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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Norma e prática: os papéis das mulheres no reinado de D. João II (1481-1495) / Regulation and practice: the roles of women in D. João II\'s reign (1481-1495)

Medeiros, Sooraya Karoan Lino de 17 June 2013 (has links)
Na concepção do mundo cristão, as mulheres foram criadas a partir de um fragmento masculino para lhe serem sujeitas, nunca iguais. Essa ordenação vai determinar a concepção sobre o feminino e a importância da imposição de submissão às mulheres. Sua inferioridade era impedimento para o ofício religioso e as leis do reino reconheciam a fraqueza própria do seu sexo que lhes vedava o acesso a ofícios públicos. Entretanto, é preciso considerar que entre o que se preconizava e o que de fato se praticava havia um cuidadoso jogo de possibilidades. A condição feminina definida eminentemente por sua ligação e sua relação com um homem que as caracterizava como mulheres solteiras, casadas ou viúvas não representa a multitude de papéis que poderiam desempenhar ao longo de sua vida. Seu estado não era necessariamente um obstáculo para o desempenho de outros papéis. O entrecruzamento dos dados obtidos com a análise da lei e da prática nos mostra que não precisa haver aí uma dicotomia. No seu viver em sociedade, as mulheres conjugavam diversos fatores e assumiam facetas muito mais ricas do que consideravam os escritos dos teólogos e moralistas. / In the design of the Christian world women were created from a mans fragment to be his subject and never an equal. This disposition would determine the conception of the feminine and the importance of the control to which women should be referred. Their inferiority was an obstacle for religious service and the laws of the kingdom recognized the archetypal weakness of their sex forbidding them access to public offices. However it is necessary to consider that between what was preached and what was practiced there were many possibilities. Womens social condition defined by their connection and relationship with a man who characterized them as a single, married or widowed women did not represent the multitude of roles they could play throughout his life. Their condition was not necessarily an obstacle to the performance of other roles. The data obtained with the analysis of the law and practice shows that it didnt had to be a dichotomy. In their social lives women combined several factors and assumed much richer facets than that considered in the writings of theologians and moralists.

Norma e prática: os papéis das mulheres no reinado de D. João II (1481-1495) / Regulation and practice: the roles of women in D. João II\'s reign (1481-1495)

Sooraya Karoan Lino de Medeiros 17 June 2013 (has links)
Na concepção do mundo cristão, as mulheres foram criadas a partir de um fragmento masculino para lhe serem sujeitas, nunca iguais. Essa ordenação vai determinar a concepção sobre o feminino e a importância da imposição de submissão às mulheres. Sua inferioridade era impedimento para o ofício religioso e as leis do reino reconheciam a fraqueza própria do seu sexo que lhes vedava o acesso a ofícios públicos. Entretanto, é preciso considerar que entre o que se preconizava e o que de fato se praticava havia um cuidadoso jogo de possibilidades. A condição feminina definida eminentemente por sua ligação e sua relação com um homem que as caracterizava como mulheres solteiras, casadas ou viúvas não representa a multitude de papéis que poderiam desempenhar ao longo de sua vida. Seu estado não era necessariamente um obstáculo para o desempenho de outros papéis. O entrecruzamento dos dados obtidos com a análise da lei e da prática nos mostra que não precisa haver aí uma dicotomia. No seu viver em sociedade, as mulheres conjugavam diversos fatores e assumiam facetas muito mais ricas do que consideravam os escritos dos teólogos e moralistas. / In the design of the Christian world women were created from a mans fragment to be his subject and never an equal. This disposition would determine the conception of the feminine and the importance of the control to which women should be referred. Their inferiority was an obstacle for religious service and the laws of the kingdom recognized the archetypal weakness of their sex forbidding them access to public offices. However it is necessary to consider that between what was preached and what was practiced there were many possibilities. Womens social condition defined by their connection and relationship with a man who characterized them as a single, married or widowed women did not represent the multitude of roles they could play throughout his life. Their condition was not necessarily an obstacle to the performance of other roles. The data obtained with the analysis of the law and practice shows that it didnt had to be a dichotomy. In their social lives women combined several factors and assumed much richer facets than that considered in the writings of theologians and moralists.

Manifestacions musicals a Barcelona a través de la festa: les entrades reials (segles XV-XVIII)

Raventós Freixa, Jordi 31 March 2006 (has links)
El tema d'aquesta tesi és el factor de la festa en l'articulació de pràctiques musicals a Barcelona en un context que s'estén des del segle XV al XVIII. Concretament, se centra en les anomenades "Entrades Reials", unes celebracions públiques que s'esdevenien en la primera visita del monarca en motiu del seu jurament dels privilegis de la ciutat. L'elecció d'aquest objecte es justifica en primer lloc pel seu potencial per a connectar amb formes de pensament que incideixen en el debat més genèric sobre els processos d'atribució de significacions a la música. Aquestes celebracions esdevenien una important manifestació cultural col·lectiva en les que s'utilitzaven pràctiques musicals comuns a les altres festes més regulars i que conformaven el sistema general festiu: l'acompanyament del seguici per conjunts de trompetes i tabals, les intervencions musicals en el marc de les representacions realitzades al portal de la ciutat i basades en el teatre sacre medieval, les desfilades dels gremis i confraries, que participaven amb les músiques i els balls dels "entremesos" del Corpus, així com els balls privats als palaus o públics als carrers i places que durant les jornades posteriors completava el conjunt de les activitats. / The subject of this work is the factor of the celebration in the joint of musical practices in Barcelona in a context that extends from century XV to the XVIII. Concretely, it is centered in the denominated "Real Entrances", public celebrations that occurred in the first visit of the monarch in reason for the oath of the privileges of the city. The election of this object is justified by its potential to connect with thought forms that affect the most generic debate the processes of attribution of meanings to music. These celebrations were an important collective cultural manifestation in which common musical practices to the other more regular celebrations were used and than they conformed the festive general system: the support of the courtship by sets of trumpets and drums, the musical interventions within the framework of the representations made to the vestibule of the city and cradles in the religious medieval theater, the parades of the unions and brotherhoods, that participated with music and the dances of the "entremeses" of the Corpus, as well as the dances deprived in the palaces or public in the streets and seats that during the later days the set of the activities completed.

Турки и турецкая угроза середины XV в. в восприятии византийских и восточно-европейских авторов : магистерская диссертация / The Turks and Turkish Threat in the middle of the Fifteen Century in the Perception of the Byzantine and East-European authors

Zhigalova, N. E., Жигалова, Н. Э. January 2014 (has links)
The dissertation is devoted to the problems of the perception of Muslims and the threat posed by the Ottoman by the Byzantine and East-European writers of the XV century. According to the materials of historical works analyzed the ratio of the authors to the representatives of the Islamic faith in a severe foreign situation and also domestic religious contradictions. Analysis of the works of Byzantine and Balkan writers allows us to trace the evolution of the views of historians on the matter and to reveal the extent of their bias. According to the Byzantine and East-European sources revealed the attitude of the authors of the XV century to the Turks and denoted points of contact of Christian and Muslim civilizations in the context of military confrontation, also investigated the attitude of the authors to the key events of the Turkish expansion in the XV century - Battle of Varna in 1444 and the capture of Constantinople in 1453. The dissertation also addresses the problem of mutual Christians and Muslims considered in the interpretation of the writers and the question of the possibility of cultural and religious dialogue between the warring parties. / Диссертация посвящена рассмотрению проблемы восприятия мусульман и угрозы со стороны османов византийскими и восточно-европейскими писателями XV века. По материалам их исторических произведений анализируется отношение авторов к представителям исламского вероучения в условиях тяжелой внешнеполитической ситуации и внутренних религиозных противоречий. Анализ сочинений византийских и балканских писателей позволяет проследить эволюцию взглядов историков относительно данного вопроса и выявить степень их тенденциозности. По данным византийских и восточно-европейских источников выявляется отношение авторов XV в. к туркам, обозначаются точки соприкосновения христианской и мусульманской цивилизаций в контексте военного противостояния, а также исследуется отношение авторов к ключевым событиям турецкой экспансии XV в. - битве при Варне 1444 г. и захвату Константинополя в 1453 г. В диссертации также затрагивается проблема взаимовосприятия христиан и мусульман в интерпретации рассматриваемых писателей и ставится вопрос о возможности культурного и религиозного диалога между представителями противоборствующих сторон.

Etat et politique fiscale : Venise, Bergame et ses vallées / State and fiscal policy : Venice, Bergamo and the valleys

Belletti, Giulia 16 March 2012 (has links)
L’analyse des politiques fiscales des communautés autonomes de la Val Seriana (XVe-XVIe siècle) montre l’existence d’une relation asymétrique entre la République de Venise, la Commune urbaine de Bergame et les pouvoirs locaux. Dès la conquête, la Dominante et les Communes rurales entament des rapports qui garantissent à la République ses recettes fiscales et aux communautés la tutelle de leur autonomie administrative. La ville perd définitivement son influence directe institutionnelle et donc fiscale sur cette parties de son district. Cette relation continue, renforcée, pendant les deux siècles suivants, en dépit des transformations des modèles de prélèvement (introduction de contributions extraordinaires et d’une taxe militaire unique remplaçant des anciennes charges; fin XVe – début XVIe siècles). Ces changements et l’augmentation de la demande fiscale, due principalement aux guerres en Italie et en Orient, emmènent au développement d’un nouveau système financier local, remplaçant des anciennes organisations fondées sur des impositions tels que les dazi. Bien que bénéfique pour l’entière communauté, ces nouvelles institutions restent sous le contrôle des familles locales qui gouvernent déjà la Commune ; le nouveau système se fonde sur l’emprunt public émis par des créanciers privés, qui font souvent partie de la classe dirigeante locale, et sur la vente et location des biens communs des communautés. / The analysis of the local fiscal policies of the autonomous communities of the Val Seriana during the XV and XVI centuries proves the existence of a three-sided, asymmetrical equilibrium between the Republic of Venice, the Commune of Bergamo and local powers. Whilst the Town manages to influence the communities' choices from a marginalised position, the Republic and the latter share a pact that benefits them respectively in fiscal revenues and protection of autonomy. This relationship will strenghten in time, through the transformations of the Venetian fiscal system (late XV century) that will put more emphasis on extraordinary revenues and monetisation of military corvées. These radical changes combined with the financial strain coming from the renewed war engagement in Italy and in the East that will increase Venetian fiscal demand, will locally set a trend for the development around communal finances of a new apparatus, replacing the old system based on customs. Though beneficial for the whole community, this system will be largely managed by local governing families; its roots will be public borrowing from private businessmen (often, relations to the members of the political management) and the commercialisation of a portion of the communal properties.

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