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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Charakterisierung von Leupaxin und seiner Interaktionspartner in Karzinomzellen / Charakterisation of Leupaxin and its interaction partners in carcinoma cells

Hardenberg, Sandra Gräfin von 29 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Funkce různých intonačních kontur v ano/ne otázkách britské varianty anglického jazyka / Function of different intonation contours in British English yes/no questions

Dostál, Matěj January 2016 (has links)
The thesis concerns the function of different intonation tunes in British English yes/no questions. The theoretical part of the work explores the phenomenon of language intonation and describes the commonly listed default contours of English yes/no questions. The practical part analyses authentic samples of British speakers' conversations and compares the function of intonation patterns in yes/no questions with the theoretical assumptions.

L'oeuvre d'art comme dispositif : hétérogénéité et réévaluation de la notion de public

Panaccio-Letendre, Charlotte 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Cette recherche porte sur l'œuvre d'art comme dispositif, sur le décloisonnement des pratiques artistiques actuelles en tant que facteur déterminant de la réception de l'art. L'hypothèse qui sera explorée dans ce mémoire est que le décloisonnement des pratiques artistiques entraîne une diversification importante des contextes de l'art, ce qui favorise l'élargissement de la notion de public et une réévaluation de son rôle. Si les pratiques artistiques contemporaines nous semblent complexes à définir, ce serait lié à leur hétérogénéité ainsi qu'à la dissémination des contextes de diffusion : les œuvres s'insèrent dans des communautés, elles vont vers des lieux publics, des espaces sociaux et médiatiques rejoignant potentiellement un public plus large et engageant une participation plus directe du public. Nous étudions ici des pratiques artistiques qui soulèvent des questionnements sur la société dans laquelle nous vivons et qui mettent l'accent sur les relations intersubjectives et sur la réception de l'œuvre. Nous croyons que le contexte social de présentation de l'œuvre a un impact déterminant et qu'il peut transformer le rôle du public. Ce que nous voulons démontrer, c'est que l'œuvre d'art ne se conçoit pas comme un simple objet, mais comme un dispositif et que, ce faisant, l'œuvre d'art se dote d'un nouveau potentiel, celui d'élargir le public de l'art, tout en l'obligeant à une forme d'engagement plus complexe. Nous analyserons de façon comparative « La Cantine » de Massimo Guerrera, l'exposition « Keep it slick, Infiltrading capitalism with The Yes Men », de The Yes Men ainsi que « Money-back Products (Produits remboursés) » de Matthieu Laurette. Il est essentiel de noter que les œuvres de notre corpus ont des caractéristiques communes qui ne se situent pas dans leurs objets : elles se déploient dans d'autres espaces - c'est-à-dire l'espace public, social et médiatique; elles proposent des modes de relations nouveaux; et finalement, plus fondamentalement, elles regroupent des hétérogènes. Cette caractéristique est centrale et constitue le fondement de toute la réflexion qui sous-tend notre projet. Le principal problème qui se posait à nous était de trouver comment faire une étude qui porte en partie sur le public - les publics - sans sombrer dans les débats qu'animent les milieux de l'art et de la sociologie de l'art contemporain. Nous avons voulu partir des œuvres elles-mêmes pour comprendre leur potentiel à rejoindre le public. C'est là que la question de l'hétérogénéité s'est posée avec le plus d'acuité. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : dispositif, art actuel, Massimo Guerrera, Matthieu Laurette, The Y es Men, public, hétérogénéité, esthétique relationnelle, intervention en milieu urbain, infiltration médiatique.

Implication des co-activateurs transcriptionnels YAP/TAZ dans la régulation entre la croissance et la dormance tumorale des cellules du cancer colorectal : mécanismes moléculaires et perspectives thérapeutiques / Involvement of the transcriptional coactivators YAP/TAZ in the regulation of the switch from tumor growth to dormancy : molecular mechanisms et therapeutical perspectives

Corvaisier, Matthieu 29 November 2016 (has links)
Le cancer colorectal est la première pathologie cancéreuse de la sphère digestive, tant en terme de fréquence que de mortalité par an. Chaque année, 41 000 nouveaux cas sont diagnostiqués et 17 000 décès sont dus à ce cancer en France. Deux paramètres cliniques expliquent la mortalité de ce cancer; d'une part le fait qu'un patient sur deux est diagnostiqué au stade métastatique ou va présenter des lésions métastatiques durant l'histoire de sa pathologie, d'autre part le fait que les patients après traitement vont fréquemment présenter une récidive de leur pathologie. L'utilisation de régimes de chimiothérapies avant et après résection métastatique améliore la survie sans récidive à court terme, mais à 2 ans post chirurgie l'avantage apporté est perdu. Ainsi, la compréhension des mécanismes d'échappement à la chimiothérapie et régissant la croissance tumorale est d'intérêt pour tenter de limiter la récidive tumorale. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse a consisté en l'analyse de sous-populations obtenues sous pression de chimiothérapie au 5-Fluorouracile (5FU) dérivées de la lignée cancéreuse colique HT29, ainsi que les mécanismes moléculaires associés. Notre clone le plus chimiorésistant isolé, le modèle cellulaire 5F31, quitte le compartiment prolifératif sous traitement à fortes doses de 5FU, ceci étant associé à une perturbation de la voie de signalisation de la Src kinase c-Yes et de son partenaire, le co-activateur transcriptionnel YAP. Sous traitement, les cellules chimiorésistantes entrent en quiescence, le complexe protéique entre c-Yes et YAP est perdu et la quantité totale et nucléaire de YAP diminue de manière significative (Igoudjil, Touil, Corvaisier et al. 2014 Clinical Cancer Research). Dès lors, la suite des travaux a consisté en l'étude du rôle potentiel de YAP sur la balance quiescence/prolifération sous 5FU. L'inhibition pharmacologique ou l'inhibition transitoire de l'expression de YAP et de son paralogue, la protéine TAZ, dans plusieurs lignées cancéreuses coliques induit l'augmentation de la fraction de cellules quiescentes, associée au ralentissement significatif de la croissance tumorale. A l'inverse, la surexpression d'une forme constitutivement active de YAP demeurant nucléaire sous 5FU maintient les cellules 5F31 en prolifération et sensibilise les cellules à la chimiothérapie. Au niveau des effecteurs protéiques, l'induction de quiescence (par traitement à la chimiothérapie ou inhibition de YAP/TAZ) est associée à la perte d'expression de la Cycline E1 et du facteur de transcription c-Myc. A l'inverse, la surexpression du dominant constitutivement actif de YAP dans les cellules 5F31 conduit à l'expression soutenue de la Cycline E1 sous 5FU, expression nécessitant l'activation du facteur de transcription CREB. L'inhibition de la Cycline E1 permet d'induire la quiescence cellulaire, proposant cette protéine comme l'un des effecteurs des protéines YAP/TAZ dans la régulation entre la quiescence et la prolifération cellulaire (Corvaisier et al, Oncotarget, 2016). En conclusion, nos données montrent l'importance du rôle des protéines YAP/TAZ dans le maintien des cellules en prolifération via l'expression notamment de la Cycline E1. Nos résultats sur cohorte de patients atteints de métastases hépatiques de cancers colorectaux montrent que l'expression des co-activateurs YAP/TAZ est liée à un index prolifératif plus important, confortant nos données sur le rôle de ces protéines dans la croissance tumorale. De plus, l'expression élevée de YAP et TAZ est associée en analyses multivariées à une récidive plus précoce et à une survie globale plus faible. Ainsi, l'étude de l'expression et du niveau d'activation de ces acteurs serait un marqueur pronostic intéressant dans l'anticipation de la récidive métastatique ; ainsi que des cibles thérapeutiques intéressantes pour tenter de limiter la rechute tumorale. / Colorectal cancer is the most frequent and lethal cancerous pathology from the digestive system. Each year in France, 41 000 new cases are diagnosed and 17 000 patients die due to this pathology. This high mortality is mainly due to the rate of patients with liver metastatic lesions and the early relapse of those metastases after treatment. The use of chemotherapy prior to surgery induces a decrease of early relapse, however 2 years after resection this advantage is lost. Thus, understanding the mechanisms underlying escape to treatment is required to try to delay or prevent tumor recurrence.The aim of this doctoral work was to analyze clonal chemoresistant subpopulations derived from the colorectal cancer cell line HT29 after chronic exposure to 5-Fluorouracil (5FU) and molecular mechanisms associated with chemoresistance. The most chemoresistant clonal subpopulation, 5F31, stops its proliferation after treatment with high dose of 5FU, this behavior being associated with the modulation of the c-Yes/YAP axis. After treatment, 5F31 cells enter quiescence, interaction between c-Yes and YAP is lost and total and nuclear YAP protein expression reduces significantly (Igoudjil, Touil, Corvaisier et al. 2014, Clinical Cancer Research). The next step was to study functions of YAP protein in this chemotherapy- induced quiescence.Pharmacological or transient inhibition of YAP and its homolog TAZ, induces quiescence and reduces cellular growth in several colorectal cancer cell lines. On the other hand, overexpression of a constitutively active form of YAP in 5F31 cells forces cells to remain proliferative under 5FU treatment, enhancing 5F31 cell chemosensitivity to 5FU.Regarding proteic effectors, quiescence (either induced by 5FU or YAP/TAZ inhibition) is associated with loss of expression of the transcription factor c-Myc and Cyclin E1. In 5F31 cells expressing the active mutant form of YAP, Cyclin E1 expression is sustained after 5FU treatment through the activation of the transcription factor CREB. Cyclin E1 inhibition is sufficient to induce quiescence, therefore introducing this protein as one of the final effectors of YAP/TAZ co-activators in the regulation of the proliferation/quiescence switch in colorectal cancer cells (Corvaisier et al. 2016, Oncotarget).To conclude, our work reveals the importance of YAP/TAZ proteins for the maintenance of colorectal cancer cells proliferation through Cyclin E1 expression. Our work on liver metastases from patients with colorectal cancer shows that high expression of YAP/TAZ is connected to a higher proliferative index in metastatic lesions. Moreover, high YAP/TAZ expression is associated with shorter patient progression-free survival and shorter overall survival. Studying the expression and level of YAP/TAZ activation could be an interesting prognosis marker to anticipate metastatic relapse and potent druggable target to delay tumoral recurrence.

‘Can I ask you something?’: The influence of functional factors on the L1-acquisition of yes-no questions in English

Kania, Ursula 01 August 2022 (has links)
Usage-based, constructivist approaches to first language acquisition assume that children’s linguistic abilities emerge in a piecemeal fashion through interaction with mature language users (Tomasello 2003). In spite of the fact that both formal and functional characteristics of the linguistic constructions involved are thought to be of importance in this process, most previous studies have focused exclusively on form. The current study aims at exploring the contribution of functional factors in the learning of a subset of yes-no questions: providing an in-depth analysis of the emergence of Can -person-process?-constructions in a high-density Childescorpus of a boy learning English (Lieven et al. 2009), it is shown that functional factors need to be considered in order to be able to account for the developmental path. It is suggested that we need to re-evaluate the relationship between (formal as well as functional) frequency, salience, and entrenchment and the ways in which these aspects interact during the language learning process. This has important implications for future research on language development as well as for claims about the mental organization of linguistic knowledge within CxG and Cognitive Linguistics more generally.

Boxed up and locked up, safe and tight! Making the case for unattended electronic locker bank logistics for an innovative solution to NHS hospital supplies (UK)

Bailey, G., Cherrett, T., Waterson, B., Breen, Liz, Long, R. January 2015 (has links)
Yes / The lack of separation between urgent and non-urgent medical goods encourages sub-optimal vehicle fleet operations owing to the time critical nature of urgent items. An unattended electronic locker bank, to which individual urgent items can be delivered thereby separating urgent and non-urgent supply, was proposed for the Great Ormond Street Hospital in London, UK. This concept was quantified using ‘basic’ and ‘intuitive’ hill climbing optimisation models; and qualitatively using staff interviews and expert reviews. Results indicated that a locker bank with a fixed height (1.7 m) and depth (0.8 m) required a length of 4 m (basic model) and 3.63 m (intuitive model), to accommodate 100% of urgent consignments for a typical week. Staff interviews indicated the wider benefits such as staff personal deliveries.

Mastering the question : the acquisition of interrogative clauses by Finnish-speaking children

Kangassalo, Raija January 1995 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to chart the development of interrogative syntax among Finnish-speaking children between the ages of 1 to 4 years living in Sweden. The material consists of language samples taken from eleven Sweden-Finnish children with Finnish as their first language. The data from the corpus have been compared with acquisition studies of Finnish-speaking children in Finland, with material from an adult-language corpus and with studies of children speaking other languages than Finnish. The first questions appearing in the corpus are wh-questions, on average at the age of 1.9 and one month earlier than yes/no-questions. Both wh-questions and yes/no-questions are produced by all children in the corpus, whereas disjunctive questions are used by only one child. Wh-questions comprise approximately two thirds of the interrogatives and yes/no-questions a third; only one disjunctive question is used. The older the child, the greater the proportion of yes/no-questions. The earliest wh-question words are tnikä 'what' nom. sg., missä 'where' and mita 'what' part, sg., used by one-year-olds. Kuka 'who' nom. sg., mihin 'where to' and miten 'how' all appear before the age of 2.6, and miksi 'why1, mista 'where from' and minkä 'what* acc. 1 sg. start being used before the age of three. The use of milloin 'when', kenen 'whose', minkä varinen 'of what color' and mitkä 'what' nom. pl. commences at the age of three. Other question words and question word forms are produced by a few children. Wh-interrogative clauses in this study have been divided into ellipses, on-clauses, V-clauses and Adnom-clauses. The ellipses and cm-clauses are acquired on average at the age of 1.9, V-clauses at 1.11 and Adnom-clauses at 2.3. The question words are used correctly for the most part, with the same references as in adult speech. Semantic misuse of mikä 'what' was detected in 2 % of the pronoun's occurrences; kuka 'who' is misused relatively often, 38 % of the time. The different case forms of the interrogative pronouns and adjectives are on the whole used correctly. One pronoun form susceptible to misuse is nom. sg. mikä 'what', often erroneously produced instead of some other case form. The interrogative adverbs are used according to adult norms almost without exception. The earliest yes/no-questions in the corpus are -kO-questions, starting on average at age 1.10; the use of -hAn-questions begins at age 2.5. Other yes/no-questions appear at a much later date. The first -kO-questions are neutral -kO-questions. Focused -kO-questions are acquired somewhat later on. The neutral -kO-questions have been divided into onko 'Is it?'-questions, Simple V+kO-questions, Aux+kO-questions and Neg+kO+V-questions; the various types of questions are acquired in that order. The interrogative clauses in the corpus have been categorized as information-eliciting questions, directive questions, conversational questions and expressive questions; their acquisition follows ibis order. / digitalisering@umu

The Case Study of Crisis Practice Experience ¡V The Conflict for Taiwan Power Company Build Distribution Substation

Chiu, Ching-Hui 27 July 2010 (has links)
Taiwan Power Company has been facing the crises of demonstration whenever they plan to build a new transformer station. The process of dealing with this problem is tough and usually takes a long while. This study is to discuss some cases and communicative strategies that Taiwan Power Company has used to deal with the demonstration which the public protest against transformer stations. Through the process of solving the problem, they have learned to use public relation to approach the public, solve crises, overcome the difficulties, and eventually build their transformer stations to keep providing the public quality electricity. Based on the previous documentation and researches, this study covers the topics such as ¡§not in my back yard (NIMBY)¡¨ to ¡§yes in my back yard ¡§(YIMBY)¡¨, how to build public relations and business image, the communication tools of handling crisis, and a case in Japan detailed how the power company handled and communicated with the public when building a transformer station. We are hoping that we can set up an example of crisis handling for Taiwan Power Company in the future through above topics. The study method and subjects are based on the management activity by phases and aimed at the communication method of public relation and business image. To make this study more detailed and thorough, the selected cases are from where the author works at which include the cases in Xiaying, Tainan, Jiaxian, Kaohsiung, Neiwei, Kaohsiung and Longzi Kaohsiung. In addition, we include some of the related issues from similar cases in Dafon, Taipei, Qielao Chunghua, Nongyi, Pingtung in this study. We studied the whole process starting from the public demonstration to how the Power Company handled the protest and made the public¡¦s worries go away, then made the public from ¡§NIMBY¡¨ to ¡§YIMBY¡¨ and eventually built the transformer stations without obstacles. In the end of this study, we discuss about what Taiwan Power Company has learned from the successful cases through the process of handling crises from public¡¦s demonstration such as ¡§turning enemies into friends and creating win-win situation¡¨. It fits the key concepts of Taiwan Power Company which are ¡§sincerity, care, creativity, service¡¨, ¡§overcoming the difficulty, sincerely communicating, resolving crisis¡¨, and ¡§Taiwan Power Company team was able to bring their wisdoms and efforts into the matter¡¨. In the future, Taiwan Power Company should try to apply the idea of environment protection and energy saving into the community when they plan to build a transformer station so that they can gain people¡¦s approval without encountering protests. For example, the Power Company made a green space open to the community when they built Dafon Taipei transformer station; Chi-chuan Li built a gazebo with the indemnity from Power Company when they built the transformer station in Qie-Lao Chung-hua. Taiwan Power Company also built an energy saving transformer station in Nongyi. These are very successful cases that Taiwan Power Company made the crises of protests go away.

Culture jamming ideological struggle and the possibilities for social change /

Nomai, Afsheen Joseph, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Texas at Austin, 2008. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references.

Answers to Polarity Questions : A Typological Study

Moser, Elena Vera January 2018 (has links)
Polarity questions, i.e. questions that demand as an answer either an affirmation or a denial (e.g. yes or no), are considered to be an universal language feature. Different strategies to answer polarity questions have been observed across languages. Sadock & Zwicky (1985) identified three systems of answer strategies: yes/no systems, agree/disagree systems and echosystems. Other studies have attested languages exhibiting a mix of these types (i.a. Floydet al. 2016, Holmberg 2016). Sadock & Zwicky (1985) do not offer any statements about the frequency distribution of the language systems, nor do they explain what kind of sample was used for their analysis. The aim of this study is to fill this gap. Specifically, the goals are to investigate the validity of the typology offered in Sadock & Zwicky (1985) and to establish some estimates about the cross-linguistic frequency of the types identified during this investigation. The data are collected through consultation of reference grammars and elicitation by means of a questionnaire. / Polaritetsfrågor, frågor där det förväntade svaret är ja eller nej, anses vara ett universellt språk drag. Olika strategier för att svara på polaritetsfrågor har observerats i världens språk. Sadock & Zwicky (1985) identifierade tre svarssystem: polaritetsystem (yes/no system), sanningssystem (agree/disagree system) och ekosystem (echo system). Andra studier har funnit att språk också kan blanda dessa system (i.a. Floyd et al. 2016, Holmberg 2016). Sadock & Zwicky (1985) varken redogör för vilken distribution dessa svarssystem har eller vilket urval resultaten baseras på. Syftet med denna studie är att fylla den luckan. Målet är att undersöka validiteten i Sadock & Zwickys (1985) typologi samt att fastställa den tvärspråkliga frekvensen för de svarssystem som undersöks. Datainsamlingen sker genom grammatikor och elicitering genom en enkät.

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