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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Initial utvärdering av vindkraftsetablering

Mellquist, Morgan January 2019 (has links)
Examensarbetet är en förstudie till de grundundersökningar och analyser som behöver göras inför varje specifik vindkraftsprojektering. Examensarbetet tar upp de vanligaste aspekterna som behöver gås igenom vid en förstudie till en projektering av ett vindkraftsprojekt. Rapporten är inriktad på en projektering och ett eventuellt byggande av ett vindkraftverk som gäller specifikt för fastigheten Bläshult 1:2 Skephult, Marks Kommun i Västra Götalands län. Examensarbetet innefattar grundläggande fakta, riktlinjer från Marks Kommun och länsstyrelsen samt andra myndigheter som involveras i ett vindkraftsbygge. De ljud och skuggor som uppkommer p.g.a. ett vindkraftverk är idag en stor fråga för de närboende och behandlas i rapporten samt andra förekommande motstående intressen. De förekommande riksintressen som finns för vindkraft och mark för fastighet Bläshult 1:2 dokumenteras. Yttre faktorer i form av vägar och elanslutning samt tillgänglighet finns också analyserade och även olika former av kalkyler och ekonomiska beräkningar samt kartor på området finns redovisade i bilagor. Målet med denna förstudierapport är att rapporten skall ligga till grund för ett beslut gällande huruvida intressant och möjligt det är att genomföra en vindkraftsetablering för fastigheten Bläshult 1:2. / The report is a feasibility study of the basic surveys and analyzes that are needed for each wind power project. The report focuses on the design and possible construction of a wind turbine that is specific to property Bläshult 1:2 Skephult Marks municipality in Västra Götalands län. The report includes basic facts, guidelines from Marks Municipal and county administration as well as other agencies affected by a wind power construction. Sound and shadows which today is a big issue for local residents is treated in the report, as well as other inherent conflicting interests. Occurring national interests are documented for property Bläshult 1:2.External factors in the form of roads, electricity connection and availability are analyzed.

Jämförande livscykelinventering

Selamis, Henrik January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Vindpark Vänern : Fundamentteknik och Logistik / Vindpark Vänern : Foundation Technology and Logistics

Prause, Sebastian January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Projektering av vindkraft i turbulensintensiva områden : med fallstudie för Wallenstams planerade park vid Skuggetorp / Planning of Windpower in Turbulenceintensive Areas

Edström, Per January 2010 (has links)
<p>Along with the rapid expansion of wind power in Sweden during the last decades the competition about favorable areas has hardened. This among other reasons has caused the projectors to look into development of wind power in forests. There are several aspects regarding fatigue loads on the constructions that are severe in complex terrain, among which turbulence is one. The levels of turbulence which are accepted in order for the turbines to face a life length exceeding 20 years are regulated by the International Electrotechnical Commission, (IEC). In order to keep the turbulence below these levels there are three major steering tools to use: The ambient turbulence decreases with height and can therefore be regulated by the hub height of the turbines. The wake-induced turbulence differs with the mutual placement of the turbines and is regulated by the layout of the park. One can also choose a turbine which is of a higher class regarding turbulence. The aim of this Master´s Degree Project is to investigate how these tools can be combined in order to keep the turbulence levels below the recommendations from IEC. The results are then to be applied to Wallenstams planned park in Skuggetorp. The results from the investigation are that the turbulence levels in forests generally are too high, even with sparse layouts and high towers. The problem is increasingly severe in large parks where the need for large separations between the turbines is evident. There is no use in increasing the separation along the dominant wind direction. The examination of Skuggetorp gives incentive to keep the distance between the turbines over 6 rotor diameters in all directions. The recommendations are to build the towers as high as technical and economical aspects can allow. The turbines should preferably be of IEC class A. There are no large wind power farms in forests that are running in Sweden at present, and the Swedish conditions cannot be compared with terrains in other countries. Whether or not wind turbines that are placed in high turbulence areas will survive for 20 years is a question to be answered in 20 years from now.</p>

En vindkraftparks inverkan på Gävle Energis elnät / The effects from a wind farm on Gävle Energis electrical grid

Wejander, Erik January 2010 (has links)
<p>The effects from a planned wind farm on the grid utility Gävle Energis electrical grid have been studied. The wind farm is planned to be built in the forest 15 km north of Gävle and will have 23 turbines with rated power from 2 to 2.5 MW, resulting in a total installed power between 46 MW and 57.5 MW. The grid connection will be made at 70 kV. The aim of the analysis was to determine what effects the wind farm would have on the power grid in the form of electrical disturbances (flicker etc.), need for new investment and raised operational cost. To allow the connection of the wind farm technical solutions (new lines, power stations and grid reinforcements) have been constructed. The effects and need for further investment if a larger wind farm is built have also been studied. Calculations of the electrical noise where made, using data for 5 different wind turbines, and compared to the maximum allowable levels. Connections using both overhead lines and cables where studied. The majority of costs used in the economical analysis where taken from EBR:s widely used cost catalogue. The analysis shows that 57.5 MW can be installed with all the turbine models. The need for new investment depends on the line used but is in the range of 38.300.000 SEK to 61.100.000 SEK. Up to 63 MW can be installed without any further investment and up to 98 MW if further investment is made.</p>

Vindpark Vänern : Fundamentteknik och Logistik / Vindpark Vänern : Foundation Technology and Logistics

Prause, Sebastian January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Projektering av vindkraft i turbulensintensiva områden : med fallstudie för Wallenstams planerade park vid Skuggetorp / Planning of Windpower in Turbulenceintensive Areas

Edström, Per January 2010 (has links)
Along with the rapid expansion of wind power in Sweden during the last decades the competition about favorable areas has hardened. This among other reasons has caused the projectors to look into development of wind power in forests. There are several aspects regarding fatigue loads on the constructions that are severe in complex terrain, among which turbulence is one. The levels of turbulence which are accepted in order for the turbines to face a life length exceeding 20 years are regulated by the International Electrotechnical Commission, (IEC). In order to keep the turbulence below these levels there are three major steering tools to use: The ambient turbulence decreases with height and can therefore be regulated by the hub height of the turbines. The wake-induced turbulence differs with the mutual placement of the turbines and is regulated by the layout of the park. One can also choose a turbine which is of a higher class regarding turbulence. The aim of this Master´s Degree Project is to investigate how these tools can be combined in order to keep the turbulence levels below the recommendations from IEC. The results are then to be applied to Wallenstams planned park in Skuggetorp. The results from the investigation are that the turbulence levels in forests generally are too high, even with sparse layouts and high towers. The problem is increasingly severe in large parks where the need for large separations between the turbines is evident. There is no use in increasing the separation along the dominant wind direction. The examination of Skuggetorp gives incentive to keep the distance between the turbines over 6 rotor diameters in all directions. The recommendations are to build the towers as high as technical and economical aspects can allow. The turbines should preferably be of IEC class A. There are no large wind power farms in forests that are running in Sweden at present, and the Swedish conditions cannot be compared with terrains in other countries. Whether or not wind turbines that are placed in high turbulence areas will survive for 20 years is a question to be answered in 20 years from now.

En vindkraftparks inverkan på Gävle Energis elnät / The effects from a wind farm on Gävle Energis electrical grid

Wejander, Erik January 2010 (has links)
The effects from a planned wind farm on the grid utility Gävle Energis electrical grid have been studied. The wind farm is planned to be built in the forest 15 km north of Gävle and will have 23 turbines with rated power from 2 to 2.5 MW, resulting in a total installed power between 46 MW and 57.5 MW. The grid connection will be made at 70 kV. The aim of the analysis was to determine what effects the wind farm would have on the power grid in the form of electrical disturbances (flicker etc.), need for new investment and raised operational cost. To allow the connection of the wind farm technical solutions (new lines, power stations and grid reinforcements) have been constructed. The effects and need for further investment if a larger wind farm is built have also been studied. Calculations of the electrical noise where made, using data for 5 different wind turbines, and compared to the maximum allowable levels. Connections using both overhead lines and cables where studied. The majority of costs used in the economical analysis where taken from EBR:s widely used cost catalogue. The analysis shows that 57.5 MW can be installed with all the turbine models. The need for new investment depends on the line used but is in the range of 38.300.000 SEK to 61.100.000 SEK. Up to 63 MW can be installed without any further investment and up to 98 MW if further investment is made.

Jämförande livscykelinventering

Selamis, Henrik January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Reaktiv effektkompensering : Kartläggning och utvärdering av olika lösningar för att kompensera reaktivt effekt i vindkraftparker / Reactive Power Compensation : Assessment of solutions to compensate for reactive power in wind farms

Storgärd, Per January 2015 (has links)
I takt med en utbyggnad av vindkraften i Sverige ökar också risken för minskad elkvalité. Vindkraften ger upphov till ett flertal störningar som riskerar minska elkvalitén på det svenska kraftnätet. En av dessa störningar är så kallad reaktiv effekt, reaktiv effekt kan beskrivas som skummet i ett ölglas, de upptar onödig plats och sänker nyttjandegraden. Detta är ett problem som bör beaktas vid en utbyggnad av vindkraften i Sverige.   I detta arbete har begreppet reaktiv effekt samt dess uppkomst och påverkan på nätet behandlats. Vidare har metoder för reaktiv effektkompensering utretts och används för att ta fram modeller för reaktiv effektkompensering i vindkraftparker. Arbetets syfte var att utvärdera olika metoder för reaktiv effektkompensering samt undersöka hur dessa påverkas av anläggningen storlek, topografi och placering i regionnätet. En utredning om vilka lösningar som idag finns tillgängliga på marknaden har legat till grund för utarbetandet av en strategi för kompensering av den reaktiva effekten i OX2:s Vindkraftparker.   Resultatet visar att man kan kompensera bort reaktiv effekt på ett antal olika sätt. Valet av kompenseringsmetod beror framför allt på vilka krav nätägaren har på kompenseringens snabbhet och hur stora spänningsvariationer som denne tillåter i anslutningspunkten. I vindkraftssammanhang måste kompenseringen vara snabb för att hinna kompensera för vindraftens snabbare förlopp. Den snabbaste metoden är ABB:s SVC Light® som klarar reglering på under 5 ms, men innebär en större investeringskostnad 20 Mkr. Kan man nöja sig med FACTS lösning av typen SVC så blir kostnaden halverad till ca 10 Mkr.   Givetvis skiljer sig SVC, SVC Light® och Siemens direktdriva turbiner sig en hel del åt både tekniskt och prismässigt, men samtliga lösningar bedöms likvärdiga i avseende av underhållskostnader och driftsäkerhet. Snabbare kompensering medför ett högre pris och lämpar sig därför för större parker eller i känsligare delar av regionnätet. För parker i storlek med Maevaara II är Siemens lösning med direktdrivna turbiner eller ABB:s SVC lösning den mest lämpade om man ser till investeringskostnader och parkstorlek. / As we in Sweden expends our use of wind power and the wind farms grows bigger, the risk of reduced power quality on the electric grid is bigger now than ever. Wind turbines produce a variety of distortions on to the electric grid that threatens to reduce the power quality of the Swedish power grid. One of these distortions is so-called reactive power, reactive power can be described as the foam in a beer glass, the foam is also beer but occupies unnecessary space that could be just for beer. The beer in this case is the active effect and the foam is the unnecessary reactive effect which lowers utilization rate. This is an issue to taken into account in the development of Swedish wind power projects.   In this work, the concept of reactive power as well as its emergence and impact on the network will be treated. Furthermore, methods for reactive power compensation investigated and used to develop models for reactive power compensation of wind farms. The aim of the project was to evaluate different methods for reactive power compensation , as well as explore how these are affected by the wind farms size, topography and location of the regional network . This together with An investigation of the solutions currently available on the market has been the basis for developing a strategy for the compensation of the reactive power in the OX2 's wind farms.   The results show that one can compensate for the produced reactive effect in a number of ways, some better than others. The choice of the compensation method depends primarily on the grid codes in the region. In the wind power context, the compensation to be able to compensate for voltage drops that occur in fast wind changes. The quickest method is ABB's SVC Light® capable control in under 5 ms , but means a greater investment cost 20 million sek. Can we settle the FACTS solution of type SVC , the cost is halved to about 10 million sek.   For parks in size with Maevaara II, the Siemens solution with direct drive turbines or ABB's SVC solution the most suitable in terms of investment costs and park size. Both ABB and Siemens recommend that further investigation is to be done to optimize a solution to the specific case. The investment cost presented in this report is a rough estimation, the different alternatives lies between 10-20 million sek. This is to be used as a guide value to evaluate the different methods.

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