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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vznik a vývoj filosofických názorů na postavení ženy ve společnosti / Origin and development of philosophical views on the status of women in society

Antošová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with philosophical outlook on the concept of women and their role in history and society. This work seeks to present the image of a woman who has always been a reflection of contemporary society on the background of various historical eras (ancient, medieval, modern times, the 20th century.). Using the method of analysis thesis searches for the reasons of reduction of male population and examines the consequences of this disposition for women. The work focuses on the role of women in the family, upbringing and education. An integral part of this thesis is the insight into relationship between men and women as a basic part of every human society. The conclusion of this work is the analysis and evaluation of the historical development, at the imaginary end of which woman stands today, using the works of philosophers of the late 20th century. Keywords: status of women - history - society - relationship - gender - family - upbringing - education - philosophical reflection

Representações da História das mulheres no Brasil em livros didáticos de História

Ferreira, Angela Ribeiro 10 November 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T20:31:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Angela Ribeiro Ferreira.pdf: 3500370 bytes, checksum: 8b361500dee02863d91e23d7549ff641 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-11-10 / The main subject of the research is about the didactic mediation of lhe daily and academic knowledge, in relation to Women History, at the rnaking and utilization of the didactic books. It tries to answer how, if and how much of women social demands for equal representation and lhe possibilities resulted from academic research about the subject are found in History didactic books of 5" to 8" degree of the elementary school. In the last decade, the production about Women History in Srazil was large, but the new historical research perspective, with new objecls and approach considering forgotten agents, is slowly included in didactic production. In most of didactic books, great part of the texts still emphasizes political and economic aspects; although there is recognition of how important is the historiographic debate about women, this usually comes in complementary texts, separated from the main text. Based on historical knowledge about women and social representations theory, the analysis of the didactic History books shuws that new historiographic debates are put aside in the books content choice process. In order to fom the historical conscience, main History teaching objective, women must see themselves as subject in History. This work aríses the discussion of these elements, face to its urgent consideratian need to form personal and political identities suitable to the current stage of practices and social and juridical recognition of the women rights. / O problema central da pesquisa diz respeito a mediação didática dos saberes cotidiano e acadêmico relativos a História das Mulheres, que se efetiva na elaboração e utilização dos livros didáticos. Procura-se responder como, se e ate que ponto as demandas sociais por representação igualitária das mulheres e as possibilidades originadas da pesquisa acadêmica sobre o assunto encontram correspondência nos livros didáticos de História de 5" a Ba séries do ensino fundamental. Na última década, a produção em História das Mulheres no Brasil foi intensa, mas a nova perspectiva de pesquisa histórica, com novos objetos e novas abordagens, que contempla os sujeitos antes esquecidos pela História, é incluída muito lentamente na produção didática, na qual a mediaqão desse saber histórico I desenvolve um ritmo próprio. Nos livros didáticos, a maior parte dos textos continua dando ênfase ao político e ao econõmico; embora se reconheça a existência e a importância da discussão historiográfica sobre as mulheres, esta aparece via - de - regra em textos complementares, separados do corpo principal do texto. A analise dos livros didáticos de História utilizados nas escolas públicas do pais, com base no conhecimento histórico sobre as mulheres e a teoria das representações sociais, deixa claro que as novas discussões historiográficas não fazem parte da escolha de conteúdos dos livros. Para atingir o objetivo do ensino de História de formar a consciência histórica, as mulheres têm que começar a se ver na História como sujeito. O presente trabalho coloca em discussão esses elementos, diante da necessidade da sua urgente consideração para a formação de identidades pessoais e políticas que condigam com o atual estágio das praticas e reconhecimentos juridico e social dos direitos referentes a condiqão feminina.

Esculpindo a mulher indígena: produção artística e autobiográfica de Marina Núñez del Prado (1908-1995) / Sculpting the indigenous woman: artistic and autobiographical production of Marina Núñez del Prado (19081995)

Mazza, Giovanna Pezzuol 18 May 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação contempla a produção artística e autobiográfica da escultora Marina Núñez del Prado (19081995), importante nome do modernismo boliviano e uma das protagonistas do indigenismo andino no campo das artes plásticas em seu país. O objetivo geral da pesquisa é elucidar de que maneira a artista dialogou com os movimentos artísticos de sua época, atuando a partir de um lugar específico, de uma mulher pertencente à elite boliviana, buscando inserirse nos cânones da escultura moderna ocidental, ao longo do século XX. Além disso, também é objetivo da pesquisa analisar como ela trabalhou pela perpetuação de sua memória e legado artístico através de três principais ações: a abertura de duas fundações com seu nome, responsáveis pela administração de duas casasmuseus a publicação da autobiografia Eternidad en los Andes, em 1973 e a organização de seu arquivo pessoal. Para além da autobiografia e do acervo pessoal da artista, outras fontes privilegiadas desta pesquisa são suas obras, em grande maioria esculturas o espaço expositivo da CasaMuseo Marina Núñez del Prado, localizada na cidade de Lima e, por fim, comentários de críticos e historiadores em jornais, revistas, livros e catálogos acerca da produção da artista / This dissertation contemplates the artistic and autobiographical production of the sculptress Marina Núñez del Prado (19081995), an important name of Bolivian modernism and one of the protagonists of andean indigenism in the field of plastic arts in her country. The general objective of the research is to elucidate how the artist interacted with the artistic movements of her time, acting from a specific place, from a woman belonging to the Bolivian elite, seeking to insert herself in the canons of western modern sculpture, along of the 20th century. In addition, it is also goal of the research to analyze how she worked for the perpetuation of her memory and artistic legacy through three main actions: the opening of two foundations under her name, responsible for the administration of two museumhouses the publication of her autobiography Eternidad en los Andes, in 1973 and the organization of her personal archive. In addition to the autobiography and the personal archive of the artist, other privileged sources of this research are her works, mostly sculptures the exhibition space of the CasaMuseo Marina Núñez del Prado, located in the city of Lima and, finally, comments from critics and historians in newspapers, magazines, books and catalogs about the artist\'s production.

Mulheres da terra: história e memória das assentadas de Sumaré II no limiar do século XXI / The Group \'Women of the land\': history of social achievements in area II in the Sumaré Settlement in the 21th century begining

Delboni, Claudia 11 April 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa a trajetória do Grupo Mulheres da Terra, cuja formação ocorreu na área II do Assentamento de Sumaré, no ano de 1985, no Estado de São Paulo. O grupo possui um percurso histórico de 22 anos, na perspectiva de conquistas sociais garantidas na Constituição aprovada em 1988 - terra, trabalho, moradia, educação, transporte, saúde e eqüidade nas relações de poder entre homens e mulheres. Estes foram temas que nortearam suas ações, que engendraram conquistas para todos os membros do assentamento. O percurso da pesquisa conduziu-nos ao encontro de vários atores sociais, envolvidos em diversas estratégias de resistência e circunscritos às ações de inúmeros mediadores sociais, empenhados na defesa da reforma agrária. Ao longo de duas décadas, inúmeros projetos foram desenvolvidos entre o Grupo Mulheres da Terra e os agentes mediadores. Muitos encontros e desencontros aconteceram pelo caminho. Para compreender o papel da trajetória do Grupo na história do assentamento e nas relações de gênero dentro do mesmo, como percurso de movimento social que se consagrava como espaço da luta pela terra, tomamos a História Oral de Vida das mulheres que participaram da trajetória do Grupo Mulheres da Terra da área II do assentamento de Sumaré como uma das fontes privilegiados de nosso estudo. / This work analyses the path of the Grupo Mulheres da Terra (Women of the Land), Which was initiated in area II in the Sumaré Settlement, in 1985, in São Paulo State. The group has a 22 year history of social achievements granted by the 1988 Constitution - land, work, housing, education, transportation, health care and equity in relationship between men and women. These themes have led their actions, which brought benefits for all members of the community, such as the school, electric energy, school transportation, artesian well, the family health care unit, retirement plan for women, the \"Esperança\" green house and the community kitchen. The pursuit of this research has presented us with several social actors, involved in different strategies and related to the actions o a large number of social mediators, committed to the defense of the agrarian reform. In the course of two decades, many projects were carried out by the Grupo Mulheres da Terra and the mediator agents, a relationship that was not free of conflicts. To understand the role of the Group\'s path in the settlement\'s history and in its internal gender relations as a process of a social movement that was establishing itself as a medium of the struggle for the land, we took the Oral History of the lives of the women that were part of the Grupo Mulheres da Terra of area II of the Sumaré settlement as one of the most important sources of our work.

明代儒家女性的情慾問題--論淫書《癡婆子傳》. / Ming dai ru jia nü xing de qing yu wen ti--lun yin shu "Chi po zi zhuan".

January 2001 (has links)
張雅茵. / "2001年9月" / 論文 (哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2001. / 參考文獻 (leaves 141-150) / 附中英文摘要. / "2001 nian 9 yue" / Zhang Yayin. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2001. / Can kao wen xian (leaves 141-150) / Fu Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / 導論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一章 --- (不)自然的中國性事 --- p.12 / Chapter (一) --- 高羅佩:「中國」人的性習慣是健康的 --- p.13 / Chapter (二) --- 何謂「健康」的性習慣?一一對高羅佩的批判… --- p.16 / Chapter (三) --- 高羅佩對中國古代性事論述的影響 --- p.26 / Chapter (四) --- 小結:看不見女性的中國性事 --- p.33 / Chapter 第二章 --- (不)柔順的儒家女性肉體 --- p.40 / Chapter (一) --- 宗法父權及儒家女性 --- p.41 / Chapter (二) --- 壓抑的女性情慾 --- p.43 / Chapter (三) --- (非)柔順的肉體 --- p.45 / Chapter (四) --- 宗法父權/父權體制對(儒家)女性情慾 及身體的監控 --- p.46 / Chapter (五) --- 小結 --- p.62 / Chapter 第三章 --- 明代(不曾)禁錮的性事文化 --- p.71 / Chapter (一) --- 從滅(人)慾到反禁欲 --- p.74 / Chapter (二) --- 儒家女性的閱讀與書寫 --- p.80 / Chapter 第四章 --- 《癡婆子傳》一一儒家女性的情慾「越軌」 --- p.93 / Chapter (一) --- 小說內容 --- p.94 / Chapter (二) --- 重新閱讀(re-reading)《癡婆子傳》 》 --- p.95 / Chapter (三) --- 宗法父權規管下的儒家女性 --- p.98 / Chapter (四) --- 道德規條下的空間 --- p.104 / Chapter (五) --- 情慾的踰越 --- p.107 / Chapter (六) --- 儒家女性的「懺悔 」 --- p.126 / Chapter (七) --- 小結 --- p.128 / 結論 --- p.135 / 參考書目 --- p.141

Esculpindo a mulher indígena: produção artística e autobiográfica de Marina Núñez del Prado (1908-1995) / Sculpting the indigenous woman: artistic and autobiographical production of Marina Núñez del Prado (19081995)

Giovanna Pezzuol Mazza 18 May 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação contempla a produção artística e autobiográfica da escultora Marina Núñez del Prado (19081995), importante nome do modernismo boliviano e uma das protagonistas do indigenismo andino no campo das artes plásticas em seu país. O objetivo geral da pesquisa é elucidar de que maneira a artista dialogou com os movimentos artísticos de sua época, atuando a partir de um lugar específico, de uma mulher pertencente à elite boliviana, buscando inserirse nos cânones da escultura moderna ocidental, ao longo do século XX. Além disso, também é objetivo da pesquisa analisar como ela trabalhou pela perpetuação de sua memória e legado artístico através de três principais ações: a abertura de duas fundações com seu nome, responsáveis pela administração de duas casasmuseus a publicação da autobiografia Eternidad en los Andes, em 1973 e a organização de seu arquivo pessoal. Para além da autobiografia e do acervo pessoal da artista, outras fontes privilegiadas desta pesquisa são suas obras, em grande maioria esculturas o espaço expositivo da CasaMuseo Marina Núñez del Prado, localizada na cidade de Lima e, por fim, comentários de críticos e historiadores em jornais, revistas, livros e catálogos acerca da produção da artista / This dissertation contemplates the artistic and autobiographical production of the sculptress Marina Núñez del Prado (19081995), an important name of Bolivian modernism and one of the protagonists of andean indigenism in the field of plastic arts in her country. The general objective of the research is to elucidate how the artist interacted with the artistic movements of her time, acting from a specific place, from a woman belonging to the Bolivian elite, seeking to insert herself in the canons of western modern sculpture, along of the 20th century. In addition, it is also goal of the research to analyze how she worked for the perpetuation of her memory and artistic legacy through three main actions: the opening of two foundations under her name, responsible for the administration of two museumhouses the publication of her autobiography Eternidad en los Andes, in 1973 and the organization of her personal archive. In addition to the autobiography and the personal archive of the artist, other privileged sources of this research are her works, mostly sculptures the exhibition space of the CasaMuseo Marina Núñez del Prado, located in the city of Lima and, finally, comments from critics and historians in newspapers, magazines, books and catalogs about the artist\'s production.

Mulheres da terra: história e memória das assentadas de Sumaré II no limiar do século XXI / The Group \'Women of the land\': history of social achievements in area II in the Sumaré Settlement in the 21th century begining

Claudia Delboni 11 April 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa a trajetória do Grupo Mulheres da Terra, cuja formação ocorreu na área II do Assentamento de Sumaré, no ano de 1985, no Estado de São Paulo. O grupo possui um percurso histórico de 22 anos, na perspectiva de conquistas sociais garantidas na Constituição aprovada em 1988 - terra, trabalho, moradia, educação, transporte, saúde e eqüidade nas relações de poder entre homens e mulheres. Estes foram temas que nortearam suas ações, que engendraram conquistas para todos os membros do assentamento. O percurso da pesquisa conduziu-nos ao encontro de vários atores sociais, envolvidos em diversas estratégias de resistência e circunscritos às ações de inúmeros mediadores sociais, empenhados na defesa da reforma agrária. Ao longo de duas décadas, inúmeros projetos foram desenvolvidos entre o Grupo Mulheres da Terra e os agentes mediadores. Muitos encontros e desencontros aconteceram pelo caminho. Para compreender o papel da trajetória do Grupo na história do assentamento e nas relações de gênero dentro do mesmo, como percurso de movimento social que se consagrava como espaço da luta pela terra, tomamos a História Oral de Vida das mulheres que participaram da trajetória do Grupo Mulheres da Terra da área II do assentamento de Sumaré como uma das fontes privilegiados de nosso estudo. / This work analyses the path of the Grupo Mulheres da Terra (Women of the Land), Which was initiated in area II in the Sumaré Settlement, in 1985, in São Paulo State. The group has a 22 year history of social achievements granted by the 1988 Constitution - land, work, housing, education, transportation, health care and equity in relationship between men and women. These themes have led their actions, which brought benefits for all members of the community, such as the school, electric energy, school transportation, artesian well, the family health care unit, retirement plan for women, the \"Esperança\" green house and the community kitchen. The pursuit of this research has presented us with several social actors, involved in different strategies and related to the actions o a large number of social mediators, committed to the defense of the agrarian reform. In the course of two decades, many projects were carried out by the Grupo Mulheres da Terra and the mediator agents, a relationship that was not free of conflicts. To understand the role of the Group\'s path in the settlement\'s history and in its internal gender relations as a process of a social movement that was establishing itself as a medium of the struggle for the land, we took the Oral History of the lives of the women that were part of the Grupo Mulheres da Terra of area II of the Sumaré settlement as one of the most important sources of our work.

The Family and Women in the Fifteenth Century: A Case Study of the Pastons

Thurman, Diana 11 May 1994 (has links)
This thesis questions the prevailing historical models of the medieval family, using the Paston family as a test case. It reviews the theories of three prominent historians of the medieval family: Lawrence Stone, Ralph Houlbrooke and Joel Rosenthal. Whether the Paston family and particularly the women fit the models of families as defined by the above mentioned historians is the underlying question. If the Paston family does not fit these models, what does that tell us about the current assumptions made concerning the fifteen th century family? The thesis illustrates that the family models of Stone do not always apply to the Pastons. Houlbrooke's and Rosenthal's ideas on family are much more reflective of the lives actually led by the Pastons. Therefore, while we can not say that the Pastons were average, they were certainly not exceptional. The lives of the women did not fit the models as established by Stone. Their power came from the home itself, as they managed the estates, educated their children, protected their property and looked after the future financial interests of the family. Houlbrooke allows for this form of power in his studies on women. Rosenthal tends to skirt the issues of women focusing more on the power that they received as widows not as wives. If the theories of our three historians were correct or encompassing enough they would have enfolded the Paston family. Houlbrooke's theories did this. Rosenthal's arguments did not include all aspects of the family, particularly children and education. Stone's arguments, with few exceptions, did not fit the Pastons at all. If we allow for a diversity of family structures and a diversity of roles and relationships within that structure, then we will have a much more accurate picture of the fifteenth century family.

Agustina Bessa-Luís et l’écriture de l’Histoire / Agustina Bessa-Luís’s Historical Fiction

Lentina, Alda 03 December 2012 (has links)
Lorsqu’Agustina Bessa-Luís (1922-) réécrit l’Histoire elle est guidée par la volonté de dénoncer l’absence des femmes dans l’historiographie traditionnelle. Notre lecture envisage la réinscription des femmes dans l’Histoire portugaise, ceci à travers le prisme de la « déconstruction » de son discours. C’est à travers une remise en question de l’objectivité historique, par la subjectivité et la multiplicité des points de vue, ainsi que par un travail intertextuel sur les textes sources révélant qu’ils sont des constructions, que les romans deviennent des métafictions historiographiques postmodernes. Elles élaborent à travers la parodie et l’ambivalence une Histoire carnavalesque, dessinant une image peu commune du Portugal. Ensuite, la romancière oppose à la vision officielle, une histoire au féminin, ceci pour documenter l’expérience et l’identité des femmes dans leurs multiplicités. La question de la mémoire et des jalons inhérents à la condition des femmes révèle un processus de construction identitaire dégageant deux modes d’inscription féminins dans l’Histoire, l’un autorisé, l’autre transgressif. Puis, le principe de la domination masculine est remis en cause à travers la question de la virilité comme un impossible modèle à atteindre. Dans les romans de l’écrivaine, les hommes deviennent des figures ambigües, représentant le désordre et la ruine dans la société hégémonique. Fuyants mais réconciliés, ils reformulent la masculinité et signent la mort du patriarcat. Enfin, sont examinés les derniers fondements régissant la relation homme/femme : la question l’hétérosexualité obligatoire et celle du couple. L’auteure montre la fin de l’altérité radicale entre l’Autre et l’Un, provoquant une ressemblance entre les sexes et remettant en cause la notion même de couple. Ainsi, si elle a démontré au long de son oeuvre que l’on peut être femme et homme de diverses manières, elle soulignera aussi que dans le couple l’union est impossible. / When Agustina Bessa-Luís rewrites History she is guided by the will to show the absence of women in History. Our reading will show the reintroduction of women in Portuguese History through the “descontruction” of its discourse. It’s through questioning the historic objectivity, by the variety of points of view and by an intertextual work with written sources, which reveal that they are human constructions, that the novels become postmodern historiographics metafictions. They elaborate through parody and ambivalence en carnival History, giving a different picture of Portugal. Then the novelist contrasts the official History with a Herstory in order to document the feminine experience and identity in all their multiplicities. The question of memory and phases that are inseparable from woman conditions, reveals a process of identical construction, which gives a report of two ways of feminine inscription into History, one authorize, the other transgressive. Then the principle of masculine domination is questioned through the matter of virility as an impossible model to attain. The men become ambiguous figures, who represent the disorder and decay of society. Fleing but reconciled they reform the masculinity and sign the death of patriarchate. Finally, the last foundations that govern the relation the relation between men and women, and the question of obligatory heterosexuality and the couple, are examined. The writer shows the end of radical otherness between the Other and the One which provokes a resemblance between sexes and questions the notion of the couple. Thus, if the author has shown in her novels, that we can be a man and a woman in different ways, she also shows that in a couple the union is impossible.

L'autre féminin dans les traités de démonologie (1550-1620)

Hotton, Hélène January 2002 (has links)
Between the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the 17th century, western Europe is the stage for one of history's demonological crisis. Many critics associated this witch hunt with an episode of collective delirium and perhaps also irrationality on the rise. Nevertheless, witchcraft is first and foremost an object of knowledge---demonology---, which many writers, jurists and theologians attempted to construct, define and constantly re-evaluate. Demonology was progressively elaborated in the midst of a culture where multiples beliefs and ideologies were interpreted to be the language, or the Christian testimony of a universe troubled by the signs of devil. / As we progress towards the 17th century, the demonological discourse tends to distance itself from the traditional knowledge, searching for its truth in facts and experience. Shifting towards empiricism, the witch's body becomes the privileged stage for a confrontation between the devil and the judge. However, in order for this body to reveal its monstrosity, the demonologist must become both exegete and producer of words, which in turn, he finds in the witch as tangible signs of her otherness. Moreover, in his desire to interrogate the witch, the scholar wishes mostly to question the feminine nature, cloaking her with an otherness of problematic and dangerous attributes. Through scholarly language, Renaissance demonology wishes to significantly organize the divided world of witchcraft and in the process, a certain feminine identity, diabolically other. / Through the works of two demonologists having had a direct experience with trials, the Discours execrable des sorciers by Henri Boguet (1602) and the Tableau de l'inconstance des mauvais anges et demons (1612) by Pierre de Lancre, we explore the link between malefic femininity and witchcraft: the images they convey, the fascination they trigger and their mirroring through and in writing.

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