Spelling suggestions: "subject:"litteracy"" "subject:"iteracy""
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Lärares syn på film som undervisningsmaterial : En e-enkät- och intervjustudie om hur lärare förhåller sig till filmmediet i skolanTörnqvist, Sebastian, Johansson, Thomas January 2011 (has links)
Avsikten med vår undersökning är att undersöka lärares uppfattningar om filmmediet som undervisningsmaterial. Vi vill förstå filmmediets användningsområde samt få en inblick i lärares hantering av filmmediet i verksamheten. För att uppnå syftet har vi använt oss av e-enkäter och intervjuer. På skolorna tycks det finnas tekniska förutsättningar för att visa film och vårt resultat visar att oavsett ålder, kön och yttre förutsättningar tycks lärare regelbundet använda sig av filmmediet som undervisningsmaterial. Vi har även kommit fram till att det florerar en uppfattning om att språklärare oftare använder sig av filmmediet i sina ämnen än andra lärare. Vidare menar lärare att tiden är den mest avgörande faktorn till att de väljer bort att använda film i undervisningen. Tiden är dessutom den faktor lärarna tar hänsyn till när de väljer vad de visar för eleverna. Korta klipp används i högre grad än längre spelfilmer. Det har framkommit att lärare anser att filmmediet kan levandegöra den övriga undervisningen och sätta kunskapen i kontext.
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Barns språkutveckling : Förskolepersonals arbete för att utveckla barns språk i förskoleåldernBurton Lillbacka, Izabelle January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att skapa djupare förståelse för hur förskolans personal arbetar för att stödja barn i deras språk-och skriftspråksutveckling. I undersökningen har åtta förskolepersonal svarat på frågor i form av intervjuer. Studien utgår från ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. Resultatet visade att respondenterna i undersökningen var samstämda i sin uppfattning att förskolan ska arbeta med barns språkutveckling. Det framkommer i resultatet att förskolepersonalen medvetet ska arbeta med att utveckla barns språk, och att de finns olika metoder att använda för detta arbete. De metoder som många av respondenterna använde sig av var böcker, sång, rim och ramsor. Vid skriftspråksutveckling är respondenterna överens om att detta ska introduceras för barnen och stödjas om barnen visar intresse för detta, dock var de samstämda med att skriftspråket inte ska ha någon central roll i barns utveckling på förskolan, utan att detta enbart ska introduceras och arbetas med vid visat intresse.
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En empirisk studie : Om att arbeta med skriftspråket utomhus på I Ur och Skurförskolor / An empirical study : About working with written language outdoors at the I Ur och Skur preschoolsBauer, Liselott January 2011 (has links)
I Ur och Skur preschools base their teaching on outdoor activities and all educators are called leaders, disregarding their educational background. The purpose of this study is to find out how the leaders of six I Ur och Skur preschools are working, specifically with the written language, in the outdoors environment. The study discusses the concept of literacy, methods leaders use and the advantages and disadvantages they experience with outdoors education and the thoughts they have about outdoor activities. The basis for this study is the objective pursued in the curriculum: "preschools should strive to ensure that children develop an interest in written language and an understanding of symbols and their communicative functions". Respondents have also been asked what outdoors education means to them on a personal level. To achieve my research results five qualitative interviews, with room for follow-up questions, were conducted. One of the respondents felt that she lacked time but still wanted to participate and doing so by answering questions by email. A total of six interviews were conducted, transcribed and analyzed. All respondents in this study are active leaders in I Ur och Skur preschools in a major city in Sweden. The results of the six interviews from the leaders show how they work with written language activities for children outdoors. The methods used seem quite similar between the various preschools. The leaders exploit the opportunities that are given, e.g. they write in the snow with watercolors or draw in the sand with sticks. They also read books outdoors for the children. The advantage, according to respondents, is that the material never ends, it is possible to write with almost anything. Possible disadvantages are bad weather conditions or too much background noise that may distract the children at times when they need to concentrate.
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Språket är allt! : En kvalitativ studie om lärares samt specialpedagogers stödinsatser för elever i åk 4-6 med läs- och skrivsvårigheter. / Language is everything! : A qualitative study on teachers' and SEN teachers' support to pupils with reading and writing difficulties in grades 4 to 6Öberg, Anna January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to find out what measures and methods teachers and special educators use to strengthen students with reading and writing difficulties in everyday teaching. The survey highlights how teachers and special educators look at reading and writing skills and, in the theoretical background, what earlier researchers say. The study is based on qualitative analysis of interviews. The survey consists of two teachers and three special education teachers active in three different schools. The result shows a great convergence of the concept of reading and writing difficulties among both teachers and special education teachers. The study also shows that both teachers and special educators agree that they are experiencing deficiencies in students' ability to read and write and this affects whatever topic the student is taught in. The respondents in the study claim that the causes of the difficulties were due to biological, social and educational factors. Views on what constitute favorable methods are similar among both teachers and special education teachers, and generally it has been found that all respondents strive to adapt the daily teaching for all pupils' needs and abilities. In order to strengthen student's reading and writing they receive intensive training in reading periods, customized texts, adjusted text amount and compensatory aids in everyday teaching. Another important factor that emerged from the study was the time factor. It is an important prerequisite to take action and think long term for the students with reading and writing disabilities.
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Grafias não-convencionais da coda silábica nasal em dados de escrita de jovens e adultos em processo de alfabetização /Campos, Priscila Barbosa Borduqui. January 2011 (has links)
Resumo: O presente trabalho trata das grafias não-convencionais de sílabas com coda nasal, produzidas por jovens e adultos em processo de alfabetização de uma escola municipal de São José do Rio Preto. Sob o aspecto fonético (CAGLIARI, 2009), a posição de coda corresponde a um momento de redução de energia, o que pode tornar os segmentos que preenchem essa posição da sílaba menos audíveis. Sob o aspecto fonológico (SELKIRK, 1982), a coda é um constituinte não-imediato da sílaba que apresenta várias restrições de preenchimento. A nasalidade apresenta uma complexidade decorrente de aspectos fonético-acústicos aliados a uma discussão na literatura a respeito de sua representação fonológica. Soma-se ainda, o fato de a nasal em coda no Português Brasileiro apresentar, sob o aspecto gráfico, três possibilidades de registro (<m>, <n> e <~>). O córpus de pesquisa é constituído de grafias de palavras coletadas a partir de cinco propostas de escrita, incluindo uma lista de frutas, duas propostas de bingo e duas propostas de listas a partir de imagens. A metodologia de análise qualitativa baseia-se no paradigma indiciário proposto por Ginzburg (1989), pois acreditamos que, ao considerar a singularidade dos dados, teremos fortes indícios da inserção do escrevente tanto em práticas orais quanto em práticas letradas. Para análise quantitativa dos dados, consideraram-se as variáveis: estrutura da sílaba, tipo de vogal no núcleo silábico, tonicidade da sílaba. Os dados foram organizados de acordo com (i) tipos de registros da rima e (ii) não-registros da coda. Os registros foram classificados como convencionais e não-convencionais. Quanto aos registros não-convencionais, organizamos uma categorização de acordo com a não-convenção ortográfica que envolve a coda e a vogal. Verificou-se que os escreventes, em sua maioria, registram a posição de coda... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The present work treats of the unconventional orthographies of syllables with nasal coda, produced by youths and adults in literacy process of a municipal school of São José do Rio Preto. Under the phonetic aspect (CAGLIARI, 2009), the coda position corresponds a moment of reduction of energy, what can turn the segments that fill out this position the less audible syllable. Under the phonological aspect (SELKIRK, 1982), the coda is a syllable constituent that presents several completion restrictions. The nasality presents a current complexity of phonetic-acoustic aspects allies a discussion in the literature regarding its phonological representation. It is still added, the fact the nasal in coda in the Brazilian Portuguese presents, under the graphic aspect, three registration possibilities (<m>, <n> and <~>). The research corpus is constituted of the orthographies of words collected starting from five proposed of writing, including a list of fruits, two proposed of bingo and two proposed of lists starting from images. The methodology of qualitative analysis is based on the indiciário paradigm proposed by Ginzburg (1989), because we believed that, when considering the singularity of the data, we will have strong indications of the clerk's insert in oral practices and in litteracy practices. For quantitative analysis of the data, it was considered the variables: structure of the syllable, type of vowel of nucleus, tonicity of syllable. The data were organized in agreement with (i) types of registrations of the rhyme and (ii) no-registrations of the coda. The registrations were classified as conventional and unconventional. As for the unconventional registrations, we organized a categorization in agreement with the orthographic unconvention that involves the coda and the vowel. It was verified that the clerks, in their majority, register the position of the coda independent... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Orientador: Luciani Ester Tenani / Coorientador: Larissa Cristina Berti / Banca: Lourenço Chacon Jurado Filho / Banca: Cristiane Carneiro Capristano / Mestre
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Les documents iconographiques de presse dans les manuels de Français Langue Etrangère au Vietnam. Analyse d'une médiation de nature translittéracique méconnue / Titre en anglais non renseignéNguyen, Thi Kim Lan 07 February 2018 (has links)
Les manuels de FLE sont utilisés au service de l’enseignement du français dans les universités de nombreux pays et notamment au Vietnam. Ils sont des supports de base en classe et les enseignants sont autorisés à emprunter des exercices de compréhension ou d’expression proposés dans ces manuels afin de faire développer les compétences de langue des apprenants. Le retour sur l’histoire de ces manuels montre qu’ils se renouvellent sans cesse via l’actualisation et l’enrichissement des informations, des connaissances et par la présence d’une grande variété d’images. Parmi celles-ci, les photographies de presse sont considérées comme un moyen de communication chargé de capter l’attention et d’accompagner le discours tenu sur un événement, un fait, une information particulière. Nous avons ainsi extrait et analysé toutes les photographies de presse présentes dans les manuels en recherchant systématiquement les symboles, les connotations culturelles susceptibles d’être difficile à comprendre pour les apprenants de culture étrangère. L’étude porte ainsi sur 46 manuels scolaires publiés entre 1994 et 2015 et propose l’analyse qualitative de 284 images de presse. Au-delà de leur fonction illustrative et informative, elles ont aussi pour mission de véhiculer des messages culturels, de représenter les différences entre la culture française et la culture étrangère à travers des symboles culturels plus ou mois implicites. Sans prétendre être exhaustif, cette étude propose un nouveau regard sur la réalité d’une modalité éditoriale. / French manuals are used in teaching French, a foreign language, in many universities in Vietnam. They are basic supporting materials in class, and teachers are authorized to borrow comprehension and expression exercises in these manuals to develop the learners’ language competence.For several decades the manuals have progressively been renewed for updating and enriching information as well as diversifying images. Lots of images presented in these manuals are being used as documents for pedagogical aim or objectives for learning activities. Especially, press photographs, research subject in this study, which are considered as a means of communication, can indeed attract learners’ attention. Besides their informative function, they have another mission, a vehicle for cultural messages, which represent differences between French culture and Vietnamese culture through symbols and cultural implicites. The study concerns 46 textbooks published between 1994 and 2015 and proposes the qualitative analysis of 284 images of press. Aiming to propose a new look at the reality of editorial modality, we have analyzed the press photographs in which cultural connotations are evoked, which are difficult for learners from another culture to comprehend.
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"...att forma ungdomen till religiösa, moraliska och nyttiga medborgare" : En studie av ungerska kyrkoarkiv som källmaterial för religionspedagogisk forskning / "...in order to educate our youth to become godly, moral and useful citizens" : A study of to what extent Hungarian church archives records may be utilised as sources for religious educationZipernovszky, Hanna January 2004 (has links)
<p>The subject of this dissertation is to examine whether parallels of the notations of the Swedish parish records regarding popular education could be tracked down in Hungarian church records, as well as to examine to what extent such records may be utilised as sources for the study of the churches’ role in this education. As it is shown in the study, there are remarks in the Hungarian church record about the levels of knowledge of parishioners. On that basis the dissertation also includes an analysis of these remarks and a comparison with the results of the Swedish notations of similar kind. </p><p>The structure of popular education in Sweden and Hungary from the Reformation to the beginning of the 19th century is reviewed.</p><p>The research is centred around a selection of church archives documents: registries of souls and protocols of bishops’ inspections. In the village of Kóka, which is the main object of analysis, the registry of souls analysed is dated 1794. The aim of the analysis is to point out the educational role of the Catholic clergy. Regarding the adult population the proportion of those who have been confirmed can be stated, and the proportion of men and women among them. As the sacraments are consecutive and based upon each other, there are obvious parallels with the data included in the contemporary Swedish Lutheran parish examination records.</p><p>A particular Hungarian book dating back to the first half of the 19th century has also been found in Kóka. It resembles in its structure the registry of souls, while its contents yields notes to reading and writing skills. As the church registry record comprises the complete adult population of the village, the level of knowledge of elementary skills according to age groups is analysed and also the differences in levels of knowledge between men and women. A comparison is made with the research findings based on the Swedish parish examination records. </p><p>The documents of the Hungarian church archives provide relatively many-folded but not – as the Swedish ones – continuous information. The study proves that the rich information of the Swedish parish examination records is unique, but also that the Hungarian records shed new light on the role of the clergy in popular education, providing a basis for international comparison.</p>
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"...att forma ungdomen till religiösa, moraliska och nyttiga medborgare" : En studie av ungerska kyrkoarkiv som källmaterial för religionspedagogisk forskning / "...in order to educate our youth to become godly, moral and useful citizens" : A study of to what extent Hungarian church archives records may be utilised as sources for religious educationZipernovszky, Hanna January 2004 (has links)
The subject of this dissertation is to examine whether parallels of the notations of the Swedish parish records regarding popular education could be tracked down in Hungarian church records, as well as to examine to what extent such records may be utilised as sources for the study of the churches’ role in this education. As it is shown in the study, there are remarks in the Hungarian church record about the levels of knowledge of parishioners. On that basis the dissertation also includes an analysis of these remarks and a comparison with the results of the Swedish notations of similar kind. The structure of popular education in Sweden and Hungary from the Reformation to the beginning of the 19th century is reviewed. The research is centred around a selection of church archives documents: registries of souls and protocols of bishops’ inspections. In the village of Kóka, which is the main object of analysis, the registry of souls analysed is dated 1794. The aim of the analysis is to point out the educational role of the Catholic clergy. Regarding the adult population the proportion of those who have been confirmed can be stated, and the proportion of men and women among them. As the sacraments are consecutive and based upon each other, there are obvious parallels with the data included in the contemporary Swedish Lutheran parish examination records. A particular Hungarian book dating back to the first half of the 19th century has also been found in Kóka. It resembles in its structure the registry of souls, while its contents yields notes to reading and writing skills. As the church registry record comprises the complete adult population of the village, the level of knowledge of elementary skills according to age groups is analysed and also the differences in levels of knowledge between men and women. A comparison is made with the research findings based on the Swedish parish examination records. The documents of the Hungarian church archives provide relatively many-folded but not – as the Swedish ones – continuous information. The study proves that the rich information of the Swedish parish examination records is unique, but also that the Hungarian records shed new light on the role of the clergy in popular education, providing a basis for international comparison.
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Högläsning i förskola och i förskoleklass : En studie om förskolelärares arbetsmetoder vid högläsning / High reading in preesschool and and pree school class : A study of pree school teachers working metohds in high readingAndreasson, Monica January 2018 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med studien är att skapa förståelse för förskollärares uppfattning och arbetsmetoder med högläsning i förskola och i förskoleklass för att bidra till att utveckla högläsning som ett pedagogiskt verktyg för barnets skriv- och språkutveckling i förskola och i förskoleklass. Det centrala i studien är vilken betydelse högläsning skapar för barn med eventuella koncentrationssvårigheter. En kvalitativ studie har genomförts och analyserats utifrån tre intervjuer, tre observationer och reflektionsfrågor till förskolelärare för att få förskolelärares uppfattning om området högläsning. Resultatet i studien visar att samtliga förskolelärare uppfattar att högläsning är ett viktigt område och är av stor betydelse för barnets språkinlärning. Samtliga förskolelärare belyser att utgångspunkten för högläsning i förskola och förskoleklass ska vara utifrån barnets intresse samt att de anser att miljön och deras egen roll är av stor vikt för att främja barnets språkutveckling. Nyckelord: högläsning, förskola, förskoleklass, koncentrationssvårigheter, litteracitet, / Abstract The purpose of the study is to create an understanding of the perception of teachers and working methods to help develop high reading as an educational tool for the child's writing and language development in pre-school and pre-school class. The central part of the study is the importance of high reading for the child, with difficulty in concentrating and for children with difficulty in concentration. A qualitative study has been conducted and analyzed on the basis of three interviews, three observations and reflection questions for pre-school teachers to get pre-school teachers perceptions of the field of reading. The result of the study shows that all pre-school teachers perceive that reading is an important area and is of great importance for the child's language learning. All preschool teachers emphasize that the starting point for high reading in preschool and preschool class should be based on the child's interest and that they consider the environment and their own role to be of great importance in promoting the child's language development. Keywords: reading aloud, pree – school, pree – school class, koncentration difficulties, literacy, language development och pedagogy.
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Pratiques et compétences informationnelles des étudiants dans les espaces de formation en ligne / Students information practices and information literacy in distance learningKennel, Sophie 22 September 2014 (has links)
Au croisement des études sur la réussite à l’université, la culture informationnelle et plus largement la culture numérique, l’étude de cas proposée interroge les liens entre les apprentissages en ligne et les pratiques et compétences informationnelles des étudiants. Une première enquête a permis d’identifier les profils académiques et sociologiques des étudiants inscrits dans un dispositif de remise à niveau et d’aide à l’orientation proposé par l’université de Strasbourg. D’autres enquêtes et tests ont été menés pour connaître les pratiques informationnelles de ces étudiants dans les contextes de formation en ligne et évaluer leurs compétences à l’entrée et à la sortie du dispositif. Les résultats montrent que notre population ne correspond pas au profil type de l’étudiant en échec. Par ailleurs, nos conclusions rejoignent en partie nos hypothèses sur la pauvreté des pratiques informationnelles en e-learning et le manque de compétences expertes dans ce domaine malgré les modules de formation suivis par ces étudiants. / Crossing studies on college academic achievement, information literacy and digital culture, the proposed case study questions the relationship between distance learning and students information practices and information literacy. An initial survey has identified academic and sociological profiles of students who are enrolled in a program offered by the University of Strasbourg to help them succeed in their curricula. Other surveys and tests were conducted to know the information practices of these students in online learning contexts and evaluate their skills entering and exiting the program. The results show that our population does not fit the profile of student failure. Moreover, our conclusions support our hypothesis about poverty information practices in e-learning and lack of expert skills in this area despite several courses followed by these students.
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