Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cisual comfort"" "subject:"4visual comfort""
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Desempenho térmico e visual de elementos transparentes frente à radiação solar / Thermal and visual performance of transparent elements related to the solar radiationJoaquim Cesar Pizzutti dos Santos 23 August 2002 (has links)
A especificação das vedações transparentes é uma das decisões mais complexas no âmbito do projeto arquitetônico. Envolve diversos fatores construtivos e de necessidades humanas relacionadas ao conforto ambiental, associadas a uma grande variedade de produtos disponíveis no mercado. Este trabalho busca facilitar aos projetistas esse processo de especificação, fornecendo valores dos parâmetros de desempenho dos elementos transparentes em relação à análise do conforto térmico e visual, coerentes com a realidade climática brasileira e com a real incidência da radiação solar ao longo do dia. Foram estudados os vidros comuns, laminados e refletivos, e as películas de controle solar, policarbonatos e acrílicos usados em edificações no Brasil. Foi utilizada a análise por espectrofotometria para a obtenção dos valores de refletância, transmitância a absortância para as diferentes regiões do espectro solar, com ângulos de incidência variados. A partir do relacionamento desses resultados, considerando o comportamento similar de variação do Fator do Calor Solar (FCS) e da Transmitância da Luz Visível (Tv) com o ângulo de incidência, foi desenvolvida uma metodologia que possibilita o cálculo simplificado de ganhos de calor e luz natural. / The specification of the transparent elements is one of the most complex decisions in the ambit of the architectural project. It involves several constructive factors and human necessities related to the environmental comfort, associated to a great variety of available products in the market. The aim of this work is to facilitate the specification process to the planners, supplying values of the performance parameters of the transparent elements in relation to the analysis of thermal and visual comfort, coherent with the Brazilian climatic reality and with real incidence of the solar radiation along of the day. It were studied the ordinary, laminate and reflective glasses, the solar control films, policarbonates and acrylic used in Brazilian constructions. The spectrophotometry analysis was used to obtain the reflectance, the transmittance and the absortance values for the different regions of the solar spectrum, with varied incidence angles. Starting from the relationship of those results, considering the similar behavior of variation of the Solar Heat Factor (FCS) and of Transmittance of the Visible Light (Tv) with the incidence angle, it was developed a methodology that facilitates the simplified calculation of heat and natural light gains.
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Diretrizes projetuais para humanização hospitalar: Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro / Design guidelines for hospital humanization: teaching hospital of the Triângulo Mineiro Federal UniversityMariana Ferreira Martins Garcia 04 March 2016 (has links)
O Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro (HC UFTM) foi inaugurado em 1982 na cidade de Uberaba - MG e é, atualmente, o único hospital público do Triângulo Mineiro que oferece atendimento terceirizado de alta complexidade. Os critérios técnicos exigidos em normas rígidas para esses ambientes hospitalares dificultam o processo de humanização hospitalar como forma de atender os usuários satisfatoriamente e proporcionar espaços apropriados para o exercício dos profissionais da saúde e para auxiliar na cura dos pacientes. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é propor diretrizes projetuais com a finalidade de melhorar o desempenho térmico e lumínico das alas de clínicas médica (CM) e cirúrgica (CC) do HC da UFTM. Para isso, a metodologia proposta consiste, inicialmente, num levantamento de dados dos aspectos projetuais e construtivos das alas estudadas. Posteriormente, foi feito um levantamento bioclimático de Uberaba dos últimos 10 anos junto a uma caracterização do edifício através dos cálculos das propriedades térmicas dos materiais e do uso das estratégias passivas no projeto. Para verificar a eficiência destas estratégias realizaram-se as análises dos métodos de Mahoney e Givoni. Além disso, o desempenho térmico e lumínico das alas de CM e CC foi analisado através das medições das temperaturas internas e externas, da umidade relativa do ar e dos níveis de iluminância. Depois, foram comparados com as recomendações de Mahoney e Givoni e à norma de iluminação NBR 8995-1. Os resultados encontrados indicaram que das estratégias passivas, a ventilação é a mais favorecida pela implantação do edifício, mas o resfriamento evaporativo e a alta inércia térmica não estão presentes. Além disso, os cálculos das 2 propriedades térmicas dos fechamentos verticais e horizontais e as medições das variáveis ambientais não apresentaram índices ideais de conforto e sim, altas transmitâncias, baixas inércias térmicas e, consequentemente, altas temperaturas no interior das alas, gerando um grande desconforto térmico praticamente o tempo todo. Além disso, os níveis de iluminância encontrados não estão adequados às normativas e, aliados a ambientes sem identidade visual desfavorecem ainda mais a percepção que os usuários/pacientes têm dos mesmos. Promover espaços ajardinados, melhorar o desempenho dos fechamentos através da utilização de isolantes térmicos e rever a concepção visual e os níveis mínimos de iluminação do HC são possibilidades eficientes e utilizadas em diversos hospitais para melhorar o conforto térmico e visual dos pacientes durante suas internações e assegurar qualidade no desempenho das tarefas dos funcionários. / In 1982, the teaching hospital (Hospital de Clínicas - HC) of the Triângulo Mineiro Federal University (UFTM) was opened in Uberaba, in Minas Gerais state in Brazil. Currently, it is the only public hospital in the Triângulo Mineiro area to offer third party high complexity services. Technical requirements in strict regulations for hospital environments make it harder to humanize them and satisfactorily assist users, provide health professionals with adequate working spaces and help the healing process. Therefore, this document aims to propose design guidelines to improve thermal and lighting performance in the medical clinic (clínica médica CM) and surgery clinic (clínica cirúrgica - CC) wings of the HC of UFTM. In order to achieve this, there was initially some data collection regarding design and building aspects related to the aforementioned hospital wings. Afterwards, it was necessary to gather data on the bioclimatic profile of Uberaba for the last ten years and relate it to the building using an estimate of the thermal properties of its materials and of the use of passive strategies in its design. To verify how effective the plans were, analyses based on Mahoney and Givonis methods were carried out. Furthermore, measurement of internal and external temperatures, of relative humidity and of illuminance levels were used to analyze thermal and visual performance of CM and CC wings. Then, the results were compared to Mahoney and Givonis recommendations and to lighting regulation NBR 8995-1. These results showed that regarding passive strategies, ventilation benefits the most from the building orientation, while evaporative cooling and high thermal inertia are absent. Moreover, thermal property figures of the vertical and the horizontal openings and measurements of environmental variables did 4 not present ideal comfort ratings, but high transmittance, low thermal inertia and, consequently, high temperatures inside the wings creating great thermal discomfort almost all the time. In addition, illuminance levels registered did not comply with regulations and, while associated with a lack of visual identity in rooms, caused users/patients to negatively perceive those rooms. Fostering green areas, improving insulation by using thermal insulation materials and revising the visual concept and the minimum illuminance levels in the HC are effective possibilities used in several hospitals to improve patients thermal and visual comfort while under treatment and to ensure quality to staff performance.
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Uniform vs. uneven lighting: Accommodation of multiple users’ preferences in study roomsGkolompia, Evdoxia Iro January 2023 (has links)
Uniform lighting in public spaces like study rooms in libraries, is still a common practice. However, uniformly lit spaces are unable to simultaneously meet the needs of multiple users and can create dull environments. The objective of this thesis is to analyze users’ behavior under different lighting conditions in study rooms and investigate whether alternative lighting designs, which step away from uniformity, could be more beneficial than uniform lighting, from a human performance and well-being perspective.A uniformly lit study room in the library of KTH was chosen as the main case study of this investigation and was thoroughly analyzed and evaluated through qualitative and quantitative research. Under the initial hypothesis that the lighting in this study room does not meet its users’ needs and fails to create an inspiring and comfortable environment, three additional study rooms in different Swedish libraries were comparatively analyzed through observations, interviews, and questionnaires, so as to better understand individual users’ needs and lighting preferences in study rooms. The research revealed the existence of various types of users with different personal preferences regarding lighting in order to feel comfortable and alert. A new conceptual lighting proposal is presented for the study room in KTH library, following an uneven lighting approach that utilizes different lighting zones to accommodate individual needs and affect the sense of comfort, alertness, and ultimately, the well-being of multiple types of users.
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Glare, Daylight and View:“Exploratory study of the effect of patterns on glare and view in an indoor environment.”Nazari, Marzieh January 2019 (has links)
The dilemma of keeping the daylight quality and view to the outside or protecting our eyes from disturbing glare by covering the window is a moment that probably everyone has experienced in their life. Having access to daylight and enjoying the view to the outside when there is not visual comfort has been a problematic issue related to the window in space. Shading devices are designed in different shapes and forms to control glare and also energy consumption inside the space. Using shading covers part of the window and it affects the light quality and view to the outside and can change our perception from architectural space.In this thesis, the main question is how can we protect the indoor space from discomfort glare without covering the whole part of the window by curtain, blinds or shading devices in order to keep daylight quality and view to the outside.Glare is a phenomenon that is related to the viewpoint of observers and in order to study the glare metrics, the data from 140 viewpoints of the observer in 20 different locations in one simulated room were analyzed based on three main factors:1- Glare Metrics2- Light Quality3- ViewThe 20 selected patterns were simulated in [Rhino /Grasshopper/ Diva] software to analyze the glare and daylight metrics in Solstices and Equinoxes. Also, in order to define a parameter for view, one questionnaire was used and the responses from 40 participants were collected and all of the data were evaluated by mathematics and statistics methods.The final aim of the study is to introduce some simple principles for patterns of shadings to provide better-daylit environment and view to the outside with most visual comfort conditions for the user inside the space.
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Samspelet mellan grafisk design och ljusdesign i utställningssalen "Vägen till det förflutna"Hellsvik, Olivia, Korpelin, Mindy January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to develop recommendations for using more efficient lighting and better graphic design to create a more uniform structure in the exhibition hall “Road to the past” in Jönköping County Museum by answering the following questions at issue: 1) How are the objects in the exhibition hall “Road to the past” exposed today? 2) How can you use lighting and graphic design to create structure in the exhibition and strengthen the expression in the exhibition? Our work is based on observations and open group interviews. We observed the exhibition hall “Road to the past” during day and evening. In the same hall, we observed a guided tour that we followed up with open group interviews. Finally, we observed four exhibition halls in Stockholm that are located at the Historical Museum, Royal Armory and at the Army Museum. The purpose of the observation of exhibition hall "Road to the past" was to answer the first question of issue. The observations in Stockholm, the observation of the tour and the interviews were some of the basis for responding to our second question of issue. The results of this study show that graphic design and lighting design can enhance the expression of the exhibition hall. Examples are given of how to work with colors that attract attention and how information texts can be designed in a guided and easy to read manner. In addition, it explains how the lighting can be adjusted to the objects in the hall as well as the human vision. To spatially dispose the objects in the exhibition in a logic and guiding way is also described as a method to enhance the expression of the exhibition. The result of the investigation shows that through color selection, and outline of the lighting one also can create a flow of the exhibition hall that leads the visitor through the exhibition. We conclude that the visitors’ experience of the exhibition hall “Road to the past” at the moment is strongly linked to whether it is part of a guided tour or not. The essay discusses solutions so that the exhibition can be more self-guiding. / Syftet med detta examensarbete var att ta fram rekommendationer för hur man med hjälp av mer ändamålsenlig belysning och grafisk design kan skapa en tydligare och mer enhetlig struktur i utställningen ”Vägen till det förflutna” vid Jönköpings Läns Museum genom att besvara följande frågeställningar: 1) Hur exponeras föremålen i utställningssalen ”Vägen till det förflutna” i dagsläget? 2) Hur kan man stärka uttrycket i utställningen och skapa en tydligare och mer enhetlig struktur med hjälp av bättre grafisk design och mer ändamålsenlig belysning? Vi har i studien använt oss av observationer och öppna gruppintervjuer. Inledningsvis observerade vi utställningssalen ”Vägen till det förflutna” under dags och kvällstid. Efter detta genomförde vi en observation av en guidad tur i samma sal som vi sedan följde upp med öppna gruppintervjuer. Slutligen observerade vi fyra andra utställningssalar i Stockholm som finns belägna på Historiska Museet, Livrustkammaren och på Armémuseum. Syftet med observationen av utställningssalen ”Vägen till det förflutna” var att svara på frågeställning ett. Observationerna i Stockholm, observationen av den guidade turen samt intervjuerna har använts för att svara på frågeställning två. Resultatet av studien visar att man med grafisk design och ljusdesign kan förstärka uttrycken i utställningssalen. Exempel ges på hur man kan jobba med färgval som attraherar och lockar till uppmärksamhet och hur informationstexter kan utformas på ett guidande och lättläst sätt. Vidare beskrivs hur belysningen kan anpassas, dels till salens föremål och dels till det mänskliga synsinnet. Att spatialt disponera utställningsföremålen vägledande och logiskt beskrivs också som ett sätt att förstärka uttrycket i utställningen. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att man genom färgval, disposition och belysning också kan skapa ett flöde i utställningssalen som leder besökaren genom utställningen. Vi har dragit slutsatsen att besökarnas upplevelser av utställningssalen "Vägen till det förflutna" i nuläget är starkt kopplade till om man ingår i en guidad tur eller inte. I arbetet diskuteras lösningar för hur utställningen i högre grad kan göras självguidande.
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Samspelet mellan grafisk design och ljusdesign i utställningssalen "Vägen till det förflutna"Hellsvik, Olivia, Korpelin, Mindy January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study was to develop recommendations for using more efficient lighting and better graphic design to create a more uniform structure in the exhibition hall “Road to the past” in Jönköping County Museum by answering the following questions at issue:</p><p>1) How are the objects in the exhibition hall “Road to the past” exposed today?</p><p>2) How can you use lighting and graphic design to create structure in the exhibition and strengthen the expression in the exhibition?</p><p>Our work is based on observations and open group interviews. We observed the exhibition hall “Road to the past” during day and evening. In the same hall, we observed a guided tour that we followed up with open group interviews. Finally, we observed four exhibition halls in Stockholm that are located at the Historical Museum, Royal Armory and at the Army Museum. The purpose of the observation of exhibition hall "Road to the past" was to answer the first question of issue. The observations in Stockholm, the observation of the tour and the interviews were some of the basis for responding to our second question of issue.</p><p>The results of this study show that graphic design and lighting design can enhance the expression of the exhibition hall. Examples are given of how to work with colors that attract attention and how information texts can be designed in a guided and easy to read manner. In addition, it explains how the lighting can be adjusted to the objects in the hall as well as the human vision. To spatially dispose the objects in the exhibition in a logic and guiding way is also described as a method to enhance the expression of the exhibition. The result of the investigation shows that through color selection, and outline of the lighting one also can create a flow of the exhibition hall that leads the visitor through the exhibition.</p><p>We conclude that the visitors’ experience of the exhibition hall “Road to the past” at the moment is strongly linked to whether it is part of a guided tour or not. The essay discusses solutions so that the exhibition can be more self-guiding.</p> / <p>Syftet med detta examensarbete var att ta fram rekommendationer för hur man med hjälp av mer ändamålsenlig belysning och grafisk design kan skapa en tydligare och mer enhetlig struktur i utställningen ”Vägen till det förflutna” vid Jönköpings Läns Museum genom att besvara följande frågeställningar:</p><p>1) Hur exponeras föremålen i utställningssalen ”Vägen till det förflutna” i dagsläget?</p><p>2) Hur kan man stärka uttrycket i utställningen och skapa en tydligare och mer enhetlig struktur med hjälp av bättre grafisk design och mer ändamålsenlig belysning?</p><p>Vi har i studien använt oss av observationer och öppna gruppintervjuer. Inledningsvis observerade vi utställningssalen ”Vägen till det förflutna” under dags och kvällstid. Efter detta genomförde vi en observation av en guidad tur i samma sal som vi sedan följde upp med öppna gruppintervjuer. Slutligen observerade vi fyra andra utställningssalar i Stockholm som finns belägna på Historiska Museet, Livrustkammaren och på Armémuseum. Syftet med observationen av utställningssalen ”Vägen till det förflutna” var att svara på frågeställning ett. Observationerna i Stockholm, observationen av den guidade turen samt intervjuerna har använts för att svara på frågeställning två.</p><p>Resultatet av studien visar att man med grafisk design och ljusdesign kan förstärka uttrycken i utställningssalen. Exempel ges på hur man kan jobba med färgval som attraherar och lockar till uppmärksamhet och hur informationstexter kan utformas på ett guidande och lättläst sätt. Vidare beskrivs hur belysningen kan anpassas, dels till salens föremål och dels till det mänskliga synsinnet. Att spatialt disponera utställningsföremålen vägledande och logiskt beskrivs också som ett sätt att förstärka uttrycket i utställningen. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att man genom färgval, disposition och belysning också kan skapa ett flöde i utställningssalen som leder besökaren genom utställningen.</p><p>Vi har dragit slutsatsen att besökarnas upplevelser av utställningssalen "Vägen till det förflutna" i nuläget är starkt kopplade till om man ingår i en guidad tur eller inte. I arbetet diskuteras lösningar för hur utställningen i högre grad kan göras självguidande.</p>
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Caractérisation de la qualité des éclairages artificiels (rendu des couleurs et confort visuel) en particulier pour les sources à lumières à diodes électro-luminescentes (DEL) / Characterization of the quality of artificial lighting (color rendering and visual comfort) in particular for light sources in light-emitting diodes (LEDs)Nonne, Jordi 15 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse a été réalisée en parallèle avec le projet de recherche « ENG05 lighting », un programme européen de recherche en métrologie réunissant une quinzaine d’instituts nationaux de métrologie en Europe. L'apparition de nouvelles solutions d’éclairage utilisant des diodes à électroluminescence (DEL) n’apporte pas seulement une efficacité en termes de diminution de puissance consommée mais elles doivent également répondre à des critères dequalité delumière pour l’utilisateur selon l’environnement.L'étude se concentre sur les problématiques du confort visuel ainsi que sur les indices du rendu des couleurs conformes à ceux de la Commission International de l'Eclairage (CIE) qui ne permettent pas de prédire une évaluation fiable en ce qui concerne ces nouveaux éclairages à l’état solide.Cette recherche s’appuie sur les calculs informatisés des métriques existantes, les résultats de plusieurs expériences subjectives réalisées dans un environnement contrôlé et reproductible et leurs caractérisations. Un premier modèle capable de prédire le confort visuel d'un scénario d'éclairage est réalisé et décrit. Plusieurs axes d'amélioration des métriques du rendu des couleurs sont étudiés.L'ensemble des expériences intègre des solutions d'éclairages traditionnelles. A l’aide de carte de luminance, les résultats obtenus sont comparés aux performances des sources respectives.Mots-clefs : Rendu des couleurs, confort visuel, qualité des éclairages, expérience subjective, DEL, DEL, UGR, IRC, CRI, éblouissement, carte de luminance. / The ENG05 project funded by the European Research Metrology Programme (EMRP) addresses measurement aspects of both quantity and quality of new lighting such as solid-state lighting (SSL).The current Colour Rendering Index (CRI) of the CIE (International Commission on Illumination) fails to predict the subjective ranking of the lighting sources based on DEL (light emitting diode). Along with a study of colour rendering metrics based on an extensive computation of relevant metrics and colorimetric calculations, a study on visual comfort is performed and both are presented in this thesis.For interior lighting standards it doesn’t exist a metric able to predict the visual comfort of an environment. Therefore, the aim of this study consists in a contribution to the human visual comfort characterization according to various realistic configurations considering the comparison between DEL luminaries and traditional lighting technologies (fluorescent, halogen).The analysis of the results DEL to develop a model which could be deemed worthy of consideration by CIE.Keywords: color rendering, visual comfort, lighting quality, subjective experiment, DEL, UGR, CRI, glare, luminance maps.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The classrooms are the more permanent environments at schools; therefore their thermal, visual and acoustic characteristics must be carefully considered. Visual comfort can be achieved only with daylighting; artificial lighting is necessary when the daylighting is insufficient. The artificial lighting is responsible for high energy consumption in buildings. According to Klüsener (2009), who analysed a building of UFSM in accordance with Brazilian energy efficiency standards (RTQ-C), the artificial lighting systems reached the level E (on a A-E scale). In general, simple actions could be improving the energy efficiency of the building lighting system. Considering that the university buildings have a similar performance, the adaptation of lighting systems is important for low-energy consumption. This study aims to define classrooms guidelines for visual comfort in accordance with illuminance levels available and their distribution on the work surface where tasks are performed, as well as the energy efficiency of the classrooms lighting systems. The classrooms were selected to represent the existing universe buildings. The classrooms were characterized with regard to dimensions, surface light reflections, opening systems, solar orientation, sun shading systems, external obstructions and artificial electrical lighting systems. The illuminance levels were measured in two classrooms simultaneously with Instrutherm luximeters, model LDR 225. The measurements were in accordance with the Brazilian standards (NBR 15215) and were carried out at six points on an orthogonal grid. A comparative analysis was made for the classrooms that were simultaneously measured. Additionally the partial RTQ-C lighting criteria were applied on the classrooms lighting systems and the theoretical external illuminance levels were calculated in order to generate the daylight factor (DF). The results pointed that the internal daylight distribution is affected by external obstructions that reduce the portion of visible sky and these are not considered in the windows design. For simultaneous daylighting and artificial lighting, the illuminance levels are excessive and poorly distributed; consequently they cause high energy consumption. The existence of unnecessary sun shading systems, for southern solar orientations and for windows with complete sky obstructions, contributes for the insufficient classrooms illuminance levels. The RTQ-C criteria analysis point levels E and C for the classrooms. In general, the DF do not correspond to expected values indicated by international recommendations. / As salas de aula, por serem ambientes de maior permanência dos alunos, devem possuir condições de conforto térmico, visual e acústico adequadas. O conforto visual pode ser obtido com a iluminação natural ou com auxilio da artificial quando a natural não é suficiente. Quando se utiliza a iluminação artificial, existe a preocupação com o consumo energético da edificação. Segundo estudos realizados por Klüsener (2009), que aplicou o Regulamento Técnico da Qualidade para Etiquetagem do Nível de Eficiência Energética de Edifícios (RTQ-C) em uma edificação do campus da UFSM em Camobi, o sistema de iluminação é de baixa eficiência energética, tendo atingido o nível E. No entanto, segundo o mesmo estudo, existe um potencial para a melhoria da eficiência energética a partir de ações simples. Partindo-se do pressuposto que as outras edificações da universidade possuem um desempenho semelhante, percebe-se a importância de adequar os seus sistemas de iluminação a fim de reduzir o consumo de energia. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo apontar diretrizes que visem o conforto visual no que diz respeito aos níveis de iluminância disponíveis e sua distribuição no ambiente, bem como à eficiência energética de sistemas de iluminação de salas de aula. Para isso, foram selecionadas salas de aula que fossem representativas do universo existente no campus. Após, foram feitos os levantamentos de suas características físicas (dimensões, cores das superfícies, tipos de aberturas, orientação solar, tipos de proteções solares, presença de obstruções externas, tipos e distribuição de luminárias e lâmpadas) e foram realizadas medições in loco com luxímetros digitais da marca Instrutherm, modelo LDR 225 e segundo recomendações da NBR 15215 (ABNT, 2005d). Também foi feita uma análise parcial segundo os Requisitos Técnicos da Qualidade para o Nível de Eficiência Energética de Edifícios Comerciais, de Serviços e Públicos (RTQ-C) e uma análise comparativa entre os níveis de iluminância medidos e os coeficientes de contribuição de iluminação natural (CIN) estimados. Com os resultados obtidos, verificou-se que a distribuição da iluminação natural é afetada por condições do entorno que causam obstruções do céu visível, não sendo consideradas no projeto das aberturas. Nas medições com iluminação natural mais artificial, os níveis são excessivos e mal distribuídos, causando consumo desnecessário de energia. As proteções solares presentes nas orientações a norte desconsideram as condições do entorno. A avaliação parcial através da aplicação dos requisitos específicos do RTQ-C para os sistemas de iluminação resultou em nível E para as salas do CE e em nível C para as outras. Os CIN calculados em grande parte do tempo não corresponderam aos valores teóricos esperados para salas de aula, conforme literatura.
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Retrofit electrochromic glazing : a longitudinal case study of occupant experienceWaskett, Ruth Kelly January 2016 (has links)
Electrochromic (EC) glazing has emerged as an alternative to traditional forms of glazing. It has the potential to enable occupants to control daylight ingress without the use of blinds, giving users more access to daylight with all its inherent benefits. Research efforts to date have been mainly focussed on the potential of EC glazing as an energy saving technology through the reduction of electric lighting and air conditioning energy loads, using scale models, computer simulations and full scale test rooms. Few studies have considered the user experience of the technology, and none of the studies that have included data from human participants have been carried out in a real-world research setting over a long-term period. Thus, there is a general lack of understanding regarding the performance and suitability of EC glazing in real-world working environments. To address this gap in research, a new study of EC glazing was undertaken, looking at the experience of occupants working in an office that had been retrofitted with EC-glazed windows. The retrofit was the first of its kind in the UK, and provided an opportunity to study the user experience of EC glazing in a real-world setting over a longitudinal period. The aims of the study were to gain new insights into the experience of users of EC glazing, and to learn about the practicalities of installing it. A number of research questions were defined, leading to a mixed methods data collection programme, carried out over a period of almost 18 months. The data collection encompassed data from the occupants as well as from the physical environment, and was designed in response to the constraints of the site and occupants, as well as the aims of the research enquiry. The resulting data set includes a valuable record of occupant experiences and behaviour, as well as detailed information about environmental conditions at key times. A number of contextual factors influencing the effectiveness of EC glazing were identified. The outcomes of this research provide a new understanding of the user experience of EC glazing, and thus can inform further technological development and benefit future installations.
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The Home-Office Lighting KitMordeglia, Cristina January 2021 (has links)
This Master Thesis, inspired by the relevance that home-offices have assumed as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, originated from the architectural, quantitative, and qualitative analysis of lighting within the author’s student accommodation on KTH Main Campus, in Stockholm (Sweden). As a matter of fact, this background study proved that recommended lighting levels (Illuminance, Contrast Ratio, CCT, CRI, M-EDI, and DER values) were not met, making the space unsuitable and unhealthy to both live and work in. Moreover, evaluating individual lighting preferences, it was demonstrated that flexibility, customizability, and adaptability to daylighting and tasks are fundamental requirements for working from home.Considering the temporary nature of students’ leases, the idea of developing an inexpensive and easily assemblable kit of smart products, aimed at improving lighting in dormitories, came quite naturally.To study the implementation of visual comfort and focus on tasks, literature review, market analysis, quantitative measurements, and hands-on experiments were carried on.Thus, with the gained knowledge and experience, the Home-Office Lighting Kit, an array of commercially available sockets, shades, and smart sources, supporting circadian rhythm and individual preferences, was proposed. Along with it, instructions on set-up and scenarios were provided.Although the overall conclusion was that the market needs products with a better balance between price, sturdiness, and reliability, the lighting conditions within the case study space were substantially improved, making other students interested in doing the same.Eventually, interesting cues for the sector’s development were proposed.
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