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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Patientens upplevelse av smärtbehandling efter operation av distal radiusfraktur med perifer nervblockad / The patient´s experience of pain treatment after operation of a distal radius fracture in peripheral nerve blockade

Cewers, Ingrid, Palmqvist, Viveka January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att utvärdera patientens upplevelse av den postoperativa smärtan och behandlingen av denna när den perifera nervblockadens effekt avtagit efter operation av distal radiusfraktur. Metoden som använts är en empirisk kvantitativ deskriptiv enkätstudie. Tjugo patienter deltog i denna pilotstudie. Demografin stämde väl överens med de statistiska data, som visar att distrala radiusfrakturer är vanligt förekommande hos kvinnor i åldern 55 år och äldre. Resultatet av studien har påvisat att många patienter har upplevt mer smärta än vad de själva varit beredda på. Slutsatsen utifrån visuell analog skala, VAS, visar att smärtan har varit svår för patienterna att behandla hemma trots att de haft tillgång till smärtbehandlade läkemedel. Informationen som patienten erhållit har varit otillräcklig och kan vara en källa till den svårbemästrade smärtan. / The aim of the study was to evaluate patient´s experience of the postoperative pain and its treatment after peripheral nerve blockade for operation of a distal radius fracture had ceased. The method used was an empiric, quantitative, descriptive study using enquiries. Twenty patients participated in this pilot study. Demography was according to statistical data, that distal radius fractures are common in women aged 55 or more. The results showed that many patients experienced more severe pain than expected. The conclusion from visual analogue scale, VAS, shows that the pain was difficult to treat at home in spite of prescription of pain killers. The information given to the patient was insufficient, which may have contributed to the difficulty to control pain.

Correlação da algometria, escala análogo visual, escala numérica de avaliação da dor em mulheres com dor pélvica crônica

Alfonsin, Mariane Meirelles January 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A Dor Pélvica Crônica (DPC) é um problema social, com alta prevalência, acometendo mulheres na idade reprodutiva. Cada vez mais salientamos a importância de investigar instrumentos apropriados para avaliação da dor, facilitando na prática clínica a escolha do melhor método que torne mais completa a avaliação de aspectos da intensidade na mensuração da dor crônica. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo é correlacionar diferentes instrumentos de avaliação da intensidade dolorosa, a escala numérica (EN), escala visual analógica (EVA) e a algometria de pressão, nas mulheres com DPC, a fim de identificar o instrumento que melhor expressa o quadro doloroso. Métodos: foram avaliadas pelo ginecologista oitenta mulheres encaminhadas ao ambulatório do serviço de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), trinta e três mulheres apresentaram algum aspecto dos nossos critérios de não inclusão. Selecionamos para participar do estudo quarenta e sete pacientes com DPC, sendo que vinte pacientes apresentavam endometriose diagnosticada por videolaparoscopia e vinte e sete pacientes apresentavam outras causas ginecológicas. Utilizamos no estudo um roteiro para anamnese cujos dados relacionados com a DPC foram coletados, tais como diagnóstico, tratamento, sintomatologia e locais da dor. Escores de dor foram classificados de acordo com a intensidade, através das escalas de dor (EN e EVA), instrumentos baseados no autorrelato do indivíduo e algometria de pressão, para verificar o limiar de dor à pressão das pacientes. Na análise dos dados, a concordância entre as escalas foi avaliada pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (ICC) e a associação entre as escalas com o algômetro foi avaliada pelo coeficiente de correlação de Spearman, o nível de significância adotado foi de 5% (P<0,05). Resultados: As participantes do estudo tinham idade média de 38,3 ± 7,6 anos. Utilizamos o ICC para análise da correlação entre os instrumentos de relato da percepção dolorosa, ou seja, entre as EN e EVA, em relação à dor (0,992), na dismenorreia (1,00) e na dispareunia (0,996), e encontramos excelente concordância entre as escalas, com P<0,01. As associações da algometria com as escalas foram moderadas e inversas, apresentando diferenças estatisticamente significativas, quanto maior a pontuação nas escalas EN e EVA em relação à dispareunia, menores os valores no algômetro, exceto nos pontos LA1 e LA2 em ambos os lados. Também houve associação inversa das escalas EN e EVA na dismenorréia, no ponto LAB2 lado direito e associação inversa no ponto PS lado direito com a escala EVA de dor, com diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Conclusão: As escalas são instrumentos eficientes para avaliação da dor, podendo ser utilizada tanto a EN quanto a EVA na avaliação da intensidade dolorosa. Na avaliação das mulheres com DPC devemos utilizar a algometria de pressão associada à EN ou EVA, instrumentos inversamente proporcionais, confiáveis e sensíveis, tornando menos subjetiva a avaliação da dor para melhor expressar o quadro doloroso. / Introduction: The Chronic Pelvic Pain (CPP) is a social problem, with high prevalence, affecting women in reproductive age. Increasingly, has been emphasised the importance of investigating appropriate instruments for evaluation of pain in clinical practice, by facilitating the choice of the best method to make more complete the evaluation in measuring intensity aspects of chronic pain. Therefore, the objective of this study is to correlate different painful intensity assessment tools, the numeric scale (NS), visual analogue scale (VAS) and algometry pressure, in women with CPP, in order to identify the instrument that best expresses the pain. Methods: were evaluated by the gynecologist eighty women referred to the Gynecology and Obstetrics service, Clinical Hospital of Porto Alegre (HCPA), thirty three women had some aspect of our criteria for not inclusion. The study included forty seven patients, twenty patients had endometriosis diagnosed by laparoscopy and twenty seven patients had other gynecological causes. For the analyses in this study we used a road map for anamnesis whose data related to the CPP was collected, such as diagnosis, treatment, symptoms and pain locations. In addition, pain scores were classified according to intensity, through the pain scales (NS and VAS), based on self-report instruments of individual and algometry, to verify the pressure pain threshold of the patients. Statistically, the agreement between scales was assessed by intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and the association between the scales with the algometer were evaluated by Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, the level of significance adopted was 5% (P<0,05). Results: Study participants had an average age of 38.3 ± 7.6 years old. In the statistical analysis, we used ICC reporting instruments of perception painful I mean, between NS and VAS regarding pain (0,992), in dysmenorrhoea (1.00) and Dyspareunia (0.996), and we found excellent correlation between scales, with P<0,01. The associations of algometria with the scales were moderate and inverses, showing differences statistically significant, the higher the score NS and VAS in relation to Dyspareunia smaller values in algometer, except in points LA1 and LA2 on both sides. Indeed, there were also inverse association of scales NS and VAS on dysmenorrhea, in point LAB2 in the right side and inverse association in point PS in the right side with scale VAS of pain, with statistically significant differences. Conclusion: the scales are effective instruments for evaluation of pain, and may be used both in NS and VAS at painful intensity evaluation. In the evaluation of women with CPP should be used the algometry pressure associated with NS or VAS, instruments inversely proportional, reliable and sensitive, making less subjective pain assessment to better express the pain.

Is conventional sugar-free chewing gum effective in the management of orthodontic pain associated with fixed appliances? A randomised clinical trial comparing the pain-reducing effects of sugar-free chewing gum versus a placebo medicament

Govender, Yolin January 2020 (has links)
Magister Scientiae Dentium - MSc(Dent) / Background and aim: Managing orthodontic pain traditionally involves the prescription of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs combined with other analgesic medication. Sugar-free chewing gum has been advocated in the control of orthodontic pain due to its mechanical and physiological effects on periodontal tissue; however, the literature is scant. The ‘placebo effect’ that conventional sugar-free chewing gum may have in the relief of orthodontic pain has not been documented. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of conventional sugar-free chewing gum in reducing orthodontic pain associated with fixed appliances with a placebo (sugar-free sweets) medicament. Objectives: The objectives of the study were to determine if there were differences in pain reporting between the sugar-free chewing gum and the placebo, to ascertain whether gender influenced pain scores and to observe any differences in pain reporting between different orthodontic techniques.

Studies on Premenstrual Dysphoria

Eriksson, Olle January 2005 (has links)
<p>Premenstrual dysphoria, so severe that it affects the lives of the women afflicted, is the condition studied in this thesis. Physiological and pharmacological mechanisms of pathogenetic relevance were investigated. </p><p>Women with premenstrual dysphoria showed a stronger and less dampened response of LH to an estradiol challenge than asymptomatic women, indicating an altered neuroendocrine regulation. In women with premenstrual dysphoria, the LH response was correlated to the severity of irritability and bloating, and the early FSH response was correlated to the severity of depressed mood. </p><p>The positron-emission study showed strong, consistent correlations between worsening of mood symptoms and a decrease in brain trapping of the immediate serotonin precursor, from the mid-follicular to the late luteal phase in women with premenstrual dysphoria. The strongest correlations were seen for the cardinal mood symptoms of premenstrual dysphoria, and for their opposites. Physical symptoms showed weaker or no correlations with the exception of nociceptive symptoms from erogenous body regions which showed positive correlations to serotonin precursor trapping in the right caudate nucleus. The findings are consistent with the serotonin hypothesis of premenstrual dysphoria, and might possibly explain the observed effects of serotonin-augmenting drugs in this condition.</p><p>The partial 5-HT<sub>1A</sub> receptor agonist buspirone was superior to placebo in the treatment of premenstrual dysphoria. The weak SRI and 5-HT<sub>2</sub> receptor antagonist nefazodone was not superior to placebo. For women with premenstrual dysphoria in need of medication and who do not tolerate SRIs because of the sexual sideeffects, buspirone may be an alternative drug, since it had no adverse effects on sexual function. </p><p>The prevalence of polycystic ovaries and serum levels of androgens were not higher in women with premenstrual dysphoria than in their asymptomatic counterparts. The findings are not consistent with the hypothesis that irritability in women with premenstrual dysphoria is induced by elevated testosterone levels. </p><p>Thesis results, which are in line with the serotonin hypothesis of premenstrual dysphoria, may imply that increased brain sensitivity is one of the factors underlying severe premenstrual mood symptoms, thereby further supporting a common serotonergic dysregulation in this condition.</p>

Studies on Premenstrual Dysphoria

Eriksson, Olle January 2005 (has links)
Premenstrual dysphoria, so severe that it affects the lives of the women afflicted, is the condition studied in this thesis. Physiological and pharmacological mechanisms of pathogenetic relevance were investigated. Women with premenstrual dysphoria showed a stronger and less dampened response of LH to an estradiol challenge than asymptomatic women, indicating an altered neuroendocrine regulation. In women with premenstrual dysphoria, the LH response was correlated to the severity of irritability and bloating, and the early FSH response was correlated to the severity of depressed mood. The positron-emission study showed strong, consistent correlations between worsening of mood symptoms and a decrease in brain trapping of the immediate serotonin precursor, from the mid-follicular to the late luteal phase in women with premenstrual dysphoria. The strongest correlations were seen for the cardinal mood symptoms of premenstrual dysphoria, and for their opposites. Physical symptoms showed weaker or no correlations with the exception of nociceptive symptoms from erogenous body regions which showed positive correlations to serotonin precursor trapping in the right caudate nucleus. The findings are consistent with the serotonin hypothesis of premenstrual dysphoria, and might possibly explain the observed effects of serotonin-augmenting drugs in this condition. The partial 5-HT1A receptor agonist buspirone was superior to placebo in the treatment of premenstrual dysphoria. The weak SRI and 5-HT2 receptor antagonist nefazodone was not superior to placebo. For women with premenstrual dysphoria in need of medication and who do not tolerate SRIs because of the sexual sideeffects, buspirone may be an alternative drug, since it had no adverse effects on sexual function. The prevalence of polycystic ovaries and serum levels of androgens were not higher in women with premenstrual dysphoria than in their asymptomatic counterparts. The findings are not consistent with the hypothesis that irritability in women with premenstrual dysphoria is induced by elevated testosterone levels. Thesis results, which are in line with the serotonin hypothesis of premenstrual dysphoria, may imply that increased brain sensitivity is one of the factors underlying severe premenstrual mood symptoms, thereby further supporting a common serotonergic dysregulation in this condition.

Porovnání efektu rázové vlny a chirurgické intervence v léčbě tendopatie rotatorové manžety / Comparison between the Effectiveness of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) and the Surgical Approach in the Treatment of the Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy: A Literature Review

Saqqa, Mohammed Maher H January 2018 (has links)
Title Comparison between the effectiveness of extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) and the surgical approach in the treatment of the rotator cuff tendinopathy. Objective The main goal of this research work is comparing the effectiveness of extracorporeal shock wave therapy and the surgical intervention (arthroscopic approach) in the treatment of calcific rotator cuff tendinopathy depending on the outcome measures of the Constant-Murley Score (CMS), and the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) from the recent scientific publications. Methodology This thesis is systemic (literature) review. The studies which recruited in this research were randomized controlled trials, prospective studies, and retrospective case series studies which written in English language form, and published between the year 2000 to the year 2018. The studies were retrieved from following databases: EMBASE, PubMed, CINAHL, Medline, SpringerLink, ProQuest using different integrations of the key words. The participants in the studies were from both genders and all ages. The type of the pathology which included in this research was chronic calcific rotator cuff tendinopathy. Regarding the intervention types both Radial, and Focused ESWT with low, medium, and high intensities and the arthroscopic interventions were the main types of...

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