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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chinese FDI and Zambian Development: A Critical Evaluation of the its Relevance through key Socio-Economic and Political Indicators

Dunkin, Cameron 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since 2000, Chinese FDI in Zambia has steadily increased. Focused predominantly on resource extraction, China is now the third largest investor in Zambia, after only the United States and South Africa. As the title suggests, this FDI is recognized as relevant to Zambia’s developmental discourse. However, with general development indicators, there is challenge in establishing immediate causality between (Chinese) FDI and development. To address this, this study employs Capability Approach development theory, which utilizes a framework to evaluate social and political realities. Utilizing this framework, key indicators are used to look more deeply into the discussion around China’s FDI for Zambia’s development. There has been a great deal of speculation as to potential costs and/or benefits Chinese FDI may offer Zambia. As China offers Zambia a partnership of non-domestic interference, unique from Zambia’s traditional western syndicates, debate is raised as to what influence it will have on Zambia’s developmental progress. With challenges including limited information, numerous potential indicators to utilize, and a large number of contributing voices, the debate thus far lacks a means for evaluating the substance of claims made within the context of national trends. This study reviews and evaluates the debate within the framework of seven key socioeconomic and political indicators. While within economic growth and infrastructure expansion Chinese FDI are shown to indicate a conduciveness to development, FDI is not shown to be conducive for market diversification, challenging corruption, or strengthening institutions. The study therefore shows that trends of Chinese FDI’s relevance to Zambian employment and state dependency to be mixed and that assessments will need to disentangle various Chinese activities and will also need to consider contradictory effects. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert die jaar 2000 het Chinese direkte buitelandse belegging (DBB) in Zambië stelselmatig begin toeneem. Die groei is hoofsaaklik gekonsentreer in die hulpbron ontgunnings sektore. China is tans die derde grootste belegger in Zambia naas die Verenigde State van Amerika en Suid Afrika. Soos die titel van die tesis aandui, word DBB beskou as relevant tot Zambië se ontwikkelings dialoog. Aangesien die oorsaaklikheid tussen DBB en ontwikkeling nie maklik vasgestel kan word nie, word sleutel aanwysers gebruik om dieper in die gesprek rondom Chinese DBB ten opsigte van Zambiese ontwikkeling in te kyk. Tans is daar 'n groot mate van spekulasie aan potensiële risikos en/of voordele van Chinese DBB vir Zambië. China bied Zambië ‘n venootskap sonder inmenging in binnelandse beleid, anders as Westerse finansiering wat gekoppel word aan voorwaardes, en dit is wat die vraag lig; wat gaan die uiteindelikke invloed en effek wees op Zambiese ontwikkeling in die toekoms. Met uitdagings soos beperkte inligting, vele moontlikke aanwysers en ‘n groot aantal opinies, kort die debad tot dusver die vermoë om die waarde van argumente te evalueer binne die konteks van nasionale tendense. Hierdie studie evalueer die debat binne die raamwerk van sewe sleutel sosio-ekonomiese en politiese aanwysers. Chinese DBB word bevind om bevorderlik te wees ten opsigte van ontwikkeling in die infrastruktuur ontwikkeling- en ekonomiese groei sektore; dit word egter nie bevind as bevorderlik in terme van mark-diversifikasie, die teenkanting van korrupsie, of in die versterking van politieke instellings nie. Chinese DBB se invloed op indiensneming en op die afhanklikheid van die Zambiese staat toon gemengde resultate, en dat assesering verskeie Chinese aktiwiteite sal moet ontrafel en ook teenstrydigge effekte in gedagte moet hou.

The effectiveness of export processing zones : the case of Zambia

Gondwe, Kasonde Lwao 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Export processing zones (EPZs) are policy instruments that are aimed at achieving the goal of economic development through boosting the manufacturing industry in a bid to increase and promote export. This is achieved by setting up or designating various areas or warehouses as free zones in which an environment that is friendly to manufacturing for exports, is established. Incentives such as tax exemptions for the import of required raw materials are given in these zones. EPZs are also known by other names but the most commonly used are free trade zones, industrial free zones, maquiladoras, export free zones, duty-free export processing zones, free zones and privileged zones, to mention a few. Similar to many other developing countries in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), Zambia has a bias towards export orientation as a tool of economic development. This culminated in the formulation of EPZ legislation in 2001. The EPZ act was similar to EPZ legislation in various other countries and provided for the development of an industrial park in which manufacturing for export purposes would take place for both the public and the private sector. After awarding a few companies EPZ status, the government abandoned the act and embarked on more research, resulting in the development of the multi-facility economic zone (MFEZ) in 2007. Recognition of the role of non-traditional exports (NTEs) in increasing export earnings has been important in the justification for EPZ’s development in the country. There has been a drive to attract investment into this sector by means of export-promoting policies. However, and notwithstanding the fact that numerous cost benefit studies have been undertaken to determine actual benefits of zone erection, Zambia has not yet undertaken a comprehensive synopsis of the country’s specific policies which would need to be established in order for the zone to be successful.

Institutions and institutional change as explanation for differences in economic development – a study of the first three decades of the postcolonial experience of Zambia and Botswana

Du Plessis, Sophia W.F. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Economics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / Numerous theories have been constructed to provide reasons for economic growth differences between countries. As data became more readily available, cross-country empirical studies identified a set of variables that contributed to economic growth, including variables such as the investment in human and physical capital.

Combating HIV : a ministerial strategy for Zambian churches

Ndhlovu, Japhet 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh (Practical Theology and Missiology))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This work is about a missiological praxis for the creation of 'Circles of Hope' as an entry point for faith based organisations and, particularly, local churches in Zambia for an effective battle in the fight against HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). The HIV pandemic is one of the worst tragedies to have befallen humankind in the 21st century. Lost to many people is the fact that it does not affect all regions of the globe equally. Figures show that over 70% of PLWHA (people living with HIV) are in sub Saharan-Africa while most affected are young and therefore, in theory, energetic. With an overall HIV prevalence rate of 16% and a life expectancy of 34 years, HIV has severely impacted the lives of Zambians across the country. Stigma remains one of the most significant challenges in Zambia across the prevention-to-care continuum. The wider environment of these effects and statistics has provided for us the wider contextual situation. The Church in Zambia and, indeed, in the entire sub-Saharan African region cannot afford to hide its head in the sand anymore. The impact of HIV is being felt at all levels of society. This has posed a threat to economic progress and human development by attacking the most economically productive age group and reversing gains in life expectancy and child survival. The increasing burden on health budgets has stretched national and community resources to the limit, leaving no room for complacency or pretence about the magnitude of the problem. Since some members of the Church are positively infected, we can safely say of the Church: the body of Christ has HIV. HIV is a national disaster. It cannot be managed without mobilising all the sectors within a nation. The Church in Zambia needs to make HIV prevention a matter of compelling priority. The Church is an instrument for the missional praxis of the triune God. Theology in this work is not so much a scientific endeavour that begins and ends with analysing contexts and texts, rather it is an imaginative way of finding new answers to the new situation brought about by the presence of HIV (Hendriks, 2004: 30). In this work the researcher contends that measures are required to develop strong theological reflections and education which would result in the establishment of Circles of Hope in all local congregations. These Circles of Hope would act as a fountain for promoting behavioural change, support action for safer sexual behaviour, and combat stigmatisation and discrimination against people with known HIV infection. There must be appropriate theological reflections that touch on the work of the reign of God. A relevant HIV theology will necessarily involve the laity, will watch out for fundamentalist views, will be biblical in nature and will draw from Trinitarian understanding. The basis of moving from a theology of punishment to that of care, truth, freedom, justice and peace is the theology of community and companionship. This reflection is an attempt to have constructive interpretation of the present realities brought about by a time of HIV. One can only discern God‘s will for the present situation through critical and sensitive leadership in order to bring about genuine healing. The role of the local church and networking activities are essential commodities to realise a vision of a Zambia that is HIV competent. This then is the new ministerial strategy being spearheaded by the 'Circles of Hope' programme of the Council of Churches in Zambia. It is a challenge for Zambian churches. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsing handel oor ʼn missiologiese begronde praksis vir die skepping van 'Kringe van Hoop' as 'n beginpunt vir geloofsgebaseerde organisasies en spesifiek die plaaslike kerk in Zambië in hulle stryd teen MIV (Menslike Immuniteits Virus). Die MIV pandemie is een van die ergste tragedies wat die mensdom in die 21ste eeu getref het. Wat baie mense nie altyd besef nie, is dat dit nie oral in die wêreld dieselfde impak het nie. Statistiek wys daarop dat meer as 70% van alle MIV positiewe mense Suid van die Sahara woon. Die meerderheid van die geïnfekteerdes is jonk met baie potensiaal. 16% van die bevolking in Zambië is MIV positief en het 'n lewensverwagting van 34 jaar. Die uitwerking hiervan raak die land en al sy mense. Naas voorkoming en versorging bly een van die grootste uitdagings wat die gemeenskap in Zambië moet aanspreek stigmatisering. Die groter konteks Suid van die Sahara vorm die agtergrond van elke land se spesifieke probleme. Ook Zambië en met name die kerk in Zambië sal die feite in die oë moet kyk. Die pandemie is 'n bedreiging vir ekonomiese vooruitgang en menslike ontwikkeling omdat dit die ekonomies mees produktiewe ouderdomsgroep afmaai, lewensverwagting verlaag en kindersterftes laat toeneem. Die toenemende las op die gesondheidsbegroting het die nasionale en gemeenskapshulpbronne grootliks uitgeput. Die omvang van die probleem kan op geen manier meer ontken en negeer word nie. Aangesien baie lidmate MIV positief is, kan 'n mens goedskiks verklaar dat die liggaam van Christus MIV het. Dit is ʼn nasionale tragedie. Die pandemie kan nie bestry word sonder dat al die sektore van die samelewing daarteen gemobiliseer is nie. Die kerk in Zambië moet die voorkoming van MIV as 'n uiters noodsaaklike prioriteit beskou. Die Kerk is 'n instrument vir die missionêre praksis van die drie-enige God. Die navorsing beskou teologie nie as 'n wetenskaplike onderneming wat bloot handel oor 'n analise van kontekste en tekste nie. Teologie is iets waarin jy handelend en verbeeldingryk toetree tot die aanspreek van 'n veelbewoë situasie en antwoorde probeer vind op die probleme (Hendriks, 2004: 30). Die navorsing werk met die hipotese dat die probleem vanuit 'n teologiese hoek benader moet word sodat teologiese beginsels die praktykteorie van Kringe van Hoop in plaaslike gemeentes sal onderskraag. Die studie voorsien dat die Kringe van Hoop die hoof dryfveer sal wees wat gedragsverandering sal bevorder, veiliger seksuele gedrag sal aanmoedig, en die stryd teen die stigmatisering en diskriminasie sal voer. Gepaste teologiese refleksie oor die heerskappy van God is noodsaaklik. 'n Revelante HIV teologie sal gewone lidmate insluit, sal bedag wees op fundamentalistiese sieninge, sal bybels wees en sal gebaseer wees op ʼn trinitariese godsbegrip. Die teologiese basis vir die wegbeweeg van 'n teologie van straf/oordeel na een van versorging, waarheid, vryheid, geregtigheid en vrede, is geleë in gemeenskap en kameraadskap. Hierdie refleksie is 'n poging om in 'n tyd van HIV 'n konstruktiewe interpretasie te gee van die huidige realiteite. Kritiese en sensitiewe leierskap behoort in die huidige situasie te poog om God se wil te soek om die gebrokenheid van 'n MIV siek gemeenskap aan te spreek. Die rol van die plaaslike kerk en netwerkingsaktiwiteite is onontbeerlik vir die realisering van die visie van ʼn Zambië sonder MIV. Die 'Kringe van Hoop'-program van die Zambiese Raad van Kerke is 'n bedieningstrategie wat die MIV pandemie wil aanspreek en wat die kerk in Zambië uitdaag om mee te doen.

The challenge of poverty for the church in Zambia : a response to the effects of the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP)

Mambwe, Evaristo M. January 2002 (has links)
The effects of the Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAP) that have been the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) prescribed economic reforms have accentuated poverty levels in Zambia. For the majority ofthe population, the Structural Adjustment Programmes have exacerbated poverty if not directly contributing to it. This paper argues that poverty has a historical aspect dating back to the colonial strategy of establishing and perpetuating rural-urban dual structures. The Zambian government upon attainment of independence continued this dual economic structure. The dualist approach favoured urban areas at the expense of rural areas in terms of social and economic development. To date it is estimated that 80% of Zambia's population of about ten million people (2000 Census) lives under conditions of abject poverty. The Zambian economy did well in the first ten years of independence (1964 -1974), but went on a continuous decline from that period to date. Both internal and external factors have contributed to the continuous steep decline ofthe economy and subsequent increase in poverty levels. Among efforts to turn round the economy, the Zambian government in cooperation with the IMF and World Bank embarked on the Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAP). President Kenneth Kaunda hesitatingly introduced the first SAP in 1981. The economic reforms, particularly the decontrol of prices and abolition of subsidies resulted in the increase of prices of foodstuffs leading to civil disobedience, violence, riots, looting and deaths in 1986. The SAP also contributed to income disparities. In 1991 when Frederick Chiluba won the presidency, he implemented the SAP fully. The implementation ofthe SAP meant the decontrol of prices and removal ofall forms of subsidies. The immediate effect was a rapid rise in prices and poverty levels. This paper argues that in the face of this poverty the involvement of the Church has not been as comprehensive as taught by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Emphasis has r-emained on spiritual emancipation with little stress on material well-being. Equally there has not been participation in decision-making by the affected people as the government and the donor-community make most decisions without consulting the citizens. There also seems to have evolved a culture ofdependence on "handouts" or free things, and lack of good work ethics and standards. The improvement in the standards of life of the people may be realized if the Church through its prophetic ministry challenges global capitalism so that the powerful and rich western countries accept the New World Order that the Third World has been advocating for many years. The Church should also voice the fact that the Zambian politics and economic policies should not be motivated by profit making and individual gain but by a desire for hard work and fair distribution of the world and nation's wealth. It is further proposed that the best economic and development policies are those that sustain human life and bring a better life in every human community. This ideal may be fulfilled if the Church through its diaconal ministry gets involved in developmental issues. / Thesis (M.Th.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2002. / Christian Aid (UK) through the University of Natal, School of Theology,

To investigate the extent to which under-five HIV positive children access Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) : a case of Siavonga District of Southern Province of Zambia

Chinkubala, Lontia 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The impact of HIV/AIDS has affected all categories of people in society, including children under the age of five. This segment of the population depends entirely on adults and older children in order for them to survive. This research endeavoured to investigate the extent to which under-five HIV positive children access ART in Siavonga District in the Southern Province of Zambia. The necessity of such information for all cannot be over-emphasised as this category of the population under study is among the most neglected when it comes to issues of HIV/AIDS. Under-five HIV positive children need special attention in order for them to enjoy their right to survival and development. In terms of methodology, the research took an interpretive approach as it employed the qualitative methodology in its endeavours, in order to get an in-depth understanding of people’s views on the topic under research. Different interview schedules were used to collect data from community members, Community Health Workers (CHW), Home-based Care Providers (HBCP), staff of the Ministry of Health and District AIDS Task Force (DATF). The findings of this research addressed all the objectives but one. This research revealed that almost all the community members in Siavonga District had general knowledge about HIV/AIDS and the need for under-five HIV positive children accessing antiretroviral therapy. However, their attitudes and practices varied when it came to the application of this knowledge. According to respondents, the major challenges that under-five HIV positive children were facing when it came to accessing ART were as follows: food insecurity, followed by access to health facilities and social matters. Others included stigma and discrimination, long distances to health facilities, inadequate disposable income at household level and negative attitudes by some people who think that it is a waste of time and resources to give too much attention, including ART to under-five HIV positive children whom according to them will die soon. However, the majority of respondents indicated that there was need to accept these children like any other as they too had the right to live; hence, they needed care and support which included facilitating their access to ART. This research was an eye opener to all duty bearers to recognize and acknowledge the importance of under-five HIV positive children’s access to ART. This will contribute towards enhancing the will to step up efforts for this intervention. From the findings, it is evident that there is need for income generating activities to provide disposable income to people of Siavonga District so that they give appropriate support, particularly to children who are infected or affected by HIV/AIDS. Furthermore, more resources are required from NGOs, government and other stakeholders to enhance not only sensitization on the importance of the target population’s access to ART, but also provision of these ART services. All relevant stakeholders should heed the call to aggregate information for under-five HIV positive children in question so as to specially target interventions accordingly. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die impak van MIV/Vigs raak alle kategoriee van mense in die samelewing, insluitende kinders jonger as vyf jaar oud. Die segment van die bevolking is heeltemal afhanklik van volwassenes en ouer kinders om te oorleef. Hierdie navorsing poog om die omvang van kinders jonger as vyf, wie MIV positief is, se toegang tot antiretrovirale terapie (ART) in die Siavonga Distrik van die suidelike provinsie van Zambia te ondersoek. Die noodsaaklikheid van sodanige inligting vir alle sektore in die samelewing kan nie oorbeklemtoon word nie, aangesien hierdie kategorie van die bevolking een van die mees verwaarloosde is wanneer dit kom by MIV/Vigs verwante kwessies. Kinders jonger as vyf wie MIV positief is, moet spesiale aandag ontvang sodat hulle reg op oorlewing en ontwikkeling kan geskied. In terme van die metodologie het die navorsing ‘n beskrywende benadering gevolg om die kwalitatiewe metode in sy poging, ten einde ‘n in-diepte begrip van mense se standpunte oor die onderwerp onder navorsing te kry. Verskillende onderhoude is gebruik om data in te samel van gemeenskapslede, gesondheidswerkers in die gemenskap, tuisversorgers, personeel van die Ministerie van Gesondheid en Distriks vigs-taakspan. Die bevindinge van hierdie navorsing het al die doelwitte, behalwe een, aangespreek. Die navorsing het getoon dat byna al die gemeenskapslede in Siavonga Distrik algemene kennis het oor MIV/Vigs en die behoefte van kinders jonger as vyf se toegang tot ART. Hul houdings en praktyke verskil egter in die toepassing van hierdie kennis. Volgens die respondente is die grootste uitdagings wat kinders jonger as vyf ondervind wanneer dit kom by toegang tot ART is voedselonsekerheid, gevolg deur toegang tot gesondheidsfasiliteite en sosiale aangeleenthede. Ander sluit in stigma, diskriminasie, lang afstande na gesondheidsfasiliteite, onvoldoende besteebare inkomste op huishoudelike vlak en negatiewe houdings van sommige mense wat dink dat dit ‘n vermorsing van tyd en hulpbronne is om aan kinders jonger as vyf te spandeer, aangesien, die kinders in elk geval (volgens hulle) binnekort sal sterf.Die meerderheid van die respondente het aangedui dat dit nodig is om hierdie kinders soos enige ander kind te aanvaar en dat hulle ook die reg het om te leef: daarom dat hulle sorg en ondersteuning benodig, wat die fasilitering van hul toegang tot ART insluit. Hierdie navorsing het weer die klem geplaas op die belangrikheid van kinders jonger as vyf se toegang tot ART. Dit is duidelik dat daar ‘n behoefte is aan inkomste-genererende aktiwiteite en om besteebare inkomste aan die mense van Siavonga Distrik te voorsien, sodat hulle toepaslike ondersteuning kan bied, veral aan kinders wat deur MIV/Vigs geraak word. Verder is meer hulpbronne nodig van nie-regeringsorganisasies, die regering en ander belanghebbendes, nie net om die belangrikheid van die teikenbevolking se toegang tot ART nie, maar ook vir voorsiening van hierdie ATR dienste.

Teaching religious education in Zambian multireligious secondary schools

Chizelu, John Mabaya 30 November 2006 (has links)
This study focuses on the teaching of RE in Zambian multireligious secondary schools. The problem faced in secondary schools is that currently RE is being taught with a single religious approach by the RE teachers instead of using a multireligious perspective as directed by the Ministry of Education (MoE). The aim of this study, therefore, was to find out why RE teachers tend to be reluctant to respond to the MoE directive in applying a multireligious approach to the subject. In order to achieve this aim, an empirical investigation was necessary. A quantitative and qualitative survey through self-administered questionnaires and in-depth interviews were undertaken by the 194 teachers teaching RE in selected secondary schools in the Copperbelt Province. The research reveals that the RE teachers' reluctance to respond to the Ministry's directive is a result of their different perceptions which are mostly influenced by their religious affiliations and the syllabuses they use. For example, the majority of the RE teachers involved in the teaching of RE in secondary schools are Christians, therefore, they are reluctant to teach RE that also includes non-Christian religions because they feel it would compromise their consciences and their own faiths. As a result, they prefer to teach the subject from a Christian standpoint. This approach differs from the MoE directive to teach RE from a multireligious perspective. In the light of the different perceptions concerning the problem of teaching RE in Zambian multireligious secondary schools, the following recommendations have been made: (i) Since the Zambian secondary schools have become multireligious, RE teaching should take a multireligious perspective if it is to be relevant to the needs of pupils of diverse religious backgrounds; (ii) The current RE syllabuses (2044 and 2046) require a critical evaluation and revision in order to ensure that they adapt to a multireligious tradition. Finally, the results of this study concludes that the teaching of RE should be firmly placed in an educational context by making no assumptions or preconditions from the personal commitment of RE teachers. The role of RE teachers is that of educators. / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (Didactics)

The growth of a plural society : social, economic and political aspects of Northern Rhodesian development 1890-1953, with special reference to the problem of race relations

Gann, Lewis H. January 1964 (has links)
No description available.

A comparative Study of the Republican Constitutions of Zambia and Malawi

Sithole, Edson Furatidzayi Chisingaitwi 02 1900 (has links)
The thesis is divided into three parts. Part I is an introduction to the field of study and comprises only one chapter. This chapter includes short accounts of the geographical positions and the inhabitants of Zambia and Malawi. Part II deals with the constitutional history of the two countries from the introduction of European administration in the last decade of the nineteenth century to their attainment of independence in 1964--a period of seventy years. Zambia and Malawi are new states and a study of their Constitutions would not be properly appreciated if it were not to cover fairly fully the past that bore the present. Part III, which is the main section of the study, deals with the provisions of the present Constitutions of the two countries. It is divided into sixteen chapters. / Public, Constitutional, and International Law / LLD (Constitutional Law, Public International Law and Labour Law)

Raising gender consciousness among students in a Bible college

Muchimba, Felix 30 November 2004 (has links)
no abstract available / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Pastoral Therapy)

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