Spelling suggestions: "subject:"d’intenter wheat"" "subject:"d’intenter cheat""
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Synthetic Hexaploid Wheat as a Source of Improvement for Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in TexasCooper, Jessica Kay 2010 December 1900 (has links)
Synthetic hexaploid wheats, created from a durum (Triticum durum) cross to Aegilops tauschii Coss. (McFadden and Sears, 1946), proved to be an efficient and beneficial source of new genes for common bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L).
The purpose of this research was to evaluate the potential and performance of synthetic wheat in Texas. Ten elite primary synthetics from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), screened for desirable traits, were backcrossed to two Texas cultivars, TAM 111 and TAM 112. Populations were bulked and modified bulked to advance generations. Agronomic traits related to yield were determined on the F4 and F5
Improvement was observed in South Texas and the Blacklands, which have more disease pressure and fewer intermittent dry spells than another two locations at Chillicothe and Bushland in Texas Rolling and High Plains, respectively. Selected bulks were not superior to non-selected bulks. Head number per unit area had the highest correlation with yield and seed weight was the most heritable trait. Synthetic lines combined better with TAM 111 than TAM 112 in high yielding environments. populations across five Texas locations. Similar to crosses with spring wheat, synthetics contributed to yield through an increase in seed weight. Synthetic populations that produced higher grain yield than both TAM 111 and TAM 112 were able to maintain their large seed size and weight while improving their seed per head and head number traits. Poorer performance in environments with harsh winters could be due to a lack of winter-hardiness in the primary synthetics. This clearly demonstrates that improving yield, through utilization of common wheat by synthetic crosses, could result from selecting for larger seed per head and heads per unit area in lines driven from these populations.
Introgression of new genes through synthetic backcrosses could contribute to the improvement of wheat in particular regions of Texas. Primary synthetics and recurrent parents combining for superior hybrids were identified.
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Aspects of Cereal Yield Formation in Agroecosystems of Different Intensity / Miglinių javų derliaus formavimo aspektai skirtingo intensyvumo agroekosistemosePovilaitis, Virmantas 07 May 2012 (has links)
The object of study – spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Research tasks: 1. To investigate the effect of growing intensity, applying fertilisers according to normative for target yield, on spring barley and winter wheat leaf index, biomass and grain yield formation. 2. To quantitatively assess accumulation of nitrogen and carbon in the biomass during vegetation. 3. To explore the effect of water and nitrogen induced stresses on productivity of photosynthesis and to evaluate feasibility of DSSAT v4.0.2.0 model for the diagnosis. 4. To estimate likely effect of climate change on winter wheat and spring barely yield. / Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Ištirti skirtingo auginimo intensyvumo, tręšiant pagal normatyvus planuojamam derliui, poveikį vasarinių miežių ir žieminių kviečių lapų indekso, biomasės ir grūdų derliaus formavimuisi. 2. Nustatyti kiekybinius azoto ir anglies kaupimosi biomasėje pokyčius vegetacijos metu. 3. Ištirti vandens ir azoto trūkumo sukeltų stresų pasireiškimą migliniuose javuose ir įvertinti galimybes juos diagnozuoti modeliu DSSAT v4.0.2.0. 4. Įvertinti tikėtiną klimato kaitos poveikį žieminių kviečių ir vasarinių miežių derlingumui. Tyrimų objektas – vasarinis miežis (Hordeum vulgare L.), žieminis kvietys (Triticum aestivum L.).
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Javų žiemojimo ypatumai ekologinės ir intensyvios žemės ūkio gamybos ūkiuose / Cereal wintering features organic and intensive agricultural production on farmsButkus, Giedrius 21 June 2010 (has links)
Tiriamojo darbo objektas – žieminiai javai išauginti ekologinės ir intensyvios žemės ūkio gamybos ūkiuose Raseinių raj. Girkalnio ir Nemakščių seniūnijose.
Tyrimo tikslas - ištirti javų žiemojimo ypatumus ekologinės ir intensyvios žemės ūkio gamybos ūkiuose.
Tyrimo metodika. Tyrimas buvo atliktas 2008 – 2009 m. Raseinių rajono Girkalnio ir Nemakščių seniūnijos ūkiuose. Tyrimų dirvožemis – išplautžemis. Buvo pasirinkti 2 intensyvios ir 2 ekologinės žemės ūkio gamybos ūkiai. Šiuose ūkiuose buvo auginami žieminiai javai (rugiai, kviečiai ir kvietrugiai). Augalų skaičiavimo vietų skaičius buvo nustatomas pagal lauko dydį. Javų lauke atsitiktinai išskiriamos vietos po 0,25 m2 tyrimo laukelius kiekvieno lauko pradžioje, viduryje ir gale. Kiekvienoje vietoje suskaičiuojami augalai vegetacijos pradžioje ir prieš derliaus nuėmimą. Gauti duomenys perskaičiuojami į 1 m2. Pasinaudojant rudens ir pavasario augalų tankumo duomenimis buvo apskaičiuotas žiemojimo procentas. Tarp augalų skaičiaus rudenį ir peržiemojimo procento apskaičiuoti koreliaciniai ryšiai. Taip pat apskaičiuoti koreliaciniai ryšiai tarp augalų tankumo ir oro temperatūros.
Tyrimo rezultatai. Atlikus tyrimus minėtuose laukuose suskaičiuota, kad ekologinės žemės ūkio gamybos ūkiuose tankiausi buvo žieminiai rugiai. Jų augalų skaičius įvairavo nuo 344 iki 580 vnt. m2, o intensyvios – žieminiai kvietrugiai, kurių priskaičiuota nuo 380 iki 568 augalų. Pavasarį tiek žieminių rugių, tiek ir žieminių kvietrugių išliko... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The study objective – to explore the characteristics of organic winter cereals and intensive agricultural production on farms.
Objective – winter crops have been grown in organic and intensive agricultural production on farms Raseiniu region.
Method of the work. The study was carried out in 2008 - 2009 on Raseiniu Girkalnio district and parish Nemakščių farms. Soil surveys - Luvisol. It was choice two and two intensive organic agricultural production of farms. These holdings have grown winter cereals (rye, wheat and triticale). Plant counting the number of sites were determined by field size. Cereal field identifies the local random 0.25 m2 for each field of study in the fields early, middle and rear. Each site counted at the beginning of vegetation and plants before harvest. The data obtained are converted into 1 m2. Through the autumn and spring plant density was estimated wintering percent. Among the number of plants in autumn and peržiemojimo calculate percent correlation. Also calculate the correlation between plant density and air temperature.
The results of the work. After research in these fields has been calculated that organic agricultural farms were densest winter rye. Their number of plants varied from 344 to 580 units. m2, and intense - winter triticale, which counted from 380 to 568 plants. In spring and winter rye and winter triticale, and remained the least. Among the studies found an average variation - from 10 to 20 percent.Cereal hibernation depends on... [to full text]
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Skystųjų azoto trąšų su aminorūgštimis įtaka žieminių kviečių baltymų kokybinės sudėties optimizavimui / The Influence of Liquid Nitrogen Fertilizers Combined with Amino Acids on Optimization of Proteins‘ Quality Composition of Winter WheatBakas, Giedrius 21 June 2010 (has links)
Tyrimai atlikti 2008-2009 m. Lietuvos žemės ūkio universiteto Bandymų stotyje limnoglacinialinio lengvo priemolio ant moreninio molio karbonatingame, giliau glėjiškame išplautžemyje (Calc(ar)i-Endohypogleyic Luvisol). Auginti žieminiai kviečiai „Tauras“, kurie pieninės brandos tarpsnyje buvo tręšiami Lyderis amino plius trąšomis su 0,5, 1, 1,5, 2, 2,5 ir 3 % koncentracijų aminorūgštimis. Bandymo vidutiniais duomenimis nustatyta, kad žieminius kviečius šiame tarpsnyje tręšiant skystojo amidinio azoto trąšomis Lyderis amino plius su 0,5-1,5 % aminorūgščių, gautas esminis grūdų derliaus priedas (0,47 ir 0,82 t ha-1). Minėtos trąšos su 0,5-3,0 % aminorūgščių iš esmės padidino baltymų kiekį (0,55 - 0,57 proc. vnt.) žieminių kviečių grūduose. Didžiausias bendras aminorūgščių kiekis grūduose buvo žieminių kviečių, tręštų skystosiomis amidinio azoto trąšomis su 0,5 % aminorūgščių. Didžiausi ir esminiai pakeičiamų ir nepakeičiamų aminorūgščių kiekiai buvo sukaupti grūduose, naudojant Lyderio amino plius trąšas su 0,5 – 1,5 % aminorūgščių. Didžiausias bendras aminorūgščių kiekis grūduose būtų sukauptas naudojant pieninės brandos tarpsnyje 0,86 % koncentracijos aminorūgščių tirpalą. / The investigation was carried out over the period 2008-2009 at the Experimental Station of Lithuanian University of Agriculture, situated on limnoglacial carbonaceous light clay loam and tilled soil, deeper in Calcaric-Endohypogleyic Luvisol. There were grown the winter wheat “Tauras”, which were fertilized with “Lyderis Amino Plius” fertilizers, concentrated with 0,5%, 1%, 1,5%, 2%, 2,5%, and 3% of amino acids, at the grain milky stage. The experimental research showed that the yield of winter wheat was significant (0,47 and 0,82 t ha-1) when applying liquid amide nitrogen fertilizers “Lyderis Amino Plius” with 0,5 – 1,5 % of amino acids, at the mentioned stage. In addition, the same fertilizers with 0,5-3,0 % of amino acids increased the amount of proteins (0,55 – 0,57 % per one) in the grains of winter wheat. The biggest total amount of amino acids were found in the grains of winter wheat, when fertilizing with liquid amide nitrogen with 0,5 % of amino acids. However, the biggest and the most significant essential and nonessential amounts of amino acids were identified in the grains, which had been being fertilised with “Lyderis Amino Plius” with 0,5 – 1,5 % of amino acids. In conclusion, according to investigation findings, the biggest total amount of amino acids would be concentrated, when applying 0,86 % concentration of amino acids soak, at the grain milky stage.
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Ice structuring proteins (ISPs) naturally exist in many foods consumed as part of the human diet including plants or fish. ISPs from winter wheat grass have gained interest in the pharmaceutical and food industries as a non-toxic, natural and cost-effective product, which is easy to prepare as a crude extract. However, they have not been purified reproducibly and studied in detail to elucidate their structures, mechanism of actions and difference(s). ISPs from the apoplast region of cold acclimated winter wheat leaves were extracted through vacuum infiltration and purified using heat and ethanol precipitations, size exclusion and anionic exchange fast protein liquid chromatography techniques. The ISPs showed both significant inhibition of ice growth and thermal hysteresis activities. The non-acclimated apoplastic extracts from winter wheat leaves contained similar proteins without any abovementioned activities. The ISPs contained disulfide bridges, similar to thaumatin-like proteins (TLPs) and partially similar to ISPs from winter rye leaves and carrot. ISPs remained active after thermal treatment (i.e., pasteurization conditions) and over a wide range of pH (3-12).
There are very few quantitative assays to measure the activity of antifreeze proteins (AFPs, or Ice Structuring Proteins, ISPs), which often suffer from various inaccuracies and inconsistencies. Some methods rely only on unassisted visual assessment. When microscopy is used to measure ice crystal size, it is critical that standardized procedures be adopted, especially when image analysis software is used to quantify sizes. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) has been used to measure the thermal hysteresis activity (TH) of AFPs. In this study, DSC was used isothermally to measure enthalpic changes associated with structural rearrangements as a function of time. Differences in slopes of thermograms between winter wheat ISP or AFP type I containing samples, and those without ISP or AFP type I were demonstrated. ISP or AFP type I containing samples had much higher slopes compared to those without ISP or AFP type I. Samples with higher concentration of ISP or AFP type I showed higher slope values. The proteinaceous activity of ISPs or AFP type I was confirmed by demonstrating changes in samples with and without proteases. A proposed mechanism of this method is discussed.
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Tolerance of Winter Wheat to Herbicides is Influenced by Weather Conditions, Growth Stage and Fungicide Tank-mixesDe Jong-Robinson, Melody A 18 May 2012 (has links)
Field studies were conducted in Ontario in 2009 and 2010 to determine the tolerance of winter wheat to herbicide-fungicide tank-mixtures, and the tolerance of winter wheat underseeded red clover to commonly used herbicides applied at three timings. Tank-mixtures including the fungicide tebuconazole caused injury at early and late timings, while mixtures including the herbicide bromoxynil/MCPA were most injurious when applied late in the season. Injury was transient with no yield reductions observed. MCPA/mecoprop/dicamba caused significant yield reductions when applied at normal and late timings, but did not reduce yield when applied early. The herbicides prosulfuron+bromoxynil and pyrasulfotole/bromoxynil were most injurious to underseeded red clover and reduced clover biomass regardless of application timing. Herbicides and herbicide-fungicide tank-mixtures applied early, during cold temperatures do not increase winter wheat or red clover sensitivity; the likelihood of injury is greatest when applications of these products occur late. / Grain Farmers of Ontario; Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs; Agriculture Adaptation Council of Canada
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Neariminio žemės dirbimo ir augalinių liekanų poveikis žieminių kviečių agroekosistemos komponentams / The effect of ploughless tillage and crop residue on winter wheat agroecosystem componentsLeimonaitė, Laura 13 June 2012 (has links)
Žemės dirbimas yra vienas iš daugiausia darbo, energetinių bei laiko sąnaudų reikalaujančių technologinių darbų auginant augalus. Todėl įvairaus intensyvumo žemės dirbimo sistemų nustatymas, kurios nemažindamos žemės ūkio augalų derliaus neblogintų dirvožemio agrocheminių savybių, yra svarbus ir ekonomine, ir aplinkosaugine prasme. Pasikliaujama ribotu paviršiaus purenimu, ražienine sėja. Taip sutaupomos lėšos, mažiau gaištama laiko dirvai ruošti. Dėl gilaus ir pastovaus žemės dirbimo gali mažėti humuso kiekis, o tai sąlygoja mažesnį žemės ūkio augalų derlių. Tyrimų tikslas – įvertinti tiesioginės sėjos į neįdirbtą dirvą, supaprastinto žemės dirbimo ir šiaudų bei kitų augalinių liekanų įtaką dirvožemio agrocheminėms savybėms. Stacionarus bandymas įrengtas 1999 m. Aleksandro Stulginskio universiteto Bandymų stotyje. Lauko bandymas dviejų veiksnių: A veiksnys – šiaudų įterpimas: šiaudai pašalinti (-Š); šiaudai susmulkinti ir paskleisti (+Š). B veiksnys – žemės dirbimo sistemos: įprastinis gilus arimas 23–25 cm gyliu rudenį (GA); seklus arimas 10–12 cm gyliu rudenį (SA); seklus purenimas kultivatoriumi plokščiapjūviais noragėliais ir lėkštiniais padargais 8–10 cm gyliu rudenį (KL); seklus purenimas rotoriniu kultivatoriumi 5–6 cm gyliu prieš sėją (RK); seklus žaliosios trąšos įterpimas rotoriniu kultivatoriumi 5–6 cm gyliu prieš sėją (ŽTRK); neįdirbta dirva, tiesioginė sėja (ND). Pastovus šiaudų panaudojimas didina dirvožemio pH, humuso ir azoto kiekius. Humusą ir azotą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Cultivation is one of energy and time-consuming activities of cropping. Establishment of various intensity tillage systems that does not influence the agrochemical soil properties and yield loss is important for both economical and environmental sense. Ploughing is being replaced by reduced topsoil loosening or cultication. It helps to save time and money for soil preparation. Deep and constant tillage can cause the decrease of humus substances that can lead to lower crop yield. Objective of the experiment – to assess how direct sowing into ploughless soil, reduced tillage and straw incorporation influence agrochemical soil properties. Stationary two factor field experiment was established in Experimental Station of Aleksandras Stulginskis University in 1999. Treatments: Factor A – straw incorporation: without straw (-Š); with straw (+Š). Factor B– soil tillage systems: deep ploughing at 23–25 cm depth in autumn (GA); shallow ploughing at 10–12 cm depth in autumn (SA); shallow loosening at 8–10 cm depth in autumn (KL); shallow loosening with rotary cultivator at 5–6 cm depth before sowing (RK); shallow incorporation of green manure with rotary cultivator at 5–6 cm depth before sowing (ŽTRK); no tillage, direct sowing (ND). Constant use of straw increases the amount of soil pH, humus and nitrogen. The amount of humus and nitrogen is mostly increased by shallow loosening with rotary cultivator (RK), shallow implementation of green manure by this cultivator in spring (ŽTRK) and... [to full text]
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Ilgalaikio supaprastinto žemės dirbimo ir tiesioginės sėjos įtaka žieminių kviečių agrocenozei / Effects of long-term reduced tillage and direct seeding on winter wheat agrocenosesBaltrušaitytė, Ernesta 13 June 2012 (has links)
Magistrantūros studijų baigiamajame darbe pateikiami ilgalaikio supaprastinto žemės dirbimo ir tiesioginės sėjos įtaka žieminių kviečių agrocenozei tyrimo rezultatai.
Darbo objektas – pagrindinio žemės dirbimo būdai žieminiams kviečiams.
Darbo metodai: buvo tirti tokie žemės dirbimo būdai: 1) įprastinis arimas 23–25 cm gyliu; 2) seklusis arimas 12–14 cm gyliu; 3) gilusis purenimas 23–25 cm gyliu; 4) seklusis purenimas 12–15 cm gyliu; 5) tiesioginė sėja į neįdirbtą dirvą. Atlikti šie stebėjimai: Dirvos agrocheminių savybių nustatymas, piktžolėtumo nustatymas, žieminių kviečių daigų tankumas, sliekų kiekis dirvoje, produktyvių stiebų tankumas, derliaus apskaita, bei 1000 grūdų masė.
Darbo rezultatai. Nustatyta, kad tiesioginė sėja, bei gilusis purenimas esmingai padidino trumpaamžių piktžolių daigų tankumą žieminių kviečių pasėlyje, o taikant seklaus purenimo būdą esmingai padidėjo daugiamečių piktžolių daigų tankumas lyginant su įprastai suarta dirva. Žieminių kviečių vegetacijos pabaigoje esmingai padidėjo daugiamečių piktžolių masė sekliai artuose, giliai purentuose ir sekliai purentuose laukeliuose, lyginant su įprastiniu arimu. Įprastinį arimą pakeitus giliu purenimu, sekliu purenimu ir tiesiogine sėja į neįdirbtą dirvą, atsinaujinus žieminių kviečių vegetacijai nustatyta esmingai didesnis dirvinio garstuko daigų tankumas. Taikant ilgalaikę tiesioginę sėją žieminių kviečių vegetacijos pabaigoje nustatyta esmingai didesnis paprastosios rietmenės daigų skaičius ir masė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master's thesis presents the results of the investigation of effects of long-term reduced tillage and direct seeding on winter wheat agrocenoses.
Object of work – are the main methods of tillage for winter wheat.
Research methods: the following tillage methods were investigated: 1) conventional ploughing at the depth of 23–25 cm, 2) shallow ploughing at the depth of 12–14 cm, 3) deep loosening at the depth of 23–25 cm, 4) shallow loosening at the depth of 12–15 cm; 5) direct seeding into uncultivated soil. The following sampling were performed: soil agrochemical properties, weed abundance, winter wheat seedling density, quantity of earthworms in soil, productive stems density, yield and 1000 grain weight.
Results. It was found that direct seeding and deep loosening substantially increased the annual weed seedling density of winter wheat crop, while the shallow method of loosening significantly increased weed seedling density compared to normal ploughing soil. The mass of perennial weeds has increased substantially at the end of the winter wheat growing season in shallow ploughing, deeply loosened and shallow ploughing plots compared to conventional ploughing. When normal ploughing was replaced with deep loosening, shallow loosening and direct seeding in the uncultivated soil after the recurrence of winter wheat vegetation, the density of Sinapis arvensis L. shoots increased significantly. When applying long-term direct seeding at the end of winter wheat growing season, the... [to full text]
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Pěstování pšenice v závislosti na šířce řádků / The winter wheat growing in dependence on width rowDUPALOVÁ, Šárka January 2018 (has links)
The greatest influence on the grain yield was shown by variants of cultivation. Nitrogen fertilization has reached the highest grain yields, the nitrogen-free fertilizer variant showed average results, and the cetacea subsection showed the lowest yields.
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Vliv zvýšené koncentrace oxidu uhličitého na obsah proteinů gliadinové frakce u ozimé pšenice / Impact of elevated carbon dioxide concentration on protein content of gliadin fraction in winter wheatHamříková, Dominika January 2015 (has links)
In this diploma thesis protein content of gliadin fractions in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) var. Bohemia was studied. The crop was cultivated in conditions with ambient (AC) and elevated (EC; 700 mol•mol-1) carbon dioxide concentration. Moreover, half of the samples was fertilized with nitrogen in an amount of 200 kg•ha-1. Other observed environmental factors were drought and UV radiation. The gliadin proteins were separated by A PAGE method and quantified by computer densitometry. Generally the protein content within , and gliadin fractions varied, while the protein content of gliadins remained unchanged or almost unchanged. Clearly the nitrogen fertilization had the most pronounced impact on the gliadin protein content and it significantly increased the protein content in wheat grain. Most subfractions reacted in conditions of AC, drought and without UV radiation and in conditions of EC with natural rainfall and UV radiation. The interaction of nitrogen fertilization with UV radiation (AC, drought) was significant and so was the interaction of nitrogen fertilization excluding UV radiation (EC, drought). The interaction of nitrogen fertilization and natural rainfall significantly increased the protein content in conditions of AC without UV radiation and in conditions of EC with UV radiation. EC alone and the interaction of EC with other factors had only a small impact. The impact was the most pronounced in interaction with nitrogen fertilization. EC with nitrogen fertilization (drought without UV radiation) increased the gliadin protein content and EC excluding nitrogen fertilization (drought and natural rainfall with UV radiation) decreased the protein content.
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