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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

WTO a rozvojové země / WTO and developing countries

Bartoňová, Eva January 2008 (has links)
The thesis deals with a role of developing countries within the WTO and examines whether the developing countries are sufficiently involved in WTO negotiations in order not to play only a marginal role in the multilateral trade system. Thesis contains a historical overview of special and differential treatments for developing countries and the least developed countries. Thesis deals in addition with an issue of the implementation of special and differential treatments and describes the main WTO bodies concerned with implementation. Trade-related technical assistance programs are described in the last part of the thesis. These programs are JITAP, IF and the initiative Aid for Trade.

The WTO-EU Environmental Policies for the International Olive Oil Market and Trade Competitiveness: A Case Study for Syria

Ahmad, Mohamad 02 July 2013 (has links)
A debate over environmental policies and trade competitiveness, “Do environmental policies really matter to impact trade competitiveness?” still exists during the past decade. The thesis aims at investigating the impact of WTO-EU environmental policies for the international olive oil market on production and export competitiveness of developing countries. In particular, we focus our analysis on the agro-industrial sector in the Arab countries, and we take specific reference to the case of the olive oil agro-industrial sector in Syria. In the frame of a partial equilibrium trade model, we incorporate the “end-of-the-pipe” environmental policies which in turn enhance the productivity of the polluting input. Moreover, a part of the burden of environmental compliance may be shifted onto foreign consumers. The most novel part of our model consists of the augmented effect of compliance with environmental policies, which includes not only the standard impact on the effective product price, but also on the input shadow price. The empirical findings, based on Syrian data, provide strong support to the Porter Hypothesis and its application to international markets for agro-industrial products. Accordingly, the study disproves the legitimacy of concerns that stricter environmental policies in developing economies may have negative impacts on their production and export competitiveness. In contrast, our results show that compliance with environmental policies under the large country assumption has positive effects on their international competitiveness of environmentally sensitive sectors, in particular. Therefore, the policy implications suggest the implementation of strict environmental regulatory policies supporting environmentally sound technologies.

Digitalising Korea : transformations and tensions : the case of audiovisual service trade and intellectual property rights

Choi, Eun-Kyoung January 2013 (has links)
Since the 1990s, South Korea has enthusiastically developed and applied digital technologies to every sector of economic and social life, and constructed the most intensively connected society in the world. This thesis explores the impact of Digital Korea on the country s cultural industries, focussing particularly on the main audio-visual industries of broadcasting and film. While the push to digitalise Korea has been enthusiastically pursued by successive national governments with the aim of ensuring that Korea maintains its status as a key world economy as the leading edge of capitalism shifts from an industrial to an information base, to fully understand the forms it has taken and its impacts national initiatives have to be placed in the wider context of shifts in the global trading system. With the rise of neo-liberalism across the globe and the perceived ineffectiveness of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in extending multi-lateral trade, both emerging and developed economies have increasingly embraced Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). In line with this trend, South Korea has signed FTAs with the USA, the European Union (EU) and The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). This thesis explores the interplay between national initiatives and global trade through a detailed case study of the US-led FTA with South Korea (KORUS-FTA) focusing particularly on its implications for the Audiovisual Sector and the accompanying, and pivotal, debates around Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs). The KORUS FTA simultaneously opened the Korean market to American audiovisual content and strengthened existing national IPR laws to match the provisions prevailing within the US. Both these moves were opposed within Korea on the grounds that they operated unequally, to the advantage of the US and the detriment of national production that had, in recent years, enjoyed considerable success in export markets, creating what came to be known as the Korean Wave . In addition utilising the extensive corpus of available public documentation the analysis presented here draws on two original research exercises: in depth interviews with experts in international trade and intellectual property rights, conducted in South Korea, the UK and Switzerland (in Geneva, at the WTO Forum 2008), and a web-based survey of a cross section of professionals working in the Korean broadcasting industry. The results obtained show that while Korean economists followed the government in arguing that signing the FTA with the US was essential if Korea was to remain a major player in the global economy, a majority of those working in the audiovisual sector believed that the terms of the agreement, particularly the imposition of US-style IPR laws, disproportionately favoured US interests and would weaken the strong position the sector had achieved in recent years and impede its future growth.


沈俊宏 Unknown Date (has links)
在過去的發展中,台灣的金融服務業,特別是證券業,逐漸浮上檯面,一旦能有龐大市場、客戶案件作後盾,當能更上層樓;隨著金融全球化浪潮,混業經營下,各國金融監理的一元化,跨境間的監理特別有其意義,尤其是一個與我們同文同種,既熟悉又陌生的大陸市場。 WTO、CEPA、APEC、東協加一等議題上,大陸始終扮演關鍵的一角,在這些協議、團體的背後,金融服務業的商機紛然呈現,對於以貿易起家的台灣,經歷過去的血淚成長,風光收割過的金融證券業,退縮、封閉只會縮小我們的未來,大陸可能是未來的市場,如果,要成為這池中的大魚,如果要變成這場中的要角,焉有在此市場中缺席的道理。 因此,台資證券業者,應拋下昔日短線操作,改以長治久安的態度,結合台灣經驗與歐美實務,細思兩岸三地證券市場的未來,深耕於業務培訓合作、理財諮詢、基金管理及跨國海外上市顧問等活動開始,逐步熟悉生態再伺機介入大陸市場,應有可為之處。

中國影視產業法制研究—以版權交易為核心 / A Legal Study of Film and TV Industry in China: Focus on Copyright Trade

鍾惠貞, Chung, Hui Chen Unknown Date (has links)
中國影視產業飆速成長,已於2011年躍升全球第三大影視產業市場。1987年起,中國的經濟體制由計畫經濟逐步走向市場經濟,影視產業也逐漸國有業趨向開放企業經營。2001年中國加入WTO,須檢視影視產業相關立法,無論是各種外資企業法、電影和電視製作的准入規定和著作權相關法律等。 中國海外影視節目版權交易量逐年遞增,影視作品要能實現其經濟價值,要藉著版權制度建立其市場規則。1990年頒布的《著作權法》奠定了中國版權法律制度的基本框架,目前已因應網路發展而進行第三次修訂。中國大陸在著作權的法制發展不容小覷,無論在法規的訂定、司法解釋和智財法院的成立等。 台灣與大陸於2010年簽訂《兩岸經濟合作架構協議》(ECFA,Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement),大陸針對台灣電影產業有大幅的准入條件放寬,也取消了配額限制。《海峽兩岸智慧財產權保護協議(IPR)》亦在同日簽署完成,代表兩岸保護智慧財產權正式步入新局。兩岸在影視產業交流實務上仍面臨若干問題,除了雙方在著作權法制的歧異之外,大陸繁複的審批許可制度,以及缺乏影視產業投資的法律、法規等的服務平台。 本論文共分成六章:第一章為緒論,為本論文的研究背景和動機、研究目的和研究方法、架構;第二章從文獻介紹影視產業的產業鏈的構成,再介紹目前中國影視市場發展的現況與未來趨勢,以及兩岸影視產業合作交流概況;第三章全面探討目前中國大陸的產業的法制環境;第四章為本論文之核心--中國大陸影視版權交易法制與管理,除了概述中國版權法律的沿革,也針對現行中國版權法律關於影 視作品的部份進行分析,最後探討中國版權保護制度的特色—司法保護與行政執法並行的雙軌體制,以及面臨版權糾紛時的爭端解決機制等;第五章則以實務經驗探討目前兩岸影視產業面臨的問題與挑戰,包括台灣與大陸在實體的著作權法的差異,同時,正值兩岸修法的時期,同時探討各自修法方向。另外,因兩岸於2010年簽訂《兩岸經濟合作架構協議》(簡稱ECFA),將進一步分析其對影視產業之利弊;第六章則對於未來台灣影視業者西進大陸市場所應關注的法制、政策等提出相關建議。

Le droit antisubvention : une comparaison entre le droit de l'Union Européenne et le droit chinois / Antisubsidy Law : comparative Study of European Union Law and Chinese Law

Shang, You 15 February 2011 (has links)
Le droit antisubvention est construit par une combinaison des éléments de l'Accord SMC et des solutions du droit interne. Il se trouve au milieu de multiples tensions: l'obligation de conformité à l'égard des accords OMC v. l'autonomie du droit interne, l'équilibre institutionnel interne v. la prévisibilité du droit. La méthode de coordination multilatérale est dans un dilemme: la diffusion de ces tensions risque de laisser trop de marge de manoeuvre au pouvoir exécutif, tandis que trop d'ingérence créera une instabilité systémique. Dans son état actuel, en droit de l'Union européen comme en droit chinois, le droit antisubvention souffre encore d'incohérence entre sa mission et ses moyens: l'effectivité des règles de droit en face des faits économiques complexes reste un défi à relever. Pour la coordination multilatérale du droit antisubvention, l'arrivée de la Chine est à la fois un test de sa crédibilité et une opportunité. L'agressivité de la Chine réveillera éventuellement un besoin et un consensus pour un meilleur encadrement juridique du droit antisubvention. / The antisubsidy law created by dispositions of WTO rules and internal solutions, is situated in the center of multiple normative conflicts: firstly between obligation of compliance and the autonomy of internal legal order; and secondly between the need of institutional balance and the predictability of rules. The method of multilateral coordination is facing a dilemma, the diffusion of those tensions will give the executing authority too much leeway, but intervention will create systematical difficulties. As it is, both in European Union Law and in Chinese Law, the antisubsidy law suffers an incoherence between its mission and its capacity in terms of the effectiveness of its rules facing complexes economic realities. The arrival of China, is both a test and an oppotunity to the multilateral legal coordination on the use of countervailing duty. The aggressive use of the trade defense arm such as countervailing duty, could eventually awake a nee d and a consensus of better legal framework of the antisubsidy law.

Quelle alimentation pour le XXIe siècle ? ou le respect du droit à l’alimentation et l’émergence d’une nouvelle régulation économique / What food for the twenty-first century ? Or respect for the right to food and the emergence of an economic regulatory

Vallon, Virginie 20 June 2011 (has links)
Démontrer la possible émergence d'une nouvelle régulation économique mondiale est l'objectif de ce travail. Notre étude a envisagé les législations internationales et nationales relatives aux droits économiques, sociaux et culturels à la lumière de l'important problème des droits de propriété industrielle.Cette régulation, fondée sur le droit à la conditionnalité universelle, offre une application effective du droit à l'alimentation par le biais d'une transformation de la répartition de la production agricole et par le biais d'une législation en matière de propriété industrielle permettant l'accès aux denrées alimentaires à tous. / Demonstrate the possible emergence of a new global economic regulation is the objective of this work. Our study considered the international and national laws relating to economic, social and cultural rights in light of the significant problem of industrial property law. This regulation, based on the universal right to cross-compliance, provides an effective implementation of the right to food through a change in the distribution of agricultural production and through legislation on industrial property to access to food at all.

WTO dispute settlement from an economic perspective. More failure than success?

Breuss, Fritz January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Since its inception in 1995, more than 200 disputes have been raised under the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU). In spite of the obvious numerical success of the DS system of the WTO, in practice several shortcomings call for institutional and/or procedural change. This analysis deals with the economic aspects of the DS system. First, it turns out that the WTO DS system seems to be "biased". The larger and richer trading nations (USA, EU) are the main users of this system, either because of the larger involvement in world trade, or because the LDCs simply lack the legal resources. Second, in taking advantage of recent theoretical explanations of the WTO system in general (trade talks) and the DS system in particular (aberrations from WTO compliance can lead to trade wars) one can theoretically derive the relative robust result concerning the present practice of the WTO DS system: retaliation with tariffs is ineffective, distorts allocation and is difficult to control. This is also demonstrated in an CGE model analysis for the most popular disputes between the EU and the USA: the Hormones, the Bananas and the FSC cases. The major conclusion of our economic evaluation is that the DS system of retaliation should be changed towards a transfer-like retaliation system. (author's abstract) / Series: EI Working Papers / Europainstitut

The development of WTO law in light of transnational influences : the merits of a causal approach

Messenger, Gregory January 2012 (has links)
The WTO is one piece in a complex network of international, regional and domestic legal systems and regulatory frameworks. The influences on the development of WTO law extend far beyond its own Members and institutions: domestic legal instruments have provided the inspiration for numerous WTO obligations while the rights and obligations under the covered agreements are frequently incorporated into the legal systems of the Membership. The WTO is home to numerous committees and working groups that also engage with other international bodies and their domestic counterparts. Transnational actors seek to take advantage of these networks, encouraging WTO law to develop in their favour. The interactions involved, however, are highly complex and unpredictable. By drawing on different models of causal explanation, it is possible to offer a perspective on the development of WTO law that accepts its role as part of a larger globalized process. Three different causal influences are identified: instrumental, systemic and constitutive. Together, they offer a prism through which to examine the development of WTO law as it responds to the behaviour of transnational actors, bridging gaps between international relations and law and, it is hoped, offering a convincing explanatory rationale for the way in which WTO law develops.

L'émergence d'un double régime de subventions dans le système GATT/OMC : analyse du clivage entre subventions agricoles et non agricoles

Poliquin, Étienne 08 1900 (has links)
"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de maîtrise en droit (LL.M) option recherche" / Encore une fois, il semble que la question des subventions agricoles ait refait surface comme l'élément clé du présent cycle de négociations commerciales multilatérales à l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC). Pourtant, le cycle d'Uruguay, qui s'est achevé en 1994, avait tenté de rétablir l'agriculture comme un secteur «normal» de négociations à l'OMC. Or, il semble que plutôt que d'en faire un secteur comme les autres en ce qui a trait aux subventions, le cycle d'Uruguay ait surtout contribué à établir un régime de disciplines pour l'agriculture qui se distingue à plusieurs égards du régime général établi par l'Accord sur les subventions et les mesures compensatoires (SMC). Une analyse des disciplines en place lors du système GATT (1947-1994) démontre que ce double régime n'avait pas formellement été mis en place avant la conclusion, en 1994, de l'Accord SMC et de l'Accord sur l'agriculture. En fait, malgré quelques distinctions qui sont apparues graduellement, ce clivage ne s'est véritablement effectué qu'à partir du cycle d'Uruguay. Tant sur le plan des subventions à l'exportation que du soutien interne, il apparaît que le système actuel impose des règles beaucoup moins contraignantes pour les subventions de produits agricoles que pour tout autre produit. Cette situation s'explique, en partie, par le haut degré de sensibilité politique de l'agriculture, de même que par certaines particularités économiques intrinsèques à cette industrie. L'avenir de ce double régime demeure encore incertain. Il semble cependant qu'aucun changement en profondeur ne peut être anticipé pour le présent cycle de Doha. / Once again, it seems that the issue of agricultural subsidies has emerged has the key concern of the current round of WTO multilateral trade negotiations - even as the Uruguay Round, which was completed in 1994, had tried to bring agriculture back into a "normal" negotiating sector at the WTO. Rather, it seems that instead of making it a sector like any other concerning subsidies, the Uruguay Round has above al1 contributed to establish a regime of disciplines for agriculture that distinguished itself in many respect from the general regime established by the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (SCM). An examination of disciplines in place during the GATT system (1947-1994) shows that this double regime was not formally instituted before the conclusion, in 1994, of the SCM Agreement and of the Agreement on Agriculture. In fact, despite a few distinctions that evolved gradual1y, this division only real1y established itself from the Uruguay Round onwards. With regard to export subsidies as wel1 as to domestic support, it appears that the current system subjects subsidies in the field of agriculture to rules are substantially less restricting than subsidies in other fields. This situation can be explained in part by the high degree of political sensitivity in agriculture, as wel1 as by some of the intrinsic economic characteristics of this sector. The future of this double regime remains uncertain. However, it seems that no major change can be expected during the current Doha Round.

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