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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Omvänd momsredovisning : En studie kring eventuella effekter vid införandet i Sverige

Bergliden, Cecilia, Nilsson, Madeleine January 2007 (has links)
Problembakgrund: Varje år förlorar skatteverket miljarder på byggföretag som smiter undan sin skyldighet att betala skatt. Detta skattefusk drabbar inte enbart skatteverket utan också de seriösa byggföretag som får svårt att konkurrera vad det gäller prisanbud gentemot de oseriösa företagen. Riksdagen har beslutat att införa omvänd momsredovisning i Sverige för byggsektorn från och med den 1 juli 2007. Studiens huvudproblem är: Hur påverkar införandet av omvänd momsredovisning stora och små byggföretag i Sverige vad gäller konkurrens och svartarbete? Hur har denna lagstiftning påverkat konkurrensen och svartarbetet bland byggföretagen i Tyskland där omvänd momsredovisning redan implementerats? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka reaktionerna på det kommande införandet av omvänd momsredovisning hos byggföretagen i Sverige. Dessutom undersöks vilka åsikter ett antal utvalda tyska byggföretag har angående införandet av omvänd momsredovisning i Tyskland. Metod: För att genomföra undersökningen används en kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod. Insamlingen av primärdata sker genom personliga intervjuer med skattejurister på Ernst & Young respektive Lindebergs Grant Thornton och representanter för de stora byggföretagen JM, NCC, PEAB, och SKANSKA samt med enkäter till små och medelstora byggföretag i Sverige. Enkäter skickas till 200 utvalda byggföretag i Sverige och bland dessa finns både medelstora och små byggföretag representerade. En enkätstudie utförs även bland tyska byggföretag för att kunna jämföras med den svenska studien. Resultat och slutsats: De små och medelstora byggföretagen är skeptiska till omvänd momsredovisning. Misstanken bekräftas av de 22 tyska byggföretag som svarat. Eftersom bara 22 av 150 tyska företag och 64 av de 200 svenska företagen svarade, går dock inte svaren att generalisera. Av de undersökta stora svenska byggföretagen är alla positiva till omvänd momsredovisning. Även de intervjuade skattejuristerna ställer sig positiva till de nya reglerna. Staten ser ut som den stora vinnaren men indirekt är det svenska folket som är vinnare. / Background: Every year the government looses billions on construction companies that neglect their responsibility to pay tax (VAT). This fraud does not only affect the government, but the whole construction industry. Employees of a dishonest company never get the benefit of insurance or support to their future pensions. Based on two reports the Parliament has decided to introduce Reverse – Charge in Sweden for building companies effective from 1/7 2007. The thesis main problem to investigate is: How the introduction of reverse charge affects different sized construction companies in Sweden in terms of competition and black labour? What effect has Reverse – Charge had on competition and black labour in Germany where this legislation has already been introduced? Purpose: To investigate how construction companies in Sweden are reacting to the introduction of Reverse – Charge and what actions they plan to take. The opinions of a number of selected construction companies based in Germany will also be investigated. Method: This thesis will both follow the qualitative and the quantitative method of investigation. This will be done during interviews and questionnaires. Results and conclusions: The small and medium sized Swedish construction companies are rather skeptic to the introduction of Reverse – Charge. This suspicion is in one way confirmed by the 22 German construction companies who answered. Although only 22 of 150 German companies answered and 64 of 200 of the Swedish companies, which means that the results cannot be generalized. The large Swedish construction companies were all positive to Reverse – Charge and the interviewed tax lawyers support their opinion. The government might look as the big winner, but in the big picture the winners are the Swedish people who no longer has to pay for building companies who cheat with their VAT.

Elektroniska varor och IT-jättarna : En empirisk studie av omsättningsnivåer / Electronic goods and the IT - giants : An empirical study on turnover levels

Sjöberg, Kim January 2015 (has links)
Inom EU har det sedan länge funnits en strävan att harmonisera skattesatser gällande moms mellan medlemsländerna. För 2015 har en ny momsregel trätt i kraft med syftet att långsiktigt skapa en mer rättvis konkurrens på marknaden inom EU. Motivet bakom regeln bottnar i s.k. strategisk momsplacering, vilket många storföretag inom IT ägnat sig åt. Företag har lokaliserat försäljningsverksamheter i länder där momssatserna varit väldigt låga och därmed kraftigt kunnat hålla nere skatteinbetalningarna. Med den nya regeln förändras regelverket gällande inbetalning av moms vid försäljning av elektroniska varor och tjänster till privatpersoner. Vid fortsatt försäljning av dessa varor ska moms betalas in till det land där konsumenten är bosatt. Den här studien har utifrån statistisk sekundärdata av omsättningsnivåer för relevant bransch, sökt finna ett samband mellan omsättning och valda variabler utifrån premisserna för den nya momsregeln. Detta har genomförts för ett urval av Europeiska länder. De mest framhävande analyserna har berört momssatsernas påverkan på dessa omsättningsnivåer. En tydlig ståndpunkt bakom motivet för den nya momslagen är att företagens lokaliseringsbeslut tidigare bestämts utefter momssatser. Med hjälp av ekonometrisk teori och regressionsanalyser har detta påstående försökts bemötas på bästa möjliga sätt. Resultaten från denna studie pekar på att ett sådant samband funnits. Lokaliseringsbeslut för företag som säljer ovannämnda varor och tjänster har påverkats av momssatser. Motivet bakom regeln går att styrka utifrån resultaten av denna studie. Samtliga omsättningsnivåer för undersökta länder har uppvisat ett statistiskt signifikant beroende av momssatser för undersökta perioder. / For a long time there has been an ambition to harmonize VAT rates among the member states within the EU. In 2015, a new VAT rule was introduced in order to realize this ambition and create a fairer competition within the market of EU. This new rule has been introduced due to strategically decisions made by companies dealing with VAT. Sales activities of larger corporations have been located in countries within the EU where the VAT rates have been very low, and thereby been able to pay low taxes. Along with the new VAT rule, the rules of payment with VAT concerning sales of electronic goods and services to individuals will change. VAT due to sales activities of these goods will be paid to the country of the consumer. This study has by statistical secondary data of relevant business tried to find a connection of the premises of this new VAT rule and turnover levels by a selection of European countries. Analyzes which concerns VAT, especially VAT rates in the different countries has been of major interest to analyze in this study. The new rule clearly state that corporation selling electronic goods today decide the location of sales activities with respect to VAT rates, and in this study that statement has been investigated with help of econometrical theory and regression analysis. The results of this study did indicate that such a link exists. The location decisions made by these companies are determined along with VAT rates. Therefore the motive behind the rule is justified based on the results of this study. The turnover levels for each country have all shown a statistically significant dependent of VAT rates for the investigated time periods.

Netiesioginių mokesčių reglamentavimas Europos Sąjungoje / Indirect taxation in the european union

Zigmantaitė, Algita 24 November 2010 (has links)
Šiame darbe buvo analizuojami tam tikri netiesioginių mokesčių Europos Sąjungoje reglamentavimo aspektai – tiek pirmoje, tiek antroje darbo dalyje analizė buvo pradedama apžvelgiant kaip kito požiūris į tam tikrus reglamentavimo aspektus, kokių priemonių buvo imtasi, kitais žodžiais tariant, atrodė svarbu apžvelgti, kaip istoriškai kito požiūris į netiesioginių mokesčių reglamentavimą, be abejo, nepaliekant nuošalyje vieno iš svarbesnių aspektų – atsižvelgiant į bendruosius Bendrijos tikslus, peržvelgti, kaip buvo įgyvendintas (ar turėjo būti) siekis harmonizuoti reglamentavimą netiesioginių mokesčių srityje. Po harmonizavimo politikos istorinės apžvalgos buvo pereita prie konkrečių, šiuo metu galiojančių tiek pridėtinės vertės mokesčio, tiek akcizo reglamentavimo aspektų. Kaip vienu iš vertingų šaltinių buvo pasirinkta Europos Teisingumo Teismo praktika, kuri buvo vertinga iš esmės dėl dviejų pagrindinių priežasčių – remiantis Teismo praktika buvo galima išskirti tas sritis, kurių dabartinis reguliavimas vis dar išlieka problematiškas, be to, tose srityse, kur vis dar susiduriama su reglamentavimo neaiškumu ar dviprasmiškumu, pavyzdžiui, aiškinant tam tikras sąvokas, Teismo praktika buvo vertingas šaltinis stengiantis iššiaiškinti kokrečių normų prasmę. Galiausiai darbo išvadose buvo glaustai pateikti pagrindiniai probleminiai aspektai, kurie išryškėjo analizuojant tiek teisės aktus, tiek teismų praktiką bei užsienio teisės mokslininkų darbus – tokie kaip vis dar taikomi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject of this master thesis was the analysis of certain aspects, regarding indirect taxes regulation in the European Union. The first and the second part of this paper cover the changes in the attitude to certain regulations aspects, what sort of measures have been taken, in other words, it seemed important to show the historical development of this attitude, nevertheless pay consideration to the harmonization policy in the field of indirect taxation, the way it had been introduced and implemented (or should be) with regard to the Community’s aims. After the introduction, regarding harmonization policy, both parts deal with certain aspects of the regulation of value added tax and excises. The practice of European Court of Justice has been beneficial mainly because firstly, it helped to disclose those areas, in which the regulation remains problematic and secondly, where regulation is still deemed as inexplicit – it has stood as a valuable source trying to clarify the real meaning of certain regulation aspects. Finally, conclusions have been made with regard to the analysis of laws and practice of the European Court of Justice. These are zero rates, applicable to the Value Added Tax, which do not comply with the common system of the value added tax, excise rates, which Member States are free to determine according to the fixed minimum rates and in this way to distort the common market.

Pridėtinės vertės mokesčio objektą reglamentuojančių teisės aktų nuostatų taikymo problemos / Application problems of law statement rules egulating object of value added tax

Strankauskas, Arvydas 25 January 2008 (has links)
PVM yra didžiausias ir svarbiausias nacionalinio biudžeto pajamų šaltinis, todėl valstybei ypač svarbu užtikrinti, kad aiškinant teisės aktus reglamentuojančius PVM, būtų daroma kuo mažiau klaidų. Siekiant atsakyti į klausimą, kokios priežastys lemia klaidas taikant PVM reglamentuojančius teisės aktus, šiame darbe iškeltos kelios hipotezės. Pirma, klaidų taikant PVM reglamentuojančius teisės aktus priežastys yra konkrečios netobulos, klaidinančios teisės aktų nuostatos. Antra, teisės aktų nuostatos, kurias taikant klystama akivaizdžių trūkumų neturi, klystama, nes dažnai yra neaiškus jų tikslas, pagrindinė idėja, dėl kurios jos buvo sukurtos. Siekiant patvirtinti ar paneigti šiuos spėjimus i���keltas darbo tikslas – nustatyti tas PVM objektą reglamentuojančių teisės aktų nuostatas, kurias taikant dažniausiai daromos klaidos, nustatyti klaidų tipus ir būdus, į ką reikėtų atkreipti dėmesį, siekiant išvengti klaidų. Šiam tikslui pasiekti iškelti uždaviniai - atlikti Europos Bendrijų Teisingumo teismo, Lietuvos Vyriausiojo administracinio teismo ir Mokestinių ginčų komisijos prie Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės išnagrinėtų mokestinių ginčų sprendimų, kurie buvo priimti bylose dėl padarytų klaidų taikant PVM objektą reglamentuojančias teisės aktų nuostatas, analizę. Atlikus šių sprendimų analizę nustatyta, kad dažniausiai klystama taikant prekių tiekimo sampratoje įtvirtintas „prekių perdavimo“ ir „disponavimo prekėmis kaip savomis“ sąvokas, aiškinant vieną iš atlygio sąvokos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The VAT is the biggest and the most important resource of the National budgets. Therefore, every state must be sure that the Declaration of the Rights Tax Act regulatory preferably. There are also a few hypotheses. First, in the application of the regulatory acts Tax resulting error caused mostly not accurate in the classification of deception leading acts. Secondly, faulty application of classification of act has no obvious defects. The possible errors come only if the target and the idea of why this all has to be done, not just explained. This foreboding to vote or to deny them is the main objective, that is This VAT object regulates classification of the acts to determine their application for the most errors occur, the error and to clarify the possible ways out, in order to circumvent. To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been the work of the European Court of the European Community, the main administrative court in Lithuania and the Commission of disputes about tax to the government of Republic of Lithuania and decisions of the disputes about tax issues involved in the court proceedings at the declaration of the application of VAT object regulates classification of acts analyzed. In this summary we can clearly see that there are enough misapplications of VAT object regulatory classification of the acts occuring. Only partly succeeded determination of such categories of acts, where most mistakes happen to be determined. In almost all cases, if you pay tax at... [to full text]

Netiesioginių mokesčių ekonominė analizė Lietuvoje / The economic analysis of indirect taxes in Lituhuania

Odminytė, Jolanta 09 September 2009 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjami netiesioginiai mokesčiai. Teoriniu aspektu išanalizuota Lietuvos Respublikos mokesčių sistema, pridėtinės vertės, akcizo bei muito mokesčių esmė, tarifai, teisinis reglamentavimas, taip pat analizuotas ryšys tarp netiesioginio mokesčio pajamų ir elastingumo. Netiesioginiai mokesčiai yra pakankamai svarbūs, kadangi jie sudaro daugiau nei pusę visų valstybės biudžeto pajamų. Netiesioginių mokesčių surenkamas pajamas įtakoja įstatyminės bazės pasikeitimas, namų ūkių vartojimo išlaidų dydis, mokesčio objektų skaičiaus pasikeitimas, PVM mokėtojų skaičius, tarifų pasikeitimas, infliacija (defliacija) taip pat priklauso nuo analizuojamos prekės paklausos elastingumo. Netiesioginius mokesčius galima susieti su šešėline ekonomika. Pridėtinės vertės mokesčio grobstymo mastai yra pakankamai dideli ir kasmet jie didėja. Darbo empirinė dalis parodė, kad didinti akcizo tarifą tabako gaminiams neverta, nes įvertinus tabako gaminių paklausos elastingumą bei kontrabandos mastus, prieita išvados, kad akcizo mokesčio pajamų bus surinkta mažiau nei prieš tarifo didinimą. / There is the analysis of indirect taxes of master’s paper. There is the analysis of Lithuanian tax system, value added tax (VAT), excise tax and customs tax purport, tariffs, juridical regulation by the theoretic aspect. Also there is the analysis between indirect tax revenues and elasticity theory. The indirect taxes are very important, because it‘s revenue a large proportion of the budget. It’s revenues depend on changes of tax law, terminal household expenses, on changes of objects number, VAT payers number, on changes of tariffs, inflation (deflation), also it depends on elasticity of analysed commodity. The indirect taxes are associate with the black/grey economy. It is embezzled by a large extent. The empirical paper part demonstrate, that to raise the excise tax tariffs it’s not worth the risk, because the revenues will be less to compare the situation before raise the tariffs.

Mokestinių ginčų dėl PVM teisinė analizė Lietuvoje / The tax disputes on VAT legal analysis in Lithuania

Bučelytė, Odeta 26 June 2013 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe atlikta teisinė analizė mokestinių ginčų dėl PVM atžvilgiu bei iškeltos problemos ir pateiktos išvados dėl PVM reglamentavimo Lietuvoje ir jo atitikimo šiandienos aktualijoms, kadangi būtent dėl PVM kyla daugiausia mokestinių ginčų. Teisinė analizė atlikta pasinaudojus egzistuojančia mokestinio ginčo nagrinėjimo struktūra, t.y. ikiteismine bei teismine stadijomis. Minėta analizė atlikta mokestinius ginčus dėl PVM suskirsčius į tris rūšis: ginčus dėl PVM atskaitos; ginčus dėl PVM atskaitos tikslinimo; ginčus dėl lengvatinio 0 PVM tarifo taikymo. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje teoriniu aspektu nagrinėjama mokestinio ginčo samprata, mokestinio ginčo stadijos, mokestinius ginčus nagrinėjančių institucijų reikšmė. Antroje darbo dalyje aptariami pagrindiniai PVM elementai, PVM reglamentavimas ir PVM reikšmė Lietuvoje. Trečioje darbo dalyje pateikiama mokestinių ginčų statistika 2010 metams, bei atliekama teisinė analizė mokestinių ginčų dėl PVM Lietuvoje atžvilgiu. / In a final master‘s work, there is presented a legal analysis of fee disputes due to VAT. There are revealed the problems and given the conclusions due to regulation of VAT in Lithuania too. Exactly for this reason of VAT, rise many disputes of the fees. The juridical analysis was accomplished using the research structure of existing taxable disputes, it means: pre-juridical and juridical stage. In the first part of the work there is written about the concept of the taxable disputes in a theoretical aspect, their stages and the importance of pending institutions. In the second part there are disputed the main elements of VAT, its regualation and importance in Lithuania.

Registracija pridėtinės vertės mokesčio mokėtojais Lietuvoje: sąlygos ir kontrolės mechanizmas / Registration as Value Added Tax Payers in Lithuania: Conditions and Control Mechanism

Vitkus, Laimonas 13 December 2006 (has links)
This work analyzes the legal regulation of registering payers of the VAT, aiming to determine and solve problems, which arise for the payers of VAT when registering to become as such and for the State Tax Inspectorate when administering and controlling this process. Mostly the Lithuanian Republic Law on Value Added Tax and the EU Sixth Council Directive 77/388/EEC regulations are analyzed. By applying document analysis and other related methods, it was determined that registration as a VAT payer is actually the right of the persons, not the duty. However, the implementation of this right is burdened by ambiguous regulations in the law and its official commentary. Difficulties especially arise when identifying persons who could be registered as VAT payers. In addition, it was confirmed that many other aspects important to the registration as VAT payers, e.g. „economic activity“, „intention to do economic activity“, „random transaction“, lack definition, which may cause uncertainty for Lithuanian and foreign persons who are registering. Prevention of fraud, where the actions of registration as VAT payers control are aimed at, greatly depends on the freedom of actions granted to the State Tax Inspectorate by the legal acts. Therefore, the author draws attention to the risk, which is related to the choice of the proper methods of control and implementation without violating the interests of the state and the taxpayers. At the end of the thesis, together with conclusions, the... [to full text]

Development of commercial, sustainable processes for dyeing generic, unmodified polypropylene fiber

Gupta, Murari Lal 25 August 2008 (has links)
Identification of viable vat dye candidates of a trichromatic series (compatible red, yellow and blue colorants) plus an orange based on the developed single-stage acid leuco vat dyeing process for unmodified polypropylene (PP) flat woven fabrics has been achieved with adequate fastness properties to washing, crocking and dry-cleaning: C. I. Vats Orange 1, Yellow 2 and Red 1 have been certified, whereas Vat Blue 6 is a marginal candidate. Vat Blue 1 has been demonstrated to be a viable colorant for dyeing of PP fiber as a single colorant. Molecular dynamics simulation and solubility parameter (SP) approaches have been utilized to screen the potential vat dye candidates for generic PP coloration. Experimental K/S results have exhibited good correlation with the predicted mixing energy of acid leuco vat dyes-PP fiber and the calculated dyes' SP's. The low SP/mixing energy acid leuco vat dyes (e.g., C. I. Vat Red 1) have shown better color-yield/fastness properties than the high SP/mixing energy vat dyes (e.g., C. I. Vat Brown 1), exhibiting that increasing difference of SP between the vat dye and the PP fiber, coupled with a higher mixing energy of dye-PP blend, resulted in decreased interactions between the two. For example, C.I. Vat Brown 1 with its high SP and calculated mixing energy with PP gave least color yield than the certified vat dyes, all with lower SP's and mixing energies. Cross-section micrographs of the dyed fibers revealed the absence of "ring-dyeing". Experimentally determined kinetic parameters such as affinity of dyeing and heat of dyeing quantified the presence of interaction between acid leuco vat dyes and PP fiber. Tensile test and X-ray crystallinity results have confirmed that dyeing process did not alter the tensile strength and modulus of the dyed PP textiles significantly. PP Fabrics dyed with simulated continuous dyeing processes (pad-steam and pad-dry heat) demonstrated good color yields and levelness with adequate fastness to crocking, washing and dry cleaning.

TributaÃÃo e sonegaÃÃo fiscal: um estudo da sonegaÃÃo do ICMS / Taxation and tax evasion: a study of evasion of VAT

Djacir Holanda de Menezes 28 January 2014 (has links)
nÃo hà / O objetivo deste trabalho à possibilitar uma medida para sonegaÃÃo fiscal sobre o ICMS. Para tal foi construÃdo um painel para os vinte e sete estados da federaÃÃo contendo informaÃÃes sobre a base tributÃria â populaÃÃo, PIB, exportaÃÃes e importaÃÃes, sobre o volume de repasses intergovernamentais e, por fim, sobre a infraestrutura de fiscalizaÃÃo. As informaÃÃes foram coletadas junto ao SEFAZ e ao IBGE, sendo todas com periodicidade anual e correspondente ao intervalo de tempo entre 1991 e 2010. A metodologia utilizada foi o modelo de fronteira estocÃstica. A ideia central para tratar a medida da sonegaÃÃo foi construir uma funÃÃo de sonegaÃÃo com base em informaÃÃes sobre a base e sobre a infraestrutura, de forma que o componente residual fosse formado basicamente pelo componente de sonegaÃÃo, que para a tÃcnica utilizada seria condizente o tamanho da in eficiÃncia. Os resultados mostraram um patamar de sonegaÃÃo, durante os vinte anos analisados, superior a 57 trilhÃes, sendo a mÃdia anual superior a 2,1 bilhÃes de reias. Dentre aqueles estados que mais tiveram prejuÃzos provenientes da sonegaÃÃo destacasse o PiauÃ, o Rio de Janeiro e o Rio grande do Sul, enquanto os que tiveram os menos prejuÃzos foram os estados do AmapÃ, Cearà e Alagoas. / The objective of this work is to enable a measure to tax evasion on ICMS. For such a panel was built for the twenty-seven states of the federation containing information about the tax base - population, GDP, exports and imports, on the volume of intergovernmental transfers and finally, about the infrastructure surveillance. Data were collected at the SEFAZ and IBGE, generally at annual and corresponding to the time intervals between 1991 and 2010. The methodology used was the stochastic frontier model. The central idea to treat the concealment measure was to build a function based on information concealment on the base and on the infrastructure, so that the residual component was basically formed by evasion component, which technique to be consistent size in the efficiency. The results showed a level of evasion, during the twenty years analyzed, more than 57 trillion, with an annual average of over 2.1 billion. Among those states that had more damage from evasion excelled PiauÃ, the Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul, while those who had the least damage were the states of AmapÃ, Cearà and Alagoas.

A necessidade de reforma do sistema tributário brasileiro como eliminação de entraves à integração no âmbito do MERCOSUL: análise a partir de experiências europeias / The need for a tax reform in Brazil as a means to overcoming the barriers to integration within the MERCOSUR: an analysis based on the European experience

Marcelo Jabour Rios 23 February 2015 (has links)
Os tratados internacionais firmados após a segunda metade do século XX, em particular aqueles que pretendem superar os tradicionais acordos de livre comércio ou união aduaneira, seguem desafiando o direito contemporâneo. Por serem mais ambiciosos, ultrapassam a clássica forma de cooperação entre países soberanos e exigem uma estrutura institucional mais elaborada, capaz de fazer emergir a vontade expressa nos tratados e de estabelecer as liberdades que serão asseguradas nesse novo ambiente, uma vez que a máxima um povo, um governo, um território, não o define. A experiência mundial bem sucedida que conseguiu erigir um mercado comum, assim compreendido como um espaço sem fronteiras em cujo interior circulam livremente pessoas, serviços, mercadorias e capitais, foi a vivenciada pelas Comunidades Europeias. A clareza dos objetivos traçados, a capacidade de superar as fases de estagnação, a solidez das instituições e, sobretudo, o reconhecimento da supremacia do direito comunitário foram determinantes para o êxito europeu. O triunfo assentou-se, dentre tantos outros pilares, no processo de harmonização das legislações tributárias dos países membros, em especial as que alcançam o consumo de bens e serviços, razão pela qual é reconhecido, pela doutrina e jurisprudência comunitárias, como um dos principais motores da União Europeia. Após vários fracassos nas tentativas de aproximação dos países na América Latina, o Mercado Comum do Sul (MERCOSUL) foi idealizado para atingir o patamar de um mercado comum e reconhecer, entre os seus membros, as quatro liberdades fundamentais de um mercado integrado. Como a harmonização das legislações fiscais constitui uma etapa fundamental para a consecução desse espaço econômico sem fronteiras, a tese analisa as espécies tributárias que alcançam o consumo de bens e serviços nos países membros do MERCOSUL e avalia a possibilidade de avanço rumo à integração regional iniciada pela assinatura do Tratado de Assunção. Nesse sentido, demonstra em quais aspectos o sistema tributário brasileiro representa um importante entrave à integração no âmbito do MERCOSUL. / The international treaties signed after the second half of the 20th century , especially those meant to supersede the traditional free trade agreements or customs union, still challenge contemporary law. Given that they are more ambitious, they override the classic mode of cooperation between sovereign countries and survive on a more carefully elaborated institutional structure, capable of making the wills expressed in the treaties emerge and establish the freedoms that will be guaranteed in this new environment, once the maxim a people, a government a territory does not define it. The well succeeded world experience that led to the creation of a common market, construed as a space with no boundaries, within which people, services, goods and capital circulate freely, was experienced by the European Union. The clarity with which the aims were set forth, the power to overcome stagnation spells, the solvency of the institutions and, above all, the recognition of the supremacy of the communitarian law were decisive in the consolidation of the European success. Triumph, among so many other pillars, played a role in the process of harmonization of the tax law of the member countries, especially the law that contemplates the consumption of goods and services, which is the reason why it is known for its communitarian doctrine and jurisprudence, as one of the compelling forces of the European Union. After a succession of frustrated attempts to bring together the Latin American counties, the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) was conceived to attain the status of a common Market and recognise, among its members, the four fundamental freedoms of an integrated Market. As the harmonization of the fiscal laws is a stage of prime importance in the construction of this boundless economic space, the thesis analyses the types of taxes that affect the consumption of goods and services in the MERCOSUR member-countries and evaluates the possibility for is advancement towards the regional integration set on train with the signature of the Asunción Treaty. In this sense, it highlights which aspects of the Brazilian tax system pose a serious barrier to integration within the context of MERCOSUR.

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