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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo de dinâmica de voo e controle de um VANT com decolagem e pouso vertical / Flight dynamics and control study of a VTOL UAV

Daud Filho, Antonio Carlos 24 October 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta o desenvolvimento da teoria de dinâmica de voo e o conceito de controle a ser aplicado na modelagem e simulação de voo de um VANT com decolagem e pouso vertical proposto. Um conceito de aeronave de asa semi-tandem é projetado e os coeficientes aerodinâmicos, propriedades inerciais e parâmetros de controle são estimados, o que permitiu a implementação da teoria proposta. O modelo fez uso das equações de movimento multi-corpos onde a aeronave é dividida em partes de forma que a asa, o estabilizador horizontal e os rotores sejam entidades independentes. Além disso, o sucesso da fase de transição de voo pairado para cruzeiro e de cruzeiro para voo pairado pode ser verificado se houver a possibilidade da aeronave trimar ao longo do regime de velocidades de voo, em outras palavras, se houver uma combinação de estados de movimento que mantenha a aeronave estável do voo pairado para a condição de cruzeiro. Assim, as curvas de trimagem que expressam os estados são calculadas usando a minimização de uma função de custo envolvendo a soma dos quadrados de alguns dos estados de movimento, definidos pelas equações de movimento mencionadas anteriormente. Tal minimização é realizada usando o algoritmo Simplex Sequencial. Além disso, é apresentada uma estratégia de controle que estabiliza a aeronave durante a transição de voo pairado para configuração de cruzeiro, que é testada em simulação computacional de um voo longitudinal acelerado e desacelerado, ou seja, de voo pairado para cruzeiro e de cruzeiro para voo pairado. Finalmente, um protótipo da aeronave estudada é apresentado. / This thesis presents the development of the flight dynamics theory and control concept to be applied in the modeling and flight simulation of a proposed VTOL UAV. A semi-tandem wing aircraft concept is designed and the aerodynamic coefficients, inertial properties and controls parameters are estimated, which allowed the implementation of the proposed theory. The model made use of the multi-body equations of motion where the aircraft is divided in parts so that the wing, horizontal stabilizer and rotors are independent entities. Additionally, the success of the transition phase from hovering to cruise and from cruise to hovering can be verified if there is the possibility of the aircraft to trim along the flight speed regime, in other words, if there is a combination of states of motion that keep the aircraft stable from hover to cruise condition. So, the trim curves expressing the states are computed using the minimization of a cost function involving the sum of the squares of some of the states of motion, defined through the equations of motion previously mentioned. Such minimization is performed using the Sequential Simplex algorithm. Moreover, a control strategy that stabilizes the aircraft while it transitions from hovering to cruise configuration is presented, which is tested in computer simulation of an accelerated and decelerated longitudinal flight, that is, from hovering to cruise condition, and from cruise to hovering condition. Finally, a prototype of the aircraft studied is presented.

Estudo de dinâmica de voo e controle de um VANT com decolagem e pouso vertical / Flight dynamics and control study of a VTOL UAV

Antonio Carlos Daud Filho 24 October 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta o desenvolvimento da teoria de dinâmica de voo e o conceito de controle a ser aplicado na modelagem e simulação de voo de um VANT com decolagem e pouso vertical proposto. Um conceito de aeronave de asa semi-tandem é projetado e os coeficientes aerodinâmicos, propriedades inerciais e parâmetros de controle são estimados, o que permitiu a implementação da teoria proposta. O modelo fez uso das equações de movimento multi-corpos onde a aeronave é dividida em partes de forma que a asa, o estabilizador horizontal e os rotores sejam entidades independentes. Além disso, o sucesso da fase de transição de voo pairado para cruzeiro e de cruzeiro para voo pairado pode ser verificado se houver a possibilidade da aeronave trimar ao longo do regime de velocidades de voo, em outras palavras, se houver uma combinação de estados de movimento que mantenha a aeronave estável do voo pairado para a condição de cruzeiro. Assim, as curvas de trimagem que expressam os estados são calculadas usando a minimização de uma função de custo envolvendo a soma dos quadrados de alguns dos estados de movimento, definidos pelas equações de movimento mencionadas anteriormente. Tal minimização é realizada usando o algoritmo Simplex Sequencial. Além disso, é apresentada uma estratégia de controle que estabiliza a aeronave durante a transição de voo pairado para configuração de cruzeiro, que é testada em simulação computacional de um voo longitudinal acelerado e desacelerado, ou seja, de voo pairado para cruzeiro e de cruzeiro para voo pairado. Finalmente, um protótipo da aeronave estudada é apresentado. / This thesis presents the development of the flight dynamics theory and control concept to be applied in the modeling and flight simulation of a proposed VTOL UAV. A semi-tandem wing aircraft concept is designed and the aerodynamic coefficients, inertial properties and controls parameters are estimated, which allowed the implementation of the proposed theory. The model made use of the multi-body equations of motion where the aircraft is divided in parts so that the wing, horizontal stabilizer and rotors are independent entities. Additionally, the success of the transition phase from hovering to cruise and from cruise to hovering can be verified if there is the possibility of the aircraft to trim along the flight speed regime, in other words, if there is a combination of states of motion that keep the aircraft stable from hover to cruise condition. So, the trim curves expressing the states are computed using the minimization of a cost function involving the sum of the squares of some of the states of motion, defined through the equations of motion previously mentioned. Such minimization is performed using the Sequential Simplex algorithm. Moreover, a control strategy that stabilizes the aircraft while it transitions from hovering to cruise configuration is presented, which is tested in computer simulation of an accelerated and decelerated longitudinal flight, that is, from hovering to cruise condition, and from cruise to hovering condition. Finally, a prototype of the aircraft studied is presented.

Vers une stratégie unifiée pour la commande des véhicules aériens

Pucci, Daniele 11 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Au cours du siècle dernier, la communauté scientifique a traité le contrôle des véhicules aériens principalement par l'élaboration de stratégies ad hoc, mais aucune approche unifiée n'a été développé jusqu'à présent. Cette thèse participe à l'élaboration d'une approche unifiée pour le contrôle des véhicules aériens en prenant en compte les forces aérodynamiques dans la conception de la commande. Nous supposons les effets aérodynamiques de rotation et les effets non stationnaires négligeables. Les actionneurs du véhicule sont supposés être composés d'une force de poussé fixée au corps pour le mouvement en translation, et d'un couple de contrôle pour la régulation d'attitude. Cette thèse se concentre ensuite sur la boucle de guidage, traitant du contrôle de la vitesse linéaire. L'un des principaux objectifs a été de déterminer la façon de réguler la force de poussée et l'orientation du véhicule pour compenser les forces extérieures. Tout d'abord nous abordons la modélisation, l'analyse et le contrôle de la dynamique longitudinale de l'avion. Ensuite nous étendons certaines de ces études aux mouvements tridimensionnels d'avions au corps symétrique, tels que les missiles. Un résultat original de cette thèse est de préciser les conditions sur la force aérodynamique permettant de reformuler le problème du contrôle dans celui de la commande d'un corps sphérique, pour lequel des résultats de stabilité peuvent être démontrés. Les lois de commande proposées intègrent des termes intégraux et anti-wind up sans reposer sur une politique de commutation entre plusieurs lois de commande.

Distributed management and coordination of UAV swarms based on infrastructureless wireless networks

Wubben, Jamie 26 October 2023 (has links)
[ES] Los Vehículos Aéreos no Tripulados (o drones) ya han demostrado su utilidad en una gran variedad de aplicaciones. Hoy en día, se utilizan para fotografía, cinematografía, inspecciones y vigilancia, entre otros. Sin embargo, en la mayoría de los casos todavía son controlados por un piloto, que como máximo suele estar volando un solo dron cada vez. En esta tesis, tratamos de avanzar en paso más allá en esta tecnología al permitir que múltiples drones con capacidad para despegue y aterrizaje vertical trabajen de forma sincronizada, como una sola entidad. La principal ventaja de realizar vuelos en grupo, comúnmente denominado enjambre, es que se pueden realizar tareas más complejas que utilizando un solo dron. De hecho, un enjambre permite cubrir más área en el mismo tiempo, ser más resistente, tener una capacidad de carga más alta, etc. Esto puede habilitar el uso de nuevas aplicaciones, o una mejor eficiencia para las aplicaciones existentes. Sin embargo, una parte clave es que los miembros del enjambre deben organizarse correctamente, ya que, durante el vuelo, diferentes perturbaciones pueden provocar que sea complicado mantener el enjambre como una unidad coherente. Una vez que se pierde esta coherencia, todos los beneficios previamente mencionados de un enjambre se pierden también. Incluso, aumenta el riesgo de colisiones entre los elementos del enjambre. Por lo tanto, esta tesis se centra en resolver algunos de estos problemas, proporcionando un conjunto de algoritmos que permitan a otros desarrolladores crear aplicaciones de enjambres de drones. Para desarrollar los algoritmos propuestos hemos incorporado mejoras al llamado ArduSim. Este simulador nos permite simular tanto la física de un dron como la comunicación entre drones con un alto grado de precisión. ArduSim nos permite implementar protocolos y algoritmos (bien probados) en drones reales con facilidad. Durante toda la tesis, ArduSim ha sido utilizado ampliamente. Su utilización ha permitido que las pruebas fueran seguras, y al mismo tiempo nos permitió ahorrar mucho tiempo, dinero y esfuerzo de investigación. Comenzamos nuestra investigación sobre enjambres asignando posiciones aéreas para cada dron en el suelo. Suponiendo que los drones están ubicados aleatoriamente en el suelo, y que necesitan alcanzar una formación aérea deseada, buscamos una solución que minimice la distancia total recorrida por todos los drones. Para ello se empezó con un método de fuerza bruta, pero rápidamente nos dimos cuenta de que, dada su alta complejidad, este método funciona mal cuando el número de drones aumenta. Por lo tanto, propusimos una heurística. Como en todas las heurísticas, se realizó un compromiso entre complejidad y precisión. Al simplificar el problema, encontramos que nuestra heurística era capaz de calcular una solución muy rápidamente sin aumentar sustancialmente la distancia total recorrida. Además, implementamos el algoritmo de Kuhn-Munkres (KMA), un algoritmo que ha demostrado proporcionar la respuesta exacta (es decir, reducir la distancia total recorrida) en el menor tiempo posible. Después de muchos experimentos, llegamos a la conclusión de que nuestra heurística es más rápida, pero que la solución proporcionada por el KMA es ligeramente más eficiente. En particular, aunque la diferencia en la distancia total recorrida es pequeña, el uso de KMA reduce el número de trayectorias de vuelo que se cruzan entre sí, lo cual es una métrica importante para las siguientes propuestas.[...] / [CA] Els vehicles aeris no tripulats (o drons) ja han demostrat la seua utilitat en una gran varietat d'aplicacions. Avui dia, s'utilitzen per a fotografia, cinematografia, inspeccions i vigilància, entre altres. No obstant això, en la majoria dels casos encara són controlats per un pilot, que com a màxim sol controlar el vol d'un sol dron cada vegada. En aquesta tesi, tractem d'avançar un pas més enllà en aquesta tecnologia, en permetre que múltiples drons amb capacitat per a l'enlairament i l'aterratge vertical treballen de forma sincronitzada, com una sola entitat. El principal avantatge de realitzar vols en grup, comunament denominats eixam, és que es poden fer tasques més complexes que utilitzant un sol dron. De fet, un eixam permet cobrir més àrea en el mateix temps, ser més resistent, tenir una capacitat de càrrega més alta, etc. Això pot habilitar l'ús de noves aplicacions, o una millor eficiència per a les aplicacions existents. No obstant això, una punt clau és que els membres de l'eixam han d'organitzar-se correctament, ja que, durant el vol, diferents pertorbacions poden provocar que siga complicat mantenir l'eixam com una unitat coherent. Una vegada que es perd aquesta coherència, tots els beneficis prèviament esmentats d'un eixam es perden també. Fins i tot, augmenta el risc de col·lisions entre els elements de l'eixam. Per tant, aquesta tesi se centra a resoldre alguns d'aquests problemes, proporcionant un conjunt d'algorismes que permeten a altres desenvolupadors crear aplicacions d'eixams de drons. Per a desenvolupar els algorismes proposats hem incorporat millores a l'anomenat ArduSim. Aquest simulador ens permet simular tant la física d'un dron com la comunicació entre drons amb un alt grau de precisió. ArduSim ens permet implementar protocols i algorismes (ben provats) en drons reals amb facilitat. Durant tota la tesi, ArduSim s'ha utilitzat àmpliament. El seu ús ha permès que les proves foren segures, i al mateix temps ens va permetre estalviar molt de temps, diners i esforç d'investigació. Per tant, es va utilitzar ArduSim per a cada bloc de construcció que vam desenvolupar. Comencem la nostra recerca sobre eixams assignant posicions aèries per a cada dron en terra. Suposant que els drons estan situats aleatòriament en terra i que necessiten assolir la formació aèria desitjada, cerquem una solució que minimitze la distància total recorreguda per tots els drons. Per a això, es va començar amb un mètode de força bruta, però ràpidament ens vam adonar que, atesa l'alta complexitat, aquest mètode funciona malament quan el nombre de drons augmenta. Per tant, vam proposar una heurística. Com en totes les heurístiques, es va fer un compromís entre complexitat i precisió. En simplificar el problema, trobem que la nostra heurística era capaç de calcular una solució molt ràpidament sense augmentar substancialment la distància total recorreguda. A més, vam implementar l'algorisme de Kuhn-Munkres (KMA), un algorisme que ha demostrat proporcionar la resposta exacta (és a dir, reduir la distància total recorreguda) en el menor temps possible. Després de molts experiments, arribem a la conclusió que la nostra heurística és més ràpida, però que la solució proporcionada pel KMA és lleugerament més eficient. En particular, encara que la diferència en la distància total recorreguda és xicoteta, l'ús de KMA redueix el nombre de trajectòries de vol que s'encreuen entre si, la qual cosa és una mètrica important per a les propostes següents.[...] / [EN] Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have already proven to be useful in many different applications. Nowadays, they are used for photography, cinematography, inspections, and surveillance. However, in most cases they are still controlled by a pilot, who at most is flying one UAV at a time. In this thesis, we try to take this technology one step further by allowing multiple Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL) UAVs to work together as one entity. The main advantage of this group, commonly referred to as a swarm, is that it can perform more complex tasks than a single UAV. When organized correctly, a swarm allows for: more area to be covered in the same time, more resilience, higher load capability, etc. A swarm can lead to new applications, or a better efficiency for existing applications. A key part, however, is that they should be organized correctly. During the flight, different disturbances will make it complicated to keep the swarm as one coherent unit. Once this coherency is lost, all the previously mentioned benefits of a swarm are lost as well. Even worse, the chance of a hazard increases. Therefore, this thesis focuses on solving some of these issues by providing a baseline of building blocks that enable other developers to create UAV swarm applications. In order to develop these building blocks, we improve a multi-UAV simulator called ArduSim. This simulator allows us to simulate both the physics of a UAV, and the communication between UAVs with a high degree of accuracy. This is a crucial part because it allows us to deploy (well tested) protocols and algorithms on real UAVs with ease. During the entirety of this thesis, ArduSim has been used extensively. It made testing safe, and allowed us to save a lot of time, money and research effort. We started by assigning airborne positions for each UAV on the ground. Assuming that the UAVs, are placed randomly on the ground, and that they need to reach a desired aerial formation, we searched for a solution that minimizes the total distance travelled by all the UAVs. We started with a brute-force method, but quickly realized that, given its high complexity, this method performs badly when the number of UAVs grows. Hence, we created a heuristic. As for all heuristics, a trade-off was made between complexity and accuracy. By simplifying the problem, we found that our heuristic was able to calculate a solution very quickly without increasing the total distance travelled substantially. Furthermore, we implemented the \ac{KMA}, an algorithm that has been proven to provide the exact answer (i.e. minimal total distance travelled) in the shortest time possible. After many experiments, we came to the conclusion that our heuristic is faster, but that the solution provided by the \ac{KMA} is slightly better. In particular, although the difference in total distance travelled is small, the \ac{KMA} reduces the numbers of flight paths crossing each other, which is an important metric in our next building block. Once we developed algorithms to assign airborne positions to each UAV on the ground, we started developing algorithms to take off all those UAVs. The objective of these algorithms is to reduce the time it takes for all the UAVs to reach their aerial position, while ensuring that all UAVs maintain a safe distance. The easiest solution is a sequential take-off procedure, but this is also the slowest approach. Hence, we improved it by first proposing a semi-sequential and later a semi-simultaneous take-off procedure. With this semi-simultaneous take-off procedure, we are able to reduce the takeoff time drastically without introducing any risk to the aircraft. [..] / Wubben, J. (2023). Distributed management and coordination of UAV swarms based on infrastructureless wireless networks [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/198887

Magnetic signature characterization of a fixed-wing vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)

Hansen, Cody Robert Daniel 17 December 2018 (has links)
The use of magnetometers combined with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is an emerging market for commercial and military applications. This study presents the methodology used to magnetically characterize a novel fixed-wing vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) UAV. The most challenging aspect of integrating magnetometers on manned or unmanned aircraft is minimizing the amount of magnetic noise generated by the aircraft’s onboard components. As magnetometer technology has improved in recent years magnetometer payloads have decreased in size. As a result, there has been an increase in opportunities to employ small to medium UAV with magnetometer applications. However, in comparison to manned aviation, small UAVs have smaller distance scales between sources of interference and sensors. Therefore, more robust magnetic characterization techniques are required specifically for UAVs. This characterization determined the most suitable position for the magnetometer payload by evaluating the aircraft’s static-field magnetic signature. For each aircraft component, the permanent and induced magnetic dipole moment characteristics were determined experimentally. These dipole characteristics were used to build three dimensional magnetic models of the aircraft. By assembling the dipoles in 3D space, analytical and numerical static-field solutions were obtained using MATLAB computational and COMSOL finite element analysis frameworks. Finally, Tolles and Lawson aeromagnetic compensation coefficients were computed and compared to evaluate the maneuver noise for various payload locations. The magnetic models were used to study the sensitivity of the aircraft configuration and to simultaneously predict the effects at potential sensor locations. The study concluded by predicting that a wingtip location was the area of lowest magnetic interference. / Graduate

Etude de la sensibilité au vent latéral d'un mini-drone à capacité de vol stationnaire / Study of the sensitivity to the lateral wind of a Mini Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with VTOL flight capabilities

Gomez Ariza, David 28 November 2013 (has links)
Dans l’évolution actuelle de mini-drones à décollage et atterrissage vertical, configurations convertibles de type “tilt-rotors” et “tilt-body” sont de plus en plus souvent utilisées. Ces configurations se sont avérées être très sensibles à l’effet du vent latéral quand ils sont en vol de transition ou tout simplement en vol à basse vitesse. Pour cette raison, une bonne compréhension du comportement d’un proprotor et de l’interaction proprotor-voilure à incidence est nécessaire pour la conception de ce type de drones. Un modèle à l’échelle du mini-drone MiniREC a été testée à la soufflerie S4 de type Eiffel de l’ISAE pour comprendre le comportement de la charge aérodynamique du proprotor au cours de la transition du vol vertical au vol horizontal. Aussi, pour observer l’effet d’échelle et étudier le type de proprotor utilisé normalement par les MAV, une deuxième expérience pour proprotors à incidence a été réalisée à la soufflerie SaBRE. Un anémomètre à film chaud a été utilisé pour caractériser le sillage de l’hélice. Les résultats expérimentaux ont montré la grande incidence de ces forces sur la stabilité longitudinale du drone à des angles d’incidence élevés. Il a également été montré que l’écoulement généré par un proprotor au incidence est de nature très instable, cequi rend sa modélisation complexe. D’un point de vue numérique, l’étude de l’hélice à l’incidence a été faite en utilisant l’hypothèse de Glauert pour un disque actuateur au incidence. Les résultats analytiques sont comparés avec les résultats expérimentaux obtenus à partir des mesures à film chauden 2D et une simulation CFD d’un disque actuateur au incidence chargé avec une charge moyenne équivalente aux valeurs de poussée expérimentales SaBRE et une simulation URANS CFD de l’hélice complète. En outre, les résultats de l’expérience S4 ont été comparés au modèle de Ribner pour les hélices en lacet et le modèle de Young qui est une modification statistique de l’analyse Ribner. La modification proposée du modèle de Ribner donne de bons résultats pour les rotors seul, même à des angles d’attaque élevés. Toutefois, il a été clairement démontré que son amélioration ou un nouveau modèle sont nécessaires afin de prévoir correctement la poussée et les forces produites par proprotors simples et co-axiaux. Pour cela un méthode quasi-stationnaire du premier ordre basée sur la théorie de la dynamique des éléments pales a été développée. Enfin, un prototype aérodynamique avec une sensibilité réduite au vent latéral a été conçu, construit et testé dans la soufflerie S4. Le test a montré que la première conclusion à propos de la contribution du proprotor à la sensibilité longitudinaletotale des mini-drones était justifiée et que la nouvelle configuration fait un candidat idéal pour lesconceptions futures de mini-drones basculant à décollage et atterrissage vertical. / In the current development of VTOL mini-UAS and MAVs, configurations like tilt proprotors and tilt-body are being applied more and more often. These types of configurations have shown to be very sensitive to the effect of the lateral wind when they are in transition flight or simply in low speed flight. For this reason a correct understanding of the behavior of a proprotor and the proprotor-wing interaction at incidence is necessary for the design and conception of this type ofUAS. A scaled model of the MiniREC mini-UAS was tested at the ISAE S4 Eiffel type wind tunnel to understand the aerodynamic load behavior of the proprotor during the transition from vertical flight to horizontal flight. Also, to observe the effect of the scale and study the type of proprotor usednormally by MAVs, a second experiment for proprotors at incidence was conducted at the SaBRE wind tunnel. A hot film anemometer was used to characterize the propeller wake. The experimental results showed the great impact of these loads over the longitudinal stability of the drone at highangles of incidence. It was also shown that the nature of the flow for a proprotor at incidence ishighly unsteady which makes its modeling a complex process. From a numerical point of view the study of the propeller at incidence was done using the Glauert’s hypothesis for an actuator disk at incidence. The analytic results are compared with experimental results obtained from the 2D hot film measurements and a CFD simulation of an actuator disk at incidence loaded with a mean load equivalent to experimental SaBRE thrust values and URANS CFD simulation of the full propeller. The results of the S4 experiment were also compared to Ribner’s model for propellers in yaw and the Young’s model which is a statistical modification of Ribner’s analysis. The present modification of Ribner’s model gives good results for single rotors even at high angles of attack. However it wasclearly shown that some improvement or a new model were needed to correctly predict the thrustand the off-axis loads produced by single and coaxial proprotors. For this a first order quasi-steady method based on blade element momentum theory was developed. Finally an aerodynamic prototype(with reduced sensitivity to the lateral wind) was designed on these bases, built and tested in theS4 wind-tunnel. The test showed that the initial conclusion about the contribution of the proprotorto the total longitudinal sensitivity of the mini-UAS were justified and that the new configuration showed a reduced sensitivity to the lateral wind which makes it a perfect candidate for future designs of tilt-body VTOL mini-UAS .

Forward Flight Power Requirements for a Quadcopter sUAS in Ground Effect

Browne, Jeremy P. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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