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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Knowledge ,attitude and practice of voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) for HIV/AIDS amongst the health professionals in Umpumulo Hospital , Mapumulo , Ilembe District , Kwazulu-Natal Province

Obiajulu, Anthony January 2009 (has links)
Thesis(M Med.(Family Medicine)--University of Limpopo, 2009. / The impact of HIV/AIDS on the health sector and the health professionals that work in it is huge. This impact has contributed to the continuing attrition of health professionals in South Africa. Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) has a central role to play in the response to these problems both at the level of the health sector in general and most especially at the level of the individual health professional. Thus, understanding factors that affect the practice of VCT amongst this group of professionals is crucial in South Africa‟s quest to reverse these negative trends. AIM The aim of this study was to determine the level of knowledge, to access and understand the attitude and practice of VCT for HIV/AIDS amongst the health professionals in a rural district Hospital and to make recommendations in order that appropriate intervention strategies may be instituted. METHODS A descriptive cross-sectional quantitative study design was used in which data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire. The study population included all the health professionals working in the hospital at the time of the study but excluded those who were on leave or absent from duty during the period of data collection. Informed consent was obtained from each participant. Data was captured and analyzed using the SPSS version 15.0 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, Illinois, USA). vi RESULTS There was a very high level of knowledge, a moderately supportive attitude and a moderately high level of practice of VCT amongst the study participants. Divorced/separated respondents to this study had more supportive attitude towards VCT than their single colleagues. Age was found to have a very weak but positive correlation to attitude score. There was no significant difference in knowledge and attitude scores between those who practiced VCT and those who did not. CONCLUSION Health professionals understand the importance of VCT as an HIV preventive behavior but there remains some VCT knowledge, attitude and practice concerns together with other determinants of VCT behavior that needs to be addressed.

Återanvändning av betongslam som ersättning för ballast och cement / Reuse of concrete sludge as a substitute for aggregate and cement

Bashouri, Ibrahim Mosaef, Bashouri, Moatasem Bellah January 2023 (has links)
Examensarbetet har genomförts i samarbetet med Swerock och Temakon. Målet är att återvinna slammet som uppkommer vid produktion av fabriksbetong. Elva gjutförsök har genomförts i högskolans laboratorium för att utvärdera vilket är det bästa sättet att återvinna slammet, som ersättning av ballast i en nytillverkad betong eller som ersättning av cement i betongen. Tryckhållfastheten för gjutförsöken undersöktes vid 7 och 28 dagar samt arbetbarheten testades genom sättmått och flyttsättmått. De två egenskaperna kommer att jämföras med referensbetongens egenskaper. Malningstester har genomförts delvis på Temakons laboratorium under handledning av Thomas Magnusson och på högskolans eget laboratorium. Resultatet visade att för slammet som cementersättning har vi fått likvärdig och till och med bättre tryckhållfasthet och arbetsbarhet i jämförelse med. Gjutningar där slammet användes som vått slam var tryckhållfastheten betydligt bättre än referensbetong, dock var arbetbarheten mer trögflytande. / The thesis has been carried out in collaboration with Swerock and Temakon. The goal is to recycle the sludge that arises during concrete production in factories. Eleven casting tests have been carried out in the university's laboratory to evaluate which is the best way to recycle the sludge, as a replacement for aggregate in a newly manufactured concrete or as a replacement for cementin the concrete. The compressive strength for the casting tests was examined at 7 and 28 days, and the workability was tested by slump and slump flow measurements. The two properties will be compared with the properties of the reference concrete. Grinding tests have been partially carried out at Temakon's laboratory under the supervision of Thomas Magnusson and at the university's own laboratory. The result showed that for the sludge as a cement substitute, we have obtained equivalent and even better compressive strength and workability in comparison with the reference concrete that has been obtained by Ulf Knutsson at Swerock. Castings where the slurry used was wet slurry, the compressive strength was significantly better than reference concrete, however, the workability was a little tough when worked.

Effect of voluntary counselling and testing and a negative HIV result on risk behaviour : a qualitative longitudinal study in a Zambian mining community

Sikasote, Janet Precious Banda January 2010 (has links)
Background: Countries in sub-Saharan Africa are scaling up access to Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) services as a strategy for HIV prevention, treatment, care and support. The international and national push to achieve targets for anti-retroviral therapy scale up has emphasised VCT as an entry point to treatment, with follow-up mostly directed at those who test positive. Yet over 60% of those testing are HIV negative. Limited understanding of how HIV voluntary counselling and testing, and receipt of a negative result impact on sexual behaviour has resulted in underdeveloped support for those testing HIV negative. Aims: To gain the perspective of those who have tested HIV-negative on the following: (1) the decision making process that precedes attendance for voluntary counselling and testing; (2) how voluntary counselling and a negative test result influence sexual behavioural intentions and reported subsequent behaviour; and (3) support systems and networks that would enhance the respondent’s ability to remain HIV negative. Method: Qualitative longitudinal study utilising semi-structured interviews, six months apart, with people who have tested negative and three one-off focus group discussions with counsellors. Participants were purposively sampled from VCT centres in two mining towns in Zambia. Interviews were digitally recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed thematically with the aid of the qualitative data analysis software, Nvivo7. Cross-sectional analysis of all data sets was conducted and paired transcripts were analysed longitudinally to assess change over time. Results: Forty-two HIV-negative people were interviewed, with thirty-one returning for the follow-up interview (74% return rate). VCT was perceived as ‚testing for HIV‛. Before attending VCT most participants had gone through a protracted period of angst, resulting in a resolution to reduce number of partners, use condoms or abstain from sex. Counselling affirmed life choices, rather than initiating them. Although perception of the risk of HIV increased, misconceptions about HIV transmission persisted post-counselling. The negative test result provided impetus and resolve to implement or maintain life change. Themes identified were: (1) recognising personal susceptibility to HIV infection; (2) emotional and cognitive engagement with the problem of testing; (3) a driving need to know status (regardless of test result); and (4) empowerment and being in control providing the ability to plan for the future. Analysis of post-test support needs revealed two further themes: (1) reinforcement of behaviour change through additional knowledge, supportive networks, and life-skills training; and (2) access to recreational activities. There was no reported post-test increase in unsafe sexual behaviour among those that returned for the follow-up interview. Focus group findings reinforced those from interviews. Conclusions: This study has shown that in this population of people who tested HIV-negative: 1. the majority made life changes before attending VCT and used VCT to know their status 2. counselling consolidated pre-test decisions about risk behaviour and testing provided motivation to adopt safer behaviour and to maintain previous low- or no-risk behaviour and 3. there is a felt need for post-testing recreational activities, further HIV/AIDS education and participation in HIV prevention activities. Recommendations include: (1) the promotion of community-based interactive one-to-one and group information, education and communication (IEC) (to aid understanding and progression to the point where testing appears to be of optimum benefit) ; (2) referral to post-test support options such as support groups and inclusion on a text messaging list should be made available; and (3) post-test intervention strategies, for example, provision of result-specific IEC materials and active involvement in prevention activities should be developed and evaluated.

Uttorkning av högpresterande betonggolv : Råd och rekommendationer vid mätning av RF / The drying process of high performance concrete slabs : Advices and recommendations during measurements of the RH

Norin, Max January 2017 (has links)
A development project was undertaken within the consortia formed by Polygon and AK-konsult. The aim of this project was to map out the impact of humidity leakages on the result of humidity measurements in concrete slabs according to the so-called RBK-method. It is behind the idea of this development project that the main purpose of this thesis can be derived from. For instance, an evaluation of already existing data material from a RBK-measurement has been done. A method has been retrieved in order to compare the trend of the measured values of the relative humidity with the trend of the expected values of the relative humidity during the drying process. The main goal has been to implement this method as an instrument to analyze the actual drying process. A survey study was undertaken among the employees of the consortia in order to point out the differences that arise during the installation of the measurement equipment prior to measurement according to the RBK-method. The result of the survey has been summarized and analyzed in purpose to catch a wider glimpse over the different kinds of variables that might have an impact on the result from a RBK-measurement. The outcome from the study of the existing measurement data shows that some of the measurement spots tends to dry out faster than the calculated drying process, while other spots indicates a slower drying process. Three of them actually pointed out that they were under humidity, which implies that they still hadn’t reached the stadium of moisture equilibrium with the concrete. The main reason behind the observed discrepancies might have its explanation in the fact that measurement wholes that have been subjected to a big humidity leakage. The consequence of measurement spots subjected to big humidity leakages, is that the measured value of the relative humidity turns out to be much lower than the actual level of the relative humidity in the concrete. An observation has been made in the plausibility analysis and in the Vaisalaproject that the normative equilibrium time exceeds the number of three days that’s been ordained by RBK. A further study of the normative equilibrium time can thereby be recommended to clarify if it still can be compatible with the different kinds of concrete classes of today.

Mätning av fuktnivåer i betonggolv / Measurement of moisture levels in concrete slabs

Metin, Dennis, Hashem, Dylan January 2016 (has links)
Examensarbetet redovisar försök utförda på betonggolv i syfte att studera betongens uttorkningsprocess. Testresultaten jämförs med beräkningar utförda i BI Dry och TorkaS. Betongen i testerna utsattes för fuktbelastning av olika grader och skeden. Detta skulle modellera att betong på byggen exponeras för väder och vind. Examensarbetet innehåller både litteraturstudier gällande betongensuttorkningsprocessen och tester. TorkaS 3.2, BI Dry 2.0 samt HumiGuards webbaserade beräkningsprogram användes för att beräkna uttorkningsprocessen och göra en analys av uppmätt data. / The thesis reports experiments performed on the dehydration process of moisture in concrete floor specimens. The aim is to study the RF-values in concrete exposed to humidity and for comparing actual measurements with calculation results from software. Investigation is made on the drying concrete affected by moisture at different levels and stages modelling for cases where concrete is usually exposed to weather conditions for fairly long periods before a controlled drying environment is achieved. The thesis was performed by using literature studies and tests. For each concrete slab specimen moisture controls were mounted sampling data which was implemented into the calculation program. TorkaS 3.2, BI Dry 2.0 and HumiGuard webbased calculation software was used for modelling the drying process and it is reported with graphs in the work.

UTTORKNING AV HÅLDÄCKSELEMENT - En studie som jämför uttorkningsmöjligheterna för olika betongblandningar / DEHYDRATION OF HOLLOW CORE SLAB - A study comparing the drying possibilities for different concrete mixes

Johansson, Gutstav, Johansson, Rickard January 2019 (has links)
Håldäcksbjälklag är ett fördelaktigt bjälklagsalternativ på grund av dess många fördelar så som reducerad vikt och snabbt montage. Däremot har bland annat korta byggtider medfört att betongblandningar med lågt vct och hög andel cement efterfrågats av Strängbetongs kunder för att reducera risken för fuktproblematik, då en snabb uttorkning eftersträvas. Med en allt strängare och ambitiösare miljömålsättning har ett behov för att reducera andelen cement uppkommit. Vid en minskad cementmängd ökar således betongens vct vilket leder till en miljövänligare framställning samtidigt som en ekonomisk vinning erhålls. Syftet med undersökningen är därför att undersöka om olika betongblandningar med ett högre vct kan ersätta den nuvarande betongblandningen och samtidigt uppfylla förekommande uttorkningskrav. Detta skulle innebära fördelar för såväl producenterna som för beställarna. Betongen som undersökts i utredningen är av jordfuktig karaktär och är enbart avsedd för håldäckstillverkning. Uttorkningsprocessen som studeras motsvarar uttorkningen från tillverkning fram till montage. Fyra olika betongblandningar fördelade på tolv kuber kommer att undersökas i tre olika klimat och enbart uttorkningsmässiga skillnader mellan kuberna kommer att jämföras. Undersökningen baseras på mätdata som grundar på mätningar utförda av en auktoriserad fuktkonsult via Rådet för byggkompetens, RBK. Betongrecepten i utredningen har framtagits av Cementa. Litteraturstudier används även för att styrka påståenden och underlag som framkommer i rapporten. Resultatet från studien visar att de kuber som förvarats i inomhusklimatet och i klimatrummet har en linjär uttorkningsutveckling, till skillnad från kuberna som är placerade i utomhusklimatet som har en olinjär uttorkningsutveckling. I inomhusklimatet och i klimatrummet har kuberna med högre vct torkat ut mer än betongblandningarna med lägre vct (0,40 och 0,45), däremot är skillnaden i uttorkning minimal i kuberna som har förvarats utomhus. Den fastställda slutsatsen i undersökningen är att mer djupgående och längre mätstudier behövs för att säkerställa hur betonguttorkningen förändras i ett senare skede av uttorkningsprocessen. / Hollow-deck joists are an advantageous flooring alternative because of its many advantages such as reduced weight and rapid assembly. However, among other things, short construction times have meant that concrete mixes with low w/c ratio and high proportion of cement have been requested by Strängbetongs customers in order to reduce the risk of moisture problems, when a rapid drying out pursued. With an increasingly stringent and ambitious environmental goal, a need to reduce the proportion of cement has arisen. With a reduced amount of cement, the w/c ratio of the concrete increases, which leads to a more environmentally friendly production, while at the same time an economic gain is obtained. The purpose of the study is therefore to investigate whether different concrete mixes with a higher w/c ratio can replace the current concrete mix and at the same time meet existing drying requirements. This would mean benefits for both the producers and orderers. The concrete that has been investigated in the investigation is of a soil-moist nature and is only intended for hole-deck production. The drying process that is studied corresponds to the dehydration from production to assembly. Four different concrete mixes divided into twelve cubes will be investigated in three different climates and only dehydration differences between the cubes will be compared. The survey is based on measurement data that are based on measurements performed by an authorized moisture consultant at Rådet för byggkompetens, RBK. The concrete recipes in the investigation have been developed by Cementa. Literature studies are also used to substantiate claims and supporting documents that appear in the report. The results from the study show that the cubes stored in the indoor climate and in the climate room have a linear dehydration development, unlike the cubes located in the outdoor climate that has a nonlinear dehydration development. In the indoor climate and in the climate room, the cubes with higher w/c ratio have dried out more than the concrete mixtures with lower w/c ratio (0,40 and 0,45), however, the difference in dehydration is minimal in the cubes that have been stored outdoors. The established conclusion in the study is that more in-depth and longer measurement studies are needed to ensure how concrete dehydration changes at a later stage of the drying process.

Socio-demographic characteristics and HIV testing in Omdurman National Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) in Sudan by Reem Mutwali

Mutwali, Reem January 2008 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / The identification of the association between socio-demographic characteristics and HIV was found to be a useful tool in determining the important risk factors in Sudan. In this study, the relationship(s) between HIV test results and the demographic characteristics such as gender, age, residence area, employment, education, marital status and religion in Omdurman, Sudan were investigated. The data were collected from patients visiting Omdurman National Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) Centre from April 2005 to April 2006. The study sample was represented by 320 patients. Tables were used in the data analysis to present the distribution of the participants by the result of HIV test and demographic factors; odds ratios were also obtained from these tables. The Chi-square test was used to test the association between each socio-demographic factor and the result of HIV test; the Pvalue obtained from this test was measured at a significance level of 0.05. Finally, the joint effect of all demographic factors on HIV test results was tested using logistic regression. A significant association between socio-demographic characteristics and HIV test results was observed. It showed a higher incidence rate in females, middle-aged, married, employed and Christian individuals. HIV was also found to be higher in urban areas than in rural areas. The lower incident rate was observed among educated individuals.

A living theory approach to investigating the need for the establishment of a VCT clinic in the Kingsway informal settlement, Ekhurhuleni

Maredi, Ngwanankwane Deborah 29 September 2010 (has links)
This study was undertaken in the Kingsway informal settlement, which is situated in Ekhurhuleni on the East Rand. This is a poor community as many residents are unemployed and unable to obtain adequate healthcare especially for HIV/AIDS. The perceived high rate of HIV infection, as well as, the apparent high death rate due to AIDS was my major concern. Intervention and help were my main intention. I was motivated to embark on this study to be empowered and informed about treatment processes of HIV/AIDS. The study was intended to use living theory action research to investigate the need for establishing a Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) centre. For action in the real environment a research team was formed from volunteers. The relevant influential persons in the community were consulted and the required permission obtained to embark on the study. This was also to ensure that there was co-operation from community leaders. Proper documents, giving permission, were obtained after formal requests were made. Ethical guidelines were followed in this research. I started by stating my values before the research. During the process I showed how my values were transformed by various activities that were intended to educate me. These changes were indications of my development. At the end of the study I indicated how my initial values were improved or transformed, and what new values I gained. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Psychology / unrestricted

Exploring attitudes of university students towards seeking psychological counselling

Lawrence, Michelle January 2009 (has links)
Magister Artium (Psychology) - MA(Psych) / Student counselling services, typically located within a holistic developmental approach, aim to render comprehensive student services to service users in relation to their psychological, social, educational and spiritual well-being. However, a number of cognitive and affective barriers reportedly reduce the likelihood of young people at universities seeking professional psychological help for personal-emotional problems. Accordingly, the aim of this study, which is located within the Theory of Reasoned Action, was to explore students' attitudes towards utilising student counselling services, as well as their interpretations of the influence of age, gender and education on their attitudes and self-rated knowledge regarding seeking psychological help. The study thereby attempts to provide an understanding of the factors that influence help-seeking behaviours in university students. The research sample consisted of twenty nine students from the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. The data was collected through focus group discussions, which were conducted using an open-ended and participant centred approach to the discussion. The qualitative approach of the study was informed by the theory of social phenomenology. Data gathered from the focus group discussions was thematically analysed. The results suggest that attitudes have a potentially important influence on intentions to seek out psychological counselling. Findings show that students feel shame and guilt when they are struggling psychologically and as a result avoid seeking psychological intervention for fear of being negatively stigmatised. The study revealed that education around mental health disorders and the management thereof was crucial in order for them to be demystified and de-stigmatised, and to facilitate openness in the sharing of these problems, and society's understanding and acceptance of people experiencing psychological disorders. Results also indicate that there is a shift taking place in these attitudes, and suggest ways in which this change can be further facilitated, such as the utilisation of peer helpers who could playa key role in facilitating and reinforcing help seeking behaviour. The outcomes of the study may further contribute to informing universities' goal to provide accessible, quality and effective development and support services to its students.

Kartläggning av klimatförbättrad betong / Survey of climate improved concrete

Strömbom, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
Betong är ett material som vid framtagning av huvudråvaran cementklinker släpper ut stora mängder koldioxid. Enligt nationella klimatmål ska det finnas klimatneutral betong på svenska marknaden till år 2030 och betongen ska nå nettonollutsläpp till år 2045. Ett intensivt utvecklingsarbete pågår i betongbranschen och olika strategier diskuteras för att uppnå lägre klimatpåverkan. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka hur betongbranschen arbetar mot klimatneutralitet och se hur långt aktörerna kommit i det arbetet. Syftet är även att öka statistiken för klimatförbättrad betong samt se hur den klimatförbättrade betongen står sig mot standarden ftSS 137003:2020 som är under revidering. Arbetet genomfördes genom litteraturstudier, enkätundersökning och dokumentanalys. Litteraturstudien har legat till grund för den teoretiska bakgrunden. Enkätundersökningen som skickades ut till betongtillverkare är primärkällan i studien och har gett en bild av hur branschen ligger till i dagsläget gällande användning av klimatförbättrad betong. Studien kompletterades med en dokumentanalys i form av granskning av EPD:er samt den reviderade standarden. Dokumentanalysen undersökte vilken klimatförbättrad betong som finns redan idag samt hur ändringar i standarden påverkar förutsättningarna för klimatförbättrad betong. Enkätundersökningen och granskningen av EPD:erna visade att viss klimatförbättrad betong redan finns i dagsläget, men att det inte används i så stor utsträckning. Drygt hälften av betongproducenterna hade inte någon klimatförbättrad betong på marknaden i nuläget, men merparten arbetar med att ta fram det och de flesta beräknar att ha det på marknaden inom ett till tre år. Majoriteten av betongtillverkarna var positiva till att all deras betong kommer vara klimatneutral till år 2045. Något som både litteraturstudien och enkätundersökningen fastställde var att samverkan mellan olika aktörer i ett tidigt skede är viktigt för att uppnå klimatneutralitet. För att nå klimatmålen krävs dessutom både att producenterna fortsätter arbeta mot klimatmålen men också mer kunskap och medvetenhet hos konsumenterna. / During the production of concrete, a large amount of carbon dioxide is emitted. The Swedish national climate target goal aims for climate-neutral concrete on the Swedish market by 2030 and to further attain a net zero emission by 2045. The concrete production industry is working on strategies to reach these goals and thereby attain a lower climate impact. This study aims to examine how the concrete industry works towards climate neutrality and to see how far they have come in accordance to this goal. A further purpose for this study is to increase the statistics for climate improved concrete and to compare how the climate improved concrete measures up to the revised standard ftSS 137003:2020. The study made use of a literature review, a survey and a document analysis. Through the literature review, information was acquired on theoretical background relating to the interest of study. The data obtained from the survey sent out to concrete producers constituted the primary source. This provided information regarding the current situation in relation to climate improved concrete. As a complement to the survey, the study also did a document analysis of EPDs as well as the revised standard. This tool was used to analyse existing climate improved concrete respectively to examine the revised standard in order to establish how alterations in the standard affects the conditions for climate improved concrete. Based on the results obtained from the survey and analysis of the EPDs, some climate improved concrete are currently available, yet in limited usage. Most of the concrete producers are lacking climate improved concrete on the market, but most of them are working towards this goal with the aim to have such a product on the market within one to three years. The majority of concrete producers are convinced that their concrete will be climate-neutral by the year 2045. Both the literature review and the survey confirmed the importance of collaboration between different actors during an early stage in order to attain climate neutrality in concrete production. To attain the climate goals it requires that concrete producers continue to work towards the climate goals, but moreover, the knowledge and awareness among consumers is also essential.

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