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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Once more : testing the job characteristics model

Jacobs, Charl Jacobus 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Job Characteristics Model (JCM) is one of the most widely used and researched models in the field of Industrial Psychology. It has provided industry with useful solutions for its people-related business problems through the rearranging of the physical and psychological characteristics of jobs in order to address demotivation, dissatisfaction and marginal performance. The JCM has also endured a fair amount of criticism, however, specifically pertaining to the mediating role of the psychological state variables. Research findings on the model are divided into two camps. Some researchers argue that the model is empirically sound; while others believe the model should be discarded or adjusted. These studies were done circa 1990, however, when most of the advanced statistical analysis techniques utilised today were not available. Research related to the JCM has been decreasing steadily since then, and it seems that no final verdict was reached regarding the utility and validity of the model. The overarching objective of this study is to provide closure regarding this discourse by testing the three major theoretical postulations of the JCM in the South African context on a sample of 881 students with an ex post facto correlational research design. This was achieved by utilising structural equation modelling via LISREL. Three separate structural models were fitted and compared. The first model was a simplified version of the original model (Hackman & Oldham, 1980). The second model excluded the mediating psychological states proposed by Boonzaier, Ficker and Rust (2001). The final model had the same basic structure as the first model, but more causal paths were included between the job characteristics and the psychological states. The results show that more variance in the outcomes is explained with the inclusion of the psychological state variables. The psychological states are therefore a crucial component of the model. Although these findings corroborated the original model, the third model displayed superiority in terms of accounting for significant amounts of outcome variance in the dependent variables. These findings indicate that the job characteristics predict the psychological states in a more comprehensive manner than originally proposed in the literature. Job design interventions thus remain a useful tool and industry should utilise the suggested interventions. Furthermore, this study proposes preliminary equations (a Motivating Potential Score and resource allocation) that may be used to determine the relative importance attached to each job characteristic in the world of work. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Taakeienskappe Model (Job Characteristics Model, JCM) is een van die Bedryfsielkunde-modelle wat die meeste gebruik en nagevors word. Dit het aan die bedryf bruikbare oplossings vir mensverwante besigheidsprobleme verskaf deur die herrangskikking van die fisiese en sielkundige eienskappe van werk om probleme soos demotivering, ontevredenheid en marginale prestasie aan te spreek. Die JCM is egter ook al baie gekritiseer, spesifiek rondom die bemiddelende rol van die sielkundige toestand veranderlikes. Navorsingsbevindinge oor die model word in twee groepe verdeel. Die een groep argumenteer dat die model empiries foutvry is, terwyl die ander groep glo dat dit weggedoen of aangepas moet word. Hierdie studies is egter in die 1990’s gedoen, toe die meeste van die gevorderde statistiese tegnieke wat vandag gebruik word, nie bestaan het nie. Navorsing oor die JCM het sedertdien stadig maar seker afgeneem, en geen finale besluit oor die bruikbaarheid en geldigheid van die model is al geneem nie. Die oorkoepelende doel van hierdie navorsing was om van die bogenoemde probleme te probeer oplos deur drie vername teoretiese uitgangspunte oor die JCM in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks te toets deur middel van ‘n steekproef van 881 studente. Dit is met behulp van struktuurvergelykingsmodellering deur middel van LISREL gedoen. ‘n “Ex post facto” korrelasionele navorsings ontwerp is benut. Drie aparte strukturele modelle is gepas en vergelyk. Die eerste model was ’n vereenvoudigde weergawe van die oorspronklike een (Hackman & Oldham, 1980). Die tweede model het die bemiddelende sielkundige toestande uitgelaat wat deur Boonzaier, Ficker en Rust (2001) voorgestel is. Die finale model het dieselfde basiese struktuur as die eerste een gehad, maar nuwe oorsaaklike weë is tussen die werkseienskappe en sielkundige toestande ingesluit. Die resultate toon dat meer variansie in die uitkomstes verduidelik word wanneer die sielkundige toestand veranderlikes wel ingesluit word. Die sielkundige toestande is dus ’n kritieke komponent van die model. Hoewel hierdie bevindinge die oorspronklike model staaf, het die derde model die noemenswaardige variansie in uitkomstes van die afhanklike veranderlikes beter verklaar. Hierdie bevindinge dui daarop dat die werkseienskappe die sielkundige toestande meer omvattend voorspel as wat aanvanklik in die literatuur voorgestel is. Werksontwerp-intervensies is dus nog steeds ’n bruikbare hulpmiddel en die bedryf moet die voorgestelde intervensies gebruik. Hierdie studie stel ook voorlopige vergelykings voor (Motiverings Potensiaal Telling en hulpbrontoewysing) wat gebruik kan word om die relatiewe belangrikheid van elke werkskenmerk in die wêreld van werk te bepaal.

Empirical evaluation of the Steyn-Boers structural model of psychological well-being at work

Boers, Maritsa 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study recognised the importance of well-being of employees in today’s turbulent working environment. It departed from the notion that the sustainability of organisations is determined by the quality of its workforce and therefore employee well-being is a major priority. The well-being of employees is not a random occurrence, but rather a complex phenomenon. Any attempt to influence or change the well-being of employees should be grounded in a firm understanding of the complexity of the well-being phenomenon. Steyn (2011) developed a Salotogenic Model of Occupational Well-being in an attempt to depict how positive psychological variables can be combined in a dynamic depiction of the nomological net of variables underlying the phenomenon of well-being in the workplace. The rationale for her study was that state-like Optimism and Self-efficacy will have a significant and direct positive effect on their Occupational Well-being, partly because of these psychological resources’ ability to foster positive expectations about the future, and partly because of the heightened sense of Organisational Commitment and Work Engagement facilitated by higher levels of Optimism and Self-efficacy. As a first adaption to the Steyn (2011) study, this study attempted to explicate the arguments that motivated the adaption and expansion of the original Steyn (2011) Salutogenic Model of Occupational Well-being, into the Steyn-Boers Structural Model of Psychological Well-being at Work. Set within the theoretical frameworks of Positive Organisational Behaviour (POB), the Broaden-and-Build theory (Fredrickson, 2001), as well as Hobfoll’s (1989) Conservation of Resource (COR) theory, the focus in this study was on explicating the nomological net ofariables underlying Subjective Well-being (SWB) and Psychological Well-Being at Work (PWBW), as two contemporary constructs well integrated into the Occupational Well-being literature. SWB was defined as both Hedonic Well-being (HWB) and Eudaimonic Well-being (EWB). HWB was further defined as Positive Affect (PA) and Negative Affect (NA). Well-being was contextualised in the work domain with Dagenais-Desmarais and Sovoie’s (2012) Psychological Well-being at Work (PWBW) construct. Hope, Resilience and Gratitude were included as additional psychological resources. Work Engagement was retained in the current study due to its central role in well-being. It was argued that Perceived Organisational Support (POS) and Psychological Ownership should further translate into better well-being and were therefore included in this study. A non-experimental research design (i.e. survey study) was used to explore the relationships between the various constructs. A convenience sample of 199 respondents was recruited via a social media network platform, Facebook, (i.e. non probability sampling technique). The measurement instruments included were the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) (Watson, Clark & Tellegen, 1988); Ryff’s (1989) Psychological Well-being Scale; and the Index of Psychological Well-Being at Work, developed by Dagenais-Desmarais and Savoie (2012). The four constructs that constitute Psychological Capital (Hope, Optimism, Self-efficacy and Resilience) were measured with the Psychological Capital Questionnaire (Luthans, Avey & Avolio 2007a). Gratitude was measured with the Gratitude Questionnaire-Six-Item form (GQ-6), (McCullough, Emmons & Tsang, 2002) and Work Engagement was measured with the 9-item Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9) (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2003). Perceived Organisational Support was measured by the Perceived Organisational Support Scale, (Eisenberger, Huntington, Hutchinson & Sowa, 1986) and Psychologocal Ownership was measured with the Psychological Ownership Questionnaire (Pierce, O’Driscoll & Coghlan, 2004). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and item analysis were conducted to evaluate the reliability and validity of the measurement instruments. SEM was used to fit the structural model to the data to investigate the extent to which the abovementioned constructs were significant predictors of SWB and PWBW. The results of the study revealed that different positive psychological resources predicted different aspects of well-being. For example, Hope had an indirect effect on both PA and PWBW, whilst Optimism had a direct effect on EWB and NA, with an indirect effect on PA and PWBW. Self-efficacy had a direct effect on EWB and Resilience a direct effect on PA. Optimism, as found in the Steyn (2011) study, thus played a very central role in overall well-being. Gratitude, although it had no direct effect on any of the well-being constructs, affected NA, PA, EWB and PWBW indirectly by working mainly through Optimism. Strong support that Work Engagement and Perceived Organisational Support contribute to the well-being of employees emerged. Psychological Ownership was the only construct that had no direct or indirect effect on well-being. It was argued that a possible explanation for this may be that Psychological Ownership might not be an antecedent to well-being, but rather a dimension thereof. The importance of this study was thus condensed in the knowledge that there are certain important antecedents to the management of PWBW. The results provide a probable explanation of the complex nomological net of variables and their interrelationships with each other, which influence Psychological Well-being at Work. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie herken die belangrikheid van werknemer welstand in vandag se ontwrigtende werksomgewing. Dit het vertrek vanaf die idee dat die volhoubaarheid van organisasies bepaal word deur die gehalte van sy werksmag en dus is werknemer welstand ‘n belangrike prioriteit. Die welstand van werknemers is nie ‘n ewekansige gebeurtenis nie, maar eerder ‘n komplekse verskynsel. Enige poging om die welstand van werknemers te beïnvloed of te verander, moet gegrond wees in ‘n ferm begrip van die kompleksiteit van die welstand verskynsel. Steyn (2011) het ‘n Salutogeniese Model van Beroepswelstand ontwikkel in ‘n poging om uit te beeld hoe positiewe sielkundige veranderlikes gekombineer kan word in ‘n dinamiese voorstelling van die nomologiese net van veranderlikes, onderliggend aan die verskynsel van welstand in die werksplek. Die rasionaal vir haar studie was dat Optimisme en Self-doeltreffendheid ‘n beduidende en direkte positiewe effek op Beroepswelstand sou hê, deels as gevolg van die sielkundige hulpbronne se vermoë om positiewe verwagtinge vir die toekoms te bevorder, en deels as gevolg van die verhoogte gevoel van Organisasieverbintenis en Werksbetrokkenheid wat gefasiliteer word deur hoër vlakke van Optimisme en Self-doeltreffenheid. As ‘n eerste aanpassing tot die Steyn (2011) studie, het hierdie studie gepoog om die argumente wat die aanpassing en uitbreiding van die oorspronklike Steyn (2011) Salutogeniese Model van Beroepswelstand tot die Steyn-Boers Strukturele Model van Sielkundige Welstand by die Werk, te verduidelik. Met inagneming van die teoretiese raamwerke van Positiewe Organisasie Gedrag (POG), Uitbrei-en-Bou teorie (Fredrickson, 2001) en Hobfoll (1989) se Bewaring van Hulpbronne (BH) teorie, was die fokus van die studie op die uitspel van die nomologiese net van veranderlikes onderliggende aan Subjektiewe Welstand (SW) en Sielkundige Welstand by die Werk (SWW) as twee kontemporêre konstrukte goed geïntegreer in die Beroepswelstand literatuur. SW was omskryf as beide Hedoniese Welstand (HW) en Eudimoniese Welstand (EW). HW was verder gedefinieer in terme van Positiewe Affek (PA) en Negatiewe Affek (NA). Welstand is gekontekstualiseerd in die werk domein met Dagenais-Desmarais en Savoie (2012) se konstruk van Sielkundige Welstand by die Werk (SWW). Hoop, Veerkragtigheid en Dankbaarheid is ingesluit as addisionele Sielkundige Kapitaal. Werksbetrokkenheid is in die huidige studie behou oor sy sentrale rol tot welstand. Dit is aangevoer dat Waargenome Organisasie Ondersteuning (WOO) en Sielkundige Eienaarskap werkers se welstand verder sal bevorder en was dus ingesluit in die studie. ‘n Nie-eksperimentele navorsingsontwerp (d.w.s. ‘n vraelys studie) was gebruik om die verwantskappe tussen die verskillende konstrukte vas te stel. ‘n Gerieflikheidsteekproef van 199 respondente was gewerf via ‘n sosiale media netwerk platvorm, Facebook (d.w.s. ‘n nie waarskynlikheidsteekproefneming tegniek). Die meetinstrumente het ingesluit die Positiewe en Negatiewe Affek Skedule (PANAS) (Watson et al., 1988); Ryff (1989) se Sielkundige Welstand Skaal en die Indeks vir Sielkundige Welstand by die Werk wat ontwikkel is deur Dagenais-Desmarais en Savoie (2012). Die vier konstrukte waaruit Sielkunidge Kapitaal bestaan (Hoop, Optimisme, Self-doeltreffendheid en Veerkragtigheid) was gemeet met die Sielkundige Kapitaal Vraelys-24 (Luthans et al., 2007a). Dankbaarheid was gemeet met die Dankbaarheid Vraelys–Ses-Item vorm (DV-6) (McCullough et al., 2002) en Werksbetrokkenheid was gemeet met die 9-item Utrecht Werksbetrokkenheid Skaal (UWBS-9) (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2003). Waargenome Organisasie Ondersteuning is gemeet deur die Waargenome Organisasie Ondersteuning Skaal (Eisenberger et al., 1986) en Sielkundige Eienaarskap is gemeet met die Sielkundige Eienaarskap Vraelys (Pierce et al., 2004). Bevestigende faktorontleding en item analise is gebruik om die betroubaarheid en geldigheid van die meetinstrumente te evalueer. Strukturele vergelyking modellering was gebruik om die strukturele model op die data te pas om vas te stel tot watter mate die bogenoemde konstrukte beduidende voorspellers van SW en SWW is. Die resultate van die studie het getoon dat die verskillende positiewe sielkundige hulpbronne, verskillende aspekte van welstand voorspel. Hoop het, byvoorbeeld, ‘n indirekte uitwerking op beide PA en SWW gehad; terwyl Optimisme n direkte invloed op EB en NA, met ‘n indirekte effek op PA en SWW getoon het. Self-doeltreffendheid het ‘n direkte invloed op EB, en Veerkragtigheid ‘n direkte invloed op PA, gehad. Optimisme, soos gevind in die Steyn (2011) studie, het ‘n baie sentrale rol in algehele welstand gespeel. Alhoewel Dankbaarheid geen direkte invloede op enige van die welstand konstrukte gehad het nie, het dit wel ‘n indirekte effek op PA, NA, EB en SWW gehad, meestal deur Optimisme. Sterk steun het na vore gekom dat Werksbetrokkenheid en Waargenome Organisasie Ondersteuning tot die welstand van werknemers bydra. Sielkundige Eienaarskap was die enigste konstruk wat geen direkte of indirekte invloed op welstand gehad het nie. Dit was geargumenteer dat ‘n moontlike verduideliking hiervoor mag wees dat Sielkundige Eienaarskap moontlik nie ‘n voorspeller van welstand is nie, maar eerder ‘n dimensie daarvan. Die belangrikheid van hierdie studie is dus gekonsentreerd in die wete dat daar sekere belangrike voorspellers tot die bestuur van SWW is. Die resultate verskaf ‘n moontlike verduideliking van die komplekse nomologiese net van veranderlikes en hul onderlinge verbande met mekaar, wat sodoende Sielkundige Welstand by die Werk beïnvloed.

Percepção e riscos de adoecimento dos trabalhadores da indústria frigorífica: uma abordagem psicodinâmica

Schiehl, André Roberto 21 December 2012 (has links)
Este estudo foi desenvolvido em um frigorífico de grande porte de um município do interior do Paraná, para avaliar atividades desenvolvidas dentro de câmaras frigoríficas em ambientes com temperatura de 10 ºC à -35 ºC. Os principais objetivos foram analisar o processo de trabalho em um frigorífico, com relação aos fatores condições de trabalho, danos e custos físicos, diagnosticar comparativamente todos os fatores do instrumento, os níveis de prazer e o sofrimento dos trabalhadores, bem como indicar os principais riscos inerentes às atividades executadas. Os resultados foram obtidos por meio do instrumento Inventário sobre Trabalho e Riscos de Adoecimento – ITRA, com a participação de 178 funcionários, contemplando 4 escalas de 13 fatores num total de 124 itens desse instrumento. Esses colaboradores foram classificados em diferentes grupos de acordo com a escolaridade, estado civil, tempo de serviço, turno, idade e temperatura de trabalho. Para análise estatística dos dados foi utilizado o programa Statistica program, versão 5.0 (Statsoft®). No processo de trabalho, foram identificados como principais riscos à saúde do trabalhador o trabalho em altura, o possível vazamento de gases tóxicos, o uso incorreto do ar comprimido e os choques elétricos, sendo que todos os riscos contém medidas de controle. A torção da coluna lombar, a sobrecarga nos joelhos e os riscos de prensagem, batidas e contusões foram os mais evidentes danos à saúde dos colaboradores. Para o fator condição de trabalho, todos os itens foram classificados no nível crítico, sendo que houve diferença estatisticamente significativa em alguns itens para turno de trabalho e para idade. Com relação ao custo físico, houve predominância de respostas também com classificação crítica, sendo a diferença observada em alguns dos itens para tempo de serviço, turno e temperatura de trabalho. Com referência aos danos físicos, a avaliação se mostrou heterogênea, com alguns dos itens considerados na escala grave. Diferença estatística foi observada para tempo de serviço e turno de trabalho. A temperatura não foi identificada como variável de influência negativa no processo de trabalho. Para a variável turno, os funcionários que trabalham no horário noturno apontaram piores classificações, refletindo indiretamente o desgaste emocional, mental e familiar por trabalhar num período diferenciado. A variável tempo de serviço indica de forma geral que o sofrimento vai diminuindo com o passar dos anos. Dentre os itens pesquisados, apenas 6% apresentaram classificação grave, 61%, em nível crítico ou intermediário e 33% classificação suportável. Nenhum item apresentou o resultado com doença ocupacional. A média geral dentre os 13 fatores analisados, classificou 10 em nível crítico e 3 em nível suportável ou satisfatório. / This case study was undertaken in a large freezer factory in an inland city in the state of Paraná to evaluate activities carried out in freezer rooms at ambient temperatures of between 10º C and -35º C. The main objectives were: to analyze the work processes in a freezer factory with respect to factors such as working conditions, physical injuries and physical costs; to diagnostically compare factors related to the levels of pleasure and suffering of the workers; and to indicate the key risks inherent in the activities performed. The results were obtained through the use of the ITRA (Inventory on Labor and Risk of Illness) with the participation of 178 employees. The ITRA comprises 4 scales of 13 factors totalling 124 items. These employees were classified into different groups according to level of education, marital status, length of service, shift, age and temperature at which they worked. For statistical analysis the Statistica program, version 5.0 (Statsoft ®) was used. Within the work processes, the following were identified as representing major risks to workers‟ health: working at height, the possible leak of toxic gases, misuse of compressed air and electric shocks, however contains all risk control measures. The most obvious health risks to employees were torsion of the lumbar spine, overloading of the knees and risks from being squeezed, bumped and bruised. In relation to the „working conditions‟ factor, all the items were classified at the „unsatisfactory‟ level, with statistically significant differences in some items related to type of shift and age. Regarding the „physical cost‟ factor, most responses were also rated as „unsatisfactory‟ with some differences related to length of service, working temperature and shift. With reference to the „physical injuries‟ factor, the responses were heterogeneous, with some items on the scale considered to be „severe‟. Statistical difference was observed for education, marital status, length of service and shift. Temperature was not identified as a variable with a negative influence on the work process. In terms of the „shift‟ factor, employees working on night shifts gave worse ratings, indirectly reflecting the emotional and mental stress of working at night. The „length of service‟ factor generally indicated that suffering decreased over the years. Among the items surveyed, only 6% were classified as „severe‟, 61% were „unsatisfactory‟, and 33% were „tolerable‟. No item was classified as an „occupational illness‟. The overall average of the 13 factors analyzed, ranked 10 as „unsatisfactory‟ and 3 as „tolerable‟ or satisfactory.

The relationship between emotional intelligence, work engagement, creativity and demographic variables

Bartlett, Sindy 08 1900 (has links)
The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence, work engagement, creativity and demographic variables. A non-experimental and cross-sectional survey design was used and the population consisted of 180 employees working within a call centre division of an insurance organisation in South Africa. The participating sample consisted of 85 respondents which indicated a response rate of 47.2%. The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue-SF), Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-17), the Creative Personality Scale (CPS) and the Alternate Uses Tasks were administered to all participants. A theoretical relationship was found by means of a literature study. The results of the empirical study suggest that there was a significant positive relationship between emotional intelligence, work engagement and creative personality. Emotional intelligence was reported to be a significant predictor of work engagement. Significant results were also found in terms of these constructs and demographic factors. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

A profissão docente em questão : gênero de atividade, gênero de discurso e habitus / The teaching profession in question : genre of activity, speech genres and habitus

Anjos, Daniela Dias dos, 1979- 02 April 2013 (has links)
Orientador: Ana Luiza Bustamante Smolka / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T16:19:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Anjos_DanielaDiasdos_D.pdf: 3097156 bytes, checksum: fd93e0bba897eea5f00c7eb4109f9f35 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Doutorado / Psicologia Educacional / Doutora em Educação

Person-environment congruence, job satisfaction and job involvement

Lew, Charlene C. 30 August 2012 (has links)
M.A. / Questions regarding the possible interrelations of work-related constructs of person-environment congruence, job satisfaction and job involvement were posed in this dissertation. These constructs were defined in terms of three separate theoretical frameworks, namely Holland's (1985b) vocational choice theory, the Theory of Work Adjustment (Lofquist & Dawis, 1984), and Kanungo's (1982b) conceptualisation of job involvement, respectively. In accordance with these theories, the Self-Directed Search questionnaire, the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire, and the Job Involvement Questionnaire were used to operationalise these variables for the 114 psychologists and 44 optometrists who participated in the study. The person-environment congruence scores were computed by means of the Congruence Index (Brown & Gore, 1994). A secondary aim of the study was to evaluate the accuracy of environmental codes (one of the components of person-environment congruence) as have been provided by The South African Dictionary of Occupations (1987) for samples of psychologists and optometrists in the South African context. Different research designs were used to accommodate the diversity of the research objectives and hypotheses. A factorial research design was used to determine the potentiality of influences of person-environment congruence and job involvement on overall job satisfaction, intrinsic job satisfaction and extrinsic job satisfaction. Possible differences between the samples of psychologists and optometrists, and males and females were built into the general linear models encompassed by this design. Similarly, this design was used to determine whether job involvement is a function of personenvironment congruence, overall job satisfaction, intrinsic job satisfaction, extrinsic job satisfaction, gender and occupational group. Possible divergent effects of the samples and gender were further probed by means of generalised linear models (regression). Gender and sample-specific differences in terms of the variables of the study separately were examined through inferential statistics (t-tests). The possibility of a significant effect of job involvement on the relationship between person-environment congruence and job satisfaction assumed by Holland (1985b), was investigated by means of correlational analyses to conclude the examination of the relations among these variables. For the secondary aim of this study, the Environment Assessment Technique (Holland, 1985b) was used to calculate the respective environment codes of this sample of optometrists, and samples from four categories of registration of psychologists, namely clinical, counselling, educational and industrial psychologists, and then compared to the codes for these vocations listed in The South African Dictionary of Occupations (1987). The results of this study revealed significant effects of job involvement on overall job satisfaction and intrinsic job satisfaction, but nonsignificant effects of occupational group (or sample) and gender. Of the independent variables, only person-environment congruence had moderately significant effects on extrinsic job satisfaction. When job involvement served as dependent variable, only overall job satisfaction or intrinsic job satisfaction and the occupational group had any significant influence on it. The effect of the psychologist sample on job involvement was greater than that of the optometrist sample. No gender differences were found in terms of these linear models, or in terms of the variables of the study separately. Further findings revealed that job involvement does not have any significant effect on the hypothesised congruence-job satisfaction, congruence-intrinsic job satisfaction, or congruence-extrinsic job satisfaction relationships. When the environmental codes of the various samples were compared to the proposed Holland ISE (investigative-social-enterprising) environment code, vast discrepancies were found. A predominantly social environment code was obtained for clinical, counselling and educational psychologists, but an enterprising code for industrial psychologists. Although the optometrists obtained a predominately investigative code, their environment's subtypes could not be characterised as social and enterprising, but rather as enterprising and realistic. Suggestions were made that research employing sample-specific environmental codes in studies of person-environment congruence and its possible covariates is warranted. A need for empirical examinations of environmental codes of other vocational populations in South Africa was also identified. It was further recommended that the job involvement construct should be included in theories describing the antecedents, correlates and consequences of job satisfaction. This study was then evaluated in terms of criterion validity and external validity requirements, and the conclusion was drawn that within the limitations of the study, the research questions had been answered.

An analysis of regulatory mechanisms during sustained task execution in cognitive, motor and sensory tasks / Assessing fatigue regulation as a mechanisms for coping with fatigue : an analysis of regulatory mechanisms during sustained task execution in cognitive, motor and sensory tasks

Tau, Sethunya Harriet Hlobisa 11 October 2013 (has links)
Fatigue is a state that, although researched for many years, is still not completely understood. Alongside this lack of a general understanding of fatigue is a lack of knowledge on the processes involved in the regulation of fatigue. The existing theories relating to regulation are focussed on mental effort regulation, suggesting that performance outcomes are co-ordinated by effort regulation that functions by making alterations to physiological processes and strategic adjustments at a cognitive level in response to cognitive demands and goals. Since fatigue is a multi-dimensional construct with psychological, physiological, and behavioural effects that respond to endogenous and exogenous variables, it follows then that fatigue assessment techniques ought to include multi-dimensional measures to acquire a holistic depiction of the fatigue symptom. This study aimed to assess whether or not a mechanism that regulated fatigue during sustained task execution could be identified and whether this mechanism resulted in regulation patterns that were distinct to a specific task. An additional aim of the study was on assessing whether the manner in which performance, psychophysical and subjective variables were modified over time followed a similar regulation pattern. The research design was aimed at inducing task-related fatigue twice on two different occasions in the same participants and evaluating the resultant changes in fatigue manifestation. This was done to assess the ability of participants to cope with fatigue as a result of previous experience. The research protocol included three tasks executed for an hour aimed at targeting and taxing the sensory, cognitive, motor resources, each task performed twice. 60 participants were recruited to participate in the current study, with 20 participants – 10 males and 10 females – randomly assigned to each of the three tasks. The cognitive resource task consisted of a memory recall task relying on working memory intended to evaluate the extent of reductions in memory and attention. The sensory resource task consisted of a reading task measuring visual scanning and perception designed to evaluate the extent of reduced vigilance. The motor resource task consisted of a modified Fitts’ stimulus response task targeted at monitoring the extent of movement timing disruption. Performance measures comprised of: response delay and the number of correctly identified digits during the cognitive resource task, the amount of correctly identified errors and reading speed during the sensory resource task, response time during the motor resource task, and responses to simple auditory reaction time tests (RTT) initiated at intervals during the task and then again at the end of each task. Physiological measures included ear temperature, eye blink frequency and duration, heart rate (HR), and heart rate variability (HRV). Subjective measures included the use of the Ratings of Perceived Exertion Category Ratio 10 scale (RPE CR 10) to measure cognitive exertion and the NASA-Task Load Index (NASA-TLX) to index mental workload. Eye blink frequency and duration, HR and HRV were sensitive to the type of task executed, showing differing response patterns both over the different tasks and over the two test sessions. The subjective measures indicated increasing RPE ratings over time in all tasks while the NASA-TLX indicated that each task elicited different workloads. Differing task performance responses were measured between the 1st test session and the 2nd test session during all tasks; while performance was found to improve during the 2nd test session for the motor and sensory tasks, it declined during the cognitive task. The findings of this research indicate that there was a regulatory mechanism for fatigue that altered the manner in which performance, psychophysical and subjective variables were modified over time, initiating a unique fatigue regulation pattern for each variable and each task. This regulation mechanism is understood to be a proactive and protective mechanism that functions through reducing a person’s ability to be vigilant, attentive, to exercise discernment, and to direct their level of responsiveness, essentially impacting how the body adapts to and copes with fatigue. The noted overall findings have industry implications; industries should consider accounting for the effects of this regulatory mechanism in their fatigue management interventions, specifically when designing job rotation and work/rest schedules because each cognitive task, having elicited a unique fatigue regulation pattern, ought to also have a different management program. / Microsoft� Office Word 2007 / Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-in

The effect of social support on job satisfaction at the varying levels of job stress and task structure

Zhou, Peilin 01 January 1992 (has links)
No description available.

The relationship between person-organization fit, attribution theory, and psychological contract violations within organizational settings

Phillips, Sarah Elizabeth 01 January 2003 (has links)
This study makes an attempt at bridging the theory between the constructs of person-organization (P-O) fit and psychological contract violations, through attribution theory.

Occupational stress, strain and coping in a professional accounting organisation

Cope, Carolyn M. 30 August 2003 (has links)
This research focuses on the concept of occupational stress. Theories and models are discussed in an attempt to highlight the nature of stress and its implications for the individual if it is not effectively managed. Individual differences in the way they experience strain and cope with stress are considered, as well as the organisational implications of stress. Current thinking in the management of stress programmes is highlighted. The empirical study was conducted to determine whether there are differences between various organisational subgroups with regard to variables relating to occupational stress, strain and coping, as measured by the Occupational Stress Inventory - Revised (Osipow, 1998). The findings of the study show that there are significant differences between seniority, age, race and gender subgroups within the accounting organisation in which the research took place, with regard to stress, strain and coping / Industrial Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

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