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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Traditional medicine and its accommodation in the South African national health care system with special attention to possible statutory regulation

Meissner, Ortrun 31 July 2003 (has links)
The traditional health care system as it prevails in South Africa is part of African culture and intricately linked with the African world view. It embraces traditional norms and values that have survived to this day. In this sense it is more than a constituent part of medical pluralism which has become a global phenomenon. The role of the traditional healer is far more extensive than that of the modern medical doctor. He advises on all aspects of life, including physical, psychological, spiritual, moral and legal matters. He shares the client's world view. He understands the significance of ancestral spirits, the belief in supernatural forces and the reality of witches. It is in this context that modern scientific medicine has not been able to replace traditional medicine, and arguably never will. Traditional medicine is faced with enormous challenges at present. Firstly, the traditional social order is fast disappearing, making way for the state and the individual whose rights as contained in the Bill of Rights of the 1996 Constitution of the Republic of South Africa may seriously clash with traditional norms. Secondly, especially in an urban environment, the healer may encounter stiff competition from more progressive colleagues and modern physicians. Thirdly, scientific medicine basically regards traditional activities as unscientific, unregulated, often harmful and sometimes fatal. Fourthly, anti-witchcraft legislation hinders the traditional practitioner to deal with witches in the culturally appropriate manner. Traditional medicine will not go away. It is therefore necessary to find ways and means to see it practised in a safe and competent manner. As healers agitate for official recognition, it will be regarded as their corresponding duty to professionalise the traditional sector, create a traditional medical council and establish a register of bona fide healers who possess stipulated qualifications and are subject to rules of conduct and discipline. The modern and traditional sectors are essentially complementary and should be accommodated within a legal framework of official health care that protects healers and healed alike. The legal implications of this strategy are discussed in a global as well as regional African context. / Jurisprudence / LL.D.

The church's ministry to the sick in a black South African context

Manala, Matsobane Jacob 30 November 2006 (has links)
The high value of good health in Africa and the serious threat to life posed by diseases that plague the African continent including South Africa, are highlighted in this thesis. The question whether the church in South Africa as a stakeholder in human development in Africa, contributes meaningfully to the continental and national vision of "a better life for all" or "good health for all" is posed and an attempt made to answer it. Operating from the Western world-view, the Hervormde Kerk in Suidelike Afrika (HKSA) is found not to be contributing meaningfully to the realisation of the African vision of "good health for all". Resistance to cure and healing by means of Western medicine and pastoral care and counselling as well as a lack of spiritual and numerical growth in the HKSA are identified as consequences of the imposition of exclusively Western Christian theological formulations on the African church. The assumption underlying this thesis is that ministry to the sick in the African mainline churches should recognise the role played by supernatural forces in the belief systems of Africans regarding health and illness. This assumption is based on the fact that theological formulations are socially influenced and constructed. Following Zerfass' methodological model, this research examines the principles underlying the ministry to the sick in the HKSA and the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika (NHKA); highlights the core African beliefs with regard to the health and illness discourse and practice; points out the shortcomings of the current ministry to the sick in the HKSA. The findings of the investigation into the theological tradition and the results of the exploration of the literature on the African context are brought into the critical dialogue. On the strength of findings of the critical dialogue between the church's traditional theological theory and the results of the exploration of the literature on the African context, the church's healing ministry is recommended as a necessary part of the church's official task in a black South African context. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Practical Theology)

Soil and blood : Shona traditional region in late 20th century Zimbabwe

Manley, Marcelle 06 1900 (has links)
This qualitative study focuses on two questions: a) Do present-day Shona still subscribe to the world-view of their ancestors? b) How does this world-view relate to that of the modern (Western) world? Interviews were conducted with government representatives, chiefs in Masvingo Province and people in all walks of life. Virtually all interviewees, even when participating in the "modern" sector (including Christianity), still subscribe to the traditional system. Government, however, has adopted the model of the pre-Independence government, with some concessions to tradition. The traditional world-view (emphasising its key symbols, blood and soil) and the history of the two dominant tribes in Masvingo Province are outlined. A case study of a current chieftaincy dispute illustrates the dilemma. Conclusion: searching dialogue between the two belief systems is needed to resolve the potentially creative ambivalence. Some key issues are suggested as starting points for such dialogue. / M.A. (Religious Studies)

Lucumí (Yoruba) Culture in Cuba: A Reevaluation (1830S -1940s)

Ramos, Miguel 01 November 2013 (has links)
The status, roles, and interactions of three dominant African ethnic groups and their descendants in Cuba significantly influenced the island’s cubanidad (national identity): the Lucumís (Yoruba), the Congos (Bantú speakers from Central West Africa), and the Carabalís (from the region of Calabar). These three groups, enslaved on the island, coexisted, each group confronting obstacles that threatened their way of life and cultural identities. Through covert resistance, cultural appropriation, and accommodation, all three, but especially the Lucumís, laid deep roots in the nineteenth century that came to fruition in the twentieth. During the early 1900s, Cuba confronted numerous pressures, internal and external. Under the pretense of a quest for national identity and modernity, Afro-Cubans and African cultures and religion came under political, social, and intellectual attack. Race was an undeniable element in these conflicts. While all three groups were oppressed equally, only the Lucumís fought back, contesting accusations of backwardness, human sacrifice, cannibalism, and brujería (witchcraft), exaggerated by the sensationalistic media, often with the police’s and legal system’s complicity. Unlike the covert character of earlier epochs’ responses to oppression, in the twentieth century Lucumí resistance was overt and outspoken, publically refuting the accusations levied against African religions. Although these struggles had unintended consequences for the Lucumís, they gave birth to cubanidad’s African component. With the help of Fernando Ortiz, the Lucumí were situated at the pinnacle of a hierarchical pyramid, stratifying African religious complexes based on civilizational advancement, but at a costly price. Social ascent denigrated Lucumí religion to the status of folklore, depriving it of its status as a bona fide religious complex. To the present, Lucumí religious descendants, in Cuba and, after 1959, in many other areas of the world, are still contesting this contradiction in terms: an elevated downgrade.

Death rituals among the Karanga of Nyajena, Zimbabwe: praxis, significance, and changes

Chitakure, John 10 1900 (has links)
This study was about death rituals among the Karanga of Nyajena, Masvingo, Zimbabwe, who are a sub-group of the Shona people. This inquiry’s primary purpose was tripartite in outlook. First, it described the Karanga causes of sickness and death, and Karanga death rituals. Second, it explored the significance of these rituals to the Karanga people. Third, the study traced and identified the changes in the practice and significance of some of the rituals. The overall goal of this inquiry was to compose a brief manual for the performance of some of the Karanga death rituals. The inquiry divided the Karanga death rituals into three major categories, namely, pre-burial rituals, burial rituals, and post-burial rituals. The investigation employed qualitative research traditions, particularly ethnography, in the collection and interpretation of the relevant research data, in pursuit of the goals mentioned above. Postcolonial theory was used to give a theoretical framework to this study. This study was necessitated by the need of a written manual on the performance of Karanga death rituals. The study compiled the participants’ narratives concerning the praxis, meaning, and changes in the Karanga death rituals in an attempt to analyze and write them down for posterity. The inquiry found out that although the praxis of the rituals was still rememberd by many Karanga people, some of them were no longer performed, and their significance had been lost. Although the study acknowledged the inevitable dynamism of culture, it held that every ethnicity should have some cultural or religious constants so that its identity is not lost. Hence, the Karanga of Nyajena should retrace their footsteps back to their death rituals in order to rediscover and reaffirm their battered cultural identity and integrity. / Religious Studies and Arabic / D. Phil. (Religious Studies)

From Women and Magic to Men and Medicine: The Transition of Medical Authority and Persecution of Witches During the Late Middle Ages

Doty, Gabrielle 03 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Fundamental concepts of Limba traditional religion and its effects on Limba Christianity and vice versa in Sierra Leone in the past three decades

Conteh, Prince Sorie 30 June 2004 (has links)
This study is the product, chiefly, of fieldwork, undertaken in Sierra Leone, which sought to interview and experience contemporary Limba religio-cultural practices. Using a systematic approach, the goal was to provide a broader understanding of Limba religion, as well as to discover the effect of Limba religiosity, and the tenacity with which the Limba hold to their culture and religion, on the National Pentecostal Limba Church (NPLC) over the past three decades. The study begins with an introduction, which outlines its objectives and structure, the research methods, and its general outline. This is followed by a basic introduction to the socio-history of the Limba people, their origin, environment, language, politics, economy and other socio-cultural characteristics, in order to provide an understanding of the background on which their religion is formed. The heart of the study is a detailed examination of Limba religious beliefs and their intersection with Christianity. It includes a definition of Limba religion and its components. This seeks to identify the current state of Limba religion amidst the changes it has experienced and continues to experience as a result of internal and external influences, and to provide a template for this study, an analysis of the Limba belief in a supreme creator God whom they call Kanu Masala, his epithets, attributes and activities, Limba worship and worship methods, the Limba understanding of the spirit world, humankind, sin and salvation, and the roles of sacred specialists. The study concludes with an examination of the causes of the tenacious loyalty with which some Limba Christians hold to their traditional religious beliefs and practices, their reluctance to part with them, and the effects of their dual religiosity on the NPLC, as well as the church's response, and the resulting reciprocal effects over the past three decades in Sierra Leone. This study fills a gap in the extant literature about the ethno-theological landscape of Sierra Leone, and provides a detailed study on the intersection of African Traditional Religion and Christianity. / Systematic Theology & Theological Ethics / D.Th. (Systematic Theology)

The effects of epilepsy on families living in Mamelodi with special reference to the role of the social worker

Ramaboea, Paul Hlabana 11 1900 (has links)
A study of the relevant theoretical concepts and empirical research was undertaken to explore the role of the social worker pertaining to the problem of epilepsy in the black community of Mamelodi. The sample comprised 40 families in which there was a person with epilepsy. Data were obtained through an interview schedule administered by the researcher. The literature study highlighted the phenomenon epilepsy, causes of epilepsy/ psychosocial effects of epilepsy on the epileptic and his family and the treatment of the epileptic. However/ it became quite clear that a multi-disciplinary team approach is vital importance in the treatment of an epileptic Furthermore/ significant others like traditional healers, faith healers, priests, relatives and friends were identified as some of the important informal support systems. Although the findings of study cannot be generalised to the entire population they can be of great significance for further research. / 'n Studie van die relevante konsepte asook empiriese navorsing is gedoen om die rol van die maatskaplike werker met betrekking tot die probleem van epilepsie in die swart gemeenskap van Mamelodi te eksploreer. Die steekproef is saamgestel uit 'n groep van 40 gesinne met 'n epileptikus in hul midde. Inlighting is verkry deur groep van onderhoudskedule. Die literatuurstudie beklemtoon die volgende: die verskynsel van epilepsie, oorsake van epilepsie, psigososiale gevolge van epilepsie op die per soon met epilepsie en sy gesin en die behandeling van die epileptikus. Dit het egter duidelik na vore gekom dat 'n multi-dissiplinere spanbenadering van die uiterste belang is in die behandeling van die epilepsielyer. Dit het ook duidelik geword dat betekenisvolle ander persone soos tradisionele genesers, geloofsgenesers priesters, familie en vriende van die mees belangrike steunstelsels is. Alhoewel bevindinge van die studie nie veralgemeen kan word en van toepassing gemaak kan word op die bevolking as geheel nie, kan dit egter van groot belang vir verdere navorsing wees. / Social Work / M.A. (Social Science)

Fundamental concepts of Limba traditional religion and its effects on Limba Christianity and vice versa in Sierra Leone in the past three decades

Conteh, Prince Sorie 30 June 2004 (has links)
This study is the product, chiefly, of fieldwork, undertaken in Sierra Leone, which sought to interview and experience contemporary Limba religio-cultural practices. Using a systematic approach, the goal was to provide a broader understanding of Limba religion, as well as to discover the effect of Limba religiosity, and the tenacity with which the Limba hold to their culture and religion, on the National Pentecostal Limba Church (NPLC) over the past three decades. The study begins with an introduction, which outlines its objectives and structure, the research methods, and its general outline. This is followed by a basic introduction to the socio-history of the Limba people, their origin, environment, language, politics, economy and other socio-cultural characteristics, in order to provide an understanding of the background on which their religion is formed. The heart of the study is a detailed examination of Limba religious beliefs and their intersection with Christianity. It includes a definition of Limba religion and its components. This seeks to identify the current state of Limba religion amidst the changes it has experienced and continues to experience as a result of internal and external influences, and to provide a template for this study, an analysis of the Limba belief in a supreme creator God whom they call Kanu Masala, his epithets, attributes and activities, Limba worship and worship methods, the Limba understanding of the spirit world, humankind, sin and salvation, and the roles of sacred specialists. The study concludes with an examination of the causes of the tenacious loyalty with which some Limba Christians hold to their traditional religious beliefs and practices, their reluctance to part with them, and the effects of their dual religiosity on the NPLC, as well as the church's response, and the resulting reciprocal effects over the past three decades in Sierra Leone. This study fills a gap in the extant literature about the ethno-theological landscape of Sierra Leone, and provides a detailed study on the intersection of African Traditional Religion and Christianity. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Systematic Theology)

The effects of epilepsy on families living in Mamelodi with special reference to the role of the social worker

Ramaboea, Paul Hlabana 11 1900 (has links)
A study of the relevant theoretical concepts and empirical research was undertaken to explore the role of the social worker pertaining to the problem of epilepsy in the black community of Mamelodi. The sample comprised 40 families in which there was a person with epilepsy. Data were obtained through an interview schedule administered by the researcher. The literature study highlighted the phenomenon epilepsy, causes of epilepsy/ psychosocial effects of epilepsy on the epileptic and his family and the treatment of the epileptic. However/ it became quite clear that a multi-disciplinary team approach is vital importance in the treatment of an epileptic Furthermore/ significant others like traditional healers, faith healers, priests, relatives and friends were identified as some of the important informal support systems. Although the findings of study cannot be generalised to the entire population they can be of great significance for further research. / 'n Studie van die relevante konsepte asook empiriese navorsing is gedoen om die rol van die maatskaplike werker met betrekking tot die probleem van epilepsie in die swart gemeenskap van Mamelodi te eksploreer. Die steekproef is saamgestel uit 'n groep van 40 gesinne met 'n epileptikus in hul midde. Inlighting is verkry deur groep van onderhoudskedule. Die literatuurstudie beklemtoon die volgende: die verskynsel van epilepsie, oorsake van epilepsie, psigososiale gevolge van epilepsie op die per soon met epilepsie en sy gesin en die behandeling van die epileptikus. Dit het egter duidelik na vore gekom dat 'n multi-dissiplinere spanbenadering van die uiterste belang is in die behandeling van die epilepsielyer. Dit het ook duidelik geword dat betekenisvolle ander persone soos tradisionele genesers, geloofsgenesers priesters, familie en vriende van die mees belangrike steunstelsels is. Alhoewel bevindinge van die studie nie veralgemeen kan word en van toepassing gemaak kan word op die bevolking as geheel nie, kan dit egter van groot belang vir verdere navorsing wees. / Social Work / M.A. (Social Science)

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