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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Žaloby wrongful birth a wrongful life v českém právu a mezinárodní komparaci / Wrongful birth and wrongful life actions in Czech law and international comparison

Pintová, Kristýna January 2017 (has links)
Wrongful birth and wrongful life actions are one of the current issues of civil law associated with the area of health care. Generally speaking they are actions for damages for a birth of an unwanted child brought by parents or a child itself. At the moment, there is a small number of wrongful birth cases in the Czech Republic, but more of them are to be expected in front of the Czech courts because of patient's autonomy and new methods in the human reproduction field. The topic of this thesis is very controversial due to collision legal, moral and ethical issues. Crucial question of the whole problem is whether the birth of an unwanted child (or an unwanted life) can be considered as damage. Since the explicit regulation does not usually exist, the courts' decisions play irreplaceable role nowadays. The aim of this thesis is to try to answer the question whether these actions can be brought and heard before the courts in the Czech Republic and whether damages should be awarded on this ground. The first chapter focuses on the explanation of the essence of wrongful birth and wrongful life cases and their division into the specific categories. The second chapter concentrates on the legislation in the Czech Republic regarding wrongful birth actions. It is necessary to consider constitutional rights...

Občanskoprávní odpovědnost za zákroky související s lidskou reprodukcí - koncepty wrongful life a wrongful birth / Civil liability for interventions related to human reproduction - the concepts of wrongful life and wrongful birth

Hronová, Kristýna January 2021 (has links)
Civil liability for interventions related to human reproduction - the concepts of wrongful life and wrongful birth Abstract In this thesis, the author tries to give a comprehensive view of the issue of civil liability of health care facilities, or doctors, which arises as a result of non lege artis procedure in performing procedures and providing services that negatively affect human reproduction. In such cases, the persons concerned have the opportunity to defend themselves by means of actions for which the name wrongful birth and wrongful life has been adopted almost all over the world. In the first part of this thesis, the author discusses the most commonly used methods that help to affect human reproduction, and also gives examples of incorrect procedures in their provision. These may very often result in the filing of the above-mentioned lawsuits. At the same time, the author gives a basic description of wrongful birth and wrongful life lawsuits and a list of the main reasons, pros and cons of their approval and further recognition. The second part is devoted to the legislation in the Czech Republic. The author deals with the regulation of human rights, which are often affected only in the provision of health services, as well as the regulation of liability in general. Another part then focuses mainly...

Soudní rozhodování v problematice "Wrongful birth" v evropském srovnání / Wrongful birth court rulings in European comparison

Vajda, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse and compare wrongful birth cases in European context. Its first part focuses on the theoretical explanation of the concept of the action itself, then it is followed by a detailed comparison with wrongful life actions. A proper definition is necessary for further understanding of the matter. The second part of the thesis aims at an in-depth description of wrongful birth cases in major European countries. It discusses the medical liability and the parents` rights in the past cases and brings an evaluation and a de lege ferenda point of view. The conclusion deals with the similarities and the differences and offers the author's insight on the subject.

Teoretická koncepce odpovědnosti za újmu způsobenou narozením člověka / A theoretical conception of liability for harm caused by the birth of a man

Smetánková, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
in the English language Title: A theoretical conception of liability for harm caused by the birth of a man In many legal orders a new types of legal actions have appeared (in relation to the development of new methods of diagnosing congenital diseases). In these types of legal actions the claimant seeks damages for the negligence of the doctor in performing these tests. These claims are referred to as "wrongful birth", "wrongful conception", and "wrongful abortion". The "wrongful life" claim is most commonly used in a situation where while performing prenatal screening the doctor does not diagnose the existing congenital disease and therefore fails to give the parents an essential piece of information, which might have made the parents decide to abort the fetus. The claimant in this case is the child itself, who substantiates the claim by arguing it should have never been born. The "wrongful birth" claim arises from the same situation, but the claimants are the parents of the child. They claim damages for the emotional pain and increased expences related to giving birth and raising a disabled child. In the case of the "wrongful conception" claim, the most common reason for using this action is a negligently performed sterilization procedure. The "wrongful abortion" claim can be used in a situation...

"Egzistencinės žalos" atlyginimas, kaip naujausia teisės problema biomedicinos srityje / Recovery of "existential damage", the newest problem of law in biomedicine

Laurinaitytė, Jurgita 28 January 2008 (has links)
Biotechnologijų vystymasis medicinai buvo didelis žingsnis į priekį, ir viena iš priežasčių kodėl atsirado egzistencinės žalos atlyginimo ieškiniai dėl neteisėto gimimo ir neteisėto gyvenimo. Neteisėto gimimo atveju tėvai siekia kompensacijos dėl nenorimo ar neplanuoto vaiko gimimo, neteisėto gyvenimo – neįgalus vaikas siekia kompensacijos už tai, kad jis toks gimė. Tokie ieškiniai yra ginčytini, kadangi jie suponuoja tokiomis teisėmis kaip teisė negimti, nėra kriterijų kuriais remiantis būtų galima pateikti neteisėto gimimo ar neteisėto gyvenimo ieškinį bei apskaičiuoti egzistencinę žalą. Todėl įrodyti tokią žalą yra pakankamai sunku. Darbe buvo apžvelgtas žalos atlyginimo Lietuvoje institutas, ypatingą dėmesį skiriant neturtinės žalos atlyginimui, ir nustatyta, kad esama tvarka nėra liberali, todėl galimybė pateikti tokį ieškinį Lietuvoje ir gauti kompensaciją lygi nuliui. / Development of technologies has been a giant step forward for medicine and one of reasons, why suits of recovery of „existential damage” because of the wrongful birth or wrongful life arose. In claims for wrongful birth parents are seek compensation for the birth of unplanned or unwanted child and in claims for wrongful life – disabled child is seek compensation for the fact, that he is born disabled. Such suits are controversial, because they deal with such rights like right not to be born. There are no criterions for the recovery of “existential damage” under which it would be possible to bring an action of this damage, because of wrongful birth and wrongful life. It is rather difficult to prove “existential damage”. This article deals with the institute of recovery of damage, giving the biggest attention to recovery of moral damage. It was ascertained, that present order is not liberal, and to suit in Lithuania and to get award there is no any possibility.

Responsabilidade civil e nascimento indesejado: prejuízos reparáveis / Tort law and wrongful conception : recoverable damages

Carnaúba, Daniel Amaral 15 April 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho aborda o tema da responsabilidade civil pelo nascimento indesejado no Direito Brasileiro. Trata-se de um conflito que emerge nos casos em que a falha de um método contraceptivo redunda no nascimento de uma criança, contra a vontade de seus genitores. A primeira parte do trabalho é dedicada ao fato gerador da responsabilidade nessa espécie de litígio, a saber, a culpa médica e o defeito do produto ou serviço de contracepção. Os métodos anticoncepcionais são agrupados em duas categorias: de um lado, os métodos cirúrgicos de esterilização, que envolvem a prestação de um serviço médico; e, de outro, os métodos que empregam dispositivos anticoncepcionais fabricados industrialmente, isto é, os produtos contraceptivos. A segunda parte do trabalho discorre sobre as implicações éticas da reparação do nascimento indesejado. De fato, a indenização fundada no nascimento de um filho traz à tona uma série de considerações relativas à dignidade da criança e ao valor das relações parentais. O trabalho procura apontar em que medida o nascimento de uma criança pode ser interpretado como um prejuízo legítimo experimentado por seus pais. Conclui-se que a reparação integral do nascimento indesejado é necessária para a afirmação da autonomia reprodutiva das vítimas de contraceptivos defeituosos. A análise das soluções controversas adotadas no Reino Unido e na França onde os tribunais afirmaram que apenas o nascimento de uma criança deficiente pode ser considerado um prejuízo reparável revela que o direito dos pais à reparação não pode ser subordinado às condições de saúde da criança nascida / This thesis is an inquiry into wrongful conception claims under Brazilian Tort Law. This type of lawsuit arises out of cases involving failure of contraceptive methods, causing the birth of a child against the parents desire. The first part of the thesis addresses the basis of liability in wrongful conception claims, namely, medical malpractice and defect of products or services. Contraceptive methods are grouped into two categories: on one side, surgical methods of sterilization, that rely upon the supply of medical services; on the other, contraception methods that employ manufactured devices, that is, contraceptive products. The second part of the thesis discusses the ethical implications of awarding damages in wrongful conception claims. Compensation based on the birth of a child raises a series of issues concerning the child\'s dignity and the value of parental relationships. It is argued that full compensation is necessary in order to reaffirm the reproductive autonomy of the victims of defective contraceptive methods. The analysis of controversial solutions adopted in United Kingdom and France where courts have stated that only the birth of a disabled child is a recoverable damage leads to the conclusion that the chillds health condition cannot be a requirement for his parents right to compensation.

Náhrada nemajetkové újmy v ČR a SRN / Compensation for immaterial damages in the Czech Republic and Germany

Vítková, Klára January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with compensation for immaterial damages in the Czech Republic and Germany with focus on personal injuries and a specific question of wrongful birth and wrongful life actions. Its aim is to describe the differences between both legislations. In the first part my work is concerned with a theoretical analysis of the conditions of damage liability in the tort law in both countries. The second chapter follows up with the definition of material and immaterial damages and the way and extent of their compensation. The third one is concentrated directly on personal injuries, it introduces the term and the range of persons entitled to a compensation and it analyses the way and extent of the compensation for personal injuries (above all the damages for pain and suffering) in the Czech Republic and Germany, with specific emphasis on the Methodology of the Czech Supreme Court on the compensation for immaterial damages in case of personal injuries. The fourth chapter is focused on an ethical and legally complicated question of wrongful birth and wrongful life actions.

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