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Creating Tools for WAC/WID Research and Development at Diverse Institutions and ProgramsElder, Cristyn L., Knutson, Anna V., O'Meara, Katherine Daily, Leahy, Elizabeth 27 July 2019 (has links)
Directors of WAC, writing programs, and a writing center share tools created for early WAC/WID research, how they were used, what they learned from creating these research tools, and the next steps for moving forward with their research. Attendees will be invited to discuss the creation of their own tools.
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When the other became the actor : A critical discourse analysis of women in Swedish development policy since the 60sSöderberg, Cathérine January 2013 (has links)
By adopting the Policy for Global Development (PGD) in 2003 the Swedish parliament established gender mainstreaming as a goal in development cooperation policy, thereby emphasizing women’s role as agents of empowerment in development. This has not always been the case. During most of the history of Swedish foreign aid women issues have been handled separately and development policy mainly based on a male perspective. A lot of research has focused on trends in the global debate over how to better integrate women in development process, but much less academic attention has focused on how Swedish development policy has addressed the issue and how women have been referred to in development policy since the origin of Swedish foreign aid. According to the theories of critical discourse analysis (CDA) our written and spoken language influence our view of the reality and how we understand society. Following that logic, how women are referred to in Swedish development policy influence how women are perceived by the actors of development cooperation. Through a critical discourse analysis of official Swedish governmental documents concerning foreign aid, such as government bills and letters of appropriation, this study aims to detect discourses of Swedish development policy regarding women in developing countries. Furthermore it aims to understand how these discourses have related to the global debate about women’s role in development. This study observes six discourses of women in developing countries in the material: Women as passive recipient, agent of empowerment, the savior, motherhood-women as mothers, the other woman, and the man as the norm. The analysis shows Sweden’s development policies following the global discussions fairly coherently during much of the period, with 80s as the only possible exception.
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[GADering WID Boserup] : Three perspectives on women and the gender impasse in the Mozambican district of Nacala Porto.Danielsson, Lina, Jakobson, Hanna January 2008 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study is to understand the situation concerning women and gender in relation to development, in the Mozambican district of Nacala Porto. The ambition is to identify present theoretical feminist perspectives in terms of perceived problems for women, their ability to solve them, focus areas for improvement and strategies for reaching development aims.</p><p>To enable an understanding of the situation concerning women and gender in relation to development, we have conducted an analytical framework consisting of three main theoretical feminist perspectives in international development policies. These were applied as analytical tools, which consisted of Ester Boserups perspective of Women’s role in economic development, Women In Development (WID) and Gender And Development (GAD).</p><p>The study displayed a discrepancy between the powerful women in the Mozambican parliament and the lack of social power described by the women in Nacala Porto. At the district level the results showed a dominating modernistic paradigm, similar to the situation identified by Boserup, who emphasised that the economical development did not benefit women equally. The subordination of women has been apparent in the district. The long-term strategy of transforming the gender structure has been met with support as well as resistance. The GAD-aim of mainstreaming gender showed a gap between international policy and practise in the district. The interventions that were WID-oriented have on the other hand shown progress regarding female representation, non-discriminatory legislation and increase of girls starting primary school. However, the WID-progress is limited without a gender perspective.</p><p>Three main areas were continuously discussed as means having to change, to potentially alleviate poverty and include women in the development process. These areas were the access to employment, sustainable education and functioning family relations. The interdependence of these areas also seemed to require an integration of the three theoretical feminist perspectives of Boserup, WID and GAD.</p>
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[GADering WID Boserup] : Three perspectives on women and the gender impasse in the Mozambican district of Nacala Porto.Danielsson, Lina, Jakobson, Hanna January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to understand the situation concerning women and gender in relation to development, in the Mozambican district of Nacala Porto. The ambition is to identify present theoretical feminist perspectives in terms of perceived problems for women, their ability to solve them, focus areas for improvement and strategies for reaching development aims. To enable an understanding of the situation concerning women and gender in relation to development, we have conducted an analytical framework consisting of three main theoretical feminist perspectives in international development policies. These were applied as analytical tools, which consisted of Ester Boserups perspective of Women’s role in economic development, Women In Development (WID) and Gender And Development (GAD). The study displayed a discrepancy between the powerful women in the Mozambican parliament and the lack of social power described by the women in Nacala Porto. At the district level the results showed a dominating modernistic paradigm, similar to the situation identified by Boserup, who emphasised that the economical development did not benefit women equally. The subordination of women has been apparent in the district. The long-term strategy of transforming the gender structure has been met with support as well as resistance. The GAD-aim of mainstreaming gender showed a gap between international policy and practise in the district. The interventions that were WID-oriented have on the other hand shown progress regarding female representation, non-discriminatory legislation and increase of girls starting primary school. However, the WID-progress is limited without a gender perspective. Three main areas were continuously discussed as means having to change, to potentially alleviate poverty and include women in the development process. These areas were the access to employment, sustainable education and functioning family relations. The interdependence of these areas also seemed to require an integration of the three theoretical feminist perspectives of Boserup, WID and GAD.
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Des pratiques scripturales disciplinaires en français dans l’enseignement supérieur : le cas de la formation médicale au Maroc / Disciplinary scriptural practices in Franch in the higher education : the case of the medical training in MoroccoEl Houdna, Youssef 15 December 2017 (has links)
La recherche a pour objectif d’examiner les pratiques scripturales d’étudiants du cours « séméiologie médicale » inscrits en troisième année de Médecine et de Pharmacie, mais aussi de décrire leurs savoir-faire, les genres d’écrits sollicités, leurs performances et leurs erreurs d’un point de vue compréhensif. Nous avons choisi le domaine médical parce que c’est un contexte où subsiste une multitude de genres d’écrits pratiqués et parce que les études en médecine peuvent donner une image sur ce qui se passe dans une formation disciplinaire à orientation professionnalisante et professionnelle, les études associant à la fois une formation théorique universitaire et une formation pratique professionnelle dont chacune à ses propres spécificités. Ces deux caractéristiques font que le fonctionnement du système disciplinaire médical pose des questions intéressant les didacticiens et les linguistes qui peuvent le décrire et proposer des pistes d’amélioration. Le concept théorique capital de cette étude sur l’écrit disciplinaire et sur la transition vers les pratiques et les genres d’écrits professionnels est celui du « genre disciplinaire » (que nous différencions du genre linguistique fonctionnel ou rhétorique communicatif). Un autre outil théorique convoqué dans cette recherche est le concept de « dysfonctionnement », utile pour une analyse du comportement discursif d’étudiants qui ne soit pas ancré dans une conception déficitaire au regard de la norme. / The research has as objective to examine the scriptural practices of 'medical semeiology' students enrolled in their third year of Medecine and Pharmacy, but also to describe their know-how, the writing types solicited, their performances and their mistakes from a comprehensive point of view. We have chosen the medical domain because it is a field where a multitude of practical writing styles persist and because studies in medecine can illustrate what happens in disciplinary practices with professional-qualification and professional orientation, the studies combining theoretical university practices and practical professional, each having its owns specificities. Questions raised on how the disciplinary medical system functions based on these two characteristics interest didacticiens and linguists who can describe it and propose paths of improvement. The major theoretical concept of this study on disciplinary writing and the transition towards practices and professional kinds (genres) of writing is 'le genre disciplinaire' (that we differentiate from the functional linguistic kind (genre) or the communicative rhetoric). Another theoretical tool used throughout this research is the concept of 'dysfonctionnement', useful for an analysis of students' discursive behaviour, which is not anchored in an over drawn conception of the standard. / اللذين يتناولان "CIREL-Théodile" هذه الدراسة تدخل في إطار برنامج البحث للمختبرين "اللغة والمجتمع" و(DAUNAY , FLUCKIGER والمحتويات المتخصصة (MESSAUDI ,2010a, 2010b, 2013a) اللغيات التقنية.)& HASSAN, 2015C. الممثلة من طرف السيدة " Composition Theory" كما تتعلق هذه الدراسات أيضا بالميدانية الأمريكية2008 ) التي ترتكز أعمالها في دراسة العلاقة بين "الكتابة والمناهج " و "الكتابة , 2010) DONAHNEالتي تعتمد على تحليل الممارسات في إطار وصفي وليس " Les littéracies Universitaires" والتخصصات " ونقديا.وتتناول هذه الأطروحة الممارسات الكتابية للطلبة المسجلين بالسنة الثالثة بكلية الطب والصيدلة بالرباط، تخصص"السينمائية الطبية". كما تقوم هذه الدراسة بوصف مهارات وقدرات الطلبة في الكتابة وأجناسها مبرزة الجوانب الإيجابيةفي ممارساتهم.لقد اخترنا الميدان الطبي لأنه مجال يتضمن العديد من أجناس الكتابة ولأن الدراسة في هذا المجال جديرة بإعطاءصورة واضحة عما يجري في التخصصات ذات الطابع المهني.هذه الدراسة تجمع بين الممارسة النظرية الجامعية والممارسة التطبيقية المهنية، اللتين لكل منهما ميزاتها الخاصة فيماللممارسات، وهاته الميزات تثير أسئلة أخصائيي التعليم (Le système disciplinaire) يتعلق بالنظام الضابط(الديداكتيكيين) واللسانيين فيما يخص النظام التعليمي بغية تدقيق الوصف واقتراح ممارسات بهدف التحسين.إن المفهوم النظري الرئيسي في هذه الدراسة، فيما يخص الكتابة المتخصصة وكذا فيما يتعلق بالانتقال من الممارساتوأجناس الكتابة النظرية الجامعية إلى الممارسات وأجناس الكتابة المهنية، هو " الجنس" ) الذي نفرقه عن الجنس اللغويوالبلاغي التواصلي(.حيث (Le dysfonctionnement) " كما يعالج البحث - وإن كان بدرجة أقل - مفهوما أساسيا آخر ألا وهو " الخللأنه ضروري لتحليل السلوك الكتابي للطلبة في إطار تحليلي ووصفي بغض النظر عن تقويمه والحكم عليه.
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A Case Study of Student Perceptions of Transfer from First- and Second-Year Writing to the DisciplinesGoode, Rebekah Lee 05 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Following the mainstream? : A case study on the women's organisation Kvinna till Kvinna and its potential shift in ideologySjöstrand, Jennie January 2014 (has links)
Abstract In the 1970s women started to be taken specifically into consideration when talking about development. Over time several approaches appeared where the focus varied from integrating women into existing structures in society (Women In Development (WID)) to changing the socially constructed gender roles (Gender And Development (GAD)). The latter was accepted by the international community in 1995. In 1993 a Swedish organisation who called themselves Kvinna till Kvinna (KtK) was founded with the goal to help and support women in conflicted countries to become equal to the male population. An organisation that was founded almost simultaneously as the gender approach was accepted into the international community - which approach would they go for? Which approach seemed to be the best in order to achieve equality? According to an ideology analysis of KtK's activity reports from 1994 to 2012, which was performed in this thesis, KtK seemed to have started out closer to the WID approach for a short time span, while rather quickly moving towards the GAD approach with which they have held on to date.
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Reconceiving a Necessary Evil: Teaching a Transferable FYC Research PaperDunn, Samuel James 21 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The place of the research paper in first-year composition (FYC) courses is often debated in composition forums. Many argue that the a-disciplinary nature of FYC doesn't allow instructors to teach the research paper in a way that will be transferable to disciplinary writing tasks, while others say that it is possible, as long as we have a thorough understanding of the kinds of writing tasks students will face in the disciplines and specifically teach writing skills that will be transferable. To identify these more generalizable writing skills to be emphasized, I interviewed 14 professors at Brigham Young University from different disciplines about the research papers they teach within their upper-division disciplinary courses and the kinds of researching and writing skills they expect students to have mastered before enrolling in these courses. I collated the results of the interviews and categorized 22 skills into four categories: writing process knowledge, genre knowledge, rhetorical knowledge, and researching knowledge, finding correlation between the 22 skills I identified with skills identified by both John Bean and Carra Leah Hood, lending credence to the value of my identified skills as worthwhile to be focused on in FYC. I draw on Amy Devitt's idea that the school genres we teach in FYC are antecedent genres to assert that teaching a research paper in FYC outside of the constraints of any one discipline can provide a viable and valuable learning experience, provided that it is taught with an emphasis on these writing skills that are most valued across the disciplines, and provided it is taught as a step along the way to later mastery of disciplinary genres.
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Correlates of HIV/AIDS Vulnerability: A Multilevel Study of the Impact of Agricultural-Consumption Regimes on Women's Vulnerability in KenyaMwangi, E. Wairimu 04 February 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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What's the 'Problem' Statement? An Investigation of Problem-based Writing in a First Year Engineering ProgramAshley J Velazquez (6634796) 14 May 2019 (has links)
Upon IRB approval, a corpus of 1,192 texts consisting of three assignments written by a total of 1,736 first year engineering students was compiled, and 117 pedagogical materials were collected. Using an iterative quantitative-qualitative approach to written discourse analysis, instances of formulaic language (4- and 6-word sequences) were identified in the corpus; formulaic language was then coded for the rhetorical functions expected in problem statements as qualitatively identified in the pedagogical materials. Additionally, three discourse-based interviews were conducted with First-year Engineering Faculty. Interview data was coded for themes of effective communication and used to triangulate the findings from the corpus analysis.
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