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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adubações com nitrogênio e enxofre: frações no solo, características estruturais, nutricionais, produtivas e uso da água pelo capim-marandu / Nitrogen and sulphur fertilizations: fractions in soil, water use and Marandu palissadegrass structural, nutricional and productive characteristics

Artur, Adriana Guirado 13 January 2011 (has links)
A adubação equilibrada com nitrogênio e enxofre pode alterar a nutrição e produção das gramíneas forrageiras. Mediante as aplicações de combinações de doses de nitrogênio com doses de enxofre, objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos: a) nas frações desses nutrientes no solo e correlacionar com as quantidades acumuladas desses nutrientes pela Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu; b) nas variáveis de crescimento, concentração total e formas inorgânicas de nitrogênio e enxofre e relação N:S nas raízes da gramínea forrageira; c) no consumo e eficiência do uso da água pela gramínea; d) nas variáveis estruturais, produção de massa seca e na quantidade acumulada desses nutrientes no capim-marandu e, e) na diagnose nutricional de nitrogênio e enxofre no capim, buscando determinar os níveis críticos para esses nutrientes. Dois experimentos simultâneos foram conduzidos em casa de vegetação, um com e outro sem o capim-marandu, no período de setembro a dezembro de 2008, utilizando um solo classificado como Neossolo Quartzarênico. Cinco doses de nitrogênio (0; 100; 200; 300 e 400 mg dm-3) foram combinadas com cinco doses de enxofre (0; 10; 20; 30 e 40 mg dm-3) em um fatorial 52 fracionado, com quatro repetições. No experimento sem plantas verificou-se o efeito da adubação com doses de nitrogênio e enxofre nas frações desses nutrientes no solo. A adubação com nitrogênio aumentou as frações inorgânicas de nitrato e amônio, nitrogênio total hidrolisável, nitrogênio amoniacal hidrolisável, aminoaçúcar e nitrogênio não identificado. A aplicação de doses de enxofre incrementou enxofre-éster e o enxofre residual do solo. No experimento com plantas observou-se que o fornecimento de doses de nitrogênio com doses de enxofre aumentou a massa seca de raízes, as concentrações de enxofre, nitrato e sulfato nas raízes, enquanto o comprimento e a superfície radicular, concentrações de nitrogênio e de amônio e relação N:S no sistema radicular responderam significativamente às doses de nitrogênio. Ocorreu aumento no consumo e na eficiência do uso da água pelo capim com adubação combinada de doses de nitrogênio com doses de enxofre. Número de folhas, número de perfilhos, área foliar, massa seca da parte aérea e quantidade acumulada de nutrientes pela parte aérea do capim responderam significativamente à adubação nitrogenada no primeiro corte das plantas, mas houve a necessidade de adicionar o enxofre na adubação com nitrogênio para maximizar essas variáveis nos dois crescimentos seguintes do capim. Apenas a adubação com nitrogênio foi significativa no primeiro período de crescimento, enquanto as combinações de doses de nitrogênio com doses de enxofre foram significativas no segundo e terceiro períodos de crescimento para o valor SPAD, concentrações de nitrogênio e enxofre e relação N:S nas folhas diagnósticas do capim. Correlações significativas entre a concentração de nitrogênio nas folhas diagnósticas e o valor SPAD foram observadas para os três períodos de crescimento do capim. A falta de resposta ao enxofre no primeiro período de crescimento da gramínea mostrou a baixa demanda por esse nutriente nessa fase. Os benefícios da adubação nitrogenada foram maximizados pelo suprimento conjunto com enxofre nos dois períodos subseqüentes de crescimento do capim-marandu. / Nitrogen and sulphur balanced fertilization may change mineral nutrition and yield of forage grasses. Based on the supply of combinations of nitrogen and sulphur rates, the objectives were to evaluate the effects: a) in these nutrient fractions in the soil and to correlate this fractions with nitrogen and sulphur content in Brachiaria brizantha; b) the combination of nitrogen rates with sulphur rates on the root growth characteristics, in nitrogen and sulphur, total concentration and inorganic forms and N:S ratio in roots of the forage grass; c) on water consumption and efficient use by Marandu palisadegrass; d) on structural characteristics, aboveground forage yield and nutrient content in the grass and e) on nutritional diagnosis of these nutrients in the forage, trying to obtain the critical levels of these nutrients. Two experiments were carried out at the same time under greenhouse conditions, one with and one without the Marandu palisadegrass from September to December 2008, and the soil was an Entisol. Five nitrogen rates (0; 100; 200; 300 and 400 mg dm-3) were combined with five sulphur rates (0; 10; 20; 30 and 40 mg dm-3) in fractionated 52 factorial, with four replications. In the experiment without plants, the nitrogen and sulphur fertilization changed these nutrients fractions in the soil. Nitrogen fertilization increased inorganic fractions of nitrate and ammonium, hydrolyzable total nitrogen, hydrolyzable ammonium, amino sugars and unidentified nitrogen. Application of sulphur rates increased estersulphur and residual sulphur in the soil. In the experiment with plants, supply of both nitrogen and sulphur increased root dry matter production, total sulphur, nitrate and sulphate-sulphur concentrations, while for total root length and root surface area, total nitrogen and ammonium concentrations and N:S only ratio nitrogen rates had significant responses. Nitrogen and sulphur rates increased the water consumption and efficiency of use by grass. Numbers of leaves, number of tillers, leaf area, shoot dry masss and nitrogen content in the shoots of forage grass showed significant responses to nitrogen fertilization in the first growth period but it was necessary to add sulphur in the fertilization to maximize these variables for following two growth period of the grass. Only nitrogen fertilization was significant in the first growth period, while the combinations of nitrogen and sulphur rates were significant for the SPAD value, concentrations of nitrogen and sulphur and N:S ratio in diagnostic leaves of the grass. Significant correlation was observed for nitrogen concentration in diagnostic leaves and SPAD value the three growth periods. Sulphur demand by Marandu palissadegrass was low in the first growth period, but the nitrogen fertilization benefits were maximized by adding sulphur in the fertilization of this grass.

Regulação do balanço vegetativo-reprodutivo pelo crescimento semi-determinado em tomateiro (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv Micro-Tom) e seu impacto na produtividade e eficiência no uso da água / Regulation of the vegetative-to-reproductive balance through the semideterminate growth habit in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv Micro-Tom) and its impact in the productivity and water use efficiency

Vicente, Mateus Henrique 29 August 2013 (has links)
O hábito de crescimento influencia o balanço entre o desenvolvimento vegetativo e o reprodutivo das plantas. Este, por sua vez, está diretamente vinculado a diversas variáveis de interesse agronômico, como produtividade e consumo de água. Em tomateiro, existem três hábitos de crescimento conhecidos: determinado, indeterminado e semi-determinado, sendo esse último na verdade determinado, porém com uma extensão do ciclo vegetativo. Cultivares de crescimento determinado são largamente utilizadas para produção de tomates destinados à indústria (molhos e ketchups), e as indeterminadas destinadas ao consumo in natura. Por outro lado, genótipos de crescimento semi-determinado, embora ainda sejam pouco explorados, apresentam-se como ótimas opções tanto para indústria quanto para o consumo in natura. Diante disto, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a implicação do hábito de crescimento semi-determinado no desempenho produtivo e na eficiência no uso da água de plantas de tomateiro. Para tal, genótipos com diferentes hábitos de crescimento foram produzidos, por meio de introgressões de variações alélicas que afetam o hábito de crescimento das plantas, no background genético da cultivar miniatura de tomateiro Micro-Tom (MT). A caracterização desses genótipos demonstrou que os materiais de crescimento semideterminado apresentam um atraso no florescimento, emitindo em média uma folha a mais antes da formação da primeira inflorescência. Além disso, verificasse que essas plantas apresentam uma altura intermediária entre genótipos de crescimento determinado e indeterminado, aos 50 dias após a semeadura. Já para características agronômicas, constatou-se um aumento significativo na produtividade e no conteúdo de sólidos solúveis totais (brix) nos frutos dos genótipos de crescimento semi-determinado em comparação com o de crescimento determinado. Os dados sugerem que esse efeito seja resultante de um balanço mais equilibrado entre o desenvolvimento vegetativo e o reprodutivo, evidenciado pela ausência de diferença significativa na partição de massa seca oriunda do desenvolvimento vegetativo e do reprodutivo nesses genótipos, quando comparados aos genótipos de crescimento determinado e indeterminado. A eficiência no uso da água (EUA) foi avaliada tanto gravimetricamente (massa seca total produzida por quantidade de água transpirada), quanto através de discriminação isotópica. Os genótipos de crescimento semi-determinado apresentaram maior EUA do que os genótipos determinado e indeterminado aos 50 dias após a semeadura. Curiosamente, as plantas de crescimento semi-determinado mostraram-se mais resistentes, quando submetidas a um estresse de seca, que o genótipo de crescimento determinado utilizado como controle nas avaliações. Entretanto, são necessários estudos para elucidar o mecanismo envolvido nesta resistência. Em conclusão, os resultados aqui apresentados sugerem que os genótipos de crescimento semi-determinado atingiram o balanço ótimo entre desenvolvimento vegetativo e reprodutivo, de forma a aumentar concomitantemente, produtividade, conteúdo de brix nos frutos, e eficiência no uso da água. / Growth habit influences the balance between vegetative and reproductive development of plants. This, in turn, is directly linked to several variables of agronomic interest, such as yield and water-use efficiency (WUE). In tomato, there are three growth habits: determinate, indeterminate and semi-determinate, the latter being actually determinate, but with an extension of the vegetative cycle. Cultivars of determinate growth are widely used for processing-tomato industry (sauces and ketchups), and indeterminate for in natura consumption (production to salads). On the other hand, semi-determinate growth genotypes, although are still poorly explored, they present an excellent option for both the industry and in natura consumption. Thus, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the implication of the semi-determinate growth habit in productive performance and in WUE of tomato plants. For this reason, genotypes with different growth habits were produced through introgression of allelic variations that affect the plants growth habit, in the genetic background of the tomato cultivar Micro-Tom (MT). The characterization of these genotypes showed that the semi-determinate growth materials exhibit a delay in flowering, producing on average one extra leaf before the first inflorescence formation. In addition, this architecture presents an intermediate height between determinate and indeterminate growth genotypes, 50 days after sowing. As for agronomic traits, we found a significant increase in yield and total soluble solids content (brix) in the fruits of semi-determinate growth genotypes compared with determinate growth. Our data suggest this effect is resulting from a more balanced vegetative and reproductive development, evidenced by the absence of significant difference on the dry matter partition derived from the vegetative and reproductive development in these genotypes, when compared to determinate and indeterminate growth genotypes. WUE was evaluated both gravimetrically (dry mass produced per amount of water transpired), and through isotopic discrimination. The semideterminate growth genotypes showed higher WUE than determinate and indeterminate genotypes at 50 days after sowing. Interestingly, the plants of semideterminate growth were more resistant than determinate growth genotype used as control, when exposed to drought stress. However, studies are needed to elucidate the mechanism involved in this resistance. In conclusion, the results presented here suggest that the genotypes of semi-determinate growth reached the optimal balance between vegetative and reproductive development, in order to increase concomitantly, productivity, brix content in the fruits, and WUE.

Produtividade de cana-de-açúcar irrigada por gotejamento: Interações entre variedades, lâminas e intensidade do déficit hídrico na fase de maturação / Productivity of sugarcane drip irrigated: interactions between varieties, irrigation depth and water deficit intensity during ripening

Barbosa, Fernando da Silva 14 January 2015 (has links)
O setor sucroenergético enfrenta atualmente uma crise industrial e agrícola, carecendo de pesquisas para reverter este quadro, dependendo de matéria-prima a custos competitivos, e isso, passa obrigatoriamente pelo aumento de produtividade no campo. A irrigação é uma das alternativas para o aumento de produtividade, mas exige investimentos consideráveis para se irrigar de forma profissional. Além disso, a crescente demanda por alimentos e a competição por recursos hídricos em todo o mundo são uma realidade que impulsiona o uso mais eficiente da água em todos os setores, principalmente na agricultura. Assim, com a hipótese de que, para cada variedade de cana-de-açúcar, existe uma combinação mais adequada entre a lâmina de irrigação e a intensidade do déficit hídrico na fase de maturação, de modo a maximizar a produtividade, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de quatro lâminas de irrigação e quatro intensidades de déficit hídrico na fase de maturação, para oito variedades de cana-deaçúcar irrigadas por gotejamento, analisando as variáveis relacionadas à qualidade e à produtividade por unidade de área, bem como, quantificando a produtividade por unidade de água (evapo)transpirada (produtividade da água). O experimento foi conduzido em estufa na Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\" (USP), em Piracicaba-SP. Os tratamentos foram distribuídos em esquema fatorial (4x4x8) com parcelas sub-subdivididas com 3 repetições, totalizando-se 128 tratamentos e 384 parcelas experimentais, sendo as parcelas experimentais compostas de um vaso com aproximadamente 330 litros de solo contendo duas plantas. As lâminas avaliadas (L50, L75 L100 e L125) foram variações na fração aplicada ao longo do tempo tomando como referência o tratamento L100, em que se manteve a umidade do solo próxima à capacidade de campo (θcc) ao longo de todo experimento. Cada variedade testada teve sua própria referência L100. As intensidades do déficit hídrico para maturação avaliadas foram M1 (déficit hídrico moderado de longa duração), M2 (déficit hídrico intensivo de longa duração), M3 (sem déficit hídrico) e M4 (déficit hídrico severo de curta duração). A produtividade de colmos (TCH) foi favorecida pela combinação L100 e M3, independente da variedade estudada, com valor médio estimado de 232,2 t ha-1. Entre as variedades, a V4 apresentou a maior TCH, com média de 250,4 t ha-1 para L100. O rendimento bruto de açúcar (RBA) está diretamente ligado à produtividade de colmos, sendo igualmente favorecido pela combinação de L100 e M3, com valor médio de 23,4 t ha-1. As variedades V1, V2, V4 e V6, na lâmina L100, não diferiram significativamente entre si para RBA e tiveram a maior média, 23,9 t ha-1. A produtividade da água em açúcar e biomassa foi diferenciada em 4 e 2 grupos de variedades, respectivamente, e foi independente da lâmina de irrigação e do manejo para maturação adotados. Este resultado para a produtividade da água é característico da irrigação por gotejamento, onde as perdas por evaporação são minimizadas e a retenção de água nas folhas inexiste. Desta maneira, recomenda-se a irrigação plena de cana-de-açúcar caso a opção econômica seja pelo sistema de gotejamento. / The sugarcane industry is currently facing an industrial and agricultural crisis, lacking research to reverse this situation, depending on the raw material at competitive costs, and this inevitably entails the increase in productivity in the field. The use of irrigation systems is imposed as an alternative, but requires considerable investments to irrigate professionally. In addition, the growing demand for food and competition for water resources worldwide, are a reality that drives the more efficient water use in all sectors, especially in agriculture. Thus, with the hypothesis that there is for each variety of sugar sugarcane, a more appropriate mix between irrigation depth and intensity water deficit during ripening, in order to maximize productivity, the aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of four irrigation depths and four levels of water stress during ripening, for eight drip irrigated sugarcane varieties, analyzing the variables related to quality and productivity per area unit, as well as quantifying productivity per unit of evapotranspired water (water productivity). The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the \"Luiz de Queiroz\" College of Agriculture (USP) in Piracicaba-SP. Treatments were arranged in a factorial design (4x4x8) with split-split-plot with three replicates, totaling 128 treatments and 384 plots, and the plots consist of a box with about 330 liters of soil containing two plants. The evaluated irrigation depths (L50, L75 and L100 L125) were variations in the fraction applied over time, relative to the treatment L100, where soil moisture remained close to field capacity (θcc) throughout the experiment. Each tested variety had its own reference L100. The intensities of water deficit during maturation were evaluated for M1 (moderate water deficit of long duration), M2 (intensive water deficit of long duration), M3 (no water deficit) and M4 (severe water deficit of short duration). The sugarcane yield (TCH) was favored by the combination L100 and M3, regardless of the studied variety, with an estimated average value of 232.2 t ha-1. Among the varieties, V4 had the highest TCH, with average of averaging 250.4 t ha-1 for L100. Sugar yield (RBA) is directly linked to sugarcane yield and is also favored by the combination of L100 and M3, with an average value of 23.4 t ha-1. The V1, V2, V4 and V6 varieties, for irrigation depth L100, did not differ significantly for RBA and had the highest average, 23.9 t ha-1. The water productivity in sugar and biomass differed in 4 and 2 variety groups, respectively, and was independent of the adopted irrigation depth and maturation management. The result for water productivity is characteristic of drip irrigation, where losses by evaporation are minimized and water retention in the leaves does not exist. Thus, one should consider the possibility of full drip irrigation, instead of the deficit one, for sugarcane.

Vattenhantering och reglering för textilproducenter i Turkiet / Water Management and Regulation of Textile Producers in Turkey

Hallberg, Rebecka, Lundin, Annelie January 2011 (has links)
Vatten är en av jordens livsviktiga resurser, en resurs som hela tiden minskar. I delar av världen råder akut vattenbrist och ofta återfinns industrier med hög vattenanvändning i områden med begränsad vattentillgång. En av dessa industrier är textilindustrin. Vid textil beredning är vattenförbrukningen mycket hög och avloppsvattnet är ofta mycket förorenat. Vattenfrågorna inom textil produktion har fram till idag inte uppmärksammats i lika stor grad som arbetsrätts- och kemikaliefrågorna. Dock är det den just nu den störst växande frågan och antas bli lika stor som de två nämnda föregångarna.Denna kandidatuppsats är delvis skriven för Gina Tricots räkning och för deras del i vatteninitiativet Sweden Textile Water Initiative, (STWI). STWI är en sammanslutning av ett 30-tal svenska textil- och läderföretag som tillsammans arbetar för att uppmärksamma vattenfrågorna i produktionen och skapa verktyg inför ett förbättringsarbete. Gina Tricot ingår i arbetsgruppen som undersöker lagar i produktionsländerna. Gina Tricots land är Turkiet, som blivit vår bas för denna uppsats.Uppsatsen redogör för vattenåtgång i de vanligast förekommande våtprocesserna i de turkiska fabriker som vi besökt och vilka lagar och regleringar som styr producenterna i landet. Vi har även skapat ett förslag för hur Gina Tricot ska implementera STWI:s guideline som färdigställs 2012.Vid en kontinuerlig process är vattenåtgången betydligt mindre än vid en diskontinuerlig process. Den mest vattensnåla processen är den halv-kontinuerliga. All dosering, av såväl kemikalier som färg, bör vara automatisk för att minska risken för överdosering och onödiga utsläpp. Överloppssköljningar är mycket vattenslösande och det mest effektiva är motströmssköljningar. Som produktutvecklare bör skillnader i vattenåtgången för olika färgämnen finnas i åtanke vid val av material och utseende på produkten.1983 infördes den första turkiska miljölagen. Lagen reviderades 2006 för att anpassas till EU:s lagstiftning. Turkiet har ett stort antal vattenlagar som reglerar allt som innefattar vatten, inom alla områden. Lagarna styr bland annat i vilka mängder textilproducenter får släppa ut olika ämnen i vattendrag. Idag är det främst lagarna The Law on Environment, Urban Wastewater Treatment och Water Pollution Control som styr turkiska textilproducenters vattenhantering.Water is one of earth's vital resources, a resource that is constantly decreasing. In some parts of the world there is acute water scarcity and industries with high water use are often found in areas with limited water availability. One of these industries is the textile industry. The water consumption in textile finishing is very high and the wastewater is often very highly polluted. Water issues in the textile industry have to this date not received as much attention as labor and chemical issues. However, it is the currently the largest growing issue and is expected to be as great as its two predecessors.This report is in part written on behalf of Gina Tricot and for their part in Sweden Textile Water Initiative (STWI). STWI is an association of some 30 Swedish textile and leather companies that are working together to draw attention to water issues in production and create tools for improvement. Gina Tricot is included in the working group that examines laws in producing countries. Gina Tricot’s country is Turkey, which has become the base for this thesis.The thesis describes the water consumption of the most common wet processes in the Turkish factories, that we have visited, and what laws and regulations that govern the producers in the country. We have also created a suggested implementation of STWI’s water management guideline, for Gina Tricot.The water consumption is significantly less in a continuous process than in a discontinuous process. The most water-efficient process is the pad-batch. All dosing of chemicals and dyes should be automatic in order to reduce the risk of overdosing and avoidable emissions. Overflow rinse are highly water-wasting and the most effective rinse is counter flow. Product developers should be aware of the differences in water consumption for various dyes when selecting materials and appearance of the product.In 1983 the first Turkish environmental law was established. It was amended in 2006 to conform to EU legislation. Turkey has a large number of water laws that regulate everything that includes water, in all areas. The laws governing, inter alia, the volumes of various substances textile producers can emit into watercourses. These three laws are primarily governing Turkish textile producers’ water management: The Law on Environment, Urban Waste Water Treatment and Water Pollution Control. / Program: Textilingenjörsutbildningen

Avalia??o do crescimento, necessidade h?drica e efici?ncia no uso da ?gua pela cultura do piment?o (Capsicum annuum.L), sob manejo org?nico nos sistemas de plantio com preparo de solo e direto - Seropedica, RJ / Evaluation of the vegetal growth, hydric necessity and water use efficiency by bell pepper crop (Capsicum annum. L.) under organic management in system of seeding with prepare soil and no till cropping system.

Pereira, Jo?o Batista Alves 21 February 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T14:58:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2006-Joao Batista Alves Pereira.pdf: 1832144 bytes, checksum: 36798c7d302cc3a5d500e230c9f5af03 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-02-21 / Evaluation of the vegetal growth, hydric necessity and water use efficiency by bell pepper crop (Capsicum annum. L.) under organic management in system of seeding with prepare soil and no till cropping system. This work was conducted in the experimental area of SIPA (Integrated system of agro ecological production), at the county of Serop?dica RJ, with the aim of valuate the growth , the water needs, and the efficiency of the use of the water by the bell pepper culture (Capsicum annuum. L ), at the conventional (PC) and the direct systems of soiling. The conventional system consisted of soil prepare with rotational hoe tied to a micro tractor, and the direct soiling, being done after the occupation of the area with a combination of Sorghum bicolor and Crotal?ria acroleura, that was grazed at the transplantation of the bell pepper s seedlings without previous soil preparation. The same fertilization and cultural practices permitted by the agro ecological handling, was used in both systems. The two systems tested, received sprinkler irrigation, and the determination of the water s blade, was made by monitoring with TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry), calibrated for the soil conditions of the experimental area. The splits were also monitorated by a tensiometer at a 50 cm. deep. Collects were made at intervals of 14 days, with the aim of foliar area evaluation, biomass accumulation by the parts of the plant, along the entire cycle, being also evaluated the crop production at the two systems of soiling. By the adjustment of the IAF (Foliar Area Indices ) and the biomass accumulated by the plant at the two systems of planting in function of accumulated day-degree (GDA), was verified that 1533 GDA was necessary to complete the productive cycle, reaching the top of accumulated biomass at 1059 and 1148 GDA, at PC and PD respectivement. There were no differences between the systems of planting, in respect of the growth rate and the productivity, however the PD system gave less competition between spontaneous vegetation and the bell pepper crop, reducing in 60% the necessity of hand labor at the firsts weddings. The PD system raise the efficiency of the use of water (EUA) by the crop reducing in 47,5 mm. the blade applied during its cycle, in relation of PC. The irrigation handling using TDR, provide an meaning EUA of 4,4 Kg.m-3, above the means of 1,5 to 3,0Kg.m-3, recommended by Doorenbos & Kassam (1994). The culture coefficients (Kc) recommended for the bell pepper crop, were evaluated together with the calculated coefficients using some methodologies proposed in this work, and was noted that the estimated Kc s values of the production cycles (ETc cycle) and by the Kc curve (graphic ETc) estimated during the culture cycle, were more appropriated for the calculation of the evapotranspiration of the crop. The estimation of reference evapotranspiration (ETo), by the pan class A method, made possible means close to those estimated by the Penman-Monteith model witch is recommended by FAO as standard. Therefore, the pan class A method, can be utilized in the estimated ETo, at same conditions of the experiment when there are no data of climate for the Penman-Monteith model use. Associated tensiometry and TDR for irrigation management, showed to be an essential practice when looking for raising the efficiency of the use of water. / Este trabalho foi realizado na ?rea experimental do SIPA (Sistema Integrado de produ??o Agroecol?gica), localizada no munic?pio de Serop?dica-RJ, com o objetivo de avaliar o crescimento, as necessidades h?dricas e a efici?ncia no uso da ?gua pela cultura do piment?o (Capsicum annuum. L), nos sistemas de plantio convencional (PC) e direto (PD). O sistema convencional consistiu de preparo de solo com enxada rotativa acoplada a micro-trator e o plantio direto, na ocupa??o da ?rea com pr?-cultivo, utilizando o cons?rcio Sorghum bicolor e Crotal?ria acroleura, os quais foram ro?ados por ocasi?o do transplante das mudas de piment?o, sem o preparo pr?vio do solo. Em ambos os tratamentos a cultura recebeu a mesma aduba??o de cova e tratos culturais permitidos pelo manejo agroecol?gico. Nos dois sistemas de plantio a cultura foi irrigada por aspers?o, e a determina??o das l?minas aplicadas, foi realizada atrav?s do monitoramento com TDR (Reflectometria no dom?nio do tempo), calibrado para as condi??es de solo da ?rea experimental. As parcelas foram monitoradas tamb?m por tensi?metro no perfil de 50cm de profundidade. Foram realizadas coletas em intervalos de 14 dias com a finalidade de avaliar a ?rea foliar e acumulo de biomassa pelas partes da planta, durante todo o seu ciclo, sendo avaliado tamb?m a produ??o pela cultura nos dois sistemas de plantio. Por meio do ajuste do IAF e da biomassa acumulada pela planta nos dois sistemas de plantio em fun??o de graus-dia acumulado (GDA), constatou-se que s?o necess?rios 1533 GDA para que a planta complete o seu ciclo produtivo, atingindo o m?ximo de biomassa acumulada aos 1059 e 1148 GDA, no PC e PD, respectivamente. Os sistemas de plantio n?o diferiram significativamente entre si com rela??o ?s taxas de crescimento e produtividade, entretanto o plantio direto proporcionou menor competi??o da vegeta??o espont?nea com a cultura, reduzindo em 60 % a necessidade de m?o-de-obra nas primeiras capinas. O PD aumentou a efici?ncia no uso da ?gua (EUA), pela cultura, reduzindo em 47,5mm a l?mina aplicada durante o seu ciclo, em rela??o ao PC. O manejo da irriga??o utilizando o TDR, proporcionou a EUA m?dia de 4,4kg.m-3, acima dos valores 1,5 a 3,0kg.m-3 propostos por Doorenbos e Kassam (1994). Os Coeficientes de cultivo (Kc) recomendados para a cultura, foram avaliados juntamente com os calculados por v?rias metodologias propostas neste trabalho, verificando-se que os valores de Kc estimados em fun??o dos ciclos de produ??o (ETc ciclo) e pela curva de Kc (ETc gr?fico) estimados durante o ciclo da cultura, se mostraram mais adequados ao c?lculo da evapotranspira??o da cultura. A estimativa da evapotranspira??o refer?ncia (ETo), pelo m?todo do tanque classe A , possibilitou valores pr?ximos aos estimados pelo modelo de Penman-Monteith recomendado pela FAO como padr?o. Portanto o m?todo do tanque classe A poder? ser utilizado na estimativa da ETo, em condi??es semelhantes a do experimento, quando n?o houver disponibilidade de dados clim?ticos para o uso do modelo de Penman- Monteith. O uso da tensiometria associado ao TDR no manejo de irriga??o revelou ser uma pr?tica indispens?vel, quando se almeja aumentar a efici?ncia no uso da ?gua.

Irriga??o automatizada com d?ficit controlado em alface em ambiente protegido: produ??o em vasos e em bandejas / Automated irrigation with deficit controlled in lettuce in greenhouse: production in pots and trays

Valen?a, David da Cunha 24 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2017-01-09T11:54:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - David da Cunha Valen?a.pdf: 2653024 bytes, checksum: d2b4461225be75ec25872fbc06de8bdb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-09T11:54:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - David da Cunha Valen?a.pdf: 2653024 bytes, checksum: d2b4461225be75ec25872fbc06de8bdb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-24 / Funda??o Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado do RJ - FAPERJ / The concern with the intensive use of natural resources has become increasingly justifying the development of new technologies aiming their rational use such as automated irrigation systems. The automation of irrigation could to allow water saving increasing efficiency of its use in agricultural production. The first chapter of this study was to evaluate five different volumes (130, 100, 80, 60 and 33% of volume of Simplified Irrigation Controller - SIC) in the production of lettuce in pots in a production system called "Organic Potponics". It was used the SIC, whose operation is based on tension in the soil solution. The different volumes were achieved by drippers association of different flow rates in the same pipe. It was evaluated fresh and dry weight, number of leaves and diameter of lettuce plants (production variables); stomatal conductance, chlorophyll content, relative water content in leaves and chlorophyll fluorescence (physiological variables); and the water use efficiency (WUE). The corresponding volume 126% specified by the SIC installed to a tension soil of 6 kPa was that provided the best results production of dry weight, whereas the maximal WUE was obtained for the corresponding slide 80%. It indicates the volume of 83%, because it provided the best economy of water and a satisfactory production to sale. In the second chapter aimed to evaluate the use of the SIC under four different tensions to the substrate for the production of lettuce seedlings in trays under greenhouse conditions. It was evaluated fresh and dry weight of shoots, number of leaves, shoot height, leaf length and leaf area (production variables); chlorophyll content (physiological variable); and WUE. Higher water stress in the substrate decreased irrigation events, harming the growth of linearly seedlings and causing large percentage of deaths. The tension of 4 kPa was the one that provided the highest values in all production variables. The tension of 6.5 kPa despite having a percentage of death, can be used to produce more resistant seedlings / A preocupa??o com o uso intensivo dos recursos naturais tem se tornado cada vez maior, justificando o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias que buscam sua aplica??o racional, como dispositivos autom?ticos de irriga??o. A automa??o da irriga??o pode permitir a economia da ?gua aumentando a efici?ncia de seu uso na produ??o agr?cola. O primeiro cap?tulo desse estudo teve como objetivo avaliar cinco diferentes volumes de irriga??o (130, 100, 80, 60 e 33% do volume do Acionador Simplificado de Irriga??o - ASI) na produ??o de alface em vasos em um sistema de produ??o denominado ?Vasoponia Org?nica?. Foi utilizado o ASI, cujo funcionamento baseia-se na tens?o da solu??o do solo. Os diferentes volumes foram conseguidos pela associa??o de gotejadores de vaz?es distintas em uma mesma tubula??o. Foram avaliados pesos fresco e seco, n?mero de folhas e di?metro das plantas de alface (vari?veis de produ??o); condut?ncia estom?tica, Teor de clorofila, conte?do relativo de ?gua nas folhas e fluoresc?ncia da clorofila (vari?veis fisiol?gicas); al?m da efici?ncia de uso da ?gua (EUA). O volume correspondente a 126% do indicado pelo ASI, instalado para tens?o de 6 kPa no solo, foi a que proporcionou os melhores resultados de produ??o de massa seca, enquanto que a m?xima EUA foi obtido para a l?mina correspondente a 83%. Indica-se o volume de 83%, pois proporcionou a melhor economia de ?gua e uma produ??o satisfat?ria ? comercializa??o. No segundo cap?tulo, objetivou-se avaliar a utiliza??o do ASI sob quatro diferentes tens?es no substrato para a produ??o de mudas de alface em bandejas de isopor em ambiente protegido. Foram avaliados peso fresco e da parte a?rea, n?mero de folhas, altura da parte a?rea, comprimento de folhas e ?rea foliar (vari?veis de produ??o); teor de clorofila (vari?vel fisiol?gica); al?m da EUA. Maiores tens?es de ?gua no substrato diminu?ram o n?mero de eventos de irriga??o, prejudicando o crescimento das mudas de forma linear e ocasionando grande percentual de mortes. A tens?o de 4 kPa foi a que proporcionou os maiores valores em todas as vari?veis de produ??o. A tens?o de 6,5 kPa apesar de apresentar um percentual de morte, pode ser utilizada para a produ??o de mudas mais resistentes.

Physiological mechanisms involved in water use efficiency in grapevines

Tomás Mir, Magdalena 02 July 2012 (has links)
La sequera és una de les majors limitacions per a l’agricultura en general, factor que pot incrementar d’acord amb les prediccions del canvi climàtic. Per això, reduir l’ús de l’aigua en el reg i augmentar l’eficiència en l’ús de l’aigua (EUA) constitueix una de les majors prioritats per aconseguir una agricultura sostenible. L’EUA és un balanç entre guanys de biomassa i les despeses d’aigua. Aquesta Tesi s’ha centrat en l’estudi de 3 dels processos fisiològics que afecten a l’ús de l’aigua i a la producció de la planta en el cas de la vinya, i que per tant poden ser considerats factors potencials per millorar l’EUA: (1) conductància del mesòfil, (2) transpiració nocturna (3) respiració. Els resultats d’aquesta Tesi revelen que la conductància del mesòfil i la respiració són els principals components per millorar l’EUA permetent millorar l’assimilació de carboni o minimitzant les pèrdues del carboni fixat per la fotosíntesis

Jämförande LCA av engångssängkläder och tvättbara sängkläder i sjukvården / A comparative LCA of disposable and washable beddings used in healthcare

Strömner, Fredrik January 2014 (has links)
Inom sjukvården används – precis som överallt där människor sover – sängkläder av hygienskäl. Problem med smittspridningar av typen multiresistenta bakterier (MRSA) och spridning av andra sjukdomar har drivit företag som Cellcomb i Karlstad AB till att utveckla engångssängkläder för att förhindra detta. Engångssängkläderna är skyddade av en biofilm som ska ge ökat skydd mot bakterier och fungerar som en barriär så att inte vätska tränger igenom. Problemet är att det inte finns mycket till underlag för hur engångssängkläderna står sig mot vanliga sängkläder ur miljösynpunkt. I dagsläget använder sjukhus traditionella sängkläder till sina patienter och sedan transporteras dessa till tvätteri och tvättas. Att tvätta och torka sängkläder är energikrävande och ett alternativ till detta skulle kunna vara att använda engångssängkläder. En förenklad LCA gjordes för att ta reda på om sängkläder tillverkade av bomull och polyester eller engångssängkläder tillverkade av polypropylen alternativt viskosmaterialet Tencel är det mest miljövänliga. För att ta reda på det gjordes studiebesök och data samlades in genom en litteraturstudie och från företag. Resultaten visade att i ett grundfall med Centralsjukhuset i Karlstad var energianvändningen för de tvättbara sängkläderna lägre än Tencel och försumbart lägre än polypropylen. Flera fall med känslighetsanalyser gjordes för att undersöka hur indata påverkade resultaten. Fallen visade att det kan variera vilket av alternativen som blir mest gynnsamt, framför allt när det gäller vilken typ av energi tvätteriet använder. Engångssängkläderna av Tencel visade sig vara bäst när det gällde andel förnybar energi följt av de tvättbara sängkläderna och sist polypropylen. Ur ett ekotoxicitets- och vattenanvändningsperspektiv blev båda engångssängkläderna mer gynnsamma än de tvättbara sängkläderna. Två slutsatser kan dras utifrån den här studien: de tre alternativen är likvärdiga energimässigt utifrån energianvändning, andel förnybar energi och de fallstudier som gjorts, men att engångssängkläderna står sig bättre när det gäller ekotoxicitet samt vattenanvändning. Den andra slutsatsen är att resultaten är fallberoende. En utökad studie skulle kunna göras med fler viktiga miljöparametrar och fler känslighetsanalyser. / In healthcare – as in any other place where people sleep – beddings are used for hygiene reasons. Problems with spreading of bacteria diseases such as multi resistant bacteria (MRSA) and various other diseases have pushed companies like Cellcomb i Karlstad AB to develop disposable beddings in order to prevent this. These disposable beddings are protected with a biofilm which serves as a barrier, preventing liquids to pass through. The problem is that there is not much information about how these beddings perform from an environmental perspective. At present, hospitals are using traditional beddings for their patients and are then transported to laundries for washing. This is an energy intensive process and as an alternative, disposable beddings could be used. A simplified LCA was used to find out if beddings made out of cotton and polyester or disposable beddings made out of polypropylene or a viscose material called Tencel was the most favourable from an environmental perspective. To achieve this, various study visits were performed along with a literature study and data collection from companies. The results showed that for a basic case performed with Centralsjukhuset i Karlstad the washable beddings used less energy than Tencel and negligibly less energy than polypropylene. Several case studies were performed in order to examine how different data could alter the results. The case studies showed that which of the alternatives became the most favourable varied depending on the case, especially regarding which kind of energy was being used in the laundry. The disposable beddings made out of Tencel proved to be the best alternative regarding the use of renewable energy, followed by the washable beddings and last polypropylene. From a perspective of eco toxicity and water use both of the disposable beddings turned out more favourable. Two conclusions could be drawn from this study: the alternatives are equally favourable regarding energy use, renewable energy use and the case studies that were performed, but the disposable beddings are more preferable concerning eco toxicity and water use. The second conclusion is that the results depend on which case is studied. An expanded study could be performed using more environmental parameters.

Matter that matters : A study of household routines in a process of changing water and sanitation arrangements

Krantz, Helena January 2005 (has links)
Our society changed, but the urban water and sanitation system of today is roughly the same as it was 100 years ago. The system is designed for, developed from and sustained by human activities, and has since its introduction affected household patterns of routine activities. The urban water and sanitation system is now being criticised for not being sustainable due to excessive material, energy and chemical use, and failure to recycle and reuse resources. Altering household practices is perceived as one important step towards improved sustainability. In this study, two changes in water and sanitation arrangements at the household level are analysed: individual meters for volumetric billing of hot and cold water, and dry toilets with separate collection of urine and faeces. These arrangements increase system transparency, and their proponents believe that the arrangements enhance resource recycling and/or rsource savings. However, success in this regard can only be achieved if accompanied by appropriate household routines. The extent to which such appropriate routines come about and why (not) is the focus of attention in this study; the aim is to describe and analyse the interaction between householder routines and changes in water and sanitation arrangements. This study takes as its starting point household everyday life. A methodological combination of time-diaries, interviews, physical measurements and simple observations is developed and implemented in two cases; the housing area Ringdansen with flats (volumetric billing) and the collective Gebers based on an ecological way of life (dry toilets). The theoretical approach is developed from time-geography and culture analysis. The methodological and theoretical approaches have proven useful and can be developed further. Household responded differently to the volumetric billing in Ringdansen, but in general, no sweeping routine changes took place in the households. A comparison of average total water usage per household (at an aggregated level) between the two cases, showed no significant difference. Water-use routines are also similar in the two areas, even though variations appear between households. There seems to be a socio-culturally defined lower limit for water use, regarded as necessary for maintaining sufficient standards of cleanliness and comfort, irrespective of the influence of ecological or economic incentives. Differences in household composition, built-in technical arrangements and existence of a garden (Gebers) explain the differences in hot and cold water usage between the two areas. The dry toilet was shown to have a decisive impact on toilet disposal routines; only biodegradable waste products are thrown into it and the cleaning agents are environmentally friendly toilet disposal routines that reach beyond the 'good' routines evolving from environmental concern. The relationship between changes in water and sanitation arrangements and householder routines may be expressed as follows: an extensive change in arrangements, either technical/physical, organisational and/or economical, results in more radical routine changes, and more so if combined. However, the improvement as regard ecological sustainability is conditional on what is socio-culturally accepted - social sustainability.

Simulation of energy use in residential water heating systems

Schneyer, Carolyn Dianarose 30 August 2011 (has links)
Current federal and provincial efficiency standards for residential water heating are based solely on the tested efficiency of individual water heating devices. Additional energy expended or saved as the water cycles through the home is not taken into account. This research, co-funded by British Columbia’s Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources (MEMPR), is a first step toward the Province’s goal of developing a new energy efficiency standard for water heating systems in new construction. This groundbreaking new standard would employ a “systems” approach, establishing guidelines for new construction based on the total energy used for water heating within the building envelope The research team has developed a Simulink computer model which, using a one-minute time-step, simulates 24-hour cycles of water heating in a single-family home. The objectives of this thesis are to use that model to simulate a variety of water heating technology combinations, and to devise methods of utilizing the resulting data to evaluate water heating systems as a whole and to quantify each system’s relative energy impact. A metric has been developed to evaluate the efficiency of the system: the system energy factor (SEF) is the ratio of energy used directly to heat water over the amount of energy drawn from conventional fuel sources. The CO2 impact of that energy draw is also considered. Data is generated for cities in three different climates around BC: Kamloops, Victoria and Williams Lake. Electric and gas-fired tank water heaters of various sizes and efficiencies are simulated, along with less traditional energy-saving technologies such as solar-assisted pre-heat and waste water heat recovery components. A total of 7,488 six-day simulations are run, each representing a unique combination of technology, load size, location and season. The resulting data is presented from a variety of angles, including the relative impacts of water heater rating, additional technology type, location and season on the SEF of the system. The interplay between SEF and carbon dioxide production is also examined. These two factors are proposed as the basis for devising performance tiers by which to rank water heating systems. Two proposals are made regarding how these tiers might be organized based on the data presented here, though any tiers will have to be re-evaluated pending data on a wider range of technology combinations. A brief financial analysis is also offered, exploring the potential payback period for various technology combinations in each location. Given current equipment and energy costs, the financial savings garnered by the increase in energy efficiency are not, in most cases, found to be sufficient to justify the expense to the homeowner from a purely fiscal perspective. Additional changes would need to take place to ensure the financial viability of these technologies before large-scale adoption of systems-based standards could be employed. / Graduate

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