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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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L'emploi des jeunes : vecteur de recomposition des économies salariales de services : étude sur la précarisation et la segmentation des relations salariales en Rhône-Alpes / Young employement as a recomposition vector of wage economies of services : study about precarisation and segmentation of wage relations in Rhône-Alpes

Zubiri-Rey, Jon Bernat 30 November 2016 (has links)
En Rhône-Alpes l’économie se spécialise de plus en plus dans différentes activités de services – notamment de consultance et d'assistance, santé-action sociale, commerce, hôtellerie-restauration et services opérationnels– et dans la construction. La précarisation de l’emploi – comprise comme la combinaison persistante des bas salaires et de l'instabilité du poste– touche, aussi bien en France qu'en Rhône-Alpes, spécialement les jeunes salarié-e-s. Loin de se limiter à une période transitoire, cette précarisation se développe dans la vie sociale et professionnelle de segments importants de la population laborieuse. À partir des Déclarations Annuelles de Données Sociales (DADS), nous avons analysé la recomposition des rapports entre les groupes d’âge et de sexe, ce qui évidence les tendances générales de la région et les particularités sectorielles de la segmentation des relations salariales. Trois éléments – l’âge, le sexe et le secteur économique– sont les éléments structurants de cette thèse sur la précarisation de l’emploi des jeunes et le renforcement de la segmentation par l’âge et par le sexe. Ces éléments opèrent comme vecteur de recomposition intégrale des économies salariales de services, en combinant le renouvellement sectoriel et la substitution générationnelle des relations d’emploi. Dans une période de stagnation d'une partie importante des rémunérations salariales, l'emploi des jeunes se précarise par la multiplication des bas salaires, l'instabilité des postes et la faible perspective de carrière interne au secteur. Cette précarisation de l'emploi des jeunes est aussi bien conséquence que moteur de la recomposition sectorielle de l'emploi. La concentration des jeunes dans les activités émergentes reproduit la segmentation sexuée des emplois. Cette recomposition sectorielle et générationnelle de l'emploi renforce les processus de segmentation par l'âge : des secteurs traditionnels vieillissants – aux conditions plus décentes–, des zones de précarisation – concernant notamment des jeunes– en expansion, et des secteurs stratégiques un peu moins jeunes et fortement inégalitaires. Enfin, certain-e-s salarié-e-s – bien souvent des femmes– restent après la jeunesse durablement enfermé-e-s dans des bas salaires et l'instabilité de l'emploi. C'est la précarité-horizon tout au long de leur (absence de) carrière. / The Rhône-Alpes economy is increasingly specializing in diverse service activities, such as consulting and assistance services, health and social action, commerce sector, hotels and restaurants, and operational services, along with the building sector. Employment precarization – defined as the persistent combination of low wages and job insecurity– especially affects young employees, both in Rhône-Alpes and France. Far from being limited to a transition period, this precarization persists throughout the social and professional lives of important segments of the working class. Relying on the Déclarations Annuelles de Données Sociales (DADS), we have underlined the restructuring by age and sex groups and showed regional trends as well as the distinctive sector features of employment relationship precarization. These three elements – age, sex and economic sector– are the key elements of this thesis on the precarization of youth employment and its increasing segmentation. In such a process, the sectoral and generational renewal of employment relationships combine to drive a full recomposition of service-sector wage-economies. In a period of near-general wage stagnation, youth employment is becoming increasingly precarious due to the rise of low wages, job insecurity and low career prospects in the same sector. This precarization of youth employment is both a consequence and a driving factor of the sector recomposition of employment. The concentration of young people in emerging branches reproduces the sexual segmentation of employment. This sector and generational recomposition of employment reinforces age segmentation : traditional sectors, with more decent conditions, dominated by an ageing labour force ; expanding areas of precarization, notably concerning young people; whereas strategic sectors, where employees are not so young, showing high internal inequalities. Finally, some employees – mostly women– remain locked up in low wages and job insecurity even after ageing out of the younger period cohorts. It is the precariousness as horizon throughout their (absence of) career. / La economía de Rhône-Alpes tiende a especializarse en la construcción y en diversas actividades de servicios – consultoría y asesoría, salud y la acción social, comercio, hoteles y restaurantes, y servicios operativos o auxiliares, principalmente. Además, la precarización del empleo – entendida como combinación persistente de bajos salarios e inestabilidad de los puestos– afecta, tanto en Francia como en Rhône-Alpes, sobre todo a los y las jóvenes empleadas. Lejos de limitarse a un período transitorio, esta precarización se expande en la vida social y profesional de partes importantes de la población trabajadora. Mediante la observación de las Déclarations Annuelles de Données Sociales (DADS) hemos analizado la recomposición de las relaciones entres los grupos de edad y los sexos, evidenciando las tendencias generales de la región y las particularidades sectoriales de las relaciones salariales segmentadas. Estos tres elementos – edad, sexo y sector económico– estructuran esta tesis sobre la precarización del empleo juvenil y la creciente segmentación por edad y por sexo. En este proceso se combinan la renovación sectorial y la substitución generacional de las relaciones de empleo, que operan como vector de recomposición integral de las economías salariales de servicios.En un periodo de estancamiento de una parte importante de las remuneraciones salariales, el empleo juvenil se precariza por la proliferación de bajos salarios, puestos inestables y de baja perspectiva de trayectoria laboral ascendente interna al sector. Esta precarización del empleo juvenil es a la vez consecuencia y motor de la reestructuración sectorial del empleo. La concentración de jóvenes en actividades emergentes reproduce opciones de empleo altamente segmentadas por sexo. La recomposición sectorial y generacional del empleo fortalece el proceso de segmentación por la edad : por un lado se observan sectores tradicionales – con condiciones más decentes– en proceso de envejecimiento; por otro, se consolidan zonas de precarización, especialmente juveniles, en expansión; y, así mismo, constatamos la existencia de una serie de sectores estratégicos, con empleados y empleadas no tan jóvenes, y con desigualdades internas fuertes. Por último, señalar que algunos empleados – y, sobre todo, empleadas– permanecen tras el periodo juvenil atrapadas en bajos salarios e inestabilidad contractual. Es la precariedad-horizonte a lo largo de su (ausencia de) carrera. / Rhône-Alpeetako ekonomiak eraikuntzan eta zenbait zerbitzu jardueratan espezializatzeko joera hartu du azken hamarkadetan – aholkularitza eta laguntza zerbitzuak, osasun eta gizarte ekintza, merkataritza, ostatuak eta jatetxeak, eta zerbitzu osagarriak dira nagusiak. Era berean, enpleguaren prekarizazioak – soldata baxuen eta lanpostu ezegonkorren luzaroko egoeren konbinazioa – gazte langileei eragiten die bereziki, bai Frantzian, eta bai Rhône-Alpeetan ere. Enpleguaren prekarizazioa behin-behineko trantsizio egoera izan beharrean, langileriaren adar anitzen bizi baldintzetan hedatzen da. Déclarations Annuelles de Données Sociales (DADS) datu basearen bidez, adin eta sexu taldeen arteko berrosaketa aztertu dugu, eskualdeko joera orokorrak eta soldatapeko hainbat sektoreren lan harreman segmentatuen berezitasunak nabarmentzeko. Hiru elementu hauek dira – adina, sexua eta sektore ekonomikoa– gazte enpleguaren prekarizazioa eta handitzen doan adin eta sexuaren araberako lan harremanen segmentazioari buruzko tesi honen egiturazko osagaiak , soldatapeko zerbitzu ekonomien berrosaketa integralaren ardatz direnak, sektoreen berrikuntza eta belaunaldien arteko ordezkapenaren bidez gauzatzen dena.Soldatapeko langileentzako errenta igoera nabarmenik egon ez den epean, gazteen enpleguak prekarizatu dira, soldata baxuko lanpostu ezegonkorren ugaltzearen bidez eta sektore barruko ibilbidea egiteko aukerak murriztuta. Gazteen enpleguaren prekarizazioa sektore berrosaketaren abiapuntua zein motorra da. Gazteen kontzentrazioak jarduera nagusi berrietan sexuaren araberako segmentatutako enplegu aukerak birsortzen ditu. Era berean, enpleguaren sektore eta belaunaldien arteko berrosaketak adinaren araberako segmentazioa indartzen du : baldintza hobeak dituzten sektore tradizionalen zaharkitzea, prekarizazio guneen hedapena – bereziki gazteentzat–, eta, azkenik, ez hain gazteek osatutako sektore estrategikoak, non barne desorekak diren nagusi. Bukatzeko, zenbait langile, batez ere emakumeak, gazte garaiaren ondoren soldata baxuko enplegu ezegonkorretan gatibu geratzen direla egiaztatu da, eta prekarizazio-etorkizuna duen karrera (eza) sortzen du.

A sociological investigation of gender and non-gender specific career choices by young adults in Saint John, Canada

Hanlon, Brooke Catherine June 05 1900 (has links)
This study examined the gender socialisation process among ten recent high school graduates and the reasoning behind their chosen career paths. Three institutions: the family, school, and media, were examined to explore how these institutions could possibly have affected the participants’ career choices. This was accomplished through qualitative research by conducting in-depth interviews among five nursing students (three females and two males) and five engineering students (three females and two males) who were 18 or 19 years of age. The interviews revealed that the participants were aware of current gender stereotypes and had experienced gender socialisation through bedroom décor and/or parental roles. The interviews further revealed ‘influencers’ (such as one’s peer group or a close relative) as a significant factor leading males into nursing and females into engineering. Participants within each program revealed differences in personal definitions of success and thoughts on work-family balance. / Sociology / M.A. (Sociology)

A total rewards framework for the attraction and retention of the youth

Mohamed-Padayachee, Keshia 11 1900 (has links)
Orientation: The face of the workforce as we know it, is changing dramatically through globalisation and the retirement of the older generation, and organisations are confronted with the need to change. Company strategies for attraction and retention require adaption, as the ‘one-size-fits-all’ model no longer appears to be appropriate for today’s multigenerational workforce. As employers aim to attract and retain high-value youth employees, it is more important than ever to understand the total rewards expectations that will attract and retain them. Research purpose: To determine what changes and priorities organisations need to consider for their total rewards models to attract and retain qualified youths entering the workforce. Motivation for the study: The need to understand what intrinsic and extrinsic rewards are aligned with the aspirations and values of skilled youths, in an ongoing attempt to attract and retain them. Research methodology: The researcher utilised a sequential mixed-method research approach to evaluate the effectiveness of the reward categories of the WorldatWork (2015) Total Rewards Model and other reward elements identified during the literature review. Data were collected in two phases, using quantitative and qualitative methods. Phase I: The quantitative method entailed a research questionnaire, distributed to defined professional databases, tertiary institutions, private and public listed companies, as well as parastatals. The researcher distributed 450 questionnaires, of which 276 usable questionnaire responses were received — a response rate of 61.3%. Phase II: The qualitative method utilised interviews exploring the results obtained from Phase I; 11 interviews were conducted with qualified youths and human resource (HR) practitioners (HR generalists and recruitment-, remuneration-, and organisation development specialists). Their responses were captured and analysed. ABSTRACT DBL Thesis_Keshia Mohamed-Padayachee Student Number 71364684 Page 4 of 351 In both Phase I and Phase II, data were gathered while ensuring a high ethical standard and adhering to the defined research approaches. The data were analysed using appropriate statistical techniques to determine the relationship between the variables, ensuring reliability, consistency, and generalisability in Phase I, and transferability, credibility, dependability, and confirmability in Phase II, where a combination of deductive (for quantitative research) and inductive (for qualitative research) methods was applied. Main findings/results: It was evident from the results that a different approach was required for attraction and retention of the youth, and that the ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach of the past will not be effective in the future. Through the research processes, the researcher found that the reward categories of the WorldatWork (2015) model are currently effective in attracting and retaining young talent, but that more will be required in the future. A new total rewards framework was constructed, reflecting the youth’s priorities, to aid attraction and retention of this generation. Main outcomes: Attraction: Seven reward categories were found to affect the youth’s attraction to organisations. These, in order of importance, are: (1) leadership and environment — supportive management and work environment, (2) benefits — retirement fund, medical aid, and leave, (3) performance incentives — long- and short-term incentives and share options; (4) individual development, (5) a safe/secure working environment — coaching/mentoring, working in different organisations to maximise career growth, CSR, and long-term job security; (6) work‒life and resources — extended employee benefits and tools to execute one’s work; (7) performance recognition — informal recognition and non-financial rewards; and formal recognition — formal recognition and lump-sum and annual bonus payments. Retention: Seven reward categories were found to affect youths’ retention in organisations. These, in order of importance, are: (1) leadership and environment — supportive management and environment; (2) flexible and variable payment options — flexible payment options and Salary/Pay; (3) benefits — retirement fund, medical aid, and leave; (4) value-added benefits and services and individual development — employee wellness, CSR, employee discounts, formal coaching or mentoring, and extended time off; (5) recognition — informal and formal recognition ABSTRACT DBL Thesis_Keshia Mohamed-Padayachee Student Number 71364684 Page 5 of 351 and non-financial rewards; (6) career development — Career/Growth opportunities and learning and development; and (7) incentives — long- and short-term incentives and share options. Research limitations: This research was limited to skilled youths. Research implications, originality, and value: No empirical study exists that authenticates the WorldatWork (2015) Total Rewards Model and Generation Y theory. As employers strive to attract and retain high-value young employees, it is more important than ever to understand the expectations of these employees. This study contributes to the body of knowledge by identifying the reward preferences of the youth by offering a relevant rewards framework for attraction and retention of the youth. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / D.B.L.

Labour Intensive Public Work (LIPW) Programme as an empowerment tool for youth development : the Ghanaian experience

Eshun, Samuel Nuamah 02 1900 (has links)
The Labour Intensive Public Work (LIPW) programme under the Ghana Social Opportunity Project (GSOP), is a social protection programme initiated by the Government of Ghana, to offer jobs and income earning opportunities to some targeted rural residents, especially the youth, through the application of labour intensive technology in the construction of community infrastructure that has the potential of generating secondary employment. This is a mixed method study sought to provide an account on the Ghanian version of LIPW programmes. The study assessed and identified the challenges facing the programme implementation from beneficiary and implementers’ perspective in order to set the platform for an interactive feedback between project implementers and community members for the smooth implementation of future LIPW programmes. The study also assessed the impact of the programme on poverty and migration among the youth in Ghana. In identifying the challenges facing the programme from implementers’ perspective, 15 key project implementers were interviewed. An interview guide and a questionnaire were also developed to collect data from 500 beneficiaries of the programme to know their challenges. In assessing the impact of the programme on migration among the youth, questionnaires were administered to 239 households in beneficiary communities and 189 households from non-beneficiary communities of the LIPW programme. Finally, data was collected from 90 youth who benefited from the programme and 90 youth who did not benefit from the programme to compare and determine the extent to which the programme has contributed in reducing poverty among the youth. The study revealed that the key challenge facing the programme implementation from the implementers’ perspective is capacity problem involving, inadequacy of staff to implement the programme at the district level, frequent breakdown of vehicles for monitoring, and delays in the release of funds for commencement of project. Beneficiaries of the programme also indicated that they were not satisfied with the amount of money they were receiving as wage for their labour. They were also unhappy with the delays in payment of their wages and the period of engagement in the programme. The study found out that the LIPW programme under the GSOP has not contributed in reducing migration among the youth. However, the programme has contributed to reducing poverty among the youth. The study therefore recommends that capacity gap analysis conducted before project initiation should include adequacy of staff and logistics to cater for any deficiency. It is strongly recommended that beneficiaries of the programme should be consulted in setting the wage rate to avoid resentment provoking misunderstanding between beneficiaries and project implementers. The study further recommended that the government should scale up the programme to cover more communities in order to reduce poverty among the youth in Ghana. Finally, the study proposed a new model for LIPW for the youth known as ‘LIPW +3Cs’. This model incorporates three Cs, that is ‘C’ompetence’, ‘C’onnections’ and ‘C’haracter’ into LIPW programmes. ‘LIPW +3Cs’ will not only train youth to secure jobs after the programme (Competence) but will assist them to establish a network among themselves and other supporting institutions (Connections). Issues of character which encompases a sense of right and wrong will also be inculcated in the youth to assist them to function effectively in the society (Character). / Adult Basic Education (ABET) / D. Phil. (Adult Education and Youth Development)

Feministische Mädchenarbeit

Fröhlich, Fabienne 17 January 2018 (has links)
Feministische Mädchenarbeit fungiert als selbstkritisches, pädagogisch-politisches Angebot, das der Jugendarbeit zugeordnet wird und aus historischer Perspektive einen starken Bezug zur Frauenbewegung aufweist. Ursprünglich als geschlechtshomogener Schutzraum gedacht, hat sich feministische Mädchenarbeit seit ihrer Entstehung Ende der 1970er Jahr durch die Rezeption (queer-)feministischer und rassismuskritischer Theorien bzw. Konzepte weiterentwickelt: entstanden sind Trans*-Räume und Empowermenträume sowie das Konzept der heteronormativitätskritischen Mädchen_arbeit.

The perceived impact of unemployment on psychological well-being among unemployed young people in Worcester

Willemse, Rachel Philliphina 03 1900 (has links)
Unemployment among young, less-educated coloured individuals is a major problem in the community of Worcester in the Western Cape. The purpose of the research study is to gain in-depth insight into the impact of unemployment on psychological well-being among young coloured people in Worcester. The study is based on a qualitative approach by conducting semi-structured interviews with twelve unemployed, coloured persons in Worcester. The ages of the participants ranged from 18 to 30 years, with the median age of 20.33 years. Purposive sampling and snowball techniques were used to select these unemployed young persons. Two instruments, a demographic questionnaire and a semi-structured interview guide, were used to gather data on the research participants. The transcribed data were analysed by means of content thematic analysis and aided by thematic network analyses. The findings of the study suggest that unemployed participants experience negative feelings daily as a result of their unemployment. Some participants blamed themselves for previous mistakes that they had made, they feel a sense of failure to provide for their children's needs as parents, they expressed feelings of guilt or shame, and compared themselves with employed peers, which is indicative of low self-esteem. Furthermore, unemployment has a financial impact on participants which includes financial dependency on others, unemployment serving as a barrier to being able to fulfil future plans and aspirations as well as unemployment having an effect on the social life of participants in that participants appear to withdraw from social interaction and isolate themselves. For some participants there was a loss of a sense of purpose experiencing difficulties in structuring their time and generally spent their time with passive and purposeless activities. Despite being unemployed, certain other participants seek a sense of purpose and try to spend their time engaging in menial tasks or social activities. Participants expressed an overall positive attitude towards employment which includes regarding work as being very important as well as remaining optimistic about their chances of finding a job. Coping with unemployment daily emerged as one of the struggles experienced by the participants in the study. The process of coping with unemployment daily includes utilising a variety of coping strategies to manage their unemployment as well as to manage negative feelings that emerge from being unemployed. The coping strategies indicated by the participants include listening to music, sleeping, reading the Bible, and talking to their friends or family members. Participants also revealed that they needed and received two types of social support from family and friends to help them cope with their unemployment predicament; including a need for emotional support and a need for instrumental support. Participants in the study experienced judgment by community and family members daily because of their unemployed status which includes stigmatising comments. These comments are internalised by participants which may exert a negative impact on their psychological well-being. Limitations of the study includes, participants could have answered the questions of the semi-structured guide in a socially desirable manner as well as the audio-recorded interviews were transcribed into Afrikaans and translated into English and as such, some of the meaning of what the participants had said could have been lost in the translation process. Recommendations for further research includes exploring whether perceived support have a greater beneficial effect on the psychological well-being of unemployed individuals than received support, as well as the role such types of support play in coping with unemployment. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

The perceived impact of unemployment on psychological well-being among unemployed young people in Worcester

Willemse, Rachel Philliphina 03 1900 (has links)
Unemployment among young, less-educated coloured individuals is a major problem in the community of Worcester in the Western Cape. The purpose of the research study is to gain in-depth insight into the impact of unemployment on psychological well-being among young coloured people in Worcester. The study is based on a qualitative approach by conducting semi-structured interviews with twelve unemployed, coloured persons in Worcester. The ages of the participants ranged from 18 to 30 years, with the median age of 20.33 years. Purposive sampling and snowball techniques were used to select these unemployed young persons. Two instruments, a demographic questionnaire and a semi-structured interview guide, were used to gather data on the research participants. The transcribed data were analysed by means of content thematic analysis and aided by thematic network analyses. The findings of the study suggest that unemployed participants experience negative feelings daily as a result of their unemployment. Some participants blamed themselves for previous mistakes that they had made, they feel a sense of failure to provide for their children's needs as parents, they expressed feelings of guilt or shame, and compared themselves with employed peers, which is indicative of low self-esteem. Furthermore, unemployment has a financial impact on participants which includes financial dependency on others, unemployment serving as a barrier to being able to fulfil future plans and aspirations as well as unemployment having an effect on the social life of participants in that participants appear to withdraw from social interaction and isolate themselves. For some participants there was a loss of a sense of purpose experiencing difficulties in structuring their time and generally spent their time with passive and purposeless activities. Despite being unemployed, certain other participants seek a sense of purpose and try to spend their time engaging in menial tasks or social activities. Participants expressed an overall positive attitude towards employment which includes regarding work as being very important as well as remaining optimistic about their chances of finding a job. Coping with unemployment daily emerged as one of the struggles experienced by the participants in the study. The process of coping with unemployment daily includes utilising a variety of coping strategies to manage their unemployment as well as to manage negative feelings that emerge from being unemployed. The coping strategies indicated by the participants include listening to music, sleeping, reading the Bible, and talking to their friends or family members. Participants also revealed that they needed and received two types of social support from family and friends to help them cope with their unemployment predicament; including a need for emotional support and a need for instrumental support. Participants in the study experienced judgment by community and family members daily because of their unemployed status which includes stigmatising comments. These comments are internalised by participants which may exert a negative impact on their psychological well-being. Limitations of the study includes, participants could have answered the questions of the semi-structured guide in a socially desirable manner as well as the audio-recorded interviews were transcribed into Afrikaans and translated into English and as such, some of the meaning of what the participants had said could have been lost in the translation process. Recommendations for further research includes exploring whether perceived support have a greater beneficial effect on the psychological well-being of unemployed individuals than received support, as well as the role such types of support play in coping with unemployment. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

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