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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pattern Extraction : Scenarios

Broms Engblom, Jacob January 2020 (has links)
"Pattern Extraction - Scenarios" is a documentation of experiences inside of the collective subconscious that is the internet and an attempt at understanding and highlighting mechanisms and effects of algorithmic governance and cultural automation.

"Vi ses när vi ses, motherfuckers" : En studie om fult språk bland sociala mediaprofiler

Andrén, Kim January 2020 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker hur olika typer av fult språk och hur det fula språket används bland av de 15 största svensktalande youtubeprofilerna under 2019. Syftet är att beskriva och visa de olika typerna och användningarna bland youtubeprofilerna. Materialet består av 30 videor på youtube som analyseras och genomgår en tematisk analys. Resultatet visar att det finns en skillnad i vilka typer och användningar av det fula språket och stämmer överens med tidigare forskning som observerat en samhällsförändring. Ord som tillhör det Övernaturliga och religion är främst förekommande och används mest för att förmedla känslor av icke levande ting vilket kan tyda på att orden tappar kraft. Resultatet visar även att engelska ord används mer nedsättande än de svenska motsvarigheterna.

”Cohen, Coping och Kommentarsfälten” : – en receptionsstudie om hur religiös coping kan tänkas yttra sig i kommentarsfälten under Leonard Cohens musik på videoplattformen Youtube

Olofsson, Petter January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to study how the researchers Kenneth I. Pargament, Harold G. Koenig and Lisa M Perez five RCOPE-strategies can be related to the comment fields of five music videos by the artist Leonard Cohen. The video material can be found on the social platform YouTube.      The comments were analyzed in relation to the five coping strategies and people's needs for holiness and religion in the late modern secular society.  The five coping strategies were: (1) Meaning, (2) Control, (3) Comfort/Spirituality, (4) Intimacy/Spirituality and (5) Life transformation.   The methodology of this inductive study was based on an intersection between a qualitative text analysis, and a more netnographically oriented style of observation.   The conclusion while analyzing the data in relation to RCOPE- strategies was that two of these five strategies were more clearly projected. These strategies were (3) Comfort /Spirituality and (4) Intimacy/Spirituality. This paper is moving in a relatively unexplored field of research and can be seen as a springboard for further research on the relationship between secularization, digital media, and human religious orientation in dealing with existential crises.     Keywords: Religious Coping Strategies, Leonard Cohen, Comfort Spirituality, Intimacy, Spirituality, Social Media, Youtube

Häxor på nätet : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av occulture i Witchtubers beskrivningar av rituell praktik och uppvisande av objekt i anslutning till högtiden Samhain / Witches online : A qualitative content analysis of occulture in Witchtuber's descriptions of ritual practice and showcasing of objects in connection to the holiday of Samhain

Nyberget, Felicia January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to concisely present an overview of the Pagan ritual practice before the Christianization of Ireland and the United Kingdom, which enables tracking down the connection and relationship between them and three American and British, Wiccan Youtube-creators nicknamed Witchtubers. Witchtuber’s description of Samhain and objects visible in chosen videos are analyzed from Christopher Partridge’s theory of Occulture along with the parameters of acceptance, harmonization and the centralization of Goddess-worship concluded by previous studies. Also causes of the development of Neo-Paganism and Wiccain the U.K. and USA have been a part of this research in being able to further draw connections between today’s practice amongst Witchtubers and previous research. In able to do this, Content analysis has been applied to the transcriptions made by the author of this essay in order to analyze the parameters of reference-features, proportional and thematic content. In conclusion, the analysis of Witchtuber’s videos along with previous research by scholars confirm the theory of Occulture along with the question of acceptance and harmonization though leaving the question of Goddess-centering as more of a possibility of representing the mere majority of practitioners. Fragmented pieces of information about the Pagan past is left and scholars claim Irish and British Paganism to have been extinct since the overthrow by Christians. It has left the practitioners of Wicca with their own interpretation and manipulation of Paganism. Witchtuber’s statements and showcasing of objects match scholar’s descriptions of historical context to the development of the Wiccan movement apart from a few exceptions. Those which cannot be directly connected rather indicate the continuous development of the movement as of being a personal religion.

”Videon är i samarbete med…” : En explorativ fallstudie om reklambudskap som barn exponeras för på YouTube

Jacobsson, Amanda, Hagberg, Ida January 2020 (has links)
Problemformulering och syfte: Social medier-influencers har blivit mer användbara i företags marknadsföringsstrategier, tack vare deras höga följarantal och möjlighet att skapa stor spridning till en bred allmänhet. YouTube är en populär plattform som innehåller mycket reklamsamarbeten och marknadsföring från just influencers. YouTube har en strikt 13-årsgräns, men trots det är plattformen välbesökt av yngre barn. I Sverige ställs särskilt höga krav på marknadsföring som riktar sig till eller berör barn på grund av barnens bristande förmåga att förstå vad som är reklam och inte. Digitaliseringens framfart har dock resulterat i att barn utsätts för reklaminnehåll som de egentligen inte bör utsättas för, vilket upplevs problematiskt. Denna studie är kvalitativ, av explorativ karaktär, och syftar med grund i problemformuleringen till att bidra med kunskap om reklam som flickor och pojkar i tolvårsåldern exponeras för på YouTube. Huvudresultat: Alla de studerade influencerna anspelar mycket på trovärdighet och använder sig av strategier för att skapa och förstärka parasociala interaktioner och relationer till sina följare. Eftersom influencerna kommunicerar på liknande sätt oavsett om det är öppen eller inbäddad reklam, är det generellt svårt att skilja de olika budskapen åt. Det upplevs problematiskt eftersom barn har svårare att avgöra vad som är reklam och inte. Gällande genus och könsstereotyper stämmer innehållet överlag överens med de teorier som finns, men det finns även vissa typer av könsstereotypiska anspelningar som inte går att finna i det undersökta materialet.

The Commercialization of YouTube: Can Apology Videos as a Product Ever be Authentic?

Najovits, Ariella 01 June 2022 (has links)
In recent years, YouTube has evolved from a user-generated platform to a platform that thrives on professionalized and marketable content, otherwise known as the era of the social media influencer (Kim, 2012;). This thesis applies neutralization and Millsian theories to help unpack the widespread fraud and deceptive advertising on the platform within a neoliberal capitalist context. The focal points of this thesis are apology videos in the wake of deceptive/fraudulent advertising scandals, cancel culture, and the symbiotic relationship that influencers and corporations share in paid sponsorships on YouTube. The findings indicate that influencers function similarly to corporate entities during scandals and engage in neutralizations to protect their reputation, brand, and business relationships (Schoultz & Flyghed, 2019; Whyte, 2016). This thesis also points to the legal challenges in holding influencers accountable at the level of domestic advertising agencies and on YouTube itself. Lastly, this thesis questions the invisibility of corporations in these scandals regarding how this may be indicative of larger manifestations of corporate power in society.

The effect of mobile cellular network performance and contextual factors on smartphone users’ satisfaction : A study on QoE evaluation for YouTube video streaming via CrowdSourcing

Zhen, Zuguang January 2015 (has links)
Mobile data traffic will continue to show rapid growth in the coming years; however the data revenue is not rising fast enough to ensure the operators’ profitability. Therefore, mobile operators must seek new approaches to find out what service does the customers need and what quality makes the customers satisfied in order to keep their increasingly sophisticated customers satisfied at the same time minimizing their revenue gap. This paper investigate the effect of mobile cellular network performance and contextual factors on smartphone users’ satisfaction, this was done via crowdsourcing through an experiment where an Android Application and a user Survey were included, which is able to evaluate and analyze the perceived quality of experience (QoE) for YouTube service for Android Smartphone users. To achieve this goal, the App NPT performs measurements of objective quality of service (QoS) parameters, whereas the survey carriers out collecting subjective user opinion. The result show that network performance parameters do impact the MOS (Mean Opinion Score) exponentially, either in a positively or negatively way, however, multiple parameters need to be considered together in order to draw a more accurate correlation with QoE. In addition, QoE are heavily affected by many other contextual factors, such as age and gender as well as users location. QoE are also impacted by several subjective factors, such as user expectation. Not always the highest throughput will lead to the best QoE, and not always the best technology (LTE) deserves the best MOS. Even though user received very high downlink throughput, their MOS value may still be low due to they might think the video were not fun to watch and the quality has not meet their expectation.

Kommersialisering på barnens bekostnad : En studie om hur barn positioneras på sociala medier / Commercialization on the expense of children : A study in how children are positioned on social media.

Håkansson, Hanna, Åman, Emmy January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur barn positioneras av sina föräldrar i kommersiella samarbeten på Youtube och Instagram, samt om logiken för respektive medie har betydelse för hur barnen blir positionerade. Studien har inspirerats av tidigare forskning kring fenomenet sharenting, där vi ville göra en djupdykning i ämnet. För att förstå hur föräldrarna väljer att framställa sina barn, men även barnens inställning till att medverka, har vi använt oss av en retorisk textanalys där vi analyserat tal och kroppsspråk. I analysen har vi undersökt hur tre svenska influencers positionerar sina barn med hjälp av retoriska verktyg. Studien visade bland annat att barn positioneras olika beroende på dess ålder och medvetenhet kring hur ett kommersiellt samarbete går till. Även mediernas logiker var avgörande för hur barnet positioneras då Instagram och Youtube har olika funktioner som främjar olika beteenden, dock finns det även likheter då största delen av de positioneringstyper vi identifierat förekom på båda plattformarna. Sökord: Instagram, Youtube, sociala medier, sharenting, positionering, kommersialisering, Influencers, barn, medialiserad barndom   Rubrik: Kommersialisering på barnens bekostnad - en studie om hur barn positioneras på sociala medier Författare: Emmy Åman & Hanna Håkansson   Examensarbete i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, 15 hp Konst, kultur och kommunikation (K3) Fakulteten kultur och samhälle Malmö universitet Handledare: Ulrika Sjöberg Examinator: Tindra Thor Vårterminen 2021 / The aim of this study is to investigate how children are positioned by their parents in commercial collaborations on Youtube and Instagram, and if the media logics affects how the children are positioned. The study has been inspired by previous research on the sharenting phenomena, where we wanted to dig deeper into the subject. To achieve comprehension in how parents choose to present their children, but also understanding attitudes of the children who participate, we have approached a rhetorical analysis focused on speech and body language. In the analysis we examined how three Swedish influencers positions their children by using rhetorical implements. The results of the study showed how children can be positioned differently depending on their age and awareness of how a commercial collaboration takes place. The media logics were also decisive for how the children were positioned, depending on the functions of the platforms who promotes different behaviours. However, there are also similarities in the identified positions as they occurred on both platforms. Keywords: Instagram, Youtube, social media, sharenting, positioning, commercialization, influencers, children and medialized childhood.   Heading: Commercialization on the expense of children – A study in how children are positioned on social media. Author: Emmy Åman & Hanna Håkansson   Final Exam Project in Media and Communication Studies School of Arts and Communication (K3) Faculty of Culture and Society Malmö University Supervisor: Ulrika Sjöberg Examiner: Tindra Thor Spring of 2021

When Beauty is More Than Skin Deep: A Content Analysis of Popular Beauty YouTubers’ Video Strategies

Jones, Kristen 01 May 2020 (has links)
The beauty community on YouTube is a popular outlet for influencer generated video content. Beauty YouTubers provide their viewers with makeup-related videos from tutorials to the latest trends on the platform. As a result, the influencers have gained high subscriber counts that generate revenue through advertisements and brand partnerships. The influencers create relationships with their subscribers that lead to loyalty in the form of video views and merchandise purchasing. This study provides a content analysis of common characteristics within 10 popular beauty YouTubers’ videos examining the strategies used by the influencers. The top five videos from each beauty YouTuber were selected resulting in a total of 50 videos analyzed. Parasocial Interaction and Framing theories were the theoretical frameworks for this study. The results of this study indicated a series of commonly used characteristics within the most popular videos posted by the top beauty influencers on YouTube.

Descripción de los gustos y las preferencias de los alumnos chiclayanos del primer ciclo de comunicación, sobre los canales de los youtubers hispanohablantes más famosos

Vera Mondragón, Jhonatan January 2018 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación permitirá conocer cómo son los gustos y las preferencias de los estudiantes. Los objetivos específicos planteados en la investigación es precisar los criterios de selección de youtubers que tienen los estudiantes chiclayanos de comunicación, demostrar sus hábitos de consumo, y determinar qué youtubers gustan más. Los instrumentos que se utilizarán serán las entrevistas a expertos sobre el tema de investigación, además se realizará un focus group, y por último entrevistas semi – estructuradas.

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