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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Developing A GIS And Hydrological Modeling Approach For Sustainable Water Resources Management In The West Bank -- Palestine

Sabbah, Walid Wajeeh 08 April 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This research deals with setting up a GIS and hydrological modeling based approach for sustainable water resources management in the West Bank of Palestine. This water sustainability approach took into consideration the water balance, the social, the economic, the demographic, the environmental, and the institutional components in order to enhance and promote the sustainable development in Palestine, both on the short and long runs. To evaluate the water balance component, a methodology was introduced to create the Water Sustainability Map (WSM). Since the groundwater is currently the only accessible water source by the Palestinians, the WSM is represented by the Aquifer Sustainable Yield (ASY) which is equivalent to the annual renewable recharge of the various aquifer formations in the West Bank. The ASY was determined by integrating the watershed boundaries derived from the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with the available hydrological and meteorological data by using GIS. This GIS based approach was used to create the rainfall, evapo-transpiration, and runoff coverages by interpolating their values from the measured parameters. The total estimated ASY using this GIS approach was 679.7 MCM/Yr. which constituted the upper limit for the overall water use in all assumed future water demand scenarios. This approach fulfilled the demographic, social, and economic water sustainability components by proposing water demand scenarios for the period from 2005 to 2025 based on the gradual increase of population and their per capita water use, the available water infrastructure, and based on the value of water where priority was given to the household water use. This approach fulfilled the environmental dimension of water sustainability by studying the water quality and identifying the locations with high pollution indicators for various water use purposes and recommending ways to prevent the environmental degradation and groundwater pollution. This approach fulfilled the institutional dimension of water sustainability by reviewing the current institutions dealing with water management and distribution, recommending options to enhance their efficiency, and finally by proposing some options to save additional water in the West Bank.

Certain Agave Species Exhibit the Capability to be Moderately Productive Under Conditions of High Salt and Drought Stress

Bergsten, Steven J. 13 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Water availability and arable lands are increasingly limiting resources in many parts of the U.S., particularly in semi-arid and arid regions. As a means of addressing food and fuel demands associated with burgeoning population growth, highly productive and water-use efficient crops need to be identified. One potential crop, Agave, merits consideration and evaluation due to its putative capability to provide sustenance and energy despite growing in water-limited regions and on marginal soils. However, little is known regarding the productivity these succulent plants will have under growing conditions of the Southwest, where high concentrated saline soils are abundant, and water is often limited. The objectives of these studies were to determine the effects of high levels of salinity and different volumetric water content levels (VWC) on plant growth, biomass accumulation, and nutrient uptake. I used a hydroponic study to compare the effects of four salinity treatments (0.5, 3, 6, and 9 dS m-1) on productivity of four Agave species (Agave parryi, Agave utahensis ssp. kaibabensis, Agave utahensis ssp. utahensis, and Agave weberi). In a second study, an automated irrigation system was established to examine four pre-determined VWC threshold set-points and simulated a gradient of well-watered to drought conditions, to evaluate how A. weberi would respond to varying levels of water availability. Salinity concentrations did not significantly affect root and plant dry weight accumulation in A. weberi, but all other agave plants experienced less biomass accumulation under high saline conditions (>6 dS m-1). Seedlings of A. utahensis were two times more likely to die in the two highest saline treatments (6 and 9 dS m-1) than the two lower treatments (0.5 dS m-1 and 3 dS m-1). Calcium, Mg, S, Mn levels decreased in both A. parryi and A. weberi at higher salinity levels. Agave weberi was able to tolerate salinity, but it also experienced lower biomass production ≤3 dS m-1. In the water-stress study, Agave weberi plants experienced a decrease of 2.11 g as compared to plants in the highest treatment. Plants in the intermediate VWC treatments had similar dry mass values as those in the highest treatment, which suggests that this species could have moderately high yields under limited water conditions, and consequently should be evaluated as a potential bioenergy crop for semi-arid regions, such as the U.S. Southwest. Agave shows considerable potential to be grown in arid and semi-arid regions that are moderately high in salinity and have limited water availability. Indeed, the cultivation of Agave as a crop appears to be a viable option for many areas of the Southwest. While some of the Agave species evaluated were quite productive under moderate salt and water stress, it is uncertain if growth will be significantly reduced if under these stress conditions for periods longer than 3 months.

Совершенствование системы управления водоотведением на предприятии МУП «Водоканал» г. Екатеринбург с применением инструмента бенчмаркинга : магистерская диссертация / Improving the water management system at the enterprise MUE «Vodokanal» in Yekaterinburg using a benchmarking tool

Аширова, Ю. Т., Ashirova, J. T. January 2019 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация: 121 с., 20 рис., 18 табл., 53 источника, 2 приложения. Тема исследования является актуальной, так как с 2014 года законодательная база государственного регулирования деятельности по обращению с отходами в РФ претерпевает серьезные изменения, которые в значительной степени коснулись области обращения с ТКО. Целью работы является разработка программы аудита соответствия деятельности МУП МО «Город Первоуральск» ПервоуральскРемСервис» требованиям природоохранного законодательства в области обращения с отходами. Объект исследования – предприятие МУП МО «Город Первоуральск» ПервоуральскРемСервис». Предмет исследования – Система обращения с отходами МУП МО «Город Первоуральск» ПервоуральскРемСервис». В рамках диссертационной работы была разработана универсальная Программа-схема аудита соответствия требованиям природоохранного законодательства в области обращения с отходами производства и потребления, путем деления деятельности на составляющие ее процессы. Применение предложенной программы-схемы является универсальным инструментом для проведения аудитов деятельности в области обращения с отходами производства и потребления на любом предприятии. Кроме того, позволяет детализировать, проверить и обновить всю необходимую информацию для разработки Проекта нормативов обращения с отходами и лимитов на их размещение. Экономическая эффективность проведения аудита деятельности по обращению с отходами МУП МО «Город Первоуральск» «ПервоуральскРемСервис» составляет 178%, на основании чего можно сделать вывод о необходимости проведения экологического аудита деятельности по обращению с отходами. / Master's thesis: 121 pp., 20 images, 18 tables, 53 sources, 2 applications. The research topic is relevant, since since 2014 the legislative reform in the field of human rights protection. The purpose of the work is the development of audit compliance programs for the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "City of Pervouralsk" PervouralskRemServis "requires environmental protection legislation in the field of waste management. The object of the research is the enterprise of MUP MO "Pervouralsk City" PervouralskRemServis. " The subject of the study is the Waste Management System of Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Pervouralsk City" PervouralskRemServis ". As part of the thesis, a universal program was developed to audit the compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation in the field of handling waste production and consumption, by dividing activities into its constituent processes. The application of the proposed program scheme is a universal tool for conducting audits of activities in the field of waste management of production and consumption in any enterprise. In addition, it allows to detail, check and update all the necessary information for the development of the Draft Waste Management Standards and limits on their placement. The economic efficiency of the audit of the waste management activities of Municipal Unitary Enterprise "City of Pervouralsk" PervouralskRemServis is 178%, which leads to the conclusion that it is necessary to conduct an environmental audit of waste management activities.

Study of the Physiological, Metabolomic and Transcriptional Changes Mediated by Rootstocks to Explain the Water Stress Tolerance of Grafted Pepper Plants

Padilla Herrero, Yaiza Gara 20 November 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Anteriormente, investigadores del Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA) y la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) evaluaron la respuesta a estrés hídrico en pimiento injertado para obtener patrones de pimiento que confieran tolerancia a la variedad injertada en estrés hídrico. Los mejores patrones se estudian en campo en condiciones de estrés hídrico a largo plazo. Se patentó el patrón híbrido de pimiento NIBER® tolerante a estrés hídrico, las plantas injertadas sobre NIBER® mostraron menor impacto en la biomasa y el rendimiento en déficit hídrico a largo plazo. La tolerancia de NIBER® se atribuyó al mantenimiento de la actividad fotosintética y una mejor distribución de la biomasa radicular en estrés hídrico. Además, la respuesta sostenida de tolerancia observada en las plantas injertadas sobre NIBER® podría relacionarse con una respuesta rápida en la fase inicial en estrés hídrico, que no se conoce a corto plazo. Así, estudiar la contribución de la respuesta a corto plazo de NIBER® sobre la tolerancia de la variedad injertada en estrés hídrico arrojaría luz en las estrategias de tolerancia en plantas injertadas de pimiento. Además, estudiar la modulación génica, el balance hormonal y el perfil metabólico ampliará el conocimiento sobre los mecanismos moleculares en la respuesta a estrés hídrico. En esta tesis doctoral, observamos que los mecanismos constitutivos en ausencia de estrés hídrico influyen en la respuesta a estrés hídrico en plantas injertadas de pimiento, y que las estrategias constitutivas de NIBER® incluyen la estimulación del sistema antioxidante y la inducción sostenida de ABA. En estrés hídrico, las raíces de NIBER® muestran un menor impacto que las raíces de A10, dado su menor contenido de GSSG por menor daño oxidativo. NIBER® promueve la síntesis de osmolitos en la raíz y vitamina B6 en las hojas de la variedad injertada protegiendo al aparato fotosintético del daño oxidativo producido por el estrés hídrico. Además, la prolina, implicada en la protección del aparato fotosintético, se acumula en las plantas injertadas sobre el híbrido de pimiento H92, capaces de mantener la actividad fotosintética a largo plazo en estrés hídrico. Este rol de la prolina en la tolerancia a estrés hídrico a largo plazo no se observó a corto plazo y podría ser una estrategia tardía. La respuesta al estrés hídrico a corto plazo incluye la regulación del movimiento estomático en NIBER® en la fase inicial de estrés (5 h), evitando el cierre estomático hasta las 48 h mediante cambios en la expresión génica de reguladores negativos de ABA y acuaporinas, seguido del cierre estomático a las 48 h asociado a una síntesis previa de ABA en las raíces y transporte a las hojas. El JA también aumentó en las hojas de la variedad injertada sobre NIBER® (48 h) en estrés hídrico, y se regula por señales a larga distancia desde la raíz, que promueven la síntesis en hoja y el transporte a la raíz, y su resíntesis. El JA está implicado en el cierre estomático y la señalización en estrés, causando la activación de factores de transcripción de respuesta a la deshidratación. En las raíces de NIBER® el ratio auxinas/citoquininas se regula en la respuesta inicial al estrés hídrico, favoreciendo el crecimiento de la raíz respecto al tallo a las 5 h, después aumentando las citoquininas y disminuyendo las auxinas a 24 h y finalmente aumentando las auxinas y reduciendo las citoquininas para una mayor biomasa radicular y capacidad exploratoria. En las hojas de la variedad injertada, NIBER® aumenta los metabolitos protectores clorofila a, ácido esteárico, antocianinas y metabolitos implicados en la síntesis de suberina y cutina. Estos últimos también aumentan en la raíz y tienen un papel antioxidante o bien como constituyentes de barreras celulares controlando los flujos de agua, gases y solutos. Finalmente, el contenido en sirohemo aumenta en la raíz y posiblemente está relacionado con una asimilación del nitrógeno más eficiente. / [CA] Prèviament, investigadors de l'Institut Valencià d'Investigacions Agràries (IVIA) i de la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) avaluaren la resposta a estrés hídric en pebrera empeltada per obtenir patrons de pebrera que conferisquen tolerància a la varietat empeltada en estrés hídric. Els millors patrons s'estudien al camp en condicions d'estrés hídric a llarg termini. Es va patentar el patró híbrid de pebrera NIBER® com a patró tolerant, les plants empeltades sobre NIBER® mostraren menor impacte en la biomassa i el rendiment en condicions de dèficit hídric. La tolerància de NIBER® es va atribuir al manteniment de l'activitat fotosintètica i a una millor distribució de la biomassa radicular en estrés hídric. A més, la resposta sostinguda de tolerància observada a les plantes empeltades sobre NIBER® podria relacionar-se amb una resposta ràpida a la fase inicial en estrés hídric, que no s'ha estudiat a curt termini. Així, estudiar la contribució de la resposta a curt termini de NIBER® sobre la tolerància de la varietat empeltada en estrés hídric aclariria els mecanismes de tolerància en plantes empeltades de pebrera. A més, estudiar la modulació gènica, el balanç hormonal i el perfil metabòlic ampliaria el coneixement sobre els mecanismes moleculars en la resposta a estrés hídric. En aquesta tesi doctoral comprovarem que els mecanismes constitutius en absència d'estrés hídric influeixen en la resposta a estrés hídric en plantes empeltades de pebrera i que les estratègies constitutives de NIBER® inclouen l'estimulació del sistema antioxidant i la inducció sostinguda d'ABA. En estrés hídric, les arrels de NIBER® mostraren menor impacte en comparació amb A10, amb un menor contingut de GSSG per menor dany oxidatiu. NIBER® promou la síntesis d'osmòlits a les arrels i de vitamina B6 a les fulles de la varietat empeltada per a protegir a l'aparell fotosintètic del dany oxidatiu per l'estrés hídric. A més, la prolina, implicada en la protecció de l'aparell fotosintètic, s'acumula a les plantes empeltades sobre l'híbrid de pebrera H92, que mantenen l'activitat fotosintètica en condicions d'estrés hídric a llarg termini. Aquest paper de la prolina no es va observar en condicions d'estrés hídric a curt termini i podria ser una estratègia tardana. Les respostes a l'estrés hídric a curt termini inclouen la regulació del moviment estomàtic en NIBER® a la fase inicial d'estrés hídric (5 h), evitant el tancament estomàtic fins a les 48 h mitjançant canvis a l'expressió gènica de reguladors negatius d'ABA i acuaporines, seguit d'un tancament estomàtic a les 48 h associat a una síntesis prèvia d'ABA a les arrels i transport a les fulles. L'JA també va augmentar a les fulles de la varietat empeltada sobre NIBER® a les 48 h en estrés hídric i està regulat per senyals a llarga distància des de les arrels que promouen la síntesis a les fulles i el transport a les arrels i resíntesi. L'JA està implicat al tancament estomàtic i la senyalització en condicions d'estrés, promovent l'activació de factors de transcripció de resposta a la deshidratació. El rati auxines/citoquinines es regula a les arrels de NIBER® a la resposta inicial a l'estrés hídric, primer afavorint el creixement de l'arrel sobre el creixement de la part aèria a les 5 h, després augmentant les citoquinines i disminuint les auxines a les 24 h i finalment augmentant les auxines i reduint les citoquinines per obtenir major biomassa radicular i capacitat exploratòria. A les fulles de la varietat empeltada, NIBER® augmenta el contingut dels metabòlits protectors clorofil·la a, àcid esteàric, antocianines i metabòlits relacionats amb la síntesi de suberina i cutina. Aquests últims també augmenten a les arrels i tenen un paper antioxidant o actuen com a constituents de barreres cel·lulars controlant els fluxos d'aigua, gasos i soluts. Finalment, el contingut en siroheme augmenta a les arrels i possiblement està relacionat amb una assimilació de nitrogen més eficient. / [EN] Previously, research groups at the Valencian Institute of Agricultural Research (IVIA) and the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) evaluated the water stress responses in grafted pepper plants to obtain tolerant pepper rootstocks that make the grafted variety able to overcome water stress. The best rootstocks are studied in the field under long-term water stress conditions. In this way, the NIBER® pepper hybrid rootstock was obtained and patented as water stress-tolerant rootstock, because plants grafted onto NIBER® had a lower impact on biomass and yield under long-term deficit irrigation conditions. NIBER® tolerance response was attributed to sustained photosynthetic activity and improved root biomass distribution under long-term water stress. However, the sustained tolerance response observed in plants grafted onto NIBER® may be linked to prompt responses in the early phase of water stress conditions, but the short-term modulation and behavior of NIBER® water stress response has not been studied. Hence, studying the contribution of the NIBER® short-term water stress responses to tolerance in the grafted variety would shed light into tolerance mechanisms in grafted pepper plants. Moreover, understanding the modulation of the gene expression, phytohormones balance and metabolic profile will also broad the knowledge on the molecular mechanisms implicated in water stress response. In the present doctoral thesis, we stated that the constitutive mechanisms taking place under non-water stress conditions dispose the response to water stress in grafted pepper plants, and NIBER® constitutive strategies include an enhanced ROS detoxification system and maintained ABA induction. When the water stress comes into play, its impact was minor in NIBER® roots in relation to A10 roots, which is reflected in lesser GSSG content from lower oxidative damage. NIBER® promotes the synthesis of osmolytes in roots and vitamin B6 in the grafted variety leaves to protect the plants from the oxidative damage resulting from water stress. Moreover, proline has a role in photosynthetic apparatus protection, because it is accumulated in plants grafted onto pepper hybrid H92, which showed sustained photosynthetic activity under long-term water stress conditions. The proline role in water stress tolerance is not observed under short-term water stress and may constitute a late strategy in grafted pepper plants. Short-term responses to water stress include stomatal movements in NIBER® during early phases (5h) of water stress, starting with the avoidance of stomatal closure up to 48 h by gene expression changes in ABA negative regulators and aquaporins, and followed by stomatal closure at 48 h associated with previous ABA synthesis in roots and transport to leaves. JA is also increased in the leaves of the variety grafted onto NIBER® at 48 h under water stress, and is regulated by long-distance signals from roots that promote its synthesis on leaves and transport to roots and resynthesis. JA is involved in stomatal closure and stress signaling, which leads to dehydration-responsive transcription factors activation. The auxins/cytokinins ratio is also fine-tuned by NIBER® roots during the early water stress response, beginning with promotion of root over shoot growth at 5 h, then increases the cytokinins and reduces the auxins content at 24 h, and finally increases the auxins and reduces the cytokinins content to obtain higher root biomass and greater water exploring ability. In the leaves of the grafted variety, NIBER® increases protective metabolites as chlorophyll a, stearic acid, anthocyanins and suberin and cutin biosynthesis-related metabolites, being the latter also increased in the roots. The mentioned metabolites have an antioxidant role or act as cellular barrier constituents that can control fluxes of water, gases and solutes. Lastly, siroheme increases in roots and it is possibly linked to a more effective nitrogen assimilation. / Padilla Herrero, YG. (2023). Study of the Physiological, Metabolomic and Transcriptional Changes Mediated by Rootstocks to Explain the Water Stress Tolerance of Grafted Pepper Plants [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/199992 / Compendio

Genetic Variation in Photosynthesis as a Tool for Finding Principal Routes to Enhancing Photosynthetic Efficiency

Tomeo, Nicholas J. 20 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.

"Prospects for a Shared Management of Transboundary Wastewater Israel-Palestine a case"

Yaqob, Eyad Y. A., Ph.D. 27 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Cover crops and irrigation impacts on corn and soybean production in the Mid-Southern USA

Russell, Dillon Aaron 13 May 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Reducing groundwater withdrawals from the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer is imperative to sustain future irrigated cropping systems in the mid-southern USA. This research was conducted to determine the impacts of cover crops and irrigation sensor thresholds on corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max L.) production, water productivity, irrigation water use efficiency, and soil physical properties in the Mississippi Delta. The cover crop treatments included cereal rye (Secale cereale L.), hairy vetch (Vicia villosa R.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-radish (Raphanus sativus L.)-turnip (Brassica rapa L.) mix, and no cover crop. The irrigation thresholds included -40 kPa, -90 kPa, and no irrigation. In 2020, cover crops and irrigation thresholds showed minimal impacts on most of the measured parameters but showed improvements as the study progressed. After two years, it was determined that long-term evaluations are needed to make a recommendation to producers in the mid-southern USA.

Drivkrafter och möjligheter till vattenbesparing för större fastighetsägare / Water Conservation Measures for Larger Property Owners: Drivers and Opportunities

Edholm, Sigrid January 2024 (has links)
During the last couple of years, Sweden has experienced periods with greatly reduced amount of precipitation, causing decreased groundwater levels. This has affected the drinking water supply. The need to actively prevent water scarcity is strong. Apart from water scarcity, the water available for consumption is also limited by the capacity of wastewater treatment plants, pipelines and waterworks. As a result of this, interests in water conservation measures have grown among municipalities the last few years. Opportunities to save water are good, but there is a lack of incentive to invest in technical solutions. Investment costs are high in relation to the low prices of drinking water. Primary drivers are currently awareness of the issue or local problems with water scarcity. Further incentives are thus needed. The aim of this thesis is to examine what the main drivers are for large property owners to implement measures to save water and what the obstacles are. The aim is also to investigate how water saving measures can help reduce energy use and financial expenses. To fulfil this purpose, interviews with larger property owners, literature search and calculations were carried out.   The results from the interviews showed that the main drivers were resource management and social responsibility. Economy proved to be an increasingly important driver as the price for water and energy are rising. The main obstacles for implementing water saving measures were financing issues and technical difficulties in implementation. Certification proved to be important for commercial property owners but was not considered profitable for the public housing companies. Calculations showed significant theoretical savings with regards to water, energy and economy with the techniques: aerators, water-saving showers and low-flush toilets. Calculations also showed that for more advanced technical solutions like urine-separating toilets and recirculating showers, the potential for water saving is great but it takes a long time for an investment to pay off. Collected data showed a high consumption despite water efficient technology, which implies that technology has to be combined with other measures, for example communication or individual metering and billing for cold water.  Key words: drivers, water conservation measures, large property owners, household water use, drinking water / Under de senaste åren har Sverige upplevt några långa perioder med mycket mindre nederbörd än normalt, med sänkta nivåer i grundvattenmagasin som följd, vilket påverkar dricksvattenförsörjningen. Behovet av att aktivt förebygga vattenbrist är stort. Förutom vattenbrist begränsas mängden vatten som kan användas också av kapaciteten i vattenverk, ledningsnät och reningsverk. Detta har gjort att intresset för vattenbesparande åtgärder ökat från VA-huvudmän de senaste åren. Möjligheterna till vattenbesparing i hushåll och kontor är goda, men det saknas ekonomiska incitament för att investera i de tekniska lösningar som krävs. Investeringskostnaderna bedöms för höga i förhållande till de låga priserna på dricksvatten. Drivkrafter i nuläget handlar främst om medvetenhet i frågan samt vattenbrist i lokalområdet. Därför finns det behov av ytterligare incitament.  Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka de huvudsakliga drivkrafterna är för större fastighetsägare av hyresfastigheter att vidta åtgärder för vattenbesparing och vilka hinder som finns. Syftet var också att titta på hur energibesparing kan uppnås genom vattenbesparande åtgärder samt vilken ekonomisk besparing som kan uppnås genom att vidta åtgärder. För att uppfylla detta syfte användes intervjuer, litteratursökning och beräkningar. Resultaten från intervjuer med fastighetsägare visade att de huvudsakliga drivkrafterna var resurshushållning och samhällsansvar, men att ekonomi blivit en viktigare drivkraft i och med stigande priser på vatten och energi. De huvudsakliga hindren för att vidta åtgärder var problem med finansiering samt tekniska svårigheter kopplat till implementering. Certifiering var viktigt för de kommersiella fastighetsbolagen men ansågs inte lönsamt för de allmännyttiga bostadsbolagen. Resultaten från beräkningar visade på en stor teoretisk besparing med avseende på både vatten, energi och ekonomi med åtgärderna perlatorer, vattensnåla duschar samt snålspolande toaletter. Resultaten visar att för mer avancerade tekniska åtgärder för vattenbesparing såsom urinseparerande toaletter och recirkulerande duschar är vattenbesparingspotentialen stor, men det tar lång tid för en investering att återbetala sig. Insamlad data visade på en hög förbrukning trots vattensnål teknik, vilket talar för att tekniken behöver kombineras med fler åtgärder, som exempelvis kommunikation eller individuell mätning och debitering för kallvatten.

Viabilidade operacional de modelos de cobrança pelo uso da água bruta para a Região do Alto Curso do Rio Piranhas. / Operational feasibility of collection models for the use of raw water for the Upper Piranhas River Course Region.

SOUSA, Francisca Rosângela Lopes de. 01 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-06-01T20:42:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FRANCISCA ROZÂNGELA LOPES DE SOUSA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGSA PROFISSIONAL 2016..pdf: 1339924 bytes, checksum: 5a1d656498f413e65c19c6fc5bab3a42 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-01T20:42:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FRANCISCA ROZÂNGELA LOPES DE SOUSA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGSA PROFISSIONAL 2016..pdf: 1339924 bytes, checksum: 5a1d656498f413e65c19c6fc5bab3a42 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / A cobrança pelo uso da água tem sido implementada de forma muito lenta na maioria das bacias hidrográficas brasileiras, mesmo tendo o respaldo na Lei nº 9.433/97, que instituiu a Política Nacional de Recursos Hídricos (PNRH) e criou o Sistema Nacional de Gerenciamento de Recursos Hídricos (SINGREH). De modo que a bacia hidrográfica do rio Piancó-Piranhas-Açu ainda não realiza a cobrança, assim esse estudo propõe analisar qual(is) o(s) modelo(s) de cobrança pelo uso da água bruta existentes que pode(m) ser adotado(s) na região do alto curso do rio Piranhas? Inicialmente fez-se um levantamento das outorgas de águas emitidas na região de estudo através do site da Agência Executiva de Gestão de Águas do estado da Paraíba sendo elaborado um diagnóstico das outorgas emitidas identificando as passíveis de cobrança. Depois foram analisados os modelos adotados no estado do Ceará; na bacia do Paraíba do Sul; na bacia dos rios Piracicaba, Capivari e Jundiaí; no rio São Francisco bem como o proposto para o estado da Paraíba. Finalmente por meio de uma visita técnica à sede da Gerência Regional de Bacia Hidrográfica III da AESA, na cidade de Sousa, realizou-se uma entrevista semiestruturada com a gestora responsável, sobre possíveis informações para a implementação da cobrança pelo uso da água bruta. Através do diagnóstico das outorgas, pode-se perceber a real situação dos usuários de água nessa região, evidenciando a importância da eficiência na concessão de outorga. Tais modelos foram implementados de forma satisfatória tanto que as metodologias estão consolidadas e aceitas até os dias atuais. O modelo proposto pelo estado da Paraíba, apesar de ser o único dos cinco estudados, com capacidade para a simulação devido aos dados disponíveis, não pode ser utilizado na bacia do rio Piancó-Piranhas-Açu por se tratar de uma bacia de domínio federal, ainda assim, simulando este modelo a arrecadação anual seria de R$ 201.156,94; considerando um total de 213 usuários outorgados. Contudo o estudo não analisou de forma criteriosa se os possíveis valores poderiam de fato suprir a necessidade da bacia, se os recursos seriam suficientes para a sua recuperação bem como para práticas da educação ambiental. / The water use Collection has been implemented very slowly in most Brazilian water parting, even though it was supported by Law No. 9,433 / 97, which established the National Water Resources Policy (PNRH) and created the National Water Resources Management System. Water Resources (SINGREH). So that the Piancó-Piranhas-Açu Hydrographic basin is not yet collected, so this study proposes to analyze which existing collection model (s) for the use of raw water can be Adopted in the high region of the Piranhas river? Initially a survey of the water grants issued in the study region was made through the website of the Executive Agency for Water Management of the state of Paraíba, and a diagnosis of the grants issued was drawn up, identifying the sources of collection. Then the models adopted in the state of Ceará were analyzed; In the Paraíba do Sul basin; In the Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiaí rivers basin; In the São Francisco river as well as the one proposed for the state of Paraíba. Finally, through a technical visit to the thirst of the Regional Management of the AESA Hydrographic Basin III, in the city of Sousa, half structured interview was conducted with the responsible manager about possible information for the implementation of the charge for the use of raw water. Through the diagnosis of grants, one can perceive the real situation of water users in this region, evidencing the importance of efficiency in granting concession. Some models were implemented in a satisfactory way so that the methodologies are consolidated and accepted until the present day. The model proposed by the state of Paraíba, despite being the only one of the five studied, with capacity for the simulation due to the available data, can not be used in the Piancó-Piranhas-Açu river basin because it is a federal domain basin, Even so, simulating this model, the annual collection would be R$ 201,156.94; Considering a total of 213 users granted. However, the study did not critically examine whether the possible values could actually meet the basin's need if resources were sufficient for its recovery as well as environmental education practices.

Institutional structures for equitable and sustainable water resource management in the Middle East

Davidson, Michael Raphael 01 January 2006 (has links)
Water management is a challenge in the Middle East today because of increasing population, decreasing water quality, political instability and security concerns. Israel and the Palestinian Authority share the three major freshwater sources in an inequitable and unsustainable manner. This study details the hydro-geological, political, cultural and legal challenges to equitable and sustainable water resource management in the region.

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