeons commonly operating in a static and awkward posture for a prolonged time. Raising ergonomic awareness has been found to favour postural improvement among healthcare professionals. This thesis therefore aimed to design and evaluate an individual ergonomic report as means for risk assessment and ergonomic education for surgeons. Hereby, two surgeons and two ergonomists were included in the design process for early user feedback. Thematic analysis was applied to analyse the user feedback and potential improvements were identified and performed. The final individual ergonomic report was evaluated as a material used in an individual educational session (i.e., the intervention group) and compared against the use of an ergonomic guideline (i.e., the control group). Each group consisted of two surgeons. Both questionnaire and semi-structured interview were used to evaluate the session. The results from the questionnaire showed similarly positive ratings on the user experience of both groups, but higher ratings were given on the perceived impact by the intervention group. The interview results also showed more positive responses by the intervention group in terms of the usability. Furthermore, facilitators and barriers for adopting ergonomic principles were collected from the surgeons. Multiple ways to improve surgical ergonomics as perceived by the surgeons were also identified, e.g., the use of ergonomic equipment, and implementation of stretch breaks in the OR. The results show the potential of an individual ergonomic assessment report as ergonomic intervention for surgeons to raise their awareness and knowledge about ergonomic principles which can contribute to decreasing their risk of developing WMSDs as well as improved surgical performance and patient safety. Future studies can regard further ergonomic risk parameters and incorporate practical instructions on ergonomic principles into educational ergonomic intervention. / Kirurger har identifierats som en av de högsta riskgrupperna inom hälso- och sjukvården att utveckla arbetsrelaterade belastningsskador. Särskilt nacke och axlar har visat sig ha hög risk för belastningsskador på grund av att kirurger ofta arbetar i en statisk och ogynnsam kroppsställning under en längre tid. Att öka den ergonomiska medvetenheten har visat sig gynna en förbättring av arbetsställning bland vårdpersonal. Denna avhandling syftade därför till att utforma och utvärdera en individuell ergonomisk rapport som ett medel för riskbedömning och ergonomisk utbildning bland kirurger. Två kirurger och två ergonomer deltog i designprocessen och tidig användarfeedback samlades. Tematisk analys användes för att analysera användarfeedback och potentiella förbättringar identifierades och genomfördes. Den slutliga individuella ergonomirapporten utvärderades som ett material som användes i en individuell utbildningssession (dvs interventionsgruppen) och jämfördes med användningen av en broschyr på kirurgergonomi (dvs kontrollgruppen). Varje grupp bestod av två kirurger. Både frågeformulär och semistrukturerad intervju användes för att utvärdera utbildningssessionen. Resultaten från frågeformuläret visade lika positiva användarupplevelse betyg från båda grupperna, men högre betyg gavs på den upplevda effekten av interventionsgruppen. Dessutom identifierades faciliteter och barriärer för att anta ergonomiska principer från kirurgerna. Flera sätt att förbättra kirurgisk ergonomi som uppfattades av kirurgerna identifierades också, till exempel användning av ergonomisk utrustning och implementering av sträcknings pausar i operationssalen. Resultaten visar att individuell ergonomisk bedömningsrapport som ergonomisk intervention för kirurger har potential för att öka medvetenhet och kunskap om ergonomiska principer. Detta kan bidra till att minska kirurgers risk att utveckla arbetsrelaterade belastningsskador samt förbättrad kirurgisk prestanda och patientsäkerhet. Framtida studier kan ta hänsyn till ytterligare ergonomiska riskparametrar och införliva praktiska instruktioner om ergonomiska principer i pedagogisk ergonomisk intervention.

Dual-method usability evaluation of e-commerce websites : in quest of better user experience

Moczarny, Izabela Maria 10 1900 (has links)
E-commerce has increased substantially, as e-retailers engage with consumers online. Users require more than products and quality service; they also expect a good user experience. User experience is affected by branding, functionality, navigation, content, aesthetics and usability. This study investigates the attainment of better user experience on e-commerce websites. A dual-method usability evaluation approach – usability testing with end-users and heuristic evaluation by experts – was employed to obtain a holistic picture of how usability aspects support or hinder the user experience. Usability testing provided insights into detailed interface issues and the type of content and journey that users prefer when making a purchasing decision, while heuristic evaluation was mainly directed at overall user interface and interaction factors. In a complementary way, each method identified a high number of usability problems. Key findings are summarized, and design guidelines are identified that can facilitate the development of e-commerce websites to promote user experience. / E-handel het aansienlik toegeneem, soos e-kleinhandelaars by verbruikers aanlyn betrokke raak. Gebruikers verlang meer as produkte en kwaliteit diens; hulle verwag ook 'n goeie gebruikerservaring. Gebruikerservaring word deur ‘branding’, funksies, navigasie, inhoud, estetika en bruikbaarheid beinvloed. Hierdie studie ondersoek die bereiking van beter gebruikerservaring op e-handel webwerwe. 'n Dubbelemetode bruikbaarheidsevaluering benadering – bruikbaarheidstoetsing met eindgebruikers en heuristiese evaluering deur kundiges – is gebruik om ‘n holistiese beeld te verkry van hoe bruikbaarheidsaspekte gebruikerservaring ondersteun of verhinder. Bruikbaarheidstoetsing lewer insigte in gedetailleerde koppelvlak kwessies en die tipe inhoud en roete wat gebruikers verkies wanneer hulle 'n aankoop maak, terwyl heuristiese evaluering hoofsaaklik gerig is op algehele gebruikerskoppelvlak en interaksie faktore. Op 'n komplementêre manier, het elke metode' n groot aantal bruikbaarheidsprobleme geïdentifiseer. Belangrike bevindings word saamgevat, en ontwerp riglyne is voorgestel wat die ontwikkeling van e-handel webwerwe fasiliteer wat gebruikerservaring bevorder. / Computing / M. Tech. (Information Technology)

Smartphone Evaluation Heuristics for Older Adults

Calak, Piotr 20 February 2013 (has links)
Age-related physical and cognitive changes hinder the ability of older adults to operate smartphones. While many user interface (UI) heuristics exist today, there is a need for an updated set designed specifically to assess the usability of mobile devices for an older audience. Smartphone evaluation heuristics for older adults based on age-related changes in vision, hearing, attention, memory and motor control were developed in this thesis by analyzing literature on age-related physical and cognitive changes impacting smartphone usability. Support for heuristics was found by gathering information on how older adults use cell phones through interviews and an online survey. It was demonstrated that strength of support for some heuristics increases with age. The evaluated heuristics provide usability practitioners and designers with a framework for evaluating the usability of smartphones for older adults.

Ευχρηστία διαδικτύου : σχεδιασμός ιστοτόπων με βάση γνωσιακά μοντέλα διαδραστικής αναζήτησης πληροφορίας / Web usability : design of websites based on cognitive models of interactive information search

Κατσάνος, Χρήστος 19 January 2011 (has links)
Η παρούσα διατριβή πραγματεύεται το πρόβλημα της αποτελεσματικής σχεδίασης ιστοτόπων που υποστηρίζουν την εύχρηστη διαδραστική αναζήτηση. Με τον όρο διαδραστική αναζήτηση περιγράφεται η διερευνητική αλληλεπίδραση ενός χρήστη με έναν ιστότοπο, με στόχο την εύρεση πληροφορίας στο πλαίσιο μίας εργασίας του, χωρίς τη χρήση διαδικτυακών μηχανών αναζήτησης. Η διατριβή εντάσσεται στην περιοχή της ευχρηστίας του Διαδικτύου και γενικότερα της μελέτης αλληλεπίδρασης ανθρώπου-υπολογιστή και ειδικότερα αλληλεπίδρασης χρηστών με πληροφορία. Ένας ιστότοπος είναι συχνά, όχι μόνο μια εφαρμογή με την οποία αλληλεπιδρά ο χρήστης αλλά και ένας πληροφοριακός χώρος, του οποίου η κατάλληλη δόμηση και διασύνδεση του περιεχομένου επηρεάζουν σε μεγάλο βαθμό την ευχρηστία του. Συνεπώς, η ανάπτυξη μεθοδολογιών για τον επιτυχή σχεδιασμό της πληροφοριακής αρχιτεκτονικής (information architecture) ενός ιστοτόπου παραμένει μία σημαντική σχεδιαστική πρόκληση. Η διατριβή προτείνει μία νέα μεθοδολογία σχεδιασμού και αξιολόγησης της πληροφοριακής αρχιτεκτονικής ιστοτόπων, τη MEDIAMIS (Methodology for the Efficient Design of Information Architectures based on Models of Interactive Search). Η συνεισφορά της έγκειται στο γεγονός ότι βελτιστοποιεί και συστηματοποιεί τη διαδικασία σχεδιασμού ή αξιολόγησης. Η MEDIAMIS είναι εμπνευσμένη από εδραιωμένες χρηστοκεντρικές τεχνικές και πρόσφατα μοντέλα της συμπεριφοράς των ανθρώπων κατά τη διαδραστική αναζήτηση. Η μεθοδολογία απευθύνεται σε μηχανικούς του Διαδικτύου και αποσκοπεί στη δημιουργία ιστοτόπων που υποστηρίζουν την εύχρηστη διαδραστική αναζήτηση από τους χρήστες τους. Προκειμένου να υποστηριχθεί η MEDIAMIS αναπτύχθηκαν δύο πρωτότυπα εργαλεία, το AutoCardSorter (Automated Card Sorting Tool) και το ISEtool (InfoScent Evaluator Tool). Το πρώτο υποστηρίζει τη διαδικασία δόμησης του περιεχομένου ενός ιστοτόπου, ενώ το δεύτερο τη δημιουργία σημασιολογικά κατάλληλων λεκτικών περιγραφών για τους υπερσυνδέσμους ενός ιστοτόπου. Τέλος, στο πλαίσιο της διατριβής, εξετάζεται η εγκυρότητα και αποδοτικότητα της MEDIAMIS και των υποστηρικτικών εργαλείων, μέσα από έξι πειραματικές μελέτες. Στις μελέτες αυτές συγκρίθηκαν εκτενώς τα αποτελέσματα της προτεινόμενης προσέγγισης με αυτά καθιερωμένων χρηστοκεντρικών τεχνικών και μετρικών της παρατηρούμενης συμπεριφοράς των χρηστών. Τα συμπεράσματα των μελετών έδειξαν ότι η MEDIAMIS παράγει αποτελέσματα εφάμιλλης ποιότητας με εδραιωμένες χρηστοκεντρικές τεχνικές, αλλά με σημαντικά αποδοτικότερο τρόπο. / This thesis addresses the problem of effective design of websites that enhance findability of information during interactive search. The term interactive search is used to describe the exploratory, goal−directed browsing activity of a user, while seeking information in a website. Seeking information using a search engine is not an object of study in this thesis. The thesis falls into the field of human computer interaction, and the subfields of Web usability and human information interaction. A website should be treated both as a user interface as well as a hypertext information space, whose structural design has a significant influence on intuitive access to content, task completion and overall user experience. In today’s information explosion, one of the biggest challenges in web design is the effective design of its information architecture. The latter constitutes the research objective of this thesis. The thesis proposes a new methodology to design and evaluate the information architecture of websites, the MEDIAMIS (Methodology for the Efficient Design of Information Architectures based on Models of Interactive Search). The contribution of the proposed approach is that is optimizes and systemizes the information architecture design or evaluation process. MEDIAMIS is inspired by established user-centered techniques and recent cognitive models of user’s interactive search behavior. MEDIAMIS is addressed to Web practitioners and deals with the design or evaluation of a website’s information structure and labeling system. In the context of the proposed methodology, two innovative tools have been developed. The first tool, AutoCardSorter (Automated Card Sorting Tool), supports the structural design of a website. The second tool, ISEtool (InfoScent Evaluator Tool), facilitates the production of semantically appropriate hyperlink labels for the typical goals of a website. The applicability of the proposed methodology and the effectiveness and efficiency of the associated tools were examined through six experimental studies. These studies compared both quantitavely and qualitatively the results of the proposed methodology against the ones derived from established user-centered design approaches, such as card sorting, and against observed and subjective user data. It was found that the proposed methodology lead to a substantial efficiency gain, without expense in the quality of results.

Dual-method usability evaluation of e-commerce websites : in quest of better user experience

Moczarny, Izabela Maria 10 1900 (has links)
E-commerce has increased substantially, as e-retailers engage with consumers online. Users require more than products and quality service; they also expect a good user experience. User experience is affected by branding, functionality, navigation, content, aesthetics and usability. This study investigates the attainment of better user experience on e-commerce websites. A dual-method usability evaluation approach – usability testing with end-users and heuristic evaluation by experts – was employed to obtain a holistic picture of how usability aspects support or hinder the user experience. Usability testing provided insights into detailed interface issues and the type of content and journey that users prefer when making a purchasing decision, while heuristic evaluation was mainly directed at overall user interface and interaction factors. In a complementary way, each method identified a high number of usability problems. Key findings are summarized, and design guidelines are identified that can facilitate the development of e-commerce websites to promote user experience. / E-handel het aansienlik toegeneem, soos e-kleinhandelaars by verbruikers aanlyn betrokke raak. Gebruikers verlang meer as produkte en kwaliteit diens; hulle verwag ook 'n goeie gebruikerservaring. Gebruikerservaring word deur ‘branding’, funksies, navigasie, inhoud, estetika en bruikbaarheid beinvloed. Hierdie studie ondersoek die bereiking van beter gebruikerservaring op e-handel webwerwe. 'n Dubbelemetode bruikbaarheidsevaluering benadering – bruikbaarheidstoetsing met eindgebruikers en heuristiese evaluering deur kundiges – is gebruik om ‘n holistiese beeld te verkry van hoe bruikbaarheidsaspekte gebruikerservaring ondersteun of verhinder. Bruikbaarheidstoetsing lewer insigte in gedetailleerde koppelvlak kwessies en die tipe inhoud en roete wat gebruikers verkies wanneer hulle 'n aankoop maak, terwyl heuristiese evaluering hoofsaaklik gerig is op algehele gebruikerskoppelvlak en interaksie faktore. Op 'n komplementêre manier, het elke metode' n groot aantal bruikbaarheidsprobleme geïdentifiseer. Belangrike bevindings word saamgevat, en ontwerp riglyne is voorgestel wat die ontwikkeling van e-handel webwerwe fasiliteer wat gebruikerservaring bevorder. / Computing / M. Tech. (Information Technology)


CHRISTIANE MELCHER 06 August 2013 (has links)
[pt] Grandes empresas de mídias digitais adotaram métodos ágeis para desenvolver produtos em ciclos mais curtos. Com isso, o tempo para testar as interfaces foi reduzido. Através de observações, verificou-se que nem sempre os testes curtos respondem a todas as perguntas que precisam de investigação junto aos usuários. Com o objetivo de propor uma metodologia de avaliação de usabilidade empírica, desenvolvida especificamente para uma melhor adequação às necessidades das equipes que desenvolvem produtos com métodos ágeis, realizou-se um estudo de caso, na Globo.com, com a equipe que projetou o site Receitas.com através da metodologia ágil Scrum. Com a realização de um grupo de foco, avaliou-se o cenário e definiram-se as questões de pesquisa. A partir daí, foi constatado que aplicação de somente uma técnica não iria responder à maior parte dessas questões. Além disso, caso fossem aplicadas de uma forma mais tradicional, poderia levar muito tempo. Como hipótese, acreditava-se que a criação e aplicação de uma metodologia de avaliação de usabilidade empírica, especificamente desenvolvida para melhor adequação às necessidades dessas equipes, seria capaz de resolver o problema, através da otimização e aplicação de técnicas em conjunto, como entrevista, eye tracking e teste de usabilidade. A metodologia foi validada através de entrevistas com cada integrante da equipe de desenvolvimento do Receitas.com. Os resultados obtidos comprovaram a hipótese da pesquisa. / [en] Big digital media companies have embraced agile methods to develop products in shorter cycles. With this, the time to test the interfaces was reduced. Through observations, we found that short tests do not always answer to all questions that need investigation with users. In order to propose a methodology for empirical usability evaluation, designed specifically to better fit the needs of teams who develop products with agile methods, we performed a case study in Globo.com, with the team that designed the site Receitas.com through the Scrum agile methodology. With the completion of a focus group, we assessed the scene and found the research questions. From there, it was found that application of only one technique would not answer most of these issues. Moreover, if applied in a more traditional way, could take a long time. As a hypothesis, it was believed that the creation and application of a methodology for empirical evaluation of usability, specifically designed to better match the needs of these teams, would be able to solve the problem through the optimization and application of techniques together, such as interview, eye tracking and usability testing. The methodology was validated through interviews with each team member s development Receitas.com. The results confirmed the hypothesis.

A user-centered usability and usefulness evaluation framework of digital libraries in the context of Ethiopia

Newayneh, Ketsela Gilats 03 1900 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 207-224 / Abstracts and keywords following the Appendices / This thesis evaluates Ethiopian higher learning institutes’ digital libraries (DLs) for their usability and usefulness. The outcome contributes knowledge by helping to propel development efforts; satisfy DL stakeholders; provide information and fill information gaps; serve as cross-reference for academicians and researchers in the discipline; make decisions and solve managerial issues in DLs of the developing world; and provide scientific interests and merits for the advancement of information systems. When undertaking usability and usefulness evaluation research in DLs, there is no agreed-upon established conceptual framework that guides researchers in the developing world. Therefore, the overall objective of this research is to propose a framework for DL evaluation that fits into the context of developing countries. As the study is concerned with users’ internal attributes, the interpretive research paradigm is applied. A qualitative research approach is employed and a case study research design is followed. Multiple data-collection techniques, namely semi-structured interviews (17 respondents), open-ended questionnaires (17 respondents) and observations (4 observations) are employed. The study encompasses four public university DLs in Ethiopia. The participants have a positive perception of all attributes of usability. Most of the attributes of usefulness are also perceived positively, except coverage. The major challenges encountered by participants are network accessibility, interruption and speed, and access restrictions imposed on some DL content. DL benefits include easy access to the DL content, enhanced teaching and research, lower cost and easy sharing of contents. The expectations of users are ensuring resource availability and sustainability, overcoming the absence of user feedback and federated search problems, and improving network infrastructure and speed. The interaction triptych framework (ITF), which is used in the current study, is a well-known framework that is commonly implemented by researchers. However, since it does not incorporate the contextual situation of developing countries, ITF has some limitations. Therefore, based on the output of this empirical research and considering the usability and usefulness themes of ITF and its relationships with other socio-technical and contextual themes, a contextual DL evaluation framework is proposed. The proposed framework emphasises the social, institutional and contextual aspects of DLs. The proposed framework has six DL components, namely: DL user; content and collection; system and technology; services and support; user interface; and context. The proposed framework is called a digital library components interaction evaluation framework. / Lo mqondo uhlaziya imitapo yolwazi yedijithali (i-DLs) yezikhungo zokufunda ephezulu zase-Ethiopia ngokusebenziseka kwazo nokuba wusizo. Umphumela unikela ngolwazi ngokusiza ukuhambisa imizamo yentuthuko; ukwanelisa ababambiqhaza be-DL; ukuhlinzeka ngolwazi nokugcwalisa izikhala zolwazi; ukusebenza okubhekiswe kukho kwezifundiswa nabaphenyi emkhakheni; yenza izinqumo futhi ixazulule izingqinamba zokuphatha kuma-DL wezwe elisathuthuka; futhi unikeze izintshisekelo zesayensi kanye nokufaneleka ekuthuthukisweni kwezinhlelo zolwazi. Lapho wenza ucwaningo lokusebenziseka neliwusizo okuhlaziya kuma-DL, akukho luhlaka lomqondo okuvunyelwene ngalo oluhola abacwaningi ezweni elisathuthuka. Ngakho-ke, inhloso ephelele yalolu cwaningo ukuphakamisa uhlaka lokuhlaziya kwe-DL oluhambisana nomongo wamazwe asathuthuka. Njengoba ucwaningo luphathelene nezimpawu zangaphakathi zabasebenzisi, inqubo yocwaningo ehumushekayo iyasetshenziswa. Indlela yokucwaninga esezingeni elifanele iyasetshenziswa bese kulandelwa ukwakheka kocwaningo lwesifundo. Kusetshenziswa amasu amaningi wokuqoqa imininingwane, njengezingxoxo ezihlelwe kahle (abaphenduli abayi-17), imibuzo evulekile (abaphenduli abayi-17) kanye nokubhekwayo (okubhekwayo oku-4). Lolu cwaningo luhlanganisa ama-DL amane wemfundo ephakeme yomphakathi wase-Ethiopia. Abahlanganyeli banombono omuhle wazo zonke izici zokusebenziseka. Iningi lezimpawu eziwusizo zibonwa kahle futhi, ngaphandle kokumbozwa. Izinselela ezinkulu ababambiqhaza abahlangabezana ngazo ukufinyeleleka kwenethiwekhi, ukuphazamiseka nejubane, nemikhawulo yokufinyelela ebekiwe kokunye okuqukethwe kwe-DL. Izinzuzo ze-DL zifaka ukufinyelela okulula kokuqukethwe kwe-DL, ukufundiswa okuthuthukisiwe nocwaningo, izindleko eziphansi nokwabelana okulula kokuqukethwe. Okulindelwe abasebenzisi ukuqinisekisa ukutholakala kwezinsiza nokusimama, ukunqoba ukungabi bikho kwempendulo yomsebenzisi nezinkinga zokusesha ezihlanganisiwe, nokwenza ngcono ingqalasizinda yenethiwekhi nejubane. Uhlaka lokusebenzisana lwe-triptych (ITF), olusetshenziswa ocwaningweni lwamanje, uhlaka olwaziwa kakhulu olusetshenziswa ngokuvamile ngabaphenyi. Kodwa-ke, njengoba lungafaki isimo somongo samazwe asathuthuka, i-ITF inemikhawulo ethile. Ngakho-ke, ngokuya ngokukhishwa kwalolu cwaningo olunamandla kanye nokubheka ukusebenziseka nosizo lwezindikimba ze-ITF kanye nobudlelwano bayo nezinye izingqikithi zomphakathi nezobuchwepheshe nezingqikithi zomongo, kuhlongozwa uhlaka lokuhlaziya lomongo lwe-DL. Uhlaka oluhlongozwayo lugcizelela izici zenhlalo, zesikhungo nezingqikithi zomongo zama-DL. Uhlaka oluhlongozwayo lunezingxenye eziyisithupha ze-DL, okuyilezi: Umsebenzisi we-DL; okuqukethwe neqoqo; uhlelo nobuchwepheshe; izinsizakalo nokwesekwa; isikhombimsebenzisi somsebenzisi nomongo. Uhlaka oluhlongozwayo lubizwa ngohlaka lokuhlaziya kokusebenzisana kokuqukethwe komtapo wolwazi wedijithali. / Hierdie proefskrif evalueer Ethiopië se hoër leerinstellings se digitale biblioteke (DBe) ten opsigte van hulle bruikbaarheid en nuttigheid. Die uitkoms dra by tot kennis wat kan help om die ontwikkelingspogings aan te dryf; om belanghebbers van digitale biblioteke tevrede te hou; om inligting te verskaf en inligtingsgapings te vul; deur te dien as kruisverwysing vir akademici en navorsers in die vakgebied; om besluite te neem en bestuursaangeleenthede in digitale biblioteke van die ontwikkelende wêreld op te los; en om wetenskaplike belange en meriete vir die bevordering van inligtingstelsels te voorsien. Wanneer bruikbaarheids- en nuttigheidsevalueringsnavorsing in digitale biblioteke onderneem word, is daar geen ooreengekome, gevestigde raamwerk wat leiding aan navorsers in die ontwikkelende wêreld kan gee nie. Die algehele doelwit van hierdie navorsing was derhalwe om ’n raamwerk vir die evaluaering van digitale biblioteke voor te stel wat in die konteks van ontwikkelende lande pas. Omdat die studie gemoeid is met gebruikers se interne eienskappe, is die vertolkende paradigma gebruik. ’n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering is gebruik en ’n gevallestudie-navorsingsontwerp is gevolg. Veelvuldige data-insamelingstegnieke, naamlik semigestruktureerde onderhoude (17 respondente), oop vraelyste (17 respondente) en waarnemings (vier waarnemigs), is ingespan. Die studie sluit vier openbare universiteite se digitale biblioteke in Ethiopië in. Die deelnemers het ’n positiewe persepsie van al die eienskappe van bruikbaarheid. Die meeste van die eienskappe van nuttigheid word ook as positief waargeneem, met die uitsluiting van voorsiening. Die grootste uitdagings wat die deelnemers ervaar het, was netwerktoeganklikheid, -onderbrekings en -spoed en die toegangbeperkings wat sommige digitale biblioteke oplê. Voordele van digitale biblioteke sluit die volgende in: toegang tot digitalebiblioteekinhoud; beter onderrig en navorsing; laer koste; en die maklike deel van inhoud met ander. Die verwagtings van gebruikers verseker hulpbronbeskikbaarheid en -volhoubaarheid, en om die afwesigheid van gebruikersterugvoer en gefedereerde soekprobleme en die verbetering van netwerkinfrastruktuur en -spoed te oorkom. Die interaksietriptiekraamwerk (ITF) wat in hierdie studie gebruik is, is ’n bekende raamwerk wat algemeen deur navorsers geïmplementeer word. Omdat dit egter nie die kontekstuele situasie van ontwikkelende lande inkorporeer nie, het ITF sekere beperkings. Gebaseer op die uitset van hierdie empiriese navorsing en met die inagneming van die bruikbaarheids- en nuttigheidstemas van ITF en sy verhouding met ander sosio-tegniese en kontekstuele temas, word ’n kontekstuele digitalebiblioteekraamwerk derhalwe voorgestel. Die voorgestelde raamwerk beklemtoon die sosiale, institusionele en kontekstuele aspekte van digitale biblioteke. Die voorgestelde raamwerk het ses digitalebiblioteekkomponente, naamlik: digitalebiblioteekgebruiker; inhoud en insameling; stelsel en tegnologie; dienste en ondersteuning; gebruikerkoppelvlak; en konteks. Die voorgestelde raamwerk word ’n interaksie-evalueringsraamwerk vir digitalebiblioteekkomponente genoem. / School of Computing / D. Phil. (Information Systems)

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