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Informacinės technologijos ir matematikos mokymo filosofija / Information technologies and philosophy of mathematics educationSinicaitė-Karikova, Ramunė 27 June 2014 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjamas informacinių technologijų fenomenas dabarties žinių visuomenėje, interneto technologijas siejant su mokymo(si) procesu. Pateikiama mokymosi proceso samprata technologinio kitimo amžiuje. Aptariamas konstruktyvizmu grindžiamo mokymosi aiškinimas (konstrukcionizmo pedagoginė teorija), atskleidžiami esminiai konektyvizmo principai ir užduotys, su kuriomis turi susidurti besimokantysis skaitmeninio amžiaus eroje. Pristatomi matematikos mokymo filosofijos (matematikos filosofijos) keliami klausimai. Galiausiai ieškoma atsakymų į klausimus: kokį vaidmenį kompiuterinės technologijos, pastarojo meto interneto tecnologijos ir paslaugos atlieka matematikos mokymo bei mokymosi proceso metu, kaip jį paliečia, kokias galimybes atveria, kaip keičia šį procesą. / This theme paper analyses the phenomenon of information technologies in relation with the present knowledge-based society and the Web technologies in the process of education. The concept of learning process is discussed in the age of technological change. The constructivism based learning (constructionism learning theory) is presented in this paper too. Besides this, the most essential principles and tasks of connectivism which a learner is supposed to deal with in the digital surroundings are being analysed as well. Moreover, the issues raised by the phylosophy of mathematics education (and the phylosophy of mathematics) are also introduced in this paper. Finally, the reply search to the following issues – what role do computer-based technologies, modern internet technologies and services play in the process of teaching and learning mathematics; how do the above mentioned factors influence a process of education; what are the perspectives of the mentioned processes; how do the discussed issues change the process of teaching and learning mathematics – is analysed in the paper.
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Applications communautaires spontanées dynamiquement reconfigurables en environnement pervasif / Dynamically reconfigurable applications for spontaneous communities in pervasive environmentBen Nejma, Ghada 22 December 2015 (has links)
Depuis quelques années, des évolutions importantes ont lieu en matière d’infrastructures technologiques. En particulier, la démocratisation des dispositifs mobiles (comme les PCs, Smartphones, Tablettes, etc.) a rendu l’information accessible par le grand public partout et à tout moment, ce qui est l’origine du concept d’informatique ubiquitaire. L’approche classique des systèmes de l’informatique ubiquitaire, qui répondent aux besoins des utilisateurs indépendants les uns des autres, a été bouleversée par l’introduction de la dimension sociale. Ce rapprochement est à l’origine d’une discipline naissante « le pervasive social computing » ou l’informatique socio-pervasive. Les applications socio-pervasives connaissent une véritable expansion. Ces dernières intègrent de plus en plus la notion de communauté. Le succès des applications communautaires se justifie par le but poursuivi par ces dernières qui est de répondre aux besoins des communautés et d’offrir un ‘chez soi’ virtuel, spécifique à la communauté, dans lequel elle va construire sa propre identité et réaliser ses objectifs. Par ailleurs, la notion de communauté représente une source d’informations contextuelles sociales. Elle est, aujourd’hui, au cœur des problématiques de personnalisation et d’adaptation des applications informatiques. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous étudions sous différents aspects les applications informatiques centrées communautés existantes et soulignons un certain nombre de carences au niveau même de la notion de communauté, des modèles de communautés, ou encore des architectures dédiées à ces applications communautaires, etc. Pour remédier à ces défauts, nous proposons trois principales contributions : Un nouveau type de communauté adapté aux exigences des environnements pervasifs qui vient rompre avec les traditionnelles communautés pérennes thématiques : des communautés éphémères, géolocalisées et spontanées (sans contrainte thématique).
Un modèle de communauté basé sur les standards du web sémantique pour répondre aux problèmes liés à l’hétérogénéité de conception des communautés. Une architecture dynamiquement reconfigurable pour promouvoir les communautés spontanées en aidant les utilisateurs nomades à intégrer des communautés environnantes et à découvrir les services dédiés.
Nous montrons la faisabilité de nos propositions pour la conception et le développement d’applications communautaires spontanées grâce au prototype Taldea. Enfin, nous testons les approches proposées de découverte de communauté et de services à travers plusieurs scénarios caractérisés par la mobilité et l’ubiquité. / Advances in technology, in particular the democratization of mobile devices (PCs, smartphones and tablets), has made information accessible to anyone at any time and from anywhere while facilitating the capture of physical contextual data, thereby justifying the growing interest for pervasive computing. The classical approach of pervasive computing has been affected by the introduction of the social dimension. Ubiquitous systems do not meet the needs of users independently from each other but do take into account their social context. Fostering the social dimension has given rise to a fast growing research field called Pervasive Social Computing. Applications in this area are increasingly concerned by communities. The contextual information associated with a community can be harnessed for personalization, adaptability and dynamic deployment of services, which are important factors for Pervasive Computing. A community is considered in our approach as a set of distinct social entities that should be supported with services as a single user is. In this thesis, we look into different aspects of existing centered communities applications and we identify several weaknesses and shortcomings in the notion of community, the community models, and the architecture of communities’ applications. To overcome these shortcomings, we propose three main contributions: A new type of communities that fits better with the requirements of pervasive environments: short- lived, geolocated and spontaneous (without thematic constraint) community. Intuitively, it is the type of community that best matches with circumstantial, accidental, incidental or fortuitous situations. This kind of community has to meet specific needs, which are not taken into account by perennial thematic communities.
A model for communities based on semantic web standards to overcome the problem of heterogeneity across definitions and models. The ontological representation allows us to organize and represent social data, to make information searches easier for users and to infer new knowledge.
A dynamically reconfigurable architecture for fostering spontaneous communities in order to facilitate the user access to communities, information exchange between community members and service discovery.
The proposed architecture for community and service discovery have been validated through a prototype called Taldea and have been tested through several scenarios characterized by mobility and ubiquity.
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Διαχείριση συνδυασμένων μεταφορικών συναλλαγών μέσω της ολοκλήρωσης υβριδικών συστημάτων συστάσεων και τεχνικών εξόρυξης γνώσηςΛαζανάς, Αλέξης 27 April 2009 (has links)
Η παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή αναφέρεται σε μια ειδική κατηγορία Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων, αυτή των Συστημάτων Ηλεκτρονικής Αγοράς. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, αποτελεί μια προσπάθεια ολοκλήρωσης υβριδικών Τεχνικών Συστάσεων και Τεχνικών Εξόρυξης Γνώσης, με παράλληλη ενσωμάτωσή τους σε ένα πλαίσιο διαχείρισης συνδυασμένων μεταφορών και αξιοποίηση σύγχρονων Τεχνολογιών Διαδικτύου. Λαμβάνοντας υπόψη τη διαπιστωμένη ανάγκη για την ανάπτυξη καινοτόμων συστημάτων διαχείρισης συνδυασμένων μεταφορών, η διατριβή παρουσιάζει αναλυτικά τις φάσεις ανάπτυξης ενός τέτοιου συστήματος. Το προτεινόμενο σύστημα δέχεται αιτήσεις μεταφορικών συναλλαγών και έχει τη δυνατότητα κατασκευής άμεσων ή τμηματικών λύσεων με την χρήση κατάλληλων αλγορίθμων Επιχειρησιακής Έρευνας. Στο συγκεκριμένο σύστημα ενσωματώνονται υβριδικές τεχνικές συστάσεων με σκοπό την παροχή υψηλού επιπέδου πληροφόρησης στους εμπλεκόμενους χρήστες. Επιπλέον η διατριβή προτείνει ένα πρωτότυπο υβριδικό μοντέλο συστάσεων με τη συνδυασμένη χρήση μεθόδων συστάσεων και τεχνικών εξόρυξης γνώσης. Η ανάπτυξη του παραπάνω μοντέλου αποσκοπεί στην αντιμετώπιση των μειονεκτημάτων που προκύπτουν από τη χρήση προηγούμενων τεχνικών και τη βελτίωση των παρεχόμενων υπηρεσιών. Στο προτεινόμενο σύστημα συμμετέχουν και αλληλεπιδρούν, μέσω αυστηρά ορισμένων πρωτοκόλλων, ένα σύνολο ευφυών πρακτόρων, αναλαμβάνοντας την διεκπεραίωση μιας σειράς απαραίτητων εργασιών για την πραγματοποίηση των μεταφορικών συναλλαγών. Το σύστημα βασίζεται στον Παγκόσμιο Ιστό και υλοποιήθηκε με τη χρήση σύγχρονων Τεχνολογιών Διαδικτύου. / This PhD thesis refers to a specific area of Information Systems called E-Market Systems. More specifically, it represents an attempt to integrate hybrid Recommendation techniques as well as data mining methods, encapsulating them at the same time, into an intermodal transportation transactions management framework, through the exploitation of innovative internet technologies. Taking into consideration the urgent need for the development of innovative intermodal transportations management systems, this thesis presents analytically all the phases of the development of such a system. The proposed system accepts requests for transportation transactions and is capable of constructing direct or modular transportation solutions exploiting suitable Operation Research Algorithms. The system encapsulates hybrid recommendation techniques – aiming at providing a high level of information to the involved users. Moreover, this thesis proposes an innovative hybrid recommendation model which combines recommendation methods and data mining techniques. The development of the above model, aims at facing up the problems that rise by the use of the recommendation methods mentioned before and at the enhancement of the provided services. In the proposed system, an agents’ community participate and interact with each others, through well defined communication protocols, with the responsibility of performing all the necessary tasks for the establishment of a transportation transaction. The proposed system is Web-based and implemented through the use of modern Web technologies.
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Arquitetura reutilizável de hardware e software para supervisão e controle remotos de Sistemas de Automação IndustrialValenzuela, Victor Enrique Lauria 18 June 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Geyciane Santos (geyciane_thamires@hotmail.com) on 2015-07-15T15:57:53Z
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Dissertação - Victor Enrique Lauria Valenzuela.pdf: 5796083 bytes, checksum: 3c0dc048049ae6179326dc7fbe8aa9ae (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013-06-18 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / As market demands increased worldwide in response to economic growth, industrial
automation systems became larger and more complex in order to meet these demands. This also increased the number of failures and maintenance necessity. However, solutions in automation often involve proprietary setups from manufacturers of industrial devices, preventing automation systems to be reused in different industrial applications without large efforts of development. Thus, systems that can be applied to a large number of industrial applications are desired by many companies, since they can reduce costs with deployment, maintenance and training, and even more if these systems also enable remote collection of information from their operation status. This work proposes a reusable hardware and software architecture to monitor and control industrial automation systems, which is not limited to a single industrial application; instead, it can be connected to any other one, as long as a communication port is available to access the process automation protocol. This is achieved by utilizing standardized technologies in the interfaces between components of the architecture, as well as by defining the structures
of the software running on the hardware devices. A prototype was developed based on the proposed architecture and its application cases are later shown in a voice-activated coffee dispenser with a CANOpen protocol and in a wireless network of sensors and actuators with ZigBee-enabled devices. Finally, the deployment procedures of the prototype are described in a generalized application case. / Com o aumento das demandas de mercado a nível mundial, em resposta ao crescimento econômico, os sistemas de automação industrial tornaram-se maiores e mais complexos a fim de atendê-las, o que também aumentou o número de falhas e a necessidade de manutenção. No entanto, as soluções em automação muitas vezes envolvem configurações proprietárias dos fabricantes de equipamentos industriais, prevenindo sistemas de automação de serem reutilizados em diferentes aplicações industriais sem grandes esforços de desenvolvimento. Então, sistemas reutilizáveis em um grande número de aplicações industriais diferentes são desejados por muitas empresas, visto que se podem reduzir os custos com o desenvolvimento, manutenção e treinamento, ainda mais se também permitem coleta remota de informação sobre seu estado de funcionamento. O presente trabalho apresenta uma arquitetura reutilizável, composta de hardware e de software, para monitorar e controlar os sistemas de automação. Esta, por sua vez, não se limita a uma única aplicação, podendo ser ligada a outras, desde que uma porta de acesso ao protocolo
de automação esteja disponível. Isto é alcançado através da utilização de tecnologias padronizadas nas interfaces entre os componentes da arquitetura, bem como definindo as estruturas para o software em execução nos mesmos. Um protótipo foi desenvolvido com base na arquitetura proposta e seus casos de aplicação são apresentados em uma máquina industrial de café, ativada por voz e com protocolo CANOpen, bem como em uma rede de sensores e atuadores sem fio, com dispositivos ZigBee. Finalmente, o processo de implantação é descrito em um caso de aplicação generalizado.
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Utilizing web standards for cross platform mobile developmentHjärtström, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
This thesis has taken part as an experimental development within the Learning Ecology through Science with Global Outcomes project. It introduces the area of cross platform mobile application development and provides a possible solution for tackling the current fragmentation of mobile devices and platforms for data collection. During the process, a mobile data collection prototype was designed, implemented and deployed on Android, iOS and Windows Mango by using standards and web standards such as HTML5, CSS3, XForms and JavaScript. The deployed prototype was then tested with users in order to collect the necessary data to help answer the questions that were formulated. The results indicate an ease of use of the prototype in relation to cross platform development and also shows potential benefits such as less code and time. Cross platform development provides a way to counteract the current fragmentation between mobile platforms.
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Using Web Technologies to adapt Data Visualizations for Mobile Devices : A use case in Eco VisualizationsMusliu, Arlind January 2016 (has links)
Visualizations, web technologies and mobile devices are subjects which are trending nowadays in the world of technology and many research projects are tackling different issues. The originality of the thesis is in the aspect of bringing all these mentioned subjects together and providing findings that will help web designers when implementing visualizations for mobile phones. The thesis explores the use of web technologies for the visualization of complex data for mobile devices, both looking at the technical state of the art and capabilities, and at the difference in information needs for users in a mobile usage context. The first part deals with an in-depth research of the existing projects that deal with similar issues, analyzing the official documentation of the technologies and the community of developers. The other part of the research is focused on providing insights on the required changes for adapting to the needs of mobile device users by doing a usability testing on a specific visualization. The results provide information valuable for adapting visualizations, such as font sizes, color combinations, animation complexity and data simplicity. The use case that is used for feeding the visualizations with data belongs to the domain of eco visualizations, in particular dealing with sustainable food consumption.
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Multiplattformtjänster på mobila enheterUlén, Johannes January 2015 (has links)
Mobila enheter så som mobiltelefoner och surfplattor är idag väldigt vanliga i arbetslivet, där de inte bara används för kommunikation utan även för att utföra arbetsuppgifter. Alla verktyg finns dock inte alltid tillgängliga för sådana enheter eller i alla fall inte i en form som gör det praktiskt att använda dem. Systemet Semko Instrument Register (SIR), utvecklat av Triona, är ett sådant verktyg i form av en ej mobilanpassad hemsida, som bland annat används för att hämta kalibreringscertifikat för mätinstrument. Målet med detta projekt är att komma fram till ett sätt att tillgängliggöra systemet på så många olika typer av mobila enheter som möjligt, på ett så enkelt sätt som möjligt. Olika metoder (mobilanpassade webbsidor, plattformsspecifika applikationer och plattformsoberoende applikationer) jämförs och analyseras, med fokus på möjligheter till att använda samma kod på flera plattformar samtidigt och huruvida de kan uppfylla kraven som är ställda på applikationen eller ej. Designförslaget tar upp ett sådant sätt, som sedan utvärderas med hjälp av olika aspekter, exempelvis mängd kod som kan återanvändas på flera plattformar. Slutsatsen är att det bästa sättet att tillgängliggöra en tjänst på så många plattformar som möjligt är genom mobilanpassade webbsidor, men på grund av de krav som ställts på projektet användes istället Ionic, ett webbteknologi-baserat verktyg för plattformsoberoende applikationsutveckling, då moderna webbläsare ej ännu har den funktionalitet som krävdes. / Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets are very common at companies nowadays, where they’re not just used for communication but also for doing work. Not all tools are available for such devices though, or at least not in a suitable form that makes it practical to use them. Semko Instrument Register (SIR) is a such a system, developed by Triona, in the form of a website that is not adapted for mobile devices, which is used for downloading calibration certificates for measuring instruments among other things. The goal of this project is to come up with a method of making the system available to as many mobile devices as possible in the simplest way possible. Different methods (websites adapted for mobile devices, native applications and cross-platform applications) are compared and analysed with a focus on possibilities for sharing code on multiple platforms and whether they’re able to fulfill what is required of the application. The design chapter presents such a method which is then evaluated on different aspects, such as the amount of code that can be shared between platforms. The conclusion is that the best way of making a system available on multiple platforms is through websites adapted for mobile devices, but because of this particular system’s requirements a cross-platform solution called Ionic was used instead, as modern mobile browsers are not yet able to fulfill what was required of the application.
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Moderní podpora prodeje pomocí mobilních technologií / Modern sales promotion using mobile technologiesŽabka, Michael January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals to design and develop mobile application for sales promotion in retail chains. Mobile application is created on base of designed service for sales support, that subject and design is written in thesis too. Mobile application uses the most modern technologies, which are now available in mobile devices. This technologies ensuring identification of customer in store, share marketing information to customer and other possibilities gaining detailed information about shopping behavior of customer. Thanks to those data is possible analyze customer by different methods which are in thesis described too. Based on this analyses it can be streamlined sales, shopping and other retail processes. Main aim of thesis is make usable mobile application which promote sales in retail chain. Theoretical part of thesis deals to describe general marketing on which is based analytical marketing resp. Data-Driven Marketing. Next part of this chapters is defining of retail, explaining its specifics and showing interleave to modern technologies. Concrete possibilities of modern technologies is presented in last chapter of theoretical part which is primary focused on mobile application developing in IBM Worklight environment. Practical part of thesis is divided to two chapters where first chapter deals to description designing service for sales promotion. Description is built by architecture, data flows and design of communication interfaces. In second chapter is described design of mobile application based on the service, from user interface to technological architecture. In this part of thesis the mobile application is developed, provided as a OpenSource with all source codes and available online as a demo version. The main output of thesis is mentioned mobile application, which is detailed described in end of practical part. There is specified link to online available version of this application. Mobile application contains diverse functionality for customer and its aims to test usability of modern possibilities in real-life.
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Perspectives on Cultural Context: The Use of an Online Participatory Learning Environment as an Expansion of the Museum VisitSreenan, Patrick N. 08 1900 (has links)
Technology offers opportunities for museums to expand the ways in which cultural perspectives relevant to objects on display can be exchanged and understood. Multimedia content offered online in an environment with user input capabilities can encourage dialogue and enrich visitor experiences of museums. This action research project using narrative analysis was an effort to develop the use of web technology in museum education practice, with an emphasis on constructivist learning. Concepts including the visitor-centered museum and multiple narratives led the researcher to collaborate with a pre-service art teacher education classroom and a local Hindu community to create content that might better develop understandings of one museum's Hindu sculpture collection that are personal, cultural, and complex.
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Knihovna znovupoužitelných komponent a utilit pro framework Angular 2 / Library of Reusable Components and Utilities for the Angular 2 FrameworkBranderský, Gabriel January 2017 (has links)
Táto práca sa zaoberá vytvorením knižnice znovapoužiteľných komponent a utilít určené na použitie v dátavo-intenzívnych aplikáciach. Jednou typickou komponentou pre také aplikácie je tabuľka, ktorá je považovaná za hlavnú komponentu knižnice. Pre zaistenie vysokej kohezie sú všetky ostatné komponenty a utility sú s nou úzko prepojené. Výsledná sada komponent je použiteľná deklaratívným spôsobom a umožnuje rôzne konfigurácie. Uživateľské rozhranie je tiež prizpôsobené na dátovo-intenzívne aplikácie s rôznymi prvkami.
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