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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Daně a obdobné povinné platby v podnikání bank / Taxes and similar charges in banking business

Pieran, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis is to analyse the relation between tax legislation and banking services. The thesis is formed of two parts. The first part (Chapter 1-3) covers aspects of the actual tax legislation in relation with banking services, the second part (Chapter 4-8) addresses trends which may be followed in the future regarding financial sector taxation. The thesis is composed of eight chapters. Chapter One deals with the position of banks as taxpayers of income tax, tax aspects of the banking business, tax provisions and the position of the banks as a payer of tax. The conclusions may be made that only limited pieces of income tax legislation are exclusive for banks. Peculiarities of banking transactions are reflected by accounting rules. Chapter Two focuses on the exemption of financial services from the system of value added tax. Some of financial services which are subject to the VAT are mentioned. Alternatives to the exemption approach are also investigated. Chapter Three is devoted to the system of deposit insurance and contributions of banks to the Deposit Insurance Fund. Future development in this field is also commented. Chapter Four deals with a general approach to the financial sector taxation, its motives, opportunities and related risks. Chapter Five examines the state of...

Vracení daně z přidané hodnoty podnikatelským osobám ze Společenství a ze třetích zemí / Refund of VAT to entrepreneurs from European Communities and from the third countries

Procházková, Aneta January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with refund of VAT to entrepreneurs from European Communities and from the third countries. The first part makes the reader familiar with the legislative conditions which are set by the EC guideline and by the Value added tax law. The process of filling in the VAT refund application and the tax administrator process of considering an application are analysed in the second chapter. The third chapter compares legislative conditions and the VAT refund processes to entrepreneurs from European Communities and from the third countries. Also there is mentioned an evaluation of the identical and the different elements.

Daň z přidané hodnoty při poskytování služeb v rámci EU. / Value Added Tax on services within the EU.

Svobodová, Veronika January 2009 (has links)
Cílem této diplomové práce je poskytnout ucelený pohled na daň z přidané hodnoty ("DPH") při poskytování služeb v rámci EU. Celá práce je rozdělena do 5 kapitol. První kapitola je věnována historii DPH, jejímu postavení v daňové soustavě a zhodnocení výhod a nevýhod zavedení DPH. Následující kapitoly jsou zaměřeny na harmonizační vývoj DPH v rámci EU a vymezují jednotlivé konstrukční prvky DPH dle českého Zákona č. 235/2004 Sb., o dani z přidané hodnoty. Klíčová 4. Kapitola je věnována úpravě poskytování služeb v rámci EU jak z pohledu českého zákona o DPH, tak s pohledu evropských směrnic a judikátů Evropského soudního dvora. V závěru práce jsou diskutovány dopady chystané novely českého zákona o DPH na oblast služeb poskytovaných v rámci EU.

DPH v účetnictví / VAT in accounting

Vomočilová, Pavlína January 2009 (has links)
The graduation theses "VAT in accousting" deals with a presentation of value added tax in accounting and with a comparing of both of these systems. It includes an analysis of common elements like a subject, object, obligatory filing, accounting and tax documents and a variable of time. Accounting of input and output tax including accounting of final tax liability is described in a practical part. In conclusion I defined a concrete process of accounting of payments on account and credit and debit notes.

The role of third-parties in the VAT collection and remittance, and in the compliance with the VAT law

Angeli Pezzato, Gabriel January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the paper is (i) to analyze the role of third parties in the VAT collection and remittance, and in the compliance with the VAT legislation according to the OECD; and (ii) to identify and compare concrete measures implemented by different jurisdictions on this subject with a focus in invoicing service providers and online marketplaces. The study is divided into two main parts. In the first part, the author reviews the OECD’s literature on the role of third parties in the VAT collection and remittance, and in the compliance with the VAT legislation. In the second part, the author compares measures taken by some countries regarding the role of third parties in the VAT compliance chain with a focus on invoicing service providers and marketplaces. In the first part of the research, the author concludes that the role of third-parties in the VAT compliance is expanded in each of the OECD’s publications and suggests additional research on the role of payment processors in the VAT compliance chain. In the second part of the research, the author concludes that regulations and liabilities involving invoicing service providers differ considerably according to different jurisdictions and suggests the adoption of international standards to ensure VAT compliance in a worldwide scale. When it comes to marketplaces, the author concludes that there is a trend for the adoption of the deemed supply approach (as such or as a penalty), although there are discordant points about the grounds which marketplaces are held liable for the VAT due in underlying transactions.

A necessidade de reforma do sistema tributário brasileiro como eliminação de entraves à integração no âmbito do MERCOSUL: análise a partir de experiências europeias / The need for a tax reform in Brazil as a means to overcoming the barriers to integration within the MERCOSUR: an analysis based on the European experience

Rios, Marcelo Jabour 23 February 2015 (has links)
Os tratados internacionais firmados após a segunda metade do século XX, em particular aqueles que pretendem superar os tradicionais acordos de livre comércio ou união aduaneira, seguem desafiando o direito contemporâneo. Por serem mais ambiciosos, ultrapassam a clássica forma de cooperação entre países soberanos e exigem uma estrutura institucional mais elaborada, capaz de fazer emergir a vontade expressa nos tratados e de estabelecer as liberdades que serão asseguradas nesse novo ambiente, uma vez que a máxima um povo, um governo, um território, não o define. A experiência mundial bem sucedida que conseguiu erigir um mercado comum, assim compreendido como um espaço sem fronteiras em cujo interior circulam livremente pessoas, serviços, mercadorias e capitais, foi a vivenciada pelas Comunidades Europeias. A clareza dos objetivos traçados, a capacidade de superar as fases de estagnação, a solidez das instituições e, sobretudo, o reconhecimento da supremacia do direito comunitário foram determinantes para o êxito europeu. O triunfo assentou-se, dentre tantos outros pilares, no processo de harmonização das legislações tributárias dos países membros, em especial as que alcançam o consumo de bens e serviços, razão pela qual é reconhecido, pela doutrina e jurisprudência comunitárias, como um dos principais motores da União Europeia. Após vários fracassos nas tentativas de aproximação dos países na América Latina, o Mercado Comum do Sul (MERCOSUL) foi idealizado para atingir o patamar de um mercado comum e reconhecer, entre os seus membros, as quatro liberdades fundamentais de um mercado integrado. Como a harmonização das legislações fiscais constitui uma etapa fundamental para a consecução desse espaço econômico sem fronteiras, a tese analisa as espécies tributárias que alcançam o consumo de bens e serviços nos países membros do MERCOSUL e avalia a possibilidade de avanço rumo à integração regional iniciada pela assinatura do Tratado de Assunção. Nesse sentido, demonstra em quais aspectos o sistema tributário brasileiro representa um importante entrave à integração no âmbito do MERCOSUL. / The international treaties signed after the second half of the 20th century , especially those meant to supersede the traditional free trade agreements or customs union, still challenge contemporary law. Given that they are more ambitious, they override the classic mode of cooperation between sovereign countries and survive on a more carefully elaborated institutional structure, capable of making the wills expressed in the treaties emerge and establish the freedoms that will be guaranteed in this new environment, once the maxim a people, a government a territory does not define it. The well succeeded world experience that led to the creation of a common market, construed as a space with no boundaries, within which people, services, goods and capital circulate freely, was experienced by the European Union. The clarity with which the aims were set forth, the power to overcome stagnation spells, the solvency of the institutions and, above all, the recognition of the supremacy of the communitarian law were decisive in the consolidation of the European success. Triumph, among so many other pillars, played a role in the process of harmonization of the tax law of the member countries, especially the law that contemplates the consumption of goods and services, which is the reason why it is known for its communitarian doctrine and jurisprudence, as one of the compelling forces of the European Union. After a succession of frustrated attempts to bring together the Latin American counties, the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) was conceived to attain the status of a common Market and recognise, among its members, the four fundamental freedoms of an integrated Market. As the harmonization of the fiscal laws is a stage of prime importance in the construction of this boundless economic space, the thesis analyses the types of taxes that affect the consumption of goods and services in the MERCOSUR member-countries and evaluates the possibility for is advancement towards the regional integration set on train with the signature of the Asunción Treaty. In this sense, it highlights which aspects of the Brazilian tax system pose a serious barrier to integration within the context of MERCOSUR.

Etude comparée de l'imposition indirecte en France et en Afrique francophone / Comparative study of indirect taxation in France and in francophone Africa

Dembélé, Fadigui 14 December 2016 (has links)
L’imposition indirecte frappe les consommations de biens et services. Les flux de biens et services entre la France et l’Afrique francophone constituent le moteur du développement du continent noir. L’étude de l’imposition indirecte en France et en Afrique francophone présente, dès lors, un intérêt. La TVA constitue l’imposition indirecte majeure en France comme en Afrique francophone. Dans l’Hexagone comme sur le continent noir, la TVA présente les mêmes caractéristiques et poursuit des objectifs quasi-similaires. Cependant les TVA française et africaine francophone sont confrontées à des obstacles distincts dans la poursuite de leurs objectifs. / Indirect tax hits the consumer goods and services. The flow of goods and services between France and francophone Africa is the engine of development of the continent. The study of indirect taxation in France and francophone Africa has therefore an interest. VAT is the major indirect tax in France and francophone Africa. In France as on the continent, this item has the same characteristics and pursues almost similar objectives. However the French VAT and Francophone Africa are facing different obstacles in pursuing their goals.

Daň z přidané hodnoty u služeb v ČR a jiných členských státech Evropské unie / Value Added Tax on services in the Czech Republic and other Member States EU

HONNEROVÁ, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis deals with VAT rules applied to supply of services as settled by the VAT directive. The main aim of the work is to analyze the application of the VAT law by Czech Republic, France and Slovakia. The work also describes how the selected countries have made use of derogations and compulsory provisions. The taxation of services is described according to national legislation in force on 31/07/2019.

我國營業稅外銷零稅率制度之研究 / The research of export zero-rate system on Taiwan's VAT

楊秋美, Yang, C. M. Unknown Date (has links)
加值稅(Value Added Tax) 自一九五四年法國開始採行以來迄今世界已逾五十個國家實施加值稅,已成為各國賦稅改制的一種趨勢。我國自民國七十五年四月一日開始實施營業加值稅。為降低本國產品之成本,進而增強其國際市場之競爭能力,採行加值稅的國家,對外銷及類似外銷適用零稅率。自民國七十六年至民國八十二年,零稅率銷售額佔營業稅總銷售額比率,均達18%以上,歷年應退稅額和應實繳稅額之比率,均逾25%,可知外銷零稅率制度在營業稅中地位之重要。   跨國交易課徵租稅的原則有目的地原則和宗主國原則之分。目的地原則下租稅課徵係以消費地或目的地為準,而宗主國原則係依據商品及勞務的生產地或來源地,由生產國課徵租稅。外銷適用零稅率即依據目的地原則而來。為探討我國外銷零稅率制度適用範圍之合理性,對其他國家零稅率制度之認識,可作為研討與改進我國制度之參考,本文就英國、荷蘭及韓國等國家,探討其零稅率適用範圍及對外銷之處理方法,並與我國之外銷零稅率制度作一比較與評估,以瞭解外銷零稅率制度發展的趨勢及我國外銷零稅制度之優劣,期能使我國營業稅外銷零稅率制度更符合本國實際需要和國際潮流。

Omvänd momsredovisning : En studie kring eventuella effekter vid införandet i Sverige

Bergliden, Cecilia, Nilsson, Madeleine January 2007 (has links)
<p>Problembakgrund: Varje år förlorar skatteverket miljarder på byggföretag som smiter undan sin skyldighet att betala skatt. Detta skattefusk drabbar inte enbart skatteverket utan också de seriösa byggföretag som får svårt att konkurrera vad det gäller prisanbud gentemot de oseriösa företagen. Riksdagen har beslutat att införa omvänd momsredovisning i Sverige för byggsektorn från och med den 1 juli 2007. Studiens huvudproblem är: Hur påverkar införandet av omvänd momsredovisning stora och små byggföretag i Sverige vad gäller konkurrens och svartarbete? Hur har denna lagstiftning påverkat konkurrensen och svartarbetet bland byggföretagen i Tyskland där omvänd momsredovisning redan implementerats?</p><p>Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka reaktionerna på det kommande införandet av omvänd momsredovisning hos byggföretagen i Sverige. Dessutom undersöks vilka åsikter ett antal utvalda tyska byggföretag har angående införandet av omvänd momsredovisning i Tyskland.</p><p>Metod: För att genomföra undersökningen används en kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod. Insamlingen av primärdata sker genom personliga intervjuer med skattejurister på Ernst & Young respektive Lindebergs Grant Thornton och representanter för de stora byggföretagen JM, NCC, PEAB, och SKANSKA samt med enkäter till små och medelstora byggföretag i Sverige. Enkäter skickas till 200 utvalda byggföretag i Sverige och bland dessa finns både medelstora och små byggföretag representerade. En enkätstudie utförs även bland tyska byggföretag för att kunna jämföras med den svenska studien.</p><p>Resultat och slutsats: De små och medelstora byggföretagen är skeptiska till omvänd momsredovisning. Misstanken bekräftas av de 22 tyska byggföretag som svarat. Eftersom bara 22 av 150 tyska företag och 64 av de 200 svenska företagen svarade, går dock inte svaren att generalisera. Av de undersökta stora svenska byggföretagen är alla positiva till omvänd momsredovisning. Även de intervjuade skattejuristerna ställer sig positiva till de nya reglerna. Staten ser ut som den stora vinnaren men indirekt är det svenska folket som är vinnare.</p> / <p>Background: Every year the government looses billions on construction companies that neglect their responsibility to pay tax (VAT). This fraud does not only affect the government, but the whole construction industry. Employees of a dishonest company never get the benefit of insurance or support to their future pensions. Based on two reports the Parliament has decided to introduce Reverse – Charge in Sweden for building companies effective from 1/7 2007.</p><p>The thesis main problem to investigate is: How the introduction of reverse charge affects different sized construction companies in Sweden in terms of competition and black labour? What effect has Reverse – Charge had on competition and black labour in Germany where this legislation has already been introduced?</p><p>Purpose: To investigate how construction companies in Sweden are reacting to the introduction of Reverse – Charge and what actions they plan to take. The opinions of a number of selected construction companies based in Germany will also be investigated.</p><p>Method: This thesis will both follow the qualitative and the quantitative method of investigation. This will be done during interviews and questionnaires.</p><p>Results and conclusions: The small and medium sized Swedish construction companies are rather skeptic to the introduction of Reverse – Charge. This suspicion is in one way confirmed by the 22 German construction companies who answered. Although only 22 of 150 German companies answered and 64 of 200 of the Swedish companies, which means that the results cannot be generalized. The large Swedish construction companies were all positive to Reverse – Charge and the interviewed tax lawyers support their opinion. The government might look as the big winner, but in the big picture the winners are the Swedish people who no longer has to pay for building companies who cheat with their VAT.</p>

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