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Very singular solutions of odd-order PDEs, with linear and nonlinear dispersionFernandes, Ray Stephen January 2008 (has links)
Asymptotic properties of solutions of the linear dispersion equation ut = uxxx in R × R+, and its (2k + 1)th-order generalisations are studied. General Hermitian spectral theory and asymptotic behaviour of its kernel, for the rescaled operator B = D3 + 1 3 yDy + 1 3 I, is developed, where a complete set of bi-orthonormal pair of eigenfunctions, {ψβ}, {ψ∗β }, are found. The results apply to the construction of VSS (very singular solutions) of the semilinear equation with absorption ut = uxxx − |u|p−1u in R × R+, where p > 1, which serves as a basic model for various applications, including the classic KdV area. Finally, the nonlinear dispersion equations such as ut = (|u|nu)xxx in R × R+, and ut = (|u|nu)xxx − |u|p−1u in R × R+, where n > 0, are studied and their “nonlinear eigenfunctions” are constructed. The basic tools include numerical methods and “homotopy-deformation” approaches, where the limits n → 0 and n → +∞ turn out to be fruitful. Local existence and uniqueness is proved and some bounds on the highly oscillatory tail are found. These odd-order models were not treated in existing mathematical literature, from the proposed point of view.
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Utveckling av arbetsprocesser för lokalnätsbyggnationHaglund, Christina, Karlsson, Yvonne January 2006 (has links)
<p>I januari 2005 orsakade stormen Gudrun stor förödelse i de svenska elnäten. Återuppbyggnadsarbetet pågår fortfarande samtidigt som stora nyinvesteringar sker. Flera av nätbolagen aviserar dessutom en fördubbling av investeringsvolymerna inför 2007. För att Vattenfall Service Syd AB (VSS) som entreprenadbolag skall kunna möta denna efterfrågan behöver de inte bara expandera utan också effektivisera sitt arbetssätt. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att VSS skall få in värdefulla synpunkter och förbättringsförslag av utomstående som inte har det traditionella synsättet på lokalnätsbyggnation. För att kunna effektivisera verksamheten och frigöra mer kapacitet behöver VSS se över sina arbetsprocesser. Examensarbetet har utförts bl.a. genom fältstudier i pågående byggnationsprojekt, genomgång av projektdokumentation samt intervjuer av personal. Även viss praktik med beredare och montörer har genomförts, detta för att öka förståelsen av och insikten i arbetssätt och problem. Problem som har identifierats är bl.a. brist på kommunikation vid överlämnandet av projekten, mycket dubbelarbete vid karthanteringen samt undermåliga projekteringar och beredningar. Några lösningsförslag på detta kan tänkas vara: Att införa en styrd montörspraktik i 2-3 månader innan man börjar arbeta som beredare. Man bör även ha en ökad fokusering på projekteringsunderlaget vid överlämnandet så att detta överrensstämmer med upphandlingen. Beredarna som arbetar mot Vattenfall Eldistribution bör arbeta i och utbilda sig i hanteringen av Netbas.</p>
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Utveckling av arbetsprocesser för lokalnätsbyggnationHaglund, Christina, Karlsson, Yvonne January 2006 (has links)
I januari 2005 orsakade stormen Gudrun stor förödelse i de svenska elnäten. Återuppbyggnadsarbetet pågår fortfarande samtidigt som stora nyinvesteringar sker. Flera av nätbolagen aviserar dessutom en fördubbling av investeringsvolymerna inför 2007. För att Vattenfall Service Syd AB (VSS) som entreprenadbolag skall kunna möta denna efterfrågan behöver de inte bara expandera utan också effektivisera sitt arbetssätt. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att VSS skall få in värdefulla synpunkter och förbättringsförslag av utomstående som inte har det traditionella synsättet på lokalnätsbyggnation. För att kunna effektivisera verksamheten och frigöra mer kapacitet behöver VSS se över sina arbetsprocesser. Examensarbetet har utförts bl.a. genom fältstudier i pågående byggnationsprojekt, genomgång av projektdokumentation samt intervjuer av personal. Även viss praktik med beredare och montörer har genomförts, detta för att öka förståelsen av och insikten i arbetssätt och problem. Problem som har identifierats är bl.a. brist på kommunikation vid överlämnandet av projekten, mycket dubbelarbete vid karthanteringen samt undermåliga projekteringar och beredningar. Några lösningsförslag på detta kan tänkas vara: Att införa en styrd montörspraktik i 2-3 månader innan man börjar arbeta som beredare. Man bör även ha en ökad fokusering på projekteringsunderlaget vid överlämnandet så att detta överrensstämmer med upphandlingen. Beredarna som arbetar mot Vattenfall Eldistribution bör arbeta i och utbilda sig i hanteringen av Netbas.
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För gull och för edela kransar : en identifiering av 22 nyfunna balladerSverkersson, Micael, Bäckvall, Louise January 2006 (has links)
In February 2005, a collection predominantly containing medieval ballads was found in the library of Växjö. The collectors were mainly George Stephens, originally from Scotland, and Gunnar Olof Hyltén-Cavallius, both active in Småland in the nineteenth century. In connection with an intital inventory of the material, Magnus Gustafsson, ethnomusicologist at Smålands Musikarkiv, marked ballads of uncertain origin with a question mark. The purpose of this essay is to investigate 22 of these marked ballads. To be able to compare them with other material we have developed a method to identify differences. By means of the method both the text and the melody are compared and in addition the differences in terms of quality and quantity are assessed. We have compared the collection, named Växjö Stadsbiblioteks Stephenssamling (VSS), with the Swedish edition of medieval ballads, Sveriges Medeltida Ballader (SMB). In the comparison, a ballad forgotten since the mid nineteenth century was retrieved .
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För gull och för edela kransar : en identifiering av 22 nyfunna balladerSverkersson, Micael, Bäckvall, Louise January 2006 (has links)
<p>In February 2005, a collection predominantly containing medieval ballads was found in the library of Växjö. The collectors were mainly George Stephens, originally from Scotland, and Gunnar Olof Hyltén-Cavallius, both active in Småland in the nineteenth century. In connection with an intital inventory of the material, Magnus Gustafsson, ethnomusicologist at Smålands Musikarkiv, marked ballads of uncertain origin with a question mark.</p><p>The purpose of this essay is to investigate 22 of these marked ballads. To be able to compare them with other material we have developed a method to identify differences. By means of the method both the text and the melody are compared and in addition the differences in terms of quality and quantity are assessed. We have compared the collection, named Växjö Stadsbiblioteks Stephenssamling (VSS), with the Swedish edition of medieval ballads, Sveriges Medeltida Ballader (SMB). In the comparison, a ballad forgotten since the mid nineteenth century was retrieved .</p>
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Space Transportation and Exploitation Missions offered by the VEGA Transportation System that could reshape the European Space Industry / Rymdtransporter och exploateringsuppdrag som erbjuds av VEGA-transportsystemet som kan omforma den europeiska rymdindustrinBuzdugan, Adrian January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to provide the mission requirements for the VEGA Transportation System(VTS), the equivalent of Phase 0 of a space project. The decrease in sizes and masses of the satellites opened the opportunity for the light capability VEGA launchers to contribute and reshape the European space value chain. VTS is envisaged to be an extension of the services offered by the VEGA launcher family, by providing solutions and services of space transportation and orbital exploitation. The elaboration of this thesis followed closely a methodology for defining complex space missions discussed by authors in “Methodology for requirements definition of complex space missions and system” and “Reusable space tug concept and mission”, which emphasizes the need of both, the Functional Analysis and Concept of Operation as fundamental activities to assess and derive the mission requirements. The results section reports a thorough description of the results obtained in the quest of identifying and characterizing new missions requirements for VTS. Specifically, missions for Releasing payload(s) to its/their final position and missions for Providing charter for In-Orbit Verification / In-Orbit Experimentation / In-Orbit Demonstration were exemplified. The mission requirements are summarized at the end of the section. A parallel between the findings and the current space trends is drawn in the Discussion, with details about the target market and how VTS could reshape it. A short discussion on how the entire portfolio of missions are amalgamated, in such a way that as few systems as possible can handle these missions is also provided. Lastly, a comparison between the work performed within the AVIO project and a sounding rocket project is given, providing thoughts about the lessons learned from both of them. Eventually, the conclusions are drawn based on the missions presented throughout thethesis and explains how the entire portfolio of missions will be further analyzed and more requirements will be deployed for the refinement of the entire VTS. / Syftet med denna rapport är att formulera uppdragskraven, motsvarande fas noll i ett rymdprojekt, för VEGA Transportation System (VTS). Minskningen i storlek och massa hos satelliter har öppnat upp för att VEGA, som är byggd för små nyttolaster, kan bidra till och utöka den europeiska uppskjutningskapaciteten och tjänsterna för olika rymdtransporter. Denna studien följer till stora delar metoderna som presenteras i “Methodology for requirements definition of complex space missions and system” samt “Reusable space tug concept and mission”. I dessa publikationer understryks behovet av både funktionell analys samt operationskonceptet som fundamentala aktiviteter för att bedöma och formulera uppdragskraven. Resultatavsnittet går igenom de framtagna uppdragkraven med de ovan nämnda metoderna. I diskussionsavsnittet analyseras nuvarande trender inom rymdsektorn och hur VTS kan vara med och forma utvecklingen samt den tänkta marknaden för systemet. Det diskuteras hur flera rymduppdrag kan slås ihop så att så få system som möligt kan hantera dessa uppdrag. Slutligen görs en jämförelse mellan arbetet inom AVIO-projektet med ett REXUS-sondraketprojekt, med tankar och lärdomar från båda projekten. Slutsatser dras utifrån portföljen av uppdrag som tagits fram för VTS i studien. VTS kommer framöver att fortsätta analyseras samt motiveras med flera argument för dess förbättring.
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1D nanowires: understanding growth and properties as steps toward biomedical and electrical applicationMorber, Jenny Ruth 01 July 2008 (has links)
This work details the synthesis and growth mechanisms of 1D magnetic and semiconducting nanostructures. Specifically, magnetic iron oxide and ZnS-SiO2 nanowires are examined. These materials are chosen due to their promise for biomedical and electronic applications and the perceived need to both create these structures as tools for these applications and to understand their formation processes so that they can be manufactured at a scale and efficiency suitable for commercialization. The current state and impact of nanotechnology is discussed through the lens of continuing technological advances and environmental factors, and the term is defined according to a specific set of criterion involving size, utility, and uniqueness. Details of synthesis and characterization of Fe3O4, ε-Fe2O3, and ZnS-SiO2 core-shell nanowires are presented. Observations regarding the growth of these structures are paired with additional experiments, simple simulations, and other literature to discuss the classical VLS growth process in general, and its applicability to these structures in particular. Finally, some exciting future applications are discussed, with details for initial experimental work presented in the appendix.
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Mitteilungen des URZ 3/2009Clauß, Matthias, Müller, Thomas, Riedel, Wolfgang, Schier, Thomas, Vodel, Matthias 31 August 2009 (has links)
Informationen des Universitätsrechenzentrums
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Construction of RF-link budget template for transceiver modellingFrykskog, David, Jonsson, Hjalmar January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis report details the process of developing a simulation platform for radio transceivers with a focus on analog receiver front end system design. The platform was implemented in the National Instruments VSS environment for the company Ericsson AB.
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適應性累積和損失管制圖之研究 / The Study of Adaptive CUSUM Loss Control Charts林政憲 Unknown Date (has links)
The CUSUM control charts have been widely used in detecting small process shifts since it was first introduced by Page (1954). And recent studies have shown that adaptive charts can improve the efficiency and performance of traditional Shewhart charts. To monitor the process mean and variance in a single chart, the loss function is used as a measure statistic in this article. The loss function can measure the process quality loss while the process mean and/or variance has shifted. This study combines the three features: adaption, CUSUM and the loss function, and proposes the optimal VSSI, VSI, and FP CUSUM Loss chart. The performance of the proposed charts is measured by using Average Time to Signal (ATS) and Average Number of Observations to Signal (ANOS). The ATS and ANOS calculations are based on Markov chain approach. The performance comparisons between the proposed charts and some existing charts, such as X-bar+S^2 charts and CUSUM X-bar+S^2 charts, are illustrated by numerical analyses and some examples. From the results of the numerical analyses, it shows that the optimal VSSI CUSUM Loss chart has better performance than the optimal VSI CUSUM Loss chart, optimal FP CUSUM Loss chart, CUSUM X-bar+S^2 charts and X-bar+S^2 charts. Furthermore, using a single chart to monitor a process is not only easier but more efficient than using two charts simultaneously. Hence, the adaptive CUSUM Loss charts are recommended in real process. / The CUSUM control charts have been widely used in detecting small process shifts since it was first introduced by Page (1954). And recent studies have shown that adaptive charts can improve the efficiency and performance of traditional Shewhart charts. To monitor the process mean and variance in a single chart, the loss function is used as a measure statistic in this article. The loss function can measure the process quality loss while the process mean and/or variance has shifted. This study combines the three features: adaption, CUSUM and the loss function, and proposes the optimal VSSI, VSI, and FP CUSUM Loss chart. The performance of the proposed charts is measured by using Average Time to Signal (ATS) and Average Number of Observations to Signal (ANOS). The ATS and ANOS calculations are based on Markov chain approach. The performance comparisons between the proposed charts and some existing charts, such as X-bar+S^2 charts and CUSUM X-bar+S^2 charts, are illustrated by numerical analyses and some examples. From the results of the numerical analyses, it shows that the optimal VSSI CUSUM Loss chart has better performance than the optimal VSI CUSUM Loss chart, optimal FP CUSUM Loss chart, CUSUM X-bar+S^2 charts and X-bar+S^2 charts. Furthermore, using a single chart to monitor a process is not only easier but more efficient than using two charts simultaneously. Hence, the adaptive CUSUM Loss charts are recommended in real process.
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