Spelling suggestions: "subject:"locational educationization"" "subject:"locational education.action""
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The Rough Ground : Narrative explorations of vocational Bildung and wisdom in practiceTyson, Ruhi January 2017 (has links)
This compilation thesis, consisting of five articles, focuses on narrative explorations of vocational Bildung and wisdom in practice. It is an explicitly practical and empirical approach to what, for the most part, tends to be limited to philosophical discussions. This is motivated by the relative lack of systematic knowledge about how to enact wisdom in practice and afford vocational Bildung to those engaged in vocational education and training (VET). The absence of such knowledge makes it more difficult to develop VET practice and curricula and also leads to significant parts of the internal goods of practice to remain tacit, personal and local when they need to become articulated and shared. The aim of the five articles has been to explore how Bildung and practical wisdom can enrich our understanding of vocational practice and didactics on a theoretical, methodological and practical level. Conceptually the thesis draws extensively from narrative inquiry (Clandinin & Connelly 1995, 2000), reflective practice (Schön 1983, 1987), Aristotelian philosophy regarding practical wisdom (Aristotle 2009, Nussbaum 1990), MacIntyre’s concept of a practice (2011) and the Bildung-tradition (Rittelmeyer 2012) to create a coherent framework for the inquiry termed vocational Bildung didactics (VBD). It is located in the phronetic social science paradigm articulated by Flyvbjerg (2001) where the main aim for research is to enrich practice rather than generate theory. The methodology for this kind of inquiry is the collection of narrative cases focusing on unusually rich/successful/wise cases of a practice, what Flyvbjerg (2001) terms extreme and paradigmatic cases. On a conceptual level the inquiry has resulted in the framework of VBD that provides the structure for engaging in this kind of research. It has also resulted in some further conceptualizations driven by the interpretation of cases, in particular a differentiation between vocational and cultural practices. On a methodological level it has resulted in a kind of double didactical method: the case narratives function as articulations of practical knowledge regarding vocational Bildung and practical wisdom but also as the didactical tools for teaching this. On a practical level the inquiry has resulted in suggestions for curriculum-development as well as ways in which the case narratives can be used to enrich the understanding of practitioners. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 5: Manuscript.</p>
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A Proposed Administrative and Supervisory Organization for Vocational Rehabilitation in KentuckyCook, Clifton 01 August 1946 (has links)
The urgent need for tapping new reserves of manpower during the recent war emergency caused new stress to be put upon the rehabilitation of handicapped individuals. Employers were more willing than ever before to give the handicapped person a chance to prove that he could produce in competition with those who were physically whole. These two factors combined to bring about an increase in the staff personnel in Kentucky in such a short period of time that it was impossible to revise the organization of this division of the State Department of Education rapidly enough to keep pace with its expansion. The present administrative and supervisory organization was worked out rapidly and set to work as more or less of an experimental organization. Now that the present organization has been tried and time enough has elapsed for those in charge to locate its weaknesses discovered. Since the writer is employed as a district supervisor under the present organization and is in a position to recognize many of these weaknesses from the standpoint of the worker out in the field, Mr. W. Hickman Baldree, the present director of Vocational Rehabilitation in Kentucky, has agreed to this study in order that the new organization may reflect the views of the man who does the case work as well as those of the supervisory and administrative staff of the state office.
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An evaluation list of vocational films for Jordan vocational high schoolJordan, Vera Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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Identidade profissional e perfil dos professores dos cursos de educação profissional técnica de nível médio em enfermagem de um município do interior do Estado de São Paulo / Professional identity and profile of teachers of professional education courses technical mid-level nursing a municipality in the state of São PauloFrozoni, Raquel Cequalini 07 August 2013 (has links)
Ao longo da história da enfermagem no Brasil, tentou-se de várias maneiras qualificar a formação dos técnicos e auxiliares, mas pouco foi investido nos enfermeiros professores desta área. Este estudo teve como objetivo Conhecer o perfil e a identidade profissional dos docentes dos cursos de educação profissional técnica de nível médio em enfermagem de um município do interior do estado de São Paulo e traçar o perfil desses docentes, com a intenção de conhecer os profissionais que atuam no processo formativo dos trabalhadores de saúde/ enfermagem. Trata-se de estudo descritivo exploratório de natureza quantiqualitativa. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio da aplicação de um questionário sócioeconômico e de entrevista com questões norteadoras abordando a profissão docente. O estudo contou com 32 participantes. Constatou-se que, desse total, 68,8% são do sexo feminino; a média de idade entre eles é de 36,53 anos; a média de tempo de formação é de 11,28 anos; 21,9% possuem licenciatura; 53,1% possuem especialização em formação docente. Apesar de a maioria (75%) dos entrevistados possuir formação docente, é importante lembrar que a maioria (63%) só procurou pelo curso depois de se inserir na docência. 68,8% dos entrevistados são contratados por hora/ aula e 65,6% têm outro emprego concomitante à docência. Além disso, pudemos analisar, por meio das entrevistas, a relação que o docente do ensino profissionalizante de enfermagem mantém com essa profissão. Da análise de conteúdo, emergiram categorias que dizem respeito aos sentimentos prazerosos e aos frustrantes em relação à docência; as oportunidades e desafios enfrentados no início da carreira, a relação docente com a formação pedagógica e com a construção do conhecimento e as potencialidades e dificuldades do papel docente. Esses resultados revelam um perfil de profissional satisfeito com a profissão docente, mas ao mesmo tempo frustrado com as condições inadequadas de trabalho e desejoso de ter melhores condições para se dedicar mais à docência. / Throughout the history of nursing in Brazil, it has been tried in several ways to qualify the training of technicians and assistants, but little has been invested in the nursing teachers of this area. This study aimed to analyze the professional identity of teachers of technical and professional mid-level nursing courses of a city in the state of São Paulo and profile these teachers, with the intention to meet professionals who work in the training of the health and nursing workers. This is a descriptive, exploratory study both quantitative and qualitative. A data collection that applied a questionnaire and a socioeconomic interview with guiding questions about the occupation performed. The study included thirty-two participants. It was found that of this amount, 68.8% were female with an average age of 36.53 years; the average training time was 11.28 years; 21.9% had a degree; 53,1% had training in teaching. Although the majority (75%) of the interviewed had teacher training, it is important to remember that most (63%) only sought for training after entering the teaching profession. 68.8% of the interviewed were employed by hour/class and 65.6% had concomitant jobs. Additionally, through the interviews, the relationship that teachers of the professional nursing course had with the profession was analyzed. Of the analyzed results, pleasurable feelings emerged concerning frustration in relation to teaching; opportunities and challenges faced early in the career; relationship with teacher training and pedagogical knowledge construction and the potential and difficulties of the teaching role. These results revealed a profile of professional satisfaction with the teaching profession, but at the same time frustrated with the poor working conditions and the desire to have better ones and therefore devote more to teaching.
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How has the University Technical College curriculum delivery model achieved motivational benefit for learners?Dale, Diane January 2017 (has links)
University Technical College (UTC) schools are academies for 14-19 year olds. They are distinguished by close links to industrial and university partners to encourage vocational learning, particularly in STEM subjects. Currently 50 are open in England, with more in development. Their expansion is a key strategic objective in the government’s 2016 Educational Excellence Everywhere strategy document. This research analyses data collected through students’ perceptions of their experience of the UTC curriculum model in two detailed case studies. The research questions examine how the approach to the delivery of the curriculum enhances learner motivation. Three main factors are identified as supportive to encouraging learner motivation in the UTC schools studied: a strong focus on developing links with business partners to facilitate career progression goals for learners; an intensive, unique curriculum delivery style; rigorous target-setting in a supportive learning environment. This is a curriculum model which supports independent learning, collaborative learning with peers and vertical -group learning on challenging, employer -led projects.
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Dimensão da afetividade para o professor: perspectiva walloniana / Dimension of affection for the teacher: Walloniana PerspectiveZacharias, Adriana Pereira Gonçalves 30 June 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A afetividade presente no processo educativo encontra-se vinculada as relações que se constituem no campo social da escola, a partir de importantes vínculos entre professores e alunos. Nesse patamar tanto o professor como o aluno vão se construindo como pessoa, trazendo a observação, a escuta e o respeito como alicerces essenciais para o crescimento de ambos. Este estudo apresenta a relação do professor com o aluno e com o ensino em escola profissionalizante em enfermagem, tendo como base a dimensão da afetividade na construção do outro. Objetivos: Analisar como o professor relaciona a afetividade com o ensino, identificar como o professor qualifica a afetividade em sua prática profissional e conhecer a percepção do professor acerca da afetividade na construção como pessoa. Método: Realizado um estudo exploratório, descritivo de caráter qualitativo. Foram realizadas entrevistas com doze professores de duas escolas públicas e uma privada. Utilizada a análise de conteúdo preconizada por Bardin. Após a análise surgiram 05 categorias: 1. Relação da Afetividade na composição das disciplinas. 2. Afetividade qualificada como ferramenta pedagógica. 3. Relação professor aluno. 4. Modos de afetividade. 5. Construção do si mesmo como pessoa. Resultados: Os discursos dos professores mostraram que afetividade está presente de modo transversal em disciplinas que compõem o Plano de Curso. Também, trabalhadas nas disciplinas de Ética e Psicologia. Entendidas como conteúdo que influencia a formação do aluno, principalmente nas relações que se dão no ambiente escolar. Há muitos modos de compreender afetividade no ensino, desde o planejamento da aula até o conhecimento e vinculo com os alunos. Afetividade, associada ao cuidado e ao acolhimento do aluno é dada como componente importante para o crescimento de todos envolvidos no processo de aprendizagem. Conclusão: Afetividade está vinculada a comunicação, aprendizagem cognitiva e emocional. O ensino profissionalizante em enfermagem apresenta como característica que os alunos acabam se aproximando muito do professor, e nessa relação deve existir respeito do professor para o aluno e do aluno para o professor. De certa forma existe muita afetividade na relação professor aluno, e muitas maneiras dela ser expressada, como um cuidado do professor para com o aluno e do aluno para com o professor. / Introduction: The affectivity present in the educational process is bound in the relations that constitute the social field of the school, from important links between teachers and students. At this stage, teacher and student, will grown as person, bringing the observation, listening and respect as essential foundations for growth of both. This study presents the relationship of teacher and student in the teaching of professional nursing school, using as base the size of affectivity in the construction of other. Objectives: Analyse how teacher relates affectivity with teaching, identify how teacher qualifies the affectivity in their professional practice and the perception of teacher about the affectivity in the construction as person. Method: Conducted an exploratory study, descriptive qualitative character. Interviews were conducted with twelve teachers of two public schools and one private school. Used content analysis advocated by Bardin. After analysis arose 5 categories: 1. Relationship of affection in the composition of disciplines. 2. Affectivity qualified as pedagogycal tool. 3. Teacher student relationship. 4. Modes of affectivity. 5. Self construction as person. Results: The speeches of teachers showed that affection is present transverse mode in disciplines that comprise the Course Plan. Also, worked in the disciplines of Ethics and Psychology. Understood as content that influence the students training, especially in the relationship that happens in the school environment. There are many ways to understand affection in teaching, since the class planning through the knowledge and connection with the students. Affectivity, associated with the reception and care of the student who is given as na important component for growth of all involved in the learning process. Conclusion: Affectivity is linked to communication, cognitive and emotional learning. Professional nursing education presents as characteristic that students end up approaching the teacher, and in this relationship should exist in respect from teacher to the student and from student to the teacher. In a way, there is many affection in the teacher student relationship, and many ways to be expressed, as care from teacher to student and student to teacher.
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A follow-up study of vocational agriculture students graduating from Kansas high schools in 1981Koci, Julie Lynn January 2010 (has links)
Typescript (photocopy). / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries / Department: Adult and Occupational Education.
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A follow-up study of Riley County High School vocational agriculture graduates, 1960-1971Gross, William Ralph January 2010 (has links)
Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries
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Developing a curriculum for vocational education in agriculture and related training for Nigerian secondary school systemsOlawoye, Joel Olawuyi January 2010 (has links)
Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries
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Technical and Vocational Education in China: The Characteristics of Participants and Their Labor Market ReturnsWang, Anyi January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation study focuses on upper secondary technical and vocational education (TVE) in China. It empirically examines the characteristics of TVE participants and the labor market impacts of participating in upper secondary TVE relative to attending general high schools. Using nationally representative datasets from China, this study has found that compared with individuals who attended general high schools, participants of upper secondary TVE tend to be from relatively disadvantaged family background. The negative association between family background and TVE participation is more pronounced for female TVE students. There is some evidence that girls are more likely to attend vocational education, especially the elite secondary specialized schools. Students of secondary specialized schools are from relatively selective family backgrounds compared with students of the other types of upper secondary TVE. In terms of labor market impacts, the study has found positive effects of attending upper secondary TVE on earnings, employment rate, and the likelihood of working full-time and working under formal contract. The effects are concentrated among females and students of secondary specialized schools. Considering that females are more likely to attend TVE, and that female TVE participants are more likely to come from less selective family background, the larger positive effects of attending TVE relative to general high schools among females may indicate improvement in equality both across genders and within females.
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