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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les zombies et le visible, ce qu'il en reste : une pratique artistique de la hantise cinématographique / The zombie and the visible, what is left of it : an artistic practice of the cinematografic haunting

Charredib, Karim 29 March 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse explore les figures de la revenance et de la hantise d'un point de vue politique et esthétique, c'est-à-dire dans leur rapport à la société et à l'image. A cette fin le cinéma est le champ d'expérimentation et de manipulation puisque le cinéma, et notamment le cinéma américain, fait partie de ces mythologies modernes qui ont bercé le XXe siècle, avec ses histoires, codes et figures imposées. Les images produites par le cinéma sont ancrées dans l'inconscient et l'imagerie collectifs des spectateurs. C'est donc toute sa grammaire qui est à l'étude sous l'angle du mort-vivant : du héros au second rôle, de la perspective saturée du décor au hors-champ mortel. Si le zombie est la figure de proue de cette thèse, il s'agit moins de l'étudier d'un point de vue ethnographique que d'user de ses particularités afin de questionner le visible sur le mode de la persistance, de la pratique du retour incessant et de l'envahissement, c'est-à-dire comme une forme de résistance. Les revenants dévoilent lentement mais inexorablement l'envers du décor et délimitent une nouvelle topographie, déplacent les seuils et les frontières convenus : entre morts et vivants, entre visible et caché, entre champ et hors-champ. Les limites de l'espace et du corps sont mises à l'épreuve. Dans ma pratique, cette redéfinition des limites transforme l'image et l'univers filmique en ce que l'on pourrait nommer des « limbes filmiques » par des actions simples dans et sur l'image cinématographique : envahissement, contamination, pourrissement, corruption, dévoration, prolifération, raréfaction. Les morts-vivants revisitent ainsi, tels de riches touristes, les mythologies du cinéma. / The thesis explores the concepts and figures of revenance and haunting from a political and aesthetic point of view that is to say in their relation to historical and social contingencies, the real and the image. Cinema, and in particular American cinema, forms a significant part of the modern mythologies that have rocked the cradle of the 20th century, with its stories, codes and figures. The images produced by cinema are seamlessly embedded and archived in the spectator's unconscious and the collective imagery. I aim to reconsider the grammar of cinema through the angle of the living dead: the supporting roles as well as the principal characters, the saturated perspective of the sets as much as the deadly off-screen. The zombie is the figurehead of the thesis, but my purpose is less about studying it from ethnographical point of view than of making use of its particularities to question the visible on the mode of persistence, of the practice of the unceasing comebacks and of invasion, that is to say as an act of resistance. The revenants unveil slowly but inexorably the secrets beyond the door, and mark the boundaries of a new topography, shifting and altering the seemingly fixed thresholds; accessing the space between the dead and the living, in between the visible and the hidden, and in between on-screen and off-screen. This redefining of the margins and the boundaries transforms the image and the filmic universe into what could be called « cinematic limbo » by simple actions in and on the image: invasion, contamination, rotting of, corruption, devouring of, proliferation. The living dead continuously revisit, like sad tourists, the mythology of the cinema.

Apichatpong Weerasethakul entre réalité et imaginaire / Apichatpong Weerasethakul between reality and imagination

Lee, Sun-Woo 20 June 2017 (has links)
Cette étude est consacrée à l’analyse de la coexistence de la réalité et de l’imaginaire dans l’œuvre d’Apichatpong Weerasethakul. Les modalités de rencontre et de croisement de ces deux dimensions dans un film ou entre des films sont éclaircies à travers des observations pratiques et détaillées. Partant de l’analyse de l’influence de deux cultures différentes – la sensibilité autochtone thaïlandaise et la tendance du cinéma expérimental occidental – nous envisageons d’une part les modalités de captation des scènes de la vie réelle et d’autre part la manière de découvrir et de révéler le côté invisible qui entoure ce champ visible. La narration filmique est représentée de manière diverse en déviant de la règle classique. Dans le processus de formation d’une histoire, des matières hétérogènes sont englobées et des textes divers sont connectés. Par ailleurs, l’univers flexible et libre de Weerasethakul présuppose toujours des temps multiples virtuels, caractéristique essentielle que l’on retrouve dans toutes ses œuvres, des courts-métrages aux installations en passant par les long-métrages. Par conséquent, la distinction entre la dimension réelle et la dimension irréelle/surréelle perd en clarté ; la ligne de distinction est quasiment annulée. Le réalisateur propose ainsi une autre vision du monde se basant sur la tradition bouddhique thaïlandaise qui pourrait sembler absurde du point de vue du rationalisme moderne de l’Occident. En traversant ainsi les discussions autour du monde hybride de Weerasethakul, cette étude a pour ambition de démontrer que son cinéma (re)trouve la beauté et la puissance de la réalité à travers l’imaginaire. / This study is about the analysis of the coexistence of reality and imagination in the work of Apichatpong Weerasethakul. The modalities of encountering and crossing of these two dimensions in a film or between films are clarified through practical and detailed observations. On the basis of an analysis of the influence of two different cultures – the Thai indigenous sensibility and the tendency of Western experimental cinema –, we search on the one hand the modalities of capturing the scenes of real life, and on the other hand how to discover and reveal the invisible side that surrounds this visible field. The narrative of his films is represented in a diverse way by deviating from the classical rule. In the process of forming a narrative, heterogeneous materials are embraced and various texts are connected. Moreover, the flexible and free world of Weerasethakul always presupposes virtual multiple times, an essential characteristic that can be found in all his works, from short films to installations to the feature films. Therefore, the distinction between the real dimension and the unreal / surreal dimension loses clarity; the line of distinction is virtually canceled. The filmmaker thus proposes another view of the world based on the Thai Buddhist tradition that might seem absurd from the point of view of modern rationalism of the West. By crossing the discussions around the hybrid world of Weerasethakul, this study aims to demonstrate that his cinema (re)finds the beauty and power of reality through the imagination.

Enacted social support in sport : the effects of support type and support visibility

Moll, Tjerk January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examined the influence of support type and support visibility on the effects of enacted social support on performance and a number of key psychological and behavioural variables. It comprises five chapters. Chapter 1 is a general introduction. The next three chapters (outlined below) present the results of four studies. Chapter 5 is a general discussion. Chapter 2 examined how support type and support visibility influenced the effects of natural support exchanges between athletes and their key support providers occurring in the week prior to an athlete’s match. Athletes and key support providers reported respectively the receipt and provision of support during this week. Athletes also indicated their self-confidence and emotional states regarding the upcoming the match. Moderated hierarchical regression analyses revealed that all types of received support predicted athletes’ emotional states and self-confidence regarding the upcoming match. There was no evidence that invisibly providing these support types predicted athletes’ outcomes. For informational support, however, it was found that its provision predicted self-confidence, suggesting that athletes’ levels of confidence may have benefited from advice that they were not always aware of. Chapter 3 employed an experimental paradigm to better examine the influence of the type and visibility of enacted social support. Using a golf-putting task with novices (n = 105), it examined the influence of informational and esteem support provided in a visible or invisible manner by a fellow novice golfer. This fellow novice golfer was in reality a confederate scripted to give one of five support manipulations (visible informational support, invisible informational support, visible esteem support, invisible esteem support, no support) to participants prior to performing the golf-putting task. The results demonstrated that participants given invisible informational support or visible esteem support outperformed those given no support, while participants given visible informational support or invisible esteem support did not. There was no evidence that participants’ self-efficacy or emotional states could explain these effects. Chapter 4 also involved experimental procedures across two separate studies with samples of skilled football players completing a football aiming task. In these studies, esteem and informational support was provided in a visible or invisible manner by a coach with expertise in penalty-taking. In the first of these studies, the players (n = 68) performed better when the expert provided them with informational support than when the expert provided them with esteem support. This effect occurred regardless of whether the support was provided in a visible or invisible manner. Self-efficacy could not explain this effect. Given the lack of effects of support visibility, the second of these two studies was designed as a replication and an extension of the first. It sought to further examine why informational support might be more effective than esteem support for skilled football players (n = 84). Consistent with the first study, kicking performance was again significantly better for players provided with informational support than for players provided with esteem support regardless of whether the support was provided in a visible or invisible manner. There was evidence that players given informational support performed better than those given esteem support, because their attention was focused more externally on the target and less internally on the process of movement execution. This series of studies are important for sport and social psychology: They are the first to explore the effect of support type and support visibility in a sport context; and they are the first to examine the effect of support type and support visibility in relation to performance. The results demonstrate that support type is a crucial factor to consider when exchanging support. However, no support type may necessarily be considered the best under all conditions. In light of explaining the effects of different support types on performance, the final study suggests that attentional focus may be an important underlying mechanism. The results indicate that support visibility may play a role in the exchange of support but its influence depends on the type of support provided and the context in which this type of support is provided. An overriding finding of this thesis is that enacted support can have beneficial effects upon athletes’ psychological states and performance.

Langage et histoire chez Maurice Merleau-Ponty / Language and history in Merleau-Ponty's philosophy

Balagué, Laurent 12 September 2008 (has links)
L'objet de ce travail est d'interroger les liens entre philosophie et histoire dans la philosophie de Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Il consiste à questionner une déclaration de ce philosophe qui affirmait que "Saussure pourrait avoir inauguré une nouvelle philosophie de l'histoire". Il s'agit pour nous de savoir quel sens une telle déclaration peut avoir pour Merleau-Ponty. Nous partons de l'hypothèse qu'il y a ici un changement de paradigme de la part de Merleau-Ponty pour la compréhension de l'histoire. Il ne s'agit plus de comprendre l'histoire comme c'était le cas pour Hegel ou Marx comme quelque chose qui aurait une intelligibilité et un sens à partir d'une démarche seulement dialectique, il s'agit de comprendre l'histoire à partir de la linguistique. Notre propos est d'établir comment ce changement peut se justifier. Le travail consiste en trois parties distinctes. Dans la première nous tâchons de montrer qu'il y a eu une philosophie de l'histoire chez Merleau-Ponty avant sa lecture de Saussure et que c'était à partir de la notion de Gestalt que l'histoire pouvait être comprise. Dans notre seconde partie nous voulons néanmoins montrer que la philosophie merleau-pontyenne de l'histoire ne prend son véritable sens qu'avec la lecture de l’œuvre des linguistes et en particulier de Saussure. C'est la notion de signification en tant que "diacritique" qui permet de penser le langage et aussi l'histoire. Cette deuxième partie montre de ce fait la lecture des linguistes comme un moment charnière pour la compréhension de la philosophie merleau-pontyenne de l'histoire. Notre troisième partie montre alors que les interrogations de Merleau-Ponty dans sa dernière philosophie et ce qu'on appelle l'ontologie de la chair gravite autour d'un questionnement sur l'histoire et le langage, ce questionnement amenant Merleau-Ponty à penser l'histoire, la philosophie et son langage dans une nouvelle forme qui s'apparente à une forme quasi littéraire / The aim of this work is to investigate the links between philosophy and history in Maurice Merleau-Ponty's thought. This philosopher stated that "Saussure might have opened a new philosophy of history." I shall enquire what could be the meaning of such a statement to Merleau-Ponty, thus assuming that there is a transformation of the paradigm he used to conceptualise history. History indeed shouldn't be understood, as was the case with Hegel or Marx, as something having intelligibility and meaning only from a dialectical perspective, but should also be understood with the help of linguistics. Our point is to ascertain how such a change can be accounted for. This work is threefold. In the first part, I endeavour to show that Merleau-Ponty had a philosophy of history prior to his reading of Saussure, and that it was grounded in the notion of Gestalt. In a second part, I undertake to show that what is yet most significant in Merleau-Ponty's way of conceiving history comes from his interest in the work of some linguists and chiefly Saussure's. It is the notion of signification "understood as "diacritical"" which enables the conceptualisation of language as well as of history. The reading of linguists can thus be seen as a turning point in the making of his philosophy of history. The third part then goes on to show that the later Merleau-Ponty, and what has been called ontology of the flesh, revolves around a questioning of history and language bringing him to conceive history, philosophy and its language anew - that is: through a quasi-literary form

Läraren och läsundervisningen : En studie av åldersintegrerad pedagogisk praktik med sex- och sjuåringar / The teacher and the reading instruction : A study of a mixed-age pedagogical practice with six- and seven-year old children

Ahl, Astrid January 1998 (has links)
This dissertation is about reading instruction in six mixed-aged classes, called child schools, with six and seven year old children. The overall questions of this study were: How did the teachers in child schools organise work in general and reading instruction in particular? How did they handle for example the increasing range of variation concerning knowledge and skills that goes together with increasing variation of age? With respect to reading the investigation also examined the content of reading instruction and the extent to which teachers took into account those factors that, according to reading research, are important for the acquisition of reading skills? Overall the research aimed to examine how the reading ability of the pupils developed during their first years at school. Six child schools were included in the study. The data collection extended over three years and contained field studies, interviews with the staff and reading tests with the pupils. Reading theories were used to analyse the form of the reading instruction and Basil Bernstein's theory of visible and invisible pedagogy was used to analyse pedagogical practice in its context. With one exception a visible pedagogy dominated in all the child schools. During lessons designated "my own work" the pupils were allowed to plan their work. This weak framing allowed the pupils to sort themselves into groups of more or less successful learners. In reading instruction, elements of two different models for instruction were combined, e.g. the whole language and the basal reading approach. My conclusion is that this combination is effective in a mixed-age group. Pupils at different competence levels benefit from different approaches. The reading comprehension of the child school pupils did not differ from the levels obtained with comparable pupils in national surveys. The test results, like the learning conditions varied between the schools. In my view the test results were not merely a consequence of the instruction, but also of other circumstances that interacted with the pedagogy.

Mythos e logos no poema de Parmênides

Conte, Bruno Loureiro 04 November 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T17:26:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bruno Loureiro Conte.pdf: 597433 bytes, checksum: 474791994388813765e9eb9230745941 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-11-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / It is widely known that Parmenides Poem, which is considered a fundamental work in Greek philosophical thought, presents a plurality of mythical elements, and that its clarification constitutes an issue to the interpreters. This research is an investigation of the historical and philosophical meaning of mythos and logos in the Poem, considering the work in its cultural contexts. Our analysis begins by bringing to the foreground the presence of mythos, understood in its original sense of authorized way of speaking, pointing out its interweaving with logos, in such a manner that without the former the argument of the latter would remain incomprehensible. On the other hand, we aim to determine the specificity of logos in Parmenides: it shows up as a reflexive, refutative logos, but not, as some interpreters have sustained, a strict demonstration . Having established this point, Parmenides work shows itself as productive of a plurality of mythical assemblages, appropriating images of the traditional inspired poet, of initiation in cults of mystery, of divinity figures and of the Archaic Lyric conception of human existence. Furthermore, the Poem deploys itself in multiple discursive configurations: narration, argument, oracular speaking. In accordance to that, we introduce an interpretative hypothesis associating the Goddess speech in the Poem to a particular kind of oracle, similar to that of the mantic healer. Such associations or assemblages, nonetheless, are not simple reproductions of aspects already present in Greek culture: they are, as a matter of fact, subverted in the direction of the philosophically instituted radical reflection, which collects signals from visible and invisible, leading to thinking / Como é bem sabido, o poema de Parmênides, considerado uma das obras fundamentais do pensamento filosófico grego, apresenta uma pluralidade de elementos míticos, seu esclarecimento constituindo um problema para os intérpretes. Trata-se, neste trabalho, de investigar o significado histórico-filosófico do mythos e do logos no poema, a partir da inserção da obra em seus contextos culturais. Nossa análise inicia-se destacando a presença do mythos, entendido em seu sentido original de maneira autorizada de falar, mostrando-o de tal modo entrelaçado ao logos que o argumento , sem ele, sequer seria compreensível. De outro lado, procuramos determinar a especificidade do logos de Parmênides: trata-se de um logos reflexivo, refutativo , mas não, como pretendem alguns intérpretes, de uma estrita demonstração . Estabelecido esse ponto, surge a obra de Parmênides como produtora de agenciamentos míticos diversos, apropriando-se das imagens do poeta tradicional inspirado, da iniciação nos cultos de mistérios, de figuras de divindades e da concepção da existência humana presente na Lírica arcaica, efetuando-se o poema em múltiplas configurações discursivas (narrativa, argumento, fala oracular). Nesse sentido, introduzimos a hipótese interpretativa da associação da fala da deusa no poema a um tipo específico de oráculo, similar ao do médico-adivinho. Tais associações ou agenciamentos, todavia, não se revelam como simples reproduções de aspectos presentes na cultura grega: eles são mesmo subvertidos em direção à instauração filosófica de uma reflexão radical, que recolhe sinais do visível e do invisível, conduzindo ao pensar

Relationen mellan vårdaren och vårdtagaren inom rättspsykiatrin

Attar, Osama January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka hur anställda inom rättspsykiatrin ser på relationen mellan sig själva och vårdtagarna, samt att studera de olika aspekter som berör relationen i vårdandet, bland annat maktrelationen och vänskapsrelationen. Uppsatsen baseras på en kvalitativ studiemetod med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Nio stycken anställda vårdare (undersköterskor och skötare) från en avdelning inom rättspsykiatrin i Växjö deltar i studien. Resultatet visar att relationen mellan vårdare och vårdtagare är en viktig aspekt inom vården, och att relationen är basen inom vården för att kunna erbjuda bra vård till patienten. Intervjupersonerna menar att: En bra relation mellan vårdare och vårdtagare kännetecknas av att vårdaren ska kunna skapa förtroende, tillit i relationen, samt stödja och tillfredsställa patientens behov med hjälp av relationen. Studien belyser svårigheterna inom relationen mellan vårdare och vårdtagare samt de risker som kan förekomma. Resultatet visar även att en viss synlig och osynlig makt utövas; den makten är svår att definiera, personalen är delvis omedvetna om att de själva utövar makt dagligen. / The purposes of this essay are to examine how employees in a psychiatric ward experience the relationships between them and the caretakers, and to study the different aspects of relationships between them. For instance the power relation and the friend relation. The essay is based on a qualitative method with semi structured interviews from 9 employees, whom are nurses and caregivers at a ward in Växjö psychiatric institution.  The results from this study illuminate that the relationship between caregivers and caretakers is a vital aspect of the care itself. And that this relationship is the foundation for caregiver to be able to offer necessary care. A good relationship between caregiver and caretaker is characterized by the abilities of the caregiver to create trust and confidence in their relationship to the caretaker, as well as supporting and satisfying the caretakers’ needs by help of their relationship.  This study highlights the issues in the relationship between caregivers and caretakers as well as the risk that pertain to this relationship. The results indicate that certain power exertions overt and covert are factors in some relationships. These power exertion are, however, hard to define, the caregivers also seem partly unaware of them.


Silva Filho, Raimundo Nonato da 06 April 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T16:16:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Raimundo Nonato.pdf: 795665 bytes, checksum: e1c5fc9e318de56e759c002e6beb811c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-04-06 / This research searched to study the context of the expansion and democratization of access to higher education in Brazil, which coincides with the inauguration of the first President elected by direct vote, after the military dictatorship until 2007. We analyze this, in the eyes of important Brazilian authors, the LBD, Law of Directives and Bases, the National Education Plan, the National Examination of Secondary Education, the Student Finance and the University for All Program. Specifically, the study aimed to seek answers to two questions: the distribution of scholarships or partial access and has guaranteed the permanence of higher education that enter through them? That fellows develop strategies to complete the course? We analyze three autobiographical narratives of students in a pedagogy course at a private university in São Paulo. The results indicated that the distribution of grants has guaranteed access and retention of students, but did not realize solve problems related especially to the curriculum content not previously worked with the fellows, the prejudice, the relationship between teacher and student, especially the full development of the principles of citizenship legally acquired. / Este trabalho buscou estudar o contexto da expansão e democratização do acesso ao ensino superior no Brasil, no período que coincide com a posse do primeiro Presidente eleito pelo voto direto, depois da Ditadura Militar, até 2007. Para isso analisamos, aos olhos de importantes autores brasileiros, a LBD, Lei de Diretrizes e Bases, o Plano Nacional de Educação, o Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio, o Financiamento Estudantil e o Programa Universidade para Todos. Especificamente, o estudo objetivou buscar respostas a duas questões: a distribuição de bolsas de estudo integral ou parcial tem garantido o acesso e permanência dos que adentram ao ensino superior por meio delas? Que estratégias os bolsistas desenvolvem para concluírem o curso? Para tanto, analisamos três narrativas autobiográficas de estudantes de um curso de pedagogia de uma universidade privada da Grande São Paulo. Os resultados indicaram que a distribuição de bolsas tem garantido o acesso e a permanência de estudantes, porém não dá conta de equacionar os problemas relacionados, especialmente, aos conteúdos curriculares não trabalhados anteriormente com as bolsistas, ao preconceito, à relação professor aluno e, sobretudo, ao desenvolvimento pleno dos princípios de cidadania legalmente adquiridos.

Revize dokladů dálkových kontaktů na území Čech a Moravy ve starší době halštatské / Revision of evidences of long-distance contacs in Bohemia and Moravia during the Early Iron Age

Babušková, Štěpánka January 2015 (has links)
: The theses deals with long-distance contacts in Bylany culture in the Early Iron Age (Ha C1-Ha D1). The research is based on detailed typological and chronological analysis of exogenous material artefacts and their comparation with other analogical european finds. The invisible evidence of long-distance contacts (technology, art, burial practices, life style) is also included.

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