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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Work stress, work engagement and service delivery within Zimbabwe's changing distance-learning environment / Werkstres, werksbetrokkenheid en dienslewering in Zimbabwe se veranderende afstandsleeromgewing / Ingcindezi yomsebesenzi, ukusebenza ngokuzikhandla kanye nokuhlinzeka ngezinsiza ngaphansi kwesimo esiguqukayo sohlelo lokufunda ukude e-Zimbabwe

Dominic, Uzhenyu 11 1900 (has links)
This research was conducted from the perspective of a positive human behaviour paradigm in the context of human resource management. It investigated the interrelationships between work stress, work engagement and service delivery of academics in a changing distance-learning environment in Zimbabwe, for which there is a paucity of research. A descriptive, cross-sectional survey design was applied to a sample of 83 academics at the largest distance-learning university, against the background of their ever-changing roles. A sample of 101 students was also included, so that the students provided balanced data for analysis regarding their perception of service delivery by academics. Confirmatory and exploratory analysis revealed a four-construct measurement model for work stress, a three-construct measurement model for work engagement and a four-construct measurement model for service delivery. Correlational analysis and structural equation modelling revealed some significant relationships between these constructs. Tests for significant differences among different groups of academics and students based on socio-demographic variables were revealed and showed some interesting differences among these variables. The t-test did not reveal significant differences in service delivery perceptions between the academics and the students on the dimensions of responsiveness and assurance. The study makes a valuable contribution to the organisational behaviour literature in terms of how work stress and work engagement influence academics’ service delivery in a distance-learning university. On a theoretical level, the study did well to expand on available literature on the constructs of work stress, work engagement and service delivery provided by higher education distance-learning universities. The statistical techniques that were utilised expanded previous empirical studies by studying the interrelationship dynamics andoverall relationship dynamics between work stress, work engagement and service delivery provided by distance-learning universities. On a practical level, this study should bring new knowledge to managers at distance- learning universities by improving their understanding of how academics are affected by increasing, new job demands, which in turn increase their workload. Distance- learning universities thus should adapt their people management practices accordingly. Provision of adequate resources at both individual and organisational levels should be prioritised in order to minimise work stress and improve work engagement, and subsequently service delivery. / Hierdie navorsing is vanuit die perspektief van ’n positiewe menslike-gedragsparadigma in die konteks van menslikehulpbronbestuur uitgevoer. Dit het die onderlinge verhoudings tussen werkstres, werksbetrokkenheid en dienslewering van akademici in ’n veranderende afstandsleeromgewing in Zimbabwe, waaroor daar ’n gebrek aan navorsing is, ondersoek. ’n Beskrywende, deursnee-ondersoekontwerp is op ’n steekproef van 83 akademici by die grootste afstandsleeruniversiteit, teen die agtergrond van hulle voortdurend veranderende rolle, gedoen. ’n Steekproef van 101 studente is ook ingesluit sodat die studente gebalanseerde data vir ontleding rakende hulle persepsie van dienslewering deur die akademici kon verskaf. Bevestigende en verkenningsontleding het ’n vierkonstruk-metingsmodel vir werkstres, ’n driekonstruk-metingsmodel vir werksbetrokkenheid en ’n vierkonstruk-metingsmodel vir dienslewering aangetoon. Korrrelasie-ontleding en strukturele vergelykingsmodellering het betekenisvolle verhoudings tussen hierdie konstrukte uitgewys. Toetse vir beduidende verskille tussen die verskillende groepe akademici en studente, gegrond op sosio-demografiese veranderlikes, het interessante verskille tussen hierdie veranderlikes aangetoon. Die t-toets het nie beduidende verskille ten opsigte van diensleweringspersepsies tussen die akademici en die studente oor die dimensies van gevoeligheid en gerusstelling aangetoon nie. Die studie het ’n waardevolle bydra gelewer tot die literatuur oor organisatoriese gedrag en oor hoe werkstres en werksbetrokkenheid akademici se dienslewering by ’n afstandsleeruniversiteit kan beïnvloed. Op ’n teoretiese vlak het die studie ’n goeie viii bydra gelewer tot die beskikbare literatuur wat betref die konsepte van werkstres, werksbetrokkenheid en dienslewering wat deur hoëronderwys-afstandsleeruniversiteite verskaf word. Die statistiese tegnieke wat gebruik is, het voortgebou op vorige empiriese studies deur die onderlingeverhoudingsdinamika en algehele verhoudingsdinamika tussen werkstres, werksbetrokkenheid en dienslewering wat deur afstandsleeruniversiteite verskaf word, te bestudeer. Op ’n praktiese vlak behoort hierdie studie nuwe kennis verskaf aan bestuurders by afstandsleeruniversiteite deur hulle begrip te verbeter van hoe akademici deur toenemende, nuwe eise by die werk, wat op hulle beurt hul werkslading verhoog, beïnvloed word. Afstandsleeruniversiteite moet dus hulle mensebestuurspraktyke ooreenkomstig aanpas. Om voorsiening te maak vir voldoende hulpbronne op individuele sowel as organisatoriese vlakke, moet prioriteit daaraan gegee word om werkstres te verminder en werksbetrokkendheid, en uiteindelik dienslewering, te verbeter. / Lolu cwaningo lwenziwa ngokohlelo lomqondo wokuziphatha kahle komuntu, lokhu kwenzeka ngaphansi kohlelo lwezokuphathwa kwabasebenzi. Ucwaningo luye lwaphenya izinhlelo zobudlelwano obuphakathi kwengcindezi yomsebenzi, ukusebenza ngokuzikhandla kanye nokuhlinzeka ngemisebenzi yezifundiswa mayelana nesimo esiguqukayo sohlelo lokufunda ukude eZimbabwe, naphezu kokwentuleka kocwaningo. Idizayini yesaveyi echazayo naleyo yohlobo lwe-cross-sectionalzasetshenziswa kusampuli yezifundiswa ezingama-83 yezifundiswa enyuvesi enkulu yohlelo lokufunda ukude, phakathi kwezindima zenyuvesi ezihlala ziguquka njalo. Kuye kwafakwa isampuli yabafundi aba 101, ukuze abafundi banikeza uhlaziyo lwedatha elingene mayelana nomqondo wezokuhlinzeka ngezinsiza wezifundiswa. Izinhlelo zokuhlaziya eziqinisekisayo kanye nalezo ezihlolayo ziye zaveza imodeli elinganisayo yokwakha embaxa-zinne, okuyimodeli yokuhlinzeka ngezinsiza. Izinhlelo zokuhlaziya, phecelezi (correlation analysis) kanye nohlelo lokumodeli, phecelezi, (i-structural equation) ziye zaveza ubudlelwano obusemqoka obuphakathi kwalezi zakhiwo. Kuye kwavezwa izinhlelo zokuhlola ezahlukahlukene hlangana namaqembu ahlukahlukene ezifundiswa nabafundi, lokhu kususelwe phezu kwezimpawu zedemogilafi yezenhlalakahle yabantu, kanti lokhu kukhombise umehluko ohehayo hlangana nalezo zimpawu. Uhlelo lokuhlola, phecelezi i( t-test) aluzange luveze izimpawu ezehlukile ezimayelana nemiqondo yokuhlinzekwa ngezinsiza phakathi kwezifundiswa kanye nabafundi mayelana nemikhakha yendlela yokuphendula kanye nokuqinisekisa. Ucwaningo lwenze umsebenzi omkhulu omuhle mayelana nombhalo wokuziphatha kwenhlangano, mayelana nokuthi ingcindezi yomsebenzi kanye nokusebenza ngokuzikhandla kunomthintela muni phezu kokuhlinzeka ngomsebenzi kuzifundiswa enyuvesi yohlelo lokufunda ukude. Ngokwesigaba esiphathekayo, lolu cwaningo kufanele lulethe ulwazi olusha kubaphathi emanyuvesi ohlelo lokufunda ukude ngokuthuthukisa ulwazi lwabo mayelana nokuthi izifundiswa zithinteka kanjani ngokwengeza, izidingo ezintsha zomsebenzi, eziphinde zingeze umthwalo womsebenzi. Wazo. Ngalokho-ke, amanyuvesi ohlelo lokufunda ukude, kufanele ajwayele izingqubo zawo zokuphathwa kwabantu ngendlela efanele. Ukuhlinzekwa ngemithombo eyanele ezigabeni ezimbili, somuntu ngamunye nesigaba senhlangano kufanele kuqalwe ngakho ukuze kuncishiswe ingcindezi yomsebenzi kanye nokuthuthukisa indlela yokusebenza ngokuzikhandla, kanye nangokuhlinzeka ngezinsiza. / Business Management / D. Com. (Business Management)

Occupational self-efficacy as a mediator between strength- and deficiency-based approaches and work engagement in a sample of South African employees / Lani van der Merwe.

Van der Merwe, Lani January 2012 (has links)
To stay competitive organisations need to harness and develop their human potential. Traditionally, a deficiency-based approach (DBA) was followed i.e. the focus was set on the development of employees’ deficiencies and weaknesses. However, focusing on an employee’s weaknesses and deficiencies was not sufficient. Consequently, a positive approach was developed that focuses on an individual’s strengths and talents. Unfortunately, exclusively focusing on only strengths or on weaknesses is not sufficient for optimum human functioning. Therefore, it is suggested that South African organisations make use of a balanced approach (i.e. a balanced focus on both the development and use of strengths and weaknesses). This will assist employees to be more positive and engaged in terms of their work. However, there seems to be a lack of research regarding the use of a balanced approach in organisations. The general objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between job resources, a strength-based approach (SBA), a DBA, occupational self-efficacy (OSE), and work engagement. This study was further aimed at determining whether OSE mediated the relationship between these variables among South African employees. An availability sample (N = 699) was taken from various South African organisations. This study made use of a quantitative, cross-sectional design to collect data; a biographical questionnaire; a job resources questionnaire (VBBA); an organisational SBA and DBA questionnaire; a OSE questionnaire and a work engagement questionnaire (UWES). Structural equation modelling was chosen as the method to test the hypothesised model. Mediating effects were tested by using the bootstrapping method. The research results have indicated that there is a positive correlation between autonomy, SBA, DBA, OSE and work engagement. This research found that no correlations existed between relationship with supervisor, information sharing and participation in decision-making and work engagement. There seems to be a significant relationship between autonomy, relationship with colleagues and OSE. From the results OSE can only be seen as the mediator between autonomy and work engagement. From this one can assume that using SBA and DBA in a balanced approach can lead to higher work engagement. Recommendations were made for the organisation and future research. / Thesis (MCom (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Flourishing of employees in the information technology industry in South Africa / Elsabé Diedericks

Diedericks, Elsabé January 2012 (has links)
Organisations worldwide are experiencing an explosion of knowledge in the current technological information age as well as a serious skills shortage. The fast-paced aggressive and highly cyclical nature of the profession which often does not provide employees with the necessary resources and support causes employees in the information technology (IT) industry to show high turnover intent which is extremely costly and detrimental to organisational success. IT specialists are becoming a scarce commodity in a highly competitive environment where financial gain is very important and employee well-being is not necessarily a prerogative. Employers are faced with additional obligations than just paying equitable salaries, such as creating an environment that is conducive towards well-being. Efforts to promote flourishing and optimal functioning of employees will affect individual and organisational outcomes. Flourishing and languishing are opposite end points on a continuum of mental health indicating the emotional, psychological and social well-being of individuals. An individual who feels well (emotional well-being) is more likely to function well (psychological and social well-being) which means meeting the criteria for positive mental health as flourishing. Investments in the well-being of employees lay the basis for positive employment relations. The aim of this study was to investigate the flourishing of employees in the information technology industry and to determine the antecedents and outcomes thereof. A cross-sectional survey design was used to gather data regarding the flourishing of IT professionals and its outcomes. A convenience sample (N = 205) was taken of employees in information technology organisations in South Africa. The measuring instruments used were the Mental Health Continuum Short Form, Job Satisfaction Scale, Work Engagement Scale, Work-related Basic Need Satisfaction Scale, Work Role Fit Scale, Psychological Contract Inventory, Violations of PC Questionnaire, Organisational Commitment Scale, Turnover Intention Scale and Counterproductive Work Behaviour measures. The results of study 1 showed that 58.5% of the IT professionals were neither languishing nor flourishing, while 3.9% were languishing. Flourishing strongly impacted job satisfaction and had minor to moderate direct and indirect effects on organisational citizenship behaviour and organisational commitment. Job satisfaction impacted directly and positively on organisational commitment and negatively on turnover intention; and moderately negatively on counterproductive behaviour. Flourishing had both a direct and positive effect, and an indirect and negative effect (via organisational commitment) on turnover intention. Study 2 showed that psychological contract breach and violation strongly and negatively impacted flourishing at work and in life. The results provided support for a model in which psychological contract breach and violation had both direct and indirect effects via satisfaction of psychological needs on job satisfaction, work engagement, turnover intention and flourishing of IT professionals. Study 3 showed that work role fit and the availability of resources were strong predictors of flourishing at work and in life. Work role fit, the availability of resources, and supervisor relations impacted job satisfaction and social well-being indirectly through autonomy satisfaction. The availability of resources impacted work engagement and psychological well-being indirectly via competence satisfaction. Furthermore, work role fit, the availability of resources, and supervisor relations impacted psychological well-being indirectly through relatedness. Recommendations for future research were made. / PhD, Labour relations management, North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2012

Antecedents and outcomes of happiness of managers in the agricultural sector in South Africa /|cJohannes Petrus Swart

Swart, Johannes Petrus January 2011 (has links)
The happiness of managers is an important research theme for several reasons. Managers spend most of their working day with people, are constantly interacting with various social systems and are role models for happiness in organisations. Furthermore, happiness (in terms of feeling and functioning well) is associated with mental health and positive organisational outcomes. The prevalence of positive mental health is relatively low, with less than a third of the population experiencing high mental health. Research about happiness is necessary given that gains in mental health predict declines in mental illness. Two conceptualisations of happiness, namely authentic happiness (Seligman, 2002), and flourishing (Keyes, 2005) include dimensions of feeling and functioning well. No studies have been conducted regarding the happiness of managers in South Africa. Therefore, research is necessary to investigate the factors associated with happiness, as well as the pathways to managers’ happiness. Psychological need satisfaction is an important pathway through which social-contextual variables impact happiness of people. The aim of this research was to investigate the state of, antecedents and outcomes of happiness of managers in the agricultural sector in South Africa. A cross-sectional design with managers in the South African agricultural sector (N = 507) was used. The Orientations to Happiness Questionnaire, Satisfaction with Life Scale, Job Satisfaction Scale, Organisational Citizenship Behaviour Scale, Organisational Commitment Scale, Antecedents Scale, Work-related Basic Need Satisfaction Scale, Work Engagement Scale, Mental Health Continuum Short Form, Questionnaire for Eudaimonic Well-being, Work-role Fit Scale, Work-Life Questionnaire and Turnover Intention Scale were utilised. Cronbach alpha coefficients, exploratory factor analysis, Pearson correlations, multiple regression analysis, descriptive statistics and mediational analysis (Omnibus procedure) were applied. Structural equation modelling was used to test a structural model of orientations to happiness and its relation to various organisational outcomes. The results of study 1 showed that orientations to happiness (i.e. pleasure, meaning and engagement) had strong direct effects on subjective well-being, job satisfaction and organisational citizenship behaviour. Orientations to happiness impacted job satisfaction indirectly through subjective well-being. Subjective well-being had a strong direct and positive effect on job satisfaction. Orientations to happiness and subjective well-being affected organisational commitment indirectly through their effects on job satisfaction. Concerning happiness as flourishing at work, the results of study 2 showed that 3% of the managers were languishing, 48.5% were moderately flourishing, while 48.5% were flourishing. Task characteristics, supervisor relations, availability of resources impacted job satisfaction, emotional and psychological well-being of managers. Remuneration was associated with job satisfaction, emotional and social well-being. Task characteristics, supervisor relations, personal resources and remuneration satisfied the psychological needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness, which impacted job satisfaction, work engagement and flourishing of managers positively. The results of study 3 showed that factors contributing to meaningful work (work role fit, good co-worker relations, meaningful tasks and work beliefs) had direct effects on psychological need satisfaction, purpose and meaning in life, organisational citizenship behaviour and turnover intention. Work role fit, co-worker relations, task characteristics and career orientation (as a work belief) impacted meaning and purpose in life indirectly through competence satisfaction. Purpose in life impacted turnover intention negatively via psychological need satisfaction, while meaning in life impacted organisational citizenship behaviour and turnover intention via competence and relatedness satisfaction. Recommendations for future research were made. / PhD, Industrial Psychology, North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2012

Depressed, not depressed or unsure : prevalence and the relation to well-being across sectors in South Africa / Christa Welthagen

Welthagen, Christa January 2011 (has links)
Depression is one of the most debilitating, widespread and costly health problems worldwide and has a high prevalence in almost every society. Research suggests that depression affects an individual‟s work engagement levels, burnout levels and the occurrence of stress-related ill health symptoms. However, it is unclear whether these findings would differ among individuals who reported that they suffer from depression and receive medical treatment for it, individuals who reported that they are unsure whether they suffer from depression, and individuals who reported that they do not suffer from depression. This study is quantitative in nature and a cross-sectional design was used. The study population consisted of 15 664 participants from several sectors in South Africa. The participants also differed in terms of gender, age, race, marital status, educational level, language and the province where they reside. The sample population was thus representative of the diverse population of South Africa. The SAEHWS, a self-report instrument based on the dual-process model of work-related well-being, was used to measure all constructs. The participants were divided into three groups, i.e. individuals who reported that they suffer from depression and are currently receiving medical treatment for depression, individuals who reported that they are uncertain whether they suffer from depression, and individuals who reported that they do not suffer from depression. Frequencies were used to determine the prevalence of depression in the three different groups and MANOVA (multivariate analysis of variance) was used to determine the significance of differences between the levels of work engagement, burnout and stress-related ill health symptoms of the three different groups (individuals who reported that they suffer from depression, individuals who reported that they are uncertain whether they suffer from depression, and those who reported that they do not suffer from depression). The results showed that 18,3% of the population reported that they suffer from depression and receive medical treatment for depression, 16,7% of the population reported that they are unsure whether they suffer from depression and 65% reported that they do not suffer from depression. Furthermore, it was found that depression significantly influences work engagement levels negatively and that it significantly influences burnout levels and the occurrence of stress-related ill health symptoms positively. This study will make organisations aware of the effect of depression on an individual‟s well-being and of the fact that depression is a factor to be reckoned with. Employers should consider ways to assist employees who suffer from depression and should learn how to act preventatively to decrease any further occurrence. / Thesis (M.Com. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011

Occupational self-efficacy as a mediator between strength- and deficiency-based approaches and work engagement in a sample of South African employees / Lani van der Merwe.

Van der Merwe, Lani January 2012 (has links)
To stay competitive organisations need to harness and develop their human potential. Traditionally, a deficiency-based approach (DBA) was followed i.e. the focus was set on the development of employees’ deficiencies and weaknesses. However, focusing on an employee’s weaknesses and deficiencies was not sufficient. Consequently, a positive approach was developed that focuses on an individual’s strengths and talents. Unfortunately, exclusively focusing on only strengths or on weaknesses is not sufficient for optimum human functioning. Therefore, it is suggested that South African organisations make use of a balanced approach (i.e. a balanced focus on both the development and use of strengths and weaknesses). This will assist employees to be more positive and engaged in terms of their work. However, there seems to be a lack of research regarding the use of a balanced approach in organisations. The general objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between job resources, a strength-based approach (SBA), a DBA, occupational self-efficacy (OSE), and work engagement. This study was further aimed at determining whether OSE mediated the relationship between these variables among South African employees. An availability sample (N = 699) was taken from various South African organisations. This study made use of a quantitative, cross-sectional design to collect data; a biographical questionnaire; a job resources questionnaire (VBBA); an organisational SBA and DBA questionnaire; a OSE questionnaire and a work engagement questionnaire (UWES). Structural equation modelling was chosen as the method to test the hypothesised model. Mediating effects were tested by using the bootstrapping method. The research results have indicated that there is a positive correlation between autonomy, SBA, DBA, OSE and work engagement. This research found that no correlations existed between relationship with supervisor, information sharing and participation in decision-making and work engagement. There seems to be a significant relationship between autonomy, relationship with colleagues and OSE. From the results OSE can only be seen as the mediator between autonomy and work engagement. From this one can assume that using SBA and DBA in a balanced approach can lead to higher work engagement. Recommendations were made for the organisation and future research. / Thesis (MCom (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

The relationships between emotional labour, the HEXACO personality traits, work engagement and burnout in the hospitality industry

De Villiers, Charl 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCOM)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The flexible nature of the service delivery environment has had a major impact on the functioning of organisations. Managers realise that they need to be flexible and able to change if they want to survive in the long run. Employees are the tools service organisations utilise to make profit in the hospitality industry. The restaurant industry is a highly competitive environment and managers cannot afford poor service delivery from employees. Employees experiencing high levels of job engagement and low levels of job burnout have indicated superior performance and increased financial returns. The primary objective of this research study was to develop and empirically test a structural model that elucidates the antecedents of variance in job engagement and job burnout among frontline waitrons at franchise x in the Western Cape. In addition, the research study investigated whether employees utilise deep acting or surface acting when faced with emotional labour demands. The study investigated whether certain personality traits are more suitable for the industry by investigating whether certain personality characteristics are related to job engagement or job burnout. In this research study, partial least square (PLS) analyses were utilised to test the formulated hypotheses. Quantitative data was collected from 333 frontline waitrons employed at franchise x in the Western Cape. Data was collected specifically for the purposes of the study and participation was voluntary. The survey was distributed at the branches of franchise x. Managers had a week to facilitate their frontline waitrons in the completion of the surveys. The data was kept confidential and anonymous throughout the study. The survey comprised five sections. The first section asked participants for specific biographical and employment information. Subsequent sections measured specific latent variables applicable to the study utilising reliable and valid measuring instruments. These instruments were the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) (Naude & Rothmann, 2004), Ultrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004), HEXACO-PI-R (Ashton, Lee, Pozzebon, Visser & Worth, 2010) and the Emotional Labour Scale (ELS) (Van Gelderen, Konijn & Bakker, 2011). Data was subjected to a range of statistical analyses. The findings shed light on the importance of job engagement for frontline waitrons at the branches of franchise x in the Western Cape. The results indicate that proactive management of job and personal resources and job demands may result in desirable outcomes such as increased job engagement and financial returns. The study provides South African industrial psychologists with much needed insight into the presenting problem within the hospitality industry. With reference to the managerial implications and the recommended interventions, industrial psychologists can ensure retention of job engagement and decrease of job burnout among frontline waitrons within the hospitality industry. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die buigsame aard van die diensverskaffingsomgewing het ‘n groot impak gehad op die funksionering van organisasies. Bestuurders het tot die besef gekom dat hulle buigsaam moet wees asook bereid wees om te verander indien hulle op die lange duur wil oorleef. Werknemers is die gereedskap wat diensorganisasies gebruik om ‘n wins in die gasvryheidsbedryf te maak. Die restaurantbedryf is ‘n hoogs mededingende omgewing en bestuurders kan nie swak dienslewering deur hul werknemers bekostig nie. Werknemers wat hoë vlakke van werksbetrokkenheid (job engagement) en lae vlakke van werksuitbranding (job burnout) ervaar, toon superieure prestasie en verhoogde finansiële opbrengste. Die hoofdoelwit van hierdie navorsingstudie was om ‘n strukturele model te ontwikkel en empiries te toets om die antesedente van variansie in werksbetrokkenheid en werksuitbranding onder eerstelynkelners by franchise x in die Wes-Kaap te verklaar. Daarbenewens het die navorsingstudie ook ondersoek of werknemers van deep acting of surface acting gebruik maak wanneer hulle deur emosionele arbeidseise gekonfronteer word. Die studie het ondersoek of sekere persoonlikheidseienskappe meer geskik is vir die bedryf deur te kyk of hulle verwant is aan werksbetrokkenheid of werksuitbranding. In hierdie navorsingstudie is gedeeltelike kleinstekwadrate (partial least squares (PLS)) analises gebruik om die geformuleerde hipoteses te toets. Kwantitatiewe data is verkry vanaf 333 eerstelynkelners wat vir franchise x in die Wes-Kaap werk. Die data is spesifiek vir die doelwitte van die studie versamel en deelname was vrywillig. Die opname is in harde kopie onder die bestuurders van franchise x versprei. Bestuurders het ‘n week gehad om die opname onder hulle eerstelynkelners te versprei vir voltooiing. Die data is as vertroulik beskou en anonimiteit is verseker. Die opname is in vyf dele verdeel. Die eerste gedeelte het die deelnemers se biografiese en indiensnemingsinligting gemeet. Die daaropvolgende dele het spesifieke latente veranderlikes gemeet wat van toepassing was op die studie deur van betroubare en geldige meetinstrumente gebruik te maak. Hierdie instrumente was die Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) (Naude & Rothmann, 2004), die Ultrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004), HEXACO-PI-R (Ashton, Lee, Pozzebon, Visser & Worth, 2010) en die Emotional Labour Scale (ELS) (Van Gelderen, Konijn & Bakker, 2011). Data is aan ‘n reeks statistiese analises onderwerp. Die bevindinge werp lig op die belangrikheid daarvan dat eerstelynkelners in franchise x se takke in die Wes-Kaap werksbetrokkenheid ervaar. Die resultate toon dat pro-aktiewe bestuur van werk en persoonlike hulpbronne en werk aanvraag kan lei tot gewenste resultate soos hoër werksbetrokkenheid en finansiële groei. Die studie verskaf Suid-Afrikaanse bedryfsielkundiges met belangrike insigte in die presenterende probleem in die gasvryheidsbedryf. Met verwysing na die bestuursimplikasies en die aanbevole ingrypings, kan bedryfsielkundiges die behoud van werksbetrokkenheid en ‘n vermindering van werksuitbranding onder eerstelynkelners in die gasvryheidsbedryf verseker.

Determinants of work engagement and organisational citizenship behaviour amongst nurses

Herholdt, Karin 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa has a population of just over 50 million people. However, there are only approximately 260 698 nurses according to the register of the South African Nursing Council. The nursing shortage is not only limited to South Africa, but is a global phenomenon, and this shortage is getting worse every day. Various factors can be blamed for the increasing nursing shortage. Every day nurses face demanding working hours, stressful work environments and a large shortage of resources. Nurses from private hospitals regard themselves as "overworked money-making machines". Nevertheless, the health care needed by the population of South Africa is rapidly increasing. The high prevalence of HIV/AIDS is also a challenging contributor, worsening the nursing shortage crisis. The current dysfunctional nursing situation in the healthcare facilities of South Africa reflects a negative image of the nursing profession. Consequently, the number of individuals considering nursing as a profession is decreasing. The nursing shortage is not only a threat to the wellbeing of nurses, but to the lives of millions of South Africans who need health care. A common phenomenon amongst nurses is burnout, which leads to decreased quality of care and high turnover rates and contributes to the nursing shortage. Also, other nurses experience work engagement and display organisational citizenship behaviour in the same working environments than the nurses who experience burnout. Work engagement (WE) and organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) are ideal outcomes. This study investigated distinguishing factors between nurses that allow them to experience WE and exhibit OCB. The Job Demands-Resources model played an integral role in the study. Therefore, the specific focus of the study was job and personal resources, as well as job demands, as factors contributing to WE and OCB amongst nurses. Servant leadership (SL) as job resource, psychological capital (PsyCap) as personal resource, and IT (Illegitimate tasks) as job demand were identified as possible factors that explain the variance in WE and OCB. A literature review was conducted in which prominent antecedents of WE and OCB were identified. A number of hypotheses were formulated and tested by means of an ex post facto correlation design. The unit of analysis was nurses from two of the largest private hospital groups in South Africa. The nurses were employed at one hospital in Gauteng and three hospitals in the Western Cape. Data was collected from 208 nurses located within the chosen hospitals. Data collection on all five variables, namely work engagement, organisational citizenship behaviour, servant leadership, psychological capital and IT, was conducted by means of self-administered questionnaires. The measurements included in the self-administered questionnaire were selected in terms of their validity and reliability. The following measurements were included; Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), Organisational Citizenship Checklist (OCB-C), Servant Leadership Questionnaire (SLQ), Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PCQ) and the Bern Illegitimate Task Scale (BITS). The data collected was analysed by means of item analyses and structural equation modelling. A PLS path analysis was conducted to determine the model fit. The most significant findings were that SL, as a job resource, and PsyCap, as a personal resource, were positively related to WE amongst nurses. The results also revealed that PsyCap was positively related to OCB. Lastly, it was found that IT, as a job demand, are negatively related to WE amongst nurses. These results support the assumptions of the JD-R model that specific job and personal resources lead to WE. The results provide guidelines regarding practical managerial implications and strategies to address the challenges experienced by nurses. The results, together with the managerial implications, made it possible to provide valuable insights and recommendations for industrial psychologists, as well as for further studies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika het ‘n bevolking van net oor die 50 miljoen mense. Daar is egter volgens die register van die Suid-Afrikaanse Verpleegkunderaad net omtrent 260 698 verpleërs. Die tekort aan verpleërs is nie net tot Suid-Afrika beperk nie, maar is ‘n globale fenomeen, en die tekort word elke dag groter. Verskeie faktore kan vir die toenemende verpleërtekort blameer word. Verpleërs word elke dag gekonfronteer met veeleisende werksure, stresvolle werksomstandighede en ‘n groot tekort aan hulpbronne. Verpleërs by privaat hospitale beskou hulleself as “oorwerkte geldmaakmasjiene”. Nietemin neem die gesondheidsorg wat deur die Suid-Afrikaanse bevolking benodig word, vinnig toe. Die hoë voorkoms van MIV/VIGS is ook ‘n uitdagende bydraer wat die verpleërtekort vererger. Die huidige wanfunksionele verpleegtoestand in die gesondheidsorgfasiliteite van Suid-Afrika word weerspieël in die negatiewe beeld van die verpleegberoep. Gevolglik verminder die getal mense wat verpleging as ‘n beroep oorweeg. Die verpleërtekort bedreig nie net die welstand van verpleërs nie, maar ook die lewens van miljoene Suid-Afrikaners wat gesondheidsorg benodig. ‘n Algemene verskynsel onder verpleërs is uitbranding (burnout), wat lei tot ‘n afname in die kwaliteit van sorg en hoë omsetkoerse en bydra tot die verpleërtekort. Ander verpleërs ervaar egter werksbetrokkenheid (work engagement) en vertoon organisatoriese burgerskapsgedrag (organisational citizenship behaviour) in dieselfde omgewing waar verpleërs uitbranding ervaar. Werksbetrokkenheid en organisatoriese burgerskapsgedrag is ideale uitkomstes. Hierdie studie het onderskeidende faktore onder verpleërs ondersoek wat hulle toelaat om werksbetrokkenheid te ervaar en organisatoriese burgerskapsgedrag te vertoon. Die model van werkseise en hulpbronne (Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model) het ‘n integrale rol in die studie gespeel. Die spesifieke fokus van die studie was dus op werks- en persoonlike hulpbronne, sowel as werkseise, as faktore wat bydra tot werksbetrokkenheid en organisatoriese burgerskapsgedrag onder verpleërs. Dienaarleierskap en sielkundige kapitaal as werkshulpbronne, en illegitieme take as werkseis, is geïdentifiseer as moontlike faktore wat die verskil in betrokkenheid en organisatoriese burgerskapsgedrag verklaar. ‘n Literatuuroorsig is onderneem waarin belangrike antesedente van betrokkenheid en organisatoriese burgerskapsgedrag geïdentifiseer is. ‘n Aantal hipoteses is geformuleer en deur middel van ‘n ex post facto korrelasie-ontwerp getoets. Die eenheid van analise was verpleërs werksaam by twee van die grootste privaathospitaalgroepe in Suid-Afrika. Die verpleërs was werksaam by een hospitaal in Gauteng en drie hospitale in die Wes-Kaap. Data is by 208 verpleërs in die gekose hospitale versamel. Dataversameling oor al vyf veranderlikes, naamlik werksbetrokkenheid, organisatoriese burgerskapsgedrag, dienaarleierskap, sielkundige kapitaal en illegitieme take, is deur middel van selftoepasvraelyste versamel. Die volgende metings is ingesluit: Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), Organisational Citizenship Checklist (OCB-C), Servant Leadership Questionnaire (SLQ), Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PCQ) en die Bern Illegitimate Task Scale (BITS). Die versamelde data is deur middel van item-ontleding en struktuurvergelykingsontleding geanaliseer. ‘n Gedeeltelike kleinstekwadrate-baananalise (partial least squares path analysis) is onderneem om die passing van die model te bepaal. Die belangrikste bevindinge was dat dienaarleierskap, as ‘n werkshulpbron, en sielkundige kapitaal, as ‘n persoonlike hulpbron, positief verband hou met werksbetrokkenheid onder verpleërs. Die resultate toon ook dat sielkundige kapitaal positief verband hou met organisatoriese burgerskapsgedrag. Laastens is bevind dat illegitieme take, as ‘n werkseis, negatief verband hou met werksbetrokkenheid onder verpleërs. Hierdie resultate ondersteun die aannames van die model van werkseise en hulpbronne (J-DR) dat spesifieke werks- en persoonlike hulpbronne lei tot werksbetrokkenheid. Die resultate verskaf riglyne vir praktiese bestuursimplikasies en strategieë om die uitdagings wat deur verpleërs ervaar word, aan te spreek. Die resultate, tesame met die bestuursimplikasies, het dit moontlik gemaak om waardevolle insigte en aanbevelings vir bedryfsielkundiges, asook vir verdere studies, te maak.

IMPACTO DE FATORES PSICOSSOCIAIS SOBRE O DESEMPENHO: UM ESTUDO COM TUTORES EM EAD / Psychosocial factors impact on performance: a study with tutors in distance education

Cintra, Josiane 27 March 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T16:34:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Josiane Costa Cintra.pdf: 1164890 bytes, checksum: 69187e990e8468cba0d1a45aeb9ccbab (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-27 / Taking into consideration the fast expansion of distance education (DE) in Brazil, and the challenges it still faces, it is important to take a careful look at the issues involved in it. From the viewpoint of Psychology, the focus on the individual working with DE is fundamental. In this context, the tutor s work stands out; it is an outline of this complex world of working in DE, target of this study. The tutor s professional performance depends on technological, environmental, and psychosocial factors. This study aimed to check out the impact that such beliefs as self-efficacy at work, social support perception, and engagement at work have on the performance of tutors for disciplines offered at a distance. The research had a transversal character, and it was developed at a Brazilian university based in São Paulo. 227 tutors participated, 62por cento female, 65por cento married, 66por cento aged between 25 and 45 years old, and 97por cento with post-graduation. Data collection was carried out electronically; valid and reliable scales of self-efficacy, engagement, and social support perception at work were applied, besides a socialdemographic questionnaire. Institutional information was surveyed about performance. Statistical descriptive analyses revealed that more than 75por cento of them realize they have enough and important information as well as reliable and affective relationships at work, whereas half of them realize that have good material, financial, technical, and managerial inputs. Results of variance analyses (ANOVA) revealed that there were no differences between the performance of groups that exercise other professional activities besides tutoring and those who do not, nor among groups that have or do not have specific formation to act in tutoring in DE. Results of multiple linear regressions revealed that beliefs in self-efficacy at work, social support perception, and engagement at work do not explain the performance variance among tutors. The results were discussed, chiefly backed up in the small variability of the performance marks, taking into consideration that 98.8por cento of the tutors obtained higher than the average score of the assessment tool used by the institution, which may reveal difficulties in the evaluation process or problems with the instruments validity. In addition, questions were discussed concerning human performance as a complex, multidimensional phenomenon, seeking to approach the role of the study variables in its determination, in the light of the specillized literature. Finally, methodological, theoretical, and practical implications were presented, as well as limitations to the study and research agenda. / Considerando a acelerada expansão da Educação a Distância (EaD) no Brasil e os desafios que ainda enfrenta, torna-se importante dedicar um olhar cuidadoso sobre as questões envolvidas. Do ponto de vista da Psicologia, o foco no indivíduo que trabalha com EaD é fundamental. Neste contexto, destaca-se o trabalho do tutor, um recorte deste complexo mundo do trabalho em EaD, alvo deste estudo. O desempenho profissional do tutor depende de fatores tecnológicos, ambientais e psicossociais. Neste este estudo, o objetivo foi verificar o impacto que as crenças de autoeficácia no trabalho, a percepção de suporte social e o engajamento no trabalho exercem sobre o desempenho de tutores de disciplinas oferecidas a distância. A pesquisa teve caráter transversal e foi desenvolvida em uma universidade brasileira com sede no Estado de São Paulo. Os 227 tutores participantes atuavam em diferentes localidades do Brasil; 62% eram mulheres, 65% casados, 66% possuíam idades entre 25 e 45 anos e 97% cursou pelo menos especialização. A coleta dos dados foi realizada por meio eletrônico. Foram aplicadas escalas válidas e confiáveis de autoeficácia, engajamento e percepção de suporte social no trabalho, além de um questionário de dados sociodemográficos. Foi ainda realizada pesquisa documental para levantar informações sobre desempenho. Cálculos de médias, desvios-padrão, medianas e quartis revelaram que os tutores possuem bons níveis de autoeficácia, engajamento no trabalho e desempenho. Mais de 75% deles percebem ter acesso a informações suficientes e importantes, bem como contar com relacionamentos confiáveis e afetivos no trabalho, enquanto metade percebe dispor de bons insumos materiais, financeiros, técnicos e gerenciais. Resultados de análises de variância revelaram não haver diferenças entre desempenho de grupos que exercem outras atividades profissionais além da tutoria e os que não exercem, nem entre grupos que possuem e não possuem formação específica para atuar em tutoria em EaD. Resultados de regressões lineares múltiplas revelaram que as crenças de autoeficácia no trabalho, a percepção de suporte social e o engajamento no trabalho não explicam significantemente a variância do desempenho de tutores. Os resultados foram discutidos, sustentados principalmente na pequena variabilidade das notas de desempenho, considerando que 98,8% dos tutores obtiveram pontuação superior à média do instrumento de avaliação utilizado pela instituição, o que pode revelar dificuldades no processo de avaliação ou problemas relativos à validade do instrumento. Discutiram-se, além disso, questões relacionadas ao desempenho humano, como fenômeno complexo e multidimensional, buscando abordar o papel das variáveis do estudo em sua determinação, à luz da literatura especializada. Ao final, foram apresentadas implicações metodológicas, teóricas e práticas, bem como limitações do estudo e agenda de pesquisa.

Déterminants organisationnels de la santé psychologique, d'attitudes et de comportements critiques des professionnels du secteur sanitaire, social, et médico-social : les besoins psychologiques comme mécanismes explicatifs / Organizational determinants of workers' psychological health, critical attitudes and behaviors in the healthcare industry : The role of basic psychological needs

Huyghebaert, Tiphaine 07 December 2015 (has links)
L’objectif général de ce travail doctoral était d’identifier des leviers d’action permettant de préserver la santé psychologique des travailleurs, de réduire certaines de leurs attitudes et comportements néfastes pour les organisations de santé, et de comprendre les mécanismes explicatifs de ces relations. La première étude a démontré que le climat de sécurité psychosociale (i.e., PSC) était négativement associé au conflit travail-famille (i.e., WFC) et aux intentions de turnover des soignants via la frustration des besoins psychologiques. La seconde étude a mis en évidence que le PSC, via son influence sur la frustration des besoins, était associé à une réduction du burnout des soignants trois mois plus tard qui expliquait à son tour une augmentation du WFC et des intentions de turnover. La troisième étude a démontré que la dissonance émotionnelle et les ressources organisationnelles influençaient le manque de détachement psychologique et l’engagement au travail des professionnels d’encadrement au terme d’une période de trois mois, via leurs effets sur la frustration et la satisfaction des besoins. Ces trois études enrichissent la littérature scientifique sur la théorie de l’autodétermination en contexte de travail et alimentent la réflexion sur les pratiques organisationnelles susceptibles de modifier durablement l’expérience professionnelle des salariés du secteur / The general purpose of this doctoral dissertation was to contribute to identify triggers to preserve workers’ psychological health and reduce some of their negative attitudes and behaviors which appear to be harmful to healthcare organizations. Moreover, we aimed to understand the mechanisms underlying such effects. Study 1 used a cross-sectional design to demonstrate that psychosocial safety climate (i.e., PSC) was negatively related to nursing staff’s work-family conflict (i.e., WFC) and turnover intentions, through the mediation of psychological need thwarting. Study 2 developed these results by showing how PSC, through its influence on psychological need thwarting, related to a decrease in burnout three months later. Burnout itself explained an increase in WFC and turnover intentions. Study 3 focused on managers’ psychological health and found that emotional dissonance and organizational resources influenced managers lack of psychological detachment and work engagement three months later, through psychological need thwarting and satisfaction. Altogether, these studies contribute to self-determination theory in the work setting and offer some perspectives on organizational practices that could lastingly alter healthcare employees’ professional experience

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