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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Finansiele implikasies van besproeiing, geintegreer met lowerbestuur, vir rooi wyndruiwe in die Robertson-wynvallei

Louw, Victor de Wet 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The financial decision-making environment within which wine-grape producers function is challenging because of the complex interrelationships between yield, product price and input requirements. The complexity of farm systems is increased because production and financial decisions are necessarily made under uncertainty. Various issues influence the resilience of the wine industry. The goal of this study is to determine the financial implications of irrigation, integrated with canopy management practices on red wine cultivars in the Robertson area. Canopy management and irrigation cost play an important role within the multi-faceted farm system regarding yield, quality and input cost. This necessitates that research be carried out within the context of a systems approach. In this manner the interdependence among the various components of the farm system, and the associated synergies can be captured. Farm management, as a field of research, is dependent on other disciplines that present an alternative perspective to the research problem. Viticulture trials specifically focused on the impact of various irrigation and canopy management activities is being done on Wansbek farm. Nine treatments were tested at various combinations of soil water depletion levels and canopy management strategies. The farm is situated in Agterkliphoogte, an area in the Robertson valley. A multi-disciplinary group discussion was held to firstly obtain insight in the complex working of a farm. Secondly the group discussion was used to gain insight into the application of the Wansbek trial data and the setting of guidelines as to its application to determine the expected farm level financial implications of the treatments. Dealing with complexity necessitates insight form various areas of expertise, which is achieved time efficiently within expert group discussions. A quantitative method is required to reflect the interrelatedness and dynamics of a whole farm system in a user-friendly manner. Multi-period budget models present the ability to accommodate the complexity associated with a farm through a sequence of mathematical and accounting equations. The physical/biological interrelations and structure of the farm can be modelled while the financial performance of various irrigation and canopy management strategies can be determined. Farm-level profitability is especially sensitive to yield and price of farm products. The treatments that showed the highest expected profitability, return relatively high yields and prices at relatively low production costs. The sprawling canopy management treatment at c. 60% and c. 30% plant available water depletion levels returned the highest and second highest profitability at both gross margin per hectare and whole farm level. Scenarios were incorporated to illustrate the expected impact of key variables and the capability of the model. Key factors associated with the success of specific treatments could be identified. Results showed throughout that the balance between yield, price and input cost are the determining factor to profitability, rather than a focus on any particular one of these factors. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die finansiële besluitnemingsomgewing waarbinne wyndruifprodusente funksioneer, is uitdagend weens die komplekse verwantskappe tussen oesopbrengs en -kwaliteit en gepaardgaande insetbehoeftes. Die kompleksiteit van die boerderystelsels word verhoog deurdat produksie- en finansiële besluite noodwendig op grond van onvolmaakte inligting geneem word. Verskeie kwessies beïnvloed die voortbestaan van die wynbedryf. Die doel van hierdie studie is om die finansiële implikasies te bepaal van besproeiing, geïntegreer met lowerbestuur, vir rooi wyndruifverbouing in die Robertson-wynvallei. Lowerbestuur- en besproeiingkoste speel ʼn belangrike rol binne die multifasettigheid van ʼn boerderystelsel ten opsigte van opbrengs, kwaliteit en produksiekoste. Dit vereis dat die navorsing binne die konteks van die stelselsbenadering aangespreek word. Sodoende word die interafhanklikheid tussen die onderskeie boerderystelselkomponente, gekoppel aan die sinergistiese effek wat daarmee gepaardgaan, in ag geneem. Boerderybestuur as navorsingsveld, is gevolglik afhanklik van ander vakdissiplines wat ‘n alternatiewe perspektief verleen aan die navorsingsprobleem. Wingerdbouproewe wat spesifiek fokus op die impak van verskillende besproeiing- en lowerbestuursaksies word uitgevoer op die Wansbek-plaas. Die plaas is geleë te Agterkliphoogte, ʼn area in die Robertson-vallei. Nege behandelings is getoets teen verskillende kombinasies van plant beskikbare water (PBW)-onttrekkingspeile en lowerbestuurstrategieë. ʼn Groepsbespreking met multidissiplinêre deskundiges is gehou om eerstens, insig in die kompleksiteit van die werking van ʼn plaas te verkry. Tweedens, is die groep van multidissiplinêre deskundiges gebruik om insig te verwerf aangaande die hantering van die Wansbek-proefdata. Die groep het riglyne daargestel om die proefdata prakties aan te wend sodat die verwagte finansiële implikasies op plaasvlak geëvalueer kan word. Die hantering van kompleksiteit vereis insig vanuit verskeie gebiede van kundigheid wat tydsdoeltreffend binne ʼn groepsbespreking van multidissiplinêre deskundiges geakkommodeer kan word. ʼn Kwantitatiewe tegniek is nodig om die wisselwerking en dinamika van ʼn geheelboerderystelsel op ʼn gebruikersvriendelike en toepaslike manier te weerspieël. Multiperiode-begrotingsmodelle gee die vermoë om die kompleksiteit, wat met ʼn tipiese plaas geassosieer word, te akkommodeer deur die toepassing van basiese wiskundige en rekeningkundige beginsels. Die fisies-biologiese wisselwerking en struktuur van die plaas kan sodoende gemodelleer word, terwyl die finansiële prestasie van die kombinasies van verskillende besproeiing- en lowerbestuurstrategieë bepaal kan word. Die plaasvlakwinsgewendheid is veral sensitief vir die opbrengs en prys van produkte gelewer. Die behandelings wat die beste verwagte winsgewendheid getoon het, produseer teen ʼn relatiewe hoë produksie en prys en ’n relatiewe lae produksiekoste. Die oophanglowerbestuurbehandeling teen c. 60% en c. 30% plant beskikbare water-onttrekkingspeile is die mees en tweede mees winsgewende strategieë op per hektaar bruto marge en geheelplaasvlak. Die gebruik van scenario’s is geïnkorporeer om die impak van sleutelveranderlikes uit te wys en die vermoë van die model te illustreer. Sleutelfaktore tot die sukses wat aan sekere strategieë verbind word, kan sodoende uitgewys word. Deurgaans wys die resultate dat die balans tussen opbrengs, prys en produksiekoste belangriker is as die fokus op enige enkele een van die faktore.

Evaluering van grondvoorbereidingspraktyke wat in die wingerdbedryf uitgevoer word in terme van geselekteerde grondfisiese eienskappe

Kritzinger, Daniel Jacobus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study was conducted in the Western Cape Province to investigate the effect of soil preparation on selected soil physical properties. This study was necessitated by the negative effects that high soil bulk density has on the growth and production of a vine. Soil preparation in South Africa are applied to remove root limiting layers in the subsoil and to create a larger soil volume for root growth. The question is whether it is always necessary because of the destruction of macropore structure and also the high costs that is involved. The study includes different soil forms, different depths of tillage, different tillage operations and also the change of soil physical properties with time. Soil physical properties that was investigated include, bulk density (cloth method), infiltration (mini disk infiltrometer and double ring infiltrometer), shear strength (pocket vane tester), soil strength (penetrometer) and root distribution (profile wall method). The main finding was that the positive effects of soil preparation were still clear after 25 years. The bulk density, shear strength, penetration resistance and infiltration with the double ring infiltrometer of the deeper soil preparation practices were considerably lower than those of undisturbed soil. Soil preparation shallower than 60 cm recompacted more than the deeper tillage treatments. Hydraulic conductivity with the mini disk infiltrometer yielded mixed results. This was mainly because measurements represented hydraulic conductivity through the whole profile and therefore can be influenced by many factors. Root distribution has increased with depth of tillage and the effect was clear at Nietvoorbij in the deeper (> 60 cm) soil preparation treatments. There were no significant difference between the two soil preparation methods (delve plough and soilmix) at Kanonkop, although the effect of secondary compaction by the soilmix was quite clear. Recompaction over a year was clear in the 2009 and 2010 tillage treatments at Broodkraal. The methods that were used to determine the soil physical properties have all yield good results. At all the sites the tillage treatments generally yielded better results than the undisturbed soils. It was also clear that the longer the time after tillage the smaller become the difference between the tillage treatments and the undisturbed soils. Recompaction did occur and therefore soil preparation might possibly be applied again before new vines wants to be planted. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie is in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie gedoen om die effek van grondvoorbereiding op geselekteerde grondfisiese eienskappe te ondersoek. Hierdie studie is genoodsaak deur die nadelige gevolge wat hoë gronddigthede op die groei en produksie van ’n wingerdstok het. Grondvoorbereiding in Suid-Afrika word toegepas om beperkende lae in die ondergrond te verwyder en sodoende ‘n groter grondvolume vir wortelgroei beskikbaar te stel. Die vraag is egter of dit altyd noodsaaklik is weens die vernietiging van voorkeur vloeikanale en die hoë kostes wat daarmee gepaard gaan. Die studie sluit verskillende grondvorms, verskillende dieptes van bewerking en verskillende tipes bewerking in asook hoe die toestande met verloop van tyd verander. Grondfisiese eienskappe wat ondersoek is, sluit in: bulkdigtheid (kluitmetode), infiltrasie (“mini disk” - en dubbelring infiltrometer), skuifsterkte (skroefbladmeter), grondsterkte (penetrometer) en wortelverspreidings (profielwand metode). Die studie is uitgevoer by drie verskillende proeflokaliteite, nl. Nietvoorbij, Kanonkop en Broodkraal. Die vernaamste bevindings was dat die grondvoorbereidingsbehandelings se voordelige effek oor die langtermyn, na 25 jaar, steeds duidelik waarneembaar was. Die bulkdigtheid, skuifsterkte, penetrasieweerstand en infiltrasie met dubbelring infiltrometer van die dieper grondbewerkingspraktyke was aansienlik laer as die kontrole behandelings (onversteurde grond) gewees. Die grondvoorbereidingsaksies vlakker as 60 cm het tot ʼn mate weer herverdig. Hidrouliese geleiding met minidisk infiltrometer het baie wisselvallige resultate opgelewer. Dit is hoofsaaklik omdat die meting die geleiding deur die hele profiel verteenwoordig en daar baie faktore is wat dit kan beïnvloed. Die wortelverspreiding het met diepte van grondbewerking toegeneem en die langtermyn voordelige effek was duidelik by Nietvoorbij in die dieper (> 60 cm) grondvoorbereidingsbehandelings sigbaar. Die twee grondvoorbereidingspraktyke (dolbewerking en “soilmix”) by Kanonkop het nie betekenisvol van mekaar verskil nie, alhoewel die effek van sekondêre kompaksie soos veroorsaak deur die “soilmix” implement, duidelik was. Herverdigting oor die tydperk van ’n jaar was duidelik tussen die 2009- en 2010 bewerking by Broodkraal. Die metingsmetodes waarmee die grondfisiese eienskappe ondersoek is, het almal goeie resultate gelewer. By al die proeflokaliteite het die bewerkingsbehandelings oor die algemeen beter resultate as die kontrole-behandelings (onversteur) gelewer. Hoe langer die tydperk na grondvoorbereiding hoe kleiner was die verskil tussen die bewerkingsbehandelings en die kontrole. Herverdigting het wel voorgekom en daarom sal grondvoorbereiding moontlik weer toegepas moet word wanneer nuwe aanplantings gemaak word.

Evaluation of parameters to determine optimum ripeness in Cabernet Sauvignon grapes in relation to wine quality

Botes, Matthys Petrus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MscAgric (Viticulture and Oenology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / South Africa is the eighth largest wine producing country in the world and face stiff competition on the world market. Cabernet Sauvignon is the most planted red cultivar in the world as well as in South Africa and can be seen as the wine by which countries are judged. The aim of this study was to investigate suitable, practical maturity parameters or combinations thereof to determine the optimal time to harvest Cabernet Sauvignon grapes under South African conditions. The following parameters were investigated during this study: seed lignification, maturity indexes, anthocyanin concentration per berry, sensory criteria (grape skins tasting and wine) and phenolic content. Berry development in four Cabernet Sauvignon vineyards in different South African winegrowing areas were investigated over the 2003, 2004 and 2005 seasons. The first parameter to be investigated was seed lignification percentages. Seasonal differences at commercial harvest were observed with values of 2004 varying between 73% and 91% compared to 59% and 80% for the 2003 and 2005 seasons but commercial harvest was two weeks later during the 2004 season. During this study it was found that seeds never reached 100% lignification for Cabernet Sauvignon as was found in previous work to indicate grape maturity. The development of anthocyanins also peaked well before the maximum seed lignification was reached. It therefore appears that seed lignification is not suitable for the determination of grape maturity for Cabernet Sauvignon grapes under South African conditions. The second parameter to be investigated was maturity indexes (Balling / Titratable Acidity (TA), Balling × pH, Balling × pH2). The best wine values were used to determine the optimal maturity index values. Morgenster was the only vineyard to consistently give values that corresponded to previously reported data (index values). Anhöhe and Plaisir de Merle reported higher maturity values than that reported in literature and seasonal variation was observed. Maturity index values for the best wines varied between 88 and 101 (Balling × pH) for Anhöhe during 2003 and 2005 seasons, but increased too between 97 and 107 (Balling × pH) for 2004. The maturity index values were found to be vineyard and season dependant, with warmer areas reaching higher values. From this study it appears that maturity index values as a singular maturity parameter does not give a good indication of berry maturity in all seasons or vineyards. Thirdly, the berry anthocyanin concentration (mg / berry and mg / g berry) were investigated and comparable trends were found between the four vineyards. However vineyards in warmer, drier regions (Anhöhe) tended to have higher anthocyanin concentrations per gram berry. The more vigorous vineyard of Morgenster consistently exhibited a higher anthocyanin concentration per berry. This can be explained by the ratio of skin to pulp between small berries (Anhöhe, 0.95 g - 2004) and larger berries South Africa is the eighth largest wine producing country in the world and face stiff competition on the world market. Cabernet Sauvignon is the most planted red cultivar in the world as well as in South Africa and can be seen as the wine by which countries are judged. The aim of this study was to investigate suitable, practical maturity parameters or combinations thereof to determine the optimal time to harvest Cabernet Sauvignon grapes under South African conditions. The following parameters were investigated during this study: seed lignification, maturity indexes, anthocyanin concentration per berry, sensory criteria (grape skins tasting and wine) and phenolic content. Berry development in four Cabernet Sauvignon vineyards in different South African winegrowing areas were investigated over the 2003, 2004 and 2005 seasons. The first parameter to be investigated was seed lignification percentages. Seasonal differences at commercial harvest were observed with values of 2004 varying between 73% and 91% compared to 59% and 80% for the 2003 and 2005 seasons but commercial harvest was two weeks later during the 2004 season. During this study it was found that seeds never reached 100% lignification for Cabernet Sauvignon as was found in previous work to indicate grape maturity. The development of anthocyanins also peaked well before the maximum seed lignification was reached. It therefore appears that seed lignification is not suitable for the determination of grape maturity for Cabernet Sauvignon grapes under South African conditions. The second parameter to be investigated was maturity indexes (Balling / Titratable Acidity (TA), Balling × pH, Balling × pH2). The best wine values were used to determine the optimal maturity index values. Morgenster was the only vineyard to consistently give values that corresponded to previously reported data (index values). Anhöhe and Plaisir de Merle reported higher maturity values than that reported in literature and seasonal variation was observed. Maturity index values for the best wines varied between 88 and 101 (Balling × pH) for Anhöhe during 2003 and 2005 seasons, but increased too between 97 and 107 (Balling × pH) for 2004. The maturity index values were found to be vineyard and season dependant, with warmer areas reaching higher values. From this study it appears that maturity index values as a singular maturity parameter does not give a good indication of berry maturity in all seasons or vineyards. Thirdly, the berry anthocyanin concentration (mg / berry and mg / g berry) were investigated and comparable trends were found between the four vineyards. However vineyards in warmer, drier regions (Anhöhe) tended to have higher anthocyanin concentrations per gram berry. The more vigorous vineyard of Morgenster consistently exhibited a higher anthocyanin concentration per berry. This can be explained by the ratio of skin to pulp between small berries (Anhöhe, 0.95 g - 2004) and larger berries (Morgenster, 1.82 g – 2004). Wine colour density (A420+A520) followed the same trend as the anthocyanin concentrations of the homogenate. Grape skins (G) were used to make an artificial wine that was evaluated by an expert panel to determine the development of the grapes. Wines (W) made from sampled batches were also evaluated by an expert panel for: colour intensity, vegetative, red berry, black berry with spice, acidity, astringency and general quality. Vegetative aromas and acidity decreased and red and black berry with spice increased during ripening for both berries and wine. Colour intensity also increased, corresponding to an increase in perceived general quality score. Correlations between general quality of both the grape skins tasting and wines were investigated. Balling showed a strong correlation with general quality of the grape skins tasting (r = 0.76; p = 0.00) but not as strongly with subsequent wines (r = 0.57; p = 0.00). Anthocyanin concentration (mg / g berry) of the berries (r = 0.36; p = 0.00), perceived colour intensity of grapes (r = 0.69; p = 0.00) and wine (r = 0.84; p = 0.00) correlated with general wine quality. The tasting panel identified wines that were statically better than the rest for each season and vineyard. Maximum berry anthocyanin concentration coincided with wines rated as the best by the tasting panel. More than one wine was identified during the maximum anthocyanin peak that did not differ statistically from the best wine. It appears from this study that a window period exists at the maximum anthocyanin peak, where wines of comparable quality, but different style, can be produced. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to determine the least number of suitable parameters that could distinguish between unripe and ripe grapes in order to establish a grape maturity model. These differences were successfully described by Balling, TA, pH, potassium (K+), tartaric and malic acid. Anthocyanin concentration could further distinguish between ripe and overripe grapes in the model. From these parameters the minimum and maximum values were used to construct a universal ripeness model containing data from all four vineyards. Variation between the four vineyards caused too much overlapping in the universal model data as the vineyards were situated in different climatic regions according to the Winkler temperature model. On a per vineyard basis this did not occur to the same extend. The best rated Cabernet Sauvignon wines correlated strongly with soluble solid content; colour and quality perceptions of grapes, but large seasonal differences resulted in larger grape compositional variances than that of the individual vineyards in the different climatic zones. This illustrated the difficulty of pinpointing a specific parameter to indicate optimal ripeness. From this study it is clear that a universal maturity model for Cabernet Sauvignon berries is not attainable at present, but individual vineyard models shows the most potential. A preliminary study into the differences of the phenolic composition was done using reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) on the homogenate and wine. Malvidin-3-glucoside and total anthocyanins followed comparable trends to that found for the Iland method. Strong correlations (r > 0.9) were found between the malvidin- 3-glucoside and malvidin-3-glucoside-acetate and p-coumarate; this was also true for the total anthocyanins in both homogenate and wine. Wines identified by a tasting panel to be the best quality, corresponded with the maximum anthocyanin concentration (mg / L) peak in the homogenate. Dense canopies at the Morgenster vineyard over the three seasons lead to lower total anthocyanin and quercetin-3-glucuronide concentrations compared to the Anhöhe and Plaisir de Merle vineyards. The shading of bunches by the dense canopy most likely contributed to this. Catechin, epicatechin, proanthocyanidin and polymeric phenol concentrations decreased significantly from veraison until harvest. Seasonal differences were noted in the four vineyards. No correlations could be found between the general wine quality and the phenolic compounds, but a weak trend was observed for total anthocyanins in the homogenate. A trend was found with the total flavan-3-ol to anthocyanin ratio determined by RP-HPLC analysis of the grape homogenates (r = 0.40, p = 0.00). This ratio varied between 1 and 3 for the wines rated as being the best quality. Phenols by themselves do not give a clear indication of optimal harvest time. From this study it appears that no single parameter could consistently indicate optimal ripeness over the seasons or per vineyard, but the maximum berry colour (anthocyanin concentration) did give an indication of optimal harvesting time. It is clear that a combination of parameters could predict the optimal time more precisely as with the above mentioned model but more research is needed to this end.

Identification of terroirs in the Robertson valley for Chardonnay and Shiraz : a focus on soil and roots

Erazo-Lynch, Leonardo 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Viticulture and Oenology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Includes bibliography. / ABSTRACT: The grapevine must constantly find a balance between two continually changing environments, the rhizosphere (i.e. soil) and the troposphere (i.e. macroclimate). The adaptations are extremely complex because they encompass complicated and interrelated processes that are not yet fully understood. In terms of water-use behaviour, differences between cultivars have been described in the literature. In this study, the water status and stomatal conductance of four cultivars (Shiraz, Grenache, Pinot noir and Chardonnay) grafted onto R99 were studied. Diurnal cycles of water status and stomatal conductance, from 07:00 to 19:00, were followed for a single day at the end of the 2009 season. The results showed that, at the end of the season, Shiraz was subjected to water stress conditions, losing leaves and showing symptoms of berry shrivelling. The other three cultivars had a much better canopy status and no symptoms of berry shrivelling were observed. Based on the canopy observations and a comparison of the curves of stem water potential (Ψs) and stomatal conductance (gs), it seems that Pinot noir and Chardonnay are closer to the water-use behaviour of Grenache noir, which is known as a “pessimistic” cultivar, than to Shiraz, which is an “optimistic” cultivar. A study of four plots each of Chardonnay/101.14 Mgt and Shiraz/101.14 Mgt was carried out in eight commercial vineyards in the Robertson region in order to investigate the relationship between soil and root morphology, and the influence thereof on canopy development and berry growth. These plots had different soil types. Important soil properties are reported to limit root growth, individually or as a combination of restrictions. It was found that the size of the root system of 101.14 Mgt is defined by soil physical and chemical properties. The roots of 101.14 Mgt under irrigation can grow to a depth of 100 cm or beyond if the soil physical and chemical properties allow it. Because the soil properties define the root system and the water storage/drainage, they greatly influence the plant water status, even under irrigation. In an arid zone like Robertson, irrigation is an important management tool. The balance between canopy growth before véraison and the ability of the root-soil system to maintain that canopy size during the ripening process is crucial in an area with a high evaporative demand. In this regard, not all the soil properties-root system combinations showed satisfactory performance in maintaining the canopy functioning, which affected berry sugar loading and berry volume. In another study that is presented, forty soil profiles were characterised in the Robertson valley. The root systems were considered as a product of the soil properties, and thus the morphology of the root systems was used as a starting point to group soils together. The importance of soil depth has been described well, thus the root systems were first classified according to rooting depth – into shallow and deep root systems. The deep root systems were then subdivided, creating two subgroups of high root density and low root density. The two extreme groups (i.e. shallow roots, and deep roots with high root density) have particularly different soil properties. The soil characteristics found in these extremes are represented up to certain point by families of the South African soil taxonomy, mainly due to the restrictive function of the B horizon. This restrictive function is related to soil properties that are taken into consideration in the South African soil classification and that are important for grapevine root growth, as well as the thickness of the described horizons and the physical and chemical differences between the horizons. Soil properties have an important influence on root morphology. Due to the fundamental role played by the root system in the overall plant functioning, soil properties are of critical importance. In an arid area, the low water pressure in the atmosphere and the high temperature greatly affect the plant water status. The soil-root system combination plays an important role in the ability of the root system to supply the plant with water during times of high evaporative demand. Different cultivars will react differently due to differences in transpiration control. The maintenance of an adequate water status will have an immense influence on canopy development and maintenance, and on normal and steady berry ripening. In this study it was found that not all the soil-root combinations can fulfil this satisfactorily. Thus, the grapevine balance determined by the combination of the soil-root-canopy complex and the influence of management techniques is extremely important for the favouring of a good canopy:root system ratio, a functional canopy throughout the season and a steady berry ripening curve.

n Ondersoek na die arbeidsprobleme vir wynboere in Wes-Kaapland

Louw, P. G. (Pieter Gerhardus) January 1969 (has links)
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 1969. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: no abstract available / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: geen opsomming

Die geskiedenis van die wingerdkultuur in Suid-Afrika tydens die eerste eeu 1652-1752

Janse van Rensburg, Jacobus Ignatius 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1930. / VOORWOORD: Gedurende die voltooiing van hierdie ondersoek het dit al hoe meer geblyk dat werke oor die geskiedenis van die Wingerdkultuur in Suit-Afrika maar baie skaar is: enkele artiekels het in verskillende blaaie en boeke hulle verskyning gemaak, maar sulke stukkies is blykbaar bloot bedoel gewees om in die verbeaan 'n bietjie interessante leesstof aan te bied. Van 'n grondige ondersoek vandie saak kan daar op hirdie stadium dus nog geen sprake wees nie. Nogtans is so 'n studie van belang daar die wingerdkultuur - naas die koringbou - sedert die vestiging vandie volksplanting aan die Kaap 'n geensins geringe rol in die landbou-bedrywighede gespeel nie.

Die geskiedenis van wynbou en wynhandel in die Kaapkolonie, 1753-1795

Jooste, G. J. (Gideon Jacobus) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA) -- Stellenbosch University, 1973. / See item for full text.

Skills and quality production in the South African wine industry

Brown-Luthango, Mercy 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / There is a general consensus amongst industry experts that in order for the South African wine industry to sustain the success it has enjoyed thus far in export markets like the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Sweden and to become even more internationally competitive, its has to improve the quality of its wine and move into higher price categories of the wine market. Skills’ training has been highlighted as a significant component of a strategy to improve the quality of South African wine and its competitiveness in world markets. The aim of this study was to find out how the South African wine industry is adapting to new vineyard practices necessary for quality production at farm level, especially as far as training of vineyard workers is concerned. Four theoretical perspectives are discussed in relation to the restructuring of the world agro-food industry, the question of quality and the issue of training as it relates the production of quality wine. These theoretical perspectives are regulation theory, global commodity chain analysis, actor-network theory and the ergonomics perspective on the skills needed for the production of quality wine. The focus of the study was on different kinds of producers, i.e. co-operative cellars, private cellars and estates. The research covered two of the main wine-producing areas, namely Paarl and the Robertson area. At each farm, interviews were conducted with the farm owner, farm manager or viticulturist as well as a number of workers. Interviews were also conducted with prominent wine makers, skills trainers and facilitators and other industry experts. This was done to gain a better understanding of the South African wine industry as well as the major issues and debates as far as quality production and skills training are concerned. The study found that although there has been a general upgrading of skills in relation to new vineyard practices for quality production, workers at the co-operatives and estates studied do not yet receive the kind of in-depth knowledge which the theory argues is necessary for the production of quality wine. The private cellars invest much more time and resources in the training of their workforce. As far as the private cellars and estates are concerned there is a correlation between the quality of wine and training. The private cellars sell more than 50% of their wine in the premium, super-premium, ultra-premium and icon categories of the international wine market. The estates sell 70% and more of their wine in the basic category. The co-operatives on the other hand do not confirm the theory. In the absence of formal training, they manage to produce wine that competes well on an inter and intra-regional level. The evidence suggests that in a country like South Africa, in the context of a legacy of low education and literacy levels amongst workers, repeated demonstration and strict supervision can compensate to a certain degree for a lack of in-depth knowledge and discretion amongst workers.

Analysis of capital sources, owner objectives, and determinants of performance of wine farms in the Western Cape

Nakana, Elvis 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Agricultural Economics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Wes-Kaapprovinsie van Suid-Afrika beskik oor ’n diverse kapasiteit wat landbouproduksie betref en dit dra tot die sektor se algemene stabiliteit by; vandaar die bevordering van die Wes-Kaap as ’n aantreklike beleggingsektor. Die wynbedryf, wat ’n belangrike integrerende deel van die landbousektor in die Wes-Kaap uitmaak, speel ’n baie belangrike rol in die ekonomie van die Provinsie en bied ontsaglike geleenthede met betrekking tot landboukundige beleggings in die Provinsie. Die Suid-Afrikaanse wynbedryf is bekend vir sy produkte van hoë gehalte. Tans word indirekte aanwysers soos die inkomste van produsente, die aantal nuwe wynkelders, asook die ouderdomsamestelling van wingerdstokke in Suid-Afrika, gebruik om die beleggings- netto toevloeiing in die wynbedryf te bereken. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie is om die mees algemene bronne van kapitaal van wynplase en die mees algemene doelwitte wat wynboere in die Wes-Kaap probeer om te bereik, te identifiseer. Nog ’n doelwit is om daardie wynplaas- en eienaarskenmerke te identifiseer wat die prestasie van wynplase in die Wes-Kaapprovinsie van Suid-Afrika beïnvloed. Om die ontleding te vergemaklik is die hoofprobleem in drie spesifieke doelwitte of subprobleme verdeel. Die studie het van verskeie metodes en tegnieke gebruik gemaak in ’n poging om relevante en akkurate data te verkry. Die verskillende bronne wat geraadpleeg is het persoonlike beraadslaging met deskundiges in die bedryf, artikels wat in verskeie akademiese vaktydskrifte en boeke gepubliseer is, referate wat by konferensies gelewer is, verhandelings van nagraadse studente, en ander artikels op die Internet ingesluit. Data-ontledings wat met die eerste en tweede subprobleme verband gehou het is met die gebruik van statistiese pakkette soos Excel en Stata in die vorm van veelvoudige kruistabulerings uitgevoer. In die derde probleem, naamlik om wynplaas- en eienaarskenmerke te identifiseer wat die prestasie van wynplase in die Wes-Kaap beïnvloed, is ’n intervalregressiegelykstelling bereken deur van die Stata- statistiese sagtewarepakket gebruik te maak. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Western Cape Province of South Africa has a diverse agricultural production capacity and this contributes to the sector’s general stability, hence its promotion as an attractive investment sector. The wine industry, a significant component of the agricultural sector in the Western Cape, plays a very important role in the economy of the Province and presents enormous opportunities in terms of agricultural investments in the Province. The South Africa’s wine industry is renowned for its high quality products. Currently, indirect indicators such as producer income, the number of new wine cellars, as well as the age composition of vines in South Africa, are used to estimate investment net flows into the wine industry. The main objectives of this study are to identify the most common sources of capital in wine farms and the most common objectives that wine farm owners are trying to achieve in the Western Cape Province. Another objective is to identify those wine farm and owner characteristics that affect the performance of wine farms in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. For ease of analysis, the main problem was divided into three specific objectives or sub-problems. The study employed a number of methods and techniques in an effort to obtain relevant and accurate data. The different sources consulted include personal communications with industry experts, articles published in different academic journals and books, conference papers, postgraduate students’ theses, and other articles from the internet. Data analyses relating to the first and second sub-problems were carried out using Excel and Stata statistical packages and took the form of multiple cross-tabulations. In the third subproblem i.e., to identify wine farm and owner characteristics that affect the performance of wine farms in the Western Cape, an interval regression equation was estimated using Stata statistical software package.

Die geskiedenis van wynbou en wynhandel in die Kaapkolonie, 1795-1860

Van Zyl, D. J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 1973 / See Item for full text / Voorwoord: Omdat daar in die Suid-Afrikaanse Geskiedskrywing 'n groot leemte aan werke oor die ekonomiese geskiedenis bestaan, ek persoonlik baie in die geskiedenis van landbou in Suid-Afrika belangstel en daar nog feitlik geen argivale navorsing oor die geskiedenis van wynbou en wynhandel na 1795 gedoen is nie, het ek besluit om 'n verdere studie van laasgenoemde onderwerp te maak tot 1860. In hierdie jaar is die vryhandelsooreenkoms tussen Brittanje en Frankryk gesluit, wat meegebring het dat die voorkeurtariewe wat Brittanje in 1813 op Kaapse wyn ingestel he+, beeindig is. Die beeindiging van die voorkeurtariewe het tot 'n ineenstorting van die Britse mark vir Kaapse wyn, en daarmee ook die totale wynuitvoerhandel van die Kaapkolonie, gelei. Hiermee het die Kaapse wynboubedryf 'n kruispad bereik. Om hierdie redes vorm die jaar 1860 'n logiese afsluitingsdatum vir hierdie proefskrif.

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