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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Improving Care for Transgender Veterans Through Staff Education

Henrickson, Stephanie C 01 January 2019 (has links)
The VHA Directive 1341 (2018a): Providing Health Care for Transgender and Intersex Veterans, outlines care for transgender patients. Staff members at the project site lacked knowledge of the directive and available resources, making their care of transgender veterans inefficient. The purpose of the project was to implement staff education about the directive and resources to increase transgender patient visits and access to care. The practice-€focused question asked whether the development and implementation of staff education about the national directive and transgender services would affect the number of transgender patient visits in a 2-€month period. The Iowa and Community Readiness Models provided structure for the practice change. The Community Readiness Assessment tool was used to assess staff education needs regarding transgender services. The results indicated that staff have knowledge about community experts, no knowledge about federal funding, and inadequate knowledge about support from staff and leaders, qualified professionals, and laws/practices. The staff education about Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) resources tool was created and disseminated via meetings and e-€mail. ICD-€10 codes for gender identity disorder were evaluated for the number of transgender patient visits, which showed an increase in visits by 0.7 per month. Recommendations include continuing staff education during LGBT events and ICD-€10 data reports. The implications of this study for positive social change include the potential to increase transgender patient visits to the site, which could lead to quality, comprehensive care to promote health and prevent disease.

Exploring the Outcomes of Rehabilitative Care for Veterans and Service Members Treated For A Disorder Of Consciousness In The VHA Emerging Conciousness Program

Hamilton, Janette A 01 January 2016 (has links)
Over the past several years, there has been an influx in patients being treated for polytraumatic injuries within the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), largely due to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, but also due to advances in life sustaining medical interventions. The polytrauma population includes veterans who have sustained a severe traumatic or non-traumatic brain injury, and a significant loss in cognitive and physical functioning, referred to as a disorder of consciousness. The purpose of the current study was to explore factors related to successful emergence from a disorder of consciousness, using a sample of veterans who were treated at one of the five VA polytrauma rehabilitation center (PRC) sites in an Emerging Consciousness (EC) Program. Participants (N = 70) included both combat and non-combat active duty military personnel and veterans who sustained either a severe traumatic brain injury or anoxic brain injury, and were considered to have a disorder of consciousness at the time of their admission to the EC program. Patient information was retrospectively collected from electronic medical records, and included demographic data, medical information, and scores on the Functional Independence Measure (FIM), Rappaport Coma Near Coma (CNC) Scale, and the JFK Coma Recovery Scale- Revised (CRS-R). In addition, Receiver Operator Characteristic Models (ROC) were utilized to explore “cut scores” for predicting emergence using the CNC and CRS-R. Results showed that age is a significant factor in changes in FIM scores over time, but it did not predict time to emerge or emergence itself. In addition, for the CNC, scores at intake tended to be a better predictor of emergence, while week three scores on the CRS-R were more accurate in determining whether someone would emerge or not. Exploratory analyses also showed a difference in discharge location after treatment based on a patient’s age. Finally, significant variance in initial scores on the CNC was seen for Caucasians, when compared to other ethnic groups. Limitations are explored, along with implications and recommendations for future research and clinical practice.

Evaluating the E-consult Process for Diabetes Care Delivery at an Outpatient Care Clinic

Zoll, Brian M. 24 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Perceptions of primary school student teachers regarding the practical application of constructivism

Mavesere, Benjamin 23 June 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Venda / Constructivism is a relatively recent theory of learning which focuses on using learner-centred strategies in learning. Reform efforts in education in Zimbabwe have been aimed at incorporating constructivist-inspired strategies in the classroom, with mixed results. Some teachers continue to prefer traditional approaches to learning in their classrooms, despite these being teacher-centred and generally looked down upon. The study examined the perceptions of primary school student teachers regarding the practical application of constructivism in the classroom. A qualitative research design was adopted, and the study was grounded in a constructivist and interpretivist paradigm aimed at understanding perceptions emanating from the lived experiences of the student teachers. In all, eight student teachers were sampled for the study by means of purposive, convenience and stratified random sampling. Data was collected through a literature review, lesson observations and semi-structured individual interviews. The rigour of the study was maintained by ensuring trustworthiness and the credibility of the findings. Ethical issues were adhered to. Data was analysed using Tesch’s method of data analysis, through which the researcher identified categories and themes, and reported on in narrative format. The study findings indicate that student teachers have a positive perception of the practical application of constructivism in learning. Participants expressed the view that the practical application of constructivism leads to deeper learning and greater understanding by learners. Participants nevertheless stated that in their efforts to implement constructivism in learning and teaching during their practicums they experienced a lack of support from mentor teachers and shortages of resources. Considering these findings, the researcher made several recommendations to various stakeholders with the aim of helping student teachers to be more effective constructivist teachers. The recommendations include the need to carry out more research on the constructivist learning theory and its practical application in the classroom as well as encouraging teachers to apply constructivist learner-centred strategies in their classrooms. The researcher also made recommendations for further research. / Konstruktivisme is ʼn leerteorie wat betreklik nuut is en wat fokus op die gebruik van leerdergesentreerde strategieë vir leer. Inisiatiewe vir opvoedingshervorming in Zimbabweis daaropgerig om konstruktivisme-geïnspireerde strategieë in die klaskamer te inkorporeer – met gemengde resultate. Sommige onderwysers verkies om steeds tradisionele benaderings tot leer in hul klaskamers te volg, al is dit onderwysergesentreerde benaderings waarop daar oor die algemeen neergesien word. In hierdie studie is die persepsies van laerskool studentonderwysers rakende die praktiese toepassing van konstruktivisme in die klaskamer ondersoek. ʼn Kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp is gebruik en die studie is gegrond in ʼn konstruktivistiese en interpretivistiese paradigma wat ten doel het om die persepsies vanuit studentonderwysers se werklike (‘lived’) ervarings, te verstaan. ʼn Steekproef is onder altesaam agt studentonderwysers gedoen deur middel van doelbewuste steekproefneming, gerieflikheidsteekproefneming en gestratifiseerde ewekansige steekproefneming. Data is ingesamel deur middel van ʼn literatuurstudie, leswaarnemings en semi-gestruktureerde individuele onderhoude. Die akkuraatheid van die studie is gehandhaaf deur betroubaarheid en die geloofwaardigheid van die bevindinge te verseker. Algemeen ooreengekome etiekvoorskriftewat by die meeste instellings geld, is nagekom.Data is ontleed met behulp van Tesch se metode van data-ontleding, en sodoende kon die navorser kategorieë en temas identifiseer en in narratiewe formaat daaroor verslag doen. Die navorsingsresultate toon dat studentonderwysers ʼn positiewe persepsie van die praktiese toepassing van konstruktivisme in leer het. Deelnemers het hul oortuiging gedeel dat die praktiese toepassing van konstruktivisme, tot ʼn dieper vlak van leer en beter begrip by leerders lei. Deelnemers het egter ook aangedui dat hulle ʼn gebrek aan ondersteuning van mentoronderwysers, sowel as ʼn tekort aan hulpbronne, ondervind het in hul pogings om konstruktivisme in leer en onderrig te implementeer tydens hul praktiese onderwys. Met inagneming van hierdie bevinding doen die navorser verskeie aanbevelings aan verskillende belanghebbers, met die doel om studentonderwysers te help om meer doeltreffend in konstruktivistiese onderwys te wees. Die navorser hetook aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing gedoen. / Thyeori ya u fhaṱa nḓivho na mihumbulo miswai tou vha thyeori ya u guda ya zwinozwino yo sedzaho kha zwiṱirathedzhi zwo ḓisendekaho nga mugudi kha u guda. Nungo dza u vhuedzedza pfunzo Zimbabwe dzo livhiswa kha u ṱanganyisa zwiṱirathedzhi zwa u fhaṱa zwo ṱuṱuwedzwaho kiḽasini, na mvelelo dzo ṱanganyiswaho. Vhaṅwe vhadededzi vha khou bvela phanḓa na u takalela u shumisa maitele a kale a u guda kiḽasirumuni, naho izwi zwi tshi ḓisendeka nga mudededzi na u dzhielwa fhasi. Ṱhoḓisiso yo sedzulusa kuvhonele kwa vhadededzi vha matshudeni vha tshikolo tsha phuraimari musi zwi tshi ḓa kha u shumisa nyito ya thyeori ya u fhaṱa nḓivho na mihumbulo miswa kiḽasirumuniHo shumiswa kuitele kwa ṱhoḓisiso ya khwaḽithathivi, ngudo yo ḓitika nga tshiedziswa tsha u fhaṱa nḓivho na muhumbulo miswa na u ṱalutshedzayo livhiswaho kha u pfesesa kuvhonele kubvaho kha tshenzhemo ine ya khou itea zwenezwo nga vhadededzi vha matshudeni.Kha vhadededzi vha matshudeni vhoṱhe vha malo, vhe vha itwa tsumbonanguludzwa kha ngudonga nḓila ya zwine zwa khou sedzwa khazwo, u swikelelea na tshigwada tshiṱuku tsho nangwaho. Data yo kuvhanganywa nga kha u sedza hafhu maṅwalwa, u sedza ngudo na inthaviwu dza u vhudzisa muthunga muthu dzo dzudzanywaho. Ndeme na u itwa nga vhuronwane ha ngudo zwo itwa nga u vhona zwauri hu na u fulufhedzea na u khwaṱhisedzwa ha mawanwa. Mafhungo a vhuḓifari e a tendelaniwa khao nga u angaredza nga zwiimiswa zwinzhi o tevhedzwa. Data yo saukanywa hu tshi shumiswa kuitele kwa Tesch kwa u saukanya data, hune muṱoḓisisi a topola khethekanyo na thero, na u vhigwa nga nḓila ya u tou ṱalutshedza. Mawanwa a ngudo o sumbedzisa uri vhadededzi vha matshudeni vha na mbonalo yavhuḓi ya nyito i re khagala ya u fhaṱa nḓivho na mihumbulo miswa kha u guda. Vhadzheneleli vho bvisela vhupfiwa havho khagala uri nyito dzi re khagala dza u fhaṱa nḓivho na mihumbulo miswa zwi livhisa kha vhudzivha ha u guda na u pfesesa huhulwane nga vhagudiswa. Vhadzheneleli naho zwo ralo vho bula zwauri kha nungo dzavho dza u shumisa thyeori ya u fhaṱa nḓivho na mihumbulo miswa kha u guda na u funza nga tshifhinga tshavho tsha ngudo dza nyito vho tshenzhela u shaya thikhedzo u bva kha vhadededzi vhane vha khou guda khavho na ṱhahelelo ya zwiko. Musi hu tshi khou dzhielwa nṱha mawanwa aya, muṱoḓisisi o ita themendelo dzo vhalaho kha vhadzhiamikovhe vho fhambanaho hu na nḓivho ya u thusa vhadededzi vha vhagudiswa uri vha vhe vhadededzi vha re na vhukoni kha u fhaṱa nḓivho na mihumbulo miswa. Muṱoḓisisi o dovha a themendela ṱhoḓisiso i yaho phanḓa. / Psychology of Education / Ph. D. (Psychology of Education)

An analysis of musanda as an institution within the Thulamela Local Municipality and the current South African public service delivery system

Madzivhandila, Muthuhadini Alfred 05 1900 (has links)
PhD (African Studies) / Centre for African Studies / The Thulamela Local Municipality is currently experiencing a plethora of public service delivery challenges. This often leads to court litigation and disputes with the institution of musanda. These public service delivery challenges, conflicts and court disputes in many cases leave the communities within the municipality deprived of basic services as a result of slow or a complete lack of service delivery. musanda is a Venda word that refers to the place where the thovhele (king), khosikhulu (paramountcies), khosi (chiefs), gota (headman), mukoma (petty headman), vhakoma (queen mother), vhatanuni (wives), vhakololo (princes/princesses), khadzi and makhadzi (royal aunts), ndumi (king/chiefs’ brother) and the rest of this royal structure resides. As such it also refers to the institution of royal governance. The proposed study aims to analyse the place of musanda as an institution within public service delivery and within the whole process of decentralization of services in the Thulamela Municipality. The study focuses mainly on the current public service delivery system of the government and the role of the institution of the musanda in that process. The basic service delivery system that receives direct attention falls under the Government Cluster, which covers Social Protection, and Community and Human Development. These divisions deal with Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Water and Sanitation, Human Settlements, Rural Development and Land Reform, Basic Education and Sports and Recreation. These are the services that are supposed to be rendered by municipalities. The analysis aims to determine musanda’s position in the whole process of providing the public services indicated above.

Self-reported competence of newly qualified professional nurses in specific midwifery skills / Bokgoni bja go ipega ka nnoši bja baoki ba baswa bao ba ithutetšego profešene ya booki ka go bokgoni bjo bo itšego bja pelegišo / U di ripota nga ha vhukoni hau iwe mune kha vhaongi vha kha di bvaho u phasa vhuongi kha sia la zwikili zwa vhubebisi / Vuswikoti lebyi munhu yena n’wnyi a byi tivaka hi vaongori lava ha ku thwaselaka tidyondzo eka swikili swo hlawuleka hi vusungukati

Mafunzwaini, Mashudu Mercy 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, Northern Sotho, Tshivenda and Xitsonga / The purpose of this study was to determine the self-reported competence of newly qualified professional nurses on the critical midwifery skills. The study was conducted in the four public hospitals designated for community service in Gauteng Province. A quantitative descriptive design was used with a structured self-report questionnaire as data collection instrument. Non-probability convenience sampling was used for the study. The sample size was eighty-four newly qualified professional nurses. The Stata 15 software was used for statistical analyses. The researcher used descriptive statistics to describe and synthesize the collected data. The findings revealed that most newly qualified professional nurses had no knowledge in identifying different types of decelerations, management of late and variable decelerations, but had knowledge in most of the skills related to management of third stage of labour. / Maikemišetšo a dinyakišišo tše e be e le go hwetša bokgoni bja go ipega ka nnoši bja baoki bao ba ithutetšego profešene ya booki ka go bokgoni bjo bohlokwa bja pelegišo. Dinyakišišo di dirilwe dipetleleng tše nne tša bohle tšeo di kgethetšwego tirelo ya setšhaba ka Profenseng ya Gauteng. Khwanthitheitif diskriptif disaene ‘Quantitative descriptive design’ e dirišitšwe gammogo le lenaneopotšišo leo le beakantšwego la go ipega ka nnoši ‘structured self-report questionnaire’ bjalo ka sedirišwa sa go kgoboketša bohlatsi. “Non-probability convenience sampling” e dirišitšwe mo go kgetheng banyakišišwa. Bogolo bja sešupo e be e le baoki ba masomeseswai-nne ba baswa bao ba ithutetšego profešene ya booki. “Stata 15 software” e dirišitšwe tshekatshekong ya dipalopalo. Monyakišiši o dirišitše dipalopalo tša tlhalošo ‘descriptive statistics’ go hlaloša le go kopanya ‘data’ yeo e kgobokeditšwego. Ditšweletšo di utollotše gore bontši ba baoki ba baswa bao ba ithutetšego profešene ya booki ga ba na le tsebo ya go hlatha mehuta yeo e fapanego ya diphokotšo, taolo ya diphokotšo tša morago le tša go fetoga, efela ba na le tsebo ka go bokgoni bjo bontši bjoo bo amanago le taolo ya kgato ya boraro ya lešoko. / Ndivho ya ngudo iyi yo vha u wanulusa nḓivho ya vhukoni ha iwe muṋe ya vhaongi vhaswa vha kha ḓi bvaho u phasa vhuongi uri vha na zwikili zwa ndeme zwa vhuongi vhubebisi u swika ngafhi. Ngudo iyi yo itwa kha zwibadela zwiṋa zwa muvhuso zwo ṋewaho u isa tshumelo zwitshavhani kha vunḓu ḽa Gauteng. Kha u kuvhanganya mafhungo muṱoḓisi o shumisa ngona ya u ṱalutshedza ya khwanthithethivi ho ṱanganyiswa na mbudziso dzo dzudzanyiwaho dzi bviselaho khagala kha iwe muṋe (structured self-report questionnaire). Vhunanguludzi ho shumiswaho kha ngudo iyi ho vha “Non-probability convenience”. Tshivhalo tsha vhashelamulenzhe vho nanguludzwaho tsho vha vhaongi vhaswa vha kha ḓibvaho u phasa vha fumalo ina. “The Stata 15 software” ndi tshishumiswa tsho shumiswaho kha u sengulusa mafhungo o kuvhanganywaho. Muṱoḓisisi o shumisa zwisiṱatisitika zwa u ṱalutshedza kha u ṱalutshedza na u dzudzanya mafhungo o kuvhanganyiwaho. Ngudo iyi yo bvisela khagala uri vhunzhi ha vhaongi vhaswa vha kha ḓi bvaho u phasa a vha na nḓivho ya u vhona tshaka dzo fhambanaho dza kurwele kwa mbilu ya ṅwana na u langa u lenga ha u rwa ha mbilu ya ṅwana zwo katela na u sa dzudzanyea fhethu huthihi ha kurwele kwa mbilu ya ṅwana, honeha vha na nḓivho ya zwikili zwi yelanaho na vhulanguli ha tshipiḓa tsha vhuraru tsha u beba. / Xikongomelo xa ndzavisiso lowu i ku kuma vuswikoti lebyi munhu a byi twisisaka hi vaongori lava ha ku thwaselaka tidyondzo ta vuongori eka swikili swa nkoka hi vusungukati. Ndzavisiso lowu wu endliwile eka swibedlhele swa mune swa mani na mani leswi yisaka vukorhokeri evanhwini eka Phurovhinsi ya Gauteng, laha ku tirhisiweke maendlelo ya tinhlayo lama hambanaka na swivutiso ku hlengeleta timhaka. Ku tirhisiwile xiphemu xo karhi xa vanhu ku kuma vuxokoxoko hi mayelano na vona hinkwavo. Xiphemu lexi tirhisiweke i xa nhlayo ya vaongori vo ringana makumenhungu-mune wa vaongori lawa ha ku thwaselaka tidyondzo ta vuongori. Ku tirhisiwile “stata software” ku hlela tinhlayo leti tirhisiweke. Mulavisisi u tirhisile tinhlayo, tinhlayonhlamuselo ku hlamusela no katsakanya mahungu lama a ma hlengeleteke. Leswi kumiweke swi paluxa leswaku vunyingi bya vaongori lava ha ku thwaselaka tidyondzo ta vuongori va hava vutivi byo hambanisa mabelo ya mbilu, ku hlawula ku hlwela no hambana ka mabelo ya mbilu, kambe va na vutivi eka swikili mayelana no lawula xiyimo xa vunharhu xo lumiwa. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing)

Tsenguluso ya mbambedzo ya thandululo ya thaidzo dza mafhungo a ṱhalano khoroni dza musanda na khothe dza muvhuso tshiṱirikini tsha vhembe, vunḓuni ḽa Limpopo

Ntshauba, Siwethu Thomas 12 1900 (has links)
In Venda with English abstract / Hei thyisisi i vhambedza thandululo ya thaidzo dza mafhungo a ṱhalano khoroni dza musanda na khothe dza muvhuso. Saizwi Ndayotewa ya Riphabuḽiki ya Afrika Tshipembe, mulayo 108 wa 1996, i tshi ṋea muṅwe na muṅwe pfanelo dza u shumisa luambo lune a lu takalela, nyambo dzoṱhe dza tshiofisi dzi tea u shumiswa u lingana kha thandululo ya thaidzo dza ṱhalano khoroni na khothe. Hei thyisisi i sumbedza nyambo dza English na Afrikaans dzi dzone dzi re na mutsindo musi hu tshi itwa thandulululo ya thaidzo dza ṱhalano ngeno luambo lwa Tshivenḓa na lwa vhaholefhali vha u pfa lu sa pfali. Nga nnḓa ha u ḓiphina nga mbofholowo ya u shumisa Tshivenḓa sa luambo lwa tshiofisi kha u amba, lu shumiswa zwenezwo fhedzi huna muṱalutshedzi wa khothe. Ngauralo, hei thyisisi i khou ita khuwelelo ya uri tshifhinga tsho swika tsha uri muvhuso u ṋee luambo lwa Tshivenḓa vhuiimo vhu eḓanaho na nyambo dza English na Afrikaans na uri ulu luambo lu shumiswevho kha thandululo ya thaidzo dza mafhungo a ṱhalano khothe dza muvhuso. / This thesis compares the conflict resolution in divorce discourse between traditional and government courts. It argues that since the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act no 108 of 1996 has given everyone the right to use the language of his or her choice, all official languages must be used equitably in conflict resolutions in divorce discourse in both traditional and government courts. Most of the Vhavenḓa, especially the elderly, cannot speak more than one official language and this is relevant in conflict resolution. This thesis contends that conflict resolution in divorce discourse is mainly dominated by English and Afrikaans while Tshivenḓa as well as sign language is not used. Instead of enjoying the freedom of utilizing Tshivenḓa as a spoken official language as used by the court interpreter. Therefore, this thesis argues that time has come that government courts accord equal status to all official languages and that Tshivenḓa language should be utilized as English and Afrikaans in conflict resolution in divorce discourse. / African languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)

Teachers' experiences of the inclusion of learners with diverse barriers to learning in an ordinary foundation phase classroom / Ilwazi elihlangabezana nabotitjhere lokha ngokufakaw kwabafundi abaneenkhinyabezo ezahlukahlukeneko zokufuna etlassini yesikolo esijayelekileko sebanga elisisekelo / UlwaziI othisha abahlangabezana nalo ohlelweni lwemfundo oluhlanganisa ndawonye abafundi abanezihibhe ezahlukahlukene eziphazamisa ukufunda kwigumbi elejwayelekile lokufunda kwibanga lesikole eliyisisekelo / Tshenzhelo dza vhadeddzi dza u katela vhagudiswa vha re na zwithivheli zwa u guda zwo fhambanaho kha kilasirumu zwayo ya vhuimo ha fhasi

Kasikako, Similo 25 April 2021 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Ndebele, Zulu and Venda / The study aimed to explore teachers’ experiences and to discover challenges encountered by mainstream teachers in the inclusion of learners with diverse barriers to learning in the Foundation Phase mainstream classrooms in the Vaal, Gauteng region. The study provides strategies that can be utilised by the teachers to enhance inclusive education practice in mainstream classrooms. Ten teachers were purposively selected from five mainstream primary schools with two participants from each school. All participants were grade three Foundation Phase teachers. Data were collected through in-depth interviews that enabled the researcher to delve deeply and find rich and relevant information for the study. For triangulation purposes, the researcher made use of document analysis as a second method of collecting data for this study. The study followed a qualitative data analysis method which derived the information from the perceptions of the informants and formed significant themes. The study revealed that teachers are challenged greatly by a lack of knowledge and skills to address diverse learning disabilities adequately; initial training that is ineffective in dealing with learners with diverse barriers to learning; a gap of knowledge that exists between theory and practice; a lack of adequate resources; poor infrastructure; large numbers of learners in a class; a lack of support from District Based Support Teams; and an inflexible curriculum. The study recommends collaborated teaching where teachers learn from each other; peer teaching; teacher exchange programmes; curriculum modification that caters for learners with barriers to learning; and workshop training that focuses on practical skills that will enhance inclusive education in mainstream schools. / Irhubhululo belinqophe ukuphenya ilwazi elihlangabezana nabotitjhere kanye nokuveza iintjhijilo ezihlangabezana nabotitjhere bomkhakha wefundo omkhulu lokha nakufakwa abafundi abaneenqabo ezahlukahlukeneko eziphazamisa ukufunda ematlasini weSigaba esisiSekelo (Foundation Phase) eLigwa (Vaal), esiyingini esise-Gauteng. Irhubhululo linikela amano lawo angasetjenziswa botitjhere ukuqinisa ihlelo lefundo efaka woke umfundi ematlasini womkhakha wefundo omkhulu. Abotitjhere abalisumi bakhethwe ngehloso eenkolweni zomkhakha omkhulu, eenkolweni ezihlanu zamabanga aphasi, kanti zinabadlalindima ababili abavela kuzo zohlanu iinkolo. Boke abadlalindima bekubotitjhere abaphuma kuGreyidi 3 wesikolo esisesiGabeni esisiSekelo. Idatha ibuthelelwe ngokusebenzisa iinhlolombono ezidephileko ezisize umrhubhululi bona angene atjhinge bese athole ilwazi lesifundo elinothileko nelifaneleko. Ngokulandela iinzathu zokusebenzisa iindlela ezinengi zokubuthelela idatha, umrhubhululi usebenzise ihlelo lokutsenga umtlolo (document analysis) njengendlela yesibili yokubuthelela idatha yaleli rhubhululo. Irhubhululo lilandele indlela yokutsenga enamathele kwingcoco, mayelana nokuhlukanisa ngeengaba kwedatha etloliweko, okuyidatha leyo umcwaningi ayisusele emiqondweni yabadlalindima begodu yakha iindikimba eziqakathekileko. Irhubhululo liveze ukuthi abotitjhere bahlangabezene neentjhijilo eziqakathekileko ezimalungana nokulandelako: Ukutlhayela kwelwazi namakghono ukulungisa ngokwaneleko iinkhinyabezo zokukhubazeka ezihlukahlukeneko; ibandulo lokuthoma elingasebenzi kuhle malungana nokuqalana nabafundi abanokukhubazeka okusiqabo eziphazamisa ukufunda; isikhala selwazi esikhona phakathi kwethiyori kanye nokwenza; ukutlhayela kwemithombo eyaneleko; umthangalasisekelo omumbi; imbalo ephezulu yabafundi abagcwele ngetlasini; ukutlhayela kwesekelo elivela eenqhemeni ezidzimelele kudistriki; kanye nekharikhyulamu e ngatjhugutjhugulukiko. Irubhululo lincoma ihlelo lokufundisa elitjhebisanako, lapho abotitjhere bafunda komunye; ukufundisana kwabafundi; amaphrogremu wokutjhentjhisana ngabotitjhere; ukutjhugululwa kwekarikhyulamu efaka abafundi abaneenqabo ezibavimbela ukufunda; kanye nesifundobandulo esiqale ekufundiseni amakghonofundwa wokusebenza azokusiza ukuqinisa ihlelo lefundo efaka woke umfundi eenkolweni zomkhakha wefundo omkhulu. / Ucwaningo beluhlose ukuphenya izinto ezihlangabezana nothisha kanye nokuveza izinselele ezihlangabezana nothisha abakwingxenye enkulu yemfundo kanti kuxutshwa phakathi abafundi abanezihibhe ezahlukahlukene eziphazamisa ukufunda emagunjini okufunda aseSigabeni esiyisiSekelo (Foundation Phase) ngase-Vaal, esifundeni sase-Gauteng. Ucwaningo lunikeza amasu angasetshenziswa wothisha ukuqinisa uhlelo lwemfundo oluxuba wonke umfundi emagunjini okufunda. Othisha abayishumi bakhethwe ngenhloso kwizikole zemfundo esebangeni eliphansi, kanti abadlalindima ababili bavela kuzo zonke lezo zikole. Bonke abadlalindima abangothisha ababekwiGreyidi 3 ye-Foundation Phase. Idatha yaqoqwa ngokusebenzisa izinhlolovo ezijulile ezasiza umcwaningi ukuba agxile ngokujulile futhi athole ulwazi olunothile nolufanele lwalesi sifundo socwaningo. Ngenhloso yokusebenzisa izindlela eziningi zokuqoqwa kwedatha, umcwaningi wasebenzisa uhlelo lokuhlaziya umbhalo njengendlela yesibili yokuqoqa idatha yalolu cwaningo. Ucwaningo luye lwalandela uhlelo lokuhlaziya idatha olugxile kwingxoxo (qualitative data analysis method), mayelana nokwehlukanisa ngezigaba kwedatha ebhalwe phansi, okuyidatha umcwaningi ayisusele kwimiqondo yabadlalindima kanti futhi iye yakha izindikimba ezisemqoka. Ucwaningo luveze ukuthi othisha bahlangabezene nezinselelo ezisemqoka mayelana nalokhu okulandelayo: ukusweleka kolwazi kanye namakhono okulungisa ngokwanele izihibhe eziphazamisa ukufunda; ukuqeqeshwa kokuqala okungenamthelela omuhle ekubhekaneni nabafundi abanezihibhe ezahlukahlukene zokufunda; isikhala solwazi esikhona phakathi kwethiyori kanye nalokho okuyizenzo eziphathekayo; ukusweleka kwemithombo yolwazi eyanele; ukwentuleka kwemithombo eyanele; ingqalasizinda engathokozisi; inani eliphezulu labafundi emagumbini okufunda; ukusweleka koxhaso oluvela kumaqembu axhasayo esifundazwe; kanye nohlelo lwemfundo oluqinile. Ucwaningo luncoma uhlelo lokufundisa olusebenzisanayo, lapho othisha bafunda komunye; ukufundisana kwabafundi; izinhlelo zothisha zokuphakelana ngolwazi; ukuguqulwa kwekharikhyulamu efaka abafundi abanezihibhe ezibaphazamisa ukuthi bafunde; kanye nezinhlelo zokuqeqeshwa eziphokophele kuqeqesho lwamakhono okukhombisa ngezenzo, okungamakhono azoqinisa uhlelo lwemfundo oluxuba wonke umfundi kwizikole zengxenye yomkhakha wemfundo omkhulu. / Ṱhoḓisiso yo livhiswa kha u wanulusa tshenzhelo dza vhadededzi na u wanulusa khaedu dzine dza ṱangana na vhadededzi vhane vha funza kha zwikolo zwa vhagudiswa vha re na tshumelo dzo khetheaho musi vha tshi katela vhagudiswa vha re na zwithivheli zwa u guda zwo fhambanaho kha u guda kha Vhuimo ha Fhasi kiḽasini dza vhagudiswa vha si na tshumelo dzo khethea ngei Vaal, kha dzingu ḽa Gauteng. Ṱhoḓisiso yo ṋetshedza zwiṱirathedzhi zwine zwa nga shumiswa nga vhadededzi u khwinisa maitele a pfunzo nyangaredzi kiḽasini dza vhagudiswa vha si na tshumelo dzo khetheaho. Vhadededzi vha 10 vho nangwa ho sedzwa vhukoni u bva kha zwikolo zwa phuraimari zwiṱanu zwa vhagudiswa vha si na tshumelo dzo khetheaho. Vhadzheneleli vhoṱhe vho vha vhadededzi vha Gireidi ya 3 ya Vhuimo ha Fhasi. Data yo kuvhanganyiwa nga kha inthaviwu dzo ṱanḓavhuwaho ine ya konisa muṱoḓisisi u ṱoḓisisa nga vhudzivha na u wana mafhungo o pfumaho o teaho kha ngudo. Kha ndivho tharu, muṱoḓisisi o shumisa u saukanya ḽiṅwalwa sa ngona ya vhuvhili ya u kuvhanganya data ya ṱhoḓisiso iyi. Ngudo yo tevhedza ngona ya u saukanya ya khwanthithathivi data, u ya nga khethekanyo ya data yo ṅwalululwaho ye muṱoḓisisi a i bvisa kha kuvhonele kwa vhadzheneleli na u vhumba thero dza ndeme. Ṱhoḓisiso yo wanulusa uri vhadededzi vha tshenzhela khaedu dza ndeme musi zwi tshi ḓa kha zwi tevhelaho: u sa vha na nḓivho na zwikili u amba nga ha zwithivheli zwa u guda zwo fhambanaho nga nḓila yo teaho, vhugudeli thangeli vhu songo teaho kha u shumana na vhagudiswa vha re na zwithivheli zwa u guda zwo fhambanaho; phambano ya nḓivho ine ya vha hone vhukati ha thiori na nyito; ṱhahelelo ya zwishumiswa zwo teaho; ṱhahelelo ya themamveledziso; tshivhalo tshinzhi tsha vhagudiswa kiḽasini; u sa wana thikhedzo u bva kha thimu dza thikhedzo dza tshiṱiriki; na kharikhuḽamu ine ya thivhela u swikelela ṱhoḓea dzo fhambanaho dza vhagudiswa. Ngudo yo themendela tshumisano kha u funza, hune vhadededzi vha guda u bva kha muṅwe, pfunzo ya thangana ya murole, mbekanyamushumo dza u tshintshisana ha vhadededzi; u khwinisa kharikhuḽamu dzine dza katela vhagudiswa vha re na zwithivheli zwa u guda; na vhugudisi ha u pfumbudzwa ho sedzaho kha zwikili zwine zwa ḓo khwinisa pfunzonyangaredzi kha zwikolo zwa vhagudiswa vha si na tshumelo dzo khetheaho. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

The development of critical thinking in the first-year financial accounting curriculum at an open distance and e-learning institution in South Africa / Ontwikkeling van kritiese denke in die eerste jaar van die kurrikulum vir finansiele rekeningkunde by 'n oop e-afstandsleerinstelling in Suid-Afrika / Mveledziso ya vhukoni ha u humbula nga ndila yo dzudzanaho kha nwaha wa u thoma wa kharikhulamu ya akhaunthini ya masheleni kha tshiimiswa tsha u guda u kule nga lubuvhisia Afrika Tshipembe

Dry, Hendrina Jacoba 12 1900 (has links)
For the knowledge economy of the twenty-first century, intellectual skills (such as critical thinking) have been identified as imperative for success. Educational institutions have a responsibility to equip students with the knowledge and skills required for future employment. The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants has identified critical thinking as one of the skills that should be developed in Financial Accounting students who wish to become chartered accountants. For this limited-scope dissertation a qualitative study was done, applying a constructivist paradigm to a case study design, to explore the development of critical thinking in first-year Financial Accounting students in an open distance and e-learning context in South Africa. To achieve this, data were collected through semi-structured interviews with twelve academics and the use of document analysis. As the focus of the study was limited to two first-year financial accounting modules which form part of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants accredited programme taught at an open distance and e-learning institution, the findings cannot be generalised. While the perceptions of students were not considered in the study, the findings provide valuable insight into the development of critical thinking in accounting modules. The findings revealed that, although academics believe critical thinking skills and good thinking habits should be developed in first-year Financial Accounting students, it is currently only done through a content-centred approach, or not at all. Furthermore, only technologies which academics are comfortable using, are being incorporated, mainly for the delivery of content. The recommendations made for curriculum evaluation and professional development relate specifically to these findings. / Vir die een-en-twintigste-eeuse kennisekonomie is intellektuele vaardighede (soos kritiese denke) geïdentifiseer as noodsaaklik vir sukses. Opvoedkundige instellings het 'n verantwoordelikheid om studente met die kennis en vaardighede toe te rus wat nodig is vir toekomstige indiensneming. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut vir Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeesters het kritiese denke geïdentifiseer as 'n vaardigheid wat studente in Finansiële Rekeningkunde, wat geoktrooieerde rekenmeesters wil word, moet ontwikkel. Vir hierdie verhandeling van beperkte omvang, is 'n kwalitatiewe studie gedoen deur 'n konstruktivistiese paradigma toe te pas op 'n gevallestudie-ontwerp om die ontwikkeling van kritiese denke in eerstejaarstudente in Finansiële Rekeningkunde in 'n oop e-afstandsleerkonteks in Suid-Afrika te ondersoek. Om hierdie doel te bereik, is data versamel deur semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude te voer met twaalf akademici en dokumentontleding te gebruik. Omdat die studie beperk was tot twee eerstejaar finansiële rekeningkunde modules, wat deel vorm van die Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut vir Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeesters se geakkrediteerde program wat by 'n oop e-afstandsleerinstelling aangebied word, kan die bevindinge nie veralgemeen word nie. Alhoewel die studente se persepsies nie in die studie in ag geneem is nie, bied die bevindings waardevolle insig oor die ontwikkeling van kritiese denke in rekeningkundemodules. Die bevindings dui daarop dat, alhoewel akademici glo dat vaardighede in kritiese denke en goeie denkgewoontes in die eerste jaar van Finansiële Rekeningkunde onderrig moet word, word dit tans slegs deur 'n inhoudgebaseerde benadering gedoen, of glad nie. Verder word slegs tegnologieë geïnkorporeer waarmee akademici gemaklik is, hoofsaaklik vir die oordrag van die inhoud. Die aanbevelings vir kurrikulumevaluering en professionele ontwikkeling hou spesifiek verband met hierdie bevindings. / Kha ikonomi ya nḓivho ya ḓanwaha fumbili nthihi, zwikili zwa nḓivho (zwi ngaho vhukoni ha u humbula nga nḓila yo dzudzaneaho) zwo topolwa sa ndaela ya mvelaphanḓa. Zwiimiswa zwa pfunzo zwi na vhudifhinduleli u lugisela matshudeni nga ndivho na zwikili zwine zwa ṱodea mishumoni ya tshifhingani tshidaho. Tshiimiswa tsha Afrika Tshipembe tsha Vhomakone vha Akhaunthini tsho topola vhukoni ha u humbula nga ndila yo dzudzaneaho vhune ha tea u bveledzwa kha matshudeni a Akhaunthini ya Masheleni vhane vha tama u vha vhomakone vha muvhalelano. Ho itwa ngudo dza khwalithathivi dza desithesheni ya tshikoupu tsho pimiwaho, hu tshi khou u fhaṱwa ndivho na kupfesesele nga kha tshenzhemo kha u bveledza ngudo, u wanulusa vhukoni ha u humbula nga ndila yo dzudzaneaho kha nwaha wa u thoma kha matshudeni a Akhaunthuni ya Masheleni kha nyimele ya tshiimiswa tsha u guda u kule na kha lubuvhisia Afrika Tshipembe. U swikelela izwi, data yo kuvhanganyiwa nga kha inthaviwu dzo dzudzanywaho na vhoraakademi vha fumimbili na u shumisa musaukanyo wa linwalo. Sa musi ngudo yo vha yo sedza fhedzi kha mimodulu mivhili ya nwaha wa u thoma ya Akhaunthini ya masheleni ine ya vhumba tshipida tsha mbekanyamushumo ya akhiredithesheni ya Tshiimiswa tsha Afrika Tshipembe tsha Vhomakone vha Akhaunthuni ine ya funzwa kha tshiimiswa tsha u guda u kule na kha Lubuvhisia, mawanwa a nga si angaredzwa. Ngeno kuvhonele kwa matshudeni ku songo dzhielwa ntha kha ngudo, mawanwa o ṋetshedzwa ndivho ya ndeme kha mveledziso ya vhukoni ha u humbula nga ndila yo dzudzaneaho kha mimodulu ya akhaunthini. Mawanwa o dzumbulula uri, naho vhoraakademi vha tshi tenda uri zwikili zwa vhukoni ha u humbula nga ndila yo dzudzaneaho na maitele a kuhumbulele kwavhudi zwi fanela u bveledziswa kha nwaha wa u thoma wa matshudeni vha Akhaunthini ya Masheleni, zwa zwino zwi khou itwa fhedzi nga kha maitele o disendekaho nga zwi re ngomu, kana zwa sa itwe na luthihi. Zwi tshe zwo ralo, ndi thekhinolodzhi fhedzi dzine vhoraakademi vha takalela u dzi shumisa, zwo tanganyiswa, nga maanda ndisedzo ya zwi re ngomu. Themendelo dzo itwa kha u ela kharikhulamu na mveledziso dzi re na vhushaka na mawanwa anea o tiwaho. / Institute for Open and Distance Learning (IODL) / M. Ed. (Open and Distance Learning)

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