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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aufstieg und Transformation eines Gewaltakteurs : die Befreiungsarmee des Kosovo (UÇK) / Rise and change of a violent actor : the Kosovo Liberation Army (UÇK)

Frank, Cornelia January 2005 (has links)
Following an interpretive sociological approach, the article analyses the rise and transformation of the UÇK in terms of social order and the resulting implications for a solution of the Kosovo status question. Combining Elias’ concept of society with Bourdieu’s categories of capital, the development of the UÇK can be “understood” from an interpretive point of view. In the social space of war, the UÇK rose as a result of increasing capital. As the war ended, the UÇK fell apart because it was unable to accomplish the indispensable functions of any social order.

Německá hyperinflace po první světové válce, průběh a příčiny / German hyperinflation after World War I., its development and causes

Růžička, Tomáš January 2007 (has links)
This thesis deals with German hyperinflation, which culminated in 1923. Some aspects of prior-war monetary and fiscal policy are mentioned in the introduction. The main subject of this thesis is focused on war economy and after-war period, identification of structural changes in the economy, which happened during this period, and it measures factors, which might directly or indirectly, caused inflations' origins. The goal of this thesis is analysis of impacts of governmental financial politics, analysis of influence of external factors and historical facts. German economy faced these historical facts and they subsequently influenced governmental politics during the whole period from the beginning of war till the end of hyperinflation and monetary reform in 1923. From the general view over the contemporary historical consequences and decisions of German government I am trying to identify direct and indirect causes of inflation and hyperinflation.

När hungern blir ett vapen : En jämförande fallstudie av Jemen och Syrien / When Hunger Becomes A Weapon: : A comparative case study of Yemen and Syria

Svensson, Matilda January 2024 (has links)
With the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip, the discussion of hunger as a weapon of conflict has never been more of an actuality. This study aims to further develop the field of hunger and starvation as a means of war. With a theoretical framework from Marx, this study will examinethe relationship between the economy and the implementation of hunger as a weapon in Syria and Yemen. Through the lens of a qualitative comparative case study, which in this field is uncommon, some new perspectives will come to light. The analysis of the empirical material helps answer the two research questions. The study shows an obvious connection between war economics and the occurrence of hunger warfare in both cases. The biggest similarities in the two cases are that both their uses of hunger as a weapon are profit-driven and they earn more by inflicting it than by providing the necessities for their civil population. The biggest differenceis the reasons behind the economic collapse that has led to this type of warfare. The implementation strategies have differed between the two where Syria has used siege tactics whereas Yemen has used blockades in different variations. The biggest similarity though is the use of airstrikes and bombs to destroy crucial places for food supplies and distribution. This essay ultimately shows that hunger warfare in these cases is profit-driven and that the usage of airstrikes is the most common way of inflicting it.

Krigsekonomi? : Hur den privatägda ammunitionsfabriken Norma Projektil AB i västra Värmland påverkades av staten under perioden 1938-1943 / War economy? : How the private owned ammunitionfactory Norma Projectile AB in western Värmland was affected by the state during the period 1938-1943.

Forsberg, Mattias January 2013 (has links)
The topic of this essay is whether the private owned ammunition factory Norma Projectile AB was a part of a war economy system from 1938 to 1943. This is done by analyzing specific documents from the company´s archives that expose the connection with Swedish authorities. The selection and analysis of these documents are based on four main criteria’s of the concept war economy. These criteria’s are based on Ivan T. Berends texts about war economy. The results show that the factory to some extent was a part of a war economy based on these four criteria’s. However, the answer to the questions is a bit more nuanced. By nuanced I’m referring to the company’s independence towards the state. By the end of this essay there is a more detailed discussion on this subject.

Intractability of conflict : causes, drivers and dynamics of the war in Somalia

Pettersson, Heidi Elisabeth 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Somalia has experienced constant instability and conflict for nearly two decades. With a collapsed state, widespread violence and criminal activity, as well as continued disagreement between warring factions, the prospect of peace seems bleak. The purpose and rationale of this research has been to critically examine root causes and perpetuating factors of the protracted war in Somalia in order to arrive at a comprehensive analysis of the reasons for the intractability of this conflict. This study aims to fill a gap in the literature by pointing to some elements which have previously been overlooked in existing research on the topic, especially the impact of the war economy on the fuelling of the conflict. While the thesis first and foremost set out to identify factors which contribute to the intractability of conflict in Somalia, a thorough conceptualisation of relevant theory and a historical overview of the case study were provided as a point of departure. An analysis then followed which tied theory to empirical data. According to my analysis, the most significant internal factors contributing to intractability of conflict in Somalia were the long absence of a central governing authority, the low level of economic development, the role of Islam, as well as particular choices made by the parties to the conflict. Relational factors which are crucial are the similar military strength of the opposing sides, their lack of cooperation, and their different views regarding the country’s law and governance. Finally, external factors were deemed to have had a particularly strong effect on the long war. Ethiopia’s constant meddling; Eritrea’s support of al-Shabaab; the UN’s and the AU’s various missions; as well as the presence of a plethora of humanitarian aid agencies have shaped the conflict throughout its course. The conclusion was drawn that the war economy had the greatest impact on conflict in the first rounds of the civil war, but with the transformation, re-escalation and re-intensification of the conflict that has occurred over the last couple of years, the opportunities for benefiting from war and instability may again have increased. Piracy stands out as a new, prominent pillar of the contemporary war economy. The war economy of today continues to have an influence on the Somali conflict; it adds to its intractability, makes it increasingly difficult to establish a legitimate and stable non-corrupt government, and generally sustains violence in the country. I suggest that further research be undertaken on the topic of state collapse in Somalia, as it is clear that the long absence of a central government is a factor which has had a significant impact on the prolongation of conflict. In addition, as accurate data on the current war economy is rare, I recommend that field research should be conducted in Somalia to gain a more precise understanding of shadowy economic activities and their linkages to conflict. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Somalië beleef vir byna twee dekades konstante onstabiliteit en konflik. Met wydverspreide geweld, kriminele aktiwiteite, voortgesette verskille tussen strydende faksies en die verbrokkeling van die Somaliese staat, lyk die vooruitsig vir vrede in die land onwaarskynlik. Die doel en rasionaal van hierdie navorsing is om krities te ondersoek wat die grondoorsake en verewigings faktore is, van die uitgerekte oorlog in Somalië. Die navoring meen dus, om 'n omvattende ontleding te gee van die redes vir die hardnekkigheid van konflik in die land. Die studie poog ook om 'n gaping in die literatuur te vul deur te wysig op kritiese elemente wat nalatig was in bestaande navorsing en meer fokus te gee aan die impak van die oorlogsekonomie wat konflik in Somalië aanspoor. Alhoewel die proefskrif hoofsaaklik poog om die faktore wat bydra tot die hardnekkigheid van konflik in Somalië te bestudeer, word 'n deeglike begrip van die toepaslike teorie en 'n historiese oorsig van die studie voorsien as die vertrekpunt van die navorsing. Dit word dan opgevolg deur ‘n analise, wat die teorie bind aan empiriese data. Volgens my analise is die belangrikste interne faktore wat bydra tot die hardnekkigheid van konflik in Somalië; die lang afwesigheid van 'n sentrale beherende gesag, die lae vlak van ekonomiese ontwikkeling, die invloed van Islam, sowel as unieke keuse van partye tot die konflik. Relevante faktore wat noodsaaklik is, is die soortgelyke militêre krag van die opponerende kante, die gebrek aan samewerking, en hul teenstrydige standpunte oor die land se wet en bestuur. Laastens is daar gevind dat eksterne faktore 'n besonder sterk invloed gehad het op die langdurigheid van die oorlog. Ethiopië se konstante inmenging, Eritrea se ondersteuning van al-Shabaab, die VN en AU se verskeie misies, asook die teenwoordigheid van 'n oorvloed van humanitêre hulpagentskappe het deel gehad in die formulering van konflik oor tyd. Die gevolgtrekking was dat die oorlogsekonomie die grootste impak gehad het op die konflik in die eerste rondtes van die burgeroorlog, maar met die transformasie-, her-eskalasie en reintensivering van die konflik oor die afgelope paar jaar, is daar weereens ‘n styging in die geleenthede vir individue om te baat uit die onstabiliteit en oorlog. Seerowery staan uit as 'n nuwe, prominente pilaar van die huidige oorlogsekonomie. Die huidige oorlogsekonomie het nog steeds 'n invloed op die Somaliese konflik, dit dra by tot sy hardnekkigheid, maak dit toenemend moeilik om ‘n wettige en stabiele onkorrupte regering te stig en dit fasiliteer die voortduur van geweld in die land. Ek stel voor dat verdere navorsing onderneem word oor die onderwerp van die ineenstorting van die staat in Somalië. Dit is duidelik dat die lang afwesigheid van 'n sentrale regering 'n beduidende faktor is, wat ‘n impak op die verlenging van konflik het. Verder, omdat akkurate data oor die huidige oorlogsekonomie so skaars is, beveel ek aan dat verdere navorsing gedoen moet word om ‘n meer akkurate begrip van donker ekonomiese aktiwiteite in Somalië te kry en hul impak op konflik.

Le marché du charbon en France pendant la Première Guerre mondiale (1914-1921) / The coal market in France during the First World War (1914-1921)

Chancerel, Pierre 12 November 2012 (has links)
La Première Guerre mondiale prive la France d’une partie des mines du Nord et du Pas-de-Calais, d’un grand nombre de mineurs et des importations de combustible allemandes et belges. En dépit des principes libéraux de la Troisième République, l’État, pour résoudre la pénurie, est conduit à intervenir de plus en plus dans la production, le transport et la commercialisation du charbon. À partir de l’été 1917, le ministre de l’Armement Louis Loucheur organise une administration spécifique, le Bureau national des Charbons, qui exerce la mainmise sur ce marché en regroupant les producteurs et les consommateurs, en fixant les prix et en réglementant la répartition. Après l’armistice, l’augmentation des prix anglais et la faible exécution des livraisons de charbon allemand rendent nécessaires le maintien du contrôle de l’administration. L’objectif du Bureau national des Charbons est alors d’unifier le marché national en essayant d’instaurer des prix de vente uniques sur tout le territoire. Mais en avantageant certaines catégories de consommateurs, il devient également un instrument de politique économique. Ce régime de guerre est supprimé brutalement au début de 1921. La France fait alors face à une crise industrielle de surproduction qui met fin à la pénurie et remet en cause l’intervention de l’État dans le marché. / During the First World War, France loses some coalmines in Nord and Pas-de-Calais, a large number of miners and German and Belgian imports. Despite the liberal principles of the Third Republic, the French State intervenes more and more into the production, the transport and the commercialization of coal to fix the shortage. From summer 1917, the Minister of Armament Louis Loucheur settles a specific administration, the Bureau national des Charbons, which controls the whole market: it gathers producers and consumers, fixes prices and rules the repartition. After the Armistice, increased English prices and insufficient German deliveries impose on the administration to keep controlling the market. The Bureau national des Charbons aims to unify the national market with single sales price for the whole country. It also becomes an instrument of economic policy since it can give some advantages to specific categories of consumer. At the beginning of 1921, this war system is suddenly dismantled. France faces then an industrial overproduction crisis which gives an end to the shortage and questions the State’s market intervention.

Mobiliser l’industrie textile (laine et coton). L’État, les entrepreneurs et les ouvriers dans l’effort de guerre, 1914-1920 / Mobilising Textile Industry (Wool and Cotton). State, Entrepreneurs and workers in war effort, France, 1914-1920

Vacheron, Simon 06 December 2017 (has links)
Au cours de la Première Guerre mondiale, les industries de la laine et du coton se retrouvent entraînées dans la mobilisation industrielle. L’intervention de l’État dans ces branches se révèle indispensable, et une nouvelle relation s’établit entre la puissance publique et les entreprises. La modification de la teinte de l’uniforme, sa large diffusion à près de huit millions d’appelés sur quatre ans et la perte des bassins industriels du Nord et de l’Est conduisent à la mise sous contrôle de l’État de presque toute l’industrie lainière, tandis que l’industrie cotonnière reste indépendante jusqu’en 1917. Cette relation s’étend jusque dans les importations de matières premières, avec une centralisation progressive qui exclut le commerce privé, mais associe négociants et industriels. En outre, la gestion de la main-d’œuvre constitue un défi quotidien pour les entreprises. Le besoin de travailleurs reste important, et les difficultés liées aux conditions de travail et au renchérissement de la vie entraînent des tensions sociales, malgré l’Union sacrée observée par les organisations syndicales. Dans le même temps, la perte des principaux territoires industriels représente une aubaine pour les autres régions, dont celles dont l’industrie textile est sur le déclin avant la guerre. Les fortes demandes de l’armée et les hauts prix du commerce privé entraînent des bénéfices importants, et conduisent l’État à adopter une fiscalité de guerre et réprimer les abus. Le retour des industries sinistrées à la fin du conflit, la question des dommages de guerre et la réintégration de l’Alsace-Lorraine mettent les industries textiles face à des changements radicaux. / During the World War I, the industries of the wool and the cotton find themselves pulled(entailed) in the industrial mobilization. The intervention of the State in these branches shows itself essential, and a new relation becomes established between the public authorities and the companies. The modification of the colour of the uniform, its wide distribution about eight million conscripts over four years and the loss of the industrial areas of the North and east lead to the putting under control of the State of almost all the wool trade, whereas the cotton industry remains independent until 1917. This relation extends to the imports of raw materials, with a progressive centralization which excludes any private business(trade), but associates traders and industrialists. Besides, the management of the workforce constitutes a daily challenge for companies. The need in workforce remains important, and the difficulties bound in working conditions and to the increased cost living trigger social tensions, in spite of the “Union sacrée” respected by labor unions. At the same time, the loss of the main industrial territories represents a chance of a lifetime for the other regions, among which those whose textile industry is on the decline before the war. The high demands of the army and the high prices of private trade yeld important profits, and lead the State to adopt a war tax system and to repress the abuses. The return of the stricken industries at the end the conflict, the question of war damage and reinstatement of Alsace-Lorraine put the textile industries in the face of radical changes.

From war economies to peace economies : the challenge of post-conflict reconstruction in Sierra Leone

Du Rand, Amelia Elizabeth 21 September 2010 (has links)
The difficulty of transforming war economies into peace economies has become increasingly problematic in the search for long-term peace and stability in Africa. In many African countries such as Sierra Leone, Angola and the Democratic Republic of Congo, conflict actors have created distinct war economies in order to maintain the conflict in these countries. The enduring nature of the war economies presents a unique challenge to actors involved in ensuring that peace returns to a country by applying a peacebuilding strategy. The economic environment during a conflict has a vast influence on a post-conflict economy and a post-conflict reconstruction strategy. Although post-war rebuilding occurred during the reconstruction of Europe and Japan after the Second World War, the terms "post-conflict peacebuilding" and "post-conflict reconstruction" have only came to prominence during the mid-1990s. Using the case study of Sierra Leone, this study explores the challenge of war economies and its impact on post-conflict reconstruction. Sierra Leone presents an appealing case study as the country experienced a very profitable war economy during the armed conflict in the country between 1991 and 2002, and continues to struggle to transform this war economy into a peace economy. The case study of Sierra Leone is well researched, however, most studies focus on the conflict period, and only briefly look at the post-conflict period. In addition, discussions of post-conflict reconstruction in Sierra Leone have failed to adequately address the challenges presented by the war economy. This study uses existing analyses about the war economy in Sierra Leone, and links these to the current post-conflict reconstruction strategy, focusing specifically on the economic dimension. Therefore, this study represents a departure from traditional approaches to exploring war economies because it considers the direct impact these economic systems have on the process of post-conflict reconstruction. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Political Sciences / unrestricted

Role mezinárodního společenství v poválečné rekonstrukci a rozvoji Afghánistánu v období tranzice / The role of international community in the post-conflict reconstruction and development of Afghanistan during the transition period

Jemelíková, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
Security, economic and societal challenges of the 21 century place demands on international community and deepens the need to precisely define this term and its role in the global development as well as the legitimacy of international organization, which often place themselves as representatives of the entire global community. Conflict in Afghanistan and its reconstruction is a great case study of mechanisms, which allow the international community to assess security challenges, apply former experience to respond and prepare for future operations. There are many lessons that can be learned from the case of Afghanistan. This article addresses the successes and failures connected with Afghan reconstruction and stabilization efforts and its impacts on development of the country. The article stresses the negative consequences of the international involvement as well as the deepening dependence of Afghanistan on foreign assistance.

Analýza americko-německých obchodních vztahů v letech 1933–1945 / ANALYSIS OF AMERICAN-GERMAN TRADE RELATIONS IN 1933 - 1945

Wachal, Viliam January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with mutual trade between the United States of America and the Third Reich during the years 1933 - 1945 and analyzes the influence of American companies that had their branches or other business interests in Germany during Nazism. The thesis analyzes the international trade and its development between both states in the pre-war period as well as international trade during the war. Thesis deals with the contribution of American companies to the German war economy and analyzes their influence and behavior change after the outbreak of war. The hypothesis on the reduction of business co-operation with the on-going war at state level has been confirmed, just as hypothesis of continuing the cooperation of American firms after the outbreak of war.

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