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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Motivação desportiva e percepção de ameaça na competição, em atletas de diferentes escalões e níveis competitivos, do futebol de 11 juvenil masculino

Ferreira, Manuel Rodrigues January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Estudo das razões de persistência pela prática de dança clássica, de dança moderna e de ginástica aeróbica

Fonseca, Ricardo Jorge Maia Rios da January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Motivos, dificuldades e formação do dirigente desportivo do concelho de Santo Tirso

Matos, Paula Maria Ribeiro de Sousa January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Alvin Plantinga's restatement of Augustine's freewill theodicy and its implications for his concept of "warranted" Christian belief

Johnson, John Joseph, Patterson, Bob E. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Baylor University, 2009. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 190-212).

Practical Paradise: Ethics for a Modern Age

Davanzo, Anthony P 01 January 2016 (has links)
This play demonstrates an interpretation of Nietzsche's philosophy in practice. The main character experiences loss and confusion, however, through this struggle arrives at a discovery of profound truth. If you've ever wondered how to live your life in the best way possible, the main character believes he's found the answer.

Théorie de l'institution et droit du travail / Institution theory and labour law

Giraudet, Carole 25 June 2014 (has links)
Théorie de l’institution et droit du travail ou l’histoire d’une controverse. Paul Durand, le plus influent représentant de la doctrine classique française de droit du travail est l’un des principaux promoteurs de la théorie institutionnelle de l’entreprise. Au milieu du XXème siècle, la question de l’entreprise institution est la controverse majeure et structurante de cette nouvelle discipline juridique. L’histoire sensible appartenir au passe. Pourtant la référence doctrinale persistante à une théorie qui annonçait la disparition du contrat interroge. S’agit-il d’un hommage aux antécédents doctrinaux ou traduit-elle la vitalité d’une représentation institutionnelle des rapports de travail ? La réponse requiert de dépasser la controverse sur la réalité de l’institution pour en faire un objet théorique. L’institution est une théorie du droit, œuvre de juristes français, italien et allemand qui ont tous appréhendé l’entreprise dans leur construction. Le droit du travail forme l’outil permettant d’identifier l’armature commune des discours institutionnalistes. De cette confrontation théorique se dégage l’hypothèse de l’entreprise institution, outil d’analyse du droit du travail. La confrontation avec Le droit positif donne un résultat contrasté. L’hypothèse semble trouver correspondance dans une image juridique de l’entreprise qui légitime la soumission au pouvoir. Mais la soumission du pouvoir aux volontés du salarie et de l’employeur fait obstacle a toute consécration juridique de l’hypothèse. La contradiction n’est cependant qu’apparente : ne pas transformer l’image en réalité juridique semble constituer la condition pour faire fonctionner le pouvoir patronal. / Institution theory and labor law or the history of a controversy. Paul Durand, the most influential representative of the classic French doctrine of labor law is one of the main promoters of the institutional theory of enterprise. In the middle of the 20th century, the issue of the enterprise institution is the major and structuring controversy of this new legal discipline. The history seems to belong to the past. However, the persistent doctrinal reference to a theory which announced the disappearance of the contract questions. Is it a tribute to doctrinal antecedents or does it express the vitality of an institutional representation of working relationships? The answer requires to overcome the controversy on the reality of the institution to make it a theoretical object. The institution is a law theory, the work of French, Italian and German lawyers who have all treated the enterprise in their papers. Labor law is the tool allowing to identify the common framework of the institutionalist speeches. From this theoretical confrontation emerges the assumption of the enterprise institution, analysis tool of labor law. The confrontation with the positive law gives a contrasted result. The assumption seems to find correspondence in a legal image of the enterprise which legitimates the submission to authority. But the submission of authority to the wills of employees and employers obstructs any legal recognition of the assumption. Yet, the contradiction is only apparent: avoiding transforming the image into legal reality seems to be the condition to make the employers’ power work.

The will and its freedom in the thought of Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, and Kant

Corea, Peter Vincent January 1961 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston University. / 1. Problem. The problem of this dissertation is to examine the doctrines of the will in the thought of Plato; Aristotle, Augustine, and Kant and to relate their conceptions of freedom to their doctrines of the will. 2. Method. The method consists in examining primary sources which define and interpret the will and its freedom. [TRUNCATED]

The Kantian defence of freedom : with special reference to eighteenth-century determinism

Lewis, Walter L. January 1954 (has links)
No description available.

Involuntary consent

Futter, Dylan Brian 24 May 2013 (has links)
In this dissertation I take exception with a widely held philosophical doctrine, according to which agents are only blameworthy for the bad actions they have chosen to bring about. My argument strategy is to present cases in which agents are blamed for involuntary actions that are not in any way connected to their culpable and voluntary choices. These failures correspond, I suggest, to occasions of culpable ignorance where agents have been negligent or careless. More specifically, I claim that violations of natural duties of respect and consideration, and certain acquired role-type duties, are blamed without any voluntary consent. If my examples are persuasive, then the point is reached where a normative principle of 'voluntary consent' does not in fact coincide with people's actual practices and 'considered judgements'. In the final sections of the dissertation, I argue against the plausibility of keeping the principle and revising our judgements. / KMBT_363 / Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-in

Segurança na sociedade da informação : uma visão desde a autonomia privada

Silva, Eduardo Silva da January 2006 (has links)
A presente tese propõe o reconhecimento dos novos papéis desempenhados pela autonomia privada na regulação de aspectos da sociedade da informação. Dada a dimensão da rede de computadores, o seu carater transnacional e a dificuldade para e estabelecimento de uma regulação jurídica internacional uniforme, a autonomia privada, como poder de pradução de efeitos jurídicos, pode apresentar-se como alternativa complementar (nãoexcludente) para a disciplina de questões relacionadas ao estabelecimento de pactos negociais através da rede (o chamado comércio eletrônico) e para a eventual diluição de conflitos deles decorrentes. Ante a ampla liberdade concedida aos particulares e que se materializa através dos inúmeros e criativos empregos que continuamente têm sido atribuidos à rede de computadores, espreita-se uma gama variável de riscos decorrentes do exercício da própria liberdade e que dizem respeito, exemplificativamente,à disseminação de sites eletrônicos falsos, o não-cumprimento de contratos e a ineficácia de decisões judiciais para além dos limites territoriais do Estado prolator da decisão. Em vista destes fatos (a circunscrição da sociedade da informação entre os limites da liberdade e do risco), a tese propõe a contenção dos perigos e o reforço da segurança dos negócios jurídicos mediante o exercício da autonomia privada. Neste esforço se situam os procedimentos de certificação dos sites e de suas práticas através de selos (labelização), gerando uma nomatividade particular, de caráter obrigatório aos que a ela se submetam, transcendente das fronteiras nacionais. Ao mesmo tempo, propõe-se o estabelecimento de mecanismos para a solução de eventuais conflitos que levem em conta as características mais próprias da comércio online, tais como a distância entre as partes, a sobreposição de ordenamentos jurídicos diversos e a necessidade de agilidade das decisões através dos chamados online dispute resolution, notadamente através do emprego da arbitragem eletrônica. / Examine some of the characters that could be played by the private autonomy for the regulation of the information's society aspects that's wanted in this text (thesis). Because of the dimension of tbe computer's net is given, his transnational character and the difficulty for the establishment of international legal standard regulations, the private autonomy, as a power of auto-regulations for private interests, could presents itself as an alternative to discipline questions related to the establishment of negotiable agreements through the net and the eventual dilution of conflicts. So, the prelminary question is about the fact that the infomation's society is based between the liberty and the risk. Before of the great liberty allowed to the private users that shows up through the innumerable and creative uses that has to be attributed to the computer´s net, it could be observed a great variable of risks resulting from the exercise of the own liberty, that had to be, specificaliy, with the false homepage dissemination, with the not compliance with the agreements and the inefficiency of the legal decisions beyond the territorid limits of the State that is responsible for the decision. Therefore, shows up a new psoposal for the business seded by the net, as resultkig from performative acts or from tacit declarations to conclude behaviors, both as expressions of the private liberty. For the risk's restrictions there is the suggestion for the site's certification and its practice with the use of stamps and the establishment of private forms of controversy's dilution, showing one actual expression of the private autonomy and of the civil society.

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