Spelling suggestions: "subject:"water soluble"" "subject:"later soluble""
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Ανάπτυξη νέων "ευφυών" κατά συστάδες συμπολυμερών τύπου ομοπολυμερές-στατιστικό συμπολυμερέςΓκοτζαμάνης, Γεώργιος 06 November 2007 (has links)
Στην παρούσα Διδακτορική Διατριβή σχεδιάστηκαν και συντέθηκαν με πολυμερισμό μέσω μεταφοράς ομάδας (group transfer polymerization, GTP) τέσσερα νέα πρότυπα “ευφυή” υδατοδιαλυτά συμπολυμερή, τα οποία αυτοοργανώνονται σε υδατικά διαλύματα σε δομές μικκυλίων ή ελαστικού φυσικού δικτύου, αποκρινόμενα άμεσα σε μεταβολές του pH, της θερμοκρασίας και της ιοντικής ισχύος του διαλύματος. Η καινοτομία των πολυμερών που συντέθηκαν οφείλεται στο γεγονός ότι σε ένα συσταδικό συμπολυμερές ενσωματώθηκε μία στατιστική συστάδα, η οποία παρουσιάζει ιδιότητες που είναι συνδυασμός των ιδιοτήτων των μονομερών που την αποτελούν. Ο γενικός τύπος των πολυμερών που μελετήθηκαν είναι A-b-(B-co-C) και A-b-(B-co-C)-b-A. Η συστάδα Α μπορούσε να είναι υδρόφιλη ή υδρόφοβη ενώ η στατιστική συστάδα ήταν είτε ένας πολυαμφολύτης με ρυθμιζόμενο ισοηλεκτρικό σημείο (ΙΗΣ), είτε μια υδρόφιλη συστάδα με ρυθμιζόμενη κατώτερη κρίσιμη θερμοκρασία διάλυσης (LCST). Ο πολυαμφολύτης φορτίζεται θετικά σε όξινα διαλύματα, καθίσταται ουδέτερος στο ισοηλεκτρικό του σημείο και τέλος φορτίζεται αρνητικά σε διαλύματα με υψηλό pH.
Συμπολυμερή του τύπου A-b-(B-co-C)
Συντέθηκαν τρία διαφορετικά συμπολυμερή αυτού του τύπου: Στην πρώτη περίπτωση η συστάδα Α είναι το υδρόφοβο PMMA και η στατιστική συστάδα είναι ο πολυαμφολύτης P(DEA-co-MAA). Το πολυμερές PMMA-b-P(DEA-co-MAA) σχηματίζει μικκύλια σε υδατικά διαλύματα με τη συστάδα PMMA στον πυρήνα και τη στατιστική συστάδα στην κορώνα να είναι είτε θετικά φορτισμένη σε χαμηλό pH είτε αρνητικά φορτισμένη σε υψηλό pH. Στο ΙΗΣ του πολυαμφολύτη το πολυμερές συσσωματώνεται και καθιζάνει. Εμπνεόμενοι από τη δομή των μικκυλιακών συσσωματωμάτων συντέθηκε το επαμφοτερίζον αστεροειδές πολυμερές [PMMA-b-P(DEA-co-MAA)]n, το οποίο δημιουργεί μονομοριακά μικκύλια με πυρήνα PMMA και κορόνα που αλλάζει φορτίο ανάλογα με το pH του διαλύματος.
Στη δεύτερη περίπτωση η στατιστική συστάδα παραμένει o πολυαμφολύτης P(DEA-co-MAA) και η συστάδα Α είναι το υδρόφιλο PEGMA, το οποίο παρουσιάζει LCST και σε υδατικά διαλύματα του πολυμερούς σχηματίζονται τρία είδη μικκυλίων. Στο ΙΗΣ και σε θερμοκρασία δωματίου σχηματίζονται μικκύλια με τη συστάδα P(DEA-co-MAA) στον πυρήνα και την υδρόφιλη συστάδα PEGMA στην κορώνα. Ωστόσο σε θεμρμοκρασία μεγαλύτερη από την LCST και σε pH εκτός της περιοχής του ΙΗΣ του πολυαμφολύτη, η συστάδα PEGMA συρρικνώνεται, οπότε δημιουργούνται μυκκίλια με πυρήνα τη συστάδα PEGMA και κορώνα τη συστάδα P(DEA-co-MAA). Σε χαμηλό pH η κορώνα είναι θετικά φορτισμένη, ενώ σε υψηλό είναι αρνητικά φορτισμένη.
Τέλος στο τρίτο πολυμερές η στατιστική συστάδα αποτελείται από ένα υδρόφιλο και ένα υδρόφοβο μονομερές P(EGMA-co-MMA) και η LCST της συστάδας αυτής μειώνεται με αύξηση του ποσοστού του υδρόφοβου μονομερούς. Ο συνδιασμός μιας τέτοιας συστάδας και μιας συστάδας κατιονικού πολυηλεκτρολύτη (PDEA) σε ένα δισυσταδικό συμπολυμερές οδηγει σε ένα υλικό με πλούσιες ιδιότητες επηρεαζόμενες από τη θερμοκρασία και το pH. Σε χαμηλές θερμοκρασίες και όξινο περιβάλλον είναι μοριακά διαλυτό, αφού και οι δύο συστάδες είναι υδρόφιλες. Με αύξηση του pH ή της θερμοκρασίας συμπολυμερές αυτο-οργανώνεται αυτόματα σε δύο διαφορετικά μικκυλιακά συσσωματώματα με τον πυρήνα και την κορώνα να εναλλάσσονται μεταξύ τους (“σχιζοφρενική” συμπεριφορά). Τέλος με ταυτόχρονη αύξηση του pH και της θερμοκρασίας το συμπολυμερές καταβυθίζεται.
Συμπολυμερή του τύπου A-b-(B-co-C)-b-A
Με βάση το πολυμερές PMMA-b-P(DEA-co-MAA) συντέθηκε ο τηλεχηλικός πολυαμφολύτης PMMA-b-P(DEA-co-MAA)-b-PMMA. Σε διαλύματα του πολυμερούς και σε pΗ έξω από την περιοχή του ΙΗΣ του πολυαμφολύτη, δημιουργούνται συσσωματώματα πεπερασμένου μεγέθους (στην ημιαραιή περιοχή συγκεντρώσεων), ενώ σε πυκνά διαλύματα σχηματίζεται άπειρο φυσικό δίκτυο. Υδατοπηκτώματα του πολυμερούς είναι δυνατό να δημιουργηθούν και από διόγκωση πολυμερικών φιλμ με απορρόφηση ύδατος. Το δίκτυο που σχηματίζεται έχει ελαστική συμπεριφορά τόσο σε χαμηλό όσο και σε υψηλό pH. / In the present thesis four new model and “smart” water-soluble copolymers were designed and synthesized via the group transfer polymerization method. These copolymers self-assemble in aqueous solutions into micelles or elastically physical network (depending on the copolymer architecture), responding readily to changes of the external stimuli such as pH, temperature and ionic strength. The innovation of these polymers is due to the fact that a block copolymer incorporates a statistical block, the physicochemical properties of which, result from combination of the properties of the structural monomers. These copolymers had general type A-b-(B-co-C) or A-b-(B-co-C)-b-A. The homopolymer block A could be either hydrophilic (neutral or cationic) or hydrophobic, while the statistical block (B-co-C) was either a polyampholyte with tunable isoelectric point (IEP), or a hydrophilic block with tunable lower critical solution temperature (LCST). The polyampholyte block could be positively charged in acidic conditions and negatively charged in basic conditions, while at the IEP became neutral.
Copolymers of the type A-b-(B-co-C)
Three different copolymers of the type A-b-(B-co-C) were synthesized. In the first case block A was the hydrophobic PMMA and the statistical block was the polyampholyte P(DEA-co-MAA). When the copolymer PMMA-b-P(DEA-co-MAA) was dissolved in aqueous media, spherical micelles with PMMA core and P(DEA-co-MAA) corona were formed at room temperature and at pH out of the IEP region. At the IEP the copolymer precipitated from the solution due to the neutralization of the statistical polyampholyte block. Inspired by the morphology of the micelles formed by the linear copolymer PMMA-b-P(DEA-co-MAA), the star amphoteric copolymer was synthesized [PMMA-b-P(DEA-co-MAA)]n, which forms unimolecular PMMA-core micelles and corona that changes the charge sign upon changing the solution pH.
In the second case the statistical block was the same as above, while the homopolymer block consisted of the hydrophilic PEGMA, which exhibits LCST and becomes hydrophobic above it. Due to the double sensitivity of this copolymer to pH and temperature, three types of micelles were formed in aqueous solutions. At the IEP and room temperature neutral-corona micelles were formed, at which the core consisted of the statistical P(DEA-co-MAA) block. Multimolecular association took place also at temperatures above LCST of the PEGMA block and at pH below and above the IEP of the polyampholyte Block. In the latter cases PEGMA block formed the core of the micelles.
Finally, in the third copolymer the statistical block P(EGMA-co-MMA) consisted of one hydrophilic and one hydrophobic monomer and its LCST was reduced by increasing the MMA content. The combination of this block with the weak cationic polyelectrolyte PDEA block resulted in a double hydrophilic, double-responsive polymeric system. At ambient temperature and acidic environment the P(EGMA-co-MMA)-b-PDEA copolymer was molecularly dissolved. By increasing either the pH or the temperature of the solution, “schizophrenic” PDEA-core or P(EGMA-co-MMA)-core micelles were formed, respectively. With simultaneous increment oh pH and temperature the copolymer precipitated.
Copolymers of the type A-b-(B-co-C)-b-A
Inspired by the copolymer PMMA-b-P(DEA-co-MAA), the triblock telechelic polyampholyte PMMA-b-P(DEA-co-MAA)-b-A was prepared. Physical networks of this copolymer were formed at pH values out of the isoelectric point (IEP) region of the polyampholyte block. The hydrogel was formed by water absorbion of a dry polymer film and exhibited elastic behavior at acidic as well as at basic conditions. Finally in the semi-dilute regime a large number of polymer chains incorporated to form finite size clusters. These aggregates increased their size by increasing the ionization degree of the polymer chain, as a result of the electrostatic repulsive forces between the charged monomer units.
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Untersuchungen auf wasserlösliche Kohlenhydrate, Ertragsleistung und Inhaltsstoffe bei Futtergräsern zur Verbesserung der Verdaulichkeit / Investigations on water soluble carbohydrates, yield and ingredients in forage grasses for improvement of digestibilitySoufan, Walid 07 July 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Sustainable grassland herbage production under drought stress - the role of plant species number and functional group compositionKüchenmeister, Frank 07 May 2013 (has links)
Grünlandfutter mit einem hohen Ertrag und gutem Futterwert ist eine Grundvoraussetzung für die effiziente Produktion von wiederkäuenden Nutztieren. Im Zuge des prognostizierten Klimawandels werden sich die Niederschlagsmuster ändern und das Auftreten von Extremwetterereignissen, wie temporärer Trockenheit, wird sich erhöhen. Besonders produktives Grünland benötigt aber eine ausreichende und regelmäßige Wasserversorgung während der Wachstumsperiode. Deshalb werden die Futterproduktion von Grünland, die Ertragsstabilität und der Futterwert von temporärer Trockenheit beeinflusst werden. Aus diesem Grund sind Anpassungsstrategien nötig, um eine zukünftige und nachhaltige Grünlandfuttererzeugung zu sichern.
Erhöhte pflanzliche Biodiversität wird oft als Möglichkeit angesehen, Funktionen von Ökosystemen, wie Produktivität und Futterwert, im Grünland zu verbessern. Es gibt eine fortlaufende Diskussion wie eine erhöhte Artenzahl auf Stress, besonders Trockenstress, reagiert und wie dabei Produktivität, Futterwert und Wassernutzung beeinflusst werden. Andere Untersuchungen zeigten, dass Artidentität und die Zusammensetzung der funktionellen Gruppen wichtige Faktoren für Produktivität und Futterwert sind.
Auf Grund dessen haben wir von Juli 2009 bis Juni 2011 ein Trockenstressexperiment in einer Vegetationshalle durchgeführt. Verschiedene temporäre Trockenstressereignisse wurden in drei Aufwüchsen in zwei Vegetationsperioden durchgeführt. Die klimatischen Verhältnisse in der Vegetationshalle folgten normalen saisonalen Verläufen mit Frost im Winter und höheren Temperaturen im Sommer. Trockenstress wurde induziert, indem, nach einer anfänglichen Bewässerung, die Wasserversorgung für einen bestimmten Zeitraum eingestellt wurde. Die Wasserverfügbarkeit des Bodens konnte dabei immer kontrolliert werden. Für das Experiment wählten wir ertragsstarke und landwirtschaftlich nutzbare Arten des Grünlands der gemäßigten Zonen aus. Die Arten wurden in Monokultur und Drei- sowie Fünfartenmischungen gesät und enthielten die funktionellen Gruppen Leguminose (Trifolium repens L.), Gras (Lolium perenne L., Dactylis glomerata L.) und Kraut (Plantago lanceolata L., Taraxacum officinale F.H. Wigg. agg.). Der von uns gewählt Umfang der Artenzahl zeigte schon in anderen Biodiversitätsexperimenten einen Einfluss auf die Produktion. Untersucht wurden die Effekte von Artenzahl und funktionellen Gruppen auf Ertrag, Ertragsstabilität, Wassernutzung und Futterwert (Rohprotein, wasserlösliche Kohlenhydrate, neutrale und saure Detergenzienfasern). Als Indikatoren für die Ertragsentwicklung und die agronomische Wassernutzungseffizienz (Verhältnis von Ertrag zu Wasserverbrauch) dienten der Stickstoffertrag und die Stickstoffkonzentration der Bestände sowie δ13C Signaturen, sowohl mit unlimitierter Wasserversorgung als auch mit Trockenstress. Überdies führten wir 2009 ein Kurzzeitfeldexperiment auf einem alten Grünlandbestand auf dem Versuchsgut der Universität Göttingen in Reliehausen durch. In diesem Versuch wurde ebenso der Einfluss von Trockenstress und Artenzahl auf den Ertrag und die Wassernutzung untersucht.
Unsere Daten zeigten, dass Trockenstress die Produktivität verringert und die Wassernutzung beeinflusst, beides abhängig von der Stärke des Stresses. Bei moderatem Stress war die agronomische Wassernutzungseffizienz unverändert oder stieg leicht an, bei starkem Stress verringerte sie sich jedoch. Der Stickstoffertrag und die Stickstoffkonzentration waren brauchbare Indikatoren für die agronomische Wassernutzungseffizienz, wohingegen δ13C weniger geeignet war. Die agronomische Wassernutzungseffizienz wurde von Stickstoff erhöht. Es gab keinen oder nur einen sehr geringen Einfluss von Trockenstress auf den Futterwert. Saisonale Effekte hatten mehr Einfluss auf den Futterwert. Allgemein scheint der Ertragsrückgang wichtiger als die Veränderungen des Futterwerts zu sein.
Die Artenzahl beeinflusste den Futterwert und die Ertragsstabilität über die Vegetationsperiode nicht. Mit Hilfe des “sampling effect“ (Probennahmeeffekt) können der manchmal positive Einfluss der Artenzahl auf den Ertrag und die agronomische Wassernutzungseffizienz und der Rückgang dieses Einflusses unter Trockenheit erklärt werden. Mit erhöhter Artenzahl stieg der Anteil der leistungsfähigen, aber trockenheitssensitiven Leguminose. Weiterhin gab es einen Hinweis, dass die Artenzahl die Geschwindigkeit des Wasserverbrauchs erhöht. Die Ergebnisse des Feldexperiments bekräftigten die Befunde bezüglich der Effekte des Trockenstresses, des Ertrages und der Wassernutzung. Aus diesen Gründen kann die „insurance hypothesis“ (Versicherungshypothese), die besagt, dass eine erhöhte Artenzahl Ökosystemfunktionen gegenüber Umweltveränderungen stabilisieren kann, nicht bestätigt werden.
Jedoch waren die funktionellen Gruppen wichtige und bestimmende Faktoren der Leistung unter nicht Wasser limitierten Bedingungen und Trockenstress. Die Leguminose hatte besonders auf Ertrag, agronomische Wassernutzungseffizienz und Rohprotein einen positiven Einfluss, jedoch erhöhte sie auch den Wasserverbrauch und die saisonale Variabilität. Gräser stabilisierten den Ertrag und den Wasserverbrauch und erhöhten die wasserlöslichen Kohlenhydrate sowie die Faserfraktionen, während sie den Ertrag und die agronomische Wassernutzungseffizienz unter den stickstofflimitierten Bedingungen unseres Experiments verringerten. Die funktionelle Gruppe Kräuter zeigte ähnliche Ergebnisse bezüglich Ertrag und Wassernutzung, aber sie erhöhte das Rohprotein.
Unsere Ergebnisse demonstrieren, dass die vorhergesagte Zunahme von Trockenstressereignissen die Produktion reduzieren und die Wassernutzung ändern wird. Änderungen im Futterwert werden dabei weniger wichtig als der Ertragsrückgang sein. Für die Produktion, die Wassernutzung und den Futterwert wird die Artenanzahl weniger relevant sein als die funktionelle Zusammensetzung von Grünland. Deshalb wird eine angepasste Grasnarbenzusammensetzung für die Sicherung der Produktion von wiederkäuenden Nutztieren unter den Bedingungen des erwarteten Klimawandels Bedeutung erlangen.
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Characterisation of soluble components and PAH in PM10 atmospheric particulate matter in BrisbaneKumar, Annakkarage January 2008 (has links)
Fours sets of PM10 samples were collected in three sites in SEQ from December 2002 to August 2004. Three of these sets of samples were collected by QLD EPA as a part of their regular air monitoring program at Woolloongabba, Rocklea and Eagle Farm. Half of the samples were used in this study for the analysis of water-soluble ions, which are Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, NH4 +, Cl-, NO3 -, SO4 2-, F-, Br-, NO2 -, PO4 -3 and the other half was retained by QLD EPA. The fourth set of samples was collected at Rocklea, specifically for this study. A quarter of the samples obtained from this set of samples were used to analyse water-soluble ions; a quarter of the sample was used to analyse Pb, Cu, Al, Fe, Mn and Zn; and the rests were used to analyse US EPA 16 priority PAHs. The water-soluble ions were extracted ultrasonically with water and the major watersoluble anions as well as NH4 + were analysed using IC. Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+ Pb, Cu, Al, Fe, Mn and Zn were analysed using ICP-AES while PAHs were extracted by acetonitrile and analysed using HPLC. Of the analysed water-soluble ions, Cl-, NO3 -, SO4 2-, Na+, K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ were high in concentration and determined in all the samples. F-, Br-, NO2 -, PO4 -3 and NH4 + ions were lower in concentration and determined only in some samples. Na+ and Cl- were high in all samples indicating the importance of a marine source. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to examine the temporal variations of the water-soluble ions at the three sites. The results indicated that there was no major difference between the three sites. However, comparing the average concentrations of ions and Cl-/Na+ it was concluded that Woolloongabba had more marine influence than the other sites. Al, Fe and Zn were detected in all samples. Al and Fe were high in all samples indicating the significance of a source of crustal matter. Cu, Mn and Pb were in low concentrations and were determined only in some samples. The lower Pb concentrations observed in the study than in previous studies indicate that the phasing-out of leaded petrol had an appreciable impact on Pb levels in SEQ. This study reports for the first time, simultaneous data on the water-soluble, metal ion and PAH levels of PM10 aerosols in Brisbane, and provides information on the most likely sources of these chemical species. Such information can be used alongside those that already exist to formulate PM10 pollution reduction strategies for SEQ in order to protect the community from the adverse effects of PM pollution.
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Étude du comportement des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP) lors du déversement accidentel d'hydrocarbures en eaux continentales / Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons behavior study during accidental oil spill in continental watersPimsee, Pranudda 17 July 2014 (has links)
L’application de la Directive Cadre sur l’Eau et l’obligation de surveillance de la qualité de l'eau pour la consommation humaine et les activités industrielles entraînent une forte demande pour des systèmes d’évaluation et de suivi de la qualité de l’eau. Le projet de recherche MIGR'HYCAR (http://www.migrhycar.com) a donc été mis en place pour répondre à un besoin opérationnel et à un défaut d'outils d'aide à la décision adaptés face aux déversements d'hydrocarbures en eaux continentales (rivières, lacs et estuaires) qui représentent plus de 50% des déversements accidentels en France. Ce travail de thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre de ce projet et a pour but l’étude du comportement des nappes d'hydrocarbures en milieu contrôlé pour les eaux continentales. A cet effet, il propose une approche expérimentale à l’échelle laboratoire pour étudier les phénomènes agissant sur une nappe d'hydrocarbures déversée : dissolution, étalement, évaporation et volatilisation. Les données expérimentales réunis ont permis de constituer une base de données de référence, qui servira de support aux outils de modélisation mathématique de dérive de nappe d'hydrocarbures développés dans le cadre de ce projet. / The application of the European Water Framework Directive on water quality for human consumption and industrial activities creates a need for water quality assessment and monitoring systems. The MIGR'HYCAR research project (http://www.migrhycar.com) was initiated to provide decisional tools for risks connected to oil spills in continental waters (rivers, lakes and estuaries), which represent more than 50% of accidental spills in France. This work joins within the framework of this project and aims at the study of the behavior of hydrocarbons in a controlled environment for continental waters. For that purpose, the work proposes an experimental approach at laboratory scale to study the phenomena acting in oil spill: dissolution, spreading, evaporation and volatilization. The experimental data allowed establishing a reference database, which will serve as support in tools of oil spill modeling within the framework of this project.
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Synthèse et étude d'une nouvelle génération de colorants borondipyrrométhènes (BODIPYs) émettant dans le rouge et le proche infrarouge pour des applications biologiques / Synthesis and study of a new generation of red and near infrared emitting borondipyrromethenes (BODIPYs) for biological usesPoirel, Arnaud 28 March 2014 (has links)
Au cours de ces travaux de thèse, la synthèse de BODIPYs émettant dans le rouge et le proche infrarouge a été réalisée. Un premier travail d’extension de la conjugaison électronique (soit par introduction de groupements aromatiques sur le corps du BODIPY, soit par dimérisation) a permis d’atteindre les basses énergies du spectre électromagnétique. La validation d’une méthode de synthèse de BODIPYs à l’aide d’orthoesters a permis une mise en oeuvre aisée et une nette amélioration de leurs rendements. Parmi les fluorophores obtenus, les dithiényl-BODIPYs émettant dans la fenêtre thérapeutique (650-900 nm) présentent des propriétés optiques et électrochimiques intéressantes. Ils ont été utilisés pour des applications dans le domaine biologique. Après leur solubilisation dans les milieux aqueux par introduction de groupements ammoniums, la détection d’un acide aminé, la cystéine, a pu être réalisée par spectroscopies d’absorption et de fluorescence mettant en évidence un système ratiométrique. De plus, le marquage d’une protéine modèle, le sérum d’albumine bovine, permet d’envisager l’utilisation de ce type de BODIPYs pour l’imagerie biologique grâce à un rendement quantique de fluorescence élevé en milieu physiologique. / During this thesis the synthesis of red and near-infrared emitting BODIPYs was realized. First, the electronic conjugaison was extended by introducing aromatic groups on the BODIPY core or by dimerization in order to archieve these low energies of the electromagnetic spectrum. The validation of a synthetic method of BODIPYs with orthoester allowed to have an efficient synthesis with a clear enhancement of the reaction yield. Among the obtained dyes dithienyl-BODIPYs which display an emission in the therapeutic window (650-900 nm) present interesting optical and electrochemical properties. They have been used for applications in the biological field. After their water-solubilization with ammonium groups the detection of an amino-acid (the cysteine) was archieved with a ratiometric system observed in absorption and fluorescence spectrocopies.Moreover the labelling of a model protein, the bovin serum albumine, allows to consider the use of this type of BODIPYs in biological imaging because of a red emission and a high quantum yied in physiologic medium.
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Efeitos da molhabilidade e adesão em sistemas sólido-suspensão e filme-suspensão no desempenho do recobrimento em leito de jorro / Effects of wettability and adhesion of solid-suspension and film-suspension systems on spouted bed coating performanceBraga, Matheus Boeira 19 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Sandra Cristina dos Santos Rocha / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T21:25:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Braga_MatheusBoeira_M.pdf: 1934542 bytes, checksum: 516a23bf4dbe8407e817242208f20e1e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: O recobrimento de partículas é uma operação presente em vários setores industriais e tem como objetivo modificar as propriedades de superfície influenciando diretamente na qualidade, estabilidade e proteção do produto final. O principal enfoque deste trabalho foi aprimorar o estudo de recobrimento em termos de tensão superficial do sólido e características de molhabilidade e adesão antes e após a formação da primeira camada de recobrimento sobre a partícula. Ensaios de recobrimento em leito de jorro foram conduzidos, empregando-se: cinco suspensões poliméricas aquosas que se diferenciaram quanto às propriedades físicas (concentração de sólidos, tensão superficial e reologia) e, como inertes, partículas arredondadas de vidro e ABS® (copolímero acrilonitrila butadieno estireno) com diferentes energias superficiais, gerando sistemas com distintas características de molhabilidade e adesão. Para caracterização do sistema filme-suspensão, duas metodologias (A e B) foram testadas recobrindo lâminas de vidro e de ABS® com uma fina camada de suspensão polimérica, e para os conjuntos sólido/película que produziram uma superfície lisa e homogênea, estes foram avaliados quanto ao ângulo de contato, assim como para o sistema sólido-suspensão. A eficiência do processo e a cinética de crescimento das partículas, para ambos os sólidos e as cinco formulações, foram determinadas em cada ensaio de recobrimento e, buscou-se relacionar os resultados às características de superfície. A alta energia superficial do vidro exerceu grande influência sobre os sistemas sólido-suspensão e filme-suspensão, resultando em baixos valores de ângulo de contato. Devido à menor energia superficial do ABS®, a receptividade do sólido pelas suspensões foi menor, resultando em maiores valores de ângulo de contato e menores valores de trabalho de adesão. As forças de adesão diminuíram com o aumento da espessura do filme, porém, todos os valores de ângulo de contato se mantiveram abaixo de 70º, indicando boa molhabilidade e condições para o recobrimento. Os valores de eficiência se mantiveram acima de 60 %, e todos os valores de desvio médio para as duplicatas, abaixo de 10 %, indicando boa eficiência e reprodutibilidade do processo. A cinética de crescimento das partículas não apresentou diferença de comportamento após a formação da primeira camada de recobrimento, como poderia ser previsto pela alteração na molhabilidade após a formação do filme sobre a partícula / Abstract: Particle coating is an operation used in several industrial sectors and aims to modify the particle surface properties directly influencing the quality, stability and protection of the final product. The main focus of this work was to improve particle coating analyses in terms of the solid surface tension, wettability and adhesion characteristics before and after the formation of the first layer of coating on the particle. Testing of coating in spouted bed were conducted using five aqueous polymeric suspensions that differed in terms of physical properties (solids concentration, surface tension and rheology), and as nucleus, rounded particles of glass and ABS® with different energies surface, generating systems with different characteristics of wettability and adhesion. To characterize the film-suspension system, two methods (A and B) were tested covering blades of glass and ABS® with a thin layer of the polymer suspension. Contact angles were evaluated for the solid-suspension systems and for the solid/film sets where a smooth and homogeneous surface was produced. The process efficiency and growth kinetics of particles, for both solids and five formulations were determined in each coating test, and the results were related to surface characteristics. The high surface energy of the glass had a great influence on the solid-suspension and film-suspension systems, resulting in low values of contact angle. Due to the lower surface energy of ABS®, the receptivity of the suspension by the solid was lower, resulting in higher values of contact angle and lower values of work of adhesion. The adhesive forces decreased with increasing film thickness; however, all values of contact angle remained below 70 °, indicating good wettability and conditions for efficient coating. Coating efficiencies remained above 60%, and all values of mean deviation for duplicates, below 10%, indicating good efficiencies and reproducibility of the process. The growth kinetics of the particles showed no difference in behavior after the formation of the first covering layer, as could be predicted by the change in wettability after the film formation on the particle / Mestrado / Engenharia de Processos / Mestre em Engenharia Química
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Investigation into water-soluble perylene diimides for thin film formationWeitzel, Corey R. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Chemistry / Daniel A. Higgins / Three water-soluble perylene diimides (PDIs) were investigated to examine differences in their thin film forming properties. The PDI thin films investigated in this thesis are formed in an electrostatic-self-assembled (ESA) layer-by-layer (LBL) process by the use of a dip coater. The three PDIs employed are sodium bis (sulfonatopropyl) perylene diimide (PDISO[subscript]3[superscript]2-), bis (trimethylammonioethyl) perylene diimide diiodide (PDIDI[superscript]2+), and N-(butoxypropyl)-N'-(2-(N,N,N-trimethylammonio)-ethyl) perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic diimide iodide (C[subscript]7OPDI[superscript]+). Thin films were made by alternately depositing the PDIs with counter polyelectrolyte (PEs). The PEs employed were poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDDA[superscript]+) and poly(acrylic acid) (PA[superscript]-), depending on the charge of the PDI. PDIs were determined to be aggregated in all three PDI precursor solutions. The fraction of PDI aggregated in each was found to be 0.972, 0.903, and 0.993, for the PDISO[subscript]3[superscript]2-, PDIDI[superscript]2+, and C[subscript]7OPDI[superscript]+, respectively. The C[superscript]7OPDI[superscript]+ solution was the most aggregated only having one charge group, which makes it more hydrophobic. Thin films prepared from the solutions all displayed an absorbance spectrum similar to the aggregated form.
All the composites displayed linear growth in film thickness and fiber width with bilayer number. However, the three composites gave unique surface morphologies. The PDISO[subscript]3[supercript]2-[dot in middle of line]PDDA+ composite was found to incorporate highly curled intertwined fibers compared to the PDIDI[superscript]2+[dot in middle of line]PA[superscript]- composite, where the fibers were not intertwined. The fiber structure was found to change after 15 bilayers. This change in morphology was attributed to the fibers grafting together and overlapping causing the loss of original fiber structure. The two symmetric composites differed in the film thickness with the PDISO[subscript]3[superscript]2-[dot in middle of line]PDDA[superscript]+ being thicker than the PDIDI[superscript]2+[dot in middle of line]PA[superscript]- composite. This was attributed to the molecular weights (MW) of the polyelectrolytes investigated during thin film deposition, with the PDDA[superscript]+ having a much higher MW. C[subscript]7OPDI[superscript]+[dot in middle of line]PA[superscript]- thin film composite had a film thickness approximately equal to the PDISO[subscript]3[superscript]2-[dot in middle of line]PDDA[superscript]+ composite, indicating precursor aggregation also influences deposition rate. The C[subscript]7OPDI[superscript]+[dot in middle of line]PA[superscript]- composite incorporated wavy thin fibers that appeared aligned in the dipping direction. This alignment was visible for bulk samples in UV-vis absorption dichroism studies. The alignment was parallel to the dipping direction of the substrate.
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Impact du traitement thermique sur les perceptions sensorielles et les préférences des consommateurs pour les fromages à pâte persillée : cas de la fourme d'Ambert / Impact of heating treatment on sensory perceptions and consumers' preferences for PDO Blue veined cheeses : a case study on Fourme d'AmbertBord, Cécile 17 April 2015 (has links)
Les fromages d’«Appellation d’Origine Protégée» (AOP) présentant un cahier des charges précis sont garants d’un savoir-faire, d’une tradition et d’un lien avec le terroir et sont également reconnus pour leurs qualités organoleptiques. Malgré une bonne implantation au niveau du marché et une consommation non négligeable, certains fromages AOP voient leurs ventes baisser. Pour dynamiser certains de ces fromages, notamment les fromages à pâte persillée, leur utilisation comme « fromages ingrédients » s’avérerait pertinente. Ce nouveau segment, très porteur pour les fromagesindustriels, consiste à les utiliser dans des préparations culinaires aussi bien à chaud qu’à froid. L’objectif des travaux de cette thèse est de réaliser d’une part un focus sur les propriétés sensorielles des fromages à pâte persillée AOP du Massif central, induites par le chauffage et plus particulièrement de la Fourme d’Ambert, en étudiant les fractions solubles de ces fromages, d’un point de vue biochimique et sensoriel, et d’autre part de connaître les préférences des consommateurs vis-à-vis des fromages à chaud. Dans un premier temps, un screening sur le comportement à chaud de différentes catégories de fromages à pâte persillée a conduit à identifier des différences texturales et gustatives et de ce fait, à catégoriser les fromages selon leurs aptitudes culinaires. Ce positionnement sensoriel a ainsi permis de sélectionner un « fromage modèle » : la Fourme d’Ambert. Dans une seconde phase, l’étude des fractions solubles a confirmé sa contribution relative dans la perception gustative des fromages à pâte persillée. Toutefois, aucune différence sensorielle n’est observée sur les fractions suite au traitement thermique malgré quelques différences sur la teneur de certains composés sapides. Enfin, la dernière phase a consisté à identifier les préférences des consommateurs vis-à-vis de la Fourme d’Ambert à froid et à chaud. Quelle que soit la température, le fromage est bien apprécié par les consommateurs. La segmentation des consommateurs révèle des perceptions différentes selon trois groupes : un groupe avec des préférences pour des fromages très typés, à l’inverse, un groupe ayant une attirance pour les fromages ayant des flaveurs moins prononcées et un dernier, axé sur les préférences des fromages à chaud. Corrélées aux profils sensoriels, aux commentaires libres des consommateurs et à leurs attentes, certaines variables sensorielles ou comportementales ont pu expliquer ces différences de préférences. Ces résultats montrent l’intérêt de l’usage de certains fromages à pâte persillée AOP en tant que « fromages ingrédients » présentant de bonnes aptitudes culinaires, par leurs propriétés fonctionnelles et gustatives. L’acceptation des fromages à chaud par les consommateurs renforce le fait que les fromages AOP peuvent être utilisés aussi bien à froid qu’à chaud, permettant ainsi l’innovation dans la filière. / PDO cheeses through their specifications are recognized for a quality in relation to a geographical origin, technical know-how, and a typical gustative quality. Despite a good consumption of PDO cheeses, the marketed volumes decreased for most of them. In order to make them more attractive, some cheeses as Blue cheeses could be used as “cheeses ingredient”. Cheeses are usually consumed at the end of a meal but a new trend is emerging: cheeses are more and more used in culinary preparations, both hot (pizza, gratin, sauce) and cold (sandwiches, salads). The main objective of this study was to firstly highlight the impact of heating on sensory properties of French PDO Blue cheeses and more particularly Fourme d’Ambert. The water-soluble fraction which plays an important role in the favour of cheeses was secondly studied in order to evaluate the impact of heating on this extract. The last objective consisted in measuring the consumers liking towards cold and heated cheeses. Therefore, sensory and biochemical methods were performed to describe crude cheeses and liking. The first study highlighted the impact of heating on both textural properties and flavour of four PDO blue-type cheeses. The main results showed that PDO cheeses present different culinary properties and thus are compatible with a use into hot preparations. The first step allowed to select a model cheese: Fourme d’Ambert. The second step consisted in studying the impact of heating on the crude cheeses and on the water-soluble fraction. In parallel, the gross composition was performed on soluble fractions and cheeses according to heating treatment. Although no treatment difference was observed on the water-soluble fraction gustatory profile, a slight difference was showed on certain chemical constituents between the water-soluble extracts. The last step was focused on the consumers liking towards cold and heated cheeses. The results showed that cheeses were much appreciated whatever heating treatments highlighting a slightly preference towards heated cheeses. Moreover, 3 groups of consumers were formed based on different preferences. One group preferred heated cheeses while two others groups preferred cold cheeses. Consumers’ group preferences were explained by means of sensory profiles and open-ended questions responses.Finally, this study shows the opportunities of new culinary uses for Blue cheeses. Sensory methods application had allowed to provide detailed information on heating properties of blue cheeses. In addition, consumers’ acceptance reinforce that PDO cheeses can be used in cold or heated preparations.
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Analise das influencias das caracteristicas do solido e da supensão no processo de recobrimento em leito de jorroDonida, Marta Wilk 14 December 2004 (has links)
Orientador: Sandra Cristina dos Santos Rocha / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Quimica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T01:48:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Donida_MartaWilk_D.pdf: 11312080 bytes, checksum: bb1dd03e1f1adcf362e6bfcdcf1ba9c5 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2004 / Resumo: O recobrimento de partículas em leito de jorro tem aplicações em diversos produtos como comprimidos, cosméticos, alimentos, sementes, fertilizantes, etc. No processo de recobrimento o desempenho é dependente de um conjunto de características do sólido a ser recoberto, da suspensão de revestimento, da adesão líquido-sólido e das condições operacionais. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o desempenho do processo de recobrimento em leito de jorro verificando as influências das características do sólido (tamanho, forma, densidade, porosidade, e ângulo de contato) e da suspensão (densidade, reologia, tensão superficial e molhabilidade). Para este estudo foram utilizados diferentes tipos de partículas (esferas de vidro, placebos, poliestireno, etc.) e diferentes formulações de suspensões poliméricas aquosas que ofereçam a variação das características, do sólido e da suspensão, que influenciam o processo. O recobrimento foi realizado em leito de jorro, em condições operacionais pré-fixadas, para cada conjunto partícula-suspensão, mantendo estabilidade fluidodinâmica do leito para as diferentes partículas. Para quantificar a influência das características do sólido e da suspensão no processo de recobrimento foram avaliadas a taxa de crescimento, a eficiência e a qualidade do recobrimento (superfície, distribuição do filme, porosidade). O estudo das influências das características do sólido e do líquido no processo de recobrimento foi realizado em duas etapas: primeira etapa:o recobrimento de partículas de propriedades físicas distintas com uma única suspensão de recobrimento; segunda etapa: recobrimento de um único tipo de partícula com suspensões de recobrimento de diferentes características físico-químicas. Identificou-se que o ângulo de contato entre a suspensão de recobrimento e a superfície das partículas pode ser utilizado como indicativo do tipo de operação unitária a ser obtida no leito de jorro: secagem da suspensão ou recobrimento das partículas. A adesão da suspensão na superfície da partícula, durante o processo de recobrimento e secagem de suspensão em leito de jorro, não é dependente apenas do trabalho de adesão, ou seja, das forças interfaciais, mas de um conjunto de variáveis como o comportamento fluidodinâmico, o atrito inter-partícula, a atomização da suspensão e mudança da molhabilidade das interfaces durante o processo. A interação inicial da partícula inerte-suspensão determina a operação (recobrimento ou secagem), enquanto a interface filme-suspensão, ou seja, forças de adesão entre a superfície recoberta e a suspensão, pode ser responsável pelo processo de recobrimento em relação à eficiência e crescimento por formação de camadas de filme. A eficiência do processo mostrou ser influenciada por uma interferência complexa de mais de uma característica, ou seja, o resultado de um conjunto de condições interfaciais, reológicas, operacionais e de atomização da suspensão. Pôde-se verificar que as propriedades fisico-químicas influenciam significativamente o crescimento das partículas. As partículas crescem mais quando a suspensão de recobrimento possui maior concentração de sólidos, maior densidade, maior viscosidade aparente e maior força de adesão com a superfície da partícula. As mudanças da molhabilidade das interfaces sólido-líquido durante o processo de recobrimento afetam a eficiência do processo / Abstract: Coating of partic1es in spouted bed can be applied to several products such as tablets, cosmetics, foodstuff, seeds, fertilizers, etc. In the coating process, the performance depends upon the characteristics of the solids to be coated, the coating suspension, the liquid-solid adhesion and the operational conditions. The objective of this work is to analyze the performance of the coating process into a spouted bed verifying the influences of the solid characteristics (size, shape, density, porosity and contact angle) and the suspension characteristics (density, rheology, surface tension, and wettability). To accomplish that, different types of partic1es were used (glass beads, placebo' s tablets, polystyrene, etc) and different aqueous polymeric suspension formulations to obtain the variation in the characteristics to be studied, and influence the process. The study of the influences of the solid and the liquid characteristics in the coating process were carried out in two steps. First step: coating of the partic1es with different physical properties using a single suspension formulation; second step: coating of a single type of partic1e using coating suspensions with different physicochemical properties. It was identified that the contact angle between the coating suspension and the partic1es surface can be used as an indicator of the type of unit operation obtained in the spouted bed: suspension drying or partic1e coating. Suspension adhesion on the partic1e surface, during the coating and the drying into a spouted bed, is not dependent only on the adhesion work (interfacial forces), but also on a series of variables like the fluid dynamic behavior of the bed, inter-partic1es friction, suspension atomization and the change on the wettability of the surfaces during the process. The initial interaction of the inert particle-suspension determines the operation, either drying or coating, while the interface film-suspension (attraction between the coated surface and the suspension) can be responsible for the coating process in relation to its efficiency and the growth of film layers on the particles. The process efficiency seems to be influenced by a set of interfacial, rheological, operational and atomization conditions. It can be verified that the physicochemical properties influence significant1y the growing of the partic1es. Partic1es grow more when the suspensions have higher solids concentrations, greater density, greater apparent viscosity and greater adhesion attraction with the particle surface. The changes in the wettability of the solid-liquid interface during the coating process affect the process efficiency / Doutorado / Engenharia de Processos / Doutor em Engenharia Química
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