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The effects of highway construction on the fish populations in the Weber River near Henefer, Summit County, UtahPeters, Edward James 19 November 1974 (has links)
Alterations of streams to facilitate highway construction and consumptive water use has become a fisheries management problem. To evaluate the effects of channeling concomitant to construction of Interstate 80 N. near Henefer, Utah, altered and unaltered sections of the Weber River were compared on the basis of fishes censused, population estimates and ordinations. Species compositions in particular areas were influenced by local rheologic conditions. Changes in species composition between samplings at a particular area were caused by fish movements. Data from altered sections, rehabilitated with deflectors and checkdams, were not noticeably different than data from unaltered areas. However, fish movements indicated an unstable environment throughout the study area. This shows that it may be possible to restore channeled streams to productive fisheries.
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The effects of channelization and water impoundment on the macroinvertebrates in the Weber River, Summit County, UtahWinger, Parley V. 01 August 1972 (has links)
Macroinvertebrate populations in the Weber River, Summit County, Utah, were analyzed to determine what effects channelization resulting from Interstate-80 construction and water impoundment had on the standing crop, species diversity and species composition. Bottom samples were collected monthly from riffle areas in channeled and unchanneled sections and above Echo and Wanship Reservoirs. Macroinvertebrate populations in the channeled areas were similar in standing crop, species diversity and species composition to those in unchanged areas within six months following channelization. Species diversities were higher (d=4.1, 3.7) above the reservoirs than below (d=2.0). The reservoirs restricted the distribution of several species of macroinvertebrates. The effects of channelization on the macroinvertebrate fauna in the Weber River were negligible, but water impoundment influenced the species composition and species diversities of the populations occurring in the tailwater.
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Generalbass, Satzmodelle, tonale Netze:: Matthias Waldhör als MusiktheoretikerPetersen, Birger 26 October 2023 (has links)
Der Kemptener Organist und Komponist Matthias Waldhör (1796–1833) ist nur noch aufgrund der starken Verbreitung seiner Neuen Volks-Gesang-Schule von 1830 bekannt, die sich in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts vor allem im Alpenraum großer Beliebtheit erfreute. Weniger bekannt ist seine Theoretisch-practische Clavier-, Partitur-, Präludier- und Orgel-Schule aus den späten zwanziger Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts, die nur noch sehr selten in Musikbibliotheken nachweisbar ist. Der dritte, 1827 erschienene Teil dieser Schule ist nahezu ausschließlich musiktheoretischen Fragestellungen gewidmet; seine geringe Verbreitung verwundert angesichts der stolzen Zahl von immerhin 900 Subskribenten. / Today the Bavarian organist and composer Matthias Waldhör (1796–1833) is well known because of the dissemination of his Neue Volks-Gesang-Schule, printed in 1830 and read very broadly in the first half of the nineteenth century, especially in the Alpine region. His Theoretisch-practische Clavier-, Partitur-, Präludier- und Orgel-Schule from the late 1820s is less known – and a rare book in music libraries and archives. The third part of it, published in 1827, is exclusively dedicated to aspects of music theory; the small circulation astonishes – because of the high number of more than 900 subscriptions.
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Bourdieu, Weber und Rational Choice: Versuch einer Weiterentwicklung des religiösen Feldmodells am Beispiel ChinasBroy, Nikolas 07 February 2023 (has links)
Der vorliegende Beitrag versucht eine Weiterentwicklung des
religiösen Feldmodells des französischen Soziologen Pierre Bourdieu, welches
dieser auf der Grundlage der Vorarbeiten Max Webers aufgestellt hat. Am Beispiel
der vielseitigen religiösen Landschaft Chinas werde ich zeigen, dass dieses
Modell jedoch nur bedingt erklärungsfähig ist, da es (1) die Rolle des Staates und
staatlicher Akteure bei der Ausformulierung des religiösen Feldes ausblendet und
(2) die von Weber übernommenen vier Akteurstypen bzw. Feldpositionen die
Komplexität religiöser Interaktionen in China nicht abbilden können. Ausgehend
von dieser Beobachtung werde ich auf die regulative und domestizierende Macht
des Staates eingehen und zeigen, dass das religiöse Feld Chinas als Oligopol oder
Polypol zu verstehen ist. Des Weiteren werde ich unter Rückgriff auf die chinesische Religionsgeschichte eine detaillierte Differenzierung der Feldpositionen vornehmen und dabei v.a. auf die unterschiedlichen Interessen und Commitments
der „Laien“ eingehen.
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The Role of Cluster Theory for Economic Development: Does Porter's Competitive Diamond Fail to Explain Dubai's Financial Cluster?Zumbach, Klaus U. 02 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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No description available.
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Characterization of Low Weber Number Post-Impact Drop-Spread Dynamics by a Damped Harmonic System ModelGande, Sandeep K. 26 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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The Theme of Transcendence in Georg Simmel's Social TheoryMcTaggart, John Mitchell 09 1900 (has links)
<p>This thesis is both an extension and a critique of Roy Hornosty's doctoral dissertation. In " Conceptions of Human Nature in the Sociological Tradition", Hornosty traces the development and career of two distinct concepts of human nature as they are reflected in sociological theory. Hornosty argues that sociology originally emerged with two competing ideas of man, one stressing the logical priority of the individual, and the other, the predominance of the collective.</p> <p>In the course of his study, Hornosty discusses what he refers to as the second generation of European sociologists, comprised suggests of Durkheim, Weber, Simmel that each theorist of this and Pareto. Hornosty generation describes a conception of human nature based on an 'inner dialectic' between the individual, who seeks independent self-actualization, over and against the demands of the collective, which develops according to laws which are often in stark contrast to the dictates of individuality.</p>
<p>One chapter of Hornosty's study is devoted to Georg Simmel's sociological thought. In it, Hornosty argues that Simmel views man in terms of an antinomy between social and individual forces, locked in an irreconcilable struggle. For Simmel, Hornosty believes, man is both social and, at the same time, independent of society, although never completely. According to Hornosty's interpretation of Simmel, this dialectic is an ineradicable condition of mankind.</p>
<p>The present study focuses entirely on the writings of Georg Simmel. The author argues that while an undeniable dialectic exists between the individual and society, it is by no means irreconcilable as Hornosty and others have suggested. In fact, it will be argued that Simmel saw ways in which the dichotomous relationship between the individual and the collective could be overcome.</p>
<p>The author contends that Simmel, influenced by Nietzsche's philosophy, details avenues of consequence removed from the sociological nexus. By focusing on Simmel 's four categories of human experience, two of which are completely removed from the social paradigm, this thesis outlines Simmel's attempt to find a manner in which certain talented individuals could transcend the dichotomy between the individual and society through devotion to objective goals which lie beyond the dialectic.</p>
<p>The author suggests that Simmel in fact reserves his highest praise for the creative genius, the individual able to tolerate, and in turn, transcend the tensions of his or her existence in the name of a higher good, whether artistic or intellectual. By outlining Simmel's preoccupation with the creative process, and his search for viable expressions of individuality removed from society, the author attempts to illustrate the limitations of the sociological paradigm.</p> / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA)
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Social Mechanisms and Social CausationWeinert, Friedel January 2014 (has links)
yes / The aim of this paper is to examine the notion of social mechanisms by comparison with the notions of evolutionary and physical mechanisms. It is argued that social mechanisms are based on trends, and not lawlike regularities, so that social mechanisms are different from mechanisms in the natural sciences. Taking as an example of social causation the abolition of the slave trade, the paper argues that social mechanisms should be incorporated in Weber’s wider notion of adequate causation in order to achieve their explanatory purpose.
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Max Weber im internationalen Kontext: SammelbesprechungPröhl, Maurice 20 September 2024 (has links)
Wenn man das zu einiger Bekanntheit gelangte Wort Heinz Steinerts, demgemäß
die Protestantismusthese Webers „zwar hübsch, aber historisch falsch“ sei (Steinert,
2010), schon deshalb außer Acht lassen will, weil bereits ein Falsifizierungsanspruch
der schwachbegrifflichen und komparativen Methode Webers entgegensteht,
dann verlangt die Frage nach der Aktualität Webers dennoch ungemindert
nach Antwort.
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