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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Émergence de zoonoses en Amazonie : épidémiologie comparée de la leptospirose et de la fièvre Q en Guyane française / Zoonoses Emergence in the Amazon rainforest : compared epidemiology of the leptospirosis and the Q fever in French Guiana

Epelboin, Loïc 29 October 2017 (has links)
Parmi les nombreuses pathologies infectieuses dignes d’intérêt en Guyane, deux d’entre elles, deux zoonoses, ont connu récemment un regain d’intérêt conduisant en quelques années à améliorer nettement leur connaissance, mais également découvrir des particularités épidémiologiques inattendues qui nous ont amené à nous poser la question de leur caractère émergent ou réémergent. Bien que cosmopolite et à tropisme tropical, la leptospirose n’a que peu été décrite en Guyane et sur le bouclier des Guyanes. La littérature repose sur des cas cliniques ou série de cas anciens, la dernière publication remontant à 1995. Sont présentées ici plusieurs études qui ont permis d’en savoir un peu plus sur cette infection bactérienne : revue exhaustive de la littérature, étude rétrospective des rapports du CNR, étude rétrospective multicentrique sur les leptospiroses prises en charge en Guyane entre 2007 et 2014, avec analyse de ses déterminants, démographiques, écologiques, cliniques, séro-épidémiologique, comparaison de ses formes graves à celles d’Afrique du Nord. Bien que sa présence ait été identifiée dès les années 50 en Guyane, la fièvre Q ou infection à Coxiella burnetii, n’avait suscité localement aucun intérêt jusqu’à la fin des années 1990. Le travail ici présente la progression des connaissances sur cette infection bactérienne, également cosmopolite, mais avec des spécificités locales tout à fait inédites. Au fil des découvertes sur cette bactérie à la sauce guyanaise, nous présenterons la contribution de notre équipe à la progression du savoir sur cette pathologie et l’apport de réponses amenant tout autant de nouvelles. Ainsi les réflexions portent autour de ce génotype si particulier, le MST17, trouvé exclusivement en Guyane, qui entraine l’incidence la plus élevée au monde de la fièvre Q, une prévalence élevée parmi les pneumopathies retrouvée nulle ailleurs. En outre, le cycle épidémiologique de la bactérie, habituellement fondé sur le bétail, semble ici suivre un tout autre chemin et trouver son réservoir dans la faune sauvage. L’on s’interroge également sur le contraste entre le problème de santé publique majeur que cette maladie représente en Guyane et le caractère tout juste anecdotique dans le reste de l’Amérique latine.Finalement, bien que ces deux zoonoses puissent être qualifiées de « maladies nouvelles » en Guyane, il s’agit probablement pour la leptospirose d’une augmentation récente du nombre de cas lié à l’amélioration des techniques diagnostiques et à la sensibilisation des médecins à cette maladie, tandis que la fièvre Q semble présenter un véritable profil émergent, avec augmentation récente de son incidence, et de nombreuses inconnues lié à un génotype très particulier.Plusieurs questions concernant ces deux infections restent encore sans réponse, et le travail est immense pour mieux comprendre les enjeux de ces deux maladies, tant à l’échelle de la Guyane qu’à celle du continent latino-américain. / Among the numerous infectious diseases of interest in French Guiana (FG), two of them, two zoonoses, have recently experienced a revival of interest leading in a few years to a marked improvement in their knowledge. Several studies allowed as well discovering unexpected epidemiological features that have led us to question their emerging or reemerging character.Although cosmopolitan and with tropical a tropism, leptospirosis has been barely described in FG and on the Guiana Shield. The literature is old and reports only clinical cases or series, the most recent publication dating back to 1995. Several studies are presented in this work which have allowed to know a little more about this bacterial infection: exhaustive review of the literature, retrospective study of the reference national center reports, a retrospective multicenter study on leptos-piroses managed in FG between 2007 and 2014, with analysis of its determinants, demographic, ecological, clinical, sero-epidemiological, and a study comparing Guianese severe forms to those of North Africa.Although its presence had been suspected as early as the 1950s in FG, Q fever or Coxiella burnetii infection had not aroused interest locally until the late 1990s. The work here presents the progression of the knowledge of this bacterial infection, also cosmopolitan, but with unusual local specificities. In the course of the discoveries around this Guianese outbreak, we will present the contribution of our team to the progression of knowledge on this pathology and the contribution of answers bringing as much new questions. Thus the discussion will focus on this particular genotype, MST17, found exclusively in FG, which results in the highest incidence of Q fever in the world, a prevalence among pneumonias never found elsewhere. Moreover, the epidemiological cycle of the bacterium, usually based on livestock, seems to follow a completely different path and find its reservoir in wildlife. We also wonder about the contrast between the major public health problems that this disease represents in FG and the anecdotal character in the rest of Latin America.Finally, although these two zoonotic diseases may be described as "new diseases" in FG, it is likely that leptospirosis presents a recent increase in the number of cases related to the improvement of diagnostic techniques and the sensitization of physicians to this disease, but without real emergence, while Q fever seems to present a true emergent profile, with a recent increase in its incidence, and many unknowns linked to a very particular genotype.Many questions concerning these two infections remain unanswered, and the work is immense to better understand the stakes of these two diseases, both on the scale of FG and that of the Amazonian region and the Latin American continent.

Developing a Recombinant Plant Virus Nanoparticle Vaccine for Rift Valley Fever Virus

Chun, Elizabeth M 01 January 2019 (has links)
Rift Valley Fever (RVF) is an emerging infectious disease found in both livestock and humans. RVF is associated with high abortion and mortality rates in livestock and can be fatal in humans. As such, RVF is economically and socially significant to affected smallholder and subsistence farmers, those infected, and national livestock industries. However, Rift Valley Fever virus (RVFV) vaccines are not commercially available outside of endemic areas or for humans, and current vaccines are limited in their safety and efficacy. A plant-based, viral nanoparticle vaccine offers a more affordable alternative to conventional vaccines that is safe, rapidly producible, and easily scalable, better meeting the needs of impacted communities. This project focuses on assessing the potential of using a Nicotiana benthamiana plant expression system to generate recombinant tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) nanoparticles displaying RVFV glycoprotein epitopes. Eight TMV-RVFV glycoprotein constructs were designed. Five TMV-RVFV constructs were successfully cloned, and four recombinant TMV constructs were successfully expressed in planta. The antigenicity of these constructs was examined for their possible use in RVFV vaccine development.

Caractérisation de l’infection naturelle à Cryptosporidium spp. chez le chien et le chat vus en établissement vétérinaire

Philippin, Géraldine 12 1900 (has links)
Cryptosporidium spp. est un protozoaire parasite du système gastro-intestinal largement répandu chez les vertébrés et causant la cryptosporidiose, une zoonose occasionnant des troubles digestifs sévères pouvant entrainer la mort chez les individus immunodéficients. Au Canada, la déclaration de cette maladie est obligatoire depuis l’an 2000. Ainsi, il est pertinent de mieux comprendre l’infection chez les animaux de compagnie, puisqu’ils sont potentiellement un réservoir du parasite. Durant l’année 2008, des échantillons fécaux provenant de 1 202 chats (n = 371) et chiens (n = 831) de la province du Québec ont été analysés par comptage des ookystes de Cryptosporidium spp. au moyen de la technique de centrifugation en solution de sulfate de zinc. Dans cette étude,la prévalence de Cryptosporidium spp. chez les chats (28/371 : 7,55 %) et chez les chiens(88/831 : 10,59 %) de compagnie confirme leur potentiel en tant que réservoir du parasite. Au Québec, de par leur nombre, les chats sont potentiellement un réservoir zoonotique du parasite plus important que celui des chiens, bien qu’il n’existe pas de différence significative entre la prévalence du parasite chez le chat et le chien pour l’année 2008. L’âge (p = 0,0001) et l’infection concomitante par Giardia spp. (p = 0,0001) se sont avérés être des facteurs associés avec la présence de Cryptosporidium spp. chez le chien. Parmi l’ensemble des variables testées chez le chat (l’âge, le sexe, la saison et l’infection concomitante par Giardia spp.), aucune n’a été associée de manière significative à la présence du parasite chez le chat. Ceci peut être dû au nombre limité d’individus testés pour cette espèce. Un suivi de l’excrétion des ookystes de Cryptosporidium spp. chez deux chats suggère que l’excrétion des ookystes peut se faire sur une période de sept mois et que le taux d’excrétion varie dans le temps. Le diagnostic moléculaire des espèces et génotypes de Cryptosporidium spp. isolés à partir des échantillons de matières fécales devait être réalisé par la technique de PCR emboîtée des fragments des gènes ARNr 18S et HSP70 et du séquençage des produits de PCR. Aucun résultat positif n’a toutefois été obtenu. Afin d’augmenter la puissance statistique des analyses épidémiologiques sur la prévalence de Cryptosporidium spp., il serait nécessaire à l’avenir de travailler sur un nombre d’animaux beaucoup plus important. / Cryptosporidium spp. is a protozoan parasite from the gastro-intestinal tract with a large range of vertebrate hosts causing cryptosporidiosis, a zoonotic disease which may lead to severe digestive troubles and sometimes death for immunocompromised people. It is a noticeable disease in Canada since 2000. It is thus relevant to study the infection in cats and dogs as they may represent an important zoonotic reservoir for the parasite. A total of 1,202 stool samples from cats (n = 371) and dogs (n = 831) from the province of Quebec were examined during the year 2008 for this research. The prevalence of Cryptosporidium spp. was calculated using coprology tests using centrifugation in a zinc sulfate solution. The prevalence in cats (28/371: 7,55 %) and dogs (88/831: 10,59%) corroborates that pets living in the province of Quebec may be a reservoir for Cryptosporidium spp. While we did not find a significant difference in the prevalence of Cryptosporidium spp. between cats and dogs, cats may represent a larger reservoir as they represent a larger population within the province. We identified age (p = 0,0001) and concomitant infection with Giardia spp. (p =0,0001) as risk factors for dogs. Among all the variables tested on cats (age, sex, season, concomitant infection with Giardia spp.), none were significantly associated with the presence of the parasite in cats. This may be caused in part by the small number that was analyzed. A follow-up study with two cats showed the excretion of oocysts can last for a minimum of seven months and varies in intensity through time. The molecular diagnostic of species and genotypes of Cryptosporidium spp. isolated from fecal samples should have been done by using the amplification of the gene fragments ARNr 18S and HSP70 nested PCR reactions and the sequencing of PCR products. Although this technique was attempted in this study, no positive result was obtained. It is recommended to work on larger animal populations to increase the statistical power of epidemiological analysis of the prevalence of Cryptosporidium spp.

Le Baylisascaris procyonis dans le sud du Québec : prévalence chez le raton laveur et étude de contamination des latrines

Lafaille, Andrée 08 1900 (has links)
Le raton laveur (Procyon lotor) est porteur de nombreux parasites dont certains sont des agents de zoonose. Il nous est apparu opportun d’étudier la faune parasitaire intestinale du raton laveur québécois, particulièrement l’espèce Baylisascaris procyonis. L’étude a donc porté sur l’examen de matières fécales (n = 301) et de contenus intestinaux (n = 203) de 351 ratons laveurs provenant de deux programmes gouvernementaux sur la rage du raton laveur et d’excréments (n = 409) provenant de latrines dans des parcs nationaux du Québec. Des oeufs de B. procyonis étaient excrétés par 23,3 % des ratons laveurs, alors que 29,1 % étaient porteurs de vers. La charge parasitaire moyenne des vers B. procyonis de tout stade variait de 8,5 chez les adultes à 27,1 chez les juvéniles. Chez ces derniers, la charge parasitaire était 11,4 fois supérieure à celle des ratons adultes (p < 0,0001) dont 23,7 fois plus de vers immatures (p < 0,0001) et 9,1 fois plus de vers matures (p = 0,01). Le nombre d’oeufs était 24,7 fois plus élevé chez les ratons juvéniles (p = 0,02) et 50,0 fois moins élevé chez la femelle allaitante. La probabilité du raton d’excréter des oeufs l’automne était de 11,1 (IC95 %: 1,21-101,60) par rapport au printemps et de 21,1 (IC95 %: 2,91-153,18) par rapport à l’été (p < 0,01). La sensibilité (Se) et la spécificité (Sp) de la coproscopie comparée à la nécropsie (norme étalon) ont été calculées en se basant sur l’observation des vers matures (Se : 81,8 %; Sp : 97,7 %) et des vers de tout stade (Se : 53,9 %; Sp : 97,0 %). De plus, la recherche des parasites intestinaux nous a permis de découvrir des ookystes de Giardia (6/159), espèce parasitaire nouvellement rapportée chez le raton. En 2007, nous avons trouvé, par échantillonnage unique, des oeufs de B. procyonis dans 15,8 % des latrines (n = 165) identifiées dans des parcs nationaux du sud du Québec et en 2008, par échantillonnage multiple, dans 89,7 % des latrines (n = 26) actives situées dans des secteurs accessibles à l’homme dans trois parcs nationaux de la Montérégie. Le potentiel zoonotique de B. procyonis est un problème de santé publique qui pourrait devenir sérieux étant donné le pourcentage élevé de ratons laveurs qui excrètent le parasite et qui contaminent des secteurs accessibles par les humains. / Raccoons are carriers of many parasites, some of which are zoonotic. We wanted to expand our knowledge of the Quebec raccoon intestinal parasitic fauna, specifically the Baylisascaris procyonis species. The study consisted of fecal matter (n = 301) and intestinal content examinations (n = 203) collected from 351 raccoons originating from two government programs on raccoon’s rabies and excrements collected (n = 409) from latrines in Quebec national parks. Eggs from B. procyonis were excreted by 23.3 % of raccoons while 29.1 % were worm carriers. The average parasitic burden of all stages of B. procyonis worms varied from 8.5 in adults to 27.1 in juveniles. In juveniles, the parasitic burden was 11.4 times superior to adult raccoons (p < 0.0001) with 23.7 times more immature worms (p < 0.0001) and 9.1 times more mature worms (p = 0.01). The number of eggs was 24.7 times superior in juvenile raccoons (p = 0.02) and 50.0 times lower in breast-feeding females. The probability of raccoons excreting eggs in autumn was 11.1 (IC95 %: 1.21-101.60) in comparison to spring and 21.1 (IC95 %: 2.91-153.18) in comparison to summer (p < 0.01). The sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp) of coproscopy compared to necropsy (gold standard) were calculated based on observations of mature worms (Se: 81.8 %; Sp: 97.7 %) and worms of all stages (Se: 53.9 %; Sp: 97.0 %). In addition, our intestinal parasitic research permitted the finding of Giardia oocysts (6/159), which is a newly found parasite species in raccoons. In 2007, B. procyonis eggs were found in 15.8 % of latrines (n = 165) identified in Southern Quebec national parks and in 89.7% of active latrines (n = 26) in three Eastern Townships national parks sites accessible to man in 2008. The zoonotic potential of B. procyonis is a public health issue that could become serious considering the high percentage of raccoons excreting the parasite thus contaminating sectors accessible to man.

Uso de coleiras impregnadas com deltametrina 4% em cães no controle da leishmaniose visceral

Kazimoto, Thais Aparecida 23 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Socorro Pontes (socorrop@ufersa.edu.br) on 2017-02-08T15:08:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ThaísAK_DISSERT.pdf: 1952872 bytes, checksum: d756cff8a38a02ad11767b390ea5ce27 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-08T15:08:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ThaísAK_DISSERT.pdf: 1952872 bytes, checksum: d756cff8a38a02ad11767b390ea5ce27 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a potentially fatal chronic disease when left untreated. In Brazil, is caused by the protozoan Leishmania infantum is transmitted primarily by sandfly Lutzomyia longipalpis, the dog as the main reservoir. The control of this disease has been in a challenge to public health, and as a proposal for a measure of control of canine VL using dog collars impregnated with deltamethrin to 4% in dogs. Thus, the research aims to assess the effectiveness of these collars on the prevalence of canine VL and infection rate of sandfly to L. infantum in endemic areas for VL. The survey was conducted in two areas equidistant from the city of Mossoró/RN, with similar environmental characteristics. In both of these areas were carried out two surveys every six months and to serologic canines are search for a year, and in a were performed only the procedures mentioned above, being named Control Area (AC) and the other, in addition to the steps mentioned earlier were also carried out two collaring dogs with collars impregnated with deltamethrin the 4% that occurred every six months This area was named “Encoleiramento” Area (AE). For diagnosis of canine VL was made DPP and ELISA. The analysis of the prevalence of canine VL was carried out through the Chi-square test and the incidence rate of the disease through the Odds ratio. For the collection of sandflies were selected three houses in each of the areas, the insects were collected monthly using CDC light traps and separated by species, sex, stage of investigation and research. The morphological identification of sandflies and the females were subjected to real-time PCR for the detection of DNA of L. infantum. With regard to prevalence and incidence rates of VL, evaluating the areas in isolation, one could observe that the use of dog collars was able to reduce the prevalence of the disease in AE and 53 to 59% reduction in the risk of illness. As the sandfly, collected the species L. longipalpis, L. evandroi, L. cortelezzii and L. migonei, with 81,8% % L. longipalpis. Positive pools were obtained from L. longipalpis of AE only during the first investigation while in AC could observe the presence of DNA of the parasite in vector in both investigations. Based on the results, the use of impregnated with deltamethrin collars to 4% has the potential to reduce the prevalence of canine VL as well as allows a reduction in at least 53% the risk of illness. It is also possible to suggest that the continued use of these dog collars can have the potential to reduce the rate of infected sandflies. Thus, impregnated with deltamethrin collars to 4% can be indicated as a control measure for the disease, together with other measures currently recommended / A leishmaniose visceral (LV) é uma doença crônica potencialmente fatal quando não tratada. No Brasil, é causada pelo protozoário Leishmania infantum é transmitida principalmente pelo flebotomíneo Lutzomyia longipalpis, tendo o cão como principal reservatório urbano. O controle desta afecção tem consistido em um desafio para a Saúde Pública, e como proposta de medida de controle da LV canina tem-se a utilização de coleiras impregnadas com deltametrina a 4% em cães. Assim, a pesquisa tem como objetivo avaliar a efetividade dessas coleiras sobre a prevalência da LV canina e taxa de infecção de flebotomíneos para L. infantum em áreas endêmicas para LV. A pesquisa foi realizada em duas áreas equidistantes do município de Mossoró/RN com características ambientais semelhantes. Em ambas as áreas foram realizados dois inquéritos sorológicos caninos semestrais e a pesquisa de flebotomíneos. Na Área Controle (AC) foram realizados os procedimentos anteriormente citados e na Área Encoleiramento (AE) foram também realizados dois encoleiramentos caninos com coleiras impregnadas com deltametrina a 4% que ocorreram a cada seis meses. Para diagnóstico da LV canina foram realizados o teste rápido DPP e ELISA. A análise da prevalência da LV canina foi realizada através do teste de Qui-quadrado e da taxa de incidência através do Odds ratio. A pesquisa de flebotomíneos teve duração de um ano em três residências de cada uma das áreas. Os insetos foram coletados mensalmente utilizando armadilhas luminosas tipo CDC e separados por espécie, sexo, primeiro ou segundo inquérito e área da pesquisa. Foi realizada a identificação morfológica dos flebotomíneos e as fêmeas foram submetidas à técnica de PCR em tempo real para a detecção de DNA de L. infantum. Com relação às taxas de prevalência e incidência da LV canina, avaliando-se as áreas isoladamente, pôde-se observar que o uso das coleiras foi capaz de reduzir a prevalência da doença na AE e reduzir em 53 a 59% o risco de adoecimento. Quanto aos flebotomíneos, foram coletadas as espécies L. longipalpis, Lutzomyia evandroi, Lutzomyia cortelezzii e Lutzomyia migonei, sendo que 81,8% destes insetos eram L. longipalpis. Foram obtidos pools positivos de L. longipalpis da AE somente durante o primeiro inquérito ao passo que na AC pôde-se observar a presença do DNA do parasita no vetor em ambos os inquéritos. Com base nos resultados, pode-se afirmar que a utilização de coleiras impregnadas com deltametrina a 4% reduziu a prevalência da LV canina, e permite reduzir em pelo menos 53% o risco de adoecimento. Também é possível sugerir que o uso contínuo destas coleiras pode ter o potencial de reduzir a taxa de flebotomíneos infectados. Dessa forma, coleiras impregnadas com deltametrina a 4% podem ser indicadas como medida de controle para a LV canina, aliada as demais medidas atualmente preconizadas / 2017-02-08

O círculo vicioso da Leptospirose: ampliando o conceito de negligência em saúde no Brasil

Rodrigues, Cláudio Manuel January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Claudio Rodrigues (cmrodrigues@fiocruz.br) on 2016-06-28T19:14:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CLAUDIO RODRIGUES_DISSERTAÇAO CORRIGIDA .pdf: 2265812 bytes, checksum: 68f7d8387b81a68dfe4e2de14e1cb850 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Vanessa Suane (vanessa.suane@icict.fiocruz.br) on 2016-06-30T13:57:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 CLAUDIO RODRIGUES_DISSERTAÇAO CORRIGIDA .pdf: 2265812 bytes, checksum: 68f7d8387b81a68dfe4e2de14e1cb850 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-30T13:57:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CLAUDIO RODRIGUES_DISSERTAÇAO CORRIGIDA .pdf: 2265812 bytes, checksum: 68f7d8387b81a68dfe4e2de14e1cb850 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-13T19:26:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 CLAUDIO RODRIGUES_DISSERTAÇAO CORRIGIDA .pdf.txt: 244228 bytes, checksum: d272b68943e8fa361482f6a470d564f7 (MD5) license.txt: 2991 bytes, checksum: 5a560609d32a3863062d77ff32785d58 (MD5) CLAUDIO RODRIGUES_DISSERTAÇAO CORRIGIDA .pdf: 2265812 bytes, checksum: 68f7d8387b81a68dfe4e2de14e1cb850 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / Fiocruz. Centro de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico em Saúde / A leptospirose é a zoonose de maior incidência mundial, apesar de não haver uma confiável estimativa de sua carga global. Calcula-se que anualmente ocorram mais de um milhão de casos no mundo, o que possivelmente leve a 58.900 óbitos em todo planeta. No Brasil, o Ministério da Saúde vem empregando esforços para qualificar o diagnóstico e o tratamento da doença, mas que não necessariamente repercute na elevação do número de notificações de suspeitos. Sendo assim, foi proposta a Matriz do Círculo Vicioso da Negligência da Leptospirose no Brasil avaliando diversos aspectos inerentes a falta de um diagnóstico mais precoce e preciso para evitar a subnotificação de casos e a falta de uma real incidência e de carga global da doença, o que impactaria diretamente no planejamento da gestão em saúde, corroborada por pesquisa de opinião com especialistas defendendo a visão da negligência para com a informação em saúde no Brasil. A coleta de dados foi realizada por um questionário eletrônico, do tipo opinião, e disponibilizada através de e-mail a profissionais e pesquisadores selecionados previamente através de parâmetros curriculares na Plataforma Lattes. Como uma síntese do resultado podemos afirmar que, no geral, tanto os pesquisadores quanto os profissionais em saúde humana e animal foram coesos quanto à adesão às premissas enunciadas. Das 22 questões apenas três foram fortemente refutadas, o que confere certo grau de adesão às premissas apresentadas, agregando valor simbólico à matriz proposta. / Leptospirosis is the worldwide most incident zoonosis in the world, although there is no estimate global load that can be trustable. The annual appraisal cases suggested more than a million cases in a globally analysis, what may lead to a death rate near 58.900 people. Therefore, to leptospirosis ongoing circle matrix was proposed in Brazil to evaluate inherent features of the disease, as the lack of a real incidence rate, by means of underreporting and the absence of a precise global charge disease information. These two factors has an impact that could inevitably lead to a lack of awareness to implement forthright health planning emplacement in the future, by Brazilian government, coupled to the fact that the country public health specialist standpoints agreed with the lack of this reliability about Brazilian health data. The process of data gathering was performed by statement opinion electronic quiz, sent by email to previously selected researchers trough curriculum background criteria at Plataforma Lattes. As a synthesis of the results, we could assure allege that as well as researchers and professionals, even at human or animal health agreed with the prior placed assumptions. Only three of 22 questions at the quiz were contested, which besides conferring some adhesion to the previously presented assumptions, also adds emblematic value to the proposed matrix.

Význam spolupráce orgánů ochrany veřejného zdraví s veterinární službou v prevenci infekčních onemocnění / The Importance of Public Health Protection and Veterinary Services Cooperation in the Prevention of Infectious Diseases

RICHTROVÁ, Daniela January 2012 (has links)
The word infection is a term which causes uncertainty among people. After all, it is not too long ago when people were dying in pandemics of plague, cholera or influenza. A human can be infected by viruses, bacteria, fungal organisms or parasites, many of which can infect several animal species. Diseases transmissible from animals to humans are called zoonoses. For efficient surveillance of zoonoses the cooperation of both veterinary and hygienic services is required. Its aim is timely detection and elimination of infection sources. It is based primarily on pointed veterinary and hygienic-epidemiological surveillance. In this thesis, I focused on the importance of collaboration of veterinary and public health services in the prevention of infectious diseases. One of the objectives of this work is to compare the occurrence of selected human zoonosis diseases in South Bohemia in the years 2002-2010. The second objective is to compare the extent of anti-epidemic measures adopted by veterinary services and public health authorities. In this thesis, a qualitative-quantitative research was utilized. The research aimed to determine the importance of cooperation of public health authorities and veterinary services in the prevention of infectious diseases. The quantitative part of the survey was conducted through the method of secondary data analysis. In the qualitative part of the survey, a semi-structured interview was held with the head of the epidemiology department of the District Hygienic Station of České Budějovice and with the director of the Regional Veterinary Administration for the South Bohemian Region. On the basis of the results of the research and implemented interviews I came to this conclusion: 1) The co-operation during the transmission of infectious diseases is ensured sufficiently. 2) The range of anti-epidemic measures adopted in the veterinary field and in the field of public health is sufficient. This thesis can serve as an educational material for students studying Bachelor or Master Degree of public health protection, because as public health service employees they will deal with issues related to veterinary supervision in practice.

Detecção sorológica e molecular de agentes infecciosos em onças-pintadas (Panthera onca) de vida livre em unidades de conservação do Pantanal matogrossense, Brasil

Onuma, Selma Samiko Miyazaki 27 February 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Simone Souza (simonecgsouza@hotmail.com) on 2017-10-18T14:04:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISS_2014_Selma Samiko Miyazaki Onuma.pdf: 1498739 bytes, checksum: 80569040824ee0dd609c6d63ad7c4fa7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jordan (jordanbiblio@gmail.com) on 2017-11-08T12:33:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DISS_2014_Selma Samiko Miyazaki Onuma.pdf: 1498739 bytes, checksum: 80569040824ee0dd609c6d63ad7c4fa7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-08T12:33:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISS_2014_Selma Samiko Miyazaki Onuma.pdf: 1498739 bytes, checksum: 80569040824ee0dd609c6d63ad7c4fa7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-27 / Amostras de sangue de 11 onças-pintadas de vida livre (Panthera onca) foram coletadas em duas unidades de conservação federal no Pantanal de Mato Grosso com objetivo de avaliar o perfil sanitário dessas populações. A presença de anticorpos séricos para Ehrlichia spp., Rickettsia spp., Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum e Sarcocystis neurona foi investigada pela Reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta (RIFI); para Leptospira spp. pela Microtécnica de Soroaglutinação Microscópica (SAM) e para Brucella abortus pelo teste do Antígeno Acidificado Tamponado (Rosa Bengala). O DNA genômico em cada amostra de sangue total coletada foi analisada pela Reação em Cadeia pela Polimerase (PCR) com intuito de identificar a presença de DNA de Ehrlichia spp., Rickettsia spp., Hepatozoon spp. e Cytauxzoon spp. Duas fêmeas de carrapato Amblyomma cajennense coletados em um animal foram também testadas pela PCR para detecção de DNA de Ehrlichia spp. e Rickettsia spp. Duas onças foram soropositivas para Ehrlichia spp., com títulos de anticorpos de 80 e 320, respectivamente. Nove animais reagiram positivamente a pelo menos quatro espécies de Rickettsia spp. Dez, 7 e 8 animais amostrados foram soropositivos para T. gondii, N. caninum e S. neurona, respectivamente. Duas onças apresentaram soros reagentes para Leptospira spp. , e o provável sorotipo infectante em ambos os animais foi um isolado brasileiro do sorovar Canicola (L01). Todas as amostras de soro foram negativas para B. abortus. Nenhum DNA da família Anaplasmataceae e do gênero Ehrlichia foi detectado pela PCR ou pela Heminested- PCR nas amostras de sangue, entretanto uma foi positiva na PCR para Rickettsia spp. segundo o gene citrate sintase (gltA), porém negativa para o gene ompA, comum entre riquétsias pertencentes ao grupo da Febre Maculosa. Um A. cajennense apresentou DNA riquetsial, cujo sequenciamento de nucleotídeos demonstrou 99% de similaridade a R. amblyommii. Sete amostras apresentaram DNA de Hepatozoon spp., com 99% de similaridade para H. felis e 10 das 11 amostras foram positivas para DNA de Cytauxzoon spp., com 99% de similaridade para C. felis. O presente estudo mostrou que as onças de vida livre na porção norte do Pantanal foram expostas a inúmeros agentes patogênicos, e que uma abordagem integrada para a conservação da vida selvagem e a integridade da saúde pública é uma questão eminente a fim de determinar intervenções de gestão em áreas protegidas. Este é o primeiro relato da exposição de onças-pintadas de vida livre a N. caninum e S. neurona. / Blood samples from 11 free-living jaguars (Panthera onca) were collected in two federal conservation units in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso state to determine the health profile of these populations . The presence of serum antibodies for Ehrlichia spp., Rickettsia spp., Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum and Sarcocystis neurona was investigated by Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA); for Leptospira spp by the Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT). and for Brucella abortus by rose Bengal test . Blood genomic DNA in each sample was tested by Polymerase Chain Reaction( PCR ) to identify Ehrlichia spp . , Rickettsia spp . , Hepatozoon spp . and Cytauxzoon spp. Two females of Amblyomma cajennense ticks collected from an animal were tested by PCR for DNA detection of Ehrlichia spp . and Rickettsia spp. Two jaguars were seropositive for Ehrlichia spp ., with antibody titres of 80 and 320, respectively. Nine animals were positive for at least four species of Rickettsia spp. Ten, 7 and 8 of the sampled animals were seropositive for T. gondii, N. caninum and S. neurona, respectively. Two jaguars were seroreactive for Leptospira spp. antigen and the most likely infecting serotype in both animals was a Brazilian isolate of serovar Canicola ( L01 ) . All serum samples were negative for B. abortus. No Anaplasmataceae and Ehrlichia DNA was detected by PCR or by Heminested-PCR. One sample was positive by PCR for Rickettsia spp. according to the citrate synthase gene (gltA), but it was negative for the ompA rickettsial gene of the spotted fever group. An A. cajennense collected showed riquetsial DNA whose sequence showed 99 % similarity to R. amblyommii . Seven samples presented DNA fragments of Hepatozoon spp., with 99% similarity to H. felis and 10 of the 11 samples were positive for DNA fragments of Cytauxzoon spp., with 99 % similarity to C. felis. The present study showed that free-living jaguars in northern Pantanal were exposed to numerous pathogens, and an integrated approach to wildlife conservation and integrity of public health is a prominent issue in order to determine management interventions in protected areas. This is the first report of exposure of free-living jaguars to N. caninum and S. neurona.

Ocorrência de Campylobacter termofílicos em carcaças resfriadas de frangos abatidos na região Oeste de Santa Catarina / Occurrence of thermophilic Campylobacter in chilled carcasses of chickens slaughtered in the western region of Santa Catarina

Bortoli, William 25 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Claudia Rocha (claudia.rocha@udesc.br) on 2018-02-19T14:47:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 PGCA16MA200.pdf: 906352 bytes, checksum: a8a793c2fb4ce9135d1ad04376522869 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-19T14:47:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PGCA16MA200.pdf: 906352 bytes, checksum: a8a793c2fb4ce9135d1ad04376522869 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-25 / Among the pathogens foodborne are thermophilic bacteria of genus Campylobacter, gastroenteritis important agents of food-borne, in this case called campylobacteriosis. Campylobacter are defined as Gram-negative, curved or spiral, capnófilos with characteristic movement of corkscrew or comes and goes. They stand out as considerable thermophilic Campylobacter transmission sources for man meat and chicken giblets contaminated during handling and misguided slaughter operations, and cross-contamination of these with other foods that will be eaten raw. Due to the emphasis that the western region of Santa Catarina has the production and marketing of chicken, it was necessary to verify the occurrence of the pathogen in chilled carcasses of chickens slaughtered in this region, and its behavior to the seasons. For a period of 26 months, from January 2013, chicken carcass samples were weekly collected after the cooling process water in slaughterhouses under Federal Inspection of the three largest micro-regions in broiler slaughter number of the western region of Santa Catarina, totaling 808 samples. Campylobacter thermophiles was performed according to the methodology recommended by ISO 10272-1: 2006. Thermophilic Campylobacter were isolated in 1.82% (8/440) of the micro-region 1 of the samples, 4.95% (10/202) of samples of themicro-region 2 and 13.86% (23/166) samples of the micro-region 3 totaling 41 positive samples (5.07%) of the total samples collected. The index reported for the microregion 3 was statistically significant (P <0.05) when compared to the ratios found for the other two microregions. Although the prevalences have solid lower than expected when compared to the already published for this region, still provide risk to consumers, mainly through cross-contamination with food that will be consumed raw state, requiring greater controls on the production chain and slaughter of chickens. With respect to the seasons, the Campylobacter rates thermophilic were not statistically significant (P <0.05), however, it is necessary to evaluate for a longer period of time, since there was a numerically positive trend with respect to summer / Dentre os patógenos veiculados por alimentos, estão as bactérias termofílicas do gênero Campylobacter, importantes agentes de gastrenterite de origem alimentar, neste caso denominada de campilobacteriose. Campylobacter são definidos como bastonetes Gram-negativos, curvos ou espiralados, capnófilos, com movimento característico de saca-rolha ou em vai e vem. Destacam-se como consideráveis fontes de transmissão de Campylobacter termofílicos para o homem a carne e miúdos de frango, contaminadas durante a manipulação e operações de abate mal conduzidas, e a contaminação cruzada destes com outros alimentos que serão ingeridos crus. Devido ao destaque que a região oeste de Santa Catarina possui na produção e comercialização da carne de frango, fez-se necessário verificar a ocorrência do patógeno em carcaças resfriadas de frangos abatidos nesta região, e seu comportamento frente às estações do ano. Por um período de 26 meses, a partir de janeiro de 2013, foram semanalmente coletadas amostras de carcaça de frango, após o processo de resfriamento em água, em abatedouros sob Inspeção Federal das três maiores microrregiões em número de abate de frangos da região oeste de Santa Catarina, totalizando 808 amostras. Foi realizada a pesquisa de Campylobacter termofílicos conforme a metodologia recomendada pela ISO 10272-1:2006. Campylobacter termofílicos foram isolados em 1,82% (8/440) das amostras da microrregião 1, em 4,95% (10/202) das amostras da microrregião 2 e em 13,86% (23/166) amostras da microrregião 3, totalizando 41 amostras positivas (5,07%) do total de amostras coletadas. O índice relatado para a microrregião 3 foi estatisticamente significativo (P<0,05) quando comparado aos índices encontrados para as outras duas microrregiões. Embora as taxas encontradas tenham sidas abaixo das esperadas quando comparadas com as já publicadas para esta região, ainda fornecem riscos aos consumidores, principalmente por meio da contaminação cruzada com alimentos que serão consumidos crús, sendo necessários controles maiores na cadeia produtiva e abate dos frangos. Com relação às estações do ano, os índices de Campylobacter termofílicos não foram estatisticamente significativos (P<0,05), porém, faz-se necessário uma avaliação por um período maior de tempo, já que houve uma tendência numericamente positiva com relação ao verão

Perfil microbiológico de ovos sem inspeção veterinária adquiridos em comércio informal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil / Microbiological profile of eggs without veterinary inspection acquired in informal trade in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Didoné, Simone Rosa 24 August 2017 (has links)
The per capita eggs consumption in Brazil is increasing at a rate of 148 eggs per person per year in 2010, while in 2015 it have already been reched 191 eggs per person / year. Not only consumption is increasing, but the consumer demand has also increased for eggs produced in less intensive systems, as in the case of backyard eggs. However, in the quest to consume eggs from backyard production systems, some people end up purchasing products without veterinary inspection in the informal trade or even raising the laying hens in their own home. Among foods responsible for food poisoning, eggs are incriminated as major sources of bacterial agents. The objective of this study was to evaluate the microbiological quality of eggs in the informal commerce of Rio Grande do Sul. Samples of 480 eggs (separated in clear, yolk and peel) were processed according to Instrução Normativa Nº. 62 / 2003 and Portaria nº 01/1990, of the Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento. All samples reached the recommended level in the law when evaluated the count of aerobic mesophiles, but did not obtain satisfactory results for the requirements regarding the presence of Staphylococcus spp. and total coliforms. In addition to the bacterial count, several enterobacteria were also diagnosed in raw eggs, with Escherichia coli, Citrobacter freundii, Enterobacter cloacae, Enterobacter aerogenes, Cedecea sp. and Edwardsiella ictaluri. The external contamination of the egg had significant positive statistical correlation with the bacterial contamination of the white and yolk. Therefore, it was concluded that the eggs sampled showed unsatisfactory results for almost all the quantitative evaluations, being within the norms required only with respect to aerobic mesophiles. Bacteria potentially causing foodborne diseases were evidenced, with special attention to Escherichia coli as the most present in the samples in most cities evaluated. The genus Salmonella spp. was not found in any sample. The presence in high number of Staphylococcus spp. In the clear and yolk demonstrates the need to expand the investigation of this pathogen in food, as there are strong indications of underdiagnosis in both food poisoning and food for human consumption. / O consumo de ovos per capita no Brasil está em um ritmo crescente, no ano de 2010 o mesmo era de 148 ovos por pessoa/ano, ao passo que em 2015 já foi atingido o patamar de 191 ovos por pessoa/ano. Não só o consumo está crescente como também aumentou a demanda dos consumidores para ovos produzidos em sistemas menos intensivos, como no caso dos ovos caipiras. Porém, na busca por consumir ovos oriundos de sistemas de produção caipira, algumas pessoas acabam por adquirir produtos sem inspeção veterinária no comércio informal ou até mesmo criam galinhas poedeiras na sua própria casa. Entre os alimentos responsáveis por intoxicações alimentares, os ovos são incriminados como principais fontes de agentes bacterianos. Com base nesse panorama atual, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade microbiológica dos ovos no comércio informal do Rio Grande do Sul. As amostras de 480 ovos (separadas em clara, gema e casca) foram processadas de acordo com a Instrução Normativa nº 62/2003 e Portaria nº 01/1990, do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento. Todas as amostras atingiram ao preconizado na lei quanto avaliada a contagem de mesófilos aeróbicos, porém não se obteve resultados satisfatórios para as exigências relativas a presença de Staphylococcus spp. e coliformes totais. Além da contagem bacteriana, também foram diagnosticadas diversas enterobactérias nos ovos crus, estando mais frequentes Escherichia coli, Citrobacter freundii, Enterobacter cloacae, Enterobacter aerogenes, Cedecea sp. e Edwardsiella ictaluri. As sujidades externas do ovo tiveram correlação estatística positiva significativa com a contaminação bacteriana da clara e gema. Por conseguinte, concluiu-se que os ovos amostrados apresentaram resultados insatisfatórios para quase todas as avaliações quantitativas, estando dentro das normas exigidas apenas com relação aos mesófilos aeróbicos. Foram evidenciadas bactérias potencialmente causadoras de doenças transmitidas por alimentos, com especial atenção para Escherichia coli como a mais presente nas amostras na maioria das cidades avaliadas. O gênero Salmonella spp. não foi encontrado em nenhuma amostra. A presença em elevado número de Staphylococcus spp. na clara e gema demonstra a necessidade de expansão da investigação desse patógeno em alimentos, pois há forte indícios de subdiagnóstico desse patógeno tanto em intoxicações alimentares quanto em alimentos para consumo humano.

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