Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ser bparticipation"" "subject:"ser coparticipation""
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Användarmedverkan i systemutveckling : Problem och möjligheter i praktiken / User participation in systems development : Problems and opportunities in practiceLidberg, Sebastian January 2017 (has links)
Användarmedverkan har genomtiderna ansetts vara lösningen på alla problem inom systemutveckling. Dock har författare inom området delade meningar om den faktiska betydelsen av att involvera användarna i processen. Kärnlitteraturen som behandlar ämnet är av en äldre karaktär, fast än idag refereras det till dessa författare som behandlar ämnet. Den tekniska utvecklingen kan gett människor i största allmänhet en större teknisk förståelse, frågan är om detta ha påverkat användarmedverkan? Frågeställningen som kommer ge svar på denna fråga är: Hur ser användarmedverkan ut i dagens praktik, vilka möjligheter och problem kan det innebära? Syftet för denna undersökning är att granska hur dagens praktiker ser på användarmedverkan, vilka problem och möjligheter de står inför idag jämfört med vad den äldre litteraturen påvisar. Denna undersökning bygger på en tidigare undersökning av Agnes Hedberg och Sanna Järlstig (2016) från Linköpings universitet, dem själva ansåg att deras resultat var vagt utifrån antalet respondenter. Därför har antalet respondenter i denna undersökning tre-dubblats för att se om slutresultatet skiljer sig ifrån varandra. Ytterligare ställs resultatet av denna undersökning emot litteraturen för att se om skiljaktigheter kan tydas ifrån dagens praktikers syn på användarmedverkan. Resultatet från denna undersökning visar upp en syn på användarmedverkan i dagens praktik där det är mer ett måste att involvera användarna. Synen som litteraturen påvisade om att användarmedverkan skulle vara kostsamt och tidskrävande betonas inte lika starkt i dagens praktik. Praktikerna uttrycker att utvecklingsprocessen som helhet är kostsam och tidkrävande men att exkludera användarna är inte ett alternativ utifrån det mervärde som ges genom involvering. Resultatet i jämförelse med den tidigare undersökningen styrker deras resultat och betonar stora likheter med vad Hedberg & Järlstig (2016) fastställde. / User participation is argued to be the solution for all issues regarding system development. However, researchers within this field have different views of the impact of involving users in this process. Even though the literature utilized in this thesis can be perceived as old, the author identified it to be the most frequently referred to by others. Thereby, the quality of the literature remains high. The digital development has contributed to a better technical understanding in general, but the question is if this has affected the user participation? The problem investigated was therefore: What is the view of user participation today, and what problems and opportunities are associated with it? The purpose of this study was to investigate today’s practice of user participation. More specifically, what problems and opportunities that are faced by companies and suppliers. This study was based on a previous thesis conducted by Agnes Hedberg & Sanna Järlstig (2016) from Linköping University, who perceived their own findings as biased and vague, due to their low number of interviewees. Therefore, the author of this thesis determined to triple the number of interviews to examine if the outcome changed. Moreover, the findings from the empirical data were also compared with the literature, in order to analyze if the current perception of user participation differs from the previous one. The result of this study demonstrates that the involvement of users in the development, was perceived as essential. The companies argued that the development process was costly and time consuming in general, but not to the same extent as the literature did. On the contrary, the interviewees emphasized the importance of not excluding the users, since their involvement rather added value to the process. This study’s results confirmed many of Hedberg & Järlstig (2016) findings, by highlighting the similarities between the two theses.
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User Participation In Public e-service Development : Guidelines for including external usersHolgersson, Jesper January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Användarmedverkan i offentliga tjänster : Användning av personas som invånarrepresentanter / User participation in public services : Using personas as citizen representativesSagré, Felix January 2021 (has links)
User participation is often excluded in public e-service development, mainly due to lack of resources. It is difficult to identify the users of a public service when it consists of an entire municipality. Selecting citizens to be a part of a development project may not seem interesting to a citizen. Citizens feel that they do not have the time or knowledge to be a part of a development project. There is however a user participation approach where the users are represented by personas. A persona is a compilation of users presented in a fake character. By using personas, the citizens can be part of a development project without being present. This study presents the usage of personas as citizen representatives in a public e-service development project. The personas are compiled of information about the target group.A development team in a small Swedish municipality is developing a public e-service. In a small part of the development the project team was handed three personas that represented the target group. The team members were then interview about the usage of personas as citizen representatives. A qualitative research method was applied to research the usage of personas in public services.The personas were used as citizens representatives and helped the development team understand the target group. It is easier to create a valuable e-service when the citizens are included and their needs are considered. By creating personas based on the target group the citizens do not have to be included in the development process. It can be seen as more interesting by the citizens to be a part of a personas rather than to be part of a project team and attend meetings.
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Relationen mellan användarmedverkan och användartillfredsställelse : En undersökning om faktorer som bidrar till användartillfredsställelse i systemutvecklingsprojekt / The relationship between user participation and user satisfaction : A study of factors that contributes to user satisfaction in system development projectsThurfjell, Elias, Slavnic, Stefan January 2021 (has links)
Med informationssystemens ökande närvaro i dagens samhälle blir det allt viktigare att systemen anpassas efter användare och uppfyller deras behov. Därför uppmuntras användare i allt större omfattning att delta i systemutvecklingsprocessen. Trots detta är felaktiga krav en stor anledning till att projekt bedömts som misslyckade. Under tidigare studier har flera olika faktorer analyserats för att undersöka hur dessa påverkar användartillfredsställelse och hur uppfattningen av tillfredsställelse kan skilja sig mellan olika grupper av användare, baserat på dess kontext. Det har även tidigare visats att hög grad av användartillfredsställelse uppstått vid en låg grad av medverkan och vice versa. Uppsatsen ämnar belysa vilka faktorer som påverkar användares tillfredsställelse vid medverkan i systemutvecklingsprojekt. För detta har en intervjustudie med en kvalitativ ansats utformats där totalt sju intervjuer genomförts. Därefter har en kvalitativ analys genomförts för att behandla insamlade data. Studien visar att faktorerna grad och nivå av användarmedverkan och involvering, effektivitet av användarmedverkan och involvering, kommunikation mellan användare och utvecklare, användarrepresentation, stöd av ledningen samt åsikters beaktning påverkar användartillfredsställelse. Dessa faktorer stöds av teorin, medan faktorn planering inte stöds då avsaknaden av detaljerad planering inte visat någon större inverkan på tillfredsställelsen eller effektiviteten av medverkan. Slutligen har kommunikation mellan användare och utvecklare samt åsikters beaktning påvisats som faktorer med mest inflytande på användartillfredsställelse. / With the increasing presence of information systems in todays society, it can be percieved as important that the systems are adjusted based on the users needs. This could be an encouragement to let users participate in the system development process to a higher degree. Despite this, inaccurate requirement gathering is a prominent cause among projects deemed as failures. Previous studies have analyzed different factors to see how they affect user satisfaction and have also shown that the perception of user satisfaction can vary between groups of users, depending on the context. Research have shown that a high degree of user satisfaction can be achieved with a low degree of user participation, and vice versa. The aim of this thesis was to examine what factors affected users satisfaction with their participation in the system development process. To answer this, a qualitative study has been conducted through seven interviews. Further on, a qualitative method of analysis have been used to analyze the collected data. The study shows the factors degree and level of user participation and involvement, effectiveness of user participation and involvement, communication between users and developers, user representation, support of management and consideration of opinions does affect user satisfaction. These factors are supported by previous studies, while the factor planning is not supported since the absence of detailed planning does not show any significant influence on user satisfaction or the effectivity of participation. Finally, communication between users and developers and consideration of opinions has been shown to have the strongest influence on user satisfaction
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User Inclusion during ERP Implementations and its effects on Symbolic AdoptionHörnlund, Henrik, Ålander, Johannes January 2021 (has links)
Having a modern Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is seen as increasingly important if an organisation wants to compete in today’s business environment. The implementation of a new ERP system can result in added automatization and the replacement and/or coupling of legacy systems. The replacement and coupling of legacy systems can help an organisation increase data integrity and accessibility by lowering data fragmentation. Previous research on the topic of ERP implementations has emphasized user participation as an important factor when aiming to succeed with an implementation. The research is however inconsistent with its use of participation and involvement where involvement is often used synonymously with participation, but sometimes it signifies that the implementation is of personal importance to the user. This study defines user participation as the user partaking in activities relating to the implementation, and user involvement is defined as the user perceiving the project or system as important. This study also introduces a new term: user inclusion, which encompasses both user participation, and if a user is on the receiving end of one-way communication, for example when receiving a newsletter. This study argues that symbolic adoption, the belief that implementing the system is a good idea, is an important part of system success and uses a combination of factors from the UTAUT model and the I/S success model as antecedents to the dimensions of symbolic adoption that has been presented in previous research. The purpose of this study is to examine how users are included in ERP implementation processes, and how their inclusion in the process affects users’ symbolic adoption. To address this purpose, a qualitative multi-case study that included two cases was conducted. In order to answer how users are included, this study divides how into three sub-questions; who; when and in what way users were included throughout the implementation. This study concludes that users’ inclusion increases over time throughout the implementation process, both in terms of influence, and in number of participating users. This study also shows that users included in project initiatives can affect the antecedents to symbolic adoption in various ways, both their own symbolic adoption, and that of their non-participating colleagues. An example of this is how intended users’ expectations can be managed through communication and when they get first-hand experience of the system, their expectations correct themselves so that they are closer to the actual performance and effort required. The antecedents, performance and effort expectancy, are in turn linked to the symbolic adoption dimension effort worthiness.
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How end-user participation in Financial Management Information Systems development engenders a sense of system ownership in municipalities: A case in South AfricaGcora-Vumazonke, Nozibele Pansy 15 February 2022 (has links)
Background: The public sector in South Africa has long been concerned with poor performance in financial management in municipalities. The Auditor-General who has a constitutional mandate to audit government departments highlighted challenges in financial management facing the municipalities. The challenges include lack of compliance with the legislation of municipal financial management, weak audit outcomes, financially unqualified financial statements, mismatch in produced financial statements, missing reports regarding performance, incomplete disclosure in financial authorisation and unauthorised and waste expenditure. To overcome these challenges, the government introduced the Financial Management Information Systems (FMIS) to municipalities in South Africa to support budget preparation and implementation, accounting and reporting, performance monitoring and auditing and evaluation. However, FMIS have not reached widespread use and in the majority of municipalities required re-implementation. Employees are concerned that FMIS are not aligned with their work processes. Lack of sense of ownership towards FMIS is the contributing factor to end-users being reluctant to use FMIS. It was noted that end-users of FMIS were not given a chance to take control and contribute to the development of FMIS for their municipalities. Objective: Previous research posits that the degree of end-user's sense of ownership towards a system that they use in the workplace positively correlates to their level of involvement in the development process of the system. Employees in government departments such as municipalities are not usually involved or participate in the system development process. Sense of ownership towards the system is expected to arise when end-users participate in the system development process of the system. End-users may perceive that they have influence and control during the development of the system and thereby develop a sense of ownership about the system when it is ready for use. The study, therefore, investigated how end-user participation in system development engenders a sense of ownership among end-users of FMIS in municipalities. Method: The study was qualitative, deductive, followed the interpretive research epistemology and drew on a theory of psychological ownership as a theoretical lens, to analyse how end-user participation in FMIS development engenders a sense of ownership. A case study of the Western Cape Province focusing on two local and two district municipalities was considered as a representation of a South African context. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews, observations of end-users during co-design sessions of FMIS development and document analysis. Thematic data analysis was appropriate for the study. Findings: Findings showed that end-users were excluded through the waterfall system development model used for FMIS development. The FMIS development was a top-down approach in which strategic decisions regarding the implementation of FMIS were made from the executive top management of the National and Provincial Treasury departments. The communication about the development was between National Treasury, Provincial Treasury and the system development team. Although end-users were provided training before using the system, they were concerned that the systems were not aligned with their work processes. It was evident that end-user participation in project initiation, system requirements specifications and system design specifications phases could enable end-users to gain a sense of ownership in the form of a sense of responsibility through problem-solving and decision-making, meaningfulness through collective learning during participation and locus of control through shared leadership. End-users revealed that the more they contribute to the development, they learn new skills, feel psychologically empowered and boost their confidence towards FMIS. End-users emphasised that shared leadership during end-user participation is likely to have an influence on how the system is developed to suit work processes. However, findings showed that end-user participation in organisations with complex structures such as municipalities could be hindered by a myriad of factors. Standardisation and lack of stakeholder collaboration, complex job-design and leadership-style approach across tiers of government have been stated by end-users as factors that may hinder the effectiveness of end-user participation in system development in municipalities. Originality/contribution: The theoretical contribution of the research emerges from the use of the theory of psychological ownership to investigate end-user participation to engender an end-user's sense of ownership towards FMIS. There is a lack of evidence-based studies in developing countries focusing on the end-user perspectives regarding factors affecting poor uptake of information systems in the public sector. To address this gap, this study made a descriptive contribution to the concept of a sense of ownership. There is a dearth of studies examining how end users of information systems in government departments in developing countries can be empowered through a sense of ownership to enhance the use and acceptance. In response to this research gap, this study focuses on the concept of end-user participation and contributes to the body of IS knowledge by examining the end-user participation approach as a systems development strategy to engender a sense of ownership to end-users of information systems in government departments.
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Utmaningar vid kravhantering av intranätWickman, Nicole January 2022 (has links)
Det är en utmaning att möta de olika behov och krav som finns vid utvecklingen av intranätsom kan vara ett stort och komplext IT-system. Intranät har ofta många olika typer avanvändare med olika behov. Användare vill ofta vara med och bidra till utvecklingen av ITsystemmen har inte alltid tid eller tror att de inte har tillräcklig kompetens för att bidra mednågot konstruktivt. För att lyckas med utvecklingen av intranätet behöver IT-avdelningen haeller skaffa sig ett brett perspektiv över problemsituationen samt reda ut vilka behov somfinns. Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på vilken typ av utmaningar som finns vidutveckling av ett intranät. / It is a challenge to meet the different needs and requirements that exist in the development ofintranets. Intranets often have many different types of users with different needs and this isone reason why intranets can be complex IT-systems. Users want to be part of thedevelopment but do not always have the time or think that they do not have the right skills tocontribute something to the development. To succeed in the development of the intranet, theIT department needs to have or acquire a broad perspective on the problem situation and sortout what the users needs are. The purpose of this study is to find out what kind of challengesexist in the development of an intranet.
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Towards Enhanced Tactical Support SystemsOhlander, Ulrika January 2016 (has links)
Fighter pilots operate high-performing powerful aircraft, equipped with complex sensor systems, in a dynamic and hostile environment. The pilots need to have control over their own aircraft as well as the developing situation surrounding them. Moreover, the fighter pilot rarely is on a mission by himself, but collaborates with teammates to achieve the goals jointly. This collaboration between fighter aircraft cannot take place without technology in the form of a tactical support system (TSS) that aids the pilots with information retrieval and decision-making. A TSS in a fighter aircraft fuses data from different sources and organizes the information in order to assist the pilot in building situation awareness and support in the decision-making during missions. The capabilities of the aircraft and its sensors, as well as the design of the TSS will directly affect how the pilots can perform the missions. The technology and the design at the same time enable and constrain the possible acting space, such that the tactics and plans for the missions will be a consequence of these factors. Hence, the design and development of such a complex system requires deep knowledge about the users and understanding of how they will operate the system. High usability is among the requirements for such a specialized and advanced system as the TSS, and in order to achieve this there is a need to understand the circumstances the system will be used in. Due to the complex nature of the military operations and the difficulties to access the domain for others than pilots, it is challenging for designers of the TSSs to obtain this needed knowledge. Therefore, this thesis aims at investigating the nature of the operations, as well as the practice of user participation in the domain, in order to increase the designers’ knowledge and give guidance to how users should participate in the development of the systems. Several methods that aim to design efficient and usable systems are available. User-centered design is a holistic philosophy that prescribes that the interests and needs of the users should be in focus through the whole development process in order to achieve better systems. At the core of user-centered design is to increase the knowledge about the users and their needs. This thesis applies two perspectives, which both contributes to fulfill the goal of user-centered design of the TSSs by obtaining more knowledge about the users. The two perspectives are: a better understanding of how the users/pilots utilize the TSS to perform teamwork during missions, and an insight into how the users/pilots participate during the development process of the TSSs. The teamwork perspective is motivated by the fact that fighter pilots perform a majority of their missions collaborating in teams. Their teamwork is depending on technology since the pilots are separated from each other in their fighter airplanes. Understanding this teamwork is hence a key to understanding the users in this domain. This thesis investigates the nature of teamwork between fighter pilots based on a theoretical teamwork model, the “Big Five” of effective teamwork proposed by Salas, Sims, and Burke (2005). The “Big Five” model contains eight elements that Salas et al. identified as necessary for effective teamwork: adaptability, backup behavior, closed-loop communication, shared mental models, mutual performance monitoring, team orientation, mutual trust, and team leadership. The user-participation perspective is based on the notion that involving the users in different stages through the development process will benefit the results. However, user participation can take many different forms. The users can have different roles during the process, and the impact their opinions will have on the product can vary. This thesis investigates user participation and the roles the users, i.e. pilots, have in the development process of fighter aircraft of TSSs and cockpit interfaces. These two perspectives are each assigned an aim in the investigation. For the first aim, Increase the knowledge about how fighter pilots collaborate in teams during missions with the current systems, ten fighter pilots were interviewed about their views on teamwork. The teamwork elements of the “Big Five” model are explored and described for the military fighter context. With this knowledge, a task performance cycle is proposed which shows were in the cycle of a mission each teamwork element is most important. Finally, a modified teamwork model adapted for mission performance for fighter pilots is suggested. For the second aim, Increase the knowledge about how pilots can and should participate in the design process of fighter aircraft interfaces, a study on how pilots participate in the design work of cockpit interfaces is conducted. The inquiry is based on a questionnaire, which was distributed to designers of fighter cockpit interfaces. The results indicate that the designers think the pilots have and should have many different roles in the design process. The designers wish to be able to observe pilots at work to a greater extent and to obtain more information and ideas from them. They also think that pilots should be more involved as examiners and testers. However, pilots should not be designers or decision-makers regarding design, according to the majority of respondents. The presented contributions of the team-related research in this thesis are a deeper understanding and rich descriptions of how fighter pilots perform missions from a teamwork perspective. The teamwork elements are examined, and their relations and their importance during mission performance are described. For example, it was found that the abilities to monitor each other, to adapt, and to communicate were the most important factors for effective teamwork during a mission. For the investigation of how designers of pilot interfaces work with user representatives in the design process, the contribution is a description of the different roles the users can have during the development process in this domain. The results are primarily intended to inform designers of tactical support systems and cockpit interfaces. However, other domains where team members are distributed, and are highly dependent on technology for their teamwork, should benefit from the findings. / NFFP6 VINNOVA
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Grafiskt tilltal i offentliga miljöerJakobsson, Joar Lisberg January 2012 (has links)
Graphic design is an integrated part of the public spaces we move through in our daily lives. This thesis explores the emotional aspects of graphic design, with a focus on environmental graphics for the public space. The goal is to find ways in which the emotional aspects of a design solution can be varied without compromising the practical aspects, i.e. affect the conveyance of information. Thisgoal is pursued through an analysis of historical and contemporary literature as well as by design practise. It is concluded that some of the aspects of graphic design for the public space are there for practical reasons, while others are there because of convention and can be subject to re-evaluation or change. An example of such a variation is shown through a design process.The design project is set in a public environment and includes informational graphics with a goal of information conveyance. At the same time it shows that graphic design for a public context can convey other emotional values than the conventional, by creating a non-static material that encourages user participation.
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Sykepleiernes forståelse og praktisering av brukermedvirkning i kommunens omsorgstjeneste / Nurses’ understanding and practice of user participation in the municipal care serviceSydvold, Wenche January 2009 (has links)
Praktisering av brukermedvirkning krever at sykepleierne ser på brukerne som likeverdige partnere. Det bryter med det tradisjonelle sykepleier–pasientforholdet og krever andre arbeidsmetoder og holdninger. For å kunne få til en slik endring forutsetter det at sykepleierne har nødvendig kunnskap og forståelse for brukermedvirkning og den bakenforliggende ideologien. Hensikt: Hensikten med studiet var å studere sykepleiernes teoretiske forståelse av begrepet brukermedvirkning og kartlegge hvordan sykepleierne selv opplever at de praktiserte brukermedvirkning i kommunens omsorgstjeneste. Metode: Det har blitt gjennomført en kvalitativ studie med halvstrukturerte intervjuer. Analysemetode var meningsfortettning og meningskategorisering etter beskrivelse av Kvale. Studien har 20 respondentern fra sykehjem og hjemmetjenesten i en stor norsk kommune. Resultater: Sykepleiernes kunnskap om brukermedvirkning var i stor grad situasjonsbestemt. Den ble beskrevet ut fra pasientene de selv arbeider med, situasjonene og konteksten. Det ble knyttet usikkerhet til den teoretiske forståelse av begrepet. Brukermedvirkning blir i hovedsak beskrevet som samråd og må forstås som symbolsk deltagelse der pasientenes deltar og gir uttrykker behov eller gir råd uten at de har reell innflytelse eller myndighet. Langt færre beskrev brukermedvirkning som brukerinnflytelse i form av partnerskap der pasienten gis anledning til å ta avgjørelse og oppleve kontroll.I hvilken grad brukermedvirkning praktiseres avhenger av avveininger i tjenesteutforming, institusjonelle forhold og strukturelle rammer. Sykepleiere opplevde ved håndtering av meningsforskjeller mellom pasient og pårørende en lojalitet overfor pasienten samtidig som de viser forståelse overfor pårørende. Konklusjon: Sykepleiernes forståelse av brukermedvirkning handler i stor grad om symbolsk deltagelse fordi de gis mulighet til å uttrykke ønsker men ikke fatte endelig avgjørelse. Implementering av brukermedvirkning på systemnivå og en kombinasjonen av teoretisk kunnskap og refleksjon over praksis, vil kunne styrke bevisstheten og vektleggingen av brukermedvirkning. / The practice of user participation requires nurses to regard users as equal partners. It breaks with the traditional nurse-patient relationship and demands different working methods and attitudes. Achieving such a change requires nurses to have the necessary knowledge and understanding of user participation and the ideology behind it. Objective: This study aimed to investigate nurses’ understanding and practice of user participation in the municipal care service. Method: We implemented a qualitative study by conducting semi-structured interviews with 20 respondents from nursing homes and home care services in a major Norwegian municipality.Analysis involved consolidating and categorizing the subjects’ intent, as described by Kvale. Results: The nurses’ knowledge of user participation was situational (i.e., they based their descriptions on current patients, situations, and context). Their theoretical understanding of the concept was uncertain. Most described user participation as a consultation that must be understood as symbolic participation, where the patients express their needs or give advice without having any real influence or authority. Far fewer nurses described user participation as user influence in the form of a partnership, where patients are given the opportunity to make decisions and experience control. The extent to which nurses practice user participation depends on trade-offs among services, institutional situations, and structural frameworks. When faced with differing opinions between patients and their relatives, nurses experienced loyalty toward their patients and simultaneously showed empathy for the relatives. Conclusion: Nurses’ understanding of user participation largely deals with symbolic participation because it enables patients to express desires without making any final decisions. Implementing user participation at the system level and combining theoretical knowledge and reflection in practice would strengthen awareness and focus attention on user participation / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-73-3</p>
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