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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tecnologias de informação e comunicação no ensino : o caso do PEC-Formação Universitaria no polo Campinas-SP

Augusto, Cacilda Encarnação 16 December 2004 (has links)
Orientadores: Luiz Carlos de Freitas, Jose Armando Valente / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T02:25:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Augusto_CacildaEncarnacao_M.pdf: 20567985 bytes, checksum: 34f7bbd2eb39fb13152d7ddd41f67e60 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004 / Resumo: O presente estudo teve os objetivos de: estudar como as Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação - computador, teleconferência e videoconferência - foram usadas no ensino, mais especificamente no curso de formação de professores PEC-Formação Universitária (pólo Campinas-SP), que aconteceu no período de julho de 2001 a dezembro de 2002; analisar a lógica de produção e linguagem do conteúdo disponibilizado para os alunos nos recursos tecnológicos e verificar se os participantes do estudo entendem que as tecnologias contribuíram para a formação do público alvo, qual a percepção que eles têm em relação as tecnologias no ensino. Participaram do estudo: alunos, tutores, professores e profissionais (estagiários, desenvolvedores de conteúdo, coordenadores e assistentes) do PEC-Formação Universitária. Os dados foram coletados, principalmente, por meio de questionários, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e observações. O procedimento para a análise de dados consistiu em uma organização quantitativa dos dados do questionário, seguida de uma análise qualitativa de todos os dados coletados. Os resultados mostram que o uso de tecnologias interativas não foi suficiente para garantir a interação entre alunos e professores. As aulas de teleconferência foram apontadas como de melhor qualidade técnica e pedagógica do que as aulas de videoconferência. Aparece nas falas dos participantes a consciência de que, as aulas ministradas por tecnologias requerem uma metodologia diferenciada da utilizada no ensino presencial e que elas contribuem no processo de ensino e aprendizado, mas a figura do professor sempre será necessária. O computador contribuiu no processo de "inclusão digital", mas não foi utilizado considerando efetivamente o seu potencial de interação. Esses resultados sugerem que se repense novos métodos ,de ensino para a educação mediada por tecnologias. Para que seu uso seja adequado é necessário uma formação para professores e também para alunos. O ensino mediado por tecnologias requer não só manutenção de equipamentos e capacitação para que aqueles que farão ou ministrarão o curso saibam manuseá-Ias, mas cuidados pedagógicos, ou seja, preocupação com a qualidade da informação trabalhada e da interação entre alunos e professores / Abstract: The objectives of the following study were to study how the Infonnation and Communication Technologies - computer, teleconference and videoconference - were used for teaching, specificalIy for the teachers training course PEC- Formação Universitária (Campinas-SP), which took place from July 2001 until December 2002, to analyse the logical production and language of the contents available to the students in the technological resources and to verifj; if the participants understand that technology contributed for the training of the target group and which perception they have towards the technologies in the teaching. The participants in the training were: students, tutors, professors and other professionals (apprentices, developers, coordinators and assistants) from the PEC-Formação Universitária. The data were collected, mainly through surveys, semi-structured interviews and some observation. The procedures for the evaluation of the data consisted in a quantitative organization of the survey data, folIowed by a qualitative analysis of all the collected data. The results show that the use of interactive technology was not enough to guarantee the interaction between students and teachers. The teleconference classes, compared to the videoconference classes, were pointed out as the best ones in tenns of technical and pedagogical quality. Among the opinions of the participants it is clear that the classes given with the use of technology contribute to the learning process and require a different method in relation to the standard teaching, but the presence of the teacher will always be essential. The computer contributed in the process of "digital inclusion", but it was not efficient1y used considering its potential of interaction. The results suggests the rethinking of new methods of teaching with the use of technology and the necessity of adequate preparation for teachers and students involved. Teaching through the use of technology demands not only maintenance of equipment and training for those who will take or teach the course, but awareness and careful preparation in relation to pedagogy and quality of the studied information and the interaction between teachers and students / Mestrado / Ensino, Avaliação e Formação de Professores / Mestre em Educação

Formação de agentes comunitários de saúde na região amazônica: o uso de videoconferência como ferramenta auxiliar na educação em saúde bucal

Adelson Francisco Maia Junior 24 September 2009 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar uma metodologia de ensino à distância, por meio de videoconferência, para capacitar Agentes Comunitários de Saúde em relação à prevenção e educação em saúde bucal. Foram preparados doze módulos a serem desenvolvidos no período de um ano, sendo que cada módulo foi constituído por uma aula presencial e uma não presencial. Os temas adotados nestes módulos permitirão aos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde multiplicar os conhecimentos adquiridos nas micro-áreas em que atuam. O instrumento de medida proposto foi um questionário a ser aplicado antes, durante e após a capacitação, composto por questões relacionadas à saúde bucal. A videoconferência como ferramenta auxiliar de ensino é uma alternativa para a capacitação do ACS, uma vez que os municípios da região amazônica se situam afastados dos grandes centros formadores e dificultam o acesso destes profissionais. O planejamento de aplicação na região amazônica não exclui a possibilidade de aplicação da metodologia aqui apresentada em outras áreas geográficas de difícil acesso. / The objective of this study is to present a methodology for distance learning through videoconferencing to train Community Health Workers for the prevention and oral health education. It were prepared twelve modules to be developed within one year, and each module consisted of a face class and not a face. The themes adopted in these modules will allow the Community Health Agents multiply the acquired knowledge in micro-areas in which they operate. The proposed measuring instrument was a questionnaire to be applied before, during and after the training, consisting of questions related to oral health. Videoconferencing as an auxiliary tool for teaching is an alternative to the training of ACS, as the municipalities of the Amazon region are located far from the large training centers and hinder access to these professionals. The planning application in the Amazon does not exclude the possibility of applying the methodology presented here in other geographical areas of difficult access.

Resefria möten : Ett projekt för att minska slöserier på arbetsplatsen

Razmgah, Mohammad Ali Dani, Strömberg, Jenny Kristina Marie January 2014 (has links)
Abstract This degree project is about having meetings in The Swedish Social Insurance Agency, which is awide organisation. This work will concentrate on one of the projects going on within theorganisation which is travel-free meetings, where they are building a video meeting system thatallows the employees in the organisation to be able to meet with each other through the use ofvideoconferencing instead of physical meetings. In this work we will show how Kaikaku (radical system changes) along with Kaizen (continuouschange) can support an organisation to become more efficient and reduce wastage. We have donethis work in an organisation that is present in over one hundred locations in Sweden.The Social Insurance Agency has over 13 000 employees at over one hundred locations inSweden. The organisation has to be close to their customers and provide the best service aspossible. To be able to work in a uniform way, the employees get together and have meetings.Some meetings are just progress meetings and takes perhaps no more than two hours to complete.However, if seven employees from seven different locations need to have meetings, in the worstcase, they all have to meet in a common place. This is expensive for the organisation in travel costs, time and absence from work, but thetravelling also contributes to environmental pollution if the employees are travelling by a fuelpoweredvehicle. A whole day could go lost for having a meeting in about two hours if all sevenemployees went from their own cities to e.g. Stockholm for the meeting.Muda (wastage) of travel created several different types of Muda, namely:  Wastage with anticipation when the employees had to wait for e.g. a bus, train or airplaneetc.  Wastage with transportation, because they had to travel.  Wastage of unnecessary movements, as employees had to travel to another city to do theirchores.  Waste of time, then their traveling stole a lot of their working time.  Wastage of energy and water, then carbon emissions from travel had a negative impact onther environment. These wastage also led to the employees becoming overloaded (Muri) when they could not dosome of their jobs when travelling took a lot of their time. This meant that they had have to havefewer meetings, which in turn led to increased variability (Muri), since they did not have astandard for shared work and worked in different ways at the various offices.This project’s purpose was to reduce travels with 10% and bring efficiency in the meetings. Thisby introducing new technologies with videoconferencing in the organisation, where employeeseffectively can schedule appointments and see, share documents and have meetings right wherethey are instead of traveling and having physical meetings. The project succeeded to reducetravels with 15%.The project was limited to the Business support division within the authority, which is locatedthroughout the country and has about 615 employees. / Sammanfattning Detta examensarbete är genomfört på Försäkringskassan som finns på över hundra platser iSverige. I detta arbete benämns Försäkringskassan som ”organisationen” på många ställen.Försäkringskassan har över 13 000 anställda och finns på över hundra platser i Sverige. Dettaför att organisationen ska finnas nära sina kunder och ge den bästa möjliga servicen. För attkunna jobba på ett enhetligt sätt måste de anställda träffas och ha möten. Vissa möten är baraavstämningsmöten och tar kanske inte mer än två timmar i anspråk. Men om t.ex. sjuanställda från sju olika orter ska träffas och ha möten, åker i värsta fall de alla till engemensam plats där de möts.Förutom att detta kostar organisationen pengar i resekostnader samt tid och arbetsbortfall, såbidrar resanden även till miljöföroreningar i vart fall när de anställda använder sig avbränsledrivna fortskaffningsmedel. En hel arbetsdag kunde gå åt för att ha ett möte på cirkatvå timmar om alla åkte från olika städer i landet till t.ex. Stockholm.Så Muda (slöserier) med resandet skapade flera olika typer av Muda, nämligen:  Slöserier med väntan, då de anställda var tvungna att vänta på t.ex. buss, tåg och flygmed mera.  Slöserier med transporter, då de var tvungna att resa.  Slöserier med onödiga rörelser, då medarbetarna var tvungna att resa till en annan ortför att utföra sina sysslor.  Slöseri med tid, då deras resande stal en hel del av deras arbetstid.  Slöseri med energi och vatten, då koldioxid utsläppen från resandet hade negativpåverkan på miljön. Dessa slöserier ledde också till att medarbetarna blev överbelastade (Muri) då de inte hannmed sina arbetsuppgifter då resandet tog en hel del av deras tid. Detta ledde till att de hadefärre möten som i sin tur ledde till att variationerna ökade (Mura), eftersom de inte hade enstandard för gemensamma arbetssätt och jobbade på olika sätt på de olika kontoren. Målet med projektet var att främst minska resandet med 10% och få effektivitet i mötena.Detta genom att införa ny teknik med videmöten i organisationen, där de anställda på etteffektivt sätt kan boka möten och se, dela dokument och ha möten precis där de är istället föratt resa och ha möten. Projektet lyckades minska resandet med 15%.Projektet begränsades till avdelningen verksamhetsstöd inom myndigheten, som finns överhela landet och har cirka 615 medarbetare.

Explicit versus implicit corrective feedback during videoconferencing: effects on the accuracy and fluency of L2 speech

Shirani, Reza 21 September 2020 (has links)
A growing body of research has compared the effects of explicit and implicit corrective feedback (CF) on L2 accuracy. However, L2 performance is not limited to accuracy. Fluency is another important aspect of L2 performance, but less is understood about its relationship with CF and CF explicitness/implicitness. This experimental study examined the effects of explicit correction versus implicit recasts on not only the accuracy but also the fluency of L2 speech during videoconferencing. Forty-eight lower-intermediate learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) were assigned to an explicit correction group, an implicit recast group, and a no-feedback group. Each engaged in eight picture description tasks with the researcher and received feedback according to the group they came from. Pre and posttests (immediate and delayed) of accuracy and fluency were conducted using additional picture tasks. Accuracy was measured by calculating the percentage of learners’ (a) error-free clauses and (b) error-free T-units. Fluency was measured by calculating the number of (a) syllables per minute and (b) meaningful syllables per minute. Statistical analyses included (a) two-way repeated measures ANOVAs with feedback type as the between-subject factor and time as the within subject factor, (b) Planned comparisons, which treated the two experimental groups as one group and compared their mean with the mean of the control group, (c) Bonferroni post hoc tests, which examined the pairwise differences, and where needed, (d) paired sample t-tests, which examined each group’s pretest-posttest differences. As for accuracy, planned comparisons showed that videoconferencing CF, irrespective of its explicitness/implicitness, improved accuracy. Further analyses showed that whereas the explicit correction group outperformed the control group on both the immediate and delayed posttests, the recast group did not. However, the explicit feedback group produced a significantly less fluent speech compared to the recast group and the control group. But this was true on the immediate posttest and not on the delayed posttest. Pretest-posttest comparisons further indicated a negative effect for explicit correction but a positive effect for recasts on L2 fluency. The results suggest that (a) while explicit correction assisted accuracy, it negatively influenced fluency, and (b) while implicit correction seemed to assist fluency, it was not as effective as the effect of explicit correction on L2 accuracy. Further analyses indicated that the explicit correction group exhibited a large amount of monitoring behaviour on the immediate posttest, whereas the other two groups did not. The results are explained using an information-processing perspective of language performance and a knowledge proceduralization model of language development. The theoretical, empirical, and pedagogical implications are also discussed. / Graduate

Communication Adaptation and Relationship Development in Virtual Groups for Youth and Families

Aalders, Julie 24 March 2023 (has links)
Virtual group therapy offers multiple unique advantages to improving access to mental health care for Canadian youth and families. However, virtual environments may hinder the development of the type of relationships within groups that promote positive treatment outcomes. The present study explores the extent to, and ways in which, service providers working in the youth and family mental health sector in Eastern Ontario adapt to the unique characteristics of virtual environments in order to communicate effectively and develop therapeutic relationships. Secondary quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed using a mixed-methods design. Survey responses (n = 58) and interview recordings (n =12) collected from service providers involved in the delivery of virtual groups for youth and families in response to COVID-19 were analyzed using a concurrent triangulation design. Descriptive statistics indicate service providers achieved moderate satisfaction regarding their ability to communicate and develop relationships within virtual groups, and that this ability was perceived as approximating in-person processes. Thematic analysis suggests that while virtual group environments involve unique challenges and and elevated complexity, facilitators adapt to virtual delivery by both employing diverse strategies and accepting certain limitations. The present study suggests that the unique challenges and complexities involved in virtual group-based therapy need not deter the implementation of virtual groups as a means of better addressing the mental health needs of Canadian youth and families.


EHRLICH-MARTIN, SUZANNE M. 18 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Learning from the Educators: Creating a Global Curriculum in a Virtual Space

Schaner, Rita Louise 09 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Utveckling av användargränssnitt med användbarhet i fokus

Pasic, Moris January 2016 (has links)
Vi lever i spännande tider, där vi har tillgång till olika användargränssnitt som hjälper oss att kommunicera med andra människor i realtid, oavsett var i världen de befinner sig. Ricoh är ett globalt IT företag som har utvecklat ett kompakt videokonferenssystem för dessa ändamål som heter ”P3500M”. Utveckling av mjukvara för denna typ av teknologi kan medföra olika tekniska utmaningar. Samtidigt håller organisationer viktiga möten via videokonferens och ställer ofta höga krav på kvalitén. Att skapa ett användbart gränssnitt som beaktar alla dessa aspekter kan bli en utmanande uppgift. Denna studie syftar till att utveckla ett nytt konceptgränssnitt som effekti- viserar utveckling, samt användning av videokonferenssystem och P3500M används som en ut- gångspunkt. Genom att utnyttja framväxande webbaserade teknologier och riktlinjer från tidigare studier inom produktutveckling med användbarhet i fokus, har man i denna studie resulterat i skapandet av en designlösningen som heter ”Cloud Vision”. Studien föreslår ett nytt sätt att ut- veckla användbara gränssnitt för videokonferenssystem, genom utveckling av en central webbap- plikation som tillhandahåller gränssnittet. Med gränssnitt som kan appliceras på olika videokon- ferenssystem som en separat modul, oberoende av plattform, kan det bli lättare att underhålla utvecklingen och hålla fokus på användbarhetsperspektiven. / We live in exciting times, where we have access to different user interfaces that help us commu- nicate with other people in real-time, regardless of where they are in the world. Ricoh is a global IT company that has developed a compact videoconferencing system for these purposes, called ”P3500M”. Development of software for this type of technology can lead to various technical challenges. At the same time, organizations have important meetings through videoconferencing and often make high demands on the quality. To create a useful interface that takes all these aspects into account can be a challenging task. This study aims to develop a new concept interface that streamlines the development and use of videoconferencing systems, where P3500M is used as a starting point. By making use of emerging web technologies and guidelines from previous studies in product development with usability in mind, this study results in the creation of a new design called ”Cloud Vision”. The study proposes a new way to develop usable interfaces for videoconfe- rencing systems, through the development of a central web application that provides the interface. With interfaces that can be applied to various videoconferencing systems as a separate module, regardless of platform, it can be easier to maintain the development and keep focus on usability perspectives.

Effects of Technological Support on Decision Making Performance of Distributed Groups

Cano, Arnoldo Rafael 07 May 1998 (has links)
This research was concerned with the collection of empirical data necessary to estimate the effects of decision support tools on the performance of distributed groups. Data was collected in a controlled experimental environment that simulated a geographically-dispersed meeting through the use of videoconferencing and group communication support (GCSS) technology. Results of the use of a Group Decision Support System (GDSS) on group process and outcome variables were mixed. As predicted by the literature the use of a GDSS by distributed groups improved overall group consensus, decision accuracy, and decision effectiveness. The use of a GDSS also increased perceived process structure. Contrary to previous studies, the use of a GDSS increased decision time, and decreased overall satisfaction with the group process. No significant effects were found for perceived consensus, cooperation, amount of information exchange, or confidence in the decision. A strong correlation was found between decision quality and decision time. An even stronger correlation was found between perceived structure of the process and satisfaction with the process. The lack of feedback about the process and its outcomes could explain the lack of a GDSS effect on perceptions of consensus, cooperation, and confidence in the decision. Perception of subjective measures of the process may depend on the presence of the appropriate types of feedback. The results suggest that an increase in structure without a perceived improvement in decision quality (confidence in the decision) tends to reduce group satisfaction. A richer taxonomy for Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) systems is proposed whereby three orthogonal dimensions of group support are defined. These three dimensions of group support are: Communication support, decision support, and presence support. This new taxonomy suggests a number of research directions aimed at the empirical identification of contextual and design factors relevant to distributed group performance and decision making performance in general. / Master of Science

Theory and Algorithms for Scheduling Deadline-constrained Packets in Single-hop and Multi-hop Wireless Networks

Tsanikidis, Christos January 2024 (has links)
This dissertation considers the problem of scheduling deadline-constrained packets in networks, an increasingly relevant problem, which due to the rise of time-sensitive applications such as teleconferencing and video streaming, has recently received renewed attention. To accommodate a diverse range of environments and scenarios, our work investigates single-hop and multi-hop networks, across various traffic models and network conditions, including wired and wireless settings. We propose algorithms in each setting, with their performance evaluated by considering commonly used benchmarks in the related literature, such as the attained fraction of the real-time capacity region achieved in single-hop networks and the maximization of the cumulative weight of packets reaching their destinations within their deadlines in multi-hop networks. We explore traffic which is either worst-case, or stochastic, and provide different performance guarantees in each case. The first part of our study focuses on scheduling real-time traffic in single-hop wireless networks with conflict-graph interference models. We propose randomized policies that achieve higher real-time efficiency ratios, compared to state-of-the-art existing algorithms, such as the Largest-Deficit-First algorithm. The research then extends to single-hop wireless networks with unreliable links due to channel fading, designing randomized algorithms that achieve efficiency ratios strictly higher than traditional scheduling algorithms, such as Maximum-Weight Scheduling. The dissertation proceeds to examine online admission, routing, and scheduling algorithms for multi-hop wireless networks under a general interference graph model. It presents online algorithms that are competitive with the optimal offline algorithms and provides upper bounds on performance which demonstrate the asymptotic optimality of these results. Simulation results illustrate significant improvements over prior approaches. Furthermore, the research addresses the problem of scheduling packets with end-to-end deadline constraints in both wired and wireless multi-hop networks, in the case of stochastic traffic. It illustrates the first near-optimal approximation algorithms under nontrivial assumptions on traffic and link capacity, showcasing significant improvements over worst-case algorithms in practical settings. In conclusion, this dissertation contributes scheduling algorithms for deadline-constrained packet delivery in single and multi-hop networks, under various traffic and interference models, and in both wired and wireless settings. The proposed algorithms materially improve the state-of-the-art performance guarantees in each case.

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