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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Hämodynamik von femoro-cruralen Bypasanastomosen

Rösler, Stefan K. 18 April 2007 (has links)
Die moderne Gefäßchirurgie bedient sich bei hohen Stadien der pAVK, spezieller Gefäßrekonstruktionen in Form von distalen End-zu-Seit-Gefäßanastomosen. Das langfristige Versagen der Gefäßanastomose hängt primär von der Entstehung einer subendothelialen Intimahyperplasie (IH) ab. Diese IH-Gebiete befinden sich je nach Anastomosengeometrie im Gebiet der Hauben- und Fersenzone sowie am Boden der Anastomose. // Mit Hilfe der Particle Image Velocimetry-Technik wird eine Taylor-Patch-, eine Miller-Cuff-Anastomose und eine femoro-crurale Patch-Prothese bezüglich ihrer Flussmuster sowie ihrer hämodynamischen Eigenschaften wie Geschwindigkeit, Scherstress und Rotation in z-Richtung (Vorticity) untersucht. // In einem hydrodynamischen Kreislaufmodell werden elastische, transparente Silikonmodelle der Anastomosen hergestellt und mit einem blutanalogen Newtonschen Fluid (Glycerol-Wasser-Gemisch) unter Simulation der femorocruralen Druckkurve, pulsatil bei Variation der Strömungsbedingung perfundiert. Der periphere Widerstand beträgt 0,5 mmHg/ml/min (PRU) und die Phasenverschiebung -12 Grad (zwischen Druck- und Flusskurve). // Die Flussmuster variieren zwischen den unterschiedlichen Ausstromverhältnissen erheblich. Bei den unterschiedlichen Flussstärken hingegen ähneln sich die Flussmuster. Alle drei Modelle zeigen ausgeprägte Flussseparationszonen im Hauben- und Fersengebiet sowie geometrieabhängig auch eine Stagnationszone am Boden. Diese Bereiche wiesen die geringsten Fluidgeschwindigkeiten, deutlich unter normalem Wandscherstressniveau liegende Scherstressverhältnisse sowie geringe Vorticitywerte auf. Im Bereich der Übergangszonen finden sich hohe Scherstress- sowie Vorticitywerte. Geschwindigkeitsunterschiede des Fluids zeigten sich im Bereich der Ausstromsegmente. Variable Stressverteilungen zeigen sich auch innerhalb der Separationszonen. Eine Erklärung für die unterschiedlich beschriebenen Offenheitsraten der drei Anastomosenformen wird durch diese Arbeit nicht gefunden. / Modern vascular surgery uses special termino-lateral anastomoses for treating high levels of peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Long term stenoses and occlusions of vascular anastomoses mostly depend on the development of subendothelial myointimal hyperplasia (MIH). There are characteristic areas within the anastomoses, where this process can be examined: The heel, the tow and the floor zone. // This examination observes local hemodynamics like velocity, shear stress and vorticity (rotation in z-direction) and flow patterns of a Taylor-Patch-, a Miller-Cuff-Anastomosis and a feroro-crural patch prothesis (FCPP) with the usage of a Particle Image Velocimetry. In a hydrodynamic circulation model various elastic, transparent silicon phantoms of termino-lateral anastomoses are perfused with a Newton fluid blood analogon (glycerol-water mixture) while simulating the femorocrural pressure curve in a pulsatile manner under variation of the flow conditions. The outflow resistance is 0.5 mmHg/ml/min (PRU, peripheral resistance units) and a phase shift of -12° between flow and pressure curve is simulated. // The flow patterns differed extremely in accordance of the various outflow ratios. Using different flow intensity, the flow patterns are very similar. // All three anastomoses show characteristic heel and toe separation zones. In the FCPP centre a stagnation zone on the floor can not be examined. Shear stress inside the flow separations was significantly lower than normal wall shear stress. High shear stress levels were found inside the transition zones between flow separation and high velocity mainstream. An explanation for the different stenoses and occlusions time of the three different anastomoses can not be found.

Der Einfluss der hydraulischen Impedanz auf die Prognose und lokale Hämodynamik femoro-infrainguinaler Rekonstruktionen

Heise, Michael 14 April 2004 (has links)
Durch die intraoperative Anwendung der extrakorporalen Bypassflow-Messung wurde zum ersten Mal die Messung und Berechnung der hydraulischen Impedanz möglich. Von den in der vorgelegten Untersuchung berücksichtigten Variablen des hydraulischen Impedanzkonzeptes zeigte sich, dass die Phasenverschiebung zwischen Druck- und Flusskurven, gemessen als erster Impedanzphasenwinkel, die größte klinische Bedeutung hatte. Mit Hilfe der Phasenverschiebung wurde die Langzeitprognose von femoro-poplitealen und insbesondere cruralen Bypässen eindeutig vorhersagbar. Sämtliche Bypässe zu Ausstromgebieten, die einen hohen Wellenwiderstand von < -40° aufwiesen, waren innerhalb von 16 Monaten nach der Operation verschlossen. Das Verhalten der Impedanzparameter nach Prostaglandinapplikation bestätigte die bisherigen tierexperimentellen Erfahrungen. Durch die induzierte Vasodilatation kam es neben der Senkung des linearen Strömungswiderstandes auch zu einem deutlichen Abfall des pulsatilen Wellenwiderstandes. Es zeigte sich, dass die isolierte Prostaglandinreaktion ein weiterer Prognosefaktor von cruralen Bypässen war. Sämtliche Rekonstruktionen, die zu Anschlussgefässen geführt wurden, welche keine Prostaglandinreaktion mehr zeigten, waren innerhalb von 9 Monaten postoperativ verschlossen. Hierdurch konnte die Genauigkeit der Vorhersagbarkeit von Bypassverschlüssen noch verbessert werden. Es zeigte sich außerdem in der vorgelegten Studie, dass konventionelle Angiographien weder mit der Prognose der peripheren Rekonstruktionen noch mit den intraoperativ gemessenen linearen oder pulsatilen Widerständen korrelierten. Dieses ist um so mehr von Bedeutung, da die Operationsplanung in der Regel anhand der Angiographien erfolgt. In kritischen Fällen, in denen der periphere Abstrom aufgrund einer schwachen Kontrastierung der Anschlussgefässe nicht sicher zu bestimmen ist, sollten aus diesem Grund zusätzliche dynamische Untersuchungen, wie die farbkodierte Duplexsonographie oder Magnetresonanz-Angiographie erfolgen. Der hohe lineare und pulsatile Widerstand ist zusammen mit der Anastomosengeometrie weiterhin dafür verantwortlich, dass es innerhalb der Anastomosen zu ausgeprägten Flussseparationen kommt. Wie mit Hilfe der Particle Image Velocimetry-Untersuchung gezeigt wurde, finden diese sich innerhalb der klassischen End-zu-Seit-Anastomosen im Bereich der Haube und der Fersenregionen. Darüber hinaus kommt es in Abhängigkeit von der Geometrie zu einer Stagnationszone auf dem Boden der Anastomose. Innerhalb dieser Flussablösungszonen fanden sich Scherstressmuster, die deutlich unterhalb des normalen Wandscherstressniveaus lagen. Zwischen dem Zentralstrom und den Separationszonen ließen sich darüber hinaus Übergangszonen mit deutlich höherem Scherstress nachweisen. Diese Befunde unterstützen die sogenannte low-shear Theorie, welche zur Erklärung der subendothelialen Intimahyperplasie herangezogen wird. Die räumliche Korrelation der typischen Prädilektionsstellen der Intimahyperplasie mit den durch PIV nachgewiesenen Flussablösungen zeigte eine sehr hohe Übereinstimmung. Neben den Hauben- und Fersenseparationen entwickelte sich eine Stagnationszone am Boden des Empfängergefässes. Ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt in diesem Zusammenhang war der erstmals erhobene Befund, dass in der Übergangszone zwischen Zentralstrom und Separationen normale Wandscherbedingungen vorlagen. Hierbei könnte es sich um das erforderliche Stopsignal für die Endothelzellen handeln, die Stimulation der subendothelialen Myozyten einzustellen. / The intraoperative use of the extracorporeal bypass flow method allowed for the first time measurement and calculation of hydraulic impedance. The phase shift between flow and pressure waves, as represented by the first phase angle, showed a strong correlation to graft patency. All grafts presenting with high impedance values of < -40°, were occluded within 16 month after the operation. The reaction of the impedance parameters following application of prostaglandin E1 correlated with the previously known experimental results. The induced vasodilation led to a significant decrease of the first phase angle. The prostaglandin reaction itself also proved to be a valuable prognostic factor. All reconstructions to a vasculature with a negative prostaglandin reaction were occluded within 9 months after the operation. The prostaglandin response therefore provided an enhancement of the prognostic tools associated with graft patency. In addition it was shown, that the conventional angiographies did not correlate with graft prognosis. This is particularly important, since angiographies are used for the preoperative planning of the operation. In critical cases, additional assessment of runoff by means of duplex sonography or magnetic resonance angiography is necessary. The high pulsatile resistance is responsible for flow separation inside distal anastomoses of peripheral bypasses. Using Particle Image Velocimetry it was shown, that significant separation areas were present at the heel, the hood and the floor of the anastomoses. The shear stress inside these areas was significantly lower than normal wall shear stresses. At the transition between separation and mainstream very high shear stresses were present, which could provide the stop signal for the signal cascades, leading to subendothelial hyperplasia, which leads to graft stenoses.

Contribution à la compréhension et à la maîtrise du procédé d'atomisation de jets métalliques liquides / Contribution to the understanding and control of the process of liquid metal atomization jets

Khatim, Othmane 22 July 2011 (has links)
La demande croissante de poudres d‟alliages métalliques aux propriétés spécifiques utilisées en particulier en projection thermique et fabrication rapide pousse les chercheurs à améliorer et à optimiser sans cesse les procédés de production de ces poudres. L‟objectif affiché sur ces procédés est de maîtriser à la fois morphologie/ distribution de taille des particules produites et coût de fabrication. Actuellement, la majorité de ces poudres est produite par des procédés d‟atomisation par fluide et essentiellement par le procédé d‟atomisation gazeuse. Parmi ces procédés, le procédé Nanoval utilisant une buse «De Laval» est l‟un des plus performants en termes de distribution granulométrique et de rendement.L‟objectif principal de ce travail de thèse vise à améliorer la compréhension des phénomènes physiques mis en jeu par le procédé Nanoval afin d‟en optimiser le fonctionnement. Deux approches composent ce travail :- une partie numérique de modélisation sous Fluent. Deux modèles ont été étudiés, un modèle monophasique relatif à l‟écoulement gazeux dans l‟unité d‟atomisation (passage de l‟autoclave à la chambre d‟atomisation) et un modèle diphasique relatif à la constriction du filament de métal liquide en sortie de buse de coulée. Cette étude numérique a permis de mettre en évidence l‟effet des paramètres opératoires tels que la pression d‟atomisation et le diamètre de la buse de coulée sur la dynamique du jet de gaz, sur la striction du filament de métal liquide ainsi que les zones de forte pression et de haute vitesse avant, pendant et après la désintégration du filament métallique.- une partie expérimentale pour laquelle la mise en place d‟outils de diagnostic in–situ a été nécessaire pour la caractérisation du procédé en cours de fonctionnement. Trois analyses ont été conduites. La première renseigne de la dynamique du jet d‟atomisation évaluée à partir de mesures de Vélocimétrie par Images de Particules (PIV) à proximité de la sortie de la buse De Laval. La deuxième concerne les caractéristiques à l‟écrasement des particules sur un substrat placé dans la chambre d‟atomisation. La troisième et dernière analyse porte sur les propriétés des particules produites et la comparaison avec la matière récupérée après refroidissement dans l‟autoclave. Différents paramètres opératoires ont été explorés (pression d‟atomisation, diamètre de la buse de coulée, pression dans la chambre d‟atomisation, nature du métal) et reliés à leur influence sur la vitesse et le diamètre des particules. Des relations directes entre les résultats de ces trois analyses ont pu être démontrées ainsi qu‟une bonne adéquation entre résultats expérimentaux et résultats issus de la modélisation. / The growing demand for metal alloy powders with specific properties used in thermal spray application and rapid manufacturing encourages researchers to improve and optimize their manufacturing processes. The aim of these processes is to master both morphology/particle size distribution and manufacturing cost. Today the vast majority of powders are produced by fluid atomization and mainly gas atomization process. Among them, the Nanoval process, consisting of a De Laval nozzle is one of the most outstanding process in terms of granulometric distribution and output.The main objective of this thesis is to improve the understanding of the physical phenomena occurring in the Nanoval process to optimize the way it operates. Two approaches will be developed:- A numerical study using Fluent. The two following models were studied, one monophasic concerning gas flow in the atomization unit form autoclave to atomization chamber and the other, a diphasic model concerning the finest part of the filament in the exit of the melt nozzle. This numerical study has highlighted the effect of parameters such as atomization pressure, nozzle diameter on the gas dynamics, fine filament, high-pressure and high speed areas before, during the process and after the disintegration of the metallic filament.- And an experimental study which required the implementation of the in-situ diagnosticTools to characterize the process under working conditions. Three analyses were carried out. The first concerns the dynamics of the atomization jet from Velocimetry measures by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) close to De Laval nozzle exit. The second deals with the characteristics obtained when particles impact the substrate in the atomization chamber. The third describes the particle properties and deals with the comparison with the matter in the autoclave after cooling process. Different operating parameters were explored (atomization pressure, melt nozzle diameter, pressure in the atomization chamber, nature of metal) and linked to their influence on the particle velocity and diameter. Narrow links between the analysis results were demonstrated as well as a good adequacy between experimental and modeling results.

Stacked Microchannel Heat Sinks for Liquid Cooling of Microelectronics Devices

Wei, Xiaojin 30 November 2004 (has links)
A stacked microchannel heat sink was developed to provide efficient cooling for microelectronics devices at a relatively low pressure drop while maintaining chip temperature uniformity. Microfabrication techniques were employed to fabricate the stacked microchannel structure, and experiments were conducted to study its thermal performance. A total thermal resistance of less than 0.1 K/W was demonstrated for both counter flow and parallel flow configurations. The effects of flow direction and interlayer flow rate ratio were investigated. It was found that for the low flow rate range the parallel flow arrangement results in a better overall thermal performance than the counter flow arrangement; whereas, for the large flow rate range, the total thermal resistances for both the counter flow and parallel flow configurations are indistinguishable. On the other hand, the counter flow arrangement provides better temperature uniformity for the entire flow rate range tested. The effects of localized heating on the overall thermal performance were examined by selectively applying electrical power to the heaters. Numerical simulations were conducted to study the conjugate heat transfer inside the stacked microchannels. Negative heat flux conditions were found near the outlets of the microchannels for the counter flow arrangement. This is particularly evident for small flow rates. The numerical results clearly explain why the total thermal resistance for counter flow arrangement is larger than that for the parallel flow at low flow rates. In addition, laminar flow inside the microchannels were characterized using Micro-PIV techniques. Microchannels of different width were fabricated in silicon, the smallest channel measuring 34 mm in width. Measurements were conducted at various channel depths. Measured velocity profiles at these depths were found to be in reasonable agreement with laminar flow theory. Micro-PIV measurement found that the maximum velocity is shifted significantly towards the top of the microchannels due to the sidewall slope, a common issue faced with DRIE etching. Numerical simulations were conducted to investigate the effects of the sidewall slope on the flow and heat transfer. The results show that the effects of large sidewall slope on heat transfer are significant; whereas, the effects on pressure drop are not as pronounced.

Neue Beschichtungsverfahren für PVA-Zement-Composite in textilbewehrtem Beton

Glowania, Micheal, Weichold, Oliver, Hojczyk, Markus, Seide, Gunnar, Gries, Thomas 03 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen des Transferprojektes T01 „Textilbeschichtung mit hochviskosen Massen“ des Sonderforschungsbereiches 532 (SFB 532) wird die Realisierung und Bewertung eines integrierten Beschichtungskonzeptes zur nachhaltigen Verbesserung der Tragfähigkeit von textilbewehrten Betonbauteilen an der RWTH Aachen University untersucht. Dazu wird eine neue Auftragstechnik für hochviskose Beschichtungsmassen entwickelt, die eine vollständige Penetration von Multifilamentgarnen mit großen Garntitern und einer hohen Anzahl an Filamenten in textilen Gelegen erzielt. Des Weiteren werden aktive Beschichtungsmassen auf der Basis von Polyvinylalkohol-Zement-Compositen, die eine homogene Anbindung aller Einzelfilamente an die Zementmatrix ermöglichen, erforscht.

Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Confluent Round Jets

Svensson, Klas January 2015 (has links)
Unconfined multiple interacting confluent round jets are interesting from a purely scientific point of view, as interaction between neighboring jets brings additional complexity to the flow field. Unconfined confluent round jets also exist in various engineering applications, such as ventilation supply devices, sewage disposal systems, combustion burners, chemical mixing or chimney stacks. Even so, little scientific attention has been paid to unconfined confluent round jets. The present work uses both advanced measurement techniques and computational models to provide deeper understanding of the turbulent flow field development of unconfined confluent round jets. Both Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) have been used to measure mean velocity and turbulence properties within two setups, consisting of a single row of 1×6 jets and a square array of 6×6 confluent jets. Simulations using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) of the 6×6 setup were conducted using three different Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) turbulence models: the standard k-ε, the RNG k-ε and the Reynolds Stress model (RSM). The results from the CFD simulations were compared with experimental data. The employed RANS turbulence models were all capable of accurately predicting mean velocities and turbulent properties in the investigated confluent jet array. In general the RSM and k-ε std. models provided smaller deviations between numerical and experimental results than the RNG k-ε model. In terms of mean velocity the second-order closure model (RSM) was not found to be superior to the less complex standard k-ε model. The validated CFD model was employed in a parametrical investigation, including five independent variables: inlet velocity, nozzle diameter, nozzle edge-to-edge spacing, nozzle height and the number of jets in the array. The parametrical investigations made use of statistical methods in the form of response surface methodology. The derived response surface models provided information on the principal influence and relative importance of the investigated parameters within the investigated design space. The positions of the jets within the array strongly influence both mean velocity and turbulence. In all investigated setups the jets experience merging and combining. Square arrays also include considerable jet convergence, which was not present in the 1×6 jet array. Due to the jet convergence in square arrays the turbulent flow field, especially for jets far away from the array center, is affected by mean flow curvature. Jets located along the sides of square jet arrays experience strong jet-to-jet interactions that result in considerable jet deformation, shorter potential core, higher turbulent kinetic energy and faster velocity decay compared to other jets. Jets located at the corners of the array do not interact as strongly with neighboring jets as do the jets along the sides. The locations of merging and combined points differ considerably between different jets and different jet configurations. As the jets combine a zone with uniform stream-wise velocity and low turbulence intensity forms in the center of square jet arrays. This zone has been called Confluent Core Zone (CCZ) due to its similarities with the potential core zone of a single jet. Within the CCZ the appropriate scaling length changes from nozzle diameter to the effective source diameter. The parametrical investigation showed that nozzle diameter and edge-to-edge nozzle spacing were the most important of the investigated parameters, reflecting a strong dependence on dimensionless jet spacing, S/d0. Higher S/d0 delays both merging and combining of the jets and leads to a CCZ with lower velocity and longer downstream extension. Increasing the array size leads to a reduced combined point distance, a stronger inwards displacement of jets in the outer part of the array, and reduced entrainment near the nozzles. A higher inlet velocity was found to increase the jet convergence in the investigated square confluent jet arrays. Nozzle height generally has minor impact on the investigated response variables.

Fast pyrolysis of millimetric wood particles between 800°C and 1000°C / Pyrolyse rapide de particules millimétriques de bois entre 800°C et 1000°C

Chen, Li 08 December 2009 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse s’intègrent au sein du projet Biocarb lancé par le Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique dont l’objectif est de développer des procédés de production de carburants liquides ou gazeux à partir de gaz de synthèse riche en H2 et CO obtenu par gazéification de la biomasse lignocellulosique. L’objectif de cette étude est d’étudier le comportement de particules de biomasse millimétriques lors de la pyrolyse dans des conditions types de gazéifieurs industriels tels que les réacteurs à lit fluidisé ou à flux entraîné, qui fonctionnent pour des flux de chaleur élevés (105 – 106 W⋅m-2) et pour de hautes températures (>800°C). Tout d’abord, des expériences de pyrolyse sont menées à 800 et 950°C dans un four à chute de laboratoire sur des particules de bois entre 350 et 800 μm. Les résultats montrent que dans les conditions de l’étude, l’augmentation de la taille de la particule augmente seulement la durée de la pyrolyse mais ne modifie pas les rendements ou la composition du solide et du gaz au cours de la pyrolyse. Par ailleurs, des mesures basées sur la technique de PTV (Particle Tracking Velocimetry) sont réalisées à température ambiante pour caractériser la taille et la densité des particules de bois brut et de résidu, et valider une corrélation donnant le coefficient de traînée qui sert à calculer le temps de séjour des particules dans le réacteur. On constate à la fin de la pyrolyse une diminution de la densité comprise entre 70 et 80% ainsi qu’une diminution de la taille des particules entre 25 et 40%. Les résultats montrent également que la vitesse de glissement de la particule et l’évolution de ses propriétés doivent être prises en compte lors du calcul de sa vitesse. Enfin, à partir des résultats expérimentaux, un modèle unidimensionnel à coeur rétrécissant est développé pour décrire le comportement d’une particule de bois lors de sa pyrolyse. Le modèle est capable de prévoir l’évolution du rendement en solide, en gaz total et en goudrons au cours de la pyrolyse ainsi que la vitesse de glissement de la particule et son temps de séjour dans le réacteur.L’analyse de sensibilité du modèle montre que même pour des particules millimétriques, une connaissance précise de la chaleur de réaction associée à la pyrolyse, de la densité du bois et de la conductivité thermique du résidu solide est essentielle / The present work is part of a project of the French energy research centre Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique. The goal of the project is to develop processes of production of gaseous or liquid fuel from synthesis gas obtained by gasification of lignocellulosic biomass. The objective of the present work is to study the pyrolysis behaviour of millimetric biomass particles under the operating conditions encountered in fluidized bed or entrained flow gasifiers, namely high external heat flux (105 – 106 W⋅m-2) and high temperature (> 800°C). First, pyrolysis experiments are conducted at 800 and 950°C in a lab-scale drop tube reactor on wood particles between 350 and 800 μm. The results show that under the explored conditions, the increase of the particle size only increases the time required for pyrolysis but does not affect the product distribution during pyrolysis. Since in the pyrolysis experiments, the particle residence time cannot be directly measured, PTV (Particle Tracking Velocimetry) measurements are performed at room temperature to characterize the evolution of the particle size and density along pyrolysis and to validate a drag coefficient correlation for the particle residence time calculation. The optical measurements show that at the end of pyrolysis there is a decrease of particle density of 70 – 80% and of particle size of 25 – 40%. It is also proven that the particle slip velocity cannot be neglected and that the change of these particle properties must be taken into account for the calculation of the particle slip velocity and residence time. Finally, based on these experimental results, a 1D shrinking-core model is developed that is able to predict the solid/gas/tar yields and the residence time of a single particle along pyrolysis in the drop tube reactor. It is validated on both the pyrolysis and optical experiments. The model sensitivity analysis shows that even for millimetric particles, the accurate knowledge of the heat of pyrolysis, of the wood density and of the char thermal conductivity is essential


OMAR ELIAS HORNA PINEDO 14 January 2019 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho consiste no projeto, construção e qualificação de um aparato para o estudo experimental de bolhas de separação laminar sobre uma placa plana. A previsão do comportamento das bolhas de separação é importante para o projeto de aeronaves, turbinas e geradores eólicos, pois o desprendimento dessas bolhas tem grande impacto na performance de aerofólios. A dinâmica das bolhas não é bem compreendida, além de ser difícil de ser capturada por simulações numéricas que utilizam modelagem da turbulência. Por isso, ensaios experimentais são muito utilizados para a calibração dos modelos utilizados em simulações de engenharia. Neste trabalho, foram criados equipamentos para simular experimentalmente bolhas de separação laminar sobre uma placa plana. Os dispositivos foram projetados para o canal de água do Laboratório de Engenharia de Fluidos da PUC-Rio. O gradiente de pressão necessário para induzir a separação da camada limite e consequente formação da bolha foi ajustado com uma parede falsa, de modo a criar um canal convergente-divergente com a placa plana. Foi projetado um mecanismo de sucção da camada limite na parede falsa para evitar a separação do escoamento nessa superfície. A localização e as vazões de cada ponto de sução foram determinadas com o auxílio de simulações numéricas. Também foi projetado e testado um sistema de sopro e sucção para a excitação de ondas de instabilidade do tipo Tollmien-Schlichting na camada limite da placa plana. O funcionamento de cada dispositivo foi avaliado através da medição da velocidade do escoamento. Para isso, foram empregadas técnicas de medição por velocimetría laser doppler e velocimetría por imagem de partículas. Os resultados obtidos validam o projeto e qualificam o aparato para o estudo de bolhas de separação laminar. / [en] The present work involves the design, construction and performance test of an apparatus for the investigation of laminar separation bubbles in a flat plate boundary layer. Laminar separation bubbles are relevant for many engineering applications and the dynamic of such bubbles has a strong impact on the performance of aircrafts and turbines. The separated boundary layer reattaches to the surface due to the laminar-turbulent transition in the bubble region. This dynamic process is highly challenging for flow simulation tools used for engineering purposes. Thus, there is a demand for experimental studies that can be used for calibration of models present in those simulation tools. To this end, an apparatus was designed and built for the water channel of the Laboratory of Fluid Engineering at PUC-Rio. The boundary layer separation on the flat plate was induced by imposing a constant adverse pressure gradient to the flow. To this end a false wall was built, in order to form a converging-diverging channel with the flat plate. Flow separation on the false wall was avoided using a suction mechanism that was designed to reduce locally the boundary layer thickness. Location of suction and suction flow rates were determined with aid of numerical simulations. In addition, it was designed and built a disturbance source to generate Tollmien-Schlichting waves in the boundary layer of the flat plate. This device was used to trigger the boundary layer transition in a controlled manner. All equipment were tested and their designs were validated against experimental measurements. Laser Doppler anemometry and Particle Image Velocimetry techniques were adopted for assessment of each equipment. Results validate the design and show that separation bubbles can be investigated in detail using this apparatus.

Écoulements induits en guide d'onde acoustique fort niveau / Induced flows in acoustic waveguide high level

Reyt, Ida 20 November 2012 (has links)
La propagation d'une onde acoustique en guide est associée, pour de forts niveaux, à un certain nombre de phénomènes de l'acoustique non linéaire. Parmi ces phénomènes, les écoulements redressés (ou vent acoustique), l'effet d'une discontinuité et la transition à la turbulence, à l'étude dans ce mémoire, sont associés à la génération d'écoulements induits. L'étude expérimentale de ces phénomènes repose sur l'adaptation des méthodes de vélocimétrie Laser : Vélocimétrie Laser par effet Doppler (VLD) et Vélocimétrie par Images de Particules (PIV) à la mesure des différents écoulements. Ainsi, des mesures PIV en sortie de convergent, viennent compléter des mesures VLD réalisées antérieurement. Dans l'espoir de mieux appréhender les spécificités de la transition à la turbulence en guide d'onde acoustique, l'évolution de la couche limite de Stokes est étudiée pour des amplitudes de vitesse acoustique croissantes. Une étude expérimentale des écoulements redressés dans un guide d'onde à section carrée est proposée et les spécificités liées à cette géométrie sont recherchées. En outre, l'évolution des tourbillons du vent acoustique en guide d'onde cylindrique est analysée lorsque le vent devient rapide et certains facteurs pouvant être à l'origine de cette évolution sont modifiés. La répartition harmonique dans le guide est ainsi modifiée, puis l'influence des conditions thermiques est abordée en couplant les mesures de vitesses à des mesures de température moyenne dans le guide et en paroi. Une comparaison avec des résultats issus de simulations numériques permet de conforter l'évolution des écoulements redressés observée. / High amplitude acoustic propagation in a guide is associated with several non linear phenomena including acoustic streaming, discontinuity effects and transition to turbulence. Those phenomena are studied in this work and are all associated with acoustically induced flows. The present experimental study therefore is based on velocimetry laser techniques: Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), wich are fitted to the measurement of the different flow velocity components. Firstly, PIV measurements at the exit of a convergent enable to complement previous LDV measurements. Then, in order to a better understanding of the specificity of transition to turbulence in acoustics, the evolution of the Stokes boundary layer is studied for increasing acoustic velocity amplitudes. Then an experimental study of acoustic streaming in a square channel is reported, and the influence of the geometry is examined. Moreover, the evolution of acoustic streaming vortices in a cylindrical waveguide is analyzed for fast streaming and some parameters that could control such evolution are modified. The harmonicdistribution inside the guide is changed and then the influence of thermal conditions is studied by coupling velocity measurements and mean temperature measurements inside the waveguide and along the wall. Some comparisons between measured streaming velocities and numerical simulation results are presented.


JULIANA KUHLMANN ABRANTES 26 October 2005 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho é um estudo experimental das características de um escoamento de ar em forma de jato espiralado, incidindo ortogonalmente sobre uma placa. Os objetivos do estudo são: avaliar a influência da presença de uma componente circunferencial de velocidade na distribuição dos coeficientes locais de troca de calor, obter campos de velocidade instantâneos no plano axissimétrico assim como informações sobre as características da turbulência no escoamento. Durante os experimentos se investigou a influência da distância jato/placa e da intensidade do escoamento espiralado (número de Swirl). Como etapa preliminar, foi conduzido um experimento de jato livre, para validação das técnicas de medição de velocidade utilizadas. Os resultados foram comparados com os da literartura e uma boa concordância foi obtida. A distribuição espacial dos coeficientes de troca de calor foi avaliada impondo-se um fluxo de calor constante na placa e medindo a distribuição radial de temperatura através de diversos termopares. Coeficientes locais puderam então ser estimados. Os campos de velocidades radial e axial instantâneos foram adquiridos experimentalmente através da utilização da técnica de Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) e perfis de velocidade tangencial (média e flutuações) foram obtidos a partir da técnica Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV). Os resultados mostraram que os padrões de escoamento mudam significativamente quando a componente circunferencial de velocidade é introduzida. Para o valor mais alto do Número de Swirl foram verificadas fortes reversões do escoamento na região de estagnação. / [en] The present work is an experimental study of the characteristics of a swirling impinging air jet. The goals of the study are: to evaluate the influence of the presence of a circumferential velocity component in the distribution of the local heat transfer coefficients, to obtain instantaneous velocity fields in the axisymmetric plane, as well as information about the turbulence characteristics in the flow. During the experiments, the influence of the impingement distance and swirl intensity were investigated. As a preliminary validation of the velocity measurement tecniques, an experimental investigation of an axisymmetric free jet was conducted. The results were compared with literature showing good agreement. The spatial distribution of heat transfer coefficients was evaluated by imposing a constant heat flux condition to the plate and measuring temperature of several points along the radial distance of the plate with thermocouples. Local coefficients could then be estimated. Instantaneous axial and radial velocity fields were obtained with Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and tangential velocity profiles (mean and fluctuations) obtained by using Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV). The results showed that the flow patterns change significantly when the tangential component is added. For the highest value of Swirl number, strong recirculation zones were observed in the stagnation region.

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