Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ald"" "subject:"wald""
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"Análise de um modelo de regressão com erros nas variáveis multivariado com intercepto nulo" / "Analysis on a multivariate null-intercept errors-in-variables regression model"Russo, Cibele Maria 19 June 2006 (has links)
Para analisar características de interesse a respeito de um conjunto de dados reais da área de Odontologia apresentado em Hadgu & Koch (1999), ajustaremos um modelo de regressão linear multivariado com erros nas variáveis com intercepto nulo. Este conjunto de dados é caracterizado por medições de placa bacteriana em três grupos de voluntários, antes e após utilizar dois líquidos de bochecho experimentais e um líquido de bochecho controle, com medições (sujeitas a erros de medição) no início do estudo, após três e seis meses de utilização dos líquidos. Neste caso, uma possível estrutura de dependência entre as medições feitas em um mesmo indivíduo deve ser incorporada ao modelo e, além disto, temos duas variáveis resposta para cada indivíduo. Após a apresentação do modelo estatístico, iremos obter estimativas de máxima verossimilhança dos parâmetros utilizando o algoritmo iterativo EM e testaremos as hipóteses de interesse utilizando testes assintóticos de Wald, razão de verossimilhanças e score. Como neste caso não existe um teste ótimo, faremos um estudo de simulação para verificar o comportamento das três estatísticas de teste em relação a diferentes tamanhos amostrais e diferentes valores de parâmetros. Finalmente, faremos um estudo de diagnóstico buscando identificar possíveis pontos influentes no modelo, considerando o enfoque de influência local proposto por Cook (1986) e a medida de curvatura normal conformal desenvolvida por Poon & Poon (1999). / To analyze some characteristics of interest in a real odontological data set presented in Hadgu & Koch (1999), we propose the use of a multivariate null intercept errors-in-variables regression model. This data set is composed by measurements of dental plaque index (with measurement errors), which were measured in volunteers who were randomized to two experimental mouth rinses (A and B) or a control mouth rinse. The measurements were taken in each individual, before and after the use of the respective mouth rinses, in the beginning of the study, after three months from the baseline and after six months from the baseline. In this case, a possible structure of dependency between the measurements taken within the same individual must be incorporated in the model. After presenting the statistical model, we obtain the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters using the numerical algorithm EM, and we test the hypotheses of interest considering asymptotic tests (Wald, likelihood ratio and score). Also, a simulation study to verify the behavior of these three test statistics is presented, considering diferent sample sizes and diferent values for the parameters. Finally, we make a diagnostic study to identify possible influential observations in the model, considering the local influence approach proposed by Cook (1986) and the conformal normal curvature proposed by Poon & Poon (1999).
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Maximum Likelihood Theory for Retention of Effect Non-Inferiority Trials / Maxmimum Likelihood Theorie für Retention of Effect Nicht-UnterlegenheitsstudienMielke, Matthias 15 March 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Der Porphyrfächer in Mohorn-Grund - ein sehenswertes Naturdenkmal in der Umgebung interessanter erdgeschichtlicher Zeugnisse / The Porphyrfächer in Mohorn-Grund - a worth seeing natural monument in vicinity of further outcrops interesting for the history of the earthNiese, Siegfried 13 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Das in einem ehemaligen Steinbruch im Rhyolith des Tharandter Waldes in Mohorn-Grund befindliche Naturdenkmal Porphyrfächer und eine Anzahl in seiner Umgebung befindlicher Aufschlüsse der verschiedensten Gesteinsarten aus unterschiedlichen geologischen Zeitaltern werden beschrieben. Sie sind zum großen Teil auf einem Rundweg in einem geologischen Freilichtmuseum zu besichtigen. Darüber hinaus wird auf das Interesse hingewiesen, das Geologen und Wanderer bereits in den vergangenen zwei Jahrhunderten an diesen Vorkommen zeigten. / The Porphyrfächer in a former quarry in the forest of Tharandt in Saxonia in Mohorn-Grund and a number of further geological outcrops with different types of rocks from different geological ages in his vicinity are described. Most of them can be seen at a round in a geological open-air museum. Many geologists and visitors have shown their interest in these rocks in the last two century, too.
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Funkční konektivita a kvalita biocenter nadregionálního významu v přeshraničním prostoru NP Šumava a Bavorský les / Functional connectivity and quality of biocentres in the border area of Šumava and Bavarian Forest National ParksEFFENBERKOVÁ, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
The Bohemian Forest, a mountain range located in Central Europe on the border between the Czech Republic, Germany and Austria, has many well-known qualities. The areas of Modravské slatě moors and Trojmezná, are considered to be the most valuable biocenters in the Czech part of the Bohemian Forest. This Master thesis confirms the quality of these areas in a transboundary context Natura 2000 habitats and their representativeness. A new transboundary (European) biocentre is proposed and its importance for several species is discussed.
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"Análise de um modelo de regressão com erros nas variáveis multivariado com intercepto nulo" / "Analysis on a multivariate null-intercept errors-in-variables regression model"Cibele Maria Russo 19 June 2006 (has links)
Para analisar características de interesse a respeito de um conjunto de dados reais da área de Odontologia apresentado em Hadgu & Koch (1999), ajustaremos um modelo de regressão linear multivariado com erros nas variáveis com intercepto nulo. Este conjunto de dados é caracterizado por medições de placa bacteriana em três grupos de voluntários, antes e após utilizar dois líquidos de bochecho experimentais e um líquido de bochecho controle, com medições (sujeitas a erros de medição) no início do estudo, após três e seis meses de utilização dos líquidos. Neste caso, uma possível estrutura de dependência entre as medições feitas em um mesmo indivíduo deve ser incorporada ao modelo e, além disto, temos duas variáveis resposta para cada indivíduo. Após a apresentação do modelo estatístico, iremos obter estimativas de máxima verossimilhança dos parâmetros utilizando o algoritmo iterativo EM e testaremos as hipóteses de interesse utilizando testes assintóticos de Wald, razão de verossimilhanças e score. Como neste caso não existe um teste ótimo, faremos um estudo de simulação para verificar o comportamento das três estatísticas de teste em relação a diferentes tamanhos amostrais e diferentes valores de parâmetros. Finalmente, faremos um estudo de diagnóstico buscando identificar possíveis pontos influentes no modelo, considerando o enfoque de influência local proposto por Cook (1986) e a medida de curvatura normal conformal desenvolvida por Poon & Poon (1999). / To analyze some characteristics of interest in a real odontological data set presented in Hadgu & Koch (1999), we propose the use of a multivariate null intercept errors-in-variables regression model. This data set is composed by measurements of dental plaque index (with measurement errors), which were measured in volunteers who were randomized to two experimental mouth rinses (A and B) or a control mouth rinse. The measurements were taken in each individual, before and after the use of the respective mouth rinses, in the beginning of the study, after three months from the baseline and after six months from the baseline. In this case, a possible structure of dependency between the measurements taken within the same individual must be incorporated in the model. After presenting the statistical model, we obtain the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters using the numerical algorithm EM, and we test the hypotheses of interest considering asymptotic tests (Wald, likelihood ratio and score). Also, a simulation study to verify the behavior of these three test statistics is presented, considering diferent sample sizes and diferent values for the parameters. Finally, we make a diagnostic study to identify possible influential observations in the model, considering the local influence approach proposed by Cook (1986) and the conformal normal curvature proposed by Poon & Poon (1999).
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Der Porphyrfächer in Mohorn-Grund - ein sehenswertes Naturdenkmal in der Umgebung interessanter erdgeschichtlicher ZeugnisseNiese, Siegfried 13 February 2015 (has links)
Das in einem ehemaligen Steinbruch im Rhyolith des Tharandter Waldes in Mohorn-Grund befindliche Naturdenkmal Porphyrfächer und eine Anzahl in seiner Umgebung befindlicher Aufschlüsse der verschiedensten Gesteinsarten aus unterschiedlichen geologischen Zeitaltern werden beschrieben. Sie sind zum großen Teil auf einem Rundweg in einem geologischen Freilichtmuseum zu besichtigen. Darüber hinaus wird auf das Interesse hingewiesen, das Geologen und Wanderer bereits in den vergangenen zwei Jahrhunderten an diesen Vorkommen zeigten. / The Porphyrfächer in a former quarry in the forest of Tharandt in Saxonia in Mohorn-Grund and a number of further geological outcrops with different types of rocks from different geological ages in his vicinity are described. Most of them can be seen at a round in a geological open-air museum. Many geologists and visitors have shown their interest in these rocks in the last two century, too.
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[pt] Esta dissertação descreve a aplicação de Modelos Lineares Generalizados (MLGs) à análise de um experimento visando identificar a combinação dos níveis das variáveis independentes: concentração de hidróxido de sódio (A), volume de hipoclorito de sódio (B) e sua interação (AB), que minimiza a variável resposta: proporção de itens com defeitos, em um processo de beneficiamento numa indústria têxtil de pequeno porte. A variável resposta encontra-se na forma de proporção, violando os pressupostos básicos do Modelo Linear Clássico e com isso as estimativas dos coeficientes pelo método de Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários (MQO) é menos confiável. O planejamento utilizado foi o fatorial completo 22 com ponto central e replicado. Após o planejamento, a modelagem pelo MLG é aplicada, só então é possível identificar uma subdispersão dos dados, verificar que o modelo empregado está correto e que o volume de hipoclorito de sódio (B) é o único fator significativo, no processo de alvejamento industrial da empresa. Portanto, como a finalidade é minimizar a resposta, utiliza-se o nível inferior (-1) desta variável. Consequentemente, como o intuito é reduzir os custos com insumos químicos pode-se utilizar o nível mínimo da concentração de hidróxido de sódio (A) e o nível máximo da interação entre os fatores (AB), já que eles não são significativos ao modelo. / [en] This dissertation describes the application of Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) to the analysis of an experiment with the purpose identify the levels combination of independent variables: concentration of sodium hydroxide (A) volume of sodium hypochlorite (B) and their interaction (AB), that minimizes the response variable: proportion of defective items, in a process in a small plant of the textile industry. The response variable takes the form of a proportion, that violates the basic assumptions of the Classic Linear Model and, as a result, the estimates of the coefficients by Ordinary Least Squares method is less reliable. The design employed was a replicated complete 22 factorial design with central point. After doing the planning, the modeling by MLG is applied, and then it is possible to identify a underdispersion data; to verify that the model used is correct and that the volume of sodium hypochlorite (B) is the only significant factor in the industrial process of bleaching the company. Therefore, as the purpose is to minimize the response, it is used the lower level (-1) of this variable. Consequently, as the aim is to reduce costs of chemical inputs can use the minimum level of concentration of hydroxide sodium (A) and the maximum level of interaction between factors (AB), since they are not significant to the model.
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Testing for causality with Wald tests under nonregular conditionsBurda, Maike M. 04 December 2001 (has links)
Das Kausalitaetskonzept von Granger und die Impuls-Antwort-Analyse sind zwei Konzepte, die haeufig verwendet werden, um kausale Beziehungen zwischen zwei Variablen in vektorautoregressiven (VAR) Modellen zu untersuchen. Wenn das VAR Modell mehr als zwei Variablen umfasst, besteht eine Erweiterung des Standard Granger Kausalitaetskonzepts darin, Kausalitaet an hoeheren Prognosehorizonten zu messen. Die Kausalitaetsbeziehungen unter diesem erweiterten Granger Kausalitaetskonzept werden mit denen bei Standard Granger Kausalitaet (Ein-Schritt-Prognose) und mit Kausalitaet im Sinne der Impuls-Antwort-Analyse verglichen. Es wird insbesondere dargestellt, inwiefern das erweiterte Granger Kausalitaetskonzept als Verallgemeinerung der letztgenannten Konzepte aufgefasst werden kann. Wenn Kausalitaet an Prognosehorizonten groesser als eins gemessen wird und das VAR Modell mehr als zwei Variablen umfasst, impliziert die Nullhypothese, dass eine Variable nicht kausal fuer eine andere Variable sei, nichtlineare Restriktionen auf die VAR Koeffizienten. (In nichtstationaeren VAR Modellen treten nichtlineare Restriktionen sogar schon unter dem Standard Granger Kausalitaetskonzept auf.) Aufgrund der speziellen Form der Restriktionen kann es vorkommen, dass die Standard Wald Statistik nicht mehr die uebliche, asymptotische Chiquadrat-Verteilung hat. Dieses Problem wird im allgemeinen in der Praxis ignoriert. Beispiel 4.1, Proposition 4.1 und Korollar 4.1 zeigen jedoch, dass dieses Problem nicht irrelevant ist. Zwei Loesungen werden in Proposition 5.1 und Proposition 5.2 in Form eines randomisierten Wald Tests sowie eines Wald Tests mit verallgemeinerter Inverse angeboten. In einer anschliessenden kleinen Simulationsstudie werden Groesse und Macht dieser modifizierten Wald Tests relativ zu der des Standard Wald Tests untersucht fuer verschiedene stationaere trivariate VAR(1)-Modelle. In einem kurzen Ueberblick werden zudem Vor- und Nachteile alternativer Testverfahren (Bootstrap, sequentielle Tests) zusammengefasst. / The concepts of standard Granger causality and impulse response analysis are often used to investigate causal relationships between variables in vector autoregressive (VAR) models. In VAR models with more than two variables, the concept of standard Granger causality can be extended by studying prediction improvement at forecast horizons greater than one. The causal relationships which arise under this extended Granger causality concept are compared to those arising under the standard Granger causality concept (one-step forecasts) and those arising with impulse-response-analysis. In particular, it is illustrated inhowfar the extended Granger causality concept can be understood as a generalization of the standard Granger causality concept and even of impulse-response-analysis. If causality is measured at forecast horizons greater than one, and if there are more than two variables in the VAR system, the null hypothesis that one variable is not causal for another variable implies restrictions which are a nonlinear function of the VAR coefficients. (In nonstationary VAR models, nonlinear restrictions already arise under the standard Granger causality concept.) Due to the special form of the restrictions, the standard Wald test may no longer have the usual asymptotic chisquare-distribution under the null hypothesis. This problem is commonly neglected in practice. However, Example 4.1, Corollary 4.1 and Proposition 4.1 of this thesis illustrate that this problem is not irrelevant. Furthermore, Propositions 5.1 and 5.2 show that this problem may be overcome, at least in stationary VAR models, by using either a randomized Wald test or a Wald test with generalized inverse. Size and Power of these modified Wald tests relative to the standard Wald test are investigated in a small simulation study for different stationary, trivariate VAR(1) models. Moreover, the pros and cons of alternative testing strategies (bootstrap, sequential tests) are summarized in a brief overview.
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A Sequential Classification Algorithm For Autoregressive ProcessesOtlu, Gunes 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This study aims to present a sequential method for the classification of the autoregressive processes. Different from the conventional detectors having fixed sample size, the method uses Wald&rsquo / s sequential probability ratio test and has a variable sample size. It is shown that the suggested method produces the classification decisions much earlier than fixed sample size alternative on the average. The proposed method is extended to the case when processes have unknown variance. The effects of the unknown process variance on the algorithmperformance are examined. Finally, the suggested algorithm is applied to the classification of fixed and
rotary wing targets. The average detection time and its relation with signal to noise ratio are examined.
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Facilitative-Competitive Interactions in an Old-Growth Forest: The Importance of Large-Diameter Trees as Benefactors and Stimulators for Forest Community AssemblyFichtner, Andreas, Forrester, David I., Härdtle, Werner, Sturm, Knut, von Oheimb, Goddert 23 July 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The role of competition in tree communities is increasingly well understood, while little is known about the patterns and mechanisms of the interplay between above- and belowground competition in tree communities. This knowledge, however, is crucial for a better understanding of community dynamics and developing adaptive near-natural management strategies. We assessed neighbourhood interactions in an unmanaged old-growth European beech (Fagus sylvatica) forest by quantifying variation in the intensity of above- (shading) and belowground competition (crowding) among dominant and co-dominant canopy beech trees during tree maturation. Shading had on average a much larger impact on radial growth than crowding and the sensitivity to changes in competitive conditions was lowest for crowding effects. We found that each mode of competition reduced the effect of the other. Increasing crowding reduced the negative effect of shading, and at high levels of shading, crowding actually had a facilitative effect and increased growth. Our study demonstrates that complementarity in above- and belowground processes enable F. sylvatica to alter resource acquisition strategies, thus optimising tree radial growth. As a result, competition seemed to become less important in stands with a high growing stock and tree communities with a long continuity of anthropogenic undisturbed population dynamics. We suggest that growth rates
do not exclusively depend on the density of potential competitors at the intraspecific level, but on the conspecific aggregation of large-diameter trees and their functional role for regulating biotic filtering processes. This finding highlights the potential importance of the rarely examined relationship between the spatial aggregation pattern of large-diameter trees and the outcome of neighbourhood interactions, which may be central to community dynamics and the related forest ecosystem services.
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