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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Viešumo principas baudžiamajame procese / The principle of publicity in criminal procedure

Synanovič, Julija 09 July 2011 (has links)
Viešumas – pamatinis demokratinės valstybės proceso principas, taikomas visoje teisės sistemoje. Šio principo reikšmingumą atskleidžia ne tik jo įtvirtinimas aukščiausiu nacionaliniu ir tarptautiniu lygiu, bet ir jo ryšys su svarbiausiais konstituciniais bei baudžiamojo proceso principais. Atskleisti ir vertinti šį principą tik Baudžiamojo proceso kodekso nuostatomis, kurias tiesiogiai įtvirtina tik du Kodekso straipsniai yra pernelyg siaura ir netikslinga, kadangi šis principas yra daugialypis. Išskiriami du didžiuliai viešumo principo aspektai: viešumas, kuris atskirtas nuo proceso ir proceso viešumas. Pirmosios grupės esmę atskleidžia viešumo principo aspektai - tokie kaip teismo posėdžio bei baudžiamosios bylos medžiagos viešumas, viešas teismo sprendimo paskelbimas ir visuomenės teisė dalyvauti teismo posėdžiuose, iš kitos pusės šio kertinio principo esmė - sisteminga teisės normų analizė viso baudžiamosios bylos proceso metu, pradedant nuo ikiteisminio tyrimo ir baigiant nuosprendžio vykdymu. Proceso viešumo principas nėra absoliutus, tokios nuostatos laikosi tiek tarptautinė, tiek nacionalinė teisė, tai paaiškinama svarbesnių vertybių valstybėje egzistavimu nei tik visuomenės teisė žinoti, stebėti ir dalyvauti. Tai realizuojama privalomomis bei neprivalomomis viešumo principo išimtimis, pastarąsias teismas taiko savo nuožiūra, atsižvelgęs į bylos aplinkybes, pirmosios yra taikomos visais atvejais privalomai, siekiant apsaugoti svarbiausius teisinius gėrius valstybėje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Publicity – the underlying process principle of the democracy, which is applied in the all law system. The meaning of this principle reveals not only its fixation on the highest national and international level, but also its connection with the most important principles of constitutional and criminal procedure law. This principle is multiple, the struggles to enclose and judge it on the base of only the criminal procedure code is too tight and beside the purpose, because its sets only two articles directly on this term. It can be excluded two big parts of the aspects of the principle of publicity: publicity, which is separated of the process and the process publicity. On the one hand, the essence of the first group reveals such aspects of the principle of publicity as the publicity of the court session and the material of the criminal case, the public pronouncement of the court’s judgments and the right of the society to attend court’s sessions, on the second hand, the nature of this significant principle is the scientific analysis of all the law’s norms which is important from the prejudicial process to the implement of the judgment. The principle of publicity is not absolute, this states international and national law, it can be explained that every society has much more important values then only the right of the society to know, to keep a close watch and to attend the court’s sessions. The norms of law is implementing this by setting compulsory and facultative exceptions... [to full text]

Viešumo principas ir ikiteisminis tyrimas: teorija ir praktika / Publicity Principle and Pretrial Investigation: Theory and Practice

Pocius, Eugenijus 28 December 2006 (has links)
Fundamental notions: Publicity principle, Pretrial investigation, The secrecy of the data of pretrial investigation. The content of publicity principle in penal code has been analyzed applying the methods of data analysis, comparison and classified analysis, and the place of the content in the system of the other principles of penal code has been assessed. The standards of penal code of the Republic of Lithuania regulating the run of publicity principle in pretrial investigation have also been analyzed. The content of the above mentioned standards has been revealed analyzing the practice of European Court of Human Rights and the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania. The conception of publicity principle and its place in the system of penal code is presented in the work; hereinafter the possibilities of participants and people who are uninterested in the result of criminal process are analyzed. The Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania consolidates the principles of free speech and other principles of democratic states, which guarantee the right to get information about all events and processes, including the investigation of criminal act and at the same time to enable the control of these processes and to influence them. The Law on Criminal Process of the Republic of Lithuania consolidates the attitude that the data of pretrial investigation cannot be declared. The secrecy of the data like the right to free speech cannot be considered as absolute value... [to full text]

Ar žiniasklaidoje galima skelbti ikiteisminio tyrimo duomenis? / Whether the information regarding the pre-trial investigating data be published in the media?

Levickaitė, Sandra 17 June 2013 (has links)
Šio darbo pagrindinis tikslas buvo išsiaiškinti ar žiniasklaidoje galima viešinti ikiteisminio tyrimo duomenis jei tai gali įtakoti nešališką, nepriklausomą baudžiamąjį procesą. Atsakant į iškeltus darbo tikslus nagrinėjama tiek Lietuvos, tiek užsienio praktika (JAV, Anglija ir kt.). Daug diskusijų dėl šių principų konfrontacijos kyla JAV. Šios valstybės teismai jau seniai pripažino galimą viešumo pavojų, kai prisiekusieji, įtakoti visuomenėje, per žiniasklaidą, formuojamos nuomonės, priima subjektyvius, šališkus, neteisingus sprendimus. / Aim of this work was to find out whether the media can serve to promote the pre-test data if media, public opinion can affect the fair, impartial and independent court. In order to verify the these assumptions, it is important to clarify the application of the principle of publicity characteristics and limits of the criminal process, the analysis of both the pre-trial stage and trial, to examine public awareness and the importance of boundaries. It is also necessary to assess whether public opinion on a fair and impartial court, is it possible to maintain a balance between these two principles. In response to the issue raised by the work targets both Lithuanian and foreign law (the U.S., UK, etc.) are analysed. Much of the debate on the principles of the U.S. confrontation arises. Courts of this country had recognized the potential public risk, when the jury, influenced by society through the media, which formed the opinion, makes subjective, biased, incorrect decisions.

Viešumo principas baudžiamojo proceso teisėje / Principle of publicity in criminal procedure law

Baranauskienė, Vita 31 March 2006 (has links)
The work analyses the principle of publicity of judicial proceedings as established in both international and national legislation.The content of the principle of publicity is defined and its components are identified,i.e.the open hearing,the pasing and pronouncing of a sentence at the hearing,the publicity and accessibility of a case file,and the publication of the court decisions.The exceptions from the principle of publicity related to the criminal acts committed by minors,protection of private life of the participants in the proceedings,and witnesses or suffered parties to whom anonymity is applied, are examined in greater detail.

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