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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Blindenspezifische Methoden für das User-Centred Design multimodaler Anwendungen

Miao, Mei 09 October 2014 (has links)
Multimodale Anwendungen bieten den blinden Benutzern neue Möglichkeiten und Chancen, die durch Verlust des Sehsinnes entstandenen Defizite über andere Sinneskanäle auszugleichen. Die benutzerorientierte Gestaltung ist der sicherste Weg, um interaktive Systeme gebrauchstauglich zu gestalten. Dabei sind die Benutzer hauptsächlich an zwei Aktivitäten beteiligt. Dies sind die Nutzungsanforderungsanalyse und die Evaluation. Hinsichtlich dieser zwei Aktivitäten wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit Usability-Methoden untersucht bzw. neu entwickelt, um die nutzerzentrierte Gestaltung multimodaler Anwendungen für blinde Benutzer zu unterstützen. Bezogen auf die Aktivität Nutzungsanforderungsanalyse wurde ein Verfahren entwickelt, welches speziell die Besonderheiten blinder Benutzer und multimodaler Anwendungen bei der Nutzungsanforderungsanalyse berücksichtigt. Zusätzlich wurden zwei Schritte des Verfahrens, die Erstellung mentaler Modelle und die Modalitätsauswahl, die speziell auf den Kontext multimodaler Anwendungen für blinde Benutzer ausgerichtet sind, weiter vertiefend untersucht. Für den Schritt Erstellung mentaler Modelle wurden zwei Erstellungsmethoden, Teaching-Back und Retrospective Think-Aloud, mit blinden Benutzern untersucht. Dabei sind sowohl die Gestaltung vom Teaching-Back als auch der Vergleich beider Methoden von Interesse. Für den Schritt Modalitätsauswahl stand die Analyse des multimodalen Nutzerverhaltens blinder Benutzer im Mittelpunkt. Vier Eingabemodalitäten, Sprache, Touchscreen-Gesten, Touchscreen-Tastatur und Touchscreen-Braille bzw. deren Kombinationen wurden unter Einfluss von acht Aufgabentypen bei der Bedienung einer mobilen multimodalen Navigationsanwendung untersucht. In Hinblick auf die Usability-Evaluationsmethoden wurde zuerst das Augenmerk auf die Auswertung und die Erhebung mentaler Karten von blinden Benutzern gerichtet, da sie eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entwicklung von Navigationssystemen spielen. Zwei Auswertungsmethoden für mentale Karten hinsichtlich des Überblicks- und Routenwissens wurden entwickelt. Beide Methoden ermöglichen es, die mentalen Karten anhand speziell entwickelter Bewertungskriterien, wie Anzahl der Elemente und Eigenschaften der Straßen, quantitativ zu bewerten. Bezüglich der Erhebung mentaler Karten wurden zwei Erhebungsmethoden – Rekonstruktion mit Magnetstreifen und verbale Beschreibung – mit blinden Probanden hinsichtlich unterschiedlicher Aspekten untersucht. In zwei weiteren Untersuchungen wurden taktiles Paper-Prototyping und computerbasiertes Prototyping für die frühen Entwicklungsphasen bzw. Labor- und synchroner Remote-Test für die späteren Entwicklungsphasen mit blinden Benutzern verglichen. Dabei wurden die Effektivität der Evaluation, die Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungen der Probanden sowie des Testleiters als Vergleichskriterien in beiden Untersuchungen eingesetzt.

An Adaptive E-Learning System based on Student’s Learning Styles and Knowledge Level

Hariyanto, Didik 17 July 2020 (has links)
Es besteht eine starke Nachfrage nach einer positiven Applikation zum Lernen, um den strategischen Plan des indonesischen Ministeriums für Bildung und Kultur zu fördern, dass die Ratio von Berufsschule höher als die allgemeinbildende Schule werden kann. Die rasante entwicklung der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie könnte es ermöglichen, den Lernenden ein computergestütztes, personalisiertes E-Learning-System zur Verfügung zu stellen, um die Tatsache zu überwinden, dass jeder Lernende seine eigene Präferenz hat. Diese Studie bietet ein adaptives E-Learning-System, bei dem zwei Quellen der Personalisierung berücksichtigt werden: der Lernstil des Schülers und das Vorwissen. Um die Wirksamkeit des vorgeschlagenen E-Learning-Programms zu untersuchen, werden die Leistungen der Schüler bezüglich der drei niedrigsten Ebenen im kognitiven Bereich (Wissen, Verständnis und Anwendung) in der E-Learning-Gruppe mit denen der traditionellen Unterrichtsgruppe verglichen. Ein weiterer interessanter Bereich ist die sogannte schülerperspektive Usability-Bewertung und die Beziehung zwischen den Usability-Fragebogen angegebenen Aspekten zu erforschen. Der Entwurfs- und Entwicklungsprozess des adaptiven E-Learning-Systems in dieser Studie berücksichtigte sowohl das Instruktionsdesign als auch das Software-Engineering. Die erste Phase begann mit der Analyse des Kandidaten der Teilnehmer, des Fachkurses und des Online-Liefermediums. Der nächste Schritt bestand darin, die Prozedur, die Regelwerk der Adaptation und die Benutzeroberfläche zu entwerfen. Dann wurde Entwicklungsprozess des Lehrsystems auf der Grundlage der aus den vorherigen Phasen gesammelten Daten durchgeführt. Die nächste Phase war die Implementierung des Unterrichtsprogramms für die Schüler in einer kleinen Gruppe. Schließlich wurde die E-Learning-Anwendung in drei verschiedenen Teststrategien bewertet: Funktionsbasiertes Testen, Expertenbasierte Bewertung und benutzerperspektivische Bewertung. Die nächste Aktion ist eine experimentelle Studie, bei der das adaptive E-Learning-System im Lernprozess angewendet wird. An diesem Experiment waren zwei Gruppen beteiligt. Die Experimentalgruppe bestand aus 21 Studenten, die den Unterrichtsfach Digital Simulation mithilfe des adaptiven E-Learning-Systems lernten. Eine andere Gruppe war die Kontrollgruppe, die 21 Schüler umfasste, die dasselbe Unterrichtsfach in der traditionellen Klasse lernten. Es wurden zwei Instrumente verwendet, um die erforderlichen Daten zu erheben. Das erste Instrument bestand aus 30 Multiple-Choice-Fragen, die die kognitiven Ebenen von Wissen, Verstehen und Anwendung enthielten. Dieses Instrument wurde verwendet, um die Schülerleistung bei dem obengeschriebenen Unterrichtsfach zu bewerten. Das zweite Instrument war der Usability-Fragebogen, der aus 30 4-Punkte-Likert Aussagen bestand. Dieser Fragebogen bestand aus vier Dimensionen nämlich Nützlichkeit, Benutzerfreundlichkeit, Lernfreundlichkeit und Zufriedenheit. Mit diesem Fragebogen wurde die Usability der adaptiven E-Learning-Applikation basierend auf die Perspektive des Schülers bewertet. Der Befund dieser Studie ergab ein ungewöhnliches Phänomen, bei dem das Ergebnis des Pre-Tests der Kontrollgruppe signifikant höher als Experimentalgruppe. Zum Post-Test Vergleich, obwohl die Leistung der E-Learning Gruppe höher als der von der regulären war, war der Unterschied zwischen den beiden statistisch nicht signifikant. Der Vergleich der Punktzahlsteigerung wurde gemacht, um zu untersuchen, welche Behandlungsgruppe effektiver war. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die gesamte Punktzahlsteigerung von der Experimentalgruppe signifikant höher als die von der Kontrollgruppe war. Diese Beweise waren auch im Hinblick auf das Wissen, das Verständnis und die Anwendungsebene des kognitiven Bereichs gültig. Diese Ergebnisse bestätigten, dass die Gruppe des adaptiven E-Learning-Systems bezüglich ihrer Leistung effektiver war als die Gruppe der Studenten, die in der traditionellen Klasse lernten. Ein weiterer wichtiger Befund betraf die Bewertung der Usability. Die Punktzahl der Messung wurde anhand verschiedener Ansätze analysiert und ergab, dass der Usability-Score in allen Aspekten (Nützlichkeit, Benutzerfreundlichkeit, Lernfreundlichkeit und Zufriedenheit) den akzeptablen Kriterien zuzuordnen ist. Darüber hinaus wurde die Regressionsanalyse durchgeführt, um die Beziehung zwischen den Variablen zu untersuchen. Der erste Befund ergab, dass die unabhängigen Variablen (Nützlichkeit, Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Lernfreundlichkeit) gleichzeitig die abhängige Variable (Zufriedenheit) beeinflussten. In der Zwischenzeit ergab der Teil t-Test unterschiedliche Ergebnisse. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die variable Benutzerfreundlichkeit die variable Zufriedenheit signifikant beeinflusste. Der variable Nützlichkeit und die Lernfreundlichkeit wirkten sich indessen nicht signifikant auf die variable Zufriedenheit aus. / There is a strong demand for a positive instructional application in order to address the strategic plan of the Ministry of Education and Culture in Indonesia to change the ratio of vocational secondary school to be higher than the general school one. The immense growth of information and communication technology may be possible to provide a computer-based personalized e-learning system to the learners in order to overcome the fact that each student has their own preferences in learning. This study offers an adaptive e-learning system by considering two sources of personalization: the student’s learning style and initial knowledge. In order to investigate the effectiveness of the proposed e-learning program, the students’ achievement in terms of three lowest levels in the cognitive domain (knowledge, comprehension, and application) in the e-learning group is compared with the traditional classroom group. Another area that is interesting to explore is the usability evaluation based on the students’ perspective and the relationship between aspects specified in the usability questionnaire. The design and development process of the adaptive e-learning system in this study was considering both the instructional system design and software engineering. The first phase was started by analyzing the participants’ candidate, the subject course, and the online delivery medium. The next step was designing the procedure, the adaptation set of rules, and the user interface. Then, the process to develop the instructional system based on the data collected from the previous phases was conducted. The next stage was implemented the instructional program to the students in a small group setting. Finally, the e-learning application was evaluated in three different settings: functional-based testing, experts-based assessment, and user-perspective evaluation. The next action is an experimental study by applying the adaptive e-learning system to the learning process. There were two groups involved in this experiment. The experimental group that consisted of 21 students who learned the Digital Simulation course by utilizing the adaptive e-learning system. Another group was the control group that included 21 students who studied the same course through the traditional classroom setting. There were two instruments used to collect the required data. The first instrument contained 30 multiple-choice questions that considered the cognitive levels of knowledge, comprehension, and application. This instrument was used to assess the student achievement of the intended course. The second instrument was the usability questionnaire that consisted of 30 4-point Likert scale statements. This questionnaire was composed of four dimensions, namely usefulness, ease of use, ease of learning, and satisfaction. This questionnaire aimed to evaluate the usability of the adaptive e-learning application based on the student’s perspective. The finding in this study revealed an unusual phenomenon which the pre-test result of the control group was significantly exceeding those of the experimental group. For the post-test score comparison, although there was a higher achievement in the e-learning group than in the regular group, the difference between both achievements was not statistically significant. The comparison in terms of the gain score was conducted in order to investigate which treatment group was more effective. The results indicated that the total gain score achieved by the experimental group was significantly higher than those recorded by the control group. This evidence was also valid with regard to the knowledge, comprehension, and application-level of the cognitive domain. These findings confirmed that the group who utilized the adaptive e-learning system was reported more effective in terms of the achievement score than the group of students who studied in the traditional setting. Another important finding was related to usability evaluation. The measurement score was analyzed through different approaches and revealed that the usability score categorized in the acceptable criteria in all aspects (usefulness, ease of use, ease of learning, and satisfaction). Furthermore, the regression analysis was conducted in order to explore the relation between the variables. The first finding reported that the independent variables (usefulness, ease of use, and ease of learning) simultaneously influenced the dependent variable (satisfaction). In the meantime, the partial t-Test found varying results. The results indicated that the variable ease of use was significantly influenced variable satisfaction. Meanwhile, variable usefulness and ease of learning were not significantly affected variable satisfaction.

Guidelines for the usability evaluation of a BI application within a coal mining organization

Jooste, Chrisna 07 April 2014 (has links)
Business Intelligence (BI) applications are consulted by their users on a daily basis. BI information obtained assist users to make business decisions and allow for a deeper understanding of the business and its driving forces. In a mining environment companies need to derive maximum benefit from BI applications, therefore these applications need to be used optimally. Optimal use depends on various factors including the usability of the product. The documented lack of usability evaluation guidelines provides the rationale for this study. The purpose is to investigate the usability evaluation of BI applications in the context of a coal mining organization. The research is guided by the question: What guidelines should be used to evaluate the usability of BI applications. The research design included the identification of BI usability issues based on the observation of BI users at the coal mining organization. The usability criteria extracted from the usability issues were compared and then merged with general usability criteria from literature to form an initial set of BI usability evaluation criteria. These criteria were used as the basis for a heuristic evaluation of the BI application used at the coal mining organization. The same application was also evaluated using the Software Usability Measurement Inventory (SUMI) standardised questionnaire. The results from the two evaluations were triangulated to provide a refined set of criteria. The main contribution of the study is the heuristic evaluation guidelines for BI applications (based on these criteria). These guidelines are grouped in the following functional areas: visibility, flexibility, cognition, application behaviour, error control and help, affect and BI elements. / Information Science / M.Sc. (Information Systems)

Usability evaluation framework for e-commerce websites in developing countries

Hasan, Layla January 2009 (has links)
The importance of evaluating the usability of e-commerce websites is well recognised and this area has attracted research attention for more than a decade. Nearly all the studies that evaluated the usability of e-commerce websites employed either user-based (i.e. user testing) or evaluator-based (i.e. heuristic evaluation) usability evaluation methods; but no research has employed softwarebased (i.e. Google Analytics software) in the evaluation of such sites. Furthermore, the studies which employed user testing and/or heuristic evaluation methods in the evaluation of the usability of e-commerce websites did not offer detail about the benefits and drawbacks of these methods with respect to the identification of specific types of usability problems. This research developed a methodological framework for the usability evaluation of e-commerce websites which involved user testing and heuristic evaluation methods together with Google Analytics software. The framework was developed by comparing the benefits and drawbacks of these methods in terms of the specific areas of usability problems that they could or could not identify on ecommerce websites. The framework involves Google Analytics software as a preliminary step to provide a quick, easy and cheap indication of general potential usability problem areas on an e-commerce website and its specific pages. Then, the framework enables evaluators to choose other methods to provide in-depth detail about specific iv problems on the site. For instance, the framework suggests that user testing is good for identifying specific major usability problems related to four areas: navigation, design, the purchasing process and accessibility and customer service, while the heuristic evaluation is good for identifying a large number of specific minor usability problems related to eight areas including: navigation, internal search, the site architecture, the content, the design, accessibility and customer service, inconsistency and missing capabilities. The framework also suggests that the heuristic evaluation is good at identifying major security and privacy problems. The framework was developed based on an extensive evaluation of the effectiveness of the three methods in identifying specific usability problems in three case studies (e-commerce websites) in Jordan. This highlighted the usefulness of the methods and therefore helps e-commerce retailers to determine the usability method that best matches their needs. The framework was tested and the results indicated the usefulness of the suggested framework in raising awareness of usability and usability evaluation methods among e-commerce retailers in Jordan. This will help them address usability in the design of their websites, thus helping them to survive, grow and achieve success.

WE-QT: uma técnica de inspeção de usabilidade de aplicações de web para inspetores novatos

Fernandes, Priscila Silva 08 February 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Geyciane Santos (geyciane_thamires@hotmail.com) on 2015-06-17T14:51:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação- Prsicila Silva Fernandes.pdf: 8682442 bytes, checksum: cf742a434c25244708ee5ed78c8e4718 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2015-06-17T20:42:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação- Prsicila Silva Fernandes.pdf: 8682442 bytes, checksum: cf742a434c25244708ee5ed78c8e4718 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2015-06-17T20:43:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação- Prsicila Silva Fernandes.pdf: 8682442 bytes, checksum: cf742a434c25244708ee5ed78c8e4718 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-17T20:43:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação- Prsicila Silva Fernandes.pdf: 8682442 bytes, checksum: cf742a434c25244708ee5ed78c8e4718 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-08 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In recent years, Web applications have been intensive used in current society, and their user population comprises since young kids to elderly individuals. The success of Web applications can be determined by two features: their fast evolution and their usability. Despite the great evolution of Web applications, users often face errors while using them, caused by not intuitive interfaces. A large proportion of this problem is on the development process of these applications, which sometimes does not embody usability principals and methods. Usability evaluations on Web development processes are often avoided by industry professionals due to their lack of experience in the field. Also, usability evaluation can be expensive in terms of time and human resources. Our motivation consists on assist novice inspectors, such as developers with little knowledge on usability, improving the quality of their Web applications by producing better interfaces, with a lower cost. We developed a new usability inspection technique, called WE-QT (Web Evaluation Question Technique). The WE-QT technique was specifically tailored for usability evaluation of Web applications for novice inspectors. Our technique uses a question based approach to guide the inspectors uncovering usability problems. We adopted an experimental methodology to develop WE-QT. This thesis describes the WE-QT’s creation, a feasibility study and two observational studies. Our goal is to increase the quality of Web applications and improve the user’s interaction in this technology. / Nos últimos anos, aplicações Web têm sido amplamente utilizadas na sociedade, e sua população de usuários compreende desde crianças jovens a idosos. O sucesso das aplicações da Web pode ser determinado por duas características: sua rápida evolução e sua usabilidade. Apesar da grande evolução das aplicações Web, os usuários muitas vezes se deparam com erros ao utilizá-las, causados por interfaces não intuitivas. Grande parte deste problema está no processo de desenvolvimento destas aplicações, que às vezes não incorporam princípios e métodos de usabilidade. Avaliações de usabilidade nos processos de desenvolvimento são muitas vezes evitadas por profissionais da indústria, devido à sua falta de experiência na área, e avaliações de usabilidade podem ser caras em termos de tempo e de recursos humanos. A motivação deste trabalho consiste em ajudar os inspetores novatos, tais como desenvolvedores com pouco conhecimento em usabilidade, a melhorar a qualidade de suas aplicações Web, com um custo menor. Foi desenvolvida uma nova técnica de inspeção de usabilidade, chamada WE-QT (Web Evaluation Question Technique). A técnica WE-QT foi desenvolvida especificamente para avaliação de usabilidade de aplicações Web por inspetores novatos. A WE-QT utiliza uma abordagem baseada em perguntas para orientar os inspetores a detectar defeitos de usabilidade. Foi adotada uma metodologia experimental para desenvolver WE-QT. Esta dissertação descreve a criação da WE-QT, um estudo de viabilidade e dois estudos de observação. Nosso objetivo é aumentar a qualidade de aplicações Web e melhorar a interação do usuário nesta tecnologia.

Usability Evaluation Of Mobile Information And Communications Technology In Health Care

Akbasoglu, Beyza 01 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Technology plays an increasingly important role in modern health care. This thesis presents an approach to usability evaluation of mobile information and communications technologies designed for diabetes patients&rsquo / use in their daily lives. According to our study conducted on 60 diabetes patients, several important findings are obtained. Fifty nine (98.3%) diabetes patients were highly satisfied with the mobile health technology and expressed that they would use it, and found the measured values reliable. For 57 (95%) diabetes patients / measuring, checking and accessing the blood glucose level easily anytime and anywhere were very important. Fifty six (93.3%) said that they would wish to send their blood glucose levels to their physicians via e-mail. When participants were asked to provide a decision on future health care, predominate number of participants said they would change their lifestyle rather than visit a doctor regardless of their blood glucose level. In conclusion, little is known about such effects of mobile information and communications technologies in self-management care situations. It is clear that usability studies in the field are more difficult to conduct than laboratory evaluations. Further studies with larger sample sizes are needed to further evaluate these initial findings.

A Methodology and DSS for ERP Misfit Analysis

Shin, Shin-shing 27 May 2007 (has links)
Commercial off-the-shelf enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems have been adopted by large companies to support their inter- and intra-business processes. Midsize market firms are now investing in ERP systems too. However, research has indicated that about three quarters of attempted ERP projects turned out to be unsuccessful. A common problem encountered in adopting ERP software has been the issue of fit or alignment. This paper presents an ERP misfit analysis methodology, grounded on the task-technology fit theory and cognitive fit theory, for measuring misfits between ERP candidates and enterprise¡¦s requirements in ex-ante implementation. A decision support system prototype embedded the approach has been developed. A usability evaluation is performed on the prototype to demonstrate the approach. With this approach, organizations can more easily and systematically determine where the misfits are and the degree of misfits, thereby reducing the risks in implementing ERP systems. Our research contributes to the practical solution of the problem of misfit analysis.

EYE TRACKING IN USABILITY : A methodology study

Hedlund, John January 2018 (has links)
The usability group at RISE Research Institute of Sweden primarily perform usability evaluations for their clients. Usability evaluations are performed on launched products as well as early prototypes, the purpose of these evaluations is to detect problems and give suggestions on how they can be solved. The usability group offers a variety of usability evaluations, such as expert evaluations where experts assess the usability of a product and user tests were participants are observed when preforming tasks with a product. Eye tracking is a relatively new tool that measures eye movement; this tool is used within the usability group at RISE today, mostly as a compliment in usability tests. No extensive analysis is made of the data collected using eye tracking, due to lack of time, resources and knowledge. The purpose of this project is to investigate whether and, if so, how eye tracking can be used efficiently to evaluate usability in user tests. At the start of the project a literature study, an analysis of the current state was carried out along with a practical exploration of the eye tracking technology and associated analysis tools. Based on the information gathered in the first part of the project, two directions were selected. A qualitative approach, with the aim of exploring and explaining why a usability issue arises, and a quantitative approach with the aim to compare two equivalent products and determining which one of them is best in a usability perspective. Early in the project challenges with the collection and evaluating eye tracking data were identified. These challenges were largely related to how a usability test is conducted. In order to further explore how to best perform a usability test using eye tracking, a pilot study was conducted in which the test object was a microwave oven. The goal of the pilot study was to develop a test setup to be able to collect eye tracking data with minimal impact on factors affecting the eye tracking data. Examples of factors are "think aloud" and that the test moderator asks questions during when the participant perform a task. Based on the insights from the pilot study, the test setup was further developed, and both a qualitative and quantitative method of data collection and analysis was developed. The test setup and the two methods were evaluated in a usability test with two clock radios. The results of the tests in this project show that the qualitative analysis of eye tracking data can gather detailed data on how a person searches for information when performing a given task. By looking at the eye movement pattern, you can get indications of shortcomings in the information layout of a particular product. Eye tracking allows you to understand why a person fails a task by checking if the test person saw the desired information without interpreting it or if the person completely missed the information that was necessary to complete the task. The quantitative analysis of eye tracking data could not detect any differences between the products tested to indicate differences in the overall usability. The conclusion is that a qualitative analysis is the most effective way to utilize eye tracking in usability tests of consumer products. / Usability-gruppen på RISE Research Institute of Sweden arbetar främst med att utvärdera användbarhet på produkter för olika kunder. Användbarhets-utvärderingar utförs på lanserade produkter så väl som tidiga prototyper. Syftet med dessa utvärderingar är att upptäcka problem relaterade till användbarhet och komma med förslag på hur problemen kan lösas. Usability-gruppen erbjuder en rad olika typer av utvärderingar av produkter, exempelvis expertutvärderingar där produktens användbarhet bedöms av experter, och användartester där man observerar när en testperson använder en produkt. Eye tracking är ett relativt nytt verktyg som mäter ögonrörelser, detta verktyg används inom usability- gruppen på RISE idag som ett komplement vid använbarhets-tester. Då man saknar tid, resurser och till viss del kunskap om verktygets tillämpning används eye tracking idag endast som ett passivt verktyg. Med detta menas att man samlar in data utan att utföra några djupare analyser. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka om och i så fall hur eye tracking kan användas på ett effektivt sätt för att utvärdera användbarhet i användartester. I starten av projektet genomfördes en litteraturstudie, en nulägesanalys samt praktisk utforskning av tekniken och tillhörande analysverktyg. Baserat på den information som samlades in i första delen av projektet valdes två inriktningar. En kvalitativ inriktning, med målet att utforska och förklara varför ett visst användbarhetsproblem uppstår, och en kvantitativ inriktning med målet att jämföra två likvärdiga produkter och bestämma vilken av dessa som har bäst användbarhet. Tidigt identifierades även utmaningar med insamling och utvärdering av eye tracking-data, dessa utmaningar visade sig till stor del bero på hur ett användartest genomförs. För att vidare utforska hur man bäst genomför ett användbarhets-test med hjälp av eye tracking gjordes därför en så kallad pilotstudie där testobjektet var en mikrovågsugn. Målet med denna var att hitta ett testupplägg för att samla in eye tracking-data med minimal påverkan av omgivande faktorer som påverkar datan. Exempel på faktorer skulle kunna vara att testpersonen får ”tänka högt” eller att testledaren ställer frågor under genomförandet av en uppgift. Baserat på insikterna från pilotstudien vidareutvecklades testupplägget, och både en kvalitativ såväl som kvantitativ metod för datainsamling och analys togs fram. Testupplägget och de två metoderna utvädrades genom ett användbarhetstest där två olika klockradios testades. Resultaten från testerna som genomförts i projektet visar att man med kvalitativ analys av eye tracking data kan samla in detaljerade data på hur en person letar efter information vid utförande av en given uppgift. Genom att titta på ögonens rörelsemönster kan man få indikationer på brister i informationslayouten på en viss produkt. Med hjälp av eye tracking kan man förstå varför en person misslyckas med en uppgift genom att se om testpersonen såg den önskade informationen utan att tolka den eller om personen helt missade den information som var nödvändig för att klara uppgiften. Den kvantitativa analysen av eye tracking data kunde inte påvisa några skillnader mellan de produkter som testades för att indikera skillnader i användbarhet. Slutsatsen är att en kvalitativ analys är det effektivaste sättet att nyttja eye tracking vid användbarhetstester av konsumentprodukter.

Att mäta användbarhet på webbplatser : En fall studie där två metoder för användbarhet jämförs

Lennerup, Anna January 2013 (has links)
The aim with this thesis is to investigate two different methods used to test usability on web-sites to determine the advantages and disadvantages of two methods and compare the results. The two selected methods are the think aloud method and asynchronous remote method. Re-mote usability testing has existed for more than ten years but the possibilities with this meth-od needs to be explored more. To achieve the purpose of this thesis a case study was conducted on an e-commerce site and for the online remote usability testing software was used. The results of this study show that think aloud usability testing encounter more issues with the website than the remote usability testing.

The Challenge of Usability Evaluation of Online Social Networks with a Focus on Facebook

Alam, Tariq, Ali, Muhammad January 2010 (has links)
In today’s era online social networks are getting extensive popularity among internet users. People are using online social networks for different purposes like sharing information, chatting with friends, family and planning to hang out. It is then no surprise that online social network should be easy to use and easily understandable. Previously many researchers have evaluated different online social networks but there is no such study which addresses usability concerns about online social network with a focus on Facebook on an academic level (using students as subjects). The main rationale behind this study is to find out efficiency of different usability testing techniques from social network’s point of view, with a focus on Facebook, and issues related to usability. To conduct this research, we have adopted the combination of both qualitative and quantitative approach. Graduate students from BTH have participated in usability tests. Our findings are that although think aloud is more efficient then remote testing, but this difference is not very significant. We found from survey that different usability issues are in Facebook profile, media, Picture Tagging, Chatting etc. / We have identified different usability issues in Facebook such as issues in media, chatting, facebook profile, changing profile name etc. Here we can say that although think aloud protocol is more efficient then remote testing but this difference is not very significant. We have also suggested some extension in usability testing techniques. If participants of usability test do not verbalize while interacting with the system and keep their focus on performing the test. After completion of each task participants can express their thoughts and opinions what they did. Furthermore we sent our founded results to developer for validation purpose. Developers replied that the results of this research are satisfactory. / Tariq Alam Address: Folkparksvagen 18:19, 37240 Ronneby, Sweden E-mail: chochoswati@hotmail.com, Muhammad Ali Address: Folkparksvagen 18:19, 37240 Ronneby, Sweden E-mail: alijpjgujrat@yahoo.com

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