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"Quels beste ce pooit estre" : Merlin et le bestiaire dans trois Suites du Merlin en prose : d'une poétique du personnage à une poétique du roman / "Quels beste ce pooit estre" : Merlin and the bestiary in three sequels to Prose Merlin : from the poetics of the character to the poetics of the romanceFuertes-Regnault, Lise 11 June 2016 (has links)
Comptant parmi les figures les plus éminentes de la littérature arthurienne, célèbre au Moyen Âge comme dans les périodes postérieures, Merlin demeure pourtant un personnage polymorphe et contradictoire. Un double angle d’étude permettra de saisir ses ambiguïtés et de constituer une poétique du personnage. D’abord, dans une perspective relationnelle, le bestiaire, c’est-à-dire la faune littéraire, constitue un élément de sa définition. Dans les Suites rétrospectives du Merlin en prose (la Suite dite « Vulgate » la Suite dite « Post-Vulgate » et le Livre d’Artus), romans qui constituent l’aboutissement des proses arthuriennes du XIIIe siècle, cet axe relationnel rencontre ensuite une perspective intertextuelle. Par son extension et sa nature, le bestiaire merlinien se révèle extrêmement variable et difficilement classable, à l’image du personnage. Présidant aux relations entre le personnage et le bestiaire, les paradigmes de l’incarnation et de la voix, ainsi que la dialectique intus/foris, laissent percevoir une complexification croissante de Merlin, qui allie un rôle de vates responsable de la fiction et du bestiaire prophétique et une dimension proprement romanesque à l’issue du Merlin en prose. Enfin, dans les Suites du Merlin en prose, le bestiaire rend aussi bien compte du (re)développement et de la fin conjoints de ces deux aspects du personnage que de la poétique des textes. Par le biais de relations métonymiques, métaphoriques et analogiques avec Merlin, le bestiaire construit ainsi trois conceptions synchroniquement contrastées du personnage, en adéquation avec la tonalité et les objectifs poétiques différents des Suites. Il participe alors du message moral et des réflexions poétiques que chacun de ces romans, conscient de ses enjeux, véhicule. / One of the most eminent figures of Arthurian literature, renowned in the Middle Ages as in later periods, Merlin remains however a polymorphous and contradictory character. A study focusing on two aspects will allow us to perceive his ambiguities and to form the poetics of the character. Firstly, from a relational perspective, the bestiary, that is to say the literary fauna, constitutes an element of this definition. In Prose Merlin’s retrospective prose sequels (the “Vulgate” Suite, the “Post-Vulgate” Suite and the Livre d’Artus), romances which constitute the apex of thirteenth century Arthurian texts in prose, this relation axis encounters an intertextual perspective. By its extent and its nature the Merlin bestiary reveals itself to be extremely variable and difficult to categorize, as is the nature of the character. The paradigms of incarnation and voice, together with the intus/foris dialectics, that govern the relations between the character and the bestiary, show that Merlin becomes increasingly complex, because he combines a role of vates responsible for the fiction and the prophetic bestiary with a distinctly romantic dimension by the end of the Prose Merlin. Finally, in the Prose Merlin sequels, the bestiary also explains both the (re)development and the end of these two aspects of the character, as well as the poetics of the texts. Through the metonymical, metaphorical and analogical relations with Merlin, the bestiary thus builds up three different synchronically contrasting conceptions of the character, matching the tone and the various poetical purposes in the Suites. It contributes thus to the moral message and the poetical thoughts that each of these romances, aware of their portent, consciously carry.
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Collective PV nano-grid for households in Linga Linga : A Minor Field Study in MozambiqueDiaz Hjelm, Wilma, Olsson, Ellie January 2022 (has links)
About a third of Mozambique’s population has access to electricity, and the same number in rural areas, where most of the population lives, is down to 5 %. Small-sized off-grid solutions are economical alternatives to increase the electricity access rate in rural areas, and solar power is a common energy source due to price and weather conditions. Still, the economical aspect is the main hindrance to an increased electrification rate in Africa. This report aims to investigate how to make electricity affordable, in a sustainable way, by answering the main research question “What is the capability, economically, socially, and technically, for a shared nano off-grid system in the village Linga Linga?”. This was done by performing a Minor Field Study in the village Linga Linga, in southern Mozambique, with the help of the non-profit organization Project Vita. A collective nano-grid photovoltaic (PV) system was installed to electrify three households, including nine houses and eleven people, where the wage earners are all women. Before the construction and installment of the PV system, the first round of two interviews was conducted to investigate the energy situation for the households. After the interviews, the main components of the energy system: PV panels, inverter, charge controller, batteries, and cables, were sized and purchased. The energy system was sized to cover an energy demand of eleven Light-Emitting Diode (LED)-lights, four 3 W and seven 5 W, lit all day and all night, and three outlets for charging cell phones eight hours a day. This corresponds to an energy demand of 1,369 Wh per day, and a maximum power demand of 77 W. The resulting system cost is 87,570 Mozambique Metical (MZN), or 1,400 United States Dollars (USD). When calculating the technical lifetime to be 20 years, three of the main components must be replaced. That results in a system cost of 122,470 MZN, 1,960 USD, and the cost per wage earner of the participating households is 4.3 % of the average Mozambican’s annual salary. After the system had been running for about a week, the second round of interviews was carried out. On the same occasion, the households were informed about the maintenance and usage of the system, and they were handed manuals and contracts to sign. The interviewees reported that they had been working for more hours a day, handicrafts being their main source of income, thanks to the electric lights. The women were positive about collective ownership and sharing electricity and stated that they prefer a collective system to separate ones, even for the same cost. The interviews showed that the energy demand was lower than what the system was sized for, meaning that a system designed for the actual energy demand would have been both cheaper and smaller. However, the energy behavior could change with time as society develops and the users get more familiar with electricity. No clear answers were obtained regarding the willingness to pay (WTP) for the system, and the interpretation is that the household, in their current situation, cannot consider buying an energy system comparable to the prototype built for this report, due to the system cost. A collective solar nano-grid in rural Mozambique is concluded to be a well-functioning solution and one of the more economical electrification alternatives. Although the prototype in this study was too expensive for the participating households to pay for by themselves, it could support sustainable development and open for possibilities like increased productivity and income. Moreover, it could be expanded by connecting more loads and upscaling to further cut the system cost per person and increase the societal benefits. / Ungefär en tredjedel av Moçambiques befolkning har tillgång till elektricitet, och motsvarande andel på landsbygden, där majoriteten av befolkningen bor, är 5 %. Mindre off-grid lösningar är ekonomiska alternativ för att elektrifiera landsbygden, där solkraft är en vanlig energikälla på grund av det relativt låga priset och väderförhållandena med goda förutsättningar. Den ekonomiska aspekten är dock fortfarande det främsta hindret för att öka Afrikas elektrifieringsgrad. Den här rapporten syftar till att undersöka hur elektricitet kan göras tillgänglig för alla, på ett hållbart sätt, genom att besvara frågeställningen ”Vad är möjligheterna, ekonomiskt, socialt, och tekniskt, för ett delat nano off-grid system i byn Linga Linga?”. Detta utreds genom att genomföra en Minor Fields Study i byn Linga Linga i södra Moçambique med hjälp av välgörenhetsorganisationen Project Vita. Ett nano-nätsystem drivet av solceller installerades, innefattande tre hushåll med nio hus och elva personer, med endast kvinnliga inkomsttagare. Innan byggnationen av solcellssystemet genomfördes intervjuer för att undersöka hushållens energisituation. De mest fundamentala systemkomponenterna; solcellspaneler, växelriktare, solcellsregulator, batterier och kablar, dimensionerades och införskaffades efter intervjuerna. Energisystemet utformades efter ett energibehov på elva Light-Emitting Diode (LED)-lampor, varav fyra 3 W och sju 5 W, tända dygnet runt, och tre uttag för att ladda mobiltelefoner åtta timmar om dagen. Detta motsvarar ett energibehov på 1,369 Wh per dag, och ett maximalt effektbehov på 77 W per dag. Den resulterande systemkostnaden är 87 570 Mozambique Metical (MZN), eller 1 400 United States Dollar (USD). För att räkna om systemkostnaden för en teknisk livslängd på 20 år måste tre av systemets huvudkomponenter bytas ut, vilket resulterar i en systemkostnad på 122 470 MZN, 1 960 USD. Kostnaden per inkomsttagare i de deltagande hushållen utgör då 4,3 % av den årliga moçambikiska medelinkomsten. När solcellssystemet varit i gång i en vecka utfördes en andra omgång intervjuer. I samband med detta informerades hushållen om skötsel och användning av systemet, och mottog manualer och kontrakt. Det framkom att kvinnorna, tack vare den elektriska belysningen, hade kunnat arbeta längre på kvällarna med sina hantverk - deras främsta inkomstkälla. De var positiva till det kollektiva ägandet av systemet och sade sig föredra ett delat system framför varsitt separat, även för samma kostnad per person. Intervjuerna visade att hushållens energikonsumtion var mindre än systemet var designat för. Ett system anpassat efter det verkliga energibehovet hade därmed blivit både mindre och billigare. Energianvändandet kan dock förändras i takt med samhällsutveckling och användarnas bekantskap med elektricitet. Inga tydliga svar angående betalningsvilja (WTP) för systemet mottogs, och tolkningen är att hushållen, i deras nuvarande situation, inte kan tänka sig köpa ett energisystem som är jämförbart med studiens prototyp, på grund av den höga systemkostnaden. Ett soldrivet kollektivt nano-nät på Moçambiques landsbygd bedöms vara en välfungerande elektrifieringslösning och ett av de mest ekonomiska elektrifieringsalternativen. Fastän studiens prototyp var för dyr för att de deltagande hushållen kan det ses stödja en hållbar utveckling genom att öppna upp för möjligheter såsom ökad produktivitet och inkomst. Systemet skulle även kunna expanderas genom att koppla in fler eller större last, och byggas i större skala för att dra ner systemkostnaden per person och öka samhällsnyttan.
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Design of a Sustainable Energy System for a Community Center in rural Mozambique : A Minor Field Study in MozambiqueSäll Magnusson, Emilia, Hahn, Melchior January 2023 (has links)
Access to energy is an important part in the development of most countries and societies, linked to both social and economic growth. Nevertheless, 70% of the population in sub-Saharan Africa does not have access to electricity, which brings consequences to several of these areas. A country to which this largely applies is Mozambique, where the percentage of the country's population that had access to electricity in 2021 was only 31.5%. Working towards the goal of electrifying the least developed countries in a sustainable way, solar technology is believed to have potential to play a vital role, as 60% of the best terrestrial-based global solar resources of the world are located in sub-Saharan Africa. Mini-grids and solar off-grid solutions can further help address the issue of lack of electricity access, especially in rural areas. In previous studies carried out in the village Linga Linga in Mozambique, off-grid solar solutions have been implemented for a small energy demand. With the intention of giving a larger part of the village’s population access to energy services such as light, phone charging and computer access, this thesis will investigate and design an off-grid PV system for a community center in the village. The main research question that will be answered in this report is "How can solar energy be used to supply a community center in the village Linga Linga with a low-cost, reliable and sustainable electricity supply?". To answer the research question, relevant data and information were collected through a literature study on the situation in Mozambique, off-grid PV systems and on PV system components such as inverters, batteries, PV panels and charge controllers. Interviews were also carried out in the village to be able to calculate the expected energy demand of the community center. The community center’s daily energy demand for weekends was estimated to be the highest, at 7 544 Wh with a maximum power demand of 1 230 W. To meet this requirement, the main components were dimensioned so that the system had a maximum power of 2 000 W, a battery storage capacity of 750 Ah and a system voltage of 24 V. For this system, the approximate total cost of the main components was calculated to 56 120 SEK. / Tillgång till energi är en viktig del i utvecklingen av de flesta länder och samhällen, kopplat till både social och ekonomisk tillväxt. Ändå har 70% av befolkningen i Subsahariska Afrika inte tillgång till el, vilket får konsekvenser för flera av dessa områden. Ett land som detta till stor del gäller är Mozambique, där andelen av landets befolkning som hade tillgång till el 2021 endast var 31.5%. I arbetet mot målet att elektrifiera de minst utvecklade länderna på ett hållbart sätt tros solteknik ha potential att spela en avgörande roll, eftersom 60% av världens bästa jordbaserade globala solresurser finns i Subsahariska Afrika. Mininät och solenergilösningar utanför nätet kan ytterligare hjälpa till att lösa problemet med bristande tillgång till elektricitet, särskilt på landsbygden. I tidigare studier utförda i byn Linga Linga i Mozambique har off-grid solenergilösningar implementerats för att tillgodose energibehov för små system. Med avsikten att ge en större del av byns befolkning tillgång till energitjänster som ljus, telefonladdning och datoråtkomst, kommer detta examensarbete att undersöka och designa ett off-grid solcellssystem för ett kultur- och fritidscentrum i byn. Den huvudsakliga forskningsfrågan som kommer att besvaras i denna rapport är "Hur kan solenergi användas för att förse ett kultur- och fritidscentrum i byn Linga Linga med en låg kostnad, pålitlig och hållbar elförsörjning?". För att svara på forskningsfrågan samlades relevant data och information in genom en litteraturstudie om situationen i Mozambique, off-grid solcellssystem och om systemkomponenter såsom växelriktare, batterier, solpaneler och laddningsregulatorer. Intervjuer genomfördes även i byn för att kunna beräkna det förväntade energibehovet för kultur- och fritidscentrumet. Kultur- och fritidscentrumets dagliga energibehov för helger uppskattades vara högst, 7 544 Wh med ett maximalt effektbehov på 1 230 W. För att möta detta krav valdes huvudkomponenterna så att systemet hade en maximal effekt på 2 000 W, en batterilagringskapacitet på 750 Ah och en systemspänning på 24 V. För detta system beräknades den ungefärliga totalkostnaden för huvudkomponenterna till 56 120 SEK.
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Il lavoro ha come obiettivo l'esplorazione di alcuni nodi significativi di un'esperienza di ricerca-azione sul tema della sostenibilità della vita sociolavorativa entro un servizio socio sanitario. In particolare esso procede attraverso tre studi qualitativi, il cui filo conduttore è rappresentato dal tema della valutazione dei prodotti e dei processi della ricerca-azione sulla sostenibilità della vita sociolavorativa. Il primo studio si pone come obiettivo specifico l'esplorazione dei risultati conoscitivi e trasformativi prodotti dalla ricerca-azione entro il servizio considerato. Il secondo studio si focalizza sulla valutazione degli esiti e dei processi di apprendimento messi in atto nell'esperienza di ricerca. Il terzo studio infine intende esplorare il processo di ricerca con particolare attenzione al tema della sostenibilità della ricerca-azione, focalizzandosi in particolare sul processo di costruzione della domanda. / Aim of the work is to investigate a selection of significant aspects of an action-research experience on life sustainability at work promoted in an health and social service. The paper is composed by three qualitative studies. The first study aims to describe the outcomes of the action-research. The second study evaluates the learning process promoted by the action research, to find out what different efficacy action-research has, as a strategy to promote life sustainability at work. The second study explores the action-research process and its sustainability, particularly focussing on how partnership and participation are built during and around the work.
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Riflessione pedagogica, Green Marketing, Sostenibilità / Pedagogical reflection, Green Marketing, sustainabilityBORNATICI, SARA 05 March 2012 (has links)
Le connessioni euristiche tra green marketing e riflessione pedagogica implicano buone
pratiche educativo ambientali, nella prospettiva dello sviluppo umano integrale.
Pensare l’educabilità della persona e la formazione delle risorse umane, di là da
interpretazioni legate al sensazionalismo mediatico e al profitto a breve termine, significa
approfondire stili di vita, responsabilità sociale, consumo critico e green marketing.
L'attenzione al mercato non si configura come mero requisito per accrescere la
produttività, ma risulta fondamentale, in termini relazionali, per costruire una società equa,
solidale, sostenibile e aperta.
La ricerca intende indagare il potenziale valore educativo del mercato, in quanto
espressione di libertà e regolazione dei rapporti socioeconomici. / Heuristic connections between green marketing procedures and pedagogical reflection
imply good educational practices, in view of a full human development.
Thinking today about the educability of the person and about the training of human
resources, beyond interpretations related to media sensationalism and short-term profit,
means deepen lifestyles, social responsibility, critical consumption and green marketing.
Attention to the market is not seen as a mere requirement able to increase productivity, but
it is essential, in relational terms, to build an open, sustainable and equitable society.
The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the potential educational value of the market,
as well as freedom of expression and regulation of socio-economic relationships.
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On LuxuryNg, Angie January 2010 (has links)
Indulgent and desirable, luxury both boasts and seduces. Luxury is an elaboration on the essential, manifest in forms of etiquette and exclusion.
Films index both reality and fantasy. They reflect, denounce, and exaggerate, making them invaluable cultural documents. Post-World War Two, the ease of air travel, mass production of goods, and foreign influence changed the face of luxury. By examining the films To Catch a Thief (1955), La Dolce Vita (1960), and Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961) – all three from the era of this shift in luxury – this essay excavates this change, by examining the narrative, objects, and architecture of selected scenes.
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The Poetics of Love in Prosimetra across the Medieval MediterraneanLevy, Isabelle Charlotte January 2013 (has links)
Written as prose began to garner attention in literary cultures that had long privileged poetic composition, prosimetra offer a unique perspective on what authors in eleventh-century al-Andalus and thirteenth- and fourteenth-century Spain and Italy singled out as the special capabilities of poetry. Further, as the only shared theme across mixed-form texts in Arabic, Hebrew, Italian, and Spanish, love acts as a go-between across these varied literary traditions.
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Travel literature reconsidered : mobility and subjectivity in Passenger to TeheranHyslop, Brianna Elizabeth 26 July 2011 (has links)
The critical attention that has been given to Vita Sackville-West’s travel literature has primarily focused on the relationships between these texts and the novels of Virginia Woolf on account of the intimate relationship that existed between the two writers. I argue in this paper that Sackville-West’s travel accounts are worthy of study in and of themselves. This report explores the ways that the genre of travel literature was changing in the early twentieth century through Vita Sackville-West’s Passenger to Teheran (1926). Critics such as Marie Louise Pratt have noted that eighteenth- and nineteenth-century British travel accounts had been used as a way to transmit technical knowledge of, and authority over, the East. Sackville-West’s text throws this tradition of the genre into question through its focus on the traveler’s subjectivity. Working from Michel de Certeau’s ideas regarding railway travel and incarceration, I want to demonstrate that the traveler’s subjectivity is augmented by her position as a passenger in various modes of mobility. Ultimately I argue that the privileging of imagination and subjectivity over scientific knowledge found in Passenger to Teheran unravels the traditional epistemology of travel writing which positions the traveler as an authority figure on the East, and instead positions Sackville-West as a traveler-aesthete. This shift in the role of the travel writer reveals that while Pratt’s description characterizes some travel writing, Sackville-West’s travel project is more concerned with discovering the creative potential that travel can stimulate in the mind rather than purporting to reveal facts about the outside world. / text
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On LuxuryNg, Angie January 2010 (has links)
Indulgent and desirable, luxury both boasts and seduces. Luxury is an elaboration on the essential, manifest in forms of etiquette and exclusion.
Films index both reality and fantasy. They reflect, denounce, and exaggerate, making them invaluable cultural documents. Post-World War Two, the ease of air travel, mass production of goods, and foreign influence changed the face of luxury. By examining the films To Catch a Thief (1955), La Dolce Vita (1960), and Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961) – all three from the era of this shift in luxury – this essay excavates this change, by examining the narrative, objects, and architecture of selected scenes.
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Vibrationer från handhållna verktyg : En mätstudie av hantverkares vibrationsexponering på byggarbetsplatsen / Vibrations from handheld tools : A measurement study of construction workers vibration exposure at the construction siteOrnstein, Henrik, Uddling, William January 2018 (has links)
Den vanligaste arbetssjukdomen är idag vibrationsskador där en av de mest utsatta arbetsgrupperna är hantverkare i byggbranschen. Syftet med studien är att ta fram en åtgärdsplan för att minska skaderisken från hand- armvibrationer (HAV) på arbetsplatsen. Undersökningarna har gjorts på Rudsberget, Karlstad där åtta lägenhetshus har varit under konstruktion för byggföretaget NCC. Fem olika arbetsmoment har kontrollerats för att bedöma vibrationsexponeringen som en hantverkare utsätts för under en genomsnittlig arbetsdag. Detta har gjorts med två mätmetoder, manuella beräkningar med tidtagarur samt HealthVib-handskar som använder sig av en sensor i handflatan.Resultatet visade att 6 av 13 mätningar översteg insatsvärdet och 1 av 13 översteg gränsvärdet. Iakttagelser visar att när arbetet har utförts mot moment som innehåller betong har vibrationsmängden ökat i jämförelse med arbete mot trä eller andra mjukare material. Förlängd vibrationsexponering på flera arbetsmoment visar att det finns risk för kärlskada och neurosensorisk skada beroende på intensiteten och längden av arbetet. Studien har avgränsat sig mot NCC:s egna hantverkare, alltså har inga mätningar gjorts på olika underentreprenörer eller betongarbetare på arbetsplatsen.Studiens slutsats framhäver åtgärder i både organisatorisk och teknisk form, som kan genomföras i både tidigt och sent stadie i projektet. Några av de viktigaste åtgärderna är att förmedla till hantverkarna att rotera arbetsuppgifterna mellan varandra, göra en förbättrad riskbedömning, informera hantverkarna om skadeverkningarna och vibrationsnivåer. Utöver det kan vibrationsexponeringen reduceras i planeringsfasen. Till exempel vid köksmontering byggs kök mot en träregelvägg istället för en bärande betongvägg. / The most common occupational disease today is hand-arm vibration syndrome where construction workers are the most exposed group. The purpose of this study was to develop an action plan designed to lower the exposure to hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS). The examinations have been carried out at Rudsberget, Karlstad where eight, six to eight stories apartment buildings have been under construction by Nordic Construction Company (NCC). Five different work elements were studied at the construction site to determine the exposure of hand-arm vibration that a construction worker is exposed to during a regular workday. The methods used were manual tests with stopwatches as well as HealthVib-gloves with a sensor that collects data while used during the day.The results showed that 6 out of 13 exceeded the exposure action value (EAV) and 1 out of 13 exceeded the exposure limit value (ELV). Observations showed that work carried out against concrete structures increased vibration levels compared to other softer materials, wood as an example. Prolonged vibration exposure on several work elements show an increased risk of developing both neurological and vascular injuries. Dependent on the length and intensity of the exposure the severity of the damage does vary. This study is limited to examining construction workers contracted by NCC, excluding workers casting concrete as well as sub-contractors.The conclusion highlights solutions that consists of organizational and technical forms. These solutions are then applied at an early or late stage of the project. Some of the key solutions are to convey the importance of rotating work tasks between the construction workers, do a better risk assessment, inform the workers of the harmful effects of vibrations and teach them of the different exposure values. Beyond that can vibration exposure be reduced in the architectural phase. For an example could the kitchen be constructed against a wooden wall frame instead of a load bearing concrete wall.
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