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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die verwantskap van sin vir koherensie met werkstres, algemene gesondheid en sielkundige uitbranding by bestuurders

Diedericks, J. C. 11 June 2014 (has links)
Geen opsomming beskikbaar nie / No summary available / Industrial & Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Self-neglect in the corporate world

Issel, Rashida 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Psychological distress, whether caused by personality traits, biochemical imbalances, or difficult circumstances or events, can have a profound effect on a one's physical wellbeing and quality of life as an individual, manager and executive. Personality traits include type A personality, type B personality, being emotional as well as management style. Difficult circumstances or events include changes at work, the birth of a child, the death of a family member as well as a promotion received at work. Experiencing constant stress at work, in addition to having unresolved emotions such as sadness, anger, fear and anxiety can have an effect on one's physical health. This can be observed in management as sluggishness, tiredness, and depression, increasing susceptibility to infections, heart attacks, burnout, and rheumatoid arthritis. Personality, personal experiences and circumstances shape the way one responds emotionally to problems in life. A particular problem may cause one person to become ill, whereas another person might cope comfortably with it. However, because responses to problems are not set in stone, managers can learn to manage their emotional problems more effectively. Above all, managers can teach their subordinates techniques that can help them steer clear of self-neglect. People find themselves living and working in an era dominated by real-time business decision-making, and many managers are struggling to cope. Of course, there are also people who are happy, healthy, peaceful and wealthy and who seem to have it all. They have good positions and seem to have a balanced life regarding their family and work. They have achieved equilibrium. There is a perception that such people are just lucky. Perhaps they are, but more likely they simply possess appropriate coping mechanisms that others too can acquire. The objective of this dissertation is to assist not only managers, but also the individual to overcome the rat race that the new millennium has bestowed upon us. It further aims to show that everyone is capable of achieving the necessary tools to combat self-neglect and destruction of the inner self. It is suggested that by learning to change ones thinking and behavioural approach to an event it is possible to change the outcome of the event. By learning a few thinking (cognitive) and physical (meditation) techniques it is possible to overcome the mere interpretation of an event, which will allow the individual to improve their ability to cope with stress and maintain not only their own physical well being, but also the well being of the organisation. Furthermore, organisations may assist their employees by encouraging or creating a good working culture in order to improve both the coqqitive and physical environment as experienced by the individual. This "looking after the other" relationship can and will only have a positive effect. The poet, Khalil Gibran (2002), reflects: "But I say to you that when you work you fulfil a part of earth's furthest dream, assigned to you when that dream was born. And in keeping yourself with labour you are in truth loving life And to love life through labour is to be intimate with life's innermost secret." Thus to enjoy life through work, one should learn to enjoy what life hands out by changing ones perception of the event as well as the attitude towards life and work. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sielkundige distres wat ontstaan as gevolg van óf persoonlikheidstrekke, biochemiese wanbalanse, moeilike omstandighede of gebeurtenisse ongeag die oorsaak daarvan, kan 'n wesentlike uitwerking op 'n persoon se liggaamlike welstand en lewensgehalte as 'n individu, bestuurder en bedryfsleier hê. Persoonlikheidstrekke sluit tipe A-persoonlikheid, tipe B-persoonlikheid, emosionaliteit en bestuurstyl in. Moeilike omstandighede of gebeurtenisse sluit veranderinge in die werkplek, die geboorte van 'n kind, die sterfte van 'n familielid sowel as 'n bevordering by die werk in. Voortdurende spanning by die werk tesame met onverwerkte emosies soos hartseer, woede, vrees en angs kan 'n uitwerking op 'n mens se liggaamlike gesondheid hê. In bestuur kan dit waargeneem word as traagheid, moegheid en depressie, wat 'n mens se vatbaarheid vir infeksies, hartaanvalle, uitbranding en rumatiek verhoog. 'n Mens se persoonlikheid, ervarings en omstandighede bepaal hoe jy op die lewe se emosionele probleme reageer. Een mens mag siek word weens 'n probleem wat iemand anders heel maklik sal hanteer. Bestuurders kan egter leer hoe om hul emosionele probleme meer doeltreffend te hanteer. Bowenal kan bestuurders hul onderskiktes tegnieke leer om te verhoed dat hulle hulself verwaarloos. Die individu leef en werk in 'n era wat oorheers word deur die neem van vinnige en goeie sakebesluite en bestuurders sukkel om by te bly. Natuurlik is daar ook mense wat gelukkig, gesond, vreedsaam en welgesteld is, en lyk of hulle alles het. Hulle beklee goeie poste en ly skynbaar 'n gebalanseerde lewe tussen hul gesin en hul werk. Hulle het 'n balans bereik. Die persepsie bestaan dat sulke mense eenvoudig geluk aan hul kant het. Miskien het hulle, maar dalk het hulle net die regte meganismes om probleme doeltreffend te hanteer wat ander ook kan aanleer. Hierdie skripsie se doelwit is nie slegs om bestuurders nie, maar ook die individuele werknemer wat vasgevang is in die "rat race" wat teweeg gebring is deur die nuwe eeu, te help om die effekte daarvan teen te werk. Dit streef verder om te bewys dat elke persoon instaat is om die nodige hulpmiddele te bekom om eie-nalatigheid en uiteindelik die selfvernietiging van die innerlike mens te oorkom. Dit word verder voorgestel dat deur die aanlering om mens se denkwyses en gedragspatroon benadering tot die aangeleentheid te verander, is dit moontlik om sodoende die uitslag van die aangeleentheid te verander. Deur die aanleer van 'n paar denkwyses (kognitiewe) en fisiese (meditasie) tegnieke is dit moontlik om selfs die interpretasie van die aangeleentheid te oorkom, wat sal toelaat dat die individu sy vermoë om spanning te hanteer en die instandhouding van hulle fiesieke toestand te verbeter. Maatskappye kan ook sy werknemers bystaan deur die aanmoediging van, of die daarstelling van 'n goeie werkskultuur om sodoende beide die kognitiewe en die fisiese omgewing soos deur die individu beleef, te verbeter. Hierdie "omsien na die ander" verhouding kan, en sal net 'n positiewe uitwerking hê. Die digter, Khalil Gibran (2002), reflekteer: "But I say to you that when you work you fulfil a part of earth's furthest dream, assigned to you when that dream was born. And in keeping yourself with labour you are in truth loving life And to love life through labour is to be intimate with life's innermost secret." Dus, om die lewe deur middel van werk te geniet, moet mens leer om dit wat die lewe uitdeel, te geniet. En dit kan slegs bewerkstelling word indien 'n mens se persepsie van die aangeleentheid sowel as mens se houding teenoor die lewe en werk verander.

Spirituality in the workplace : the emerging role of meaning in the workplace, and how spirituality addresses this need

De Witt, Stephen 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study report addresses the emerging role of meaning in the workplace, and how spirituality meets this need. The conclusion is drawn that each person's interpretation of meaning is informed by their unique experience of reality, and that the path of self-actualisation gives a sense of purpose to the lives of individuals. More particularly, Frankl's concept of logotherapy proposes that people find meaning when they are future-orientated. The absence of meaning leads to an existential vacuum, a phenomena experienced individually, and collectively by whole societies. The latter causes a state of boredom or meaninglessness, a malaise that so profoundly inflicts the modern age. Numerous management surveys report that the majority want to find meaning in their work. However at times this seems at odds with the organisation's aims. This is partly the result of contending worldviews: scientific rationality versus non-physical models of the universe. The former suggests that the universe is made of separate physical matter, while the latter encourages interconnectedness. The paradigm of separateness pits employers against employees and does not entertain or prioritise individual aspirations to meaning within the workplace environment. Consequently employees become dispirited as evidenced in low productivity, rising absenteeism and low morale. The argument is made for a fundamental societal transition that embraces a spiritual perspective of reality. Consensus is reached that spirituality refers to a feeling of interconnectedness between all things underpinned by a basic harmony in the design of the universe. Some ascribe transcendence or divinity to this process. Individuals use spirituality to integrate their inner self to the known world and beyond. Spirituality itself is purposeful and therefore is an end in itself. As such it is the antidote to meaninglessness. Studies have shown that a new generation of first world people, particularly Americans, ascribe to new values of work, success, consumption and spirituality, rejecting the hedonism and materialism of the X generation. From this informal movement come new terms like Spiritual Intelligence (SQ). Altruism and self-actualisation are eagerly embraced in a new sense of the sacred that incorporates personal growth psychology, the spiritual realm and service to others. Sweeping social and economical changes, including downsizing, mergers, globalisation, the threat of terrorism since the 9/11 attacks, and Enron-type debacles are all contributing to business's spiritual awakening. In order to cope with increased stress and alienation, both managers and employees seek meaning and purpose in the workplace. Bringing spirituality into the workplace benefits all stakeholders as productivity improves and multiple bottom lines improve. This process is occurring rapidly in many different guises in orqanisations across the first world. Both individual and organisation-centred approaches towards transformation predominate. The end result is organisations that align personal and workplace spirituality, providing meaning and fulfilment to many. This study report provides numerous examples and brief case studies from across the world, including practical guidance for implementing and measuring workplace spirituality. The conclusion speculates on whether the movement is a passing fad or a real attempt at genuine transformation based on universal spiritual principles. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studieprojek spreek die tevoorskynkoming van sinrykheid in die werksplek aan en hoe dit die behoefte spiritueël tegemoetkom word. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat elke persoon se interpretasie van sinrykheid gevorm word deur hulle unieke ervaring van realiteit en dat die pad van selfaktualisering 'n gevoel van sin toevoeg tot die lewens van individue. In die besonder stel Frankl se konsep van logoterapie voor dat mense doel vind sodra hulle toekomsgerig is. Die afwesigheid van doel lei tot 'n eksistensiële vakuum, 'n verskynsel wat individueel ervaar word, en gesamentlik deur gemeenskappe. Die laasgenoemde veroorsaak 'n staat van verveligheid of doelloosheid, 'n onbehaaglikheid wat die moderne gang diepsinnig kwel. Talle bestuursopnames doen verslag dat die meerderheid sin wil vind in hulle werk. Nietemin staan dit somtyds in stryd met die organisasie se oogmerke. Dit is deels die gevolg van strydende wêreld opvattinge: wetenskaplikke rasionaliteit teenoor die nie-fisiese wêreldmodelle. Die eersgenoemde stel voor dat die wêreld bestaan uit afsondelike fisiese materie, terwyl die laasgenoemde interverbinding voorstaan. Die paradigma van afsonderlikheid kuil werkgewer en werknemer teen mekaar op en trakteer of prioritiseer nie individuele aspirasies tot sin in die werkplek omgewing nie. Gevolglik raak werknemers ontmoedig soos bewys deur lae produktiwiteit, toenemende afwesigheid en lae moraal. Die argument ontstaan ten gunste van 'n fundementele gemeenskaplike oorganklikheid wat 'n spirituele perspektief van realiteit omvat. Daar bestaan konsensus dat spiritualiteit verwys na 'n gevoel van interverbintenis tussen alle dinge onderstut deur 'n basiese harmonie in die wêreldbestel. Sommige skryf voortreflikheid of geestelikheid toe tot hierdie proses. Individue gebruik spiritualiteit om die innerlike self te integreer tot die bekende en verby. Spiritualiteit is doelgerig en is in sigself 'n doel. Dit is dus 'n teenmiddel tot doelloosheid. Studies het bewys dat 'n nuwe generasie van eerste-wêreld mense, bepalend die Amerikaners, toeskryf tot nuwe waardes van werk, sukses, verbruik en spiritualiteit, wat die hedonistiese en materialisme van die X-generasie verwerp. Deur hierdie informele beweging kom nuwe terme soos Spirituele Intelligensie tot stand. Altruisme en selfaktualisering word gretig ontvang in 'n nuwe gewaarwording van die heilige wat persoonlike sielkundige groei, die spirituele realm en diens tot andere inkorporeer. Verrykende sosiale en ekonomiese verandering, insluitende personeelvermindering, samesmeltings, globalisering, bedryging van terrorisme sedert die 9/11 aanval en die Enron-tipe fiasco dra alles by tot spirituele ontwaking van besighede. Ten einde by te hou met die vergrotende stres en vervreemding, word beide werkgewer en werknemer genoop tot die soeke na sinrykheid en doel in die werkplek. Die totstandbrenging van spiritualiteit in die wekplek bevoordeel alle insethouers en produktiwiteit verhoog en die multi onderlyne vergroot. Hierdie proses kom vinnig onder verskeie maskers in organisasies oor die eerste wêreld voor. Beide individuele en organisatories-sentreerde benaderings tot die transformasie heers. Die eindresultaat is organisasies wat persoonlike en werkplek spiritualiteit spoor en sinrykheid en bevrediging aan die menigte voorsien. Hierdie studieprojek voorsien menige voorbeelde en kort gevallestudies vanoor die wêreld, insluitende praktiese voorligting vir implementering en maatstawwe vir werkplek spiritualiteit. Die slotsom spekuleer of die beweging 'n verbygaande gier is of 'n ware poging tot opregte transformasie is gebaseer op universele spirituele beginsels.

Die verwantskap van sin vir koherensie met werkstres, algemene gesondheid en sielkundige uitbranding by bestuurders

Diedericks, Johanna Catharina 11 1900 (has links)
Die studie foku.s op die verwantskap tussen sin vir koherensie as 'n intrinsieke hanteringsbron aan die een kant, en elk van streshantering, algemene gesondheid en sielkundige uitbranding aan die antler kant. Vraelyste wat hierdie veranderlikes meet is aan 200 bestuurders gegee om te voltooi. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie toon aan dat bestuurders met 'n hoi! sin vir koherensie goeie algemene gesondheid geniet. Die bestuurder met 'n hoi! sin vir koherensie behoon dus meer e.ffektief te junksioneer in die werksiruasie as die bestuurder met 'n lae sin vir koherensie. Voons is ook bevind dar 'n hoi! sin vir koherensie nie noodwendig aanleiding gee tot lae vlakke van stres of van sielkundige uitbranding nie. Aanbevelings word gedoen oor hoe om die negatiewe gevolge van stres en sielkundige uitbranding te venninder en algemene gesondheid te bevorder, ten einde die bestuurder se potensiaal optimaal benut. This study focuses on the relationship between sense of coherence as an intrinsic coping mechanism. and work stress, general health and psychological burnout. To measure these variables, questionnaires were completed by 200 managers. The findings of this study indicate that managers with a high sense of coherence experience good general health. The manager with a high sense of coherence should therefore junction more efficiently in a work situation·than the manager with a low sense of coherence. It was also found that a high sense of coherence does not necessarily lead to low levels of stress nor of psychological burnout. Recommendations are made on how to reduce the negative effects of stress and psychological burnout and how to improve general health in order to make optimal use of the manager's potential. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Lifestyle behaviours, psychological wellbeing and cardiovascular disease in women executives and senior management

Crowhurst, Rhiannon January 2016 (has links)
A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts Masters (Industrial/ Organisational Psychology) in the Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. March, 2016 / This study investigated whether the lifestyle behaviours and psychological well-being of women executives and managers predicted their ten-year risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The sample of South African women executives and managers work in a variety of industries in the cities of Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town. The study sought to determine the predictability of the women executives and managers’ risk of developing cardiovascular disease through examining their level of alcohol consumption, level of physical exercise and the nutritional and dietary choices that they made as well as their level of depression, anxiety and stress. The data was gathered through an executive health and wellness programme and logistic regression and Chi-squared tests of association were used in conducting the analyses. The results suggested that the level of alcohol consumption and the nutritional and dietary choices made were predictive of the individual’s ten-year risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Additionally, the level of anxiety was found to be associated with the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The results suggest that both individuals and organisations should prioritise the changing of unhealthy lifestyle behaviours, specifically excessive alcohol consumption and daily dietary choices, in order to lower their risk of developing cardiovascular disease. / MT2017

Theoretical development and empirical examination of the nomological network of off-job reactivity to daily occupational stressors

Calderwood, Charles Coleman 23 October 2012 (has links)
A theory of off-job reactivity to daily work stress which encompasses the prediction of levels of reactivity from specific daily occupational stressors and personality traits, and outcomes of state and trait off-job reactivity, is presented and empirically tested. Despite decades of research linking negative spillover to maladaptive work and non-work outcomes, multidimensional studies of manifestations of spillover are rare. While investigators have increasingly recognized that spillover correlates tend to be associated with greater off-job physiological stress responses (Meijman, Mulder, Van Dormolen,&Cremer, 1992), no attempt has been made to incorporate off-job reactivity to daily stress within a multidimensional framework of negative work to non-work spillover. The overarching goal of this dissertation is to develop a model of off-job reactivity to daily occupational stress, comprising cognitive, affective, and behavioral indicators of negative work to non-work spillover. An empirical study is presented in which 75 nurses (N = 75) reported their exposure to different categories of daily work stress and provided measurements of off-job reactivity and anticipated outcomes during their off-job time for four work days. Select personality traits, work characteristics, and trait-level outcome variables were measured via an at-home questionnaire prior to the daily survey period. Empirical validation was obtained for a three-facet, higher-order factor model of off-job reactivity. Negative interpersonal interactions and situational constraints were supported as daily stressor predictors of state off-job reactivity, while trait negative affect and abusive supervision were supported as predictors of this state-level outcome. Elevated off-job reactivity was associated with several maladaptive outcomes, including diminished subjective well-being, elevated work to non-work conflict, greater somatic complaint frequency, and reduced off-job recovery activity pursuit. Implications of these findings for theoretical models of work - non-work relationships, the relative contribution of predictors and outcomes of off-job reactivity, and practical applications of the results of this dissertation are discussed.

The development and empirical evaluation of an work engagement structural model

Van Deventer, Megan 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Work Engagement is one construct of many that forms part of the complex nomological network of constructs underlying the behaviour of working man2. Work Engagement is an important construct both from an individual as well as from an organisational perspective. Human resource management interventions aimed at enhancing Work Engagement aspire to contribute to the achievement of the organisation’s primary objective and the well-being of the organisation’s employees. Such interventions will most likely also be valued by individuals within the workplace, as individuals will be able to experience a sense of personal fulfilment through self-expression at work. It is therefore essential to gain a valid understanding of the Work Engagement construct and the psychological mechanism that underpins it, in order to design human resource interventions that will successfully enhance Work Engagement. The current study raises the question why variance in Work Engagement exists amongst different employees working in different organisational contexts. The research objective of the current study is to develop and empirically test an explanatory Work Engagement structural model that will provide a valid answer to this question. In this study, a comprehensive Work Engagement structural model was proposed. An ex post facto correlational design with structural equation modelling (SEM) as the statistical analysis technique was used to test the substantive research hypotheses as represented by the Work Engagement structural model. Furthermore, the current study tested two additional narrow-focus structural models describing the impact of value congruence on Work Engagement by using an ex post facto correlational design with polynomial regression as the statistical analysis technique. A convenience sample of 227 teachers working in public sector schools falling under the jurisdiction of the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) participated in the study. The comprehensive Work Engagement model achieved reasonable close fit. Support was found for all of the hypothesised theoretical relationships in the Work Engagement structural model, except for the influence of the PsyCap*Job Characteristics interaction effect on Meaningfulness and for three of the five latent polynomial regression terms added in the model in an attempt to derive response surface test values. The response surface analyses findings were mixed. Based on the obtained results, meaningful practical recommendations were derived. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Werkverbintenis1 is een van ‘n groot verskeidenheid konstrukte wat deel vorm van die komplekse nomologiese netwerk van konstrukte wat die gedrag van die arbeidende mens onderlê. Werkverbintenis word as ‘n belangrike konstruk beskou vanuit ‘n individuele sowel as vanuit ‘n organisatoriese perspektief. Menslike hulpbronbestuurs-intervensies gerig op die bevordering van Werkverbintenis streef daarna om by te dra tot die bereiking van die organisasie se primêre doel sowel as tot die welstand van die organisasie se werknemers. Sodanige intervensies sal waarskynlik ook deur werknemers waardeer word, aangesien sodanige intervensies die kanse verhoog dat individue selfvervulling in hul werk sal ervaar omdat die werk hul die geleentheid bied om hulself in hul werk uit te leef. Dit is gevolglik noodsaaklik om ‘n geldige begrip te ontwikkel van die Werkverbintenis-konstruk en die sielkundige meganisme wat dit onderlê ten einde menslike hulpronbestuurs-intervensies te ontwerp wat suksesvol Werkverbintenis sal bevorder. Die huidige studie stel die vraag aan die orde waarom variansie in Werkverbintenis tussen verskillende werknemers bestaan wat in verskillende organisatoriese kontekste werk. Die navorsingsdoelstelling van die huidige studie is om ‘n verklarende Werkverbintenisstrukturele model te ontwikkel en te toets wat ‘n geldige antwoord op hierdie vraag sal bied. ‘n Omvattende Werkverbintenis strukturele model is in hierdie studie voorgestel. ‘n Ex post facto korrelatiewe ontwerp met strukturele vergelykingsmodellering (SVM) as die statistiese ontledingstegniek is gebruik om die substantiewe navorsingshipotese soos voorgestel deur die Werkverbintenis strukturele model te toets. Die huidige studie het voorts twee addisionele nouer-fokus strukturele modelle getoets wat die impak van waardekongruensie op Werkverbintenis beskryf deur middel van ‘n ex post facto korrelatiewe ontwerp met polinomiese regressie-ontleding as statistiese ontledingstegniek. ‘n Geriefsteekproef van 227 onderwysers wat in openbare skole werksaam is wat onder die beheer van die Wes Kaapse Department van Onderwys val (WKDO) het aan die studie deelgeneem. Die omvattende Werkverbintenis-model het redelik goeie pasgehalte getoon. Steun is gevind vir all die voorgestelde teoretiese verwantskappe in die Werkverbintenis strukturele model, behalwe vir die invloed van die Sielkundige kapitaal*Werk eienskappe-interaksie-effek op Betekenisvolheid en vir drie van die vyf polinomiese latente regressie-terme wat in die model ingesluit is in ‘n poging om responsoppervlakte-waardes af te lei. Gemengde resultate is verkry vir die responsoppervlakte-ontleding. Betekenisvolle praktiese aanbevelings is gemaak op grond van die navorsingsresultate.

Occupational stress, strain and coping in a professional accounting organisation

Cope, Carolyn M. 30 August 2003 (has links)
This research focuses on the concept of occupational stress. Theories and models are discussed in an attempt to highlight the nature of stress and its implications for the individual if it is not effectively managed. Individual differences in the way they experience strain and cope with stress are considered, as well as the organisational implications of stress. Current thinking in the management of stress programmes is highlighted. The empirical study was conducted to determine whether there are differences between various organisational subgroups with regard to variables relating to occupational stress, strain and coping, as measured by the Occupational Stress Inventory - Revised (Osipow, 1998). The findings of the study show that there are significant differences between seniority, age, race and gender subgroups within the accounting organisation in which the research took place, with regard to stress, strain and coping / Industrial Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

The relationship between emotional awareness and human error in aviation

Stipp, Andrea 11 1900 (has links)
The general purpose of this study was to determine whether a relationship exists between emotional awareness and human error in aviation. A quantitative analysis approach was used to explore this by means of a cross-sectional survey design. The independent variable emotional awareness and the dependent variable human error were contextualised and operationalised. During the empirical phase, biographical information was collected and the Hartmann Emotional Boundary Questionnaire was administered to a purposive sample consisting of 173 aircrew members within the South African Air Force. Factor analysis revealed an eight-factor structure: involved; exactness; blend; openness; structured; unstructured; flexibility; and imagination. No differentiation was found between the mustering groups in relation to emotional awareness and human error. However, correlations differentiated between aircrew with zero human error and aircrew with “more than ten years’ aviation experience”. The test for differences between human error and the emotional awareness sub-construct "imagination" indicated a medium significance. From this relationship, the researcher deducted that “imaginative aircrew are prone to err”. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and organisational Psychology

Analyse conceptuelle et méthodologique de l'incertitude perçue dans le travail et sa gestion / Conceptual and methodological analysis of uncertainty perceived and managed at work

Lapthorn, Barbara 23 October 2012 (has links)
L’incertitude au travail peut provenir de l’ambiguïté de rôle, de la variation des conditions de travail, des doutes que le travailleur peut avoir à propos de la pertinence de ses activités, etc. La contribution majeure de cette thèse a été de développer et valider un questionnaire permettant d’évaluer la perception de l’incertitude au travail comme renvoyant pour l’individu à des aspects usants (gêne, difficulté à prendre position, anxiété), mais également constructifs (stimulant les perspectives de changement, les opportunités d’apprentissage et de développement personnel), ainsi qu’à des stratégies permettant de gérer l’incertitude par le contrôle, l’évitement, ou la recherche d’une réassurance auprès d’autrui. Une série d’entretiens a également permis de relever d’autres stratégies propres à la vision constructive de l’incertitude permettant aux travailleurs de la gérer d’une façon proactive./Uncertainty at work may originate from role ambiguity, variations in the work conditions, unforeseen and unexpected events, or even from doubts that the worker may have about the relevance of his/her own activities. The major contribution of this thesis was to develop and validate the Uncertainty at Work Questionnaire (UnWoQ) which highlights how employees perceive uncertainty either in a damaging or in a constructive way, and how they tend to cope with it using strategies of control, avoidance and reassurance. We finally suggested some other strategies in relation with the constructive sides of uncertainty that help employees to cope with it in a proactive way. / Doctorat en Sciences Psychologiques et de l'éducation / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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