Spelling suggestions: "subject:"weighing"" "subject:"neighing""
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Increased Water Consumption: A Self-Regulatory Strategy for Long-Term Weight Loss Maintenance?Akers, Jeremy Dewayne 16 April 2010 (has links)
One-third of the American population is obese (1), and of those successful at losing weight, most return to their baseline weight within three to five years (2). In an effort to increase the success of weight loss maintenance (WTLM), research has focused on strategies that promote self-regulation (3). Self-regulation strategies, such as daily self-monitoring of body weight (4), increased step count (5, 6), and increased fruit and vegetable intake (7) have proven to be effective in long-term WTLM interventions. To date, increased water consumption has not been researched as a WTLM strategy, yet it has been shown to decrease meal energy intake (8, 9) and increase weight loss among middle-aged and older adults (10). The purpose of our first investigation was to determine if self-monitoring of increased water consumption facilitates WTLM over 12 months among middle-aged to older adults, when combined with other self-regulation strategies. Our second investigation was a review of WTLM literature to determine the translation potential published interventions using the RE-AIM (Reach, Efficacy/effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, Maintenance) framework (11) to provide recommendations for future research. Our first main finding was that weekly tracking of these self-regulatory behaviors (self-weighing, step counts, fruit/vegetable intake) for 12 months promotes effective long-term WTLM among middle-aged and older adults. However, daily self-monitoring of increased water consumption (48 fl oz/day) did not appear to provide an additional benefit. Secondly, we have identified significant gaps in the WTLM literature that may hinder the translatability of existing effective interventions. Specifically, current WTLM research is limited in reporting important external validity factors (e.g. costs, adoption, participation rate). Available WTLM literature provided a more detailed overview of Reach, Efficacy, and Implementation, yet was little information on potential adoption, costs, or sustainability. Future work in this area should address these factors to increase the translation potential of WTLM interventions in clinical or community settings. / Ph. D.
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Utilização de sonda capacitiva FDR para estimativa do consumo de água e coeficiente de cultura (Kc) de Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu em cultivo solteiro e consorciado / Utilization of capacitive probe FDR to estimate water consumption and crop coefficient (kc) of Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu single and intercroppingPrudente Junior, Amauri Cassio 05 July 2019 (has links)
A demanda de alimentos para 2050 está prevista ser o dobro da atual. A produção de alimentos no Brasil tem significativa relevância para a segurança alimentar mundial, sendo a pecuária de suma importância devido à grande demanda mundial de carne e leite provenientes do Brasil. Assim, surge a necessidade de estudos que visem aumentar a produção sem expandir área de plantio, sendo a irrigação uma das formas de intensificar a produtividade de sistemas agrícolas. Para um manejo da irrigação adequado é necessário o conhecimento da evapotranspiração da cultura (ETc), e estudos de técnicas que façam essa estimativa com precisão, de forma prática e acessível, são de grande valia para uma agricultura irrigada sustentável. Uma dessas técnicas é a reflectometria no domínio da frequência (FDR), que se destaca por sua praticidade e capacidade de medir a umidade do solo em camadas distintas. Por ser um equipamento portátil, sua utilização pode resultar em menos custo para estimativas de coeficientes de cultura, substituindo a lisimetria (método padrão). Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a possibilidade da utilização de uma sonda (FDR) como instrumento auxiliar na estimativa de consumo hídrico e de coeficientes de cultura (Kc) do capim Marandu, em cultivo solteiro (primavera/verão) e consorciado com aveia preta + azevém ou centeio + azevém no período de outono/inverno. Como objetivos secundários, buscou-se: (i) estimar o consumo hídrico e os coeficientes de cultura dos dosséis forrageiros estudados com a sonda FDR devidamente calibrada ao solo local; (ii) comparar o consumo de água e os valores de Kc obtidos por meio da sonda FDR e por lisimetria de pesagem; (iii) verificar se a técnica capacitiva é capaz de identificar a atividade de absorção de água do sistema radicular das forrageiras estudadas; e (iv) analisar parâmetros produtivos do capim Marandu solteiro e consorciado, e estimar a produtividade de água da cultura. O experimento foi realizado na Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\" (ESALQ/USP), em Piracicaba-SP. O período experimental foi de 21/09/2017 a 24/09/2018, com ciclos de corte de duração variada, baseados na fenologia das culturas. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que a técnica de capacitância com sonda FDR mostrou-se apropriada para a estimativa de ETc e Kc de dosséis forrageiros em cultivo solteiro e consorciado, com valores próximos ao método padrão (lisimetria de pesagem). O uso da sonda capacitiva também foi eficaz na identificação da atividade de absorção de água pelas raízes, por meio do monitoramento da umidade do solo. A sobressemeadura com culturas de inverno foi uma opção resiliente para o período de estacionalidade, durante o qual aumentou o potencial produtivo do dossel forrageiro. O consórcio Marandu + aveia preta + azevém apresentou maior produtividade que Marandu + centeio + azevém. / The demand for food by 2050 is expected to be the double of the current year. The food production in Brazil has significant relevance for the world food security, and pasture crops are very important due to the great world demand for meat and milk come from Brazil. Thus, there is a need for studies that aim to increase forage production without expanding tillage area, and irrigation is one way to increase the productivity of agricultural systems. Adequate irrigation management requires knowledge of crop evapotranspiration (ETc), and studies of techniques to accurately estimate it, in a practical and accessible way, having a great value for a sustainable irrigated agriculture. One of these techniques is frequency domain reflectometry (FDR), which stands out for being practical and able to measure soil moisture in different layers. Because it is a portable equipment, its use can result in lower costs for estimating crop coefficients, replacing lysimetry (standard method). Therefore, this work aimed at verifying the possibility to use a FDR probe as a tool for estimating the crop water consumption and crop coefficients (Kc) of \'Marandu\' palisade grass, single cropped (spring / summer) and intercropped with black oat + ryegrass and with rye + ryegrass during the fall / winter period. As secondary objectives, we sought to: (i) estimate the crop water consumption and crop coefficients of the forage canopies with the FDR probe properly calibrated to the local soil; (ii) compare the crop water consumption and Kc values estimated by the FDR probe and those ones determined by weighing lysimetry; (iii) verify if the capacitive technique is able to identify the water absorption activity of the root system; (iv) to analyze productive parameters of single and intercropped \'Marandu\' palisade grass, and to estimate the water productivity of the forage canopies. The experiment was carried out at an experimental area of \"Luiz de Queiroz\" College of Agriculture (ESALQ / USP), at Piracicaba-SP. The experimental period was from 09/21/2017 to 09/24/2018, with grow-and-cut cycles whose duration based on the phenology of the crops. The results revealed that FDR capacitance technique was adequate for ETc and Kc estimates of both, single cropped and intercropped forage canopies, with values near to the standard method (weighing lysimetry). The use of the capacitive probe was also effective in identifying the water absorption activity of the root system, through the monitoring of soil moisture. Overseeding with winter forage crops was a resilient option for the seasonality period, increasing the productive potential of the forage canopy. Intercropped \'Marandu\' + black oat + rye consortium presented higher forage yield than \'Marandu\' + rye + ryegrass consortium.
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Uso da tecnologia Weigh-in-Motion para a caracterização do tráfego rodoviário e do excesso de carga em veículos comerciais. / Use of the Weigh-in-Motion technology for the characterization of road traffic and overloading in commercial vehicles.Bosso, Mariana 04 July 2018 (has links)
A caracterização do tráfego rodoviário é de grande importância para o dimensionamento de pavimentos, bem como para a garantia de sua vida útil, sendo a carga aplicada pelo tráfego uma das maiores responsáveis pelos danos na estrutura. Com o objetivo de garantir a durabilidade dos pavimentos, sistemas Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) podem ser utilizados para coleta de informações sobre os veículos que trafegam em uma rodovia. Propôs-se neste estudo caracterizar o tráfego a partir da avaliação contínua das solicitações de carga na BR-381, sentido Sul, por meio da coleta de dados de Sistema WIM. A partir da análise dos dados coletados entre setembro de 2015 e fevereiro de 2017, observou-se que aproximadamente 85% dos veículos comerciais trafegam na faixa de rolamento mais solicitada (faixa 2). Com relação ao volume de veículos comerciais, pôde-se constatar a presença de uma maior quantidade de veículos durante os dias úteis quando comparados aos finais de semana. Além das variações com relação ao dia da semana, o volume de tráfego também apresenta particularidades com relação às distribuições horárias. Foram obtidas e analisadas as distribuições de carga para cada tipo de eixo das 15 categorias de veículos comerciais mais frequentes (representando 97,3% do tráfego comercial registrado). Com base na Legislação Brasileira vigente, quantificou-se o excesso de carga praticado na rodovia, onde foram identificados 23,7% dos veículos com excesso. Notou-se que a maioria dos excessos se encontram na faixa de até 10% dos respetivos limites legais, indicando que muitos transportadores carregam seus veículos considerando a tolerância como um ganho real de sobrecarga. Um método para identificação de padrões de viagem dos veículos com excesso foi proposto, que se baseia nas árvores de classificação e regressão (Classification and Regression Tree Analysis - CART), uma ferramenta analítica. Por fim, os dados de tráfego foram correlacionados com os defeitos observados no trecho experimental construído logo após o sistema WIM, onde se simulou a redução da vida útil de estruturas de pavimentos considerando diferentes cenários de carga, sendo eles: (i) tráfego real; (ii) tráfego na tolerância (considerando a tolerância de 10%); e (iii) tráfego legal, concluindo-se que a prática do excesso de carga nas rodovias penaliza o transporte rodoviário ao acelerar a degradação das rodovias. / The traffic characterization is of great importance for pavement design, as well as for prediction of its remaining service life. In fact, traffic loading is one of the major contributors for the pavement deterioration. In order to ensure pavement durability, Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) systems can be used to collect traffic data. Therefore, this study was conducted to analyze the effect on the pavements of characterizing the traffic through a Weigh-in-Motion system installed between km 948 and 949 at the Brazilian Federal Highway BR-381. The analysis of the data collected from September 2015 to February 2017 shows that approximately 85% of commercial vehicles travel on the outside slow lane (lane 2). Regarding the volume of commercial vehicles, traffic volume was lower in weekends. In addition to the daily variations, traffic patterns also presented hourly variations. The axle load distributions were obtained and analyzed for the 15 more frequent commercial vehicle categories (representing 97.3% of all the commercial traffic registered). Based on the current Brazilian laws, the results from this study have indicated a significant percentage of violation involving overloaded heavy good vehicles in the highway (23.7%). In general, most axles exceed the legal limits up to 10%, indicating that many vehicles are loaded considering the tolerance as a real gain. A method to identify overloaded truck travel patterns and loading characteristics from available HS-WIM data was proposed. The method is based on Classification and Regression Tree Analysis (CART), an analytical tool. Finally, the traffic data were correlated with the distresses observed in the experimental section constructed closer to the WIM system, where it was simulated the reduction of the useful life of pavement structures considering different load scenarios: (i) real traffic; (ii) traffic in the tolerance (considering the tolerance of 10%); and (iii) legal traffic. it was concluded that the practice of overloading on highways penalizes road transport by accelerating road degradation.
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Ethical aspects of risk managementHermansson, Hélène January 2006 (has links)
<p>The subject of this thesis is ethical aspects of risk management. It is argued that a model for risk management needs to be developed that acknowledges several ethical aspects and most crucial among these, the individual’s right not to be unfairly exposed to risks.</p><p><i>Article </i>I takes as its starting point the demand frequently expressed in the risk literature for a consistent risk management. Such consistency is often assumed to be in accordance with some kind of cost-benefit analysis. It is maintained that such a model, here called the Standard Model, does not respect the rights of the individual. Two alternative models are outlined in order to better deal with this ethical weakness, the Model of Inviolable Rights and the Model of Procedural Justice. The arguments in the alternative models evolve around the separateness of individuals, rights and fair risk taking. It is claimed that the latter model, which focuses on a fair procedure, seems most fruitful to develop.</p><p><i>Article II</i> is a discussion of the NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) conflict, which is well known from situations of siting potentially risky facilities. Of special concern is to investigate what the ethical premises are behind the negative characterization of the NIMBY concept. It is argued that, contrary to the assumption that the total benefit should outweigh the individual’s cost, individuals in siting scenarios have rights not to be unfairly exposed to risks.</p><p><i>Article III</i>, which is co-authored with Professor Sven Ove Hansson, presents a three party model as a tool for ethical risk analysis. It is argued that ethical dimensions need to be acknowledged in the analysis of risks and that this is best done through a discussion of three parties that are involved in risk decisions – the risk-exposed, the beneficiary, and the decisionmaker. Seven crucial ethical questions are recognized and discussed regarding the relation between these parties. By using examples from the railway sector it is shown how the questions can be used to identify salient ethical features of risk management problems.</p>
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Conflictos constitucionales, ponderación e indeterminación normativaMartínez Zorrilla, David 03 December 2004 (has links)
En la práctica jurídica contemporánea es usual que muchas discusiones giren en torno a elementos tales como "derechos fundamentales", "bienes constitucionalmente protegidos", "valores superiores" y otros aspectos sustantivos, normalmente de rango constitucional. Asimismo, la distinción entre "principios" y "reglas", o conceptos como el de "ponderación", han pasado en las últimas décadas a formar parte del bagaje teórico básico de los juristas. En esta obra se intenta ofrecer un análisis riguroso de los conflictos entre principios constitucionales, de la ponderación y de la posibilidad de obtener una única respuesta correcta en todo caso, y se intenta mostrar cómo desde el positivismo jurídico y la filosofía analítica puede darse perfecta cuenta de estas cuestiones, señalando además cómo algunas afirmaciones ampliamente compartidas sobre los principios y la ponderación deberían ser abandonadas o cuanto menos matizadas, y que en esencia las situaciones de conflicto entre principios son muy similares, tanto en su estructura como en su modo de resolución, a las antinomias entre reglas. / In the contemporary legal practice, there are very often discussions related with legal elements labelled as “fundamental rights”, “constitutionally protected goods”, “superior values” and other substantive aspects, usually of a constitutional level. Also, the distinction between “legal principles” and “legal rules”, or concepts such as “weighing and balancing” have become in recent years some of the most basic theoretical tools of legal scholars and jurists. This work tries to offer a rigorous analysis about the conflicts between constitutional principles, weighing and balancing and the possibility of a single correct answer, and tries to give account of these matters from the scope of legal positivism and analytic philosophy. Some of the conclusions are that some deeply shared claims about legal principles and weighing and balancing should be abandoned or at least qualified, and that, in sum, conflicts between rules and conflicts between principles are very similar, both in their structure and in the procedures or mechanisms for solving them.
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Vliv živé hmotnosti jalovic v průběhu odchovu na mléčnou užitkovost dojnic českého strakatého skotuSOKELOVÁ, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis was to evaluate the influence of live weight in the course in rearing heifers on milk yield Fleckvieh in economically squad Určice. 420 cows of Czech Fleckvieh breed in period of 5 years (2011-2016) were evaluated. Body weight of heifers was determined by bridging the transition from individual business records to the age of 3, 6, 12 and 15 month. The influence of bodyweight heifers during rearing on the usability and functional length were evaluated, as well as the effect of the age at first calving on milk yield and functional longevity. Last but not least were determined the most common causes of retirement of cattle from the herd. No significant effects of rearing of heifers on dairy milk yield or the longevity of cows were detected.
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Determinação do coeficiente de cultura da melancia, em solo sob palhada e preparo convencional, na microrregião de Teresina, Piauí / Determination of the watermelon crop coefficient in a soil under conventional tillage and straw, at the Teresina region, Piauí State, BrazilSilva, Eduardo Magno Pereira da January 2012 (has links)
SILVA, Eduardo Magno Pereira. Determinação do coeficiente de cultura da melancia, em solo sob palhada e preparo convencional, na microrregião de Teresina, Piauí. 2012. 102 f. : Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola, Fortaleza-CE, 2012. / Submitted by demia Maia (demiamlm@gmail.com) on 2016-06-21T13:35:20Z
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Previous issue date: 2012
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Acurácia de diferentes indicadores para avaliar o estado nutricional de adultos / Accuracy of different indicators to evaluate the nutritional status of adultsPereira, Guilherme Adroaldo 16 December 2016 (has links)
The present study had as objective to analyze the accuracy of different indicators of the nutritional status of adults of both sexes, having as reference method the hydrostatic weighing (HW). A total of 280 subjects (210 men and 70 women), aged between 17 and 48 years old, were investigated. The results of body fat percentage (%BF) obtained through the University of Navarra-Body Adiposity Estimator (CUN- BAE), body adiposity index (BAI), skinfold estimation equations (E-DC) and bioelectrical impedance (BIA). We also analyzed the results of the body mass index (BMI), new body mass index (BMI2.5), body fat mass index BFMI and the body mass index adjusted by the fat mass (BMIfat), all of them using HW as the reference method. The results indicated that no significant differences were observed between the %BF measures of the E-DC and BIA indicators and the HW for the male group; however, for the female group, despite the analyzes indicating agreement, the %BF values presented statistically different from those obtained with the reference method. The BAI presented an acceptable estimation error when evaluating the female group and the CUN-BAE presented a tendency to overestimate the values of %BF, in both sexes. On the other hand, the BFMI presented the highest agreement value, but classified as discrete (k=0.21). The other indexes presented small agreement with the results of the reference method (k <0.20). It is possible to conclude that, in a general way, the E-DC and BIA indicators were the ones that presented the best results, with the E-DC being more efficient to evaluate the male subjects. In addition, none of the indexes investigated showed good accuracy in assessing the nutritional status of adults, although they showed results of correlation with the reference method, did not reach the minimum criterion of agreement. / O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a acurácia de diferentes indicadores do estado nutricional de adultos, de ambos os sexos, tendo como método de referência a pesagem hidrostática (PH). Foram investigados 280 sujeitos (210 homens e 70 mulheres), com idade entre 17 e 48 anos, dos quais se analisou os resultados de percentual de gordura corporal (%GC) obtidos através do Clínica Universidad de Navarra-Body Adiposity Estimator (CUN-BAE), do índice de adiposidade corporal (IAC), das equações de estimativa a partir de dobras cutâneas (E-DC) e da impedância bioelétrica (IB). Também foram analisados os resultados do Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC), do novo Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC2,5), do Índice de Massa Gorda (IMG) e do Índice de Massa Corporal ajustado pela Massa Gorda (IMCgordura), todas as análises tendo como método de referência a PH. Os resultados indicaram que não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre as medidas de %GC dos indicadores E-DC e IB e a PH para o grupo masculino, no entanto, para o grupo feminino, apesar das análises indicarem concordância, os valores de %GC apresentaram-se estatisticamente diferentes dos obtidos com o método de referência. O IAC apresentou erro de estimativa aceitável ao avaliar o grupo feminino e o CUN-BAE apresentou tendência de superestimar os valores de %GC, em ambos os sexos. Por outro lado o índice IMG apresentou o maior valor de concordância, porém classificado como discreto (k = 0,21). Já os demais índices apresentaram concordância pequena com os resultados do método de referência (k<0,20). É possível concluir que, de uma forma geral, os indicadores E-DC e IB foram os que apresentaram os melhores resultados, sendo que o E-DC se mostra mais eficiente para avaliar indivíduos do sexo masculino. Além disso, nenhum dos índices investigados apresentou boa acurácia para avaliar o estado nutricional de adultos, pois apesar de mostrarem resultados de correlação com o método de referência, não atingem o critério mínimo de concordância.
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Uso da tecnologia Weigh-in-Motion para a caracterização do tráfego rodoviário e do excesso de carga em veículos comerciais. / Use of the Weigh-in-Motion technology for the characterization of road traffic and overloading in commercial vehicles.Mariana Bosso 04 July 2018 (has links)
A caracterização do tráfego rodoviário é de grande importância para o dimensionamento de pavimentos, bem como para a garantia de sua vida útil, sendo a carga aplicada pelo tráfego uma das maiores responsáveis pelos danos na estrutura. Com o objetivo de garantir a durabilidade dos pavimentos, sistemas Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) podem ser utilizados para coleta de informações sobre os veículos que trafegam em uma rodovia. Propôs-se neste estudo caracterizar o tráfego a partir da avaliação contínua das solicitações de carga na BR-381, sentido Sul, por meio da coleta de dados de Sistema WIM. A partir da análise dos dados coletados entre setembro de 2015 e fevereiro de 2017, observou-se que aproximadamente 85% dos veículos comerciais trafegam na faixa de rolamento mais solicitada (faixa 2). Com relação ao volume de veículos comerciais, pôde-se constatar a presença de uma maior quantidade de veículos durante os dias úteis quando comparados aos finais de semana. Além das variações com relação ao dia da semana, o volume de tráfego também apresenta particularidades com relação às distribuições horárias. Foram obtidas e analisadas as distribuições de carga para cada tipo de eixo das 15 categorias de veículos comerciais mais frequentes (representando 97,3% do tráfego comercial registrado). Com base na Legislação Brasileira vigente, quantificou-se o excesso de carga praticado na rodovia, onde foram identificados 23,7% dos veículos com excesso. Notou-se que a maioria dos excessos se encontram na faixa de até 10% dos respetivos limites legais, indicando que muitos transportadores carregam seus veículos considerando a tolerância como um ganho real de sobrecarga. Um método para identificação de padrões de viagem dos veículos com excesso foi proposto, que se baseia nas árvores de classificação e regressão (Classification and Regression Tree Analysis - CART), uma ferramenta analítica. Por fim, os dados de tráfego foram correlacionados com os defeitos observados no trecho experimental construído logo após o sistema WIM, onde se simulou a redução da vida útil de estruturas de pavimentos considerando diferentes cenários de carga, sendo eles: (i) tráfego real; (ii) tráfego na tolerância (considerando a tolerância de 10%); e (iii) tráfego legal, concluindo-se que a prática do excesso de carga nas rodovias penaliza o transporte rodoviário ao acelerar a degradação das rodovias. / The traffic characterization is of great importance for pavement design, as well as for prediction of its remaining service life. In fact, traffic loading is one of the major contributors for the pavement deterioration. In order to ensure pavement durability, Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) systems can be used to collect traffic data. Therefore, this study was conducted to analyze the effect on the pavements of characterizing the traffic through a Weigh-in-Motion system installed between km 948 and 949 at the Brazilian Federal Highway BR-381. The analysis of the data collected from September 2015 to February 2017 shows that approximately 85% of commercial vehicles travel on the outside slow lane (lane 2). Regarding the volume of commercial vehicles, traffic volume was lower in weekends. In addition to the daily variations, traffic patterns also presented hourly variations. The axle load distributions were obtained and analyzed for the 15 more frequent commercial vehicle categories (representing 97.3% of all the commercial traffic registered). Based on the current Brazilian laws, the results from this study have indicated a significant percentage of violation involving overloaded heavy good vehicles in the highway (23.7%). In general, most axles exceed the legal limits up to 10%, indicating that many vehicles are loaded considering the tolerance as a real gain. A method to identify overloaded truck travel patterns and loading characteristics from available HS-WIM data was proposed. The method is based on Classification and Regression Tree Analysis (CART), an analytical tool. Finally, the traffic data were correlated with the distresses observed in the experimental section constructed closer to the WIM system, where it was simulated the reduction of the useful life of pavement structures considering different load scenarios: (i) real traffic; (ii) traffic in the tolerance (considering the tolerance of 10%); and (iii) legal traffic. it was concluded that the practice of overloading on highways penalizes road transport by accelerating road degradation.
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Coeficientes da cultura e produtividade do cons?rcio de milho caatingueiro com feij?o-de-porco e do repolho plantado na palhada / Crop coefficients and Productivity of Caatingueiro Corn intercropped with jack bean and Cabbage Planted on StrawAra?jo, M?rio S?rgio Paiva de 25 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2017-06-21T17:22:59Z
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2016 - M?rio S?rgio Paiva de Ara?jo.pdf: 1411691 bytes, checksum: 797d6757b675c1af2aaa3ad4164c44a8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-21T17:22:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2016 - M?rio S?rgio Paiva de Ara?jo.pdf: 1411691 bytes, checksum: 797d6757b675c1af2aaa3ad4164c44a8 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-02-25 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The study of crops water demand throughout its development cycle enables the rational use of water, and this scarce study for maize intercropped with bean-to-pig and cabbage grown in maize straw. The objective of this work was to determine the crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and crop coefficients (Kc) of ?caatingueiro? corn under monoculture and intercropping system with bean-to-pig, , and ?fuyutoyo? cabbage planted on the straw, and to check the influence of the consortium in the production of corn and cabbage. The study was conducted in Serop?dica-RJ, using weighing lysimeters, the Kc values were determined by the ratio between ETc and the reference evapotranspiration (ETo). The ETo was estimated by the FAO Penman-Monteith model. The ETc values were calculated using the water balance of the lysimeter-cropp-soil system. The cycle caatingueiro corn intercropped with jack bean and monoculture was March 18 to June 25, the Kc values were calculated for the four stages of crop development. The corn planted in three areas, one with corn intercropping and jack beans with full irrigation (C100), the other with intercropped with deficit irrigation (CD75) and the last with monoculture (Mon). Four samples were taken throughout the cycle to analyze the leaf area, plant height and cob insertion and end of the cycle data of productivity and of water use efficiency (WUE) were measured. The fuyutoyo cabbage was transplanted from the tray to the area 33 days and the cycle after transplant lasted from July 17 to October 26, the Kc values were calculated for the four stages of development. The Kc values for each phase of crop development in the intercropping system were: I (0.78); II (1.06); III (1.10) and IV (1.01), for the monoculture system, the kc values were: I (0.62); II (0.92); III (1.27) and IV (0.89). The corn had a Degree-Days accumulation of 1416.5 ? C throughout cycle, there was not significant difference in leaf area and number of corn cob between the three areas, The C100 area showed smaller values of plant height for all measurements, since the CD75 was lower than Mon only the first measurement. The productivity of C100 (6937.17 kg / ha) did not differ from that found in Mon (6055.34 kg / ha) and was higher than that found in CD75 (4328.91 kg / ha). The C100 showed higher WUE than CD75 and was similar to values found for Mon. The Cabbage has kc values for each phase of crop development: I (1.02); II (1.03); III (1.05) and IV (1.01) and had a degrees-day accumulation of 1439.2 ? C. The productivity cabbage RMon (34.76 T / ha) was higher than the area RC100 (18.99 T / ha), the WUE was lower in RC100. The RCD75 did not differ in the statistical tests. Corn consortium with beans had good result in corn yields in the area C100 and lower productivity in CD75 area, and had no satisfactory result in cabbage productivity in the area RC100 / O estudo da demanda h?drica das culturas ao longo do seu ciclo de desenvolvimento possibilita o uso racional da ?gua, sendo esse estudo escasso tanto para consorcia??o de milho com feij?o-de-porco, quanto para o repolho cultivado em palhada de milho. Objetivou-se determinar a evapotranspira??o da cultura (ETc) e os coeficientes de cultura (Kc) do milho caatingueiro, consorciado com feij?o-de-porco e em sistema de monocultivo, e do repolho fuyutoyo plantado sobre a palhada remanescente, assim como verificar a influ?ncia do cons?rcio na produ??o do milho e do repolho. O estudo foi realizado em Serop?dica-RJ, utilizando lis?metros de pesagem. Os valores de Kc foram determinados por meio da raz?o entre ETc e ETo (evapotranspira??o de refer?ncia). A ETo foi estimada pela metodologia proposta por Penman-Monteith FAO, enquanto a ETc foi obtida pelo balan?o h?drico do sistema lis?metro-cultura-solo. O ciclo do milho caatingueiro consorciado com feij?o-de-porco e monocultivo foi de 18 de mar?o a 25 de junho de 2015, e teve Kc estimado para as quatro fases de desenvolvimento da cultura, o milho foi plantado em tr?s ?reas, uma com consorcia??o de milho e feij?o-de-porco aplicando-se irriga??o plena (C100), outra com consorcia??o e irriga??o em d?ficit (CD75) e a ?ltima com monocultivo e irriga??o plena (Mon). Foram realizadas quatro coletas ao longo do ciclo para analisar a ?rea foliar, altura da planta e a inser??o da espiga e no final do ciclo dados de produtividade e efici?ncia do uso da ?gua (EUA) foram medidos. As mudas do repolho fuyutoyo foram transplantadas para a ?rea com 33 dias ap?s a semeadura e o ciclo ap?s transplante durou de 17 de julho a 26 de outubro de 2015, o qual teve o Kc para as quatro fases de desenvolvimento. O repolho foi transplantado na palhada do milho em tr?s ?reas, ficando dividido em repolho onde tinha cons?rcio sem deficit (RC100) e com d?ficit (RCD75) e repolho onde tinha monocultivo (RMon) sendo avaliado dados de produtividade no final do ciclo. Os valores de Kc para cada fase de desenvolvimento do milho em cons?rcio com a feij?o-de-porco foram: I (0,78); II (1,06); III (1,10) e IV (1,01), para o monocultivo, os valores foram: I (0,62); II (0,92); III (1,27) e IV (0,89). O milho teve um acumulo de graus-dias de 1416,5 ?C durante todo ciclo, n?o sendo encontrada diferen?a significativa na ?rea folia e no n?mero de espiga do milho entre as tr?s ?reas. A ?rea C100 apresentou menores valores de altura de planta em todas as medi??es, CD75 foi inferior ao Mon apenas na primeira medi??o. A produtividade do C100(6937,17 kg/ha) n?o diferiu da encontrada no Mon (6055,34 kg/ha) e foi superior a encontrada no CD75(4328,91 kg/ha). O C100 apresentou maior EUA que o CD75 e foi semelhante aos valores encontrados para o Mon. O repolho teve valores de Kc para cada fase de desenvolvimento de: I (1,02); II (1,03); III (1,05) e IV (1,01), com acumulo graus-dia de 1439,2 ?C. A produtividade do repolho RMon (34,76 T/ha) foi superior ? da ?rea RC100 (18,99 T/ha), tendo o mesmo comportamento na EUA. O RCD7 n?o diferiu nos testes estat?stico com rela??o aos demais tratamentos. Pode-se concluir cons?rcio de milho com feij?o-de-porco teve boa resposta na produtividade do milho na ?rea C100 e uma menor produtividade na ?rea CD75, e n?o teve resposta satisfat?ria na produtividade do repolho na ?rea RC100
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