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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Developing guidelines for a knowledge management policy to enhance knowledge retention at the University of Zambia

Wamundila, Sitali 30 November 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate how knowledge retention may be enhanced at the University of Zambia (UNZA). A mixed research methodology was employed in the case study design. Data was collected using interviews and questionnaires. Purposive sampling was used to determine participants for the interviews while stratified random sampling was employed for the questionnaire respondents. Out of a population of 435 a sample of 205 was surveyed. The response rate was 60 %. Findings indicate that UNZA lacked a number of knowledge retention practices that can enable it to retain operational relevant knowledge. In view of these findings, the study concluded by recommending guidelines for the adoption of various knowledge retention practices that could be embedded into UNZA's knowledge management policy. / Information Science / M.A. (Information Science)

Policy development and implementation in the post-liberalization era in Zambia (1990s and beyond): towards a participatory planning and economic management model

Mulungushi, James Shamilimo 03 1900 (has links)
This thesis investigates policy formulation and implementation processes in Zambia. A number of issues emerge with respect to the weaknesses of the system and how policy decisions worsened Zambia's economic performance instead of improving it. The Kaunda era policies of nationalization had an adverse impact on productivity of industries as well as affecting the resource flow from donors and business houses. On the other hand President Chiluba's reforms in the 1990s have had both positive and negative impacts on the people of Zambia. The rapid privatization and liberalization affected employment levels thereby worsening the poverty levels. Further, the liberalization brought in stiff competition from other countries forcing most manufacturing companies to close down. The policy environment based on the Bretton Woods Institutions seems not to be working as result of not taking into account the local Zambian situation. On the other hand, there were positive macroeconomic developments such as growth in GDP, lowering of inflation and stabilizing of exchange rates as from 1996. This has however not improved the living standards of the people. In Zambia, the shifts back and forth between strong and weak planning institutions have negatively affected policy development and implementation. There has been uncoordinated policy development; as a result, some policies in the major sectors are contradictory while in other cases policies are not linked to the resource envelope, making them un-implementable. Secondly, the institutional framework for policy development is not effective. There is generally lack of coordination among ministries, provinces and other stakeholders in planning, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of development programmes. This thesis urges that the improving planning capacities at the national, provincial and district levels should improve the processes of policy development and implementation in Zambia, which will in turn help to reduce poverty. Further, the districts should be the centre for the bottom-up process. In order to carryout this responsibility, efforts should be made to improve their capacities. As for the top-down process, the Sector Advisory Groups should continue to participate in the planning, monitoring and evaluation so as to contribute to policy formulation and implementation. These should be coordinated by the National Development Coordinating Committee (NDCC) through a Planning Bureau. / Development Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Development Studies)

Sexual behaviour and HIV/AIDS knowledge among women in Zambia

Ngoma, Catherine Mubita Anayawa 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to determine the factors that predict women’s risky sexual behaviour and HIV and AIDS knowledge. A quasi-experimental, pre-test-post-test research design, with a non-equivalent comparison group was conducted to determine if there was an association between young women’s sexual behaviour and HIV/AIDS knowledge on aspects of HIV/AIDS transmission and prevention and behaviour change. The study used both quantitative and qualitative approach. Data collection was done using semi-structured interview schedule and focus group discussion guide. The respondents who participated in the study were women between the ages of 15-25 years. Two groups of respondents participated in the study. Women in the quasi-experimental site (N=200) who received the intervention and women in the control site (N=200) who did not receive any intervention. Quantitative data were analysed with the help of a statistician and the Epi Info statistical package was used. Qualitative data obtained from the focus group discussion were analysed using Tesch’s method of analysis. The major inferences drawn from this study are that young women lack knowledge relating to HIV/AIDS and that some young women were engaged in risky sexual behaviours such as having multiple sexual partners and having unprotected sex. The study indicates that peer education strategy has the potential to make an impact on these young women. It has also shown that peer education can play an important role in increasing knowledge and reducing risky sexual behaviour. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

An assessment of strategy implementation for improving learner performance in secondary schools of two districts in Zambia

Kandeke, Grace 07 1900 (has links)
The phenomenon of strategy implementation is crucial to the improvement of learner performance, and to the effectiveness of schools. Literature reveals that research on strategy implementation has received much attention in business studies. However, little attention has been given to it in schools. It is this gap which this study endeavours to fill. The key research questions for this study aimed at garnering evidence on factors that influence strategic plan implementation. In the empirical study, two secondary schools and three education offices were purposively selected. A mixed methods research design was adopted, and in this regard, data was collected using interviews, focus group discussions, document analysis, participant observation and questionnaires. Data was analysed by means of organising, coding and categorising. The main findings of the study are that the factors that affect School Strategic Plans (SSPs) implementation are largely related to education management at all levels. There is also anecdotal evidence that teacher, learner and external stakeholder factors affect the implementation of SSPs. In all these factors, monitoring was the major factor. One recommendation proposes that the education managers at provincial and district levels and implementers at school levels should all be empowered with skills and knowledge on effective strategy implementation. / Educational Management and Leadership / M. Ed (Education Management)

Public-private partnerships in the transport sector : a case study of the railway systems of Zambia Limited

Sakala, Henry 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF (Development Finance))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Historically, passenger railway service has played a vital role in the socio-economic activities in Zambia. Its capacity to transport a great mass of people at a low cost has had a profound appeal, especially amongst the low-income segment of society, in this country. This research report sought to examine the concessioning process for Railway Systems of Zambia Limited in relation to international best practice, to examine the extent of passenger train delays in relation to acceptable international standards and to recommend policy and remedial measures. A review of relevant literature on public-private partnerships in infrastructure projects including passenger railway concessioning and passenger train punctuality, in relation to international standards was undertaken. The research covered the period 2002 to 2007, with an average sample size of 11% (144 passenger train trips out of 1 344). Data from timetables and train logbooks, relating to arriving and departing trains, enabled the computation of the extent of delays or punctuality of trains. While international best practice requires passenger trains to operate at between 90% and 95% punctuality rate within 10 to 15 minutes of the timetable, Railway Systems of Zambia’s passenger trains, for the period 2004 to 2007, recorded between 92% and 100% delay rates for trains expected to arrive within 10 and 15 minutes of the timetable. The maximum delay for the arrival of a train in 2005 was 1 422 minutes (23 hours 42 minutes). Therefore, this research report recommends the formulation of a policy framework, a legal and regulatory framework and the establishment of an institutional arrangement that will be responsible for public-private partnerships projects in Zambia. In addition, increased investment in the railway infrastructure by the concessionaire is recommended in order for trains to increase speed and therefore improve their punctuality. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Histories het spoorweg passasiersdienste nog altyd ‘n deurslaggewende rol in die sosio-ekonomiese aktiwiteite van Zambië gespeel. Die kapasiteit om groot massas mense teen ‘n lae koste te vervoer, was baie aanloklik in hierdie land, veral vir die lae-inkomstegroep van die gemeenskap. Hierdie navorsingsverslag poog om die konsessioneringsproses van die Spoorwegsisteem van Zambië Beperk, in verhouding tot internasionale toppraktyke, te ondersoek; om die omvang van passasierstreinvertragings in verhouding tot internasionaal aanvaarbare standaarde te ondersoek en ook om beleid en herstellende veranderings aan die hand te doen. ‘n Verslag van toepaslike letterkunde oor publiek-private vennootskappe in infrastruktuurprojekte, wat spoorweg passassiers konsessionering en stiptelikheid van passasierstreine vergelyk met internasionale standaarde, is onderneem. Die navorsing dek die periode van 2002 tot 2007, met ‘n gemiddelde steekproef grootte van 11% (144 passasiers treinritte uit ‘n total van 1 344). Data van treinroosters en treinjoernale, wat verband hou met die aankoms en vertrek van treine, het die berekening van die omvang van vertragings of stiptelikheid van die treine moontlik gemaak. Terwyl internasionale toppraktyke vereis dat passasierstreine binne ‘n 90% en 95% stiptelikheidskoers van 10 tot 15 minute, volgens die reisrooster, moet funksioneer, het die passasierstreine van Zambië vir die periode van 2004 tot 2007, ‘n vertragingskoers van tussen 92% en 100% vir treine wat binne 10 tot 15 minute van die reisrooster se tye moes aankom, aangeteken. Die maksimum vertraging op die aankomstyd van ‘n trein was in 2005 teen 1 422 minutes (23 hours 42 minutes). Derhalwe beveel hierdie navorsingsverslag aan dat ‘n beleidsraamwerk en ‘n wets- en reguleringsraamwerk geformuleer moet word, asook die instelling van ‘n genootskapsooreenkoms, wat verantwoordelik sal wees vir die publiek-private vennootskapprojekte in Zambië. Ter aanvulling word ‘n verhoogde belegging, deur die konsessionaris, in die spoorweg infrastruktuur aanbeveel sodat treine vinniger kan ry en dus meer stiptelik sal wees.

The development of a training model for peer learning facilitators in adolescent reproductive health in Zambia

Munalula-Nkandu, Esther 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Zambia is reported to have high levels of maternal morbidity and mortality due to low contraceptive prevalence rates, over 50% of births not being attended to by skilled persons, and teenage pregnancies. A number of organisations (stakeholders) have invested in the training of adolescent reproductive health peer educators with the aim of empowering them to be role models to their peers in reproductive health, but Zambia does not have a generic and locally developed training programme for peer educators. The purpose of this study was to develop a training programme that would produce competent and more effective peer educators for Zambia. The objectives were to determine the characteristics of the ideal peer educator. Further objectives were to ascertain the factors that contribute to or impair the development of the ideal peer educator, and to determine whether training programmes that were being used were producing ideal peer educators and enhancing healthy lifestyle behaviours. Key stakeholders participated in group interviews were they presented and critiqued their training programmes. Emerging out of this process was a draft training programme, developed by the stakeholders. Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) were held with adolescent peer educators from Lusaka, Kafue, Livingstone and Maheba refugee camp. Data were analysed by triangulating the outcomes of the group interviews (with the stakeholders) with the outcomes of the FGDs and reviewed literature. The FGDs highlighted the characteristics of an ideal peer educator as well as factors that contribute towards his/her competence development. Numerous factors were reported that had a negative impact on the development of an ideal peer educator. The peer educators reported that their training had had a positive effect on their lifestyle behaviours. While they had gained more knowledge on HIV and AIDS, they recommended more training on other health issues. The study found that at community level, peer educators were not being given adequate respect because the concept of voluntary work was not readily accepted and they were regarded as failures in life. Major demotivating factors were the lack of payment of incentives and the fact that peer educators were not certified. Peer educators did not receive sufficient support from programme managers/coordinators to enable them to become more effective at community level. Weaknesses in the way the training programmes were conducted were also discerned. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that more life skills’ development be promoted for peer educators. Training should be contextualised for the communities in which the peer educators work. The developed training programme, which should be used as a guide, should be repackaged to suit the profiles (e.g. values) of the different communities. Adolescents and various social sectors (inclusive of indicated stakeholders) ought to be involved in diagnosing community needs so as to influence both peers and communities in a way that would promote adolescent reproductive health. This study also recommends a more informal way of practising peer education, which would produce trainees who would be peer educators and role models in any given setting. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Na berig word is die hoë siekte- en sterftesyfers onder moeders in Zambië daaraan te wyte dat voorbehoedmiddels nie algemeen gebruik word nie, dat meer as 50% van geboortes plaasvind sonder die bystand van bekwame persone, en dat daar ‘n hoë voorkoms van tienerswangerskappe is. ‘n Aantal organisasies (belanghebbers) het in die opleiding van adolessent- portuurgroep-opvoeders in reproduktiewe gesondheid belê ten einde hierdie portuurgroep-opvoeders te bemagtig om as rolmodelle in reproduktiewe gesondheid op te tree. Zambië het egter nie ‘n eie generiese, plaaslik-ontwikkelde opleidingsprogram vir portuurgroep-opvoeders nie. Die doel van hierdie studie was om ‘n opleidingsmodel en opleidingsprogram te ontwikkel wat bekwame en meer effektiewe portuurgroep-opvoeders vir Zambië sou kon oplewer. Die doelstellings was om die kenmerke van ‘n ideale portuurgroep-opvoeder te bepaal en om die faktore te identifiseer wat óf tot die ontwikkeling van ‘n ideale portuurgroep-opvoeder bydra óf sy/haar ontwikkeling strem. Daar moes ook vasgestel word of bestaande opleidingsprogramme ideale portuurgroep-opvoeders oplewer en gevolglik gesonde leefstylgedrag bevorder. Die navorser het groeponderhoude gebruik en betekenisvolle belanghebbers genooi om hulle opleidingsprogramme aan te bied, te beoordeel en krities te bespreek. ‘n Konsepopleidingsprogram wat deur die belanghebbers ontwikkel is, het uit hierdie proses ontstaan. Fokusgroepbesprekings (Engels: Focus Group Discussions of FGDs) is met adolessente portuurgroep-opvoeders van Lusaka, Kafue, Livingstone en die Maheba-vlugtelingekamp gehou. Data is ontleed deur die uitkomste van die groeponderhoude (met die deelhebbers) met die uitkomste van die fokusgroepbesprekings en die bespreekte literatuur te trianguleer. Die fokusgroepbesprekings het die soeklig op die kenmerke van die ideale portuurgroepopvoeder asook op die faktore wat tot sy/haar bekwaamheidsontwikkeling bydra, laat val. Talle faktore wat ‘n negatiewe uitwerking op die ontwikkeling van ‘n ideale portuurgroep-opvoeder het, is ook vasgestel. Die portuurgroep-opvoeders het bevestig dat hul opleiding ‘n positiewe invloed op hul lewenstylgedrag gehad het. Terwyl hulle genoem het dat hulle meer kennis oor MIV en VIGS opgedoen het, het hulle aanbeveel dat daar ook meer klem op ander gesondheidskwessies behoort te wees. In hierdie studie is daar bevind dat portuurgroepopvoeders op gemeenskapsvlak nie met voldoende respek behandel word nie. Die begrip van vrywillige werk word nie geredelik aanvaar nie, en die opvoeders word as mislukkings beskou. Faktore wat besonder ontmoedigend inwerk is die gebrek aan ‘n aansporingsloon en die feit dat portuurgroep-opvoeders nie sertifikate ontvang nie. Portuurgroep-opvoeders het ook nie voldoende ondersteuning van programbestuurders/- koördineerders ontvang om hulle in staat te stel om meer effektief op gemeenskapsvlak op te tree nie. Daar is voorts swakhede opgemerk in die wyse waarop die opleidingsprogramme uitgevoer is. Gegrond op die bevindinge van hierdie studie, word daar aanbeveel dat die ontwikkeling van lewensvaardighede tot ‘n groter mate bevorder word. Opleiding behoort gekontekstualiseer te word vir die gemeenskappe waarbinne die opvoeders werk. Die bestaande opleidingsprogram, wat as ‘n riglyn gebruik behoort te word, behoort herstruktureer te word om by die profiele (bv. die waardes) van die verskillende gemeenskappe in te pas. Adolessente en verskillende sosiale sektore (insluitend die aangeduide belanghebbers) behoort betrokke te wees by die bepaling van die gemeenskap se behoeftes ten einde beide portuurgroepe en gemeenskappe so te beïnvloed dat adolessente- reproduktiewe gesondheid bevoordeel sal word. Hierdie studie beveel ook aan dat portuurgroep-opvoeding op ‘n informeler grondslag beoefen behoort te word sodat die kwekelinge uiteindelik in enige gegewe omgewing suksesvolle portuurgroepopvoeders en rolmodelle sal kan wees.

Physical disabilities among adults with HIV/AIDS being managed by the Makeni home-based carers in Lusaka, Zambia.

Mumba, Mumba January 2004 (has links)
HIV and AIDS are now being considered as a chronic disease. As people live longer the possibility of physical disability increases. This study aimed to investigate the nature of physical disability among HIV/AIDS adults cared for by the Makeni home-based carers in Lusaka, Zambia. Disability was measured based on the World Health Organisation International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. This study demonstrated that mostly mild impairments and mild to moderate activity limitations and participation restrictions exists among patients in the Makeni home-based care programme. This study concluded that physiotherapists and other health professionals will have to be more involved in the community home-based programs that are suited for people living with HIV/AIDS so that they are also provided with clinical assessments and rehabilitation services.

Provoking the Rocks: A Study of Reality and Meaning on the Zambian Copperbelt.

Parsons, Elizabeth C January 2007 (has links)
Even though the West, or Global North, initiates extensive development policymaking and project activity on the African continent, this study argues that one source of major frustration between different parties entrusted to do the work arises from cognitive differences in their worldviews. These differences affect people's actions and have theological ramifications involving how we all understand meaning and reality. The study employs a case method analyzed through the lens of Alfred Schutz's sociology of knowledge theories and augmented by insights from African scholars to look at basic perceptual differences between Zambians and expatriates working on the Copperbelt Province's mines. After exploring how participants in the study interpreted various experiences, this study concludes that Zambians and expatriates were essentially living in "parallel universes" of meaning regardless of their apparently shared activities and objectives. The study further argues that viewpoints expressed by Zambian participants can be extrapolated into powerful lessons for members of civil society who are concerned about international development and the environment. Such teaching elements could especially help reshape how Americans and other Westerners understand ourselves in relation to physical creation and the cosmos as well as to those from radically different cultures. Lessons learned from the Zambian perspective could also help reinvigorate Western theological thinking, providing much needed critiques of discourses that currently dominate international development policymaking and planning and that determine value principally according to economic strategies and fulfillment of efficient, measurable objectives. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2007.

Poverty, environment and church : a Christian contribution to the earth crisis as a key to poverty eradication : a Zambian perspective.

Murekezi, Francois Ferdinand. January 2004 (has links)
The environmental crisis and the poverty crisis, are among the major challenges the Church in Zambia is facing. In this work I argue that poverty and the ecological crises are interrelated. However, a major problem has been that many programmes carried on by the Churches or church-based organizations seem to focus on poverty alleviation not recognizing the linkage between poverty and the ecological crisis. For this reason, this study represents the situation of poverty in Zambia and indicates its links to the environmental crisis. The aim of this dissertation is to remind the Free Methodist Church in Zambia and the Church in Zambia in general, that as Christians we are mandated to respond to these social issues of poverty and ecological degradation. We have the theoretical and theological contributions necessary to address the above two challenges, if we are keen to transform and build up the community we are ministering to. What is needed is to put into practice our beliefs. I argue that unless adequate environmental awareness is carried out, and that Christians understand the relationship between poverty and the ecological crisis we will not manage to break the cycle of poverty in the community. The Church efforts to carry out environmental awareness based on biblical and theological foundation teachings are a unique contribution that Christians can offer to respond to the earth crisis as well as to contribute to poverty eradication. / Thesis (M.Th.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2004.

Physical disabilities among adults with HIV/AIDS being managed by the Makeni home-based carers in Lusaka, Zambia.

Mumba, Mumba January 2004 (has links)
HIV and AIDS are now being considered as a chronic disease. As people live longer the possibility of physical disability increases. This study aimed to investigate the nature of physical disability among HIV/AIDS adults cared for by the Makeni home-based carers in Lusaka, Zambia. Disability was measured based on the World Health Organisation International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. This study demonstrated that mostly mild impairments and mild to moderate activity limitations and participation restrictions exists among patients in the Makeni home-based care programme. This study concluded that physiotherapists and other health professionals will have to be more involved in the community home-based programs that are suited for people living with HIV/AIDS so that they are also provided with clinical assessments and rehabilitation services.

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