Spelling suggestions: "subject:"warehouse activities"" "subject:"arehouse activities""
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Impact of Omni channel in a central warehouse: An analysis of warehouse activities for an electronic retailerBoldt, Elin, Patel, Gita January 2015 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact Omni channel has on the ware-house activities in a central warehouse for electronic retailers. In order to fulfill the purpose the following research questions are analyzed and answered; “What are the challenges in the warehouse activities in a central warehouse for an electronic retailer when Omni channel is utilized?” and “How can the challenges in the warehouse activities be managed in a central warehouse for an electronic retailer using Omni channel?” Methodology: The research method for this study is qualitative with an abductive approach. A single case study has been conducted based on interviews and observations. Furthermore, the literature review is based on scientific articles. The empirical findings from the case study have been a complement to the limited literature of warehouse activities connected to Omni channel. The analysis has required the authors to continuously match the empirical findings and literature in order to be able to fulfill the purpose. In order to analyze the answer the first research question an Ishikawa diagram is used. Furthermore, a tree diagram is used in order to analyze the answer for the second research question. Findings: There are various challenges identified in the warehouse activities in a central warehouse for electronic retailers using Omni channel. Furthermore, the authors identifies challenges that have an impact on the warehouse activities where Omni channel is the cause for creating the challenges. Lastly, the authors provide the reader with improvement factors in order to manage the challenges identified. Theoretical implications: The authors identify five theoretical implications for this study; large pallets, non-integrated WMS, a non-suitable picking equipment, a non-suitable layout, and packing. These challenges occur as an outcome of Omni channel and therefore can be seen as a theoretical contribution to the limited literature. Managerial implications: It is crucial for electronic retailers to identify the challenges in the warehouse activities and understand the underlying reason for why the challenges arise. Furthermore, improvement factors can be identified and implemented by an extended anal-ysis. However, modifications are required since there are various factors that can differ be-tween electronic retailers using Omni channel.
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Un modèle de référence pour l'application de l'ABC dans le cadre de la réorganisation des activités de l'entrepôt : une recherche-intervention chez FM Logistic / A reference model for the application of ABC during the design of the warehouse activities : an action research at FM LogisticBessouat, Jeanne 08 October 2019 (has links)
Le prestataire de services logistiques (3PL) réorganise les activités de ses entrepôts afin d’être performant (C.-L. Liu and Lyons 2011). De fait, le 3PL a besoin d’une connaissance détaillée du coût des activités de ses entrepôts. Le cadre théorique de cette thèse se situe à l’intersection entre l’entrepôt, la conception, et les coûts. Dans le cadre de la conception des entrepôts, la sélection et plus particulièrement l’identification de l’ensemble des ressources de l’entrepôt est peu étudiée (S. S. Heragu et al. 2005; Gu, Goetschalckx, and McGinnis 2010). Parallèlement, l’activity-based costing (ABC) est une méthode de calcul de coût peu appliquée pour obtenir le coût des entrepôts (Pirttilä and Hautaniemi 1995). Plusieurs freins entravent son application, dont le manque de formalisation dans la définition des activités (Waeytens and Bruggeman 1994). À l’aide d’une recherche qualitative au sein de l'entreprise FM Logistic, une classification des ressources de l’entrepôt et un modèle de référence des activités de l’entrepôt sont proposés. La classification des ressources de l’entrepôt permet l’identification de l’ensemble des ressources de l’entrepôt. La classification est ensuite utilisée au sein du modèle de référence des activités de l’entrepôt. Le modèle de référence facilite l’application de l’ABC en standardisant le vocabulaire utilisé pour définir les activités de l’entrepôt. Le modèle de référence est ensuite mobilisé lors de différentes applications, dans le cadre de la conception des activités de l’entrepôt d’un prestataire de services logistiques. / The logistics service provider (3PL) is reorganizing the activities of its warehouse to be efficient (C.-L. Liu and Lyons 2011). In fact, 3PL needs a detailed knowledge of the cost of the activities of its warehouses. The theoretical framework of this thesis lies at the intersection between warehouse, design and costs. Concerning the design of the warehouses, the selection, and especially the identification of all resources, are not much studied (S. S. Heragu et al. 2005; Gu, Goetschalckx, and McGinnis 2010). Concurrently, activity-based costing (ABC) is a cost calculation method which is little applied for obtaining warehouse costs (Pirttilä and Hautaniemi 1995). Several obstacles hinder its application, including the lack of formalization in the definition of activities (Waeytens and Bruggeman 1994).Using qualitative research within the enterprise FM Logistic, a classification of warehouse resources and a reference model of warehouse activities are proposed. The warehouse resource classification allows the identification of all the warehouse resources. The classification is then mobilised within the reference model of warehouse activities. The reference model facilitates the application of the ABC by standardizing the vocabulary to define the activities of the warehouse. The reference model is then employed for different applications, as part of the design of warehouse activities of a logistic service provider.
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Effektivisering av färdigvarulager med fokus på dess aktiviteter och utformning : En fallstudie på Hallsta pappersbruk / Improved efficiency of a finished goods warehouse focusing on its activities and design : A case study at Hallsta Paper MillÖberg, Agnes, Östlund, Fredrik January 2022 (has links)
In recent years, Hallsta Paper Mill has experienced significant changes in the demand for paper. The ordershave become smaller and more customer-specific, while the graphical paper industry has steadily declined.As a result of these changes, the employees at Hallsta Paper Mill feel that the finished goods warehouse isno longer optimally designed, and they have identified that waste occurs in the warehouse. Therefore, thepurpose of the study was to provide suggestions on how the activities in the warehouse could become moretime-efficient and investigate how the finished goods warehouse could be designed to suit today’s demandbetter. To facilitate the answering of the purpose, three research questions were formulated: What areas ofimprovement exist in the finished goods warehouse regarding its activities and layout? What effects can beobtained by addressing the identified areas of improvement? and What solutions are recommended for thefinished goods warehouse at Hallsta Paper Mill? The study’s first research question was answered by conducting interviews, a spaghetti diagram, and ananalysis of produced paper rolls. The interviews were conducted with employees who either workoperationally or administratively in the warehouse to get a comprehensive picture of how the work isperformed and where waste occurs within the activities. The spaghetti diagram identified the movementpattern for the trucks in the warehouse and provided indications if unnecessary long transports occurred ornot. The analysis of produced paper rolls examined how well the storage compartments in the finishedgoods warehouse were dimensioned based on today’s demand. Based on the collected data, nine areas ofimprovement were identified, seven areas linked to the activities in the warehouse and two areas linked tothe layout of the warehouse. After the areas of improvement were identified, the study’s second research question was answered bydeveloping solutions within each area of improvement. To develop the solutions linked to the activities inthe warehouse, root cause analyses were performed, where each area was examined to find the root causeof the problem. For the solutions linked to the design, inspiration was instead taken from the warehouselayout and article placement literature. A total of 23 solutions were developed, 19 linked to the activitiesand four linked to the layout. For each solution, it was then analysed what effects an implementation of thesolution would provide, focusing on possible time savings. The effects were analysed with help from theliterature and the authors’ knowledge of logistics. After the effects had been analysed, each solution was assessed based on the effects identified in theprevious research question. The solutions were placed in effort-impact diagrams based on how much effortis required to implement the solution and how much impact is expected from the solution. When assessingthe impact, extra consideration was given to possible time savings, as it was the highest priority accordingto the directives from Hallsta Paper Mill. The assessment then resulted in a recommendation on how thesolutions should be approached. The less effort required and the more impact a solution would bring, thehigher priority was given to the solution. To summarise, two solutions were recommended to beimplemented immediately, nine solutions should be implemented in a second step, seven solutions shouldbe considered and investigated further, and two solutions should be rejected. The solutions aimed to makethe warehouse activities more time-efficient and suggest how the warehouse could be designed to suittoday’s demand better.
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Purpose – The purpose of this study is to analyze a supply chain, where manufacturing is outsourced, to identify risk zones where any quantity difference could occur, the cause of quantity difference and the measures that could be taken to reduce the quantity difference. Method – In order to achieve the purpose a literature study and a case study has been carried out. The case study consisted of interviews, observations and document studies and have generated empirical data. In the analysis of the collected data a fishbone diagram has been established and pattern matching has been applied. Findings – The case company's supply chain was mapped to identify risk zones, risk factors, and measures for the risk factors. The biggest risk zones identified in the cas company was picking and the store's inventory. The risk factors that were considered to be contributing most to the quantity difference was the lack of communication, mistakes, lack of standards, lack of security and barcode scanners. The measures that have been presented are improving communication, introduction of new standards, upgrading of bar code readers, enhancing safety and eliminating the possibility of making mistakes. Implications – With the help of the proposals that the authors have developed, the identified risk factors could be counteracted. Before proposed measures are implemented, all personnel should first and foremost take part of the mapping of the supply chain to understand how things work together. Method discussion – To achieve reliable results triangulation has been used when interviews, observation and document studies have been conducted. The internal validity is considered to have been strengthened by pattern matching when empirical data has been compared with theory. Since the respondents' answers have been similar the internal validity has been further strengthened and therefore credible. / Syfte – Studiens syfte är att analysera en försörjningskedja, där tillverkningen är outsourcad, för att upptäcka riskzoner där en eventuell kvantitetsdifferens skulle kunna uppstå, orsak till kvantitetsdifferens samt vilka åtgärder som skulle kunna vidtas för att minska kvantitetsdifferens. Metod – För att uppnå syftet har litteraturstudier samt en fallstudie genomförts. Fallstudien har bestått av intervjuer, observationer samt dokumentstudier och har genererat empirisk data. Vid analys av insamlad data har ett fiskbensdiagram upprättats samt mönsterpassning tillämpats. Resultat – Fallföretagets försörjningskedja kartlades för att identifiera riskzoner, riskfaktorer samt åtgärder till riskfaktorerna. De största riskzonerna som identifierades på fallföretaget var plockning samt butikslager. De riskfaktorer som ansågs vara mest bidragande till kvantitetsdifferens var kommunikationsbrist, misstag, bristfälliga standarder, brist på bevakning samt streckkodsläsare. Åtgärderna som har presenterats är förbättring av kommunikation, införande av nya standarder, uppgradering av streckkodsläsare, förhöjning av säkerhet samt eliminering av möjlighet att begå misstag. Implikationer – Med hjälp av de åtgärdsförslag som författarna har tagit fram kan de identifierade riskfaktorerna motverkas. Innan studiens åtgärdsförslag implementeras bör all personal först och främst ta del av kartläggningen av försörjningskedjan för att förstå hur aktiviteterna samverkar. Metoddiskussion – För att uppnå ett tillförlitligt resultat har triangulering använts då intervjuer, observationer och dokumentstudier har genomförts. Den interna validiteten anses ha stärkts genom mönsterpassning då empiri har jämförts med teori. Eftersom att respondenternas svar har varit likartade anses den interna validiteten stärkts ytterligare och är därmed trovärdig.
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Faktorer som påverkar hanteringen av tungt och otympligt gods : En fallstudie på ett tredjepartslogistikföretagElg, Nellie, Högman, Rebecka January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Under de senaste decennierna har behovet gällande effektivare logistikhantering inom alla branscher ökat. Detta härstammar bland annat från förändrade ekonomiska förutsättningar, geopolitiska omvälvningar och utvidgade globala försörjningskedjor. Den interna logistiken har en central roll för att effektivisera interna logistikaktiviteter som till stor del avser ett företags lager, färdigvarulager och godshantering. En bidragande faktor som avgör svårighetsgraden för dessa aktiviteter är produktens fysiska utformning, då tyngre och större föremål kräver mer resurser, såsom planering och hantering. Dock med dagens föränderliga marknad och dess tillhörande osäkerhet, blir påfrestningarna för företag och deras logistik- och lagerplanering mer påtagliga. Syftet: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hanteringen av tungt och otympligt gods i färdigvarulagret för att tidseffektivisera lageraktiviteterna som påverkar utlastningskapaciteten. Metod: Det har utförts en fallstudie på ett företag beläget i Gävle kommun, som i denna studie kallas för Företag X. För att kunna undersöka kring det valda ämnet har även ett till företag varit aktuell till denna fallstudie, även det företaget är beläget i Gävle kommun och kallas i denna studie för Företag Y. Genom observationer på Företag Y, intervjuer med personal från Företag Y, samt skriftlig och fysisk kontakt med personal på Företag X har empiriska data samlats in. En kvalitativ deduktiv ansats har använts för att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställning. Empiri: Från produktionen på Företag X till utlastningen på Företag Y är det många medverkande aktörer som alla har en påverkan på utlastningskapaciteten. Det sker även tre olika betydande aktiviteter innan kund får sina produkter, dessa är inlagring, preppning och direktlast/förlast. I dagsläget är det avtalat att Företag Y ska hantera utlastningen av 13 lastbilar per dag åt Företag X. Dock finns det en ojämn spridning kring antalet lastbilar som ankommer per dag samt deras ankomsttider. Slutsats: Studien påvisar att lageraktiviteterna som påverkar utlastningskapaciteten kunna tidseffektiviseras om slottidsbokningssystem, ett mer utvecklat lagerhanteringssystem samt rutiner kring inlagringen infördes, även att all tillgänglig resurs utnyttjades. / Background: In recent decades, more efficient logistics management has been increasingly required in all industries. This comes from, among other things, changed economic conditions, geopolitical upheavals and extended global supply chains. Internal logistics has a central role when the internal logistics activities are going to get more effective. Those internal logistics activities are mainly about a company's warehouse, finished goods warehouse and goods handling. A contributing factor that determines the degree of difficulty of these activities is the physical design of the product, as heavier and larger objects require more resources, such as planning and handling. However, with today's changing market and its associated uncertainty, the stresses on companies and their logistics and inventory planning are becoming more apparent. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the handling of heavy and unwieldy goods in the finished goods warehouse in order to make the warehouse activities that affect the loading capacity time-efficient. Method: During this study we have implemented a case study on a company located in Gävle, that is referred to in this study as Company X. In order to investigate the chosen topic, another company has also been relevant to this case study, that company is also located in Gävle and is referred to in this study as Company Y. Through observations at Company Y, interviews with personnel from Company Y, as well as written and physical contact with personnel at Company X, the empirical data has been collected. A qualitative deductive approach has been used to answer the purpose and question of the study. Empiricism: From the production at Company X to the utilization at Company Y there are many participating actors who all have an impact on the loading capacity. There are also three different significant activities before the customer receives their products, which is storage, prepping and directloading/preloading. Currently is has been agreed that Company Y will handle the loading of 13 trucks per day for Comapny X. However, there is an uneven spread regarding the number of trucks that arrive per day and their arrival times. Conclusion: The study shows that the warehouse activities that affect the loading capacity can be time-efficient if a slot time booking system, a more developed warehouse management system and routines regarding the storage were introduced, also that all available resources were utilized.
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