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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efficiency Analysis of a Wave Energy Converter Penstock / Effektivitetsanalys av ett tilloppstub för ett vågkraftverk

Bondár, Péter László, Myrsten, Felix January 2021 (has links)
Novige develops a wave energy converter (WEC) concept that utilizes wind-generated wave to create electricity. The system uses a float and a hydraulic cylinder to pump water up to a turbine, similar to an inverted hydro power plant. The penstock system that delivers the fluid to the turbine was optimized for efficiency and a theoretical efficiency of the penstock was calculated. The penstock and the surrounding components were updated to a commercial size. The longer cylinder resulted in a larger loss from the hydrostatic pressure. The optimal pipe diameter was calculated by comparing the friction loss and the additional weight resulting from a larger pipe. For the penstock the piping elements were compared and chosen for a higher efficiency. The penstock system can be optimized for efficiency by using pipe elements with lower coefficients of loss. It is more efficient to divert the flow as little as possible, while maintaining the same flow velocity throughout the system. Losses can be reduced by choosing the optimalpipe diameter size, therefore making the penstock as light as possible, while also reducing thepipe friction. The hydrostatic pressure from the height of the cylinder is the largest source of lossin the system. The efficiency of the redesigned penstock was found to be 93.7%. / Novige utvecklar ett vågkraftverks koncept som utnyttjar vindvågor för att generera elektricitet. Systemet använder sig av en flotte och en hydraulisk cylinder för att pumpa vatten upp till en turbin, det kan liknas vid ett inverterat vattenkraftverk. Tilloppstuben som leder vattnet till turbinen optimerades för effektivitet och den teoretiska effektiviteten av tilloppstuben beräknades. Tilloppstuben och de omgivande komponenterna uppdaterades för den kommersiella varianten. Den längre cylindern resulterade i större förluster på grund av det hydrostatiska trycket. Den optimala rör diametern beräknades genom att jämföra friktions förlusterna och de förluster som uppstår på grund av större rör vikt. Olika rörelementen i tilloppstuben jämfördes och valdes med avsikt på effektivitet. Effektiviteten i tilloppstuben kan optimeras genom att välja rörelement med lägre förlustfaktor. Det är mer effektivt att dela på flödet så lite som möjligt och behålla samma flödeshastighet genom hela systemet. Förlusterna kan minskas genom att välja den optimala rördiametern, vilket ger en så låg vikt som möjligt samtidigt som friktionsförlusterna i röret reduceras. Det hydrostatiska trycket från höjden av cylindern är den största orsaken till förlust i systemet. Effektiviteten av det nya tilloppstubs systemet är 93.7%.

Fluid-Structure Interaction Modeling of a Flexible-Inflatable Heaving Wave Energy Converter Through Generalized Modes

Lenderink, Corbin Robert 12 June 2024 (has links)
The point absorber, one of the most popular types of ocean wave energy converter (WEC), usually consists of a rigid body buoy that can be efficiently modeled using existing WEC simulation tools. However, new wave energy technologies have looked to utilize flexible buoy structures to decrease costs, improve power generation, and increase portability. In addition to replacing rigid body designs, the combination of multiple renewable energy sources is another area that shows promising potential for increasing WEC power generation. With these concepts in mind, this work considers a new WEC design that features a flexible-inflatable buoy, an ocean current harvesting turbine, and a buoy shape that has been optimized for simultaneous wave and current energy harvesting. For this device, conventional modeling techniques cannot be used due to the highly nonlinear hydrodynamic interactions that result between the flexible buoy and the ocean waves. As a result, a Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) model must be used to determine how the flexibility of the buoy will influence the device's power generation. Currently, high-fidelity FSI modeling approaches are computationally expensive and unsuitable for early design decisions. As a result, this thesis utilizes a mid-fidelity method, the generalized modes modeling approach, to accurately and efficiently model the FSI of a WEC's flexible buoy. The resulting flexible buoy model was then compared to a rigid design to determine the performance differences between a rigid and flexible buoy, with a complex, optimized shape. / Master of Science / The ocean is a vast potential energy resource with a variety of different sources of renewable energy. Of these sources, ocean waves and ocean currents are two potentially massive power reserves present in many coastal areas. To capture energy from these sources, this work discusses the development of a device that can harvest energy from ocean waves and ocean currents simultaneously. In addition to harvesting energy from multiple sources, this device also features a flexible-inflatable buoy, with a shape that has been optimized for this unique application. However, since this device utilizes flexible materials, traditional modeling techniques used for rigid body designs would not be applicable. As a result, this work looks to model the interaction between the flexible buoy and the ocean waves to accurately predict the power generation of this device's wave energy converter.

Automatic Adjustment of the Floatation Level for a Tight-moored Buoy

Healy Strömgren, William January 2005 (has links)
<p>Denna rapport ger förslag på olika metoder att automatiskt justera flytläget på en statiskt förankrad boj, en överblick över de processer som styr ändringen av vattennivån och en statisktisk analys på vattennivåförändringarna vid Stockholm, Kungsholmsfort och Kungsvik.</p><p>Beroende på vattenivåns variation finns olika metoder för justering. Områden med små variationer av vattennivå lämpar det sig bäst utan någon som helst justering av flytläget. Områden med inte för stora tidvattensförändringar bör justeras med ett system bestående av vinsch, växellåda med en utväxling på 10 000:1, en 12 V DC motor, ett skötselfritt 12 V batteri, en luftlindad linjärgenerator och en trådtöjningsgivare. Områden med stora variationer i tidvatten behöver en avlastning för motorn i form av en fjäder och dämpare. De monteras horizontellt inuti bojen för att skyddas från den yttre miljön.</p><p>Den statistiska analysen påvisade de största vattennivåändringarna vid både Kungsviks och Kungsholmsforts mätstationer, båda uppvisade ett intervall på 1,6 m mellan minimum och maximum. Kungsvik var den station med de största dagliga variationerna, detta på grund av tidvattnets påverkan i området.</p> / <p>This thesis gives examples of different methods of automated adjustment of floatation level for a static moored buoy, an overview of the theories behind water level change and a statistical analysis of the water level changes for Stockholm, Kungsholmsfort and Kungsvik.</p><p>Depending on the range and frequency of the water level change different methods of adjustment are recommended. For areas with small changes in sea level the best choice would be no adjustment of the floatation level. Areas that are influenced by moderate tidal ranges should incorporate a system of regulation consisting of a winch, gearbox with a gear ratio of around 10,000:1, 12 V DC motor, 12 V maintenance free battery, air coiled linear generator and a strain gauge. For areas with large tidal ranges the previous system should be complimented with a horizontally mounted spring, inside the buoy, to lessen the loads on the motor.</p><p>The statistical analysis found the largest extremes in water level of the three sites to be at Kungsvik and Kungsholmsfort, both exhibiting a range of almost 1.6 m. Kungsvik was the station with the largest daily variations, this is because this is the only station influenced by tidal variations.</p>

Numerical Modelling and Statistical Analysis of Ocean Wave Energy Converters and Wave Climates

Li, Wei January 2016 (has links)
Ocean wave energy is considered to be one of the important potential renewable energy resources for sustainable development. Various wave energy converter technologies have been proposed to harvest the energy from ocean waves. This thesis is based on the linear generator wave energy converter developed at Uppsala University. The research in this thesis focuses on the foundation optimization and the power absorption optimization of the wave energy converters and on the wave climate modelling at the Lysekil wave converter test site. The foundation optimization study of the gravity-based foundation of the linear wave energy converter is based on statistical analysis of wave climate data measured at the Lysekil test site. The 25 years return extreme significant wave height and its associated mean zero-crossing period are chosen as the maximum wave for the maximum heave and surge forces evaluation. The power absorption optimization study on the linear generator wave energy converter is based on the wave climate at the Lysekil test site. A frequency-domain simplified numerical model is used with the power take-off damping coefficient chosen as the control parameter for optimizing the power absorption. The results show a large improvement with an optimized power take-off damping coefficient adjusted to the characteristics of the wave climate at the test site. The wave climate modelling studies are based on the wave climate data measured at the Lysekil test site. A new mixed distribution method is proposed for modelling the significant wave height. This method gives impressive goodness of fit with the measured wave data. A copula method is applied to the bivariate joint distribution of the significant wave height and the wave period. The results show an excellent goodness of fit for the Gumbel model. The general applicability of the proposed mixed-distribution method and the copula method are illustrated with wave climate data from four other sites. The results confirm the good performance of the mixed-distribution and the Gumbel copula model for the modelling of significant wave height and bivariate wave climate.

Numerical modelling of nonlinear interactions of waves with submerged structures : applied to the simulation of wave energy converters / Modélisation numérique des interactions non-linéaires entre vagues et structures immergées : appliquée à la simulation de systèmes houlomoteurs

Guerber, Etienne 19 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse présente le développement d'un modèle numérique avancé, capable de simuler les interactions entre des vagues de surface de cambrure quelconque et des corps rigides immergés ayant des mouvements de grande amplitude. Fondé sur la théorie potentielle, il propose une résolution couplée de la dynamique vagues/structure par la méthode implicite de Van Daalen (1993), encore appelée méthode du potentiel d'accélération par Tanizawa (1995). La précision du modèle à deux dimensions est testée sur un ensemble d'applications impliquant le mouvement forcé ou libre d'un cylindre horizontal immergé, de section circulaire : diffraction par un cylindre fixe, radiation par un cylindre en mouvement forcé de grande amplitude, absorption des vagues par le cylindre de Bristol. Pour chaque application, les résultats numériques sont comparés à des résultats expérimentaux ou analytiques issus de la théorie linéaire, avec un bon accord en particulier pour les petites amplitudes de mouvement du cylindre et pour les vagues de faibles cambrures. La génération de vagues irrégulières et la prise en compte d'un second corps cylindrique immergé sont ensuite intégrées au modèle, et illustrées sur des applications pratiques avec des systèmes récupérateurs d'énergie des vagues simples. Enfin, le modèle est étendu en trois dimensions avec des premières applications au cas d'une sphère décrivant des mouvements de grande amplitude / This PhD is dedicated to the development of an advanced numerical model for simulating interactions between free surface waves of arbitrary steepness and rigid bodies in high amplitude motions. Based on potential theory, it solves the coupled dynamics of waves and structure with the implicit method by Van Daalen (1993), also named the acceleration potential method by Tanizawa (1995). The precision of this two-dimensional model is tested on a wide range of applications involving the forced motion or free motion of a submerged horizontal cylinder of circular cross-section : diffraction by a fixed cylinder, radiation by a cylinder in specified high amplitude motions, wave absorption by the Bristol cylinder. In each of these applications, numerical results are compared to experimental data or analytical solutions based on the linear wave theory, with a good agreement especially for small amplitude motions of the cylinder and small wave steepnesses. The irregular wave generation by a paddle and the possibility to add an extra circular cylinder are integrated in the model and illustrated on practical applications with simple wave energy converters. The model is finally extended to three dimensions, with preliminary results for a sphere in large amplitude heaving oscillations

Modelagem e análise de desempenho de sistema para geração de energia elétrica através de ondas marítimas. / Modeling and performance analysis for electrical energy generation by ocean waves.

Cordeiro, Maíra Granero 29 October 2015 (has links)
Mediante a crescente necessidade de aumento na oferta de energia elétrica devido à constante elevação na demanda mundial, esta dissertação avalia o desempenho de um sistema conversor de energia de ondas marítimas em energia elétrica. O sistema em análise é o de coluna de água oscilante com turbina de dupla ação instalado na costa. Utiliza-se um modelo regular de ondas como perturbação à dinâmica de uma câmara semi-submersa gerando fluxo de ar através de uma turbina à ar de dupla ação. O sistema final é não linear e com parâmetros variantes no tempo. A dissertação investiga possibilidades para o aumento do rendimento da turbina em diferentes condições de mar através do método de simulação numérica. Após a modelagem física e matemática do sistema escolhido, inicia-se a síntese de um controlador proporcional derivativo para controle da pressão de ar na turbina em torno da pressão ideal de trabalho da mesma. A análise inclui o comparativo entre os resultados do sistema com e sem controlador e a avaliação de robustez utilizando ondas com amplitude variável. O trabalho apresenta ainda propostas de otimização do sistema para trabalhar em condições similares a região de Pecém no Brasil. Pelos resultados obtidos nas simulações, conclui-se que o rendimento e a robustez do sistema podem melhorar utilizando um sistema controlado. O rendimento do sistema poderá ainda ser otimizado para a região de instalação. / Facing the growing necessity in increasing the electrical energy offer due to the constant rise in worldwide demand, this work evaluates the performance of an ocean wave energy converter into electrical energy. The system under analysis is an oscillating water column with dual action turbine installed in a shore. A regular wave model is used as disturbance to the semi-submerged air chamber dynamic generating an air flow through the dual action air turbine. The final system is nonlinear and contains time varying parameters. This work investigates, through numerical simulation, possibilities to increase the turbine efficiency under different ocean conditions. After the physical and mathematical modeling, it is synthesized a proportional derivative controller to control the air pressure in the turbine around its ideal working pressure. The analysis of results includes a comparison between results obtained for the system with and without controller and a robustness evaluation with amplitude variation in ocean waves. The work also presents optimization proposals for the system working in conditions similar to the Pecém region in Brazil. By the results obtained with simulation, it is concluded that the efficiency and robustness were improved for the controlled system. It is observed that the efficiency can be optimized for the installation area.

Contribution à la modélisation multi-physique et au contrôle optimal d'un générateur houlomoteur : application à un système "deux corps" / On multiphysics modeling and optimal control of wave energy converter : application to a self-reacting point absorber

Olaya, Sébastien 13 September 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre du 12ème appel à projet du Fonds Unique Interministériel (FUI) lancé par l’Etat au premier semestre 2011. Le projet « EM BILBOQUET » a été colabellisé par les pôles de compétitivité Mer Bretagne, Mer PACA et Tenerrdis. Il consiste en la réalisation d’un nouveau système de génération d’électricité issue du mouvement relatif entre deux corps flottants, mus par la houle. Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés au contrôle optimal à appliquer sur la génératrice via les convertisseurs statiques, afin d’extraire le maximum d’énergie de la houle incidente. Dans un premier temps, nous avons établi les équations dynamiques régissant le comportement de la structure dans la houle en adoptant les hypothèses de la théorie potentielle. Pour ce faire, nous avons développé un code de calcul spécifique, basé sur une résolution du problème linéaire de tenue à la mer, par des méthodes dites semi-analytiques. Ce code de calcul permet de déterminer les coefficients hydrodynamiques nécessaires à l’écriture de l’équation dynamique dans le domaine fréquentiel, mais aussi dans le domaine temporel via une modification de la formulation de Cummins. Cette dernière nous permet ainsi, dans un second temps, de formuler le problème de maximisation de l’énergie récupérée comme un problème d’optimisation où la variable à optimiser est le couple résistant de la génératrice. Le problème est résolu en temps réel en adoptant une résolution par algorithme dit à horizon fuyant. / In this thesis, we perform a study on a self-reacting point absorber, project FUI 12 “EM BILBOQUET”, in order to optimise energy extraction from incoming waves. Main researches use seabed for providing reference to a floating body, called buoy. However, as it is well-known that ocean energy is greater far away from the shore, sea-depth becomes a constraint. In this thesis a damping plate attached to a spar keel is proposed to allow the floating body to react against it. Energy resulting from the relative motion between the two concentric bodies i.e. the buoy and the spar is harnessed by a rack-and-pinion, which drive a permanent magnet synchronous generator through a gearbox. In the first part of the thesis we have developed a wave-to-wire model i.e. a model of the whole electro-mechanical chain from sea to grid. To this purpose we have developed our own hydrodynamic code, based on linear potential theory and on a semianalytical approach, solving the seakeeping problem. The hydrodynamic coefficients obtained such as added mass, radiation damping, and wave excitation forces are required for solving the dynamic equation based on Cummins formulation. The second part of the thesis focuses on the self-reacting point-absorber optimal control strategy and the Model Predictive Control (MPC) formulation is proposed. Objective function attempting to optimise the power generation is directly formulated as an absorbed power maximisation problem and thus no optimal references, such as buoy and/or spar velocity, are required. However, rather than using the full-order WEC model in the optimisation problem, that can be time-consuming due to its high order, and also because of the linear assumptions, we propose the use of a “phenomenologically" one-body equivalent model derived from the Thévenin’s theorem.

Energy from Ocean Waves : Full Scale Experimental Verification of a Wave Energy Converter

Waters, Rafael January 2008 (has links)
A wave energy converter has been constructed and its function and operational characteristics have been thoroughly investigated and published. The wave energy converter was installed in March of 2006 approximately two kilometers off the Swedish west coast in the proximity of the town Lysekil. Since then the converter has been submerged at the research site for over two and a half years and in operation during three time periods for a total of 12 months, the latest being during five months of 2008. Throughout this time the generated electricity has been transmitted to shore and operational data has been recorded. The wave energy converter and its connected electrical system has been continually upgraded and each of the three operational periods have investigated more advanced stages in the progression toward grid connection. The wave energy system has faced the challenges of the ocean and initial results and insights have been reached, most important being that the overall wave energy concept has been verified. Experiments have shown that slowly varying power generation from ocean waves is possible. Apart from the wave energy converter, three shorter studies have been performed. A sensor was designed for measuring the air gap width of the linear generator used in the wave energy converter. The sensor consists of an etched coil, a search coil, that functions passively through induction. Theory and experiment showed good agreement. The Swedish west coast wave climate has been studied in detail. The study used eight years of wave data from 13 sites in the Skagerrak and Kattegatt, and data from a wave measurement buoy located at the wave energy research site. The study resulted in scatter diagrams, hundred year extreme wave estimations, and a mapping of the energy flux in the area. The average energy flux was found to be approximately 5.2 kW/m in the offshore Skagerrak, 2.8 kW/m in the near shore Skagerrak, and 2.4 kW/m in the Kattegat. A method for evaluating renewable energy technologies in terms of economy and engineering solutions has been investigated. The match between the technologies and the fundamental physics of renewable energy sources can be given in terms of the technology’s utilization. It is argued that engineers should strive for a high utilization if competitive technologies are to be developed.

Automatic Adjustment of the Floatation Level for a Tight-moored Buoy

Healy Strömgren, William January 2005 (has links)
Denna rapport ger förslag på olika metoder att automatiskt justera flytläget på en statiskt förankrad boj, en överblick över de processer som styr ändringen av vattennivån och en statisktisk analys på vattennivåförändringarna vid Stockholm, Kungsholmsfort och Kungsvik. Beroende på vattenivåns variation finns olika metoder för justering. Områden med små variationer av vattennivå lämpar det sig bäst utan någon som helst justering av flytläget. Områden med inte för stora tidvattensförändringar bör justeras med ett system bestående av vinsch, växellåda med en utväxling på 10 000:1, en 12 V DC motor, ett skötselfritt 12 V batteri, en luftlindad linjärgenerator och en trådtöjningsgivare. Områden med stora variationer i tidvatten behöver en avlastning för motorn i form av en fjäder och dämpare. De monteras horizontellt inuti bojen för att skyddas från den yttre miljön. Den statistiska analysen påvisade de största vattennivåändringarna vid både Kungsviks och Kungsholmsforts mätstationer, båda uppvisade ett intervall på 1,6 m mellan minimum och maximum. Kungsvik var den station med de största dagliga variationerna, detta på grund av tidvattnets påverkan i området. / This thesis gives examples of different methods of automated adjustment of floatation level for a static moored buoy, an overview of the theories behind water level change and a statistical analysis of the water level changes for Stockholm, Kungsholmsfort and Kungsvik. Depending on the range and frequency of the water level change different methods of adjustment are recommended. For areas with small changes in sea level the best choice would be no adjustment of the floatation level. Areas that are influenced by moderate tidal ranges should incorporate a system of regulation consisting of a winch, gearbox with a gear ratio of around 10,000:1, 12 V DC motor, 12 V maintenance free battery, air coiled linear generator and a strain gauge. For areas with large tidal ranges the previous system should be complimented with a horizontally mounted spring, inside the buoy, to lessen the loads on the motor. The statistical analysis found the largest extremes in water level of the three sites to be at Kungsvik and Kungsholmsfort, both exhibiting a range of almost 1.6 m. Kungsvik was the station with the largest daily variations, this is because this is the only station influenced by tidal variations.

Experimental results from the Lysekil Wave Power Research Site

Svensson, Olle January 2012 (has links)
This thesis presents how experimental results, from wave power research performed offshore at the Lysekil research site, were obtained. The data were used to verify theoretical models as well as evaluate the feasibility of wave power as a future sustainable energy source. The first experiments carried out at the research site was the measurement of the force in a line where one end was connected to a buoy with a diameter of 3 m and the other end to a set of springs with limited stroke length. The system is exposed to high peak forces compared to average forces. The maximum measured force in the line, when the buoy motion is limited by a stiff stopper rope is ten times the average force in that particular sea state. The experiment performed on the first wave energy converter tested at the Lysekil Research Site is described. The infrastructure of the site is presented where the central connection point is the measuring station. The key finding is that it is possible to transform the motions of ocean waves into electrical energy and distribute it to land. Many wave energy converters must be interconnected if large amounts of energy are to be harvested from the waves. The first submerged substation intended for aggregation of energy from wave power converters is described, with focus on the measurement and control system placed inside the substation. During this experiment period the generators were equipped with many different sensors; these measurements are explained in the thesis. The system that aggregates power from the studied wave energy converter is regularly exposed to peak power of up to 20 times the maximum average output from the converter. Vertical and horizontal movement of the buoy has been measured in different ways. The result is that the vertical displacement of the buoy can be measured with a simple accelerometer circuit but it is much more complicated to measure the horizontal displacement. A special method for measuring the horizontal displacement has been implemented by measuring the strain in the enclosure and the force in the line. / Den här avhandlingen berättar om hur experimenten vid Lysekils forskningsområde för vågkraft har utförts. Insamlade mätdata har använts för att verifiera teoretiska samband som modulerats vid Elektricitetslära, Uppsala universitet. De teoretiska och praktiska resultaten har visat på att vågkraft har förutsättningarna att implementeras som en hållbar framtida energikälla. Intressanta mätmetoder har utvecklas och påfrestningarna  på utrustningin och dess samband med medel effekten har studerats. / Lysekils projektet

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