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La formation agentive en français. Les composés [VN/A/Adv/P]N/A et les dérivés V-ant, V-eur et V-oir(e)Rosenberg, Maria 04 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
This study addresses the French morphological construction [VN/A/Adv/P]N/A. The main objectives are to posit a single rule for its formation and to question the implications of the agent polysemy. The theoretical framework is lexeme-based morphology, which adheres to weak lexicalism. The first part of our analysis is qualitative and concerns the availability aspect of productivity. The method is introspective. The internal semantic patterns of the French construction are examined. Our results give evidence for the claim that a single morphological construction rule, [VN/A/Adv/P]N/A, is responsible for the cases where the first constituent is a verb stem, and the second constituent may correspond to an internal argument, an external argument or a semantic adjunct. All cases manifest the same patterns, which are related to the denotative meanings included in the agent polysemy: Agent, Instrument, Locative, Action, Result and Cause. Our contrastive analysis shows that the same patterns are found in the four Swedish agentive formations, [N/A/Adv/PV-are]N, [N/A/Adv/PV]N, [N/A/Adv/PV-a]N and [VN]N, which correspond to the French [VN/A/Adv/P]N/A construction and which also contain a verbal constituent and its internal or external argument, or an adjunct. The second part of our analysis is quantitative and concerns the profitability aspect of productivity. The method is inductive. The aim is to explore the polysemy of agent and its assumed hierarchical structure, in synchrony and diachrony. Four French agentive formations, [VN/A/Adv/P]N/A compounds and V-ant, V-eur and V-oir(e) derivations, are included in order to examine semantic competition and blocking effects. Our results give evidence for the existence of an agent polysemy but deny that it has a hierarchical structure valid for every agentive formation. The meanings in the agent polysemy are more or less profitable according to formation type: blocking effects could explain this behaviour.
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La formation agentive en français : les composés [VN/A/Adv/P]N/A et les dérivés V-ant, V-eur et V-oir(e)Rosenberg, Maria January 2008 (has links)
This study addresses the French morphological construction [VN/A/Adv/P]N/A. The main objectives are to posit a single rule for its formation and to question the implications of the agent polysemy. The theoretical framework is lexeme-based morphology, which adheres to weak lexicalism. The first part of our analysis is qualitative and concerns the availability aspect of productivity. The method is introspective. The internal semantic patterns of the French construction are examined. Our results give evidence for the claim that a single morphological construction rule, [VN/A/Adv/P]N/A, is responsible for the cases where the first constituent is a verb stem, and the second constituent may correspond to an internal argument, an external argument or a semantic adjunct. All cases manifest the same patterns, which are related to the denotative meanings included in the agent polysemy: Agent, Instrument, Locative, Action, Result and Cause. Our contrastive analysis shows that the same patterns are found in the four Swedish agentive formations, [N/A/Adv/PV-are]N, [N/A/Adv/PV]N, [N/A/Adv/PV-a]N and [VN]N, which correspond to the French [VN/A/Adv/P]N/A construction and which also contain a verbal constituent and its internal or external argument, or an adjunct. The second part of our analysis is quantitative and concerns the profitability aspect of productivity. The method is inductive. The aim is to explore the polysemy of agent and its assumed hierarchical structure, in synchrony and diachrony. Four French agentive formations, [VN/A/Adv/P]N/A compounds and V-ant, V-eur and V-oir(e) derivations, are included in order to examine semantic competition and blocking effects. Our results give evidence for the existence of an agent polysemy but deny that it has a hierarchical structure valid for every agentive formation. The meanings in the agent polysemy are more or less profitable according to formation type: blocking effects could explain this behaviour.
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Wasser- und Stoffhaushalt dreier Waldökosysteme des Osterzgebirges / Balances of Water and Element Fluxes in Three Forested Ecosystems of the Osterzgebirge (Germany)Lauterbach, Georg Johannes 31 October 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Gestremheidsreg : 'n internasionaalregtelike en regsvergelykende analise (Afrikaans)Grobbelaar-Du Plessis, IIze 08 October 2010 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Hierdie proefskrif ondersoek die ontplooiing van die reg rakende persone met gestremdhede in die rigting van ʼn toenemend inklusiewe en geintegreerde regsorde wat die beskerming en bevordering van die regte van persone met gestremdhede op gelyke grondslag met alle ander persone bewerkstellig. Gestremdheid word aan die hand van twee uiteenlopende modelle beoordeel en hanteer. Die twee modelle - die mediese en die sosiale model van gestremdheid - verteenwoordig uiteenlopende opvattinge oor gestremdheid wat in duidelik onderskeibare regsbenaderings neerslag vind. Oor die onlangse dekades het die sosiale model beduidend veld teen die mediese model gewen. Dit het veral neerslag gevind in die internasionale reg, soos dit die afgelope dekades onder die aanvoering van die Verenigde Nasies in omvattende standaardisering en universalisering van menseregte ontwikkel het. Hierdie ontwikkelings word breedvoerig ondersoek. Die groeiende aanklank van die sosiale model ten koste van die mediese model is eweneens merkbaar in twee ander jurisdiksiegebiede, naamlik Europa – binne die konteks van sowel die Europese Raad as die Europese Unie - en die Verenigde State van Amerika. By albei weerspieel die ontplooiing van die positiewe reg ʼn verandering in die beskouing oor die regshantering van persone met gestremdhede. Daarvolgens word gestremdheid toenemend volgens ʼn sosiale model as ʼn vorm van diversiteit eerder as uitsluitlik in terme van ʼn mediese model as afwykend of abnormaal verstaan. Gestremdheid vereis ʼn besondere regsbedeling ten einde daadwerklike gelyke beregtiging vir persone met gestremdhede te verseker eerder as (net) mediese ingryping in ʼn “afwykende toestand” of ʼn “siektetoestand.” Die veranderde regsbedeling oor gestremdheid word deurlopend deur die prisma van die twee modelle beskryf en beoordeel. Na die uitklaar van die betekenis van die modelle aan die begin van die studie volg ʼn historiese oorsig wat die konteks vorm waarbinne die regsontwikkeling rondom gestemdheidsreg sedert die Tweede Wereldoorlog op internasionale terrein (onder die aanvoering van die Verenigde Nasies), in Europa, die VSA en in Suid-Afrika bespreek word. Die studie sluit af met gevolgtrekkings waarin die klem op ʼn beoordeling van die verandering van die reg rakende gestremdheid in die lig van modelle wat in die eerste hoofstuk toegelig is, val. ENGLISH: The thesis investigates a change in perception and the resulting altered juridical management of persons with disabilities towards a more inclusive and integrated public legal order. Such a change positions the protection and promotion of the rights and interests of persons with disabilities on an equal footing with that of other persons. Disability is dealt with and evaluated in relation to two opposing models. The two models of disability – the medical and the social – represent two different perceptions about disability that are laid down in clearly-distinguishable approaches in law. Over the recent decades the social model has gained considerable ground over the medical model. It has found particular favour in international law, as developed over the past decades in the comprehensive standardisation and universalising of human rights under the leadership of the United Nations. These developments are scrutinised thoroughly. The increasing acceptance of the social model to the detriment of the medical model is apparent in two other areas of jurisdiction, namely, Europe – within the context of the European Council and the European Union – and the United States of America. In both these the development of positive law reflects a change in view regarding the way disability is dealt with by the law. Disability is increasingly understood according to a social model as a form of diversity rather than exclusively in accordance with a medical model. Disability requires a unique legal dispensation in order to ensure genuine equal adjudication for persons with disabilities rather than a (mere) medical intervention as a “deviant state” or an “illness”. The changing legal dispensation regarding disability is continuously described and evaluated through the prism of the two models. After an exposition of the models at the beginning of the study a brief historical overview follows, constituting the context within which legal development since the Second World War in the international arena (by way of the activities of the United Nations), in Europe, the USA and South Africa, is discussed. The study ends with conclusions which emphasise an evaluation of the changes in disability law in light of the models that were expounded in the first chapter. / Thesis (LLD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Public Law / unrestricted
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Vliv samonosného optického kabelu na mechaniku venkovního vedení VN / Influence of All-dielectric self-supporting cable on the mechanics of middle voltage overhead lineNedoma, Jakub January 2021 (has links)
This thesis is focused on assessing the impact of retrofitting dielectric All Dielectric Self-Supporting Cable (ADSS) to existing MV overhead line. This type of optical cable is a means of future strengthening of the communication infrastructure of the distribution network. However, its mechanical properties are significantly different from the properties ACSR cable, due to which its installation can be problematic in terms of meeting the requirements of the PNE 33 3301 standard. In practical part, this work deals with the design of the ADSS installation on the existing MV line and the determination of its impact based on the assessment of the results of this design.
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Návrh stykače VN pro trakční účely / Design of MV contactor for railway applicationPala, Lukáš January 2021 (has links)
In the introduction a traction circuit is analyzed with different types of electric devices. The thesis describes power railway electric circuits, their loads and types of used contactors. Railway standards chapter summarizes requirements of standards for railway contactors. Follows literature focusing on power current switching and power switching devices design. Based on previous, a design procedure is developed for railway MV contactor in accordance with end-user and standards requirements. Thesis closes with pre-designing a railway contactor by calculating electrodynamic forces, heatflow and mechanical components.
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Ukazatele spolehlivosti v podmínkách různých typů distribučních sítí vn / Reliability indices in conditions of different types of MV distribution networksAdámek, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
The aim of my thesis was to clarify the basic concepts and calculations in the area of reliability of power distribution, as an important element for increase the quality of supplied electric power, this issue we examined in Chapter 3. In the previous chapter, we explained the fundamental solution of MV networks in the Czech Republic and Germany. In Chapter 4 we explained the difficulties in evaluating their values and comparisons between distributional companies, which follows that there should be a uniform procedure for the storage and collection of data for power outages. And the individual distribution companies should follow this standard.
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Metodika návrhu svodičů přepětí VN pro vzduchem izolované rozváděče / Selection and Application of Surge Arresters for Middle-Voltage Air-Insulated SwitchgearsNěmec, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to introduce readers with design of a surge arresters in four different categories. In the first part of this thesis is described theory of overvoltage, surge arresters and testing. The second part of this thesis is focused on design of surge arresters to protect from overvoltage due switching capacitive loads. The thesis continued with design of surge arresters in medium voltage network. The next part is design of surge arresters to protect from overvoltage due switching inductive loads. The next point is protective distance of surge arresters in different lighting overvoltages. In the conclusion of this thesis is the appreciation of whole problems about surge arresters.
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Spectroscopic study of transition metal compoundsDemeter, Mihaela Carmen 17 May 2001 (has links)
In the last few years a renewed interest has reappeared in materials that were highly investigated in the 50s-70s, like manganese perovskites, spinel chalcogenides and vanadium oxides. The first two classes of materials are nowadays intensively studied due to the colossal magnetoresistance effect, which is the magnetoresistance associated with a ferromagnetic-paramagnetic transition. Vanadium oxides are known to form many compounds and most of them undergo metal-to-insulator phase transitions, with a high increase in the electrical conductivity (MIT). Many technological applications derive from the variation of the physical properties around the phase transition temperature. Although many efforts have been done in order to understand their electronic structures and to elucidate the MIT mechanisms, the vanadium oxides are still matter of debate in science.The present study has been performed in order to understand the electronic structure of these very intriguing materials. The role of different dopants that induce strong changes in the electronic and magnetic properties has been investigated making use of two spectroscopic techniques, namely X-ray photoelectron and X-ray emission spectroscopy.
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Hollow MoSx nanomaterials for aqueous energy storage applicationsQuan, Ting 31 May 2021 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Synthese von neuartigen hohlen MoSx-Nanomaterialien mit kontrollierbarer Größe und Form durch die kolloidale Template Methode. Ihre möglichen Anwendungen in wässrigen Energiespeichersystemen, einschließlich Superkondensatoren und Li-Ionen-Batterien (LIBs), wurden untersucht.
Im ersten Teil wurde eine neue Nanostruktur aus hohlen Kohlenstoff-MoS2-Kohlenstoff-nanoplättchen erfolgreich durch eine L-Cystein unterstützte hydrothermale Methode unter Verwendung von Gibbsit als Templat und Polydopamin (PDA) als Kohlenstoffvorläufer synthetisiert. Nach dem Kalzinieren und Ätzen des Gibbsit Templates wurden gleichförmige Hohlplättchen erhalten, die aus einer sandwichartigen Anordnung von teilweise graphitischem Kohlenstoff und zweidimensional geschichteten MoS2 Flocken bestehen. Die Plättchen haben eine ausgezeichnete Dispergierbarkeit und Stabilität in Wasser sowie eine gute elektrische Leitfähigkeit aufgrund des durch die Kalzinierung von Polydopaminbeschichtungen erzeugten Kohlenstoffs gezeigt. Das Material wird dann in einem symmetrischen Superkondensator mit 1 M Li2SO4 als Elektrolyt aufgebracht, der eine spezifische Kapazität von 248 F/g (0.12 F/cm2) bei einer konstanten Stromdichte von 0.1 A/g und eine ausgezeichnete elektrochemische Stabilität über 3000 Zyklen aufweist, was darauf hindeutet, dass hohle Kohlenstoff-MoS2-Kohlenstoffnanoplättchen vielversprechende Materialien als Kandidaten für Superkondensatoren sind.
Im zweiten Teil wurde 21 molare LiTFSI, das sogenannte "Wasser-in-Salz" (WIS) Elektrolyt, in Superkondensatoren mit hohlen Kohlenstoffnanoplättchen als Elektrodenmaterial untersucht. Im Vergleich zu dem im ersten Teil verwendeten 1 molaren Li2SO4-Elektrolyten wurden bei dem vorliegenden WIS Elektrolyt signifikante Verbesserungen in einem breiteren und stabilen Potentialfenster festgestellt, das durch die geringere Leitfähigkeit mit dem Gegenstück leicht beeinflusst wird. Die elektrochemische Impedanzspektroskopie (EIS) wurde ausgiebig eingesetzt, um einen Einblick in die Reaktionsmechanismen der WIS-Superkondensatoren zu erhalten. Zusätzlich wurde auch der Einfluss der Temperatur auf die elektrochemische Leistung im Temperaturbereich zwischen 15 und 55 °C untersucht, was eine hervorragende spezifische Kapazität von 128 F/g bei dem optimierten Zustand von 55 °C ergab. Die EIS-Messungen deckten die Abnahme der angepassten Widerstände mit der Temperaturerhöhung und umgekehrt auf und beleuchteten direkt die Beziehung zwischen elektrochemischer Leistung und Arbeitstemperatur von Superkondensatoren für zuverlässige praktische Anwendungen.
Im dritten Teil wurde MoS3, ein amorphes, kettenförmig strukturiertes Übergangsmetall Trichalcogenid, als vielversprechende Anode in "Wasser-in-Salz" Li-Ionen-Batterien (WIS-LIBs) nachgewiesen. Die in diesem Teil verwendeten hohlen MoS3-Nanosphären wurden mittels einer skalierbaren Säurefällungsmethode bei Raumtemperatur synthetisiert, wobei sphärische Polyelektrolytbürsten (SPB) als Schablonen verwendet wurden. Beim Einsatz in WIS-LIBs mit LiMn2O4 als Kathodenmaterial erreicht das präparierte MoS3 eine hohe spezifische Kapazität von 127 mAh/g bei einer Stromdichte von 0.1 A/g und eine gute Stabilität über 1000 Zyklen sowohl in Knopf- als auch in Pouch-Zellen. Der Arbeitsmechanismus von MoS3 in WIS-LIBs wurde auch durch Ex-situ-Röntgenbeugungsmessungen (XRD) untersucht. Während des Betriebs wird MoS3 während der anfänglichen Li-Ionen-Aufnahme irreversibel in Li2MoO4 umgewandelt und dann allmählich in eine stabilere und reversible LixMoOy-Phase (2≤y≤4)) entlang der Zyklen umgewandelt. Amorphes Li-defizientes Lix-mMoOy/MoOz wird bei der Delithiierung gebildet.
Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie zeigen einfache Ansätze zur Synthese hohler MoSx-Nanomaterialien mit kontrollierbarer Morphologie unter Verwendung einer Template-basierten Methode, die auf die vielversprechende Leistung von MoSx für wässrige Energiespeicheranwendungen zurückzuführen sind. Die elektrochemischen Untersuchungen von hohlen MoSx-Nanomaterialien in wässrigen Elektrolyten geben Einblick in die Reaktionsmechanismen von wässrigen Energiespeichersystemen und treiben die Entwicklung von Metallsulfiden für wässrige Energiespeicheranwendungen voran. / The present thesis focuses on the synthesis of novel hollow MoSx nanomaterials with controllable size and shape through the colloidal template method. Their possible applications in aqueous energy storage systems, including supercapacitors and Li-ion batteries (LIBs), have been studied.
In the first part, hollow carbon-MoS2-carbon nanoplates have been successfully synthesized through an L-cysteine-assisted hydrothermal method by using gibbsite as the template and polydopamine (PDA) as the carbon precursor. After calcination and etching of the gibbsite template, uniform hollow platelets, which are made of a sandwich-like assembly of partial graphitic carbon and two-dimensional layered MoS2 flakes, have been obtained. The platelets have shown excellent dispersibility and stability in water, and good electrical conductivity due to carbon coating generated by the calcination of polydopamine. The material is then applied in a symmetric supercapacitor using 1 M Li2SO4 as the electrolyte, which exhibits a specific capacitance of 248 F/g (0.12 F/cm2) at a constant current density of 0.1 A/g and an excellent electrochemical stability over 3000 cycles, suggesting that hollow carbon-MoS2-carbon nanoplates are promising candidate materials for supercapacitors.
In the second part, 21 m LiTFSI, so-called “water-in-salt” (WIS) electrolyte, has been studied in supercapacitors with hollow carbon nanoplates as electrode materials. In comparison with 1 M Li2SO4 electrolyte used in the first part, significant improvements on a broader and stable potential window have been revealed in the present WISE, which is slightly influenced by the lower conductivity with the counterpart. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) has been extensively employed to provide an insight look on the formation of solid electrolyte interphase in the WIS-supercapacitors. Additionally, the effect of temperature on the electrochemical performance has also been investigated in the temperature range between 15 and 55 °C, yielding eminent specific capacitance of 128 F/g at the optimized condition of 55 °C. The EIS measurements disclosed the decrease of fitted resistances with the increase of temperature and vise versa, directly illuminating the relationship between electrochemical output and working temperature of supercapacitors for reliable practical applications.
In the third part, MoS3, an amorphous chain-like structured transitional metal trichalcogenide, has been demonstrated as a promising anode in the “water-in-salt” Li-ion batteries (WIS-LIBs). Hollow MoS3 nanospheres used in this part have been synthesized via a scalable room-temperature acid precipitation method using spherical polyelectrolyte brushes (SPB) as the template. When applied in WIS-LIBs with LiMn2O4 as the cathode material, the prepared MoS3 achieves a high specific capacity of 127 mAh/g at the current density of 0.1 A/g and good stability over 1000 cycles in both coin cells and pouch cells. The working mechanism of MoS3 in WIS-LIBs has also been studied by ex-situ X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements. During operation, MoS3 undergoes irreversible conversion to Li2MoO4 during the initial Li ion uptake, and is then gradually converted to a more stable and reversible LixMoOy (2≤y≤4)) phase along cycling. Amorphous Li-deficient Lix-mMoOy/MoOz is formed upon delithiation.
The results in the present thesis demonstrate facile approaches for synthesizing hollow MoSx nanomaterials with controllable morphologies using a template-based method, which attribute to the promising performance of MoSx for aqueous energy storage applications. The electrochemical studies of hollow MoSx nanomaterials in aqueous electrolytes provide insight into the reaction mechanisms of aqueous energy storage systems and push forward the development of metal sulfides for aqueous energy storage applications.
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