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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Люминесцентный контроль радиационных полей с использованием двуокиси циркония : выпускная квалификационная работа специалиста / Radiation Fields Luminescence Control with the use of zirconium oxide

Казанцева, М. Г., Kazantseva, M. G. January 2015 (has links)
Цель работы – изучение люминесцентных свойств двуокиси циркония при различных видах облучения, и оценка возможности его использования для высокодозной дозиметрии электронных пучков. В результате исследования образцов получен комплекс параметров, характеризующих их фотолюминесцентные и термолюминесцентные свойства, проведено сравнение найденных параметров с известными литературными данными. Обнаружена сублинейная дозовая зависимость интенсивности термолюминесценции моноклинного ZrO2 от дозы облучения, что подтверждает возможность его использования для дозиметрии электронных пучков. Проведен анализ экологических рисков и соблюдения правил безопасности жизнедеятельности при экспериментальных исследованиях. / The purpose of this work is the study of luminescent properties of zirconia excited by different types of radiation, and to assess the possibility of its use for high-current electron beams dosimetry. Obtained set of parameters characterizing their photoluminescence and thermoluminescence properties was compared with the parameters found in literature. Sublinear dose dependence of thermoluminescence intensity of monoclinic ZrO2 confirms the possibility of its use for dosimetry of electron beams. Ecological risks and compliance with the rules of life safety during experimental investigations were analyzed.

Bridging the Gap Between Lab Technology and Large-Scale Application: A Technological Study of Carbon Dioxide Direct Air Capture Sorbents and Direct Air Capture In-Situ Methanation Dual Function Materials

Lin, Yuanchunyu January 2024 (has links)
This thesis aims to provide different aspects to make the Direct Air Capture Dual Function Materials (DAC-DFM) project more applicable in commercialization and large-scale deployment to directly address the global warming problem caused by anthropogenic CO₂. Dual function materials are comprised of nano dispersed alkaline sorbents and a methanation catalyst to capture CO₂ from ambient air and convert it to CH₄ upon the addition of green H₂. Two sub-projects named “Ru thrifting project” and “hydrophobicity/surface modification project” were performed to study the potential optimization and tradeoff when modifying the DFM components. The major accomplishment in this thesis has been the thrifting of Ru from its original value of 5% to 1% and finally 0.25% with no sacrifice in stability but with some decrease in capacity for CO₂ capture and methanation. Given the Ru unit price (around 14 USD/g, flexible market, in March 2024), this approach would greatly reduce the overall production cost. In the hydrophobicity/surface modification project, Al₂O₃ the high surface area carrier for the DFM components, was treated using 3 different methods (high temperature calcination, acid treatment, and metal oxide doping). The goal of this study was to reduce the surface water uptake in the Al₂O₃ from humidity, present in ambient air, by increasing hydrophobicity to reduce the energy evaporation cost during temperature swing in the DFM CO₂ desorption/methanation process. Samples treated after these 3 methods showed a significant decrease in water uptake. ZrO₂ doped Na₂CO₃-Al₂O₃ sample showed a low H₂O uptake and the highest CO₂ adsorption, twice that of the CO₂ capacity of the Na₂CO₃-Al₂O₃ samples treated by calcination and acid. Such hydrophobicity study would be used to further optimize the components of DFM to meet requirements in real world applications. Future outlook for DFMs is also briefly discussed with focuses on (1) using pre-heated H₂ to increase the temperature of inner DFM coatings for increased energy efficiency, (2) increased CO₂ capture, utilization, and conversion to CH₄, as well as (3) practical acceptance of DAC hubs and CO₂ taxes/credits. A new approach of moisture swing DAC sorbents as an alternate technology to the thermal swing DFM is suggested as a future project. With loaded CO₃²⁻ on both organic ion exchange particles/membranes and inorganic silica-based granules, the CO₂ adsorption/desorption effect can be controlled by the moisture level (relative humidity) from ambient air in the inlet sample chamber.

Μελέτη διεπιφανειών οξειδίων με ανόργανα και οργανικά υποστρώματα

Σκουλατάκης, Γεώργιος 11 October 2013 (has links)
Στην παρούσα εργασία μελετήθηκαν λεπτά υμένια οξειδίου του αλουμινίου (Al2O3) και οζειδίου του ζιρκονίου (ZrO2). Η ανάπτυξη των οξειδίων έγινε πάνω σε υπόστρωμα γερμανίου (Ge) με την τεχνική εναπόθεσης ατομικού στρώματος (Atomic Layer Deposition, ALD). Επίσης μελετήθηκαν υμένια οξειδίου του βολφραμίου (WO3), των οποίων η εναπόθεση έγινε με δυο διαφορετικές τεχνικές, πάνω σε υπόστρωμα P3HT:PCBM. Η μελέτη πραγματοποιήθηκε σε συνθήκες υπερυψηλού κενού (Ultra High Vacuum, UHV) με επιφανειακά ευαίσθητες τεχνικές. Κύριος στόχος αυτής της εργασίας, είναι για τα οξείδια αλουμινίου και ζιρκονίου η διερεύνηση της χημικής σύστασης και της ηλεκτρονιακής δομής ενώ θα γίνει μια εκτίμηση του πάχους των υμενίων καθώς και σύγκριση με την αναμενόμενη τιμή συμφωνα με την διαδικασία παρασκευής. Για οξείδια του βολφραμίου έγινε μελέτη τόσο της επιφανειακής χημικής σύστασης όσο και της ηλεκτρονιακής δομής της διεπιφάνειας του οξειδίου του βολφραμίου (WO3) με το υπόστρωμα P3HT:PCBM καθώς και μία σύγκριση των αποτελεσμάτων ανάμεσα στην εξάχνωση με δέσμη ηλεκτρονίων (Electron Beam Evaporation) και τη μέθοδο διαλύματος-πηκτώματος (Sol-Gel) τεχνικές οι οποίες χρησιμοποιήθηκαν για την εναπόθεση των υμενίων οξειδίου του βολφραμίου. / In the present work,studied thin films of aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and zirconium oxide (ZrO2) thin films. Atomic Layer Deposition technique (ALD) was used for the growth of oxide on the germanium (Ge) substrate. Also studied films of tungsten oxide (WO3), which were deposited with two different techniques, onto P3HT:PCBM substrate. The study was conducted under conditions of UHV (Ultra High Vacuum) using surface sensitive techniques. The main objective of this work was to investigate the chemical composition and electronic structure and make an estimate of the thickness of aluminum oxide and zirconium oxide thin films. The thickness was compared with the expected value according to the manufacturing process. For the tungsten oxides were studied the surface chemical composition and the electronic structure of the WO3/P3HT:PCBM interface as well as a comparison of results between the Electron Beam Evaporation and Sol-Gel method, techniques which were used for the deposition of thin films of tungsten oxide.

Síntese e caracterização de nanocompósitos vitrocerâmicos transparentes a base de SiO2-ZrO2 dopados com íons Eu3+ e Er3+ via processo sol-gel / Synthesis and characterization of Eu3+ and Er3+ doped SiO2-ZrO2 based transparent glass ceramic nanocomposites via sol-gel process

Remonte, Ádamo Rossano Vicentini 27 November 2008 (has links)
A preparação de vitrocerâmicas transparentes a base de SiO2-ZrO2 dopado com íons Eu3+ e Er3+ através da metodologia sol-gel foi o objetivo desta dissertação. São apresentados resultados estruturais e óticos deste sistema, em função de temperatura, tempo e composição (variando-se a concentração de zircônia). Os sóis foram preparados em meio ácido e deixados em repouso até evaporação total do solvente, obtendo-se assim monolitos amorfos, os quais foram submetidos a tratamentos a 900, 1000 e 1100ºC durante 2, 4 e 8 horas visando eliminação de resíduos orgânicos, moléculas de água, grupos hidroxilas e densificação do material. O processo de densificação com os tratamentos leva a formação inicial da fase tetragonal de ZrO2. Foi observado o crescimento de nanopartículas de ZrO2 com dimensão dependente do tempo e temperatura de tratamento térmico, além da composição do nanocompósito. As nanopartículas obtidas apresentam tamanho que variam entre 3,1 a 5,5 nm, observadas por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. A partir da adição de 20% de óxido de zircônio é possível observar uma mistura de fases entre tetragonal e monoclínica, resultado este evidenciado principalmente por espectroscopia Raman. Neste trabalho, o íon Eu3+ foi usado como sonda estrutural e um possível luminóforo na região do vermelho. Íons lantanídeos encontram-se parcialmente distribuídos na rede amorfa à base de sílica, apresentando um tempo de vida do 5D0 de 1,5 ms e em óxido de zircônio, com um tempo de vida de 2,7 ms. À medida que ocorre cristalização, aumenta-se a proporção de íons no óxido de zircônio, sugerindo que os íons lantanídeos preferencialmente encontram-se distribuídos em regiões ricas de ZrO2. Todas as amostras dopadas com íons Er3+ apresentam emissão no infravermelho próximo, na região da banda C utilizada em telecomunicações. A emissão do íon Er3+ em 1532 nm, atribuída à transição 4I13/2 4I15/2, apresentou uma largura a meia altura que variou entre 29 a 56 nm, dependendo da composição e do tratamento térmico realizado. O tempo de vida (1/e) do estado excitado 4I13/2 é de 5,3 ms a 6,5 ms dependendo do tratamento térmico. / The preparation of transparent glass-ceramic based on the SiO2-ZrO2 doped with Eu3+ and Er3+ ions by the sol-gel methodology was the aim of this work. The structural and optical properties of the systems as a function of the time and temperature of annealing and also zirconium concentration are presented. The sol was prepared in acid solution and left in rest until total evaporation solvent, to obtaining the amorphous monoliths. The follow, the growthing of ZrO2 nanoparticles were induced and by the Transmission Electron Microscopy sizes between 3.1 and 5.5 nm were observed to be dependent to the time and temperature of annealing. The densification from the annealing at 900, 1000 and 1100ºC initially takes the formation of the tetragonal phase of ZrO2, and after 20 mol% of zirconium oxide is observed a mixture of phases between the tetragonal and monoclinic phase, result this evidenced by Raman spectroscopy. In this work the Eu3+ ion was used as a structural and possible luminescent material in the red region, displaying a life time value between 1.4 - 2.3 ms, for samples contend 0.3 mol% of Eu3+. The life time values increases as a function of time and temperature of annealing due the increase of the crystallinity of material that decreases the sites number of Eu3+ ions on the system. The Er3+ ions emission assigned to 4I13/2 4I15/2 localized around 1532 nm, showed a full width half maximum between 29 and 56 nm. The lifetime measurements were realized for Er3+ ions. The larger values of lifetime obtained are correspondent to samples with less crystalinity. Samples annealed in less temperatures show 5.3 ms of lifetime while samples annealed in higher temperatures show 6.5 ms of lifetime.

Nanoindentation of YSZ-alumina ceramic thin films grown by combustion chemical vapor deposition

Stollberg, David Walter 05 1900 (has links)
Combustion chemical vapor deposition (combustion CVD) is a thin film deposition process that uses a flame created by the ignition of an aerosol containing precursors dissolved in a flammable solvent. Combustion CVD is a relatively new technique for creating thin film oxide coatings. Combustion CVD has been successfully used to deposit high quality thin oxide films for potential applications such as thermal barrier coatings, dielectric thin films, composite interlayer coatings, etc. The present work involved developing the optimum parameters for deposition of thin films of yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ), alumina (Al₂O₃), and YSZ-alumina composites followed by a determination of the mechanical properties of the films (measured using nanoindentation) as a function of composition. The optimized parameters for deposition of YSZ, alumina, and YSZ-alumina composites onto single crystal a-plane alumina involved using an organic liquid as the flammable solvent and Y 2-ethylhexanoate, Zr 2-ethylhexanoate and Al acetylacetonate as the metal precursors at a 0.002 M concentration delivered at 4 ml/min at flame temperatures of 155 ℃ and substrate temperatures of 105 ℃. The resulting films were grown with deposition rates of ~ 1.5 μm/hr. Measurement of the mechanical properties (hardness, elastic modulus and fracture toughness) of the films was performed using a mechanical properties microprobe called the Nanoindenter®. In order to obtain valid results from nanoindentation, the combustion CVD films were optimized for minimum surface roughness and grown to a thickness of approximately 0.8 μm. With the penetration depth of the indenter at approximately 150 nm, the 800 nm thickness of the film made influences of the substrate on the measurements negligible. The hardnesses and elastic moduli of the YSZ-alumina films did not vary with the composition of the film. The fracture toughness, however, did show a dependence on the composition. It was found that second phase particles of alumina grown into a YSZ matrix increased the fracture toughness of the films (on average, 1.76 MPa• m⁰.⁵ for 100% YSZ to 2.49 MPa• m⁰.⁵ for 70 mol% YSZ/30 mol% alumina). Similarly, second phase particles of YSZ grown into an alumina matrix also increased the fracture toughness (on average, 2.20 MPa• m⁰.⁵ for 100% alumina to 2.45 MPa• m⁰.⁵ for 37.2 mol% YSZ/62.8 mol% alumina). Modeling of the fracture toughness of the YSZ-alumina films was successfully achieved by using the following toughening mechanisms: crack deflection from the second phase particles, grain bridging around the particles, and residual stress from the CTE mismatch between the film and the substrate and between the second phase particles and the matrix of the film.

Studies On Pure And Modified Antiferroelectric PbZrO3 Thin Films

Parui, Jayanta 01 1900 (has links)
Metal oxides crystallized in perovskite structure are generally modified in two different ways. According to the general structural formula ABO3, the two ways are A-site modification and B-site modification. The primary significance of perovskite metal oxides rests on their importance in electronic devices. A particular class of perovskites, namely Lead Zirconate or modified Lead Zirconate has received a special attention because of their unique antiferroelectricity and various applications in devices. Among the other modifications, A-site modification of PbZrO3 by La is rare and not much explored. Chapter 1 describes various applications of antiferroelectric thin films along with the synthesis and characterization of pure and La modified PbZrO3, which are relevant to the work presented in this thesis. Sol-gel processing and spin coating technique to deposit solid oxide thin films are well known for their low cost of deposition as well as for their ability to achieve better stoichiometric chemical composition. Common crack formation problem of sol-gel grown films can be prevented by ‘drying control chemical adhesive’ like polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). Heat treatment of sol-gel derived thin films is generally determined by TGA and DTA. Crystalline phase of deposited solid thin films is determined by XRD whereas effect of modification can be ascertained by XRD peak assignment and relative crystalline peak shifting. Sol-gel grown film thickness is measured by common cross sectional SEM whereas AFM can detail the surface morphology. Chapter 2 summarizes the deposition and characterization of pure and La modified PbZrO3 thin films. Any nonmetal, which is insulator, is dielectric material and show dielectric dispersion in a frequency domain of low field alternative current. Among the most common feature of dielectric dispersion, Maxwell – Wagner type dispersion is well known. Similar kind of dielectric dispersion, named Maxwell – Wagner like dispersion, can be observed while the equivalent circuit consists of parallel G – C along with a series R. Universal power law of ac conductivity is the deciding factor to distinguish the nature of dispersion. Structural phase transition can be determined by dielectric response and it is widely known as dielectric phase transition. Effect of La modification on dielectric phase transition of PbZrO3 thin films depends on stabilization or destabilization of antiferroelectricity. Maximum dielectric constants of pure and modified PbZrO3 thin films depend on the crystallographic orientations of the growth. Chapter 3 presents dielectric properties of pure and La modified PbZrO3 thin films and these properties are correlated to the stabilization or destabilization of antiferroelectricity, relative integrated intensity of (202)O film orientation and trapped electron charge due to oxygen vacancies. Charge storage property of a capacitor is determined by the polarization of the capacitor on application of electric field whereas field dependent integrated area of polarization on withdrawal of electric field determines the recoverable capacitive energy storage. Among the three kinds of capacitors like linear or paraelectric, ferroelectric and antiferroelectric capacitors, antiferroelectric capacitor is known to be best for their ability to store huge amount of recoverable energy. The recoverable energy in antiferroelectrics can be increased by increasing squareness of the P – E hysteresis loop, applicable electric field, polarization or by the all possible combinations of them. Chapter 4 describes the correlation of relative integrated intensity of (202)O [RI(202)O] with critical applied electric field of P – E saturation to provide enhanced squareness of the hysteresis loops. This chapter also describes the variation of charge and recoverable energy storage properties with respect to RI(202)O. Like magnetocaloric effect, electrocaloric effect is capable to alter the temperature of a system by adiabatic polarization or depolarization. From the Maxwell’s relation of thermodynamics, assuming, (∂p ) = (∂s )electrocaloric effect can be calculated from temperature dependent polarization value of a paraelectric, ferroelectric or an antiferroelectric. Chapter 5 presents the electrocaloric effect of pure and La modified PbZrO3 thin films. Summary of present study and discussion have been delineated in Chapter 6 along with the future work which can give more insight into the understanding of antiferroelectric PbZrO3 thin films with respect to Pb and Zr site modification and with respect to different electrodes. (For formulas pl see the pdf file of the thesis)

Produção e caracterização de revestimento cerâmico Al2O3 – ZrO2 – Y2O3 inerte ao petróleo cru por processo de aspersão térmica para indústria petrolífera

ARAÚJO, Juliana Carvalho Da Silva 31 July 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Haroudo Xavier Filho (haroudo.xavierfo@ufpe.br) on 2016-04-01T18:23:34Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Tese Juliana Carvalho da Silva UFPE.pdf: 7095359 bytes, checksum: d445a956305aec4d1e8bc5f1753f949b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-01T18:23:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Tese Juliana Carvalho da Silva UFPE.pdf: 7095359 bytes, checksum: d445a956305aec4d1e8bc5f1753f949b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-07-31 / CAPES / O petróleo, por sua relevância na economia global, demanda um volume crescente de pesquisas no setor e com isso a necessidade do uso de materiais resistentes à ambientes agressivos como é o caso do petróleo cru, gerando procedimentos eficazes e seguros que minimizem impactos ao meio ambiente. Revestimento termicamente aspergido tem sido intensamente utilizado na indústria de petróleo, aeroespacial, elétrica entre outros. Os revestimentos podem ser feitos de metal, cerâmica, vidros e a maioria dos plásticos, e o uso de um compósito adequado pode melhorar a resistência à corrosão em altas temperaturas. As cerâmicas apresentam alto ponto de fusão e são bons isolantes térmicos, porém apresentam baixa tenacidade e fragilidade. Estudos mostram que o uso de óxidos como ZrO2, TiO2 como reforços e de aditivos como óxidos de elementos de terras raras Y2O3, La2O3 podem melhorar a tenacidade da cerâmica à base de alumina. A primeira etapa desta pesquisa teve como objetivo a produção de compósitos cerâmicos à base de alumina, reforçados com 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% e 30% em peso de zircônia estabilizada com óxidos de terras raras La2O3 e Y2O3 variando entre 1 e 7%. A metodologia experimental utilizada consistiu da preparação do compósito cerâmico através da moagem em moinho de bolas, confecção de pastilhas por prensagem uniaxial em prensa hidráulica, e sinterização das amostras que foi realizada nas temperaturas de 13000C, 1350 0C e 14000C por 48h, com posteriores análises de absorção, dureza vickers, microscopia ótica, DRX e MEV. De posse dos resultados, numa segunda etapa a pesquisa foi direcionada à aplicação do compósito cerâmico Al2O3 – ZrO2 reforçado com óxido de ítrio em revestimento de chapas metálicas usadas na fabricação de tanques de armazenamento e transporte de petróleo depositado pelo processo de aspersão térmica a plasma – Atmospheric Plasma Spray, com e sem Bond coat (método de aspersão HVOF – High Velocity Oxi-Fuel), seguidos de ensaios para caracterização e pré-qualificação dos revestimentos como ensaios de adesão, riscamento e MEV. De um modo geral, os valores obtidos nos ensaios de adesão e as imagens de MEV indicam que o compósito estudado é adequado para revestimentos tipo barreira térmica para aplicação em ambientes corrosivos ao petróleo cru. / Oil, for its relevance in the global economy requires a growing body of research in the industry as well as need for the use of materials resistant to harsh environments such as crude oil, generating effective and safe procedures that minimize impacts on the environment . Thermally sprayed coating has been intensively used in the oil industry, aerospace, electrical and more. The coatings may be made of metal, ceramic, glass and most plastics, and the use of an appropriate composite can improve the corrosion resistance at high temperatures. Ceramics have a high melting point and are good insulators, but have low toughness and fragility. Studies show that the use of oxides such as ZrO2, TiO2 as fillers and additives such as oxides of rare earth elements Y2O3, La2O3 can improve the toughness of alumina based ceramic. The first step of this research was aimed at the production of ceramic composites based on alumina reinforced with 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 30% zirconia weight stabilized with rare earth La2O3 and Y2O3 oxides ranging from 1 and 7%. The used experimental methodology consisted of the preparation of ceramic composite by grinding in ball mill, preparation of pellets by uniaxial pressing in a hydraulic press, and sintering of the samples was performed at temperatures of 13000C, 13500C and 14000C for 48 hours with subsequent analysis absorption, Vickers hardness, optical microscopy, XRD and SEM. With the results in a second step the research was directed to the application of the ceramic composite Al2O3 - ZrO2 reinforced with yttrium oxide coating of sheet metal used in the manufacture of storage tanks and transport of oil deposited by thermal spray process the plasma - Atmospheric Plasma Spray, with and without bond coat (HVOF spraying method - High Velocity Oxy-Fuel), followed by assays for characterization and classification of pre-testing coatings such as adhesion, scratching and SEM. In general, the values obtained in the adhesion tests and SEM images indicate that the composite studied is suitable for thermal barrier-type coatings in corrosive environments for application to the crude oil.

Síntese e caracterização de nanocompósitos vitrocerâmicos transparentes a base de SiO2-ZrO2 dopados com íons Eu3+ e Er3+ via processo sol-gel / Synthesis and characterization of Eu3+ and Er3+ doped SiO2-ZrO2 based transparent glass ceramic nanocomposites via sol-gel process

Ádamo Rossano Vicentini Remonte 27 November 2008 (has links)
A preparação de vitrocerâmicas transparentes a base de SiO2-ZrO2 dopado com íons Eu3+ e Er3+ através da metodologia sol-gel foi o objetivo desta dissertação. São apresentados resultados estruturais e óticos deste sistema, em função de temperatura, tempo e composição (variando-se a concentração de zircônia). Os sóis foram preparados em meio ácido e deixados em repouso até evaporação total do solvente, obtendo-se assim monolitos amorfos, os quais foram submetidos a tratamentos a 900, 1000 e 1100ºC durante 2, 4 e 8 horas visando eliminação de resíduos orgânicos, moléculas de água, grupos hidroxilas e densificação do material. O processo de densificação com os tratamentos leva a formação inicial da fase tetragonal de ZrO2. Foi observado o crescimento de nanopartículas de ZrO2 com dimensão dependente do tempo e temperatura de tratamento térmico, além da composição do nanocompósito. As nanopartículas obtidas apresentam tamanho que variam entre 3,1 a 5,5 nm, observadas por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. A partir da adição de 20% de óxido de zircônio é possível observar uma mistura de fases entre tetragonal e monoclínica, resultado este evidenciado principalmente por espectroscopia Raman. Neste trabalho, o íon Eu3+ foi usado como sonda estrutural e um possível luminóforo na região do vermelho. Íons lantanídeos encontram-se parcialmente distribuídos na rede amorfa à base de sílica, apresentando um tempo de vida do 5D0 de 1,5 ms e em óxido de zircônio, com um tempo de vida de 2,7 ms. À medida que ocorre cristalização, aumenta-se a proporção de íons no óxido de zircônio, sugerindo que os íons lantanídeos preferencialmente encontram-se distribuídos em regiões ricas de ZrO2. Todas as amostras dopadas com íons Er3+ apresentam emissão no infravermelho próximo, na região da banda C utilizada em telecomunicações. A emissão do íon Er3+ em 1532 nm, atribuída à transição 4I13/2 4I15/2, apresentou uma largura a meia altura que variou entre 29 a 56 nm, dependendo da composição e do tratamento térmico realizado. O tempo de vida (1/e) do estado excitado 4I13/2 é de 5,3 ms a 6,5 ms dependendo do tratamento térmico. / The preparation of transparent glass-ceramic based on the SiO2-ZrO2 doped with Eu3+ and Er3+ ions by the sol-gel methodology was the aim of this work. The structural and optical properties of the systems as a function of the time and temperature of annealing and also zirconium concentration are presented. The sol was prepared in acid solution and left in rest until total evaporation solvent, to obtaining the amorphous monoliths. The follow, the growthing of ZrO2 nanoparticles were induced and by the Transmission Electron Microscopy sizes between 3.1 and 5.5 nm were observed to be dependent to the time and temperature of annealing. The densification from the annealing at 900, 1000 and 1100ºC initially takes the formation of the tetragonal phase of ZrO2, and after 20 mol% of zirconium oxide is observed a mixture of phases between the tetragonal and monoclinic phase, result this evidenced by Raman spectroscopy. In this work the Eu3+ ion was used as a structural and possible luminescent material in the red region, displaying a life time value between 1.4 - 2.3 ms, for samples contend 0.3 mol% of Eu3+. The life time values increases as a function of time and temperature of annealing due the increase of the crystallinity of material that decreases the sites number of Eu3+ ions on the system. The Er3+ ions emission assigned to 4I13/2 4I15/2 localized around 1532 nm, showed a full width half maximum between 29 and 56 nm. The lifetime measurements were realized for Er3+ ions. The larger values of lifetime obtained are correspondent to samples with less crystalinity. Samples annealed in less temperatures show 5.3 ms of lifetime while samples annealed in higher temperatures show 6.5 ms of lifetime.

Entwicklung einer Multimethode zur Probenaufarbeitung und Bestimmung von gas- und flüssigkeitschromatographisch erfassbaren Pestiziden in Hühnereiern

Hildmann, Fanny 05 September 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die Rückstandsanalytik tierischer Lebensmittel ist eine anspruchsvolle Aufgabe aufgrund des hohen Lipidanteils der Proben sowie des sich stetig vergrößernden Wirkstoffspektrums. Heutzutage werden für die Probenaufarbeitung die DFG S 19 Methode, mit der vorrangig unpolare Analyten nachgewiesen werden und zunehmend die QuEChERS Methode eingesetzt, die insbesondere auf die Erfassung polarer Pestizide abzielt. In dieser Arbeit wurde eine moderne Multirückstandsmethode für Hühnereier entwickelt, um sowohl gas- als auch flüssigkeitschromatographisch (GC, LC) erfassbare Wirkstoffe zu analysieren. Dazu gehören unpolare PCBs, Pyrethroide und Organochlorpestizide, aber auch polarere Organophosphate, Triazole und Carbamate. Das Verfahren basiert auf der Extraktion mittels Matrix Solid Phase Dispersion, der Reinigung auf Grundlage einer modifizierten Gelpermeationschromatographie (GPC) und zwei verschiedenen Festphasenextraktionen (SPEs) für GC- und LC-erfassbare Pestizide sowie der Quantifizierung mittels GC- und LC-MS/MS. Dünnschichtchromatographisch wurde die effektive Entfernung hochmolekularer Lipide durch die modifizierte GPC und niedrigmolekularer Fette durch die SPEs belegt. Laut der für Ei durchgeführten Validierung erfüllten 164 der 172 untersuchten Pestizide und alle sechs PCBs die Leistungskriterien für die amtliche Rückstandskontrolle - zumeist am niedrigsten validierten Level (5 µg/kg bzw. 0,5 µg/kg). Ausnahmen bildeten sehr polare LC-Pestizide (z.B. Aminopyralid, Clopyralid, MCPA, Quinmerac) und pH-Wert-abhängige GC-Analyten (Nicotin, Tolylfluanid, Dichlofluanid), die auch mit den etablierten Verfahren schwierig zu analysieren sind. Weiterhin verdeutlichte die erfolgreiche Untersuchung von verschiedenen Ringversuchsmaterialien, dass die ursprünglich für Eier entwickelte Methode auch für mageres Geflügelfleisch und Sahne genutzt werden kann. Gegenüber den etablierten Verfahren wies die neue Methode deutliche Vorzüge auf. So belegte die Dünnschichtchromatographie, dass mit der neuen Methode Cholesterin, aber auch freie Fettsäuren besser abgetrennt werden als mit den etablierten Verfahren. Die neue Methode verbrauchte im Vergleich zur DFG S 19 Methode 46 % weniger Lösungsmittel und ermöglichte eine Verdopplung des Probendurchsatzes innerhalb von 8 h. Zudem eignete sich das entwickelte Verfahren laut den Validierungsdaten für GC-Analyten deutlich besser als die QuEChERS Methode und etwas besser als die DFG S 19 Methode (v.a. für Pyrethroide). Hinsichtlich der LC-Analyten unterschieden sich die neue und die QuEChERS Methode nur bei wenigen Analyten. Mit dem neuen Verfahren konnten folglich im Gegensatz zu den etablierten Methoden sowohl unpolare GC- als auch polare LC-Analyten sicher erfasst werden.

Eletrocatalisadores para reação de redução do O2 visando a produção eletroquímica de H2O2: síntese e caracterização de óxidos metálicos nanoestruturados (Ta2O5, MoO3, Nb2O5 ou ZrO2) incorporados em carbono Printex 6L e em grafeno / Electrocatalysts for O2 reduction reaction to H2O2 electrogeneration: synthesis and characterization of nanostructured metal oxides (Ta2O5, MoO3, Nb2O5 ou ZrO2) incorporated into Printex 6L carbon and graphene

Carneiro, Jussara Fernandes 29 October 2015 (has links)
O uso do peróxido de hidrogênio eletrogerado in situ em Processos Oxidativos Avançados (POAs) é um promissor método para o tratamento de efluentes orgânicos. Neste contexto, o desenvolvimento de materiais mais eficientes para viabilizar a reação de redução do oxigênio (RRO) pelo mecanismo envolvendo a transferência de dois elétrons ainda é de grande importância. O presente estudo objetiva a obtenção e a avaliação da atividade catalítica de nanopartículas de óxidos metálicos, Ta2O5, MoO3, Nb2O5 ou ZrO2, incorporadas em carbono Printex 6L e em grafeno no estudo da redução do oxigênio visando a eletrogeração de peróxido de hidrogênio. A caracterização morfológica e microestrutural desses materiais foi investigada por difração de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e espectroscopia de fotoelétrons excitados por raios X. O mecanismo da RRO foi analisado pela técnica do eletrodo de disco-anel rotatório. O carbono Printex 6L apresentou uma eficiência de corrente para a eletrogeração de H2O2 (I(H2O2)%) igual a 65,3% em K2SO4 0,1 mol L-1 (pH =2). Após o tratamento térmico desse substrato pelo método dos precursores poliméricos, a eficiência de corrente aumentou 17,1%, ou seja, I(H2O2)% igual a 76,5%. A modificação do carbono Printex 6L com nanopartículas cristalinas de Ta2O5, MoO3, Nb2O5 ou ZrO2 deslocou o potencial de meia-onda para a RRO para valores menos negativos e aumentou a I(H2O2)%. O Nb2O5/C apresentou a maior I(H2O2)%, 87,1%, enquanto o ZrO2/C deslocou o potencial em 137 mV. O estudo comparativo entre três substratos de carbono para a redução do oxigênio, revelou que o óxido de grafeno reduzido apresentou maior atividade para a RRO comparado ao óxido de grafeno e ao carbono Printex 6L, tanto em eletrólito ácido quanto em eletrólito alcalino. A modificação do rGO com Nb2O5 ou ZrO2 pelo método hidrotermal aumentou a atividade catalítica desse substrato para a RRO. A maior eletrogeração de H2O2 foi observada na presença do ZrO2. De fato, um aumento de 73,7% para 88,5% em K2SO4 0,1 mol L-1 (pH =2), e de 72,9% para 83,1% em NaOH 0,1 mol L-1, foi observado em rGO e ZrO2-rGO, respectivamente. Além disso, o ZrO2-rGO apresentou menor sobrepotencial para a RRO comparado ao rGO sem modificador. Portanto, a presença das nanopartículas de óxidos metálicos na matriz condutora de carbono amorfo intensificou a atividade catalítica para a eletrogeração do H2O2, tanto em carbono Printex 6L quanto em óxido de grafeno reduzido, indicando o efeito sinérgico entre as nanopartículas e o subtrato de carbono. Consequentemente, os catalisadores avaliados neste trabalho são promissores para a eletrogeração de espécies oxidantes in situ e sua aplicaçao em POAs. / In situ electrogeneration of hydrogen peroxide has been greatly application in Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) as an effective water treatment technology. In this context, the development of electrode materials that enable the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) mechanism through a two-electron pathway with high selectivity at low overpotential has a pronounced importance. In the present study, we investigate the properties of Ta2O5, MoO3, Nb2O5 or ZrO2 nanoparticles supported on Printex 6L carbon and reduced graphene oxide for the electrocatalysis of oxygen reduction to H2O2. The structures and morphologies of these materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction analysis, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Electrochemical activities toward the ORR were evaluated using a rotating ring-disk electrode system. Printex 6L carbon showed a current efficiency for H2O2 production (I(H2O2)%) of 65.3% in K2SO4 0.1 mol L-1 (pH =2) whereas the carbon heat-treated by the polymeric precursor method displayed 76.5% yield of H2O2 electrogeneration. Carbon Printex 6L modified with Ta2O5, MoO3, Nb2O5 or ZrO2 nanoparticles shifted the half-wave potential for the ORR to less negative potential and increased the I(H2O2)%. The Nb2O5/C showed the highest I(H2O2)%, 87,1%, and the ZrO2/C shifted the potential 137 mV. The comparative study of ORR in acid and alkaline media for the three different conductive carbon pigment showed that the reduced graphene oxide displayed higher activity to oxygen reduction than graphene oxide and Printex 6L carbon. Reduced graphene oxide modified with Nb2O5 or ZrO2 nanoparticles by hydrothermal method increased the catalytic activity of this substrate for ORR which the highest H2O2 electrogeneration was observed for ZrO2-rGO. Indeed, an increase from 73.7% to 88.5% in K2SO4 0.1 mol L-1 (pH =2) and from 72.9% to 83.1% in NaOH 0.1 mol L-1 was obtained for rGO and ZrO2-rGO, respectively. Additionally, the ZrO2-rGO electrocatalyst exhibited overpotential lower than that of rGO unmodified. Therefore, the metallic oxides nanoparticles in both carbon Printex 6L and reduced graphene oxide enhanced the catalytic activity for H2O2 electrogeneration indicating the synergistic effect between the nanoparticles and the amorphous carbon. The catalysts evaluated in this study are promising for in situ electrogeneration of oxidizing agents to be used in the degradation of organic pollutants.

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