Spelling suggestions: "subject:"volleyball"" "subject:"bolleyball""
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Measuring Skill Importance in Women's Soccer and VolleyballAllan, Michelle L. 11 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to demonstrate how to measure skill importance for two sports: soccer and volleyball. A division I women's soccer team filmed each home game during a competitive season. Every defensive, dribbling, first touch, and passing skill was rated and recorded for each team. It was noted whether each sequence of plays led to a successful shot. A hierarchical Bayesian logistic regression model is implemented to determine how the performance of the skill affects the probability of a successful shot. A division I women's volleyball team rated each skill (serve, pass, set, etc.) and recorded rally outcomes during home games in a competitive season. The skills were only rated when the ball was on the home team's side of the net. Events followed one of these three patterns: serve-outcome, pass-set-attack-outcome, or dig-set-attack-outcome. We analyze the volleyball data using two different techniques, Markov chains and Bayesian logistic regression. These sequences of events are assumed to be first-order Markov chains. This means the quality of the current skill only depends on the quality of the previous skill. The count matrix is assumed to follow a multinomial distribution, so a Dirichlet prior is used to estimate each row of the count matrix. Bayesian simulation is used to produce the unconditional posterior probability (e.g., a perfect serve results in a point). The volleyball logistic regression model uses a Bayesian approach to determine how the performance of the skill affects the probability of a successful outcome. The posterior distributions produced from each of the models are used to calculate importance scores. The soccer data importance scores revealed that passing, first touch, and dribbling skills are the most important to the primary team. The Markov chain model for the volleyball data indicates setting 3–5 feet off the net increases the probability of a successful outcome. The logistic regression model for the volleyball data reveals that serves have a high importance score because of their steep slope. Importance scores can be used to assist coaches in allocating practice time, developing new strategies, and analyzing each player's skill performance.
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Analýza vybraných pohybových dovedností u dívek v pražských volejbalových přípravkách / Analysis of selected movement skills in girls volleyball team in PragueMachová, Blanka January 2013 (has links)
Title: Analysis of selected moving skills of girls in Prague volleyball preparation Objectives: The aim of this work is based on repeated testing to analyze the level of selected moving skills of girls in Prague volleyball preparation. Methods: There was carried out two outdoor measurements of six moving skills of girls in Prague volleyball preparation. The results were summarized in tables and graphs and compared with each other using the average method. Results: It was found, that the optimal composition of volleyball preparation are girls aged 6- 9 years. This age range is identical to the sensitive period, that is most suitable for the development of moving skills and abilities. Key words: volleyball, moving ability, moving skills, children of younger school age, sports training, trainer, versatile physical training, motor tests
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Vliv pohybového tréninku na motorickou výkonnost dětí / Inlunce of movement training on motor performace in childrenBerkiová, Martina January 2013 (has links)
Title: Influence of movement training on motor performance in children Objectives: The author set out to verify whether beach volleyball influences the basic elements of health-related fitness ("HRF"), develops motor literacy in selected children of upper school age, and if so, how. Methods: The author employed empirical quantitative and qualitative research. The basic motor literacy level was identified using the UNIFITTEST (6-60) testing battery. The quantitative analysis relied on evaluating a video recording. The analyzed sample comprised children aged 13 who regularly play beach volleyball, and children of the same age engaging in no regular motor activity. Results: The author concluded that beach volleyball influenced strength, speed and endurance of the basic elements of HRF in members of the sample. At the same time, beach volleyball contributed to cultivating their motor literacy without negative impact on their school attendance. Keywords: movement, fitness, movement deficit, movement benefits, motor tests, motor literacy, survey, quantitative and qualitative analysis, beach volleyball.
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Les femmes arbitres de volley-ball à Tananarive : place et enjeux de la formation féminine dans le milieu sportif à Madagascar / Women volleyball referees in Tananarive : place and issues of training for women in sport in MadagascarRazakamahefa, Odile Édith 16 December 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche en sociologie du genre vise à comprendre la rareté de femmes arbitres à la Fédération Malgache de Volley-Ball (FMVB). Elle a pour problématique l'articulation entre pratiques professionnelles d'arbitrage et normes des identités sexuées de la société malgache. Faute de travaux existant portant sur genre et sport à Madagascar, la démarche procède d'une enquête exploratoire. L'approche institutionnelle et statistique met en évidence un double plafond de verre, bloquant la formation des femmes à l'arbitrage, puis leur promotion de carrière. L'approche qualitative interroge sur ces faits des arbitres femmes (8) et des cadres ou dirigeants sportifs (17 dont 14 hommes) par entretien, des volleyeuses de Tananarive (222) par questionnaire. Toutes les réponses convergent sur les faits mais les interprétations divergent : les arbitres femmes dénoncent des procédés discriminatoires et la domination masculine qu'elles affrontent ; les dirigeants légitiment leur gestion en se prévalant des normes et valeurs patriarcales de la société malgache ; d'autres cadres hommes se dissocient de ces positions et d'autres Fédérations favorisent l'arbitrage féminin, jusqu'à l’international. Les réponses des volleyeuses viennent prouver leur disponibilité pour le sport, expriment en majorité une conception égalitaire de l'arbitrage et un quart déclarent souhaiter devenir arbitre. Bien que la fin des discriminations de la gestion arbitrale à la FMVB semble dépendre de rapports de pouvoir internes, l'enquête montre l'émergence de mobilités de genre dans le milieu sportif malgache, les femmes arbitres y ayant notamment conquis de nouvelles prérogatives publiques et démocratiques. / This research in the field of sociology of gender aims at understanding the rarity of female referees in the Malagasy Federation of Volleyball (MFVB). The issue concerns the link between the professional practice of arbitration and the norms of sexual identities in the Malagasy society. Due to the lack of existing work on gender and sport in Madagascar, our approach proceeds from an exploratory investigation. The institutional and statistical approach reveals the existence of a double glass ceiling, blocking women's arbitration training, and then, their career promotion. Interviews were conducted, in a qualitative approach, with female referees (8), leaders or managers (17 with 14 men), and a questionnaire was filled in by female volleyball players from Antananarivo (222). All answers point towards the facts but the interpretations vary: the female referees denounce discriminatory processes and the male domination they are facing, leaders legitimize their management practice, relying on the patriarchal norms and values of the Malagasy society, while other male managers do not abide by these positions and other federations promote female arbitration on an international scale. The female volleyball players' responses prove that they are available for the sport and generally express an egalitarian conception of arbitration, a quarter of the women even said they would like to become referee. Although the end of discrimination in the arbitral management of the MFVB seems to depend on internal power relations, the survey shows the emergence of gender mobility in the Malagasy sport community, women referees have actually conquered new public and democratic prerogatives.
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La valoració de la força de l’extremitat inferior en el voleibol. Test de salt vertical i determinació d’asimetriesBorràs Boix, Xantal 01 July 2010 (has links)
El salt vertical és una acció que està present en el voleibol. Forma part de la tècnica de remat, de bloqueig i dels serveis amb salt. També és utilitzat per col.locadors per tal d’anticipar el contacte amb la pilota i incrementar la velocitat del joc. S’ha observat que els jugadors de voleibol efectuen d’entre 65 i 136 salts en un partit de 5 sets.
Aquesta tesi doctoral té un doble objectiu; per una banda pretén realitzar una descripció de la força de l’extremitat inferior en jugadors de voleibol durant la realització del salt vertical. Per l’altra banda, té la intenció de desenvolupar un mètode per valorar la força i determinar la asimetria entre les extremitats que sigui aplicable al voleibol i a la resta d’esports.
S’ha realitzat un protocol de salt vertical en jugadors de la selecció espanyola de voleibol durant quatre temporades (2006-2009). Aquest protocol inclou la valoració de l’squat jump (SJ), el salt amb contramoviment (CMJ), el salt amb contramoviment i utilització de braços (CMJb) i el salt amb cursa d’aproximació (DJb). En les temporades 2006-2008 la valoració es va realitzar mitjançant una plataforma de contactes. Durant la temporada 2009, el salt vertical es va valorar, simultàniament, mitjançant una plataforma de contactes i dues plataformes de força, una sota de cada peu.
S’ha observat un increment del salt vertical entre les temporades 2006-2008 i una millora de les diferents manifestacions de la força, tot i que entre la temporada 2007 i 2008, l’índex d’elasticitat empitjora. En termes generals, la forma física de la selecció és millor any rere any. Els jugadors de voleibol no presenten asimetria ni en la força màxima, ni en l’impuls quan es compara cama dreta amb cama esquerra, però sí quan es compara cama forta amb cama feble, tot i que de mitjana no se supera el 15% de asimetria considerat com a factor de risc per patir lesions.
La plataforma de forces és un sistema més adequat que la plataforma de contactes per determinar l’alçada del salt vertical perquè no sobreestima l’alçada del salt. També permet avaluar de manera directa la potència mecànica i la força executada durant el salt, així com identificar un SJ correcte d’un altre que no ho és. No obstant, no és útil per determinar l’alçada del DJb degut a les reduïdes dimensions. S’ha observat que la potència màxima, sobretot quan es mostra relativa al pes corporal, és la variable que millor explica l’alçada del salt vertical. Això indica que l’entrenament per millorar l’alçada del salt ha d’anar orientat a la millora de la força a elevades velocitats d’execució.
És necessari estudiar l’evolució dels esportistes i aplicar la el mètode en altres esports. També és necessari realitzar un control de base que serveixi per proporcionar dades de normalitat i poder ajudar a diagnosticar el retorn a l’activitat després d’una lesió. / The vertical jump is a common action in the volleyball game when spiking, blocking, serving and setting. Volleyball players jump among 65 and 136 times in a 5 set game. The aims of the study were: (1) to describe the lower extremity force during a vertical jump test and (2) to develop a methodology that, simultaneously, evaluates force and determines asymmetries between legs.
Physical state of the National Spanish Team players was assessed, during four seasons (2006-2009), by means a vertical jump test protocol that included evaluation of squat jump (SJ), countermovement jump (CMJ), countermovement jump with arms movement (CMJa) and spike jump (DJb). During 2006-2008 vertical jump was evaluated by means of a contact mat. During 2009, vertical jump was evaluated simultaneously by means of a contact mat and two force platforms, one underneath each foot.
The results indicated a better performance of explosive strength, elastic-explosive strength, reflexelastic-explosive strength and a better use of arms when jumping. Results also showed a maximal force and impulse symmetry when comparing right and left legs, but an asymmetry was observed when comparing weak and strong leg. Asymmetry index was lower than 15%.
Force platform is considered a better instrument than the contact mat to evaluate vertical jump height because it does not overestimate jump height. Furthermore, power and force can also be evaluated during the assessment, and the force - time curve allows identifying a correct SJ jump.
Nevertheless, it is not useful to evaluate DJb due to its reduced dimensions. Maximum relative power has a very high correlation with vertical jump height. The optimal training to improve vertical jump height is the one that increases force at high velocity rates.
It would be necessary to perform a base control to all athletes to know normality data and to help in the return to competition diagnosis after an injury. / El salto vertical es una acción que está presente en el voleibol. Forma parte de la técnica del remate, del bloqueo i de los servicios con salto. También es utilizado por los colocadores para anticipar el contacto con la pelota e incrementar la velocidad del juego. Los jugadores de voleibol efectúan entre 65 y 136 saltos durante un partido de 5 sets.
Esta tesis doctoral tiene un doble objetivo, por un lado pretende realizar una descripción de la fuerza de la extremidad inferior de los jugadores de voleibol durante la realización del salto vertical. Por otro lado, tiene la intención de desarrollar un método para evaluar a fuerza y determinar la asimetría entre las extremidades que sea aplicable al voleibol y a otros deportes.
Se ha realizado una evaluación del salto vertical de los jugadores de la selección española de voleibol durante cuatro temporadas (2006-2009). Este protocolo incluye la valoración del salto desde el medio squat (SJ), el salto con contramovimiento (CMJ), el salto con contramovimiento y utilización de brazos (CMJb) i el salto con carrera de aproximación (DJb). Durante las temporadas 2006-2008 la valoración se realizó mediante una plataforma de contactos. Durante la temporada 2009 se evaluó simultáneamente con una plataforma de contactos y dos plataformas de fuerzas, una debajo de cada pie.
Se ha observado que el salto vertical incrementa entre las temporadas 2006-2008. También mejoran las diferentes manifestaciones de la fuerza, aunque entre la temporada 2007 y 2008 el índice de elasticidad empeora. En términos generales, la forma física de la selección es mejor año tras año. Los jugadores de voleibol no presenten asimetría ni en la fuerza máxima, ni en el impulso cuando se compara pierna derecha con pierna izquierda, pero sí cuando se compara pierna fuerte con la débil, aunque de promedio, no se supera el 15% de asimetría considerado como factor de riesgo para sufrir lesiones.
La plataforma de fuerzas es un sistema más adecuado que la plataforma de contactos para determinar la altura del salto vertical ya que no sobreestima la altura del salto. También permite evaluar de manera directa la potencia mecánica y la fuerza ejecutada durante el salto, así como identificar un SJ correcto de otro que no lo es. No obstante, no es útil para determinar la altura del salto del DJb debido a sus reducidas dimensiones. Se ha observado que la potencia máxima, sobretodo cuando se presenta relativa al peso corporal, es la variable que mejor explica a altura del salto vertical. Esto indica que el entrenamiento para mejorar la altura del salto tiene que ir orientado a la mejora de la fuerza a elevadas velocidades de ejecución.
Es necesario estudiar la evolución de los deportistas y aplicar el método en otros deportes. También se necesita un control de base que sirva para proporcionar datos de normalidad y poder ayudar a diagnosticar el retorno a la actividad después de la lesión.
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Vliv rozsahů rotací ramenního kloubu u volejbalistek na rozvoj funkčních změn / Effect of the range of the shoulder joint rotation in volleyball players on the development of functional changesKamešová, Terezie January 2018 (has links)
Title: Effect of the range of the shoulder joint rotation in volleyball players on the development of functional changes. Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to confirm the presence of the glenohumeral internal rotation deficit in beach volleyball players and to determine whether it affects the development of functional changes of the shoulder joint located in the dominant upper limb. Methods: The thesis was a quantitative study with the character of an experiment. There were 60 active volleyball players aged 18-30 years who were deliberately selected for the purposes of the study. The essence was to ascertain whether GIRD affects the pain in the shoulder joint of volleyball players and whether it was deemed positive for all participants of the study. In order to examine the range of motion, the goniometer in the external and internal rotation according to Janda and Pavla, Janda and Sachse was used, as well as hypermobility tests and a shoulder joint pain questionnaire. The statistical data processing was performed by Microsoft Excel 2010. The sum and average functions were used. Subsequently, graphs and tables were created from the results Results: The established hypotheses were confirmed in two cases. GIRD is determined positive for beach volleyball players. From the results of hypermobility...
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Da pedagogia do jogo ao voleibol sentado: possibilidades inclusivas na Educação Física Escolar; Inclusão / From pedagogy of the game to sitting volleyball: inclusive possibilities for physical education at elementary schoolMiron, Edison Martins 27 June 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-06-27 / Sport is one of the most developed contents in physical education classes in schools; nevertheless, it doesn‟t get the necessary pedagogical treatment for its better use as an educational instrument. In order to be truly democratic, it has to be adapted to the students needs and possibilities. Volleyball as a team sport creates confrontational and cooperative situations that can be done in a pedagogical way by the teacher. With the same objective and dynamics, the adapted sport Sitting Volleyball is able to facilitate positive actions in interpersonal relations, in which the possibility of success during school sports development may be more evident among students with and without physical disabilities. The present study aimed to systematize, put into practice and analyze a teaching program conceived to teach sitting volleyball to students with physical disabilities through games played in a sitting position, as a strategy to sensitize people to include physically disabled students in physical education classes at elementary school. From a pedagogical focus, the development of this study was supported by quantitative approach theoretical references and it is configured as a case study. The study was conducted in public schools of a medium-sized country town of São Paulo state. There were 120 participants from the fifth and sixth grades at elementary school, from three different groups of physical education classes with at least one physically disabled student included in each group. The instruments used for data collection were: a) observation protocol; b) beginning and ending questionnaire. In every class there was also the Field Notes filling to support the data quantitative analysis. The data collected and analyzed showed that in 98% of the developed activities, the possibilities of interpersonal relationship happened in a positive way among students with and without physical disabilities, promoting joint participation in conditions and possibilities of similar success that aroused concepts and values which enabled the accomplishment of the inclusive work. / O esporte é um dos conteúdos mais desenvolvidos nas aulas de Educação Física Escolar, (EFE) mas, nem por isso, recebe o tratamento pedagógico necessário para o seu melhor aproveitamento como instrumento educacional. Para que seja realmente democrático, precisa ser adaptado às necessidades e possibilidades dos alunos. O voleibol como esporte coletivo apresenta situações de confronto e cooperação durante sua prática, que podem ser trabalhados de forma pedagógica pelo professor. Com a mesma dinâmica e objetivo, o esporte adaptado Voleibol Sentado pode facilitar ações positivas nas relações interpessoais, em que a possibilidade de sucesso durante o desenvolvimento esportivo escolar pode ser mais evidente entre alunos com e sem deficiência. O presente estudo teve como objetivo geral sistematizar, aplicar e analisar um programa de ensino de voleibol sentado para alunos com e sem deficiência física, por meio de jogos desenvolvidos na posição sentada como estratégia de sensibilização para inclusão de pessoas com deficiência física (DF), dentro das aulas de EFE. Sob enfoque pedagógico, este estudo desenvolveu-se apoiado nos referenciais teóricos da abordagem qualitativa e se configura como um estudo de caso. O estudo se desenvolveu em escolas estaduais de uma cidade de porte médio do interior do Estado de São Paulo. Os participantes foram 120 alunos de 5ª e 6ª séries do ensino fundamental, de três turmas de aula de EFE, com a participação de pelo menos um aluno com DF incluído em cada turma. Os instrumentos utilizados para coleta dos dados foram: a) protocolo de observação; b) questionário inicial e final. Em todas as aulas, houve também o preenchimento de Notas de Campo para apoiar a análise qualitativa dos dados. Os dados coletados e analisados mostraram que, em 98% das atividades desenvolvidas, as possibilidades de relação interpessoal aconteceram de forma positiva entre os alunos com e sem deficiência, favorecendo uma participação conjunta em condições de sucesso semelhantes, que despertaram conceitos e valores que viabilizam a realização do trabalho inclusivo.
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Posturální strategie hráčů volejbalu a jejich schopnost dynamické stabilizace / Postural strategy of volleyball players and their ability to dynamically stabilizeHasalová, Zuzana January 2017 (has links)
Title: Postural strategy of volleyball players and their ability to dynamically stabilize. Objective: The aim of this diploma thesis is to find and describe the parameters, which enable the level of postural stabilization in professional volleyball players to be traced, depending on their playing position. These parameters were obtained by taking measurements using dynamic computer posturography (Smart EquiTest System). Methods: In this experiment, 10 professional players between the ages of 18 and 28, who actively compete in the highest national volleyball league, were specifically selected. The selected individuals were divided into groups according to their game specialization (left side hitter/ right side hitter (n = 3), middle blocker (n = 3), setter (n = 2) and libero (n = 2)). In addition, a control group was selected, consisting of 5 recreational volleyball players. In this thesis, in order to objectively assess the postural stability of test subjects (top athletes and control groups), Neurocom's Smart EquiTest System was used, and the measured data was then processed in Neurocom's Balance Manager Software. Statistical evaluation using Shapiro - Wilk's Normality Test, Student's t - test and Mann - Whitney test subsequently made it possible to compare the game specializations of the test...
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The Phenomenological Experience of Competitive State Anxiety for Female Beach Volleyball Players at the 2012 OlympicsZakrzewski, Katherine January 2015 (has links)
Anxiety is one of the most studied research topics in sport psychology literature (Guillen & Sanchez, 2009); however, even though the Olympics are considered to be one of the most pressure-filled sporting events (Birrer, Wetzel, Schmidt, & Morgan, 2012), to date there has been no research aimed specifically at investigating Olympic athletes’ competitive state anxiety and its impact on subsequent performance. Furthermore, according to Nesti (2011), in order to support athletes in dealing with their experience of anxiety, researchers must turn towards the phenomenological, real-lived experience of the athlete to uncover what might best support positive anxiety management and interpretation in competition. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to respond to the gap in Olympic athlete anxiety research by examining the phenomenological experience of competitive state anxiety for female beach volleyball players at the 2012 London Olympics. Six in-depth, phenomenological interviews were conducted with these Olympic female beach volleyball players. Results indicated that, while all athletes in this study experienced anxiety at the 2012 Olympics, it was not the reduced intensity of anxiety that positively impacted their performance but rather the athletes’ ability to recognize, manage, and positively interpret their anxiety. In addition, it was shown that self-confidence further buffered the potentially negative impacts of anxiety. It is recommended that future research focus on extending phenomenological anxiety research to other sports and genders, and to specifically examine the impact of trait anxiety, team dynamics, and the experience of flow on athletes’ anxiety interpretation.
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Ocelová konstrukce volejbalové haly / The steel construction of a volleyball hallKratochvílová, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the study of sports hall designated for volleyball. The volleyball hall is steel construction with arched truss with span of 30 meters. Sport`s background, roofed by mono-pitch plus saddle roof, is part of south-easterly side of the hall. The hall is situated in moderate slope terrain in cadastre unit Zbraslav na Moravě. Designed hall has rectangular plan (48 x 30 m) to this belongs also the foyer and the clubroom. Clear height of the hall is 15 m. Object consists of columnal structural system with steel columns that support arched truss. Center to center spacing of main truss is 8 m. The object is set up on reinforced concrete foundation pad. Column foot is sticked in foundation pad and column head is pinned. Roof’s and wall’s bracings provide stability of the hall. Curtain walling and roof cover is made of sandwich panels Kingspan. Insolation and daylighting is guaranteed by plastic windows set in the wall.
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